HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-08, Page 6Page • eseelen. elleele ;seen I. e Mr. (ED Van's Female: Pills A Tellable Freach regulater; never fails. Tlxese ate exceedingly powerful in regulating tite grastrativapartionnf the female system. Refuse All cheap Imitations. Dr. de PAO aro sold at Pia box, or three for ,810. Mailed to any address. The Xcabell Drug Co.. St. Catharines, Ont. Canadian National Exhibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Review Cadets from tit the Overseas Dominion ElhibitS by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards From Buckingham Palace Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by best Canadian and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Reviesv Everything in Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi Besses 0' Th' Barn Band oBritain's Best Brass 13tind Dragoons' Musical Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions America'sGreatestLiveStockShow Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Prettiest Pussies Japanese My Fireworks Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Meant Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Daily Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks -60 Numbers Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9 ,TORONTO MARQUIS WEDe, Lord l"gleseY,'s ,l5 .a Big Social Affair. - London,. Aut.i. 5.-SoCiety and the world of art and letters were well re- presented at the Wedding Saturday of the Marquis of Anglesey and Lady :Marjerie Manners, eldest daughter Of - the Duke of Rutland: Themarriage' took place at St. Peter's in Eaton square. The guests included Prince Arthur of Connaught, the Crown Prince of Seryia, Prince Christopher of Sweden, German ambassador, Baron Marschall Voir Sieberstein, the DUChe's al Marlboro; and 'William Phillips, and Edward William P. Cres- son o. the Am.eriCnr. Erubas'iy. The churCh was decorald with pink and red rambler roses, orange' blos- soms and bay trees: T.he Archbishop of Canterbury performed the care. mony. ' The bridal dress, expressed the originality for which 'Lady Mar, iorie had beep, long diStinguished. The long train of gold And white bro- cade, fringed with heavy gold bullion,. was brought over7 the shoulders like a cloak. The hoide carried a prayer book instead of a bouquet. Lady Diana Manners, sister of the bride, was the only bridesinaid, hut the bridal party was followed by fiVe boys and ten girls attired in costumes representing a 'peried of years sgo HEADACIII Ls caused' fromethe 'blood being thiekened with uric acid poisons eit•culating en the head. Anti 'Uric Pills pure all forms of kidney erosible. They are so good and so sure- 3. E. Hovey guarantees them. • Be aura you get Anti Dirge Pills. Bs V Marion omerery box. , inns Emigration Scheme. ` Loncl,-1, Aug. 5.-(C.A.P. Hon. Rupert Guinness, accompanied by his wife, Lady Gwendolina Innes Guinness, is on the,Laurentic bound for Canada. He proposes to remain in Canada for about two months and will con. sider plans for the development of his scheme for settling 011 the-lo,tict young men trained at his farm, where Cana- d.an farming methods are employed. • Walter Long, accompanied by Lady Doreen) Long, Sir J. Arm-dm:3g and Major Morrison Bell, leat's Thursday next on the Seri us Costly Sic knes is far to sure to come when your bodily strength has been undermined by the poison of bile. Headaches, sour stomach, unpleasant breath, nervousness, and a wish to do nothing are allsigns of biliousness -signs, ioo, that your system needs help: just the right help is given and the bodily condition which invites serious sickness Is PreVe ted timely use of Beechana's Pills, This famous vegetable, and always efficient family remedy will dear your system, regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver, tone your nerves. Your digestion will be so improved, your food will nounsh you and you will be strong to DO and to resist. You will feel greater vigor and vitality, as well asesuoyant spirits -after you know and use The directions with every box are valuable -especially to women. , Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25e. cUNBURN, gar BLISTEPLS, FET. Everybody sate arlaulte Zans-/lek. Itest_fer_tbese., Let.= YOU ease 41/N1 _ Dresseeer frs4r 00,01 fewlwAsne • Western Fair September Gth to 14th, 1912 Lois don's Great Exhibition Liberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits Speed Events each day Ncw Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings A'ITRACTIONS Programme Twice Daily. • Live Stock Parade Daily, 13ESSES 0' THE EARN BAND of Ohelteehani, England. One of the greatest Brass Bands in the World and several others AERIAL ACTS, COMEDY ACTS, TRAM& OLIVE and itettonAmtn ACTS, SEARERT'S EQIUESTRIENNE ACT, and others. The Midway better than ever. Fireworks each evening Single Fare Rates over all • railroads From Rinceston to Detroit r- 6 Special Excursion Days, Sept. 1: th, 1211s, 13th. ' Prize Lists and all information from W. 3, Reid, President Pi, M. Ilunt, Secretary WORST NOW OYER Cecil Spell Has Broken Eack of Ottawa Epidemic. ROAST FOR TWO NURSES Toronto Women Who, Returnecl and Criticized the Methods of the Offi- cials at the Capital Are Replied to In No Mild Terms by the Head NUrS0 In Ottawa -Number of Cases is Daily Growing`Less. Ottawa, Aug. 5. -Up to last night several cases were added to Friday night's' total of typhoid fever, bring- ing it up to 750. The number of deaths from the disease is now officially given at -the city hall' as twelve. The daily number of new cases has now begun' • to taper off, as is the ease whet a ty- phoid epidemic passes its worst stage. On Wednesday there were. SO, Thurs- day 70, and Friday 46. ' The total num- ber Saturday was less than'Friday. ' Doctors say the spell of cool weath- er the city has experieneed for the last two weeks has been the salvation of many of the patients. Had the outbreak °centred' a couple of weeks sooner, during the .extreme heat wave, the loss of life would have been very great. Miss Florence Loamy, head nurse ef the Ottawa typhoid emergency heels).- tal, made a statement Saturday, in reply- to criticisms by Miss Agatha Garnble and Miss Hurst, Toronto nurses, who came here to assist in the typhoid epidemic, but who have re- turned home and given interviews condemning the conditions under which they were obligee to work. - Mies Leamy ridiculed the idea that either Miss Gamble or Miss. Hurst had any grievance, real enough to item them to leave their work. "Why," sold Miss 1...eamy, "if in emergencies such as this nurses and doctors stopped to coneider their own troubles and comfort, nothing would be done. A real nurse alwaye 1,1603 to an emergency cheerfully and readily • -that is her test. • • "In the first plea, 0 they had been real nurses, or. even womeu, they would have remembered that eveey- thilet was being rushed. The (elute IllireeS we llartl 1 rom Toronto haVe stayed, and me content to de so while they can help. The accommodations with retard to sanitation mid disinfec- tion were as good tie could be expeet- ea on the first day. With regard to having to get their food in reetau- Tante, ifethey had endured thie awful misery for one day longer they would have; found that 'we made arrange- ments for them to have food at the hoepital. There is me doubt that had tbey been suited for their work they would have stayed and helped." 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA Fins half cent, per mile from Winnipeg up Plus half cent per mllsfrom allpoints 0081 01 $10.00 TO WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG to MacLeod, Calgary, or Skimenton. • , maebeod, Calgary or grimonton to Virinnipeg gveING TRIP WEST." "RETURN TRIP EAST." • GOING DATES AusuST 204h -From all stations on all lines„on and South of the Grand Trunk Main •• Llne, Toronto to Sarnia, including all stations on the C.P,R. Toronto to • Windsor (inclusive) and Branch Lines including Guelph sub=division from • Guelph South and from Brampton South, AUGUST 23rd --From Toronto, end all 13tritit5ps north of, but not including the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronfo to Sarnia, and 'from Toronto east to,_ .but not including Kingston, Sharbot Lake nnd Renfrew; and C -Pat, Lines west of Renfrew. • ' AUGUST 213th ---Prom all stations In'Ontario, Toronto and East, 04-illia nod Scotia • .•Junction and cast; also east Of 'North Bay, and Eastern Ontario. • AUGUST ,30t1i-Prone Toronto and all staticds west, in Ontario; North 13ay oad west, ' including C.P.R. stations, Sudbury to Sault Ste. Maxie. Ontario. `IVIVIVAY, sEqoNn!GaSsAtiCEYS WM.' BEI ,801.0 10,,VSNI169 '080 . One-Waysecond class tickets,to Winnipeg only will be sold. Eacu tieket, will include a • verification certificate, with an extenSide, carmen. When extension 'coripon has been signed at weetiocene a farmer; showing he has 6ngaged theholdento Work as tl,,farra laboret, the ;couPon will be honored up to September' 80114 for ticket"at rate of one-half tearer mile, rnruin fifty seine) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian rec18e, Canadian orthern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railwayaln:IrlanItoba, Saskatchewan or• Aetexte, but not eat of Echnoritoil, Calgary or McLeod, Alta. , . ' . 8, e,. ''- - A certificate %bill be Lashed entitling putehaser to a second-class ticket good to return from Any station on the Cana:Hap Padific, Canadian Northern, ,or Grand Trunk Pacific Iliveys In Alberts„Sasketchervan and MenitOba east of MacLeod, Calgary and ExlMent,On, ‘original starting point by the same route as travelled oh ging lour ee on er before tweinber 30th 19124 oli payment of orio,half Cent per Mile .(minlinuirr fift.y4Ceets) up t� the te dg'Orlarrilai atelestin4torleis d thirty days 4 lesitesttee. r .. Witetti/ adit actee 0 eteetefrereVvienteete TiworkSat least tVIded the holder deposits t ie tertlficate witli '-'• Fot ull particUlara see ataiesteo.P.E. • see eeteatess4 ..-1, .1.• 1.4.1.,,',/,kbrenif,.., 14. .statt.3.11 ii,;/rejsill.frk*e..3,4.018millti=itzrgogglremtnillf, '6i 111'.4.,11 C ' .11,, TOP" t. Wt GUARANTEE RIIEUKO Y NOEL Lesson VL—Third Quarter, For Aug.,11,1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of th LOS5Orl, Mark iv, 35, to v, 20. Memory Verses, 38, 39= -Golden Text, PS. xlVi, 1, 2 (B. V.) -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearn,. It comes to me as I begin to write this lesson that we shonld always see Jesus in His life on earth among men as God manifest in the flesh; revealing God to us, ehat we may enow Rim personally, and trust )11im and let Him , live in us, that others may know llimi for the poor World knoWeth Rim not, We must also recognlie always a great ' adversary, the devil, who hates God and man and would kill God if lie could and take Ills throne. He would keep men In ignorance of God and of Clink and possess them for his own ends and turn them against- God. He has great power with God's permission and will exert it to the full against God before be is finally overthrown. In the tem portldns of today's lesson we see the Sou of God crossing the sea of Galilee to deliver a roan (or, accOrding, to Mat. thew, two Men) from the power of the devil, cold on the way it seems as ir a. great storm would sink the boat and drown all who were in it. Did the devil know that he was about to lose. O bit of his property, and did he see!: by that storm to kill Christ and Hit disciples? Let Bees& tell who knee; more than I do, but this we do know-. that •he tried to kill Him as a babe in 13ethlehera and finally dld kill HIM by the' Jewish rulers at the hands of the Romans. Thank Cod 13e Is risen froni the dead, is alive forevermore, is at the • right hand of the majesty on high, has all power in heaven and on earth and Is waiting Els tate to put the devil in the bottomless pit and set up a king. dom or peace and righteousness on earth, . In this great storm en Gelilee see Elm peacefully sleeping on it pillow ie the lender part of the ship, though the waves beat Into' the ship and it wail full of water, and recognize in Him a weary man, a real man, partaker of flesh and blood, but without sin, and rejoice that we bare a High Priest wile Is touched with the feeling of our in, firmities (Hob. II, 14; iv, 15). Ile is in the nildit of trouble, as the disciples see It, and yet Ile Is not troubled. And on the last night before Els crecIfielon He wild to Ills disciples, "In the world ye shall have tribulation, but in Me peace; lee not your heart be troubled, neither lot it be afraid" (John eve 38; site 27). When one .was discoursing on tee teachhig of Christ a man wile had never before heard such teaching said, "Beautiful, beautiful, but eau you do It?" Jesus Himself could do it, and lie did It. He alwaysdid' wbat He tauglat (Acts 1, 1). The slikneOuld not shit; neither could tbe dieciples peels% with Cbrist in their midst, bat they Eel not know Him and were therefore filled with fear. They awoke illut with the cry 'Lord, save us!" ana with the question "Master, carest Thou not that we perish?" His reply was: "Why are ye fearful, 0 ye of little faith? Where Is your faith?" (Matt v111, 26; Luke vili, 25.) They were trOubled. by wbat they saw. Faith endures by see - Ing the invisible. We are espected to walk by faith, not by sight (II Cor. v, 7). Be rebuked the wind awl the rag. ing• of the sea and said, "Peace, be still," and there was a great calm (verse 30; Luke viii, 24). The rebuking, compared with Zech. 111, 2, and Jude 9, leads me to believe that the person re. • ferred to In those passages bad some- tbing to do with this storrn. As the disdples saw the power of' His word they feared and wondered and said, "What mauner of man Is this that even the wind and the sea obey Elm?" Our hearts exultingly cry, "Jesus Is Goer • The perfect man a little while ago so peacefully asleep bas power over wind and sea and all the elements. He 11 10 who walked in the furnace with Dan. lers filends,and cmenched the viokince of ere and spent the night wit fa Daniel, and shut the lions' mouths. To enow Elm Is peace at all times. Now see Him meeting tbe tempest tossed man or Gad-ara, possessed by a legion of demons, a naked wile man, exceeding fierce, whom no one could bind or tame, for he broke all chains snd fetters, and all men Woi 0 afraid .0? him. The poor demoniac seems to long for deliverance, for he ran to Jo - e08, as ir he knew that He ;•ould de- liver him. but the demons tee strong Within him. They knew .1.e08 and called Him Son or the Blest, 1 ligb God (verse' 7). 'lbey knew •the cl sun that awaited them and ask. "Art 1000 crime hither to tortnent us before the thee?" (Matt vills 20.) They knew o1 the peace prepared for tbem and beg not to be sent to the abyss or bottomless (pit (Luke vill, 31, R. V.). There is such Ia place, and there 11 a place (trilled the lake of fire, everlasting fire prepared ifor the devil and his angels (Bev. xx, 114,15; Matt. say, 41).' All who de.ny this 'or make light of it axe not fei the time .controlled by the spirit of truth. Al- , though there were so many demons, In the man, tthey are spoken of as one, for Jesus said, "Come out of the man, thou unclean fsplrit" (verse Se a ;se . ha vine received permission, they went into the SWIne, fiUd the whole herd, euout 2,000, were drowned In the eea, iteeold the change ,in -the man- sv.ho had beep the terror of the nelebberhoorn See tem clothed and tat his right mind end long. to give entire satisfaction to all heuniatic ;:suffexers who use it. illaume Ise° good 'we/save receiv- ed hundreas of testimonials from prominent people throughout Can- ada and United States. Rheumo eaves every particle of uric acid poisons froin tee blood enriching it abet cureng rheumatism. Doing al- ley. the disease to go so far. eine you act a defoninity front thettone tures and pains it ieflicts. Rheum° is your safeguad and J,E. Hovey Raarantee Rheum() to do 011thatis Calmed, We have confidence in Rheurno or we would not 'guaran- tee it. rELEGRAPH IC BRIEFS. The "Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston will be the first educational institution in Ameeica to teach aeronauties. ' An aeroplane with pilot and two passengers crossed the English chan- nel from Dnai yesterday in a etorm add landed in Rent. Magistrate Blake of Galt sentenced • William Smith to 10 months in the Central Prison for criminal negligence' • of his wife isnd child. An Australian aviator, Charles Lind- say Campbell, was killed Saturday when his aeeoplane collapsed'at Ily-, fleet, Surrey, England. •• It is said that the Pope will receive a legacy of e million marks ($238,1)00) from the estate of the late Cardinal Anthony Hubert Fischer of Cologne. The arrival of the steamship Savoie in New, York yest•eolay WaS the first appearenc,e of a mail steamer of the French line in six weeks. Strikes caused the break. ' John Carroll, an attenatint with Hares Circus, who had his arm bedly mangled last Monday by a lioness, died Saturday in the Moncton; N.B., Hospital from blood poisoning. Corpl. G. elortimer of Quebec, who made a tvoild's record at 13isley, ar- rived ,on Saturday evening on the Corsican, and Was greeted by his friends, who heartily congratulated him ' BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught abtytheexPert instructors' l?&P/Pe . , • • r td.,(1. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. - Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr, Principal centered Acoomitant . 30 Vice -Principal Stud Old Age • ,,,„i,..„.i:peciei„..,jounent .,acz..nilation. Scott's Emulsion contains these vital Properties in concentrated form and dis- tributes them MI over the body without taxing the dhiestlea. Scott & Bowe., meet., ont. 12-12 Nine Boy Scouts Droweed. London, Aug. 5. -Nine Boy Scouts were 'drowned yesterday by the cap. sizing of a cutter off Sheppey Island. A large party of Boy 'Scouts were pro- ceeding at the time to their summer camp on the island. Four young men of the mission camp at Saltdean, near Brighton, were drowned yesterday while bathing. Sev- eral other bank holiday fatalities are reported. Railways Are Spending, Grand Forks, B.O., Aug, 5.-Rail- wa; development is now being under- taken in this vicinity involving a to- tal expenditure of $180,000. SOCIETY WOMEN SAY There els no thing to equal SAGE - INE in bringing out all the Seedi- ness and beauty of women's hate. SAGEINE ecif tens harsh, dry hale makes Uric's, and luxuriant in color and removes every particle of den- clmaff from the scalp. SAG -EINE is daintily perfumed; it ie not sticky ov ,greasy and is really superliovas a, halt., dressing. Any woman can improve hoe aPnearanee by caxling ler her hair with SAGEINE. J. D. Hovey in Clinton Belle a large bot- tle 1 or: only 50c. and guaranteeit to give excellent results. Get a bottle of SAGEIND today. Bring out all the, beauty of your hair name note- the improvement in your ap- peerance. fag to stay with Jesus. • CASTO_R I A l'or Infants and Okt area, The -Kind You liave---411Wris Bought Rears the ,•Sig -nature of ; CANADIAN NEWS. KU REPORTS. Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher, • Liverpool Exchange Close -Live Stock --i Latest Quotations. CIIICAGO, Aug. 3. --Statements that the edge of the foreign demand' was off had a wealcening effect to -day on the price of wheat. The market closed Irregular, 1-4c lower to 3-8c to 1-20 UP. Latest trading left corn unchanged to 1-4c down, oats at a decline of 1-2c to 1-2c at 5-8a and provisions varying from 10e less expensive to a shade ad - Winnipeg Options. , Opeii. High, Low. Close. Close. Oct, 93,4313 .9310 oat, 3614b' men> Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, .bit, bushel . Wheat, goose, bushel ni,),..:101ey ,,bbuushesell,,,i,, . - Peas, buhushel 00 00 44 0 49 1 00 Buckwheat bushel 0 so i'64 Toronto Dairy Market. *105 to 51 06 1 00 .... Butter, creamery, lb, rolls.. 0 23 Butter, creamery, solids • 0 28 Butter, separator, dairy, 180 26 Butter, store lots 0 22 Eggs, new-lald 0 25 Cheese, new, lb 0 141/2 0 29 it 0 23 0 26 0 15 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Aug. 4. -The local grain markets were quiet on SatUrdaY, CoWiriff to Liverpool being closed. Cable enquiries for wheat received were out of line to the extent of one cent a bushel and no busi. ness was reported. Oats were firm, but also affected as to business done over the cable by the closing of Liverpool market. The enquiries received were too tow to suit sellers here. Butter and cheese con. trine firm. Receipts of butter for the aert% 11 atliz lc= ''frgin itiVivelXigoet% ' aands week last year. r rorn may 1 to date there is a decrease of 23,49.0 packages, as cum - 1 pared with receipts in the same p055104 last year. Cheese shows a decrease 44 36,671, as compared with receipts in e same period May 1 to date last year. The lighter supplies give the market a very 1 irm tone. Bggs are steady at the ens vanee of a few days ago, There is nb veaeuke eenig geigicat.,irt3is flleaket and the Oats -Canadian western, No. 2, 459 to 451/20; 110. 3, 44c to eitee; extra No. i feed. 45c Barley -Manitoba feed, 630 to 04e. Flour-, Manitoba spring wheat patents, g, Ifirsts, $5.80; seconds, 5520; strong bakers, 55,10; winter patents, choice, 55.25; atralebt *1 rollers, 54.85 to 54.90; do., bags, 52.25 to • 1 $2.80. R _ • Rolled oats -Barrels 55.05; bags, 90 lbs.,' . 4 62.40. .: S i . Millfeed-Bran, 522.50; shorts, 226; Mid- i dlIngs, 527; mouillie, 530 to 534. ChUreh ill Toronto reel one of the very reroute, died on Saturday in Boston, 1 'tie- personal studerts ef the late Mrs. , Butter -Choicest creamery, Elie to Men eddy, Mrs, Isabella M. Me -mut et S11166. ' The founder of tli. Chriselan Society seconds, 26c to 2614e. May -NO, 2, per ton, car flgetesese-fellileatt 1140 10 to Mice 21c to 220, Eggs--seteeted, 28e to sot; No. 2 stook, lots, $16 to 517. 1 Potatoes -Per bag, ear lots, 51,60. Five persons narrowly eileiti-eti 1 Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, 512,76 to •leath. at Elkhart, Ind„ Saturdae y 4 Ilork-R avY Canada short cut mess, A hell a bull, mof maddened by the sightbarrels 82 10 45 pieces, 526; Canada short r, big red autontobile, charred the Nit cut backs, barreie 45 to 55. pieces, 525.50; . ,. 1 Canada clear, barrels, 90 to as pieces, 5213. ,tterturning it into a ditch at the. 1 Lare--compouad tierce; pure,es, 373 lbsierces, ., 1.0c; Lumberjack ,Jarry Weds a Buffalo Girl This Time. ' T ()Tonto, Aug, 5, -Arthur Tarry, wb o came down from the north last No. vember with a story that he had just sold a half raillion dollarmine, and would liave Plenty of money in a few days, 'and then proceeded to invest in a motor car, expensive jewelry, extravagant ampere', and also took to himself a wife, is now in trouble in • Buffalo. • A week ago he blew into tho• Bison City, made arrangements to buy a house on, a fine street, the same day, meeting a comely young lady whom he married three days later, even as here, only not quite so speedily. He then started in to furnish the house and else to buy whatever any . one would sell him. The police, acting for suspicious merchants, cut short his elaborate transactions, which for fur- niture alone ran over $2,000. His young bride is prostrated. His Toronto millionaire antics se. cured him a five months' sentence, al. though they were not the charge, He vas sent down for stealing an over- coat from his Toronto inother-imlaw, with whom he and his wife liv,ed. r, .oktsjneialei • objeCit, les.:.011 in roa:1111,iliii wood pan llt1 375 lhs,, iSee; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. lls, 22,1bs, et, 104,8 T , . • Provin•cial Government is having tat, 13lle. 7 nees-Ptate, barrels, 250 100,, 511 do., 1 mite nf road built at Wolfe llandi ; tierces, 300685. , e tar as iiaerslt,eosiuel 't T,bil s oilee bzelgi ti. trLa Leif:illy:1 eel LTVERPOOL, Aug. B. -closing -Hops in Liver -pool Markets. Aethony Rankin, M,P•P• 'London (Pacific Coast), 57 7s to IS Ss '12 introduced a bill in tlio 1.1. :1. Cop. ' Pork -Prime mese, tvevtern, fru fil, Reprt13elltritiVe Mulltluil of Wyoni• Iseef-sExtra Inala mess, 127s (15, ' ' 6 to appropeiate $.2110,61,0 en. the ; Naatteirrimicelutt•Iritirlitut,d4 tt,tiltli.21ILit.,,, .:4 termination r,i timber 0, olyes, Coy- ' beilits, 14 tr PI Ihr., GIs; ii.n; ilcar noddies, 4, b 1.3 - IT'S., es. Clear O's 0c1; short rib V 84 " " ..t.'s, mountain lions and ittlitr wild essatures that kill off sieve. neer, ss to Se 417s; len:4 owar midar,s, ' heavY, 63 to 40 Ibe., Os ed; short elear hacks, 16 to 20 ihr,, 511s; shoulders, square, 1 11 14 13 lbs., Hs. Cookrs ias iiOOli OIS 1i15L Ifined Lara-nrlate western, in tierces, 520 25; American, re, Eta. The rtent Uterine Tonic, atal dheese-eariadinn, finest whlte, 1101V, 1.110 cissqual Monthly , Vs; do, colored, es es. se • women can i Tallow -Pr] me citY, 1'15 la three tiegrecs Tureen une-e'elras, 701 al. 19 ders e'si :Aroma, V3; Nee. 3, Petroleum-Bk.:Iced, Rid. for 00355, 5)01'UO3, nSeed 011, 4r,s. Amor,th-No., kg; Pa 2, uosin-Commnu. 16s 05, Sold 1,1/ 911 i4,11t,ryhtts, cur , Cotten seed .oll, refined, snot, 260 101/25. see • DI'!'cr); (14i1 Xfirims ' Minneapolis Grain Market, Kingston, Augs. 5. -The old -story of riot knowing, the rifle was loaded was responsible for what night have prov- en a fatal accident. I-Iarold Baker, a lacl living at Napanee, was brought to the, General Hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from a bullet wound. in his side. He was with a , chum, George Degroff, in a rowboat When the accident happened. Degroff picked up the rifle believing that it was not loaded and in fun pointed it at Barker and let it`go off, ' exclaiming, ',Now I will have a shot at you." Barker fell over and his ecimpanion is broken-hearted over the sad affair. ' eseelVireettitemeressees. 'IV Y. (1.),Trajv Viwd,.,10. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug, 3. -Wheat -Clos- ed -Sept,, 9244fie; Dec., 934e; Ma)', 0774c; Half -Naked In Woods. I NN0o: 21 nhoarrtdh,ellne),Tset:021,4o. 1 northern, 5107%; Corn -No. 3 yellow, 740 to 75c. , Sudbruy, Aug. 5.-11 gruesome find Cats --No. 3 white47e, was made by Wm. Robbiard, a C.P.R. flee-4We 2i,:, 0514a to "e' sectionrnan of Romford Junction Fiein--Eirst patents, 55.10 to $3,45; se - who had occasion to go into the bush Mind patents, 94.85 to 55.10; first clears, Saturdayafternoon. He found a stare- 59.50 to 83.86; Second clears, 52.50 to 52.00. ed half -naked man ihving and froth- I Duluth Grain Market ing at the mouth. Robbie.= carried DOLTJTH, Aug. 3,--Wheat-No. 1 hard, ,, hint a mile to Romforcl Junction and , No , 1 northern, olc, 91.0414; Ng. 2 ncro$LOtuf3'.1 Wth brought him o St. Joseph's Hospital eieNZ;git'PC' asvdSe.''ic'here' the same evening, where he died - about two hours afterwards. ' CATTLE MARKETS. The only information elicited from him was that his name was eohn 1 East Buffalo Cattle Market. Gleason and that he had been lost • in the bush for two weeks. Except EAST MIEFAL0, Aug -Cattle-Re ecIpts 200 head; slow ande *3stady. - for a transfer employment slip Wen.- Yeats -Receipts, 00 head; slow and 75c tification is impossible. This slip may tower, 54 to 115.50. identification Hogs -Receipts, 1900 h be traeed back and ead; fairly active made corimiete. ma.nixel estic, t502.201oetchisshoe;ry,• ohrekaevyrs: 68.00 to two tilt: — Pigs, $5.50 to 58.60; roughs, $740 to $7.60; stags, $5 to $6.50; dairies, 53.40 to 55,6, THOUGHT SHE WOUL SURELY DIE DSheep and Lambs-Recetpts, 400 bead; steady; sheep, active and lambs sloW, unchanged, Chicago, LI ve Stock. 'HAD PAINS AROUND THE HEART AND SMOTHERING FEELINGS Mrs. Win, Lee, Uhthoff, Ont., writes: - "I have taken three boxes of IVIiibure's Heart and Nerve Pills, and am now well. I had such pales around my heart and such smothering feelings that I.thought I Would surely die. • My head used to be propped up with pillews to keep me from smotherhig. One day I read in a paper , about your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and three boxes cured me." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are a/ specific for all run-down men and women, whether troubled with their heart or nerves, and are recommended by us with', „an., Aecocieelosi the greatest confidence that they will do ternoon, the factories beta here boarded ten hum - all we claim for them. dred and thirtY-tWo packages of butter, Price 50 cents per -box, or 3 boxes for lotee0hundred and torty-tbree boxes of .5 rive buyers were present. All 81.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on the cheese sold at Mee, aid butter of - receipt of price by the 'F. Milburn Co., feree fropib 24o te 2040, be; uo fial.• ...... CHICAGO, Aug. 8.--Cattle-Recelpts, 490; market, steady; beeves, 55.80 to 59.55; Texas steers, 54.85 to 56.85; western steers, 55.80 to $7.80, s ;pekoe and feedera, 54 to 56.90; cows and heifers, 52.70 to 53.40; calves, 56.75 to 510,25, Hogs -Receipts, 8000; market, 60 higher; light, 57.85 to 58.45; mixed, 57.25 to 5840; heavy, 57,20 te 58,25; rough, 57,20 to 40,40; pigs, 56.70 to 58.10; bulk of sales, 67.55 to Sheep-FtecelptS, 1000; Market, steadY; native, 53.80 to 54.75,• western, $3.50 to 54.65; yearlings, 54.50 to $5.65; Iamb ,s native, 54.50 to 57.65; western, 54,50 to $7,81 Cheese ,Markets _ . -toirEON, aye. 3. -The offerings on the cheese market to -day were as follows: 1, Pond MIPS 100 c, July 29 to 81. 2, Avon - bank, 190 c, Jett? 22 to 81, sold at1831s; T. Banantyne. s. Glanworth, 120e, July 29 to Aug. 3, sold at 1214e; Swift & Co. 4, Ballymote, 40 twin e, July 8810 finesse, 45 large cheese, July 20 to Aug. 8, NO boxes offered; lib) sold as above. 001,vANSVIT.,LE, Ans. 9. -At the meet - in of the Baistern Townshipthis af- 's Dairy Iimited,Toronto, Ont. somesso This is the Season for 171,11IS GREEN AND BUG FINISHt and.we can supply you. • Ave still have Buckwheat and Turnip Seed, We Mine Hoes, Scythes, Snails, Forks, Slakes, Machine oil, Ere Feints -The best made. • Oils -Boiled and Raw Linseed, Separator Oil- fine and clear. li-,FaRiODIT030.A.1\rrE130 Ft PiD 2:VMS LeEMPORIUM N"SBe" osempuranumanmszmumminmentmennommenast Two Chinamen Missing. Kingston, Aug. 5. -Local Chinamen are worried over the non-appeterance of two Chinamen who were coming here from Vancouver.. Their baggage errived two days ago, but the Oeina- men cannot be located. Likely they have been taken to some other place by ratetake. SEM YOU Hair Don't fse Preparations Contain. ing Poisonous Sugar of Lead Or Sulphur Even if Vol have healthy hair YOu ought to use a little,PARISIAN Sage once a week asei hair dres- sreg. It keeps the hair healthy; erevents scalp Itch, falling hair and dandruff, and baidnees .But be sure you get PARISIAN eage, Then are many Imitations. The girl with Auburn hair is on every carton and bottle of PARIS- IAN Sage. t It banishes dandruff, stops falling hair and stta.ln itch and imparta to the hair a britleapey and lustagi that all women, as well as men, lo We S0 clearly, PARISIAN Sage is a daintily perfumer/ .and refresh- ing. It's the best hair tonic 5m1.1 ChB buy. Large bottle SO cents at W. S. R. Holmes and donlers 'every- where. FRUIT INSPECTION For soma 'years .1t has not been safe fox et. canacl:an toms -liner to buy a barrel of apples without knocking tee head out of the barrel and examining thel ripples dear ito the bottom, On the °thee; hand the British consumer inehe old ccountry could purchase a barrel of Canadian, ap- pies an,d be sure almoet every time that they wereteup 'to the alenAard of the marking. e-•• The reason for this rather striange condition of 'affairs was (that there was stringent inspection of fruit foe export but ne'peoefeetien ,the Canadian consumer, and apples that could not pass antstex to go to 'the cid country were walked -off om the gullible public right here at home, The Domenion government has taken a step, ,howelter, that will safeguard the Canadian .consumer, to some extent. Fruit for demes- ne eonsumption will have to peso the sante testle aathet for, exports Bspecial attention wili bepfaild to safeguarding, the fruitt shipped to tee west. ,The department has ap- pointed extra Inapeetors, tse see that the fettle sold Ion ;the home market is up to' the, • standard of Oanadieen fink •oeferece to Bretieh bnyers. Cases Elf Tuberculosis Must Be Reported Sanitary Regulations Are Made More Stringent By Provincial Board Of Health. Tor 01:11.0, July 51. — T he pr o vin - going over the steev rOgulateeng dal board of health spent yesterclaY t ased upon tee changes made lin the public healele act last •seseiern The final changes lave been Made and tho regulationswilt noW go froward few, approval. When, the regulations ,tro into ef- f eat consumptiton will be incledeel among thel ellseases; which peysie csans are compelled to repeal to the heaSele •authorities, 'Ithe, act was amended last •ses,sion the word "communicable" ,being inserted; in place • be einfectious." in Or (ler to, cover ;tuberculosis. The provin- cial board in dealing; eviee tuber-. .sulo,sis hare been coire Nil of the, feel- ings °tithe sufferers, fm the die - ease and reports will bemade IcionA fsclentially from physicians to the local health officer, who in turn sends en hie repoet to heaclquaeeees • Other matters dealt with in th eegulatione ere the sunatanr ,pondi ,tions ip miming 01l,a, lumber camp antd summer l'eicorjts. The, xegula tions governing t iese leave bee made inue, Inetio stringent. „ t_ ,