HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-08, Page 7rr)Suretlay, Attgnst atla, FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands Have 13een Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women seffering from any form of fe- reale, ills are invited to communicate promptly withthewornan's private corre- spondence department of the Lydia E. • Pinkham Medicin e Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has • been established confidential corre- spondence which h as extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a . testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confiden- tial letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in • their files will attest, Out a the Vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Nettl- • ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou- sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to tak a advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Ad- dress Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co., (confidential)tLynn, Mass. iit Every woman Ought to MVO Lydia E. Pinkham's 80 -page Text Book: It is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only Obtainable by mail. _ Write for it today. MONTREAL • ree-IE STANDARD Is the Natindifil - Weekly Newspaper bf the Dominion tie Canada. It is nrttional 1 n Its ;aims. e It usesTh nniist bxpdnsive alferaiese tngs, procuring the photographs from all over the world. " Its articles are Carefully selected and edliorial olioy a ;thoroughly, independerit A. subscription tci The Standard 'costs $2.00 per year to any addl.:gas i•o gapada or Great Britain. • TRY. IT FOR 1912! • • oporeal Standard Publishing Cad Limited, Publishers. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece ene Cif Machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and °lied occasicmillY to keep perfect time. With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. ' It will pay yen 4, well to let us alean your watch every idor x8 months. W. R..Counter Jeweler and Optician. issuer of Marriage Licenses. Piano "urchasers dourdwiteilok asleep P /Ao fri /AO vID011ETY ',hest value iedPIJ One $4.f the Best Equipped Piano Fdctories Canodoi W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co, lAniited Factories seacl Head Office • CLINTON, ONT. (Western Branch, • 280 HARGRAVE STREET, WINNIPEG. MAN, etnerem name - By Lgurs Tracy Copyright by INIcLeo d Allen, Toronto nosy in a sarcastic grin. "Adversity is a strict roaster;" he :mad, lapsing into hit own language again. "My blunder of yesterday has shown meI m need IS go no farther than 'Hereford in my thoeghts." "It is more to the point to tell us how far you are going in your car," cried the girl- lightly. , "I, too, hope to be in Heretord to - eight. Mrs Dever •says you mean to spend Suaday there. If that is a fix- ed things' and you can bear with me for a few hours, I shall meet you there without fail." "Conte, by all means, if your road lies that way; but don't let us make formal eegagements. I love to think that I am drifting at will through this land of gardens and apple blossoms: And, just think of it—three • cathed- rals in one day—a Minister for break- fast, lunch, and dinner, with Tintern Abbey thrown in tor afternoon tea. Such a wealth of medievalism makes my head reel I Was in there or matins," and she nodded to the grave old pile rearing its massive Gothic withinA few paces of the hotel. "At high noon we shall visit Glouces- ter, and ao-night we shall see Here- ord. All that within a short hun- dred miles, to gay nothing of 'Cheps- tow, Monmouth, the Wye Valley! Ah, me! I shall never overtake my cor- respondence while there are so many glories to describe. See, I have bought some darling little guidebooks which tell 'ou just what to say in a letter. What between judicious ex- tracts and a sheaf of picture post- cards scribbled at each place rn try and keep my rriends in gooe humor." She produced from a pooket three ef the red -covered volumes so famil- iar to Americana in Brits:Is—and to Britons thernselvee, for the matter, when the belated discoeery is made that it is not necessary to cross the Channel in order to enjoy a .holiday —and showed them laughingly ta Me- deuham. "Now," she cried, "I am armed against you, No longer will you be elle-to paralyze me with your learu- ing. If you say 1209 at Tintern I shall retort with 1387 at Monmouth. When you point out Nell Gwynne's birthplace in Hereford, I shall take you to the Haven Inn, where Dated Garrick was born, and, if you aren't Very, very good, 1shall tell you bow much the New Town Hall cost, and wholaid the foundation stone." Medenha,m alone held the key to the glee's lively mood, and it was a novel and quite delightful sensation to be thus admittedeto the innee ehrIne of her emotions,. a s itwere. She was chattering at randoni in ordcr to smooth away the awkwardnese of, meeting hint after that whispered in- discretion at their parting over -night. Here, at leastfmarigny was hopelessly at sea—desoriente, as 'he would have put it—because he could not poseibly know that Cynthia hereelf had conns seled the disappearanee of Simmonds. Indeed, he attributed her high spirits to mere politeness—to her wish that he should believe she bad forgotten the fiasco on the Mendips. This 'imagined salving of his wound- ed vanity tierved only to inflame him the more against Medenhaine-He was still afire witir resentment, since no Frenchman can understand the rude $axon usage that enforces submis- sion under A. threat of physical vios , lence. That a man should be ready to defeed his honor—to convince an , opponent by endeavoring eto kill him —yes, he excepted without cavil those tenets of the French social eode. But the brutal British fixity of pun' pose displayed by this truculent chauf- feur left him gasping with indigna- tion. He was quite sure that the man • meant exaetly What he bad said. Ile telt that any real departure front the compact wrung from him by force would prove disastrous to his aerson- el appearance, and lie wae sensible of a certain weighing underlook in Me EInglithrean's eyes when his eeeming- lec harmless chattel. hinted at a change 1 of existing plates as soon. as Hereford waa reached; But that was a mere feint, a pre- liminary flourish, such. as a practiced swordsman eXecutes in empty air be- fore saluting Ms opponent, He bad tiot the slightest intention of testing NIedenhatras power e just then. TIM• reasonable prbbability of having his chief features beaten to a pulp was.not inviting', while the crude efficacy of time nOti012, in its influence on, Miss Vamenenes, aftairs, was not The lease stepefying element In a die ficult and wholly' unforseen situation. realize'cl fully teat anything in the • nature of a scuffle would alienate the girl's sympathiee forever, no matter how strong a cacie for interference lie might pieseut afterwards. The chauffeur would be dismissed on the tpot, bet with the offender would go Ms own prospect of winning the heir- ess to the Vaimenefi millions. So Count Edouard swallowed his spleen, though the requisite effort , must have dissipated some of hista- turOl shrewdness, or he could hot , have failed to read more correctly the tokens of embarrassment given _by Cynthia's heightened osier, by her eager vivacity, by her breathless anxiety not, to discuss the substitu- tion of one drives for the other, Medenham was about to disclaim any inte7ltion of measuring 118g lore agaenst.thaf in the guidebooks when _Mrs, Dever bustled out. "Awfully sorry," she began, "but I had to wire Janie—" Her eyes fell on Medenham and the Mercury, , Momentarily rendered speechless+, she rallied bravely. "I thought, from what Count Edom ard Said—" "Miss Veurenen has lost faith in me, , eVen in my beautiful automobile," ' broke in Marigny with a quickness p that spoiled a patheqc glance me.ant for Centlea ' ' The American girl, however, wee weary of the fog of- Innuendo and hid- , den purpose that seemed to be em appanage of the Drenches/en and his car. • a , "For goodness' sake," she cried, 'let 5 hs regard it as a settled thing that Fearoy takes Sinamonds place until we 800.5018 London again, Surely ive„, have ,the_best of the bargain, It the ,`” two men are satisfied why should See have anything to say against Tynthia was her father's daughter, 1. and the attribute of persoaal dons. - Mance that in the man's case had proved so &loci:lye in dealing wit" Stilwankees now made itself felt a the minor queetion of “transporta tion" presented by Medenham and hi , motor. Her blue eyes hardened, an a. Jim note rang in her voice.Ne did afedenharn lielp tp smodtli the path for MT'S. Dever by saying quietly "In the, meantime, Miss Vanrenee the information. .etorecl In those Intl red boolis is growing rusty." She settled the .dispote at once h asking her companion -tv lc:: side,0 LIRE al Slat Iletemeho n'sid :relieve til 'the tronblen incl. - !dent to n 18 lioe atatarof th syetem, such es - Diaz:noes Nausea DiTAV8111CqG Distress. after s eating, lain In the elea Wlale.tneiv most , 14:1111113ta,blossticoessilins been elynvn ta.etning r : Vendoebe , yet Carter's:Little Liver ?lila are ; n Constipation, cur:nand pro. , e venting is annoying coinplaint, while they alao • correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate t he liver and regulate the bowelo.,--Dveelf they only y creed • the car she preferred, and the °feel woman was compelled to say gine -Musty thatshe really had no choice in tee mattea, but, to avoid further delay, would take the left-hand seat. Cynthia followed, and Medenham, still ready to deal harshly with Mar- igny if necessary, adjusted their rugs, saw to the safe disposal of the cam- era, and closed alio door. At that instant, the hall -porter hur tied ..clown the steps. "Reg Pardon, imam" he said to Mrs. Dewar, thrusting an open tele - grain between aleflenhara and , CYn- thia, "but •there's one word here' -."She snatched the form angrily from his t _ • "Which one?" she asked. "The word after—" "Come round this. side. Yott are incommoding Miss Vanrenen." The man obeyed. With the curious fatality wince attends such inctdents, even among well-bred peoele, uot a word was spoken by any of the eel- el's. To. all seeming, Mrs. Devaree cramped handwriting might have con- cealed sorhe secret of gravest import to each person preeent It was not really so Men Milling weheard. - is 'Raven,' plain enough should think," she snapped. "Thaek you, mum. 'The Raven Shrewsbury,'" read the hall-porter. Medeneam caught Marigny's eye. He was minded M laugh outright, Ine. foiebore. Then be sprang into his seat, and the Mt' curled in 'quick tieznieircle and climbed the hill to the left, wbile the' Frenchman, surpriecd by Ole rapid movement, signaled fran- tically to Mrs. Dever, nodding fare well, that they had taken the wratte • . .„ "Not at all," c' -"-m..1 Medenaeea, "I want you to see the Clifton Sus - Pension Bridge which is a hundred feet hlgher la the air than the Bract: lyn Bridge." - • "I'm sure it isn't," cried Cynthia Indignantly.• "The next thing you will tell me is that the Thames is wider than thesHudson." „ "So ir is, at an equal distance from the sea." "Well, trot out. your bridge. Seeing Is believing, all the time." Bet .Cynthia had yet to learn the ex - needing wisdom of Ezekiel 'when he Wrote of those "which have eyes to see, and see not," for never was opti- cal delusion better contrived than the - AceetheywotadenielesterIceltestoteosewho fairer from this tIls ressi ng complaint, but forta nately their good 110 58 does note,,S bero,andthooe who once try them WillaidthCSO IIWSplllo vrilA• able in so loony ways that they ,w11/' not bo 01. Vag to do witeota them.: 2utafter all Welt head • height above water level of the fairy. like structure teat spans the Avon below Bristol. The reason is not for to seek. The mind is not -prepared for the imnxinence of the ewaying roadway that leaps from side to side DI that tremendous gorge. On eiteer creat are Pleasant gardens, pretty houses, tree -shaded paths, and the ole posing precipices are so prompt • in I their sheer fall teat the eye insense bly rests on the upper level and re- fuses to dwelt on the river far be - (math. I So Cynthia was charmed but ,.not eonvinced, and Medenhate himeelf could scarce believe His recollection that the tops of the towers of the far larger bridge at Brooklyn tvoulcl be unly twenty-six feet higher than the roadway at Clifton. Mrs. Dever, of course, showed an utter lack of in- , terest n the debate Indeed, the le. based emphatically to walk to the middle en the bridge, on the plea of I light-headedness, and Cynthia instant- ly availed herself of the few minutes' tete-a-tete thus voechsated.. "Now," said she, lookingnot at , Inedenham, but at the Titantic cleft s teut by a tipyoriver, "now; prease, tell me all ebout it." "lust as at Cheddar, the rocks are linaestone—" he began. Oh, bother the rooks! 1 -low did you get rid of Senn:lands? And why Is Count Marigny mad? And are you nixed up in Ceptain Devar's mighty troart change of base? Tell me every; thing. I hate mysterdes. If we go on at the present rate SOTne of as wen soon be wearing masks and cloaks, and stamplug our feet, and etiattle 'I) e.! Hal' or "Scleatal' or something Neatly absurd." • "Siintnonds Is a victim of science. ff the earth wire of a magneto makes melallic contact there is trouble in the cylinders, so Simmoeds isswit- !Med off until he can locate the feint." "The work of g alienate." "It will take him five days at least." Then Cynthia dicL flash an aniesed glance at hint, but he was watehine' e small steamer puilleg against the ide, arid his face was adamant. , "Go on," she cried quizeically.: 'What's tee matter mine the C'ount's venders?" "He prefeesed to believe that I had stolen somebody's car, and graciously undertook to shield me if I would con- INNEN THE LIVER sent to run away at Once, leaving you. and Mrs. Dever to finieh your tour • ' In the, Du Valens," I S INACTIVE "And you refused?" ' Th tile bane of sb-irtany livei that here' is where xr., ,ifingds.Sot. t 3011tgw Cgreat boat, ()espies emelt hile others Little 'Liver Pills4ire very smell and ...vebri: meg to talse. 0000r two pilisinate a do2e. r aratnlctly T egetable eau do not gripe purge, bn h t er gentle actifin PIC110.611 who lase mein. - • G eanTlia stsimnis ao..2qw hTOttall 11 1 1M 1 'anti • NO. • No Review at Halifax. Halifex, Aug. 5.—In the first pro- grain- for the reception of H. 11. H. Oonnaught at Halibay, a grand review of the troops for the se- cond day of the visit was included: This has now been abandoned be- cause of the difficulty of getting men • in the militia to leave their employ- ment, instead a the review on the seccnd dal! the available troops will line the streets between the dockyard and the city hall when the duke lands on the ursu ay. Was confined To Bed • FOR FOUR moms RHEUMATISM THE CAUSE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM Mr. W. H. Riley, Ruddell, Sask. writes:—"It is with the greatest of pleasure that I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all suffering with rheum- atism. I was so bad with this terrible disease, I was unable to get up from my bed for four months, and nothing seemed to relieve me until a friend recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. I had my doubts about them, but was so desperate I would try* anything suggested. to me. efter taking half a box I was IMAM get up, and after taking two boxes eould get around quite well. After taking six boxes I was completely cured, and -able to wore for the first time in five months, and have not had a touch of rheumatism since. Anyone who saw Inc then would not know me now, as I am so strong and active since taking semi. valuable medi- eine." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or naailed dfrect on receipt price b Ont. In ordering direct, specify "Doan's." , Five Englishmen Arrested. Berlin, Aug. 5.—The Lokal Anzeig- er publishes a Kiel despatch saying that five Englisbmen have been ar- rested at Eekernforde, Schleswig - Milstein, on the charge of espionage. They appeared off. the ceast in a yacht, and two of teem went ashore, 08 18 alleged that they were malting photographs when they *were arrested. The police confiscated plates which they imand on the yacht, and which when developed proved to be pietures.' of every harbor and bay of -the Hol- stein coast. TO ABOLISH "TOUCHES." British M,P,'s Tired of "Charity" at Election Time, London, Aug. 4.—A bill has been in. troduced in the House of Conamons to prevent the indirect influencing of Parliamenta t't c' didates and members of Perliarpern by means of subscriptions to certain religious, charitable, public or semi- peblic institations or enterprises. The ?ill would inolude all such payments in the -candidates' election expenses, a return of which he has to make wi- der the present law. Paymeat of subscriptions to clubs or societies ef which the camdiclate is a bona, fide member would be excepted, peovided they clid not exceed $200 a year, while contributions to any fund or orgaeization which is exclusively political are also expressly omil,ted from the soope Of the measure. The law against corrupt practiees at elections in the 13ritish Isles is al- ready very strict, and any expendituve beyond that specially permitted by law invalidates an 'election, There is a feeling, however, particularly among the candicletes themselves, that the cost of securing election ancl, holding a seat is, excessive, and it is with 8; view 'of cutting this closvai that the present measure has been proposed. niThat did he say?" "Very little; he agreed." "But he is not the sort of person alio turns the other cheek to the intact." didu't smite him," Iledenham.` lnrted out. Cynthia, fastened on to the hesitat-: ag denial wens the hasvklike pounce f some barrister famous for neerci-' esogese-examination of a hostile wit- ! es imeeneireer.. "Did you offer to?" elle eskeda. "We dealt with possible eventuall-n les," he said weakly. a "I knew it. . . There was slice funny look 1/1 your eees when I1 rst saw you. . . ." ' "Funny is the right word. The crie is was atter humorous. "Poor man, be only wiehed to be, iyie perhaps—I Mean, that • ie, in. ending hls car; and hp may reallie hauffeur—like Simmonds, • or Smith,. or exampl,e, you wouldn't have hit ' "ssa s Continued nent week. CONSTIPATION SOON FOLLOWS The duty of the liver is to prepare and secr,ete bile, and serve as a filter to the blood, cleansing it of- all impurities and poisons. - Healthy bile in sufficient cigantitie is Nature's plovision to secure regular action of the bowels, and therefore when. the liver is inactive, failing to secrete bile in sufficient quantity; copstipation Wekewes • , * eieseeee' flee • Mr. helfiri,i5earce, Owen Sound, Ont., writes Having been troubled for yeatS with constipation, and trying many w- eaned remedies, which did me no good whatever, I was persuaded to try Mils buttes Laxailever Pills. I have found them most beneficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill, and I can heartily recent -- mend them to all suffering from constipa- tion." Milburn's LaxefLiver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or 5 Vices -for $1.00, e.t•all , dealers, or* mailed direct on receipt of price• by • • The T. Milburn Cb„ Li mited T , oronto, Police Closing in on Murcia of Harman Rosenehal, , a fa HARD FIGITIT IS EXPECTET Gib the Blood and Lefty Louis; V‘fhe Are the Only Two ot the Gunmen Still at Large, Are *Desperate Characters and VVIII„ Probably Give Battle -- Waldo Says • the Judges Are to Blame. New York; Aug. 5. --Police Commis- sioner Rhinelaricler Waldo last Meat gave out his first forriell abatement re- ; la-tive to the Rosehthal case.' The commissioner recethinended an impar- tial and thorough investigation of the charges .made nelatife. to the alleged • connection between the police 'and the .gamblers, At the same time, he aim- ed a blow stimight from the shoulder at the judiciary, declaring that gam bling Can eXifit only begause the gam• biers can obtain 'what amounts to protectioe from the ceurts, and! assert- ing that gamblers- do Miuch of- the cor- rupt election work of the political parties+, *who place the judiciary ou the bench. , While the issuance of the statement was' the most important development • yesterday, it was reported at- police headquarters that detectives were Mote upon the trail of "Lefty" Louis and "Gib the Blood" Horowitz, the two remaining gangmen sought'by the police in connectioa with the murder. Inspector Hughes spent his third day .in personal charge of a force gf de - Motives near Tannersville in the Cats- kills. • It is now known positively- that "Gib the Blood, "Lefty" Louis 'end "Whitey" Lewis were in. Tannersville last week. Lewis left the others to go to Fleshreaps,where he was sap tured. Horwitz 'and "Lefty" Louie, however, are believed to have remain- ed in Tannersville. Both "Lefty" and "Gib the Blood" are known as desperate men, reputed to be dead shots. They are believe:el to be armed. A hard fight is looked for by the police when the detectives finally attempt to place their bands upon the alleged Murderers. Mean- while private detectives and police of- ficers are scouring Boston and the vicizaity on the strength of the report that both men were recently seen in that city. Instriet Attorney Whitman, ,who has been spending the week -end at Man- chester, Vt., will return to tiffs city to -clay and resume his work on the case. Lieut. Males Becker, depoeed head of stele' "Strong Arm Squad," was yesterday preparing himself in his cell in the Tombs for the ordeal to- day, when he will befarraieaed in the Court of Sessions' to plead to the ins clictment charging murder. Neither he nor the othee eight prisoners held made any statements yesterday. Cornmissioner Waldo declared in his etatement-last night that at no time in its history has the police department been so web ereparecl to stand aneiel- vestigation. as at present. "The best interests of the public and of 'the police department itself demand that a thorough and impartial investigation be made without delay, in order that the guilty, if any, 'he brought to justice, and that the cone- elence of the people be restored inethe pelice. My only desire is that every allegation which has been made shall be thoroughly investigated end that (everyone who is guilty of any wrong - dog shall be diemissecl from the go - lice department, to the alenibers of which they have brought disgrace, and that they may be sent to prison as warning to other miscreants. Bishop Appointed. Halifax, Aug. 5.—Rev. James D. Morrison. D.D.. of Vernon River, Women' s' Secrets There is ene man in the United States who has perhaps heard more women's seerets than any other men or woman in tee coentry, These secrets; ere not eeoreto of guilt or shame, but the secrets of sneering, and they balm been confided to Dr. 4..." R. V. Pierce in the hope end expectation of' advice and help, That few of these worace have been disappointed In their ex- • pectations is proved by the fact that 98 per cent. of all women treated by Dr. Pierce or his able staff, have been absolutele end:altogether cured, Such a record woUld be remarkable if the oases treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when that record applies to the trisatment of more than halbaquil. lion women'hi a practice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal, and entitleiiDr. Pierce to the gratitude aceorded him by women, as the era of specialists In the treatment of women's dioceses, Every sick woman may consult us by letter, absolutely without charges. All replies are, mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopeswithout aoy print- ing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as, without fee, to World's Dispeneary Medical Assogiation, Dr. R. V, Pierce, President, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. - DR. PilERCE/S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION e 221,Xes7s.geist Virresetas. 1P1i1"caztaosts. rEttretzszsg, • Micas. 117Cricortassixia. ViC7'eale viear-geoerat 0110 ,r of the diocese of ChnrIntteinwn, has been appointed Bishop of A t•ti- goTedsb, in succession to Bishop Cam- eron, Who died about two years ago, tie was educated in Charlottetown end at the Coliege of the Prepagancla in Rome, where he received the degree of doctor of 'divinity and doctor of philosophy, and twenty years afro was ordained to the erieethood.. The he became rector of Et. Dtinsteres fen - lege, Chaelottetown, and afterwards rector of St: Dunsta.n's• Ca id iedral.. the erection of which, at a cost of about $250,000, was his great work, and which was entrusted to hire by Bishop MeDoriald. Theh he was transferred to Vernon River, where Ile became parish priest. ' For several years he has been ad- ministeater of the diocese of Char- lottetown, the health of Iliehop Mc- Donald making this necessary, .• lesumsommarrxemganamarsvrair.,,.....aeoseavevotersr..-". NoV., would be a good timetor the business men to WM, on ,a little /norm etemn lookin,getoev,a.rd olives( , leer Fall campaign in trade end commerce. The public wile net be elow to °etch 'op as they like te deal where that's is a hustle. , 8225,000,000 welebe exPeridiel Greet Britain in enireicing and ente praying the British navy so that she rave' sell' continue to be regard- ed as the Mistress of the - Sean. Whetan dnealculabel amount of good raw be Wrought with the same amount Of money 81 18 ,could be turned luta channels of peace and goodiwill. But the cause of friendliness among the powers, is oii the increase and holey Ve hastes-t ,ed bythe aggre,gating of Nations, tvho will seek to hoficl out Ihe olive( branch in lieu of the threatlerung word and Ma* look. Sow the peace seed In your coaniminity and county and help harvest the result of thsa law of kindness and gocull fellowship. 41121111111111111111131111111., NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE -ACED MEN, the vietims of early indiscretions and later ex- cesses, 'who are failures in life—you are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, used electric, belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New IVIethea Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of imams and has made successful men of those who were "down and out." We prescribe specific cern- dies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complications—we have no patent medicines, This is one of tee secrets of our wonderftti success as our treatment can- not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case Only curable cases so. cepted. we have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Yenta. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY READER &Ter 1411 zvOclitgenIcritg;171 Has your blood been mseasad? Have you any weakness? Our New Met hod Treatment will cure you. What it has clone for others 0 will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free a Chow.. /Irks Free— "Boyhood. Malmo& Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) ou Diseases of Nen. NO NAMES USED WITROLIT WRITTEN CONSENT. No narnee on boxes or rexpy_4nithine Confidential. Question List and Coat of Treatment FREE FOR HOME MEAT. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters frcmi. Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence aud Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write fa' our prillisiseasinganneutIO efer/ lege- "se. ear i . fever-, , • Here are two gum trees as they flourish " on selected plantations in Central _America, ee- hee Chewing G Note the manner in which the sap of the trees is made to flovr into the receptacle. This sap or milky substance is boiled in the bush then shipped to our big, sunlit factory itt carefullypacked cakes, where it is refined and flavored and made into tdothsorne O-Pee- Chee, the best Chewing Gum pou can bap. 0-Pee-Chee means Perfection—It is the one perfect gum—the chewing gum that's good for you. Because it contains properties which aid digestion. O-Pee-Chee Gum is always- smooth- and en- joyable and flavored to suit your taste. State your favoate flavor when you buy O-Pee-Chee Gum. It is sold by all dealers who ;sell the best gum, and it's e