HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-08, Page 4Wears' era S;easseat's".te a to Wear rheine 78 Ready' ' • Voa ,Piffilie!= 78 • C pe;eteonif 'efither.lettleiere2AststS 5 r the ras: ..iteS net beingiltaketee yeto 0.1!) dosso inatrea' "thico Peel'otkg poinsibler'Ve:tb0.11a 3lie Ober •• , ' eistin orders,hiSPapk; 'disc *met pay tU l'e 1.)1i51!er inay.enne paYinenkFIS4 ea,ande oillePt" olieressognt. hatabr the papOsidtliken ," Inane' h0k4Ort,o(r,,Igoit, „ Th,ere„ den, be trio, legal iliscientinuance.riatil payMent: lassmOgoes4A., I! e-le-tAttysper'''Shat-Wheatakes .a:paPer 4.*rot t10" .0P,Det.',9144e, sep- d atteatie narne or noes as ten 91,Sub,searthed nint, 1941"."444' PaY. ti *MIR ,..”Pt.4410 LadieS,. 'tass all new styli weit:pri'449' t1jzgs. We- do 'dot want 10 carry. .,,these oyer next season. Tae • your choice Saturday of any Lawn Waist in store'at Half Price tadtes and -Ch Wren' Dresses 'Alifidst Half Price just one dozen Ladies Embroidery and Lawn Dresses left. These are all new styles, As the new 'fall goods soon arrive we are anxious to clear out the summer dresses and make room for the new ones. If you want a pretty white dress—NOW is your chance Children's Dresses also reduced, Black Pailfette Silk 98c • We put on sale Saturday 75 yards of Black Silk satin finish, 38 inches wide, regular St.5o, sale price 98c Saturday We also have one B'ack Silk Dress, made Of paillette silk, very pretty style, size 38, regular 18,80 Saturday Hosiery Reduced to 19c Five dozen embroidered Lisle Hose, in black only, all sizes, would be good value at 35c a pair, ,Saturday 19C Choice of arty Trimmed fiat $1 -.Maritime Province Representation. 18•••=6.. The people of the Maritime Prov- Ineee are a good deal disturhed et er the threlatened further Jose of representation in the House of Com - retells due to the failure of these provinces to keep up lvitle the in- prease lathe population (If the piv- otal provintee of Qaebere Accord Sag to the B, N. A. Act all the prov- .inces are to be 'represented at Ot- tawa In the propoetionl that 65 bears to the population of 'Quebec. 'On this basis New iBrunewlek and Nova Scotia arc.. due tta lose ttevo :seats earth, Prince Edward Island •tne, and Centered' flour. The Halifax Heraad, the leading Conservative organ •its the Mari- time Provinces, says that Preitnier Porde% has thetenatter Mnreie time Province repeesestation under special. considerations, and that it is his intention to bring it no at an early date in the calming aession. Furthermore, that aeon- fferenee of represeintatives 0 the alaxitime Provinces will soon ibe held to ,coneider this imporbank ueetoin It is The Herald's opinion 'that the Curtailment OE emesea-o tation'."Of the, previncee by the sea eennot be suffered to go op, and that leitbeeleratedo it Means v diareettiffeeneent. se ,e ta: • te... euhe •,geraginas Tepresentation Was .s 0116,71), teSitioatae-Seotie ......19 1713W; Brunivirible AAAA"AmitArs,wwww*AAAAAA. t;o. •'• • , e ;time For - avenue' trio foyfie , etess ear '4c - will eeive ° i at tentigiven „. : n'- e_ as, 40-kinde'if eate, eating 'Sifter an ontraq,nork. utter eltareierluinhera 1 Prince Edward Island 11 . Tote . ... 40 Now it is suggested that it should b 'this Nova Scotia 18 New 33 runewlek 11 Pratte Edward Island. 3 1, Total ...... 30 A reduetion 'of oneafourth in the representation. It Is no wonder that thar vanish- ing representation is regaeeled with alerts, but it is ,p,lien thatenie eedress ,earn befound without al- tering the confederation pact. To do this lathe case eeof the entailer pro-= vinees no objection would probably ne mad e, and thdre are a !good many reasons Why it should be done. Harvest Expected • To Break Records Nothing Untoward Against a Good Western Crop Production .= This Year, • Winnipeg, July 20..L.Thus far eisere is nothing untoward against gOOd eroP1‘produetioni this yeare. Fears of black rust( have not yet materialised but the • weather !AIM causes anxiety, en parts. " In Stielratchewan, rein ,iisevery general. over (the( pro.vinace, and If such 'Weather continued. 'elle* watt: scrionesedeley the ripening of the crone. Cupar Narmaichon, . Bed - ale and ,Tfolgqtei report scattered hailstorms .but the clarnai.e tee/mall - There . Beres be aerety genet* °Pinionamong larnaere Irene all sections ;or the, provinces; crop -ex. nerts, ele.eator comPanllese farthers'.. • corgentizatioonse=tbats this • YEar's ;•erop be.the. (tart. ever, agrawainereetteara,Calnidat which the Pro-v.111dd Departjpent oft Aggetieultirress tiSfaArfaitiatieee coins, /CAW '',4114 isa's Aigitt4he,11. ''' 6`1•Pjf.). aterk""*41.;g'tstf Vies te. ,t o!eltfdiMetliel4r'l. !1st's' OWSKtgiii anted t es bat-haeleestsort$ ti!".Barla v.arlous crops lortWilrldlie`adeqeS'.dn7 ineedees • Ateg'. lendig neteirAn 26teraaaSehele, •Adelif i1o5is 11.,0,etl*;;:.• ug: ate e, ep II : 15 Au 20 tQ Set 10 oats %tg 5 to -Sept16": .1! • This will Put; eV grains) tin Sirck y ' thje reideNe of, Sephineser. by the mididlep three ,werake ahead of.tIeteordiney seado;n. NEWSPAPER' LAWS: peeemaster ' atiee botice by let ( eng te.vy.,,,,AAAAAAAAAAA,,,Am,,,,m,,, paper .d.,ea xiipt,nswe, ee.; Idyl W-1104 ath 's4bAerm. .0-'40lels•sloitt,akie•hith, eieatoPoped':4 1thieepttle1leihet antes, lronICS.-toSSA:theellfeSet.*idegeriiher.',.ite neledStOSIStues•.fatiaittifehra antnelthe Pait/.01 feeeiete6Pretrejettle. neSenettrel .grentedi.that ;anran ;Meet <3.ieYefflt.;:sthaVlsaaStleSeseaSasettessee...-at •:.a.-eTheeconetst. liaSer';deeicleall Wet.' reeeeitegittatakeeneastepanerder,peret /ittillealiefropetheTiod(3144441040C.," .14°'''40go?1,001.SIC:.thOlktainaalleell..ifet , iet•tene "The.NeWlferatistealWit-Yrii"..pleireedsto' „receiyel emelt newe ;or...pp aer. one hurt whenirierifdayMail thee'signattite Of the sender nit:tit-be ..aPpeiided°a� a fegoode.faithe- ' ture wiI1fflotbe pubhabecla ; ora iaet %kee • ' Wil0* o eeensernetion et Goreeilitrient road - 7". It ,4P,i101F. liOniftl`p si 1 M. P. PS:yrinil C. A. Poster. '011ie Reeve J. Ili:Cook ofsthe Townehip *of, s Tiedale, oft which PorCupine ferena; arset;preeeritectan eddrees eftwelcomase ott:behalf ta'a inuitidinatconcil The • -Liberal leader ,batlined policy toy •the north-. on .the Iines entinciatedast 'former. nieetSngs; Be \wascriticizing'elie Governmerit oa,posi, don in relation to rensoeing the (Vend- ing of thb- five million • drillers hoe Northern Ontario from the hands of - the Legielatureand told the gather- -isnilhamate8WWithneey,hagleTroetnesleerdh'Icii replied: "The:People trust us because we are honestei . , 'resented address at Englehart At Englehabt Saturday fin enonn addresses were presented to N. W. Rowell, K C. P. P., by the muni- cipal authorlties and by the local Liberal Asvelation. The meeting was held in the schoolhouse, the cloudy sky being responsible for the cancellation of the arraegernent for an outdoor demonstration. H. O'Grady, WhO was called upon to'state the grievance �f the Liberal 'settlers against the Geverntnent, declared tbat if the party he supported was In power it would retaliate by employing only Liberals in road-makine, Speeches were= de- livered by Messrs, Rrebuck and Rowell. Back from the Nortb. perefavicianitrits.L.,,t,f141,,ntsielseisoinooloitilans ea•PPlaea''' lei)liftEeIreursioneThursday/ Meeting, t e dereption of ire chiefs, Hen. W. 4.5sit afra Whiter:on mitlin'ed to he bireinbake and their friends the extent of the development work being condeldteiTiraTehliskaining this season • Oyer faille htindred men are engaged in . ,121114 continual drizzle of the aardend Cochrane eat] road. vast week has hampered work, as the *era -nee- menet , he turned. Mr. Whitson to -day established five camp in this eeetioli ;and he plans to get roade to the settlements a ithin the three.next-vseeks, for the crops are aiceellent this season. Most of the •country abmit here has been burned over and consequently gets more sun and ip, deter,- . More eetecl gangs will be put to work 'at..filuglehert. Then Mr. Wbitson will go east arcing the transcontinental AS far as the Quebec lionndria He has heenervest iciti the N. T. R. as far as Aeneas'. ; ;• -.Messes. ' Ravvell and Itoebeek de- livered addresses in the Matheson sclaool house in the morning. .44t 'Government Farm. none- Matheson the tourists pro- ceedecl to Mnnteith and visited the Government Feent there. Here, too, a happy incident occurred, when with- in is few moinents the Liberals, led by Mr, Rowell, subscribed 5100 necessary to the erectiou of is little frame aura Monteith has heretofore had no place to worship. end the gift was handed to a coterie of good ladies who have been interesting themselves in re- ligious work. Mr. Rowell spoke brieflyearie 51r. Resehuk replied for the ladies. The Qonotruction of the church will be commenced immediate - Large Crowd at Cricheane. Iroquois Palls was visited early in the afternoon, and the =train proceed- ed to Cochrane, where a large and eheentig crowd was waiting at the station. W, T, Quinn, President of the Coch rape Liberal Association, Mount- ed au'expeese truck and read an ad dress of- welcome, which the Liberal leader acknowledged with • is spirited ad awes. The party then embarked on is trip •along the National Transcontinente, visiting the mills and camps, en route In the evening the Liberid visitors were tbe geests of the Cochrane Board or Trade. After the banquet hall been 'seevrd President Otto Thorning welconied the visitore to the north, Besides the Peesident were seated Mr. N. Ile ROWCII, Hon. Chas, Alerpliv, Mayo)! Carter, Hon Senator JalVso, Mr, William Leonard Mr. Tamest:tyre>, Mr. G. Frank Beer and Mr, J., F. Whitson, Two Meeeinp Necessary at Porcupine. " It was necessary to hold two meet- ings in Porcupine Fridisy night, so great was: the coming of miners and settlers. One was held at the Con- naught Hotel end the other in the Union alellS which was hurriedly se. cured et the last mon:tent At the finnierMr. 3. A. Melerueblin, presi- dent of- the Liberal Assefflation, .pee - sided, 'and among the speakers were Leader Newton's crusaders arrivecl in loronto Sunday morning After is strenuous week in the northland. The trip was a triumph for the young Provincial. chieftain, and not only from the stendpoint of' observation and impression, but as a social event, in which the entire district of Tends. knitting joined as a non-political, warm-hearted host. For these pioneer people bave been slighted by the poli- ticians in the last seven years. There have been 'cross reentry journeys by ininisters —some of them peculiarly dateti a tew days in ad. vance of Mr. Rowell -het at best, the (3-o worn -mon t represen tati ves have "touched the high spots," And so, when a tour. financed by each indi. vidual touris)., froni every section of the Province, was arranged to give a . day at least -to every important centre in the country, the rugged settlers of the distiict accepted the expedition for what it was -a sincere, practical attempt at first-hand investrgation. Every Riding to have Libeled Candidate. An effort will he made to have Liberal candidates in every one of the 100 ridings inOntario by this time next year. The recent Temis.karaing tour of N. V. Rowell and his follow- ers was followed by an organieetion meetinee at which it is uuderstood plan was adopted to have a Liberal standard bearer in every riding before the next provincial election takes place. At the last election the Liberals let several ridings go •hy default, and r Rowell is reported to have called pon his followers to allow no such condition of things te be repeated. The managers of the recent Temis- kerning tour are so pleased at the success of their trip that they hive to organize one next summer through the clay bet along the Transcon. tinetital Railway, A4A/oA1.114AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALA AALLAALILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 4 4 4 • • .7 ' 41 4 Local News 4 fgONG 4 4 YYT*VVVVVVVYVVVVVVYTTYTIVVYVYVV/VVYYTYVYVVVVVYVVVVVVI SP,ME. , Mr. and Mre.'Walter -Webster ,Of 'Clintonaat,7445-a.M., 'Mondry, and . u611/1re'ttan; dllirMarans' diG0M0.rfer. TOM (keg' and Bill Trudeiu left I gWarot: no' f' 'didiestchneefereit riding :an a 000 lb. Rays n, and Mr. Jack Rayson sof CrintienidelWail rig. TheY reached 1 Wiled°8°r• 1 oreetraite0teS45 p.m., American time. SHIVERS. ThrY leiliterevo liburs tat Sarnia, pat- Wereyour eares nipped? Straw hatsliney still he worn. Do your Cbristnsas shoppir g early, Now wehie energy. to swat the "Skater sharpened" signs will • soon' Fashion ilath-men are 'Wearing coats again. ' Now we haieite find a, new excuse for not working. - The coal merchant is begineng his Among the beet thowlete ari tbe ing to take the chill off. •- •cPAel ther May t e satisfaction ate- -the' vieltot'is ' *re ' Furnaces and'etoves have been gp. winter businees. •„.• , VAA (41116" T4sala'':rN' .ArragoilitelDoetais:IsleaVingto : tang car in bond ainld svai,tmg steam. 50' connection pin St. Clete Rivez. eTlitigleleblititilhow that the 'Clinton Delivery solidtire Can is the , • .1 A COMTLIMENT. ' The eSteteletry,si Jew/lie !of . this iL.2../tt4;41.taittl.VC tollo.winy‘ eoinpli-' en' nit fdr howlers,.../ our rinks of ClintonabgewlersSweee last wednesSI.t3'fia31= ..P.ISY.acS intaehes with the • Sad' 1,ical clubs. The St, Marys club tled the visitors, a resi nekt Moadaydca4-01 11,900.toic# w,koLo', tamily. •fie?,:bout t.1146tttoev,lisi'frr'oVrTifYS,'4%;.TeiVIViellall a 45*".`,33101fildn'teeeall eef elvd.T'e " Sinelreb4Sief OM 10 . , :Pretty cold; w.eether ".for-A,tnittiote. but remember livet January and alareh. ,e vereuotqui4;as ;10:..esrpeillnet eetiVeZe.io, „ 0.10. WLJ Vo , t ' esSeiraiArtfollibeevitlerati4r1C'.11#101/4 Berlin on MOtifdaeolitcAteikealiert. t*• Itttee:rillsil."WerlaSa(t.'Sma°64,,HleeliTa.e.lrna;!ose"„J. Orme, and as chael, of the, .lite StOeUreein Drl Agin itlig and (J. gatit0.111,41,ShIthia eqiitinAeaSuee oqverkottorring are the gataells cassia Mr. Bailey .61es tale§ ail1&tI€I in lateyn. ' • mBotivotinor toimx..7;;,„ ; o, •• TROP,HY: • Prelosenary Rotund t An oltte_14isident; Ai this, town it,;, .,Burnett i , jrilovera. -1.18 the petedeleattlafre. RayirOu, paelsad t • KUNTZ .:TVOpHY ..;, `awaY3IlOt1•latfidisetY. tsf.t0400A3 Piret Round „. ter arINOgtoOtils exteindingi = over „ Hover 15 Brown, Loadon,12. yearriliedeseelik born $n Eagiand lotn, te years „ nu) l!issfrhetsi. *Tatinily of nine Children!' Hoover 1/ • e. (Wilson, PlettfiVii#S.,•7:' epr who Weeeesent at 1116 la0 s•hdtcheliveialleAlslegeeST4enrdey lettere Hoover 16 . Heeno,ck, Galt Sale Ctateiicte 1,911, "t' the., ileer,Yiee,61)10,-10i-acla at d •: • , Pofur !Opp teaT)lbr.etia. .,•04,:kaaVi,..ti.ittos0000 elqfity,'Nhont.71.eterd2. Reeeiyee. , t, present,. aitielph; 13 preti.= and Mrs- A. Mall aad 13. 11/100( (TO :OWLERS '21;a0; p1=111: ;? Canipbell, Parkin/tea ' tend ••:, .70,Jonip Round• A. gt.1 at RCAIPMS.41, 4011' gr,. *13 .asteiesjefaiettseeei,16 en :ecti trial cenenunitres Of 'the '4est, Gra tde Jiiiy31, to the :peo:fitl.,11iir.40,6a'n1fretImiltieeouctiott ,caa.,5a4en,14140eadla:....e,7e:rts::;na.adituri tee/ osesplare%emirs,, ; "eleaditeg separationt trom raPirel arti.ote..Will- ewes', with;•noz. walmasa,...a,beeeptions = the id -i,,,-1,it•giVeAthei siit'a'"4anee'of tstaIlepubile ' ,i-x-odee..0tAiase ,,,e0R-oitiort tt e r-Reletem -• a -a-, .,1%;„•e;'s',,... TheeTeaan, a . / retool .;e0eaer 'If suale". were ,tritte, „On tiretsetlehOt'; :19"raat ' taltleS iSeJi,,,dt0 4.eegeias the' eteatiaas le'S'seke! ' r• Vine, jt:' .0•Ciffe.13.0if.07' th IenerPle'saf' athat -apaex • ; • avelr'iP Vs e ".: e; ' pitnifi - etiSaahlY•-• ' i Is* iit .1PW'ISIoluet esraJt4it'AP,=." t' 9S-e.41i ifitIVN:arm-ex2 , 01 tt• • 'ffir-''iee ktecaV rt1.3n.,. °.atta,• 1 fteoi-,t itr *da•nP,424i -yes on,thee: fi9ait eel} iiseth ••gt -aseeseitorial artinie e' three e0 hie le10 tsal/riolid7 0 uflrnis liThrikrWhichn1e e1ivv ;bats; to iabte b'eatt'of hie .ahllitY afeer.kaeeeleatenit f• Ito , eneeirsleneaSe seehe rtie t,.Oreanqa.,;101.4.eweletexatticS11 saegre 13nit•-i,f eyelfirea•argannClak liete'Ne.._Weelapldiedi that Brsh' goods. •achnittect into IC)an-- IMON'sepalICSSelesalsleninaelolv'all eclaereeeemfedutyeaThis Would shwa 4thi.itipb;t44ixiiivitha-:ekd aides_ :our goad Wilt towards the Mot re tothia:ii'ts'atittst Pans. iibtrickecofCanatliaria:to/ -tespeel ItO any' auchanoevet 4,,sa,:650,5:/7 • eceededj5havjng higher tariffs aser.itatensenit•Thatthe West paced upon importe from- !Britain .erbefeeners do not belleYr and n'ee essap teem! United /States and then evidence' Is.advanced by The INdeed the audociity to talk of 'leas"- .suppert of, it. The Westen. ty to the Mother CountrY, tTheY, farmers know ithati the Thann/fleet-A hide behind a 'demand tOT "Free urers• themselves; lathe (past feltv trade in the Empire," Whieh ' is 'Years by means; ot their .eombinee snerely csleak . for: pi{otedtioaSse lase e closed down plants and 'force, ,:designs, and iftgranted World be ed (many others out of besen;esal taught to a finish (by our Canadian throwing thousand's Of Workmen . Manufacturers' aeSociation. aTlfey oat of employment,. merely to kill -stave immure love' for Eratieh cetnpetleion and allow them to koods than foe Amermair. lirovAppciavvii4 biad sPY Pflaq-theloWisetennepeople eAce eloYealed S1etps rPAteleWetlailhes, Pak"' offeet it by reekleg have alai' !hider '' land ,andriltrailithen the ibontlirtil 'ate -c;;cleft; jet o .diand coptiu res. But nio; the pslayinent,aie jelitei=tndi ithigeev,viti•rig mf charge higher prices to th.e coni- wateind stock. This 'statement is ' • - The entire article: in The Helves earners and thee pay dividenids on lei:peels= or ;general statements, withOut a tale of evidence to finis- . poet It. If such an argument weer advanced elsewhere The News would characterize it as nonsense. Surely The News cam =give us some- thing hetterathan 'these !Wei:there ent ra,yings.We doubt if the read - err; of The •Iews will ewallow such a dose without questioning its yea habilitae Again'. consider that cur fright rates in the West are .frenn 25 to 175 per cent. :nigher, than tithe Bests telegraph rates saele from 60 to .200 per sent. -higher and •express rateO, 06 2-3 per cent. higher. Bank charges are 8 tot 12 pen cent. and mortgage rates from 7 to 10 per cent. In the West. True we have cheap and fertile land, but even ab- solutely free" land could not cora-, pensee for sueis a burden .as' the NVestern people are •carrying and the root 'of the .whole injustice ele.s in the protective system. , Is it any wonder that the 'Westio ID revolt? Would people worthy el the name, of teen rest coniteler under such conditions? The Tor- onto News is the leading exponent; of the high ;tariff doctrine. We will give The News an opportunity to educate the) !Grain Grower s to tho benefits of protection. We challenge The News to oreprladuce. this entire artkle, in its .cotumlne and to answer five ceaestiens we will ask, We will publish the reply of The Newsi in -the Cruide. Heim are ,the questions 1. State definitely any two com-, eideeble industries that/ 'would be ruined by gradual tariff reduction resulting in absolute free tirade in five years. Give some facts, to ;tit ab tsatnattietee .31't!oisu tinatat‘s, ew riotialeinagen, cine outby census statistics and 15 coxinnon knowledge to many who are familiar with the Conditions in . Ontario for the paet twenty yearb. The Grain, Growers have siodesiro to ruin any legit'inate Catnadiap.ins dustry. They believe that by ; ir.g the niantutaeturers free raw material and 'workmen a lower cost 0-1 living-, -through reducing the 'a -Cl- iff otn the neeessitiesi of life, that even andel' complete free trade, secured .gradually, every ;legiti- mate industry in Canada, will Icon - thine to thrive, though some 01 ,them may not produce so many' mileionaires •as cit present. This talk of alined industries" is ene, tirely :without foundation. The feet that 'the cream separtaaiamd binder twine industries theSve in Canada under free trade s one pro.of that there, will be'no "euin" ureter free blade. Many of the latex est industries aro dishoneetfy cap- italized (the cement industry for exaniple) and by means of the ,tar- iff the peoplel kg Canada •are corn - veiled to pay die Wends, this "Water," This cannot continue. The Newis also, much conceemed for the West itself and ;declares that this anosV absurd policy of tariff reductionwould doom West- ern Canada for( even and ever to a perely agriceltdeal development, of which the following description is given . "There would be iao labor foe skilled/workmen, There eifould be „no etreets full 01 1140 !comfort-, • able homes of prosperousmech- anise. There would be no( ex- panding mercantile houses thriv- ing upon an increasidg local dia- tom. There would be no local markets for fatimerg and, thanes fore, prices would' be fixed per- manently upon an export basis. There would bea continuous ex- odus to the Unetea Statee °taw° nut of every three( people born on the soil." That this argument 11411 not bold waiter is proven by the growth of menrafa ceasing In the :Western states in tile face of unrestricted cempetition faom the huge indus- trial organizations In the Beeterla states. This is proof posithve that manufacturing centres care and 2. Do you admit that the pro tee- tive tariff allows' the mianegactur- era to charge higher prices than they could get under free tora;de? 3.If your ,contention 1:e trite that free tende ;would paievent the development of manufacturing In- dustries in Western Canada how do eon account for, the growth bt m.anufacturing in the Westerla States inthe lace of u.nrestriated competitilen -from thegreat indus- trial organizations of the 'Eastern States? have develoPect under absolute 4.If reciprocity svi.th the United trade, Western Canada is bound to heStates would lead bo annexatioa4 lm manufaesturing Industries -and as they will co you dem, would not the slams' .rzei as fast Ander free trade as under peateetion, To reetult follow. if the Amerteants vole show just how ,sereouely The Newts untelly abolished their own tariff regards the ease/Jona in Sasicat-; on Oanadieu .geodse If this be so eliewan and the prevalent' feetllaig how do you ;account for the fact . we quote that thee Ameareants, whoirn you t the West tele:- ' . ' .. • • claim are anxious to gobble up One - further Aram this interesting ,ar.i , " ada, have nrort seized upon such an, easy and peaceable knetho.d? I ",But We deny that 'the voeee 'of 5, Where Lie the ever-growing Saskateliewan is the e oids of surplus of Westernwheat: to find market? Canada cannot consume it and the !British Market Is alefeelay taking all it ,can absorb. Why elhould we search tha wore& 'for, A market when st lies( .right at our door? We do •niort, ,consider "anixeld farming" or Imperial Preferience are praetical answers to this geese tion, as Great ,Britain is not prle- Pared for peeference and the West - era farmeals canine be.driven into //mixed farming" In -time to etilfeet the ihnenediate problem. • An olbvious repry to the -*Mend' for tariff reduction is the heeded •revenne, The Western farmers have declared in favor of dime et:settee and are practically ,fav- , oreble to that formknown ea; the taxation, of lend viaues. We will not elaborate =this here but. sim- ply Cane/ that CI rodes of the ques-, lien have been- eonbiderett . The revenue -question ,eaia„ Well Ilati4ett 'aside inthe diaouseMn to the blub- Jeete dealt with by tar,: ''NeWs. Wet ;bete .niot •dischseredt the loyalaYaas* ple of ithe Eas4 Alethauti-ithe ..wefegard acetigations Of dial& I Canada. We deny that it is even the voice °tithe West. The -in,- dastaial worker's of Ontario, how- ever, have as much right to de- clare their own opinions and ad- here to their own( convictions as have the Grain Growerne kof Gait- katchewan. Neither here norct there, however, will init,insalation or poereion prevail. This ,is a free country with equal eights for eitizene fin older and Inineweel Canada and by the deCisiOn Of the majority abide." • .• The New dendea that 'the 'Yoke of the • West. ie 'for ' lower Whieh thd popular; ,vote. proves Ito' the- eantipry, 'and yet deciarlts that the demeioutof the Majority Must prevail. The News isPleierlY tryittg .toelieus,e the Preple qf )tho' Bast'agairrist'the peas:de:of the West Weall agree that the majoritynne' der our .eonstitution. naust . /decide national hignoi. .The Kepler% farm- ersediect 'WorkinerChave zravmh.., gab' hy Wig 'redisetieen eo aOt's d Ahibieti he.107,01):mo,eqrrieetill* 114 "Jhdbe'dt'seed jpeults' t° the FW 44- A etssang filieyetaso,et seeto•lhoet C'eomeweretheii Kriv theetatiterPaolile get taretteru PSSfla21q. gf News--.rott ile:OthaitabberfiNT-esece kteetioo, Or At -0 'nottyphowera,(011,*el ho,pea5ligTaarynoNtlwrortaltiwtvtiqr , ot„, Afm,orso ct.i4hui-4:4044.0 togrilt jyt4otifir''" ehaNgt-',estiwantediahallsolifiail'rpailt . " " gloat, 4s, ooryn_Tve roo* .17e -I t.) emiaff for ecidpftleItY, atiftV1 o ereetsiskYill'ith Wee aceOrd'aleitiee1 " volt 'trained theepeoteritieee ereels41 , tent., ' •liey knoev that the•Erote,,eitt.' eceplar. August:Council- meet= underelt elordike hag' 6t:Tueriday eyetung and all' the tot a . e iaffratle robtbeng them i'oouneillerawere, present.!''',1 • a. :. .,andethleir •wives: and familiesSatthe ' 'The Modele3CheolBoatel eaked, for=• • returns of ithaila laboissa;ThW have,: an additional graht of 000. and' -this. 1. studied' ;the *cafe .querition and (see was granted. •• ,.. . the felades 'of - preteetio.nessThey The Collegette placedtheir estiinates lr.now that •ero tarlft catir .be devised' 1 at 112,300 for 1012 and the UOUnCil will that, will Ieenefit the rpnitrion pea-. advance the money. Pie nflealllairke. Thus theY, aro Ide- Discussion took place about the mending aehef and is inamaterial rate of 1012 but it was decided to leave Teacher Wanted • fir 1, ),,SPINI,ar ,Li.,144:17::`,:lit 4tS* ',6-3F-tlfli sd.gcl. ,Nird e 4.,,, ,,,,lo.,1 :,,c,y.;,fo,,,,04:L1114) o o%:9 •,, li , 1 00,CO'0, ,,,;5;;o-.).•;: ifaj:,,',ii•R.'1..krolit `icell.,4, .... -f. • ,. ,,,c!, ' 414War,Al.:1Viirlift ,P...•„i;t9ds Hacrelise, - 4. -,g4'ili.11:4;o444:1'0 6 .. Smallwgres It Will Pay yea ;te Call During. Angnst CLII\TITON- •••••••••••••••ftmatio, win report dn the question of parches. ing the sweeper that is no W on trial. Reeve Cantelon stated that he had been at Collingwood arid ;they bad their streets oiled and all were sat. isfied with this way of keeping t,he dust down. The Cemetery Oammietee ;reports that the Cemetery is in first class shape and over $35 has been paid in as back payments for the keeping in shape of the lots, etc. A nevy roof is needed.on the tolYri hall but repairs may only be done in the meantime. Anew stove is to be purchased for the Clerk's office, The report of the Finance Com- mittee was adopted as read by Finance Minister F. Jackson. The Waterworks Commissioners billed the Council for water during May and June and after a healed dis- cussion were ordered to be paid, Council adjourned to meet next Monday night. WHEN ON YOUR VACATION. Be sure anti( have the New Sr mailed to you and keep in touch With the events athone, • Auction Sale ol House, Lots Implements, Etc. -- • Owing to the undersigned becoming advanced in years, he had decided to sell by public auction, on Wednesday, September 411), 1012, at one p.m., his house, 24x21 and lot of 2 aeres, Gordon Seryey, On premises is a cook house, wnod shed, and driving shod 40s24, and lots on Jamea Street. first class lots fnr blinding pnrposes, 'I he land i in good shape for gardening, ,At his home there are 49 cherryarees, 10 apple trees of the best varieties, 20 plum treas the choicest on the market. 100 red currants, 40 black currants and 25 raspberry bushes. He also offers for sale -2 sets single harness, buggy, delivery wagon, cutter, sleight; one. horse plow, horse hoe, set men bar- rows, cook stove. Terms -10 per cent down on day of sale, and errangements cm be made to have small balance on property, at five per cent. Possession can be given Jan. 1st, 1018. Sold sub- ject to is reserve hid. D. N. WATSON, Auctioneer H. JOYNER, gardener, Proprietor • . = 'Reuse lei Sale That desirable property known as "The Maples" consisting of a two story solid brick house, containieg eight rooms, front and back stairs. town water, electric light, etc. Good fruit and vegetable garden., The following articles are also offered for sale -.Iron Force Pump ; Small Printing promo with type ; a quantity opine tind hemlock tumber ; Stoves reed ether houeehold effects. Apply at tonne to , MRS. re. W. ICANtr,.1 Rattanbury St., Weer, (intim , Found ---------- - ; On the Huron Road, by; ' Mr, A. D. Beaton, is ladies Blue Cloth Coat. The owner eanhave same by moving pro party and paYing for this ad THE NEW ERA, . , -Gills *anted Girls wanterldieraBisenit and Candy Facteey,. _Light...work. _ Steadyems aileyrieeniseeiWeetortateree itetiSfiee einevaeRotolikeBBRIVISktaialaesaileinetted Iesiedon, Ont ,do T 11 ft il4ndefiLiiiitsted i --J- v. li n -274._ ,•';',,, (2,-,', 'e,',',...,1,, ' - taTendars fasbarlreterfire ''fart el haR;ding :ot a.:pere,,,,, eehooli in Sch. ,o1 .Seci'•Noi'''8111itllettt, riptili !the got oe 'AugiletsowthenitendlaSS!`lShilinb'S; eneld. LoWleatitor API :teal neccidertrilY :t,,abc,iiiiidir Oian ,apeottea4p4 to•he me,ete at ' J'aeiies Snap. ',2(104eres tree lee to es. ell sr.'s ':• : . s' \i.sp,;(411% , - • !Wm. L. MAIR, Sec-.71rees.. , suitionethai P.O., oet. frotm what !source, it Comes. It is !this matter over for a week ncit paety tabal thaetl they are,cqn• The Street Comnaitt. ee reported that cernecredlopti utl PIM tarili pqlicy the work was about finished and the eflainadzi. ,t •. -funds were finished and they asked The, Xews. same ealS tlfedisimal end 'the Cowie!' to,peovide more funds for terrible restate .Which welt toffees 'the building of cement gutters on lbaVer. tariff and; reeipronity with ;front street a,nd also a little eurhing.1 the .Bnited,Stketese to; ; ; 11 'A seceed epplieation of oil will be , .e/ea-easel stajaiaaaril ottlie, ;.gtvon, to tliestreet andthe'Cortimitttie e A teacher ;holdingt a'sree.aci'lelasis Normat,certieleate to teach S, S. 'Buffett. .(Thia I eplendg 'elmatee Walt Is only 3.e-SarollesO.fra the tosen AfOrinton: earo m,ence Sept. let 3.912, Apply tot. , L.L,TYNDAest, • '. ;_ RIIRtogrA10:,