The Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 3+++++++t+++++++++++++++***4++t++++++t+++++++t+ i
$ . Canaria .
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woman parliamentarians Taft's Plan. to Avoir,
Trouble Over the Canal
Vitoria.l Cnnments,
'Good 'evening'. Have you got
your Winters supply of,eoal yet?
Huron' 'County farm lands ,aide
moving up in price as they shoul;cj
in this tine section of country that
cannot bebeaten.
Presidentt 'Taft has accepted the
Republican linemin,atiom and will be a
',easy moan ;Nor the next thre(ei
Months, They have about as Sauey
parties in the U. S. as there sale
days an the Molnth .and all appear
to think' they are "it."'
We would hot be surprised if ,the
Navy question would prove the
Weapon • that will defeat the ord-
;en''govertemaine. Ohne thing is cer-
tain a liouse divided against itself
cannot stand end greater unanim-
ity must . prevail in the
policy of national "defence =there.
will be a shattering of presenti day
hopes i
Fergus Kyle in his sketches app-
Peariitg in the (Toronto Daily Globe
ifs occupying no second place
among ,those who aspire to teach
lessons by apt illustration Ties
Work is cleverly done ljand them is CAST 1' A
. noticeable develo me,nt tenet
eb0Wshe, pee eases the 'artistes
touch e.oupled with the fact that no
key' isrequired'do unlock the teach-
ing'desired to be conveyed,
The Toronto News ie posing ,ars
the great advocate for pr+oteletion
and high (tariffs and its editor ats"
slimes to speak for the-Great,Weslt
and 'affirm that they do not wank
broader Itnade with the people( to
the south. His imagination may
draw maniy a fancy picture but the
Western farm'e'r will not likely
change his opinion as to wider mar-
kets and tuucii desired reductions
in 'duties, espp_�iciaify on ps(atura1 pro-
ducts . Mr. 'Williston, of the News,
is mow travelling in the Westerly
provinces and will no doubt bump
up a'ga.inst the grower of whearbou't
there. If the former) .can proves to
the latter that hoes eller oilf.'un-
der ithe present .conditions than he
would be with two markets his trip
will have accomplished something
worth while. ,
Children Cry
I O-Pee-Chee 'Gum aids
digestion, keeps t h e
teeth in good condition
and leaves a delightful
• feeling 'of purity and
freshness in the mouth.
O-Pee-Chee Grum
Co., Ltd.
Mother, please
give r,.s some 0-
Pec-Chee Gum
Mothers! Give your lit-
tleones lots of O-Pee-
Chee gum. They'll like
its delicious flavor, and
it's good for them too
-far better than candy
and sweets.
/�//f//vi ✓ +� x iii ilii y✓� atw a rh•
50,000 FARM
Plus half cent pbr mile frroom Vfluelpeg up
to MseLeoa, Oaten., or gemcntoa.
Pteehali eentperai efrom ellpetatsent of
MacLeod, palgarper EdmontohtowinaiPE5
AUGUST 20th -Front all onto " h e 1 nos QQa til South CO to Grutd Trunk Mein
Line, Toronto ntlu0i -Ml stntiose tithe C�:P R To}}•C�nLQ to
Indsor in fan Scotch a! eludialGu iplLsup-ore tte }rem
aid bed all ¢ rota plena metes h Or, yet end hug the Grand
Tame s}� t eI . d ROM Tomato east to butt
act to a 617 r ea Renfrew; GP.R.'Line
AUGUST 28th-i+Yo,h i_ �i't*s!a On r T en2( fast) Or= lytta
Junction .. east? ee,{Tor 11n4 Fastsg�
AUGUST 39h -.4r.. �;ap ri,,,,jt -u [f f sani°s ai a o ::' o d<
' y I".
71,1,8)4 "! , 1 -
AUGUST Zard- rem k a;
Grand_ Trunk Railway System
Farm Laborers' Excursion
$io to Winni meg via ehlcauo
Plus Half cleat a mile from Winnipeg to destination, but not
beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. Returning lc a mile
to Winnipeg, plus $1.8.00 to destination in Eastern Canada
AUGUST 23rd -From all stations north of but not including Main"Line, To-
ronto to Sarnia, Tunnel, via Stratford, all stations Toronto and north and
east of Toronto to Kingston and Renfrew
AUGUST ZSthFrom all stations Toronto and east, and east of Orillia and
Ncntie Junction
AIICItsT 30th -From all stations Toronto to North Bay," inclusive, and
west thereof he Ontario
Canadian Natonal Exhibition.
Clinton to Toronto and Return
.i� (.�{� Aug 24 to Sept (� flog 27 and 26;
`(^ lVJ 7•inclusi've $2e7V Septaaidi
Minimum Rete 25 cent
All tickets valid toe i e. urn until Tuesday, Sept 10th, 1612
Ask any Grand Trur:k Agent for full Particulars.
For full particulars and tickets Callon or Write, -
JOHN RANSFORD Se SON, Agents A. O. PA.TTISON. depot ageni
A.E. Duff, district passenger agent Union Station,; Toronto, Ont.
Kill the Fly and
Save the Baby
Ply photo copyright by National Geographic society.
Summer complaint, which causes the death of man
young children every season, is, nearly always the result
of germs in food. THESE ARE OFTEN CARRIED TO
The Flies' Revenge
A Poem With a Moral. _1 Though the weather be cold or hot
Swatl 8wat1 Swath
the rain
You must hit 'tm again.,
8o Swats Swath Swatl
A whack for each germ he's got.
Though he's only a fly.
You must help him to din. •
8o Swath Swath Swatl.
Swell Swatl Swat!
TlU you've: killed the .whole bloom&n' lot.
Be they house or horse.
They have germs, of course.
So Swat! Swath Swatl
No matter what else ie forgot.
Though the neighbors be hounding
About all the pounding,
You must Swat! 8wet1 Swath
Swat! Swath Swat!
Rejoice at each one that you've got
For each fly that you kill
Makes some baclllue nil.
80 Swath Swat! Swatl
TEN little files
Ali ln a line
One got a swat,
Than there were • • • • • • • • •,
'trimly sedate
Licking their thope--
Swati There were • • • •
EIGHT tittle flies
Raising some mora-
Swatl ,Swatl Swatl Swatl
Then there were • • • •
FOUR little files ..
Colored green blue -
Swat! (ain't it easy?)
-Then there were • •
TWO little files ,..
Dodged the elvillam-
_-Buffalo News.
Baby,. bye,
Marc's a,fly.
Let'ue swat him, you and I.
While, we talk. 1
See him walk
And for microbes never balk.
Do you think with six such feet
You and 1 would walk on meat?
Will title fly
Tell me why
Ho will walk on, bread and pie?
_. Sure he knows
That his toes
Are all, covered with typhoe,
I should think if 1 were he
I'd not fall in milk and tea.
Kill him quick
Or he'll make you very etok.
Flies you strictly should avoid
If you would not have typhoid.
-Cookery School Magazine.
Some Fly Don't
DON'T allow flies in. your
DON'T permit them near your
food, °epocially,milk.
' DON'T ' buy foodstuff where
flies ars tolerated.
-DON'T have feeding planes
where 'flies* can toad them-
selvee, with dejection's from tye.
phoid or'dysenterio patients'.
DON'T allow your fruits and
confections to be exposed to the
swarms of flies.
DON'T let Flies crawl over the
baby's mouth and swarm upon
the nipple of ito nursing bottle.
(1LEANLINESS is next to gcd-
liness, and self preservation
is the firet law of nature. There,.
fore swat the fly?
is Finland
Wile women in Great .Britain are
taking militant ,moans to ;secure
woman suffrage, by methods akin
to the work of the Apaches of Par-
is, their sisters inFinland have ee-
aired equality in voting rights by
actively working along along more sober'
out evidently more fruitful, 'limes.
Finland, renowned for its oppr,es-
cions by Russia, and thought by
many, it thought of et all, as a bar
Serie country, bound in by: e,verlast
leg ices led She way n gran,tiing e-
ruaucipalion''to women, this being
done in 1900, when they were first
admitted to the iY nuish Diel. So
seriously did they, regard their
now -found rights that ''lie follow-
ing year sixty of therm went to the
1,01el. d ,OnFilynlaNndo's rwayexampl;h's e,as " ytethough fol-
California and other states in the
neighboring republic have given
many privileges to the gentler sex,
The women members of the Fin -
Irish parliament have not been in-
active since they sbeure'd their'
/mate. Up till the begiuninwgof
last year, they brought in twenty -
nine bilis, of which: the following
were passed;-
1, The establishment of laws for
child protection, ,against del-Lreat-
In enet ;
2 The .complete freeing of the
wife front'the legal guardianship
of her husband ;
a. The raising of the mars rage
age from 15 to 1Syear.s;
4.. The organization of colonies
for youthful criminals;
b The right of women to assist
in the department of public media
0. The abolition of pplsce o,bser
vation over prostitutes.
Among others ' they: now
have on the order 'repeal, awaiting
for the decitsion of the majoriitly,
are the following bills: -
To separate the highest court of
law from the Senate, malting itan
indepelndebrt institution;
To give Tows equal rights with
For universal adult sutfitage;
To regulate the relations between
workers, serlvant5 and employersp,
To increase the punishment ,for
illtreatmemt of animals;
To grant free meals to schooil
children ;
To improve the position of illeg-
itimate children ,and the establish-
ment of homes for them;
Maternity insurance ;
The establishment of government
For giving a wife the right to
dispose of her children (forpnerlly
the husband had •this right exeiue-
For the appointment of domestic
economy schools;
For the appointment of women, as
factory inspectors;.
For enabling women to serve in
public institutions on equal terms
wlt'h mwom'en.
The en deputies have served
on all committees, even on the
grand .committee, which is elected
1.7 the House proporttloinatelY,
and gives its decissons on the most
Important . question of legislatiopl,
and texation.
That -they have taken an active
and intelligent Interest in the
affairs of the country cannotbe
denied, but their efforts have'
^hiefly been toward 'the amelior-
ation of the ills under which wo-
men, children and animals suffer.
The President Suggests That the Vex-
ed Question of Free Passage to.
American Ships Be Left to the
U. 8. Courts for Decision -He
May Veto the Bill and Await
the Amended Version,
Washington, Aug. 19. -President
Taft has decided to take the initiative
in an effort to bring about Panama
Canal, le slation at this; session with-
out entailing international oomplioa-
The President (railed' Senator Em-
mons of North Carolina, who has been
hing the Panama bili In the Sen
ate r C.° Democrats, to the White
Bode and asked for his support of ,a
plan which the President believes will
relieve the United States of the em-
barrassment that may arise through
the free tolls section of the blil.
The President proposes that legisla-
tioar_be put through Congress in some
forril or other providing that the Pana-
ma Canal bill now pending, shall not
supersede any of the -treaty rights of
the Hay-Pauncefote convention and
conferring upon United States courts
jurisdiction to entertain: suits for dam-
ages filed by aliens on account of the
free tolls provision of the bill. The
President believes such legislation .
would go far toward removing objec-
tions that have been raised to the
present Panama Canal bill.
He may veto the present measure
and accept an amended version.
Mr. Taff: believes himself that the
granting of free tolls to American
vessels in the coastwise trade will not
constitute a violation of the Hay-
Pauncefote treaty but he acknowl-
edges that the question.' is open to
debate, Since it is debatable, he is
anxious to have this Government
avoid putting itself in a position
where it may be accused, however un-
justly, of bad faith and the violation
of a treaty obligation. The mere rais
ing of this question, in the President's
opinion, ought to be avoided if pos-
The President has told members of
Congress who have conferred with him
that he believes this embarrassment
can be removed if action is taken•
along the lines indicated by him. A
statute like the Panama Canal bill
will supersede a treaty when the two
oonfliat, but this can be met, the
President suggested, by a specific re-
servation on this point.
The opening of the United States
courts to damage suits by aliens on
account of .the free tolls, provision
would quickly lead to the Supreme
Court of the United States construing
the Hay-Pauneefote treaty. If that
high tribunal held that the United
States had -a right . under the treaty
to grant free toils to 'American v
eels in the coastwise, trade Great Bri-
tain, according to the administration's
view, probably would be inclined to
aeoept the opinion without attempt-
ing to carry the question to The
Two Women Drowned.
Ottawa, Aug. 19.-1 double -drown
ing occurred yesterday at Norway
Bay, Que., a summer lecort, 45 miles
west of the city on the Ottawa River
when twe wsli ,e r il. popular
your n ti omen lost their lives while
bathing. 'false Mary Wrislit, aged 23,
daughter of P. 1.1 W'rieet, and Miss
Bertha John! 0, aged 10, daughter; of
the late George 9, Johnson, both of'
Ottawa, with a party of oilier young
women, went in bathing shortly be-
for- noon yesterday and wadir•,g out
beyond' their depth went down before
assistance emelt] reach _theta.
Arizona Has a Shock.
Albuquerque, N.l'1., Aug. 19. -Au-
cording to a despatch received Fester
day, Williani.e, Arizona, 'vas severely
Weaken by an earthquake yesterday
The shocks lasted from 2.05 to 2.10.
They were felt as ,far east as Wins
Jew, 100 miles west of here. Holbrook,
'11 town near Winslow, was also shalt -
en. Bnildin s rocked and windows
were btoken, but it is not thought any
lives were lost.
Any irregularity of the bowels is
always dangerous, and should be attended
to at once. If the bowels cease to work
properly, all tete other. organs• become
Milburn's Lau -river Pills work on the
bowels gently and -:naturally, and will
cure the worst casee of constipation.
-- Mrs. 3. Hubbard, Port Colborne, Ont.,
writes: -"I have tried matey remedies.
for constipation and never found any-
thing so" good as your Miiburn's` Laxa-
Liver Pills. We always keep a vial in
the house, for we would not be without
them. 'I always recommend them to
my friends."
Milburn's',axe-Liver Pills are 25 cents
per vial, or 5 vials for 51.00, at all dealers,
or mailed direct on receipt of price by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Spanking by Machinery,
Champaign, Ill„ Aug, 18, -Because
his wife objected to :his using a me,
chanical device, invented by him, at
the. University of Illinois, for spank-
ing 'their children, Prof, Duff Andre*,
Abrams beat tar, and she had him
arrested, He pleaded guilty and paidi
a fine amounting to $12;50,
Abrams is associate professor in the
engineering experiment station at the;
University of Illinois. 'He applied his•
theoretical mechanics to the erection?
,of a machine for the ob.astieemeut o$�
children without the usual manned •
labor, When he tried to demonstrate'
the practicability of the device on hie'
little son, the mother objected.
Imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets from all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham. Palace
Paintings of the Year from 'Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything In Educational Exhibits
Siege of. Delhi •
Besses 0' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Best Brass Bend
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's Greatest Live Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Puseles
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races ,
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9
ssr�s # " •
'The female house fly lays from 120 to 110 eggs at a time, and these mature in two
weeks. Under favorable conditions the descendants of a single pair will number millions
In three months. Therefore all housekeepers should commence using
early to the season, and thus tut off a large proportion of the summer crop.
►�estern.. Fair
September 6th. to 14th, 1912
London's Great Exhibition
Instructive Exhibits
Speed Events each day '
New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings
Liberal Prizes
Programme Twice Daily. Live S k Parade Daily.
of Cheltenham, England. One of the greatest Brass Bands in the World
and several others
The Midway* hotter than ever.•
fireworks each evening
Single Fare Rates over all. railroads
From Kingston to Detroit
Special Excursion flays, Sept. 10th, 12111, 13t11..
Prize Lists and all information from
�. M. Runt, Secretary
W. 1, Reid, .•President