The Clinton New Era, 1912-08-22, Page 2Page 1 Best cal1 "and find out the.' reasons why we prornpt- ly InieCiary'e 'guarantee with our own,LetuseXpiain .to you why the '''Sunshine"18 -called.' SOLD BY-- Byarn & Sutter MitiMAtiWwwWWWP Local News UMARAARPAARWPIT Electric Restorer for Men phi:nine:mei restores every nerve in the body to iM proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual vteakness averted at once. Phosphonok will make you a Newman. Price $8 a box ot two fot 35 Mailed to any address. The timbal Drn$ 'go., fit. Catharines. Ont. THE FALL PAIRS. Brussele .October 3-4, :Myth , „October 1-2 Fordwich ...„,.. . .. ... -.October 5 London -September 6-14 Seaforth 'September 19-20 Toronto Aii. e4 -Sept. 9 eiVingham September 26-27 ' Zurich. September 18-19, Eneter .. Sept. 16-17 Sept. 16,17,18 ire' _ Ar Quickly stops tempts. votes colds, heals the throat and lungs 28 cents. CavE,IIS 'THE NAMES What about you suramer vtors.? Surely you earl supply us with/ the na-Ines of two or three visitorew eas- ier than We can look after then It is couittesy to your guests to let the -people know they are holiday- ing here Don't kick us if their names are omitted, but "put the boots to yourself" for your neglect Onte thing is sure the neine to al- ways welcome at this office CP '3 SHOTS Dr. de Van's Female Pills • A reliable Preach regulator; nevei fails, These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generatjve portion of the female system, Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 35 a box, or three for NO. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co., SC oath:edam one, TYPHOID AT OTTAWA. Ottawa city is receiving quite a scourging from the typhoid fever ePidelinie 'ROW PteValling there 'Well up to 1000 cases have been ree Ported btet Tortunately up to this date the 'death rate has be* lew. It is to beleoped a change for the better will not belong delayed and that whatever " the cane tman be that Maven be entirely, remove,d. There are so many complications that may follow typhoid that every home eckele free from it may well return sincene thanks for their deliverance and do their best to aid ea relieving the less fortnnate Child.ren. Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NO CHEAP JOHNS. New York police officers were= cheap Johns when it took ever two =Mon, doltaes from the Lief:arks annually to keep one. eye dosed. et is expeeted he ifexretting that is being done w411 lay are aeon - Mien lof pUblic affaits heretofore unequalled ,aloing the line of greet. Pooe old Diogenes should be brought ,back with his lantern to aid in locating the helmet Mem. (Rosenthal's Murder May be he 'turning of the tide not only, in New York but other cities, some of which Axe not an the map of the 'United States. •There ehouln ' be greater emphasis placed on integ- rity and true eitizenship in evezet land. Suffered With Nerve Trouble FOR TWO YEARS imiossums roR HIM TO SLEEP Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 34 Torrance St., Montreal, Que., writese-"For•two years I had suffered with nerve trouble, and it was impossible for me to sleep. It did not matter what time I went to bed, in the morning I was even worse than the night before. I con,sulted a doctor, and be gave me a tonic to take a half hour before goieg to bed. It was all right for a time, but the old trouble• returned with greater force than before. One of the boys who works web rnee gave me half a box of lqilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I took them, and I got such satisfaction thee I got another be; and before I finished it I could enjoy sleep from 10 p.m. until 0 a.m, and now feel good." " • 'Inillaurres Heart and leerve Pills are SO cents per box, or 3 boxns for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receiptof peIre by the T. Milburn Co, Litnited. n'orento, Ont. •. nee.. BETT:KR A geed stone crusher properly kept at Nverk is one of the best in-, V estments a municipality can make where the /source of supply is a- lenclant. It would uot be. !man), years before 'every highway could be put in first class' condition' by the use of well broken stollei, Thousands of dollars are waiste)ci every year hauling, material that is a detriment to 'the roads iustead of 4 PerMall,enli, ii.lproveme02jt. SoMle- tiMes a great Municipal stir ie,naade over some $5 00 job while', perhaps the ,saneo routine of Statute Labor is followed that was in vogna years ago, when cOnditions were entirely different. The ratepayers ex.pect the members of the Coon, - ells to lead the way to better mettlh- oda and improved facillties quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the tnroat and tunas. - - cents. BAD FOR SUMMER TRADE. This season has given a pug nese to Many A ,sunainer resort an.d will no doubt 'shorten the visit' of hun-, deeds of tourists. Just ae soon as overcoats and wraps become/ a necessity end people sit with their feet in the overt to keep the ,ebills from makingtexcursions up and downtheir sPinal colunni the Pleas- ure o,f the 'outing isat an end and the visitotre think longingly o.1 the more comfortable quarto's in the hoeue town, 1912 has not eonduced to fattening the pocket book of those who look to summer trav- el as a means taf Tevenee bringing. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S •e AS -r OR.IA MAY VISIT ONTARIO. It is said Sir Wilfrid Laurier May make a short tour, through Northe ern Ontario in the neer future. There'is ai nallnest request froen mane of ,thel prominent people of that interesting section og ithe Dom. innate that he should visit theea, ad- dress a few Igatherings and eeePotrl himself itheir needs and desires, t hirMs Gun quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and loads - • es cents. Canada's position as an integral part -of the British Etapire is •such that she, rause get out of the 'high •chair and tackle a mares job. Those who are everlastingly belittling the national stamina of this lahd and fearing to Iminth out on leme pins building ehould quit growling or crying and tee, lifting and cheer- ing. •Let the youth be taught that better days are conning and that Canada demands the best that gen be prodliced• in every line, NEM To cleanse the system' of undigest- food, foul gasses, encese bile in the liver and waste naatter in the bow- els will impolite:Tour health. The best system regulator is PIG PILLS - At all dealers 25 and 50 cenesor IThe Fig Pill 0o., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in Clinton by J, E. Hovey, Drug- gist. BORDEN SCOTLAND. Premier Makes Another Speech on Imperial Responsibility. London, Aug: I9. -"We of the over- seae derainious are thoroughly con. ecious of the great problems welch even now await the statesmen of the Empire; problems regaeding the 'bringing about of more thorough and more effective organization between Mother Country and vast overseas pos. sessions. We are conscious of those problems and responsibilities which that cofinection has laid upon as wads upon you in these islands, but I ven- ture to say that British statesmen have never been unequal to any task in this regard whieb hag been plaeed before them in the past. "I am convinced that British states- men, and I use the word British in its widest sense, will be equal to that kelt whatever it may be.,Its great- ness or development in long years to come; not so much in extent of terri- tory as territory for the Empire is already large epough; not so rouch in resources, because they are all any one of irs desire; but in influence of the Erepire fce the welfare of human- ity, for advancement of civilization, for the peace of the.world, so that as tile Net taYse 'W/514, kta wide; narie her bounds 14 set, God who made us mighty, mehee ee mightier yet'," This was the stirring peroration of the speech delivered by Prernier Ban den at Clydebank Satueday, when lenrs. grerden christened the steamehip Nikerifet, imilt for the Canadiav-Aus- tralian servi,ce. The eeremony wag the eencluding one of .Borden's visit to Scotlapd, a visit • whieh has been as remarkable for warmth of 'welcome displayed to the Canadian Premier as any he has encountered during his snare:mire time of the last few weeks. Feebler Borden and his wife were the guests overnight of Lerdleverclyde. The launching owe/neatly was entire- ly successful. At the luncheon, sae - cells to the Niagara was proposed by Charles Ellis, who deserilted the vessel araid applause, as the last link' in the all red route,- of which so much has been heard in recent years. Sir John Mills, chairman of •the leriloe Steamship Cot, eeplied and seed thet Mr. Borden 8,13C1 his colleaguea had done tn•ueh to edueate the eeople ol this country to the relationship which ought toe exist between the Mother County and the donairaions, which were no longer looked upon as naughty children or poor relations, but partnere in the firm. He pre- sented Mrs. Borden with a diamond pendant. Mr. Borden acknowledged the gift an behalf of his Wife. True Love Triempea. Ottawa, Aug. /0.-Dirvid Ai -nth, a Renfrew young mate was Saturday wedded at Portage du Felt, Quite- to Mi aa Teresa Dolan of that place, the youlag woman who a few months ago was the yictira of a murderous attack by, a rival /mace, Gordon Hoclgins, who shot the girl and then euicided by jumping into the Ottawa River, aftershe, had refuted a propeeal of marriage. You will find relief in Zani-Buk I lit eases the burning, ,stinging' pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseveranco,'„witb Zan), 13uk, Ineans cure: Why not prove this 7, 4111 Antootgle and SfOrase- boX. Another Corruption Probe. Detroit, Mich.,. Airg. ing Attorney Hugh Shepherd was com- pelled Saturday M Lake . his attention away , for the time heinz from the councilmande “gral't" cases in order to investigate a mass of evidence sub- mitted to him Friday night charing, more than 1,000 fraudulent enrolments Lor the approaching 'state primaries. He 'sensed, to discuss the probable de- velopments of the latest municipal scandal until he has studied the in- formation given him by 'detectives inore closely. INVITING SICKNESS Peopre Whose Blood Supply Is Scanty are in Danger of a Break -down Thin or impure blood is an invit- ation to sicknese. The blood is at 'work day and night to 'maintain the health and amy leek of streregth ur purity in thel blood is a week- ness it the defence seataet a:tee-see Anaemia is the doctor's name for for lack of blood. Its surest symp- tom is paler. Aneamia does net 0021 line itself to age eir sex. though ift is particularly common to young giels between the ages of 1.4 and 17, when nature Makes penullax de- mand upon the blood supply. The same lack of blood, however, pre-, v mats full recovery after la grippe', Amore, anajaria, and operations, and is present ill, old age, and fitn nersons who have been under un-' usual mental and physical stelae* In all eases of bloodlessluese Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills are the best medicine known to medical science. They actually make new, pure Mlood, which brings with it a heel - thy appetite and new strength and vitality. Mrs. George Roy, Clain, Sask., says: "I have tested the vale ne of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills time and again when a poor condition of the blood •Might have led Ito more serious 'trouble. I ani a Woman of forty ancl as occasion re-• nuired, I Wye used the Pills on and on, since girlhood. I have laroved their value in the ailments that afflict any. eex, and I have nevelt known them to fail. Teals° gave them to My son for meanie trouble which we thought would renalt in St. Vitus dance, but the use of the Pills preventeel this and m-ade him well and etrotag, I do not know any better int/es:truant than to keep half a dozen boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink PlIls in tent house, as they will save more ex- pensive doctor's bills." ' You can, get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six bevee ter $2,50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Talk With • Advertisers. Advertisers, who, as a general rule when all country newspaperei form the ehief mainstay of the pub- licatione support, too often con - alder that then advertising is but so much eh.arity thrown, in the dial- eetion of the publisher and that without it the paper would die a n•etural death. In many respects thin is true, although it ehould not be peesamed that a newspaper is entirely object of charity. Rather( should be considered in the light u f support and co-operetion 'and teat 'without these the newspaper Wo -Old cease to exist. When amerchaat looks atit in the light of suppoill and co-oper- ation arid particular newspaper, which he is bestoet lag his dona- tions, is worthy of smith and is real my an asset to the town. ,Otherwise he would not Me so foolish isSI to LITTLE BOY WE SUDDENLY TAKEN WITH DIARRHEA and VOMITING If you are suddenly taken with Dies - three, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, or Pains in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Sum- mer Complaint, or any Looseness of the Bowels, do not waste any time, but immediately procure a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,,and it will cure you in ne time. Mrs. H. • Steadman, Pleasant River, MS., Writes: "A. year ago this fall, my little boy was suddenly taken ill with diarrlacea and vomiting, and as our doctor is ten mites clistant, it seemed as if I could not get help soon enough, but on going to the country store I purchased a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and after the first dose could notice an improvement, and the next day the child wee better and regained heattla. Since that Cane I always keep it on hand." Insist on being given "Dr. Fowler's" 'when you ask for it. Price 35 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Linaited, Toronto, Ont. - „ tOrQwso-sl), its -coil money on om ethi ±8001 W'hich her ec ei ebri no xeturns, But the &affluent of tharRy is all 'wrong and should' not lee entertadnecl in tile inInd of any ltve advertiser wile believes ln the modern system. oil running' his bus- iness, Another thing that places 'ratio newspaper 115solneahwt 04 8858 insig- Dineen!: eosin= is the advertis- ing whish is allowed to TOR yeas In and year one without ,change ltd les set up, In the first place It re- flects a small eetimatiom 'of tlie ad- vertising columns and lightly pre- sumes that the spece Is of little value. Too often ee it •tlie case that tome nei1 claim that •theie adver- tising does eat pay,' How con:inlet Pay if the particular merchant tail- ed to keep les fresh store news be- fore Ole people who rend the pa- per? If tee raerehant paid as • lit- tle -attention to his cuseomere as en in ant- eases he do e teens 'ads, he would very soon be eempellect to close his doors. ' , Here then .1.9, the humble suggese non which we offelr...Of course it means more work for the newspa- eer to change -ads but weaee .de -e sircius 'of making these ads. pay. Advertisers should change theie adsat'least once every two weeks an order to get the beet rosults, Those who have tried it even at this office octant that their money en this reale:lee spent,bringe ee- suite which in many. cases surprise them, Schooner Ashore, Crew Safe. Portland, Me., Aug, 19. --The loss of the British two -roasted schooner Ari- zona of Yarmouth, N.S., on Cran- berry Isle early Friday was reported Saturday by Lieut. R. Ridgeley, jr., of the revenue cutted Woodbury, which made an uneuccesseul attempt to float her. The schooner at low, wat- er is high and dry and the rooks have pierced her hull in many places. The 'crew had no difficulty in leeching shore. • 1••••••xlm.....•••••rmila TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Mrs. We J. Nelson of Clinton was found dead on the street, She bad been missing for several hours. Hon. Clifford Siftonts total winnings at the recent horse thew in London (England) were $1,650, His sons won nearly $700. The steam barge Norseman, one of the oldest crafts on Lake Ontario, was burned to the water's edge at Collins Bay, near Kingston - Richard Williana leeneker, late charicellor of Bishops College, Len- noxville, Que„ died yesterday at Bournemouth, Eng., aged 89. Formal permission has been receiv- ed Srom Ottawa for the creation of a new militia regiment at Victoria to be known as the Victoria Fusiliers. Alonzo Perry Blivan, inventor and pioneer in aeronauts, is elead in New York. He spent more than $500,009 in his experiments and took out about 30 patents. Poliee protention had to be afford- ed Saturday at Ottawa a number of strikebreakers sent in from Mont- real by the 0.P,R. and G.T.R. to re - Waco about 75 striking teamsters. Attempting to alight from eastbound SomSeattle express at Langdon, a man thought to be Michael I. Ma- honey of Calmest*, had both legs am- putated. He died in is few minutes. George A. Bell, a veterinarian in the Irish Department of Agriculture, has developed foot rend mouth -disease in consequence of being bitten on the finger by an infected animal a Month ago. Nile. Morgan Wills, wife of a well- known farnaer of Stamford Township, near St. Catharines, nropped dead on Saturday morning When their hou.se was burned to the ground. She suf- fered from a weak heart. Mrs, Addison Fairchild, a bride of two weeks, while harvesting at Mount Pleaeant, Ont, yesterday, was struck on the head by a large hay fork. She died within twenty minutes, before medical aid could be summoned. Doctor Seeks Freedom. Montreal, Aug. 19. -Dr. Charles No- ble of Philadelphia, erre of , the most distinguished gynaecologists in the eastern states, and joint author with Dr. Howard M. Kelly ef a standard work on •that subject, appeaxecl be- fore eustioe Beaudin in the practice -court Saturday and asked to be re- leased from the Verdun Hospital tor the Insane, where he declares he has been kept contrail,' to his wish's. He alleges that he was taken to the asylum at the instigation of is brother who is involved ia the Steel Wire Trust investigation and who desired to have him out of the way on se- oount of his knowledge of affairs. He Oates that a similar attempt was made in the States, but that he was able to prove his sanity. He will be heard again to -day. Want Advance In Wages. • Buffak, Aug. 19. -Wm. e. Connors yesterday made an unsuccessfel at- tempt to settle the strike of nem lake freight handlers who we -t cut on ...Thursday for an inerease In Wages arid betterment of their working oon- ditiOne. MT. ,C0/111,OTS was -ready to concede every point demanded except the advance in wages from 33 to 35 cents an hour, his contracts with the railroads and the lake lines making that impossible, he declared.. The meeting ended in a noisy demonstra- tion during which MT. ,Connors left the hall, -Ainther meeting has been arranged for to -day. Would Lengthen Season Ottawa, Aug. 19. -Hon. Robert Rog- ers tvas in Montreal onSaturday con- ferring with the marine • ixisurance companiee in an effort. to secure an extension of the period in which in- surance is granted -to ships plying on the great lakes. Tete Government is planning to do all in it power to ex- tend the period of navigatioe a rnontb Wee than in forraenyears, The great- est dill:lenity in the way et,' this Scheme is the relectanee or refusal of tole Marine insurenee companies ineure steamers_ alter Oct. 30. Wheat Boat Aground, Aug. 19. -The sten/icier sLE, Stewart, eareying a cargo of 2608000 bushels of wheat for B,uffalo, ran ashote at Sturgeon Poirot, tw,erite miles west of here, early yesterday. She is resting easily on set even keel awl can be floated eetter a part of her cargo has been lightered. She carried tuo The' crew remairied paseengers. on board. nenstigilliMellareare are best for nui%$ing , mothers because they do , not affect the rest of the ysterri. mitdbostire. 25c, a box at your druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF 0,45555, LIMITED. 163 POINTED PARAGRAPHS Meny 'a map's courage isn't skin deep. Worthless people are otten nmee amusing thee worthy ones. . When two emules corne together' in is head-on collision the result is a kiss,. • ( Amon likes to ,a rite owle,dge his faults to a woman who ipeists that he, has none. -- it 19 53 cl that thee are pecele who have money atjd do not k,now bow to er,joy it Sometimes a girl misses a good thing by pretending sho Cloesiet want to be lensed. One way for .a man to find out jnet w I, a t a evoman really thinks r. f hon is to make her angry. --- Nothing ions a mareled man more than to have hrs -vette spien,g one °this old love lettees on him. 1 Scene women would rather be graceful than graceaus. When a men -7.—drueik he forgets , eat he has a sense. Keep emu worries well pruneel if you would prolong your life. The child who ie afraid c.. 4 - (ole dark may beconae a pelitican, whesa tae grows up and fears the light. Cook's Cotton Root Gotopoold Tho great Uteyins Tonic, and - "only safe elleetun monthly ,t - Reguiatoronwhieh woman ean • ,•-:0- depend. Sold in three degrees, of Otrongth.—NO, 1, K ; No. 2, 1 10 degrees stronger 33; k,lo. 8, fox. special eases, t 5 per box, field by all drugg sts, or seht zr'Peap.'adnapebtilet.".rdeirelstlivT1 CnsgManmsisi 00.30Seiffa, M. dorm:My it'fsdn.,.. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite 1. T. R; • Station All kinds of Coal on hand -- Chestnut Soft Coal Stove Blacksmith . Furnace •Coke Kennel Coal and Wood Ti1e-2,1-, 3 and 4 -inch size— The Tile is of the very best quality. tIrtek to Order. ' 11. FORB ES Phone 5,2. AAAA.A.AAAAAAA.1.4AAAAAAAAAAAA 3 See and here our finest sa New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and 3 4 Organs, Co. 4 special valueg in Art t 4 11' Cases Pianos and;organs rent ed, choice new Edison t phonographs, Music & variety goods. 10. 4 se le 4 41 4 Music Einliorium C. Hoare t 4 TTTYYTTYTTTTIITTTIITYVT7TTI . WATTS Root Maker and Repairer Opposite Postoffice. Repairing done promptly. Suit cases and _Trunks re- paired. A trial will convince you of the neatness and ptomptness with which I execute my work Store open every evening WATTS sr. ygosr.ss. ONT. Unsurpassed for residential education. The "Ideal College -Game" 1, which to secure O training 'for tour liM's work, Thetough courses in Music, Pitintirig, Orgory, School, Business College and DOIYIQStiC Science. Largo campus, inspiring environ- ment. Resident nticse insures health of students. Butea Inoderate, Every girl needs an ALMA training, Randsome ,oro- speelm$13ent on ,ORnlieation. 50 PrthriP81, 42 Girls Wanted Girls wanted for Biscuit and Candy Factory. Light WOO>. Steady em- ployment, Write, for particulate. Pt S. PERRIN & ()0., Limited . London, Ontario Farm. tor Sale The undersigeed offers f Or( eate his splendid tenni, pare of lots 26 and 27, Town,snip of Hellen, sit- uated on the fBaso-Jine, 11-18 miles from Clinton. The falun onsig ts, nil eighty acres of choice land, is well fenced, well drained, and in ,aithor- eugh state of cultivation The buildings are in first, clam repair and there is abundaece of good water. Daily mail service Wad good elione connection, Apply 072 the premises or addale,ss Farm For Sale. A first class farm, oonsieting of "5 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hul- lett eownship, 3 miles front Londes- Intro, a.nd 5 -mules froan Blyth, 11-2 'miles front School. A bank barn 36 by 56, another ,barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. 'A brick house, plenty of water, about an (ntere of 'or- e-ha:rid. Possession San be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIA1VI LONGIVIANe , Myth, P.,10 - For Sale _— Ten 'young Pigs for sale. Ara ready tobe taken away now Ap- toly JAMES SOUTHCOMBE Farm to Rent Being lot 53 and 84, Con. Bayfield, knoWn as the *wigginton within two miles of Clinton. There is a good brick house, bank barn, driving house and other outbuild- ings. Good orchard and small fruit farm. All in good etatel of cultiva- tion. Por furThee parelcularte (ap- ply' te ItTese Wigginton. • Queen Street - Clinton For Sale An , eight reamed [frame hou,se, in good gonditionn, with 'stone cel- ' lar town waten. Het half acre' of land with 'young plunee orchard. Oceupied by Rev. Mr. Wnlie. Pos- session alver4 by .0ctober lat. Price 5900,'Appla • Ne317 Era. ffouse for Sale or Rent A 7 -roomed frame house on Huron. Street, opposite Comuter- cial Hotel, for. pale or to rept. Howe is being putin good order, Waterworks in connection. Apply MISS PORTER, • •Rattelibury Street Farm For Sale. Lot 40, 71h. Concessiou, Goderieh Township, consieting of 80 acres, all seeded down except 25 acres. 2 acres orchard, Frame house 20 x 30 With out buildings. Barn 30 x 72 with stabling under. First class well. Palen is 6 miles from Clint:ann._ Thursday, Au,,ust 22jj, 101.2 • ,W, RitYle ONE. BAERISTER 130LICETORe NOTAlce P1161410, ETO, ornnatoe: e84ap148s 8. Finn 'le nonneyaneb, Notary Public, Commissionete etc, ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marine/go Licensee, fluron Sin Clintore REAL H. T. RANCE] Notary Public:, Coeveyaneext Finanoial and Real Benet" rags UrteNeE-A enee-nenreseateng 14 etre in Suranee Companies,. DiViS1011 Court Office, DR) 9. w, THOMPSON • Jloian, surgeon. Eto eaned, and euitoble medal attentinreg4i:iebutod. diseases of;the Dye,seas-, Tbroat, and Noce nn carotene exmi, Oface and Residence. Two doors west of the Conanterclai inner aurora st. DRS, GliNN and GANDIER lir. W. Gunn, Ire R. C,J',.Z, lLet,L, Felker ft Gaudier. R.A. MIS, °dice—Ontario Strest, Clinton. flight calls at reeidelioe, Estfettintr, or at hosnitai SHAW. PITYSICiAR, ISURCIBON, tent= tu:Ovetiselie°47 rta' DENTIS? 15 Criewu ond Bridge 'Wart a Specimen' Graduate et C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.O...D.S, Toronto. Ban. ytleld o-5Ifondavs, Illavist to December DLII. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over OrISEIIeE'store. ' filpeoial oare taken to realm dental 0ece4 mete as painless as aoseible. THOMAS, GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction see GODERIOH ONT stora sales a specials.), Oidats *53 at Nam, ERA race, Clinton, pt.; nmeny abteatte to. Terms reasonable. Farmers.' sale WO: discounted G. D. Ineetaggarc M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANNERS ALBERT ST; CLINTON- Genera Ivlenail:rend 13nn siger ta :s NOTES DISCOUNT.ED Drafts famed. Interest allowed an deposita. The McKillop Mtia Fire Insurance Co. Perin and Isolated Town Prefiss erty Only Insured. OFFCERS, J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Godecicb, Thos, E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth DIRECTORS, Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafonle L Evans, Beecte woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, L Kea newels, Brodhagen, itt, ItIcKwarie Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses te his own locality. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. flinching •Seaforth; James Cumming, Egnionde ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville ayments may be „made at The Marie& Clothing Co., Clinton, ee- l:. H. Cutt, Goderich, ayf e d. -s Pen -4, on Premises or address George Burnett, Clirnon P.O. To noises to Let The undersigned has two houses to let, apply to Jacob Ta yl Or Pasture Land Soine first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit purchaser‚ At 49.pplyrn Sohn Ransforcl, G T. R. rety Agent Farm ior Sale. The executor of the Southcombe Estate! offeers for sale 50 scree - East half of lot 28, cod. 6, Hallett. A first-class farm, well watered ancl improved, and with- good buildings, Aline the =day/darted often( for sae, lbt 29i con. 6, eHull- ett, 100 mares. These fermis knay be bought together oreeprtrately. JAMES S,OUTHCOMBE. Clinton. Ford & McLeod • We're now selling Teinethy Seed (Government Stand,aircie. We ale° have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. • We altvoys have on hand -Goose' Wheat, Peals, Barley and Peed Corn Highest Market Prices peid for Hay • ante 3111 rais. Ford & McLeod CO A• M Before placing your orders for your Season's supply of Coal, get' our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland* Hardvvaxe store, or with W. J. Stevenson, At Electric Licht Pinot. JACOB TAYLOR eLINTOIV Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold - Money to loan Office Issae Street, next door to Nana Era Grand TrunkRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North Passenger London, depart 8.80a m 4,50 p re. Csntralia Exeter 940.5.4`.5. 9,53 5.5t Henson 10,08Xippen 6:05 10,16 MI/ Prucefield 10.80 0.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 0,52 B1 th 11.27 7,00 Be grave 11.40 1.13 Wingbanr, arrive11.50 7..85 South• Passenger Wingharn, depart6.438 an3.33 p nct Belgrave.. ... 6.54 3.44 131yrh Londesboro 7.08 3.56 7.16 4.04 Clinton 7,50 4.23 Brucefield .. . 8.12 4.80 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensallt 8.32 4.52 Exeter.— .. . .. 8,48 6.05 Centralia 9,00 5.15 Loneonearrive,'moo ate 13tiffatoind Gode wee• Peesenget am pm pea pna Stratford........10.00 12,23 5.25 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 /6,47 Seaforth 10.45' 1.10 618 11.1a Clinton 11.07 1.25 6:40 11,2S Holmeeville 11.16 • 1,33 6.46 11.30 Goderieh 11-35 150 7,05 /1,55 East 1 tereenger a p m pea Goderich Holmesville 7.10 2.40 4.50' Clinton 7.26 2.57 5011 7.35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 54Be Mitchell Stratford 8.40 348 5.65, tratfor 8.40 4.15 6.20 NEW ERA, JOB DEPARTMENT. , IS UP -MO -DATE.