HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-08, Page 8[v. a.TT..
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011.,• „frida
Friday will be a LUCKY DAY,for those in time
to pick up one or &tore ofthese waists at 690; Think
of the price, then come and see. them ,i,o.ouzprth
window, All' sizes, high and low neck, dainty styles,
well rade and good patterns. Determination not to
carry ov-er one waist
to next season is our only
auniammolimmenw, .• .
White Ernbroidered Dresses
This 'seasons styles in white embroidered Wash
Dresses, wide insertion, square neck, short sleeves, -
all sizeS, 'regular $5, sale price $.79
)-ttkrt?idered Mull, with wide mull insertion, ex-
ceptionall'y dainty, low neck, short sleeves, all sizes,
regular41,9,..sale price 7.98
25 and, 35c Linen Suitings isc
Out go -the balance of our Linen Suitings in
stripe s and plain, in all the popular colorings, wide
widtb, regular•25c and 35c, sale price.. ..... . . .. ....... 15e
See South Winow.
Children's Straw Hats loc
Your choice„ of fifty 25C and 350 Children's Straw
SiloHats 10C
2 Pairs Cotton Black Hose -25c
Ladies fast black cotton hose, sizes 8 to to, Sat-
urday 2 pairs for 25e
Remnants of Carpets
25 Remnants of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets,
lengths !tin from 3 to to yards. Prices as follows: -
Regular 75c and 85c for 55e
Regular $L25 for 75C
&Oz. er c 2rolvn
1. .The 11/fodel"Seh661 will open
on the 511.hf day of Sept. and !close{
nn the 16th day of Des,
Candidates swishing to attend 'the
Clinton Model School will indicate
their •hlarpOrtenee on application
forma. s
Application for admi,ssion, shall
be made stothe Deputy Minister of
Education ribt later than Au . the
16th, on forms to be suppliedby
hiss: ssiesssens ssa o
2. The applicant shall forward
with his applications to the Deputy
11Linister, on offieial forms supplied
by him, the following leertificates :
Ft.g:S.10•1111 RIMSTSSICI.1111
Itit.61.12"1/1 . ROOFING
V ;111• '' ,,,
ationgly fire -resisting
from sparks or burning
panics. It will not ignite
i - rated- first-class by
if',Are' Insurance Com -
r 'brands, and has saved
r :Sas' many a building. Made
1, /:';:i • In 3 Permanent Colors
-Rd, -Brown, Green
-and In natural Slate.
1Sole‘panatibpi wog. 78
scarlit85 lintas01.5h4144.thalftilh
THOS.' mcomigziE,'
..,c14.,,NToor, ----
a. A certificate from competent
authority that he will be at least 18
years of age before Dec. 31st, 1912.
b. A certificate froth, a elengy-
man, or other competent authority
that heis of good moral ,characte,
c. A certificate from a physician
that heis physicallyable far the)
work of a teasher, and especially
that he is free /rota sections pul-
monary affection and from ,serious
defective eyesight or hearing.
8, The applicant shall also sub-
mit one of the following
'a. A District Certificate of 1904
or any subsequent year,
b. Entrance to Model School
c. Entrance to Normal Sehool os
Faculty of Education Certificates,
d. 'Phe certificate of having ob-
tained 50 per cent. of the aggregate;
marks in either of the es/emanations
in div. c. above with 34 per cent. in
each paper. , •
• (For either or the examinatiOne in
div. c. above written in 1909 or pre-!
louslY, 40 per cent. Of the aggregate
and 25 per cent, Sia each' paper will
be accepted.) , -
Candidates should write, -at Once
to Deputy Minister, Education
Dept., Toronto, for forlais if or ad -
Mission to Model School fill out the
same accompanied by the certifi-
cates mentioned in Section 2.
The deputy mlnister will notify
the candidate of his adrdission on
or before the opening of thetalo-
del School, and at what centre he
is to preSent gillosself! torntitend=
&rich! ' s
!Clinton rs-
1.;11V.4070,..„,..', ,4. . ''''',A.I., sse'"'s.'ss''' '4,, 0, I: .„,,,s,s ' na• st ' "t,,,,a,
sstsacrents .cann stspa's es blice 0 zell'S a :,.,,,-..s, ' wsh L,','F'' .°,'Tili :., .' ' •
; i"44444V4Vg4W42#714.410i. i****4•4.444.**,fli..4•0**,0k.•
NEvrcIfii#4._', s' .J. '7,1'""4 ' - ; - • ' iA4•64.:4•HA•H'i..1. + . 4.Aki.,++444A14-4.1A.,,,4
Thitn#C1pnelal..,41QPI4S undergoang a*
officeStinkin Opts were befere.• ol• , : wheat , 1 . 1.00 " I
h le
Malays s.ang irS A ' partition 'nes 'been ÷ ..:„ •,,,.-..__.10, , 1.
renaintStazIa , this:banplaced nt aere the 4... Hogs h.', ...„... ...._ $8
. h s.s.:hhhs,s.,'S.s„•• Pe s .... . 80 h"
4- ir"lilf,ktr, ' ' '. . ' , . 'i Oats • sl.srt. . .
i',1...A.I.t' ist-h,,lifshtvel-ir•'er,057 Th.S.'",,,,,a,nted,t' eakeario• ,,,,- alai -ley ,',, - as tv , ,•70 '
Ithe"Priiifingh-trada'n. good /' ',Chancel, t_ ' -,13Shm"th.. •,4';''8i31:,(,: , +
los 'the rkiglithea's ,One with a good ;
-tedueitioarhhPrel erred. The NEW4. Eb;gttEr , i - 2,...00'..+.0194 • ....,...4h
ERASCIrntons- • • - • ' •
h 'netinse: -leads' tdsuecess. Sara. si ,, . :,. , . . • :., ,
natres-1'elf rthesfantown Elliott Dusk- , NEW PRINCIPAL .1ENGA.GED.
!nese erinfColtege,sTth
bronto. Iriw /rout '
exPricei• ' 11
tbash. thles1111_,-.aes'iTHS..... ' r 1;whepgiglaibf9oftliehllaaodgeeacurSeehdOol
:sthey read:HY nbraingsi1tiP
oni VIJ,DiJ)81.01 7, d , • ss sa .,1,..thabi
• 7," - ' • , They ha e•nigageo air. sat ,
but he has resigned, and, they were
fortunate to get Affs. p. D. Rolnck,
of Morrieburg, ' who is highly Ire-
coMmended .as an A 1, teacher. Mr.
Bantek will colmanenee, his ditties
when school Opens, ton Sept. Ord.
Norman- Fitzsimmons capture ff a
big trout ors,MPaday morning, that
!mans' old-timers. say, is the :biggest
that, has beenseaught in this town.
The trout is 16 inches long and 10
inches aroundgirth and -weighed 1
Ib. 10 ozs. Thcise ' who had the
privilege of lookit were. only
sorry they:ware not the lucky ones
to Rapture this, beauty.
,.... .
r ,
handeerine ,catalogues.
s, The aongregaticito and Sunday
Feller:Inertias> Danti-st Chnrch ,head
theirhanntial,, picnic at Byafielff on
Monday.- -A program of races and
grames.coustituteu the ,af tentoon
Heat prcistrations are not common
these days., • .
The cooler weather and • more tem
prate nights bare been very welecime
lately. ,
Bogus $1,00- 'hank bills „have been
detected incirculation in Guelph and
Hamilton - Wateb for them.
Don't'throw your banana and
orange pee Von thepavement. Theca
are oftenresponeSble'rer broken limbs,
. . „
OUP Preset!! Specials
A Snap lir Those Wanting to paint
Eravri-4'a suipids stb'Ck of s'on-ifi 6-Cte`4` of
^Pe'Ettarnel' Etc,r",we-are,poihrever..e....
'.our stock and will give,a list of the colors
to be put on sale next week.
In the face of an advancing market both
in white lead and oil it will be good buying
Also Barn and Root Paints
At a Big '*edurtion.
. -.••• ••••.• • ss. • h's "." . , . • • • . • - • • • , •
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
After a fours weeks western tour,
Mr. D SClbf8, General Manager of
the W., Doherty:Piano and Organ 00,..
Ltd., is returned from inspecting
the operations of the Coinpany, at
various iznportarit points.
The,plienomenan we, therefore, give
a few details of.these operations.
On previous Occasions Mention has
been made of the Company's magniti-
cent new Retail Store at 3:la Donald
St., Winnipeg, and of their capacious
wholesale warehouse on Wall St. We
now refer to the Company's extensive
exhibit at the Winnipeg Exhibition
July 10 to 20. Forty-three India.
ments were shown including six styles
ofpiano, with two styles of player
pianos; each style shown in. some five
varieties of wood. The Company have
their own permanent space providing
an exhibit facing three aisles in the
most prominent position. The Ex-
hibit was unrivalled, and Mr. Cluff
remarks that though for seventeen
years he has been in charge of various
Exhibits at Toronto, Winnipeg,
and other 'centres, never before has
he heard such lavish praise from
visitors. From every side was heard
remarks such as'We have one of this
beautiful style." or "We have ordered
the first available instrument of that
style." As thousands of Doherty
Pianos and Player Pianos are now
gracibg.the parlours of these Western
homes, naturally, their possessors will
voice praise, May
we suggetts 1. that , buyers
near the factory, always slow to real-
ize the quality and worth of home
product, notesthissinnificant popular.
-Mayor Wangh of the city of Winni-
peg, added:his tribute of praise at the
Exhibitkon riot merely by words but
by chi:mei-0g *rem among all makes to
gracehinew palatial home a magni-
ficent Doherty Piano in mission finish.
A chiatliate.ottliahpiano may be seen
at thefiaoo. Mayor Waugh is a
thoroughlY, connietent judge of piano
quality, and appreciation
willanable the/Doherty to forge still
fartherSahead Of all competitors,
A . sensation was created by the
Doherty' '•Attachable Player, • the
emallest pianoon the Canadian
market was 'sbOwn, operated by the
Doherty Attachable Player, the only
player in Canada, Which can be in-
stall:in; anshpiano upright or grand re-
gardlega of-'sizei make, or scale. Our
Olintorrnianufactiders are 'the only
inane peenle in Canada ma,nufactut •
ing theironahplayer actions. Jud-
ging from .the re,asption of this its
first iqathlie . the demand
will be 'enormotn, and this depart.
ment must have additional factory
space rnechaniCal help to meet the de-
mand,„ The player may now be seen
in operation•at the factory.
Thtuigii Western homes are being
reactlad -.largely from the Doherty
Retail StbssiS A 18W, IMO centres are
stili aopplied through egf.11usillt deal-
ers,. and thethird annual Banquet
Deherty.J.).4alets ;and Salesmen, was
held -at (lie-Hotel:Grange the -17th of
July, this/O.:eight, 'being present to
discuss matters of mutual interest,
The-Syiditore expressed their entire
satisfaetion, the quality cif goods was
InisairOnOed. the treatment had
gfm!Thha,aand'''hIlt• had, -eombiiier to
give '7..thano first place in
CD rs
tneir district., Their customers were
Satisfied:, ,.•
On July' 20.th, Mr._ (Muff with his
Western/Managers 111r, Gs L. Stan-
wood., left 4or %Calgary. The Oona-
. palsy's new incite at Calgary is located
in the -magnificent Lan heed Block,
-which alsonontains the finest theatre
liftinadar' 'The store fronts on two •
principal business streets, one en-
trance being opposite the Hudson
BanCompany,'shuge block. •
•-.MrssErankh,S, Jost, the Calgary
Manager -4a asilano, man- Of twenty- •
seven/Vara akisesSences quoted- aeons '
Of he nueint gapable in the
Undirihiessuperandion.hasierations in
Calnarywiltdoubtless rival Winnipeginexteni'
dnaWA's; next hnictited. 'The
reten,stors there is in cbargelbthldr.
'Melaink,land mere:thin ofie-earldad'of
DohertY's Pianoes has already:, been
transfeinecl to neighboring :homes..
There are Prospects here ;for rapid
development.' 'Here also the policy of .
"Factory to Horne." made the
Doherty Piano popular, .
At Sasnatoon,,Mr. H. J. Id. Glcieck-
ler, -abandoning , other agencies
brought in • a' vat lead of Doherty
'Pianos, and 'these are'a feature of the-
8askatoon.,E,ahibition now in progress.'
Space Will -not permit mention of
the,, varieue. other points where
DohertylPiiirantsare being sold in large Look about yoand /see
whhterzeifillfwenletsuorroneeddavyias Cehhoiecasfnag, ,31°4telerwse.atiewrati6eireieediEiteielly:twiteignd mibriotrism a
vencierswith other factory suppliee, •
and risiltinginstitutions acquiring • and women to use their brains
more of the most modern up to date bueinege, They ,amccered.
methods and, ideas of Piano and - whY Yo3.12 Will Y°1i write
Player Piano manufactures. -
An invitation its extended to intend
ed purchasers to inspect Doherty
products at thefactory, Clintons
An extensive. Exhibit 'will also be
made at the, Canadian National
Exhibition, Torontp. .VilElitOra from
'Clinton-andsVitinitrwill be • epecially
\ ••
•▪ ••statsettaistsastsottestsa
Rev, A. A. Bice, of London, repre-
sentative of Huron College, will
preach at both services on Sunday
Mr. Finglaud, of Auburn, who is
supplying during the absence of Mr:
Grant, preached two very acceptable
sermons on Sunday last. which were
much enjoyed. ,
The Women's Association held a
very successful picnic on Mrs. White -
head's lawn on Wednesday afternoon,
i.'ker5:111; ttt r
Tvvo Licenses, A"re Cut Off 'at'toci
f •ericii-One Place to Be Used
as a General Store.
Sunday morning, Sacrament was
At the evening service, S. J.
of Ontario St. Church preached. -Miss
Boles sang an excellent solo.
League service and Prayer meeting
joined on Wednesday night and was
conducted by the 'Christian Endeavor
department of the League.
The quarterly communion service
was held last Sunday morning. The
pastor was assisted by Rev. W. J.
Ford, a former pastor, and Rev. H. A.
Newcombe. '•
The evening service was conducted
by Rev, J. E. Ford in exchange with
the Pastor. •
Miss Beatrice 1Vhite, of Windsor,
will sing next Sunday. The Pastor
will preach morning and evening.
Centre, Huron license commissioners
met here last -Friday afternooe and
granted a transfer of the -license of the,
Onion Hotel at Goderich from M. 1.
Farr to John Lennon who has purr
chased the property. In the. case of
ateLey!tpproertreiolinNt owr,78,saagidffiiivepe.inh.o.e:epeffie, neadnittgb
change of management.'
The two licenses cut off at Goderich,
those of the Huron and King Edward
hotels. expired July 31st. Bar fixtures
and all the- furniture have been" 're-
moved from the Huron. which is likely
to be turned' into store . The place
has been a hotel almost since the 'be-
ginning .of the tOWn'S existence. a
general vilification was held , by pa-
trons of ,the house on the "'last night."
It is reported that the King Edward
will continue age temperance house,
Six licensed bars remain in Goderich.
The transfer' of the liquor store
license was held over tillnext meeting.
A serious runaway occurred at the
G. T.R. station here Saturday.- As
the train from Wingham was :corn
ing in the Canadian/ dimpress horse
driven by Mr. John Cunningham
bolted and overturned tbes5g. The
wagon and harness were badly
eimeaapsehdedu,13.1hbult.Mr, Cuninghame , es -
With the kind, consent 'of the
weatherman, the day was tine,
though cool. The "stay-at-homes"
worked around home, some n ere at
the bowling green at day, and the
road builders continued to work on
the good roads. Many went to
Bayfield, and a few went to London
to witness the Canadian league
baseball games.
Saturday's Brantford Expositor
reports that Dick Tasker /may quit
the teatin and, 19 is possibly rhght.
Di -lc desires to work oftener than
once every week or so and. has
complained to the management but
has had no Snore games. He went
to London on Monday monning to
join the Brantford team. This was
the Expositor's report :-There Ss' a.
possibility of Richard Clinton !Tee-
ker not rejorningl the BrialnitteIrtt
team. Richard, it is said, to
quit himself but the local manlage-
nient expect him to be back i in time
for next week.
Mr.- W. D. Fain handed ,the Netts
Era a copy of the Knickerbocker
Press published daily at Albany N.
Y. ad informed us that Mr .James
Malcolm, a staff reporterl of the
Knickerbocker; was a forimer, Clin-
ton, boy, and was born in Goderich
townshi-p. Mr. Malcotim has just
recently returned f roan Chicago
In the absence of Mrs. Treleayen, and Baltinhare where he reported
the organist of the Church, Miss Ford the big political conventions ,atad
presided at the organ on Sunday and is now touring the counties sur -
did so very ably. fine male quer- rounding_ Albany and will give an
tette selection was rendered on Sun- impartial, nonpartisan investigas
day evening in whith Mr. Will titan of exact political conditions.
Harland took part one once more with There articles will ,be well worth
greet acceptance, • reading by the Americans as to the
BAPTIST ClEiURCH. Present Prospects in the corning
Presidential elections. The New
Era is glad to learn; that a Runner
citizen is making good in the States.
Mr. MaleoIre, and daughters spent
a few weeks, here a couple 'of suan-
mers ago. •
A pretty wedding was solemniz-
ed in Sr. Paul's Methodist Church,
Brampton, when Miss Kate Elvina
Manning, youngest daughter ' of
Rev. H. .Manning of Oshawa, was
married to Wr. James H. Hare of
Whitby. After 'giving his daught-
er away the bride's father conduct-
ed the ceremony, assisted- by Rev
W. N. Chantley, pastor of St. Paill's
Church. The bride was astisted
Miss Margaret Smellie sand Miss
Katie Seat, of Clinton. Miss Doris
Milner, niece of the bride, ectee ei
flower it The groom was assist-
ed by his brother, Ng„ ;Clark' Earle,
Ctt M
'Yennie Milner, of
1.2r5:Inpton, played the wedding
march in her usual impressive ,style.
During the signing of the registen,
Mrs. ,T, IVIiddleton, of Peteriaorbt
sister of the tbride, sang ',Beloved
It Is Morn." H. G. Manning,
of Lindsay and Dr. B. K. 'Manning,
Toronto, brothens f the bride, acted
as ushers. Mr. and Mas. Hare will
reside in Whitby. The old fiienda
an town, 'of thel bride will ,all join
in hearty congratulations.
The marriage of Miss 1Visintha Al-
ice Duff, daughter, of Mr. and Ma',
Robh N. Duff, of ,Bluevale, to Mr.
Lonis Aitken son. of Mr.
and Mrs. James Atken, Of ,I3eettoan
formerly' of ,Clintorsstook pla.ce
the morning of Thursday,- August:
,at the residence; lof the. bridels
Renta. The teremony was peer?
formed' by Rev,"W. 3. West, M A,Sol
Knox Church. The Bridal 'March
fneen "bohen-grin" was, played. -by
Miss Edna •Altken, eister the
groom, and 'during the signing to,f
the relister, ,Miss Eva Duff sang
,"tC000ridetbaonfe0yr.e" aTbhaenk bop davlinelFaaral4
Thos.1-1aWkins golden nal The brides -who was
„ given away by her father,- woe a
handsome gown of white ,duchess
min nnwonsafillas satin with train. The bodice was
drapedwith rose point lace and
•••••••••••14,4".........- the trimmings weret edystal falInge
and clusters of natio rose ;buds:
filer veil whichswas cd tulle , was
I E4111C4111011 Pags c.tight with orange blossoms/ and
she corms( a bouquet Of w lute ros-
es' and wore, the groom's gilt, a
pearl and amethyst pendant. The
bride was attended by her ,eisten
Mies Ruby Duff, of Ithaca N. Y.
who wore a Prettyt &less of Uasize
-satin, trimmed witht Irish Lace and
touches of black. She wore a (black
picture hat faeedt With the same
shade as her dress) and tnimmed
wilt's black tulle And yellow roses/
and carried a baguet of white sweet
peas. Mievg Isabel Kearns', niece o/
the groona, 'wearing a pretty frock
of pal& blue silk Mull end earrying
a basket or pink sweet peas, mdae
The services fast Sunday weie
conducted by the Pastor, Rev. W. W.
Wylie. In the evening a solo was
rendered by Mrs. J. B Hoover, which
was much enjoyed by the dongrega-
The annual Sunday School picnic
was held on Civic holiday to Barfield
and a geed day was spent by all who
The prayer meeting will be held to-
night at S o'clock.
The H. Y. P. U., will meet on Mon
day night at o'clock, when the
union will further study St. John's
Having purchased the
Plumbing and
TinSinithbig uiI
• Business of Thos. D. Johnson, I
am now prepared to take
C'ontracts, 01 all Kinds
one ,Promptly
Orders stitH. Rowland's •
Hardware Store,
7 .P4dilte 53.
, • •
for a copy of pur- new eats.-
logue? will Internet yon
if you watt to get •aheatl.
Rall term from', August 25th.
Address, Shawg Schools, Tir-
onto, Ont. W. H. Shaw, Pres-
•rdent, Testi & II,triadd Ste,
dainty. little flower girl. The 3: ,
Carbons on good brown card mounts, with
black line around picture, giving effect of double
mount.0 Sizes, 12x24.; 14x24 and`2ox24.
We boughtthese at first' cost,trom znanufac,-,
,turer, anti offer them at lle,remarkable priCe,
27c,each--a. profit for ,us, but a biggek,
one for ypu.
'The Doctor' "Modern Madonna" "Dance
of Nymphs" '."Sistine Madonna" "Boy
Chtist," "The Gleaner," "St. Cecelia,"
"The Last Supper," and others.
If you are interested in as Superior clash of
Pictures at a decidedly advantageous price ,
we would appreciate your inspection.
TheWD Fair. eo.
Often the eheapest-Always the Best
seiiing oui sale
We have still about Four Thousand Dollars ,
worth of stock to dispose of, so to' close it out in a
hurry we will cut prices still lower
Now is the time to get your Boots' and -Shoe
for fall and winter. From now on, terms of sale
will be STRIeTLY CASH.
Men's regular $5,00 Boots for $3.50
" 2.50 Boots for
4.00 Boots for
" 4.50 Oxfords (patent, gun
metal, and tan) for .... 3.40
Wemen's reg. 4.00 Shoes for 2.75
3.00 Shoes for 2.29
" 2.50 Shoes for x,65
" 1.5 Shoes for 1.25
All our Men's Working Boots, Boy's, Misses
and Children's Boots at similar reductions.
Women's Oxfords, Pumps, .Strap Slippers
Children's Slippers of all kinds
Jas. Twitchell&Son
brother Mir. gentry M. Aitken, rif
Calgary. After the ceremony the
wedding breakfast was served in
the dining room which was 'dainti;
lY decorated with white and pink
sweet peas. The bride, and 'groom
left on the laftlernoon' train fon a
trip among the Thousand Islands.
the bride wearing a tailored Scuff of
coach fawn, broad cloth, a tanored
w ai8it of 'old rose i •silk and hat of
tagei Atm?, ;with klack ,vela
Vet and Whge. Wiligt AMentg the
guests fronr a distance, were 5hr.
and Mrs. JatineS Aitken and miss
Ella, of Beetons 'Misses Minnie and
Elizabeth Aitken,, of Hamiliions Mr.
Mrs. Louis I31alte ,Duff, of Welland
Mr. and Mrs, ,Aitken will reside in,
Beeton. The Grooni spent his boy-
hood days in Clinton and the bride
attended the Clinton 'Collegiate In-
°awful Best Business College
Stratford, Ont. •
Our teachers ane exper- '
ieneedinstructors. Our cour-
ses are better than Overland
the equipment is more nom-
plete. We do more foroun
graduates than ,do other Simi-
ilar schools.
FpurteenI /applications for
trained help were received
doling the past week, aome '
of these offering over $700
We have three oilepartments,
Conresernial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. Write Sor oils
free /catalogue and Bele What
we are doing.
D. A. McLachlan, Principai.
MINOMMIMENIMIYP ammommommonnommer
We Want to Give 'You
A 130iiar.perhap&more
+ iiiIR,'RE now making , such extraordinary low :,:t.,
..., VV. . prices.on our 'Summer. 'Shoes and Oxfords "..t
t that you will save a Dollar, and in some instances
t more. Ion'll be losing money if you don't supply ji IP:
$ your footwelr, needs during this _sale.
+ 4. , • - , 40
All`Men's S4,00 'Oxfords for $3.0o
Ladies pat. leather 2.50 Pumps for 411;8:
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