HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-08, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, No: 6 CLINTON ONTARIO T HURSDAY. AUGUST 8 1912 , W, H. Kerr & Bon, Editors and Publishers Local News Appears on ;very Page of THEN NEW ERA. Don't Miss; Reading it Every • Week.,. THEI'rWIN CALVES. Mr. Theo. 'Hale, of Uuilett 'in- formed The New Era that on June s .t d' 26th,. one of his cow preen e twin calves. The calves, have dee veloped into strop i heathy ones.' o a a 1 k T� OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1660..' Capital . $6; 25 o, o o o Reserve $7,000,000 The Annual, Statement, shows the fol. lowing increases for 1911 1910 - :1911 Deposits $72,079607 $88,291.808' Loans & Investments 55,283,676 .62,790,072 Total Assets 92,010,346 110,528,512 Fall Term EL :31d TORONTO, ONT., Stands in a .class by; iteolf for beet -class work. ,Open all year. Write to -day for handsome ;Cata- logue. 207 BRANCHES aird Correspondents throughout the world . Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. -MANNING, Mgr.., CLINTON BRANCH Talcum Po*uders Colgate,% E'elat Colgates Violet K.iolgsite,s Monad Violet ,t.'olgates Cashmere Bouquet 43oiga'tes Dactylia Williams Karsi :William•a Violet Williams Carnation Royal Rose Royal Vnnolia • lAME OE CLATES AT. We (think it one of the best. 1 1 EARLY CLOSING riatittitiiMvwW111 z LocalNews jam Personal Notes 3: -If those having relatives or friends ;I .j- visiting in ,town, or going away fys.. notify ns of the feet each week, we would announce it in the NEW, DILA. , lSHONgs T ONTARIO r1+44444.44+4444+$44 411 r as returned room Farah)* (q has been ,placed in i'he. No ark 131, E T4 RSONAGE 1 d at the. Mies Cow an h onaei�lbf'Orntario St. ,C'huiSch Detroit after visiting *leaves COMING EVENTS The Town Hall has already': been engaged :for •the show season. The welleknown Guys will be here on Nev.Rh and the "Sunny South" Company -here on Nov. 22nd, PASSED ANOTHER YEAR. Last weeks issue of, the Zurch Herald .entered upon another year under the guidance of Mr. E,Zellea' The New Era wishes: the editorcon- tinned prosperity. BOUGHT PROPERTY. Last week- Mr. Walton, recently from England, has .purchased the home of Mrs. Connel on Ontario street and will )get possession im a few weeks. Mr. Walton` expects to bring the rest, of his family out soon. We welcome them to town For the sumhner months July and August we will ,close ;our store nevem even- ing at 6.30 excepting Thurs ; . day' and Saturday and before holidays. W. T. O'NEIL J lap -vim -5r ,.THE HUB GROCER . .E. Dispensing Chemist. Phone 48 limmereeleemome •.r The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress", Five Years 1906=1911 R 1900 CAPITAL $3,000,000.00 $4 0 000.00 SERVE 3,000,000.00 4,600,000.00 ., DBIPO;SITS . 2.3,677.730.00 35,'311,00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS .27,457,090.00 38,3''4, TOTALASSETS . • . 33,090,I92.00 48,287,274,00 m Has 85 Branches in Canada,and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal ", ties in the World. A GENERAL talcum. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. nton Branch, C E ' DQWDING Manager l,ll • PRESENTATION TO DR. SLOAN. Dr. Wan, Sloan, for fifteen year' Ferguson. a l' surgeon at the Central 1'aileon} was presented with aMonis chair hy. Miss Daisy Middleton I asreturn- ,. his associates there. The occasion ed fru° a week'a visit itoheron% was his retirement} from the poli , Mrs. Jewett, im. Bayfield, tion. The presentation was ,made Mrs. Will. Cantelon of froroOtitoi by Dr. James Algie, successor:, to ,,i visiting relatives in town. Dr. Sloan, and' Mr. Isaac;'Webb,hos 4 Mrs: Fred Tisdale. aririved ,fnobr* pita) and surgery}, assistant, istant. Dr. J. 'Toronto on Tuesday, an.d;,will be brT. Gilmour, reldto 6 in an oddness the guest of 1Mrs Brodie-, 1r7cTag- worky uieng hisd to Dr. Sloan?s good ' gart in Bayfield.s - work during fifteen years there ; Dr. Sloan will continue his private 1 Miss Shirley Bowden leenjo,Yinig MIGHT HAVE BEEN FATAL. practice, , • her holidays at Toronto, �Buffido, and Niagara Falls.. Wednesday morning about '9.30, 1 ANOTI�ELI bHE GONE MissM Ireland of Sediforthl while Mr, Thos. Britton was Clean that city., Mr. M. Torpa,nce visited Toronto and ;.Orillia over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs, Axon we're the guests of Mrs, Axons brother', Dr.'' IvlcGill of Mitchell, over ,t3unda i Mies . Jennie Forbes ,hits been vis- iting in Bayfield for the past week. •Miss Gladys Manning accohnpain- ied her father home to London in his automobile, on Thursday, after visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. tl'ayloa4, for a few weeks. Mr. Manning Mid Miss Gladys intend taking a trip .to Montreal this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.'Constantinte -of Zurich have beep the guests of Mrs. Chidley for the past weak On their return trip fatom Toronto. Misses S. Wiggington ancll,Wae- man were in Kincardine last week. Miss Amy Howson and Mra. Jae, Ferd visited in Kincardine toveaf Sunday, the guests! of 1CIrs, `(Dr.) Mrs, T, Mason is visiting her, sister Mrs, C. Smith of Seaforth ; ' Messrs Walter Jackson of Brant ford and Murray of Toronto are vacation at•old spending part of their camping ground at Burkes • • , Mrs, M Brownlee, of Ii imilton, and Mrs. (Rev.) Flay and daughter, of Lambeth visited at the horse of Mr, W. Paisleys over the_ holiday, ' W. R. Counter ape'nt a brigf,Iiollday� at Simcoe and Branrtord. Drs. Gunn and Shaw left Tuesday morning on a tip west to attend the Dominion' Medical Association atEci monton, • They expect to be away, for. about three weeks. Rev. °Richardson, of A,tken, is visit ing friends and relations in town -and Bayfield. • • Local , News. )HONOR •MATRIC RESULTS . Huron—P. °McEwain, chemistry II,; OSW. Titus, Eng., III, math.I math. I., plays. I„ jr, I11. spent. Sunday in town, Over The Teacups Mr,' Dave Forrester is holidaying in town. Mr. L. McLeod was in Loepon over. the holiday.. Miss J. -Holmes spent the week -end at Goderich. Dr. Thompson was in London on Wednesday. • Mr. W. Finch, of Stratford,: spent the week end in town. Phys. II, Inial., III;; A. welrta, Mies Mary Townsend, of Londesboro FORMER CLINTON GIRL • MARRIED.' The Avenue Road Presbyterian Church, Toronto, wag the scene, of• a quint wedding on WedOesday, when Bertha Eileen, only 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew W. Patera son, formerly of Was united inrearriag•s with Clinton_Mlr. R?m. The A Radcliff of Rik faith, N.Y., rlyh ceremony- was conducted) by Dr. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Badclitff left immediately for Muskoka, the bride travelliint i an . a smolt tailor-made suit and small papaw prank. hat. They will return to Toantto for a few days Lbefore leaving foil Mr. 0. E. Dowding is expected back their hopie in Delorla'ine, Man. , r from his trip to the Old Country next week. Reeve Oantelon was in Oollingwood on business this week, Mr. Onslow Crich spent Uivie Holi- day at London with his son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rands and sons spent Oivic holiday at'Goderieh. Miss Kate Barnard, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. Pugh. Miss Mary Taylor of Stanley spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Maltaffv. Saville visited friends- in Mrs. Ed. av Ile vi to Londesboro from Saturday until Mon- day. Mrs. Paul, of Morrishurg, is the guest of Mr. Paul, of the Molsons aagie , in. out the dryerof the gas prb- The Mount Forest Sun has ,cess'- is the guest of Miss Bessie O'Neil. I g d toThis1 anotherI Mrs.W' elnentertainedatriiim by t d t th 1'f f r' Threeells Lizzie Sh h Pearl , Engineer East heard nim fall and under more favorable circuenstanc h lig gat the Bead ,asking for help, end by the time Miss Margaret Brown, of Brussels, es, and cont mo c. great• surpr`se to us is that the ( Miss Edna Jackson of Buffalo anfd employes at the stone crusher wells three of .them hung/ out as long as,Mrs. Howard are holidaying at the assisting in trying to get 'the -un- they t 1- 'they: did. home of their parents, Man and Mrs, conscious man out of his perilous Isaac Jacksoar e shine. is on ns an _ dueer, at the waterworks plant, y score manner was overcome Monday. case where an overeriowdedi condi- ber of friends last Thursday wen -.'1 and fell am:tn the dryer. • Mrs. Nichol,of Cobourg is visiting tion is no conducive, o e life o lag. her sister Mre. D. N: Watson for a a newspaper, aewspap in Misses Lizzie canna an, ear Monet Forest is too many, even Husband and Jean• Dyamenit . axe! , at one rang up the town ha, few days, 't. o• ayin , Constable Welsh got there, :sever'al is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 3, ail ld .t lin � The � g Mr. Charles dale, of London, spent Oivic holiday visiting at his home in Hullett, Mr. Dick Tasker joined the Brant- ford Base ball team at London on BLYTH WON. position. Miss Ruby Wise, of Tuckersmith, i Doctors Gandier and Woxtihiloge The following is how the Blyth was the guest of Miss Edna Levis tact ton were called( and 1%701 -Iced oven scribe' saw tthel{baseball match be- week. I111r. Britfon for} over an hour be- tween Clinton alnil tiheir team last Mr. R. E. Manning spent Friday in fore removing hien to his 'home, Thursday evening :—A very antes-- Toronto. etsintg 'game Of baseball was played Miss Fremlin, of Toronto, is visiting at the local park here last Whalers- at her home in town. day evening before) a large :arfowd, Miss Kathleen East, of Toronto, is inhere he. i a stili suffering Prete the effects of the )gas, It certain-+ lly was a close call. This is the first accident /that between the old rivals, Chntomlanld visiting at her home m town, ]las happened at the power plant; Blyth. Clinton was assisted by the Mrs. Taylor. of Ontario Street, is vie an it is hoped' that it will be the! Canadian League pitcher, 'Dick T•aekis Iter, but fort all •they were apt iting Mrs. Whitby, of Gorrie. The gas producers• would not strong enough for the hoose team,. Mrs. Wm. Jackson entertained a work, so Mr, Batitton was: making' s alich won, t ltheath score of to 5, 'few friends onTuesdayeeening. general clean-up to see if it would Tasker went lathe the box t•utlit�re' Mr, and Mrs, have an effect , locals hit him, although they were a little nervous at first.' The 'team is now playing. good ball and, is open for. challenges from, any of the local ,teams. UP 14 SHOTS.' M' Jae. A. Irwin spent Tuesday of this week in London.: Miss' Jessie McQueen is at present in starting, • the Machinery. He had only starteti,to Work there Tuesday nio.aning, UNCLE DEAD. • 1.. Wednesday London Adveutiser,hore sad tidings to Mr.' W. Kilbride, of town. The New Era called up. Mr. Kilbride and asked him if Mr. Driscoll visiting her, cousins in •Teeswatec. Mrs las. Walkinshaw and Miss Ida spent Thursday last in Kincardine. Dr. Frank Bowles returned on Mon -t • day to his home in Minnesota, Winghama bowlers motored! own fora summer course in the German replying that the above mentioned d 1 d friendly I Monday afternoon three' rinks of Mr. N L Murcia )anon' in Germany of Winnipeg was not hi a - uncle and ��,«N�N•••M•N•��• •�A�••••e•1�e•1.O••M•••�•• match.t At the finish1 the Clinto for gentlemen was his uncle he wan in • bowlers wereup 14 shorts. Follow- Mrs: Oliver Cartwright, of Vying formed that he was dead. Mr, gi1 • d ham was a visitor in town last week. bride visited him two years ago and Ung are the players an Scope t had heard onlya short time ago that. Wingham Clinton ', Miss Harriett Manning, of London, he was in faly good health.' Re • ld s n is the guest of her aunt Mie. J. Tay suspects that heart trouble was the •ds the •GOAD • Mr. Belt La report Morrish • BOY Ol ,z Paul for A er a + Smith . Wiseman n ford has sold bis auto trouble, Following was the Press • Bimkley ' orr, a to Mr. Albert adder of Londesboro. ♦ l Kennedy sk,-14 E, Courtice Grigg •Winnippeg, Aug 7.—Mystery sur. a h of J. W. Driscoll, • tea on Thursday afternoon, . who died crossing• • Courtice Mrs. E� d. Cantelon was hostess at roundst a death Grigg sin a car track in front • • ping • gg M d til J Hartley are in town at a north Main street cur yesterday •• M • Shane • Hanna ' B. Poster. Watts -i r, week Mrs. afternoon. He either faiuted or was • A ,Porter. ak,-24 Ta, k f their final de struck by the vloai sk-23 this wee preparing or, ei McCorvie par' V kleek Hi11' tune to an car. This latter state ♦ went is denied by the crew of the i Evans r$olmes sk,-20 - Bovey s1.•-21 Airs 9ismann and three children about the city, and was highly re •• ,Y"�,_ • , Roberton Mrs Mellor has been the guest of trolley. The coroner is investigating. • Rae Harland her daughter for a few weeks. Mr. Driscoll is a well known figure, Leslie Kerr. -Mrs. Will P:uus'eel and daughters arrived home last Friday from their Western visit. Mrs. Biatchford, of London, spent the weeli•end with her sister,' Mise Graham of town. Mrs. E. ()rich, of Brussels; spent, a few days visiting, Mrs. Crich sr,, and Mrs. S. (Metres jr. • We've made Special Prep - tion �3 tion for the Boys for the ;. • • Holidays. .•: . Boys Scout Suits persuit '1 o Regulation style, at $ .g : Boys Cotton Knickers 25 cents, 5o cents and 75 cents i` i 1 Boys Cotton 'Sweaters l. ' � in all the popular combinations, sizes 2olto 32, price 25c Balbriggan Underwear Boys gg Short: sleeves, special at 25c White Hats Kays To cleai•:at 15 cents lt,` !X S y � Fianne S 60yS lneSiZCS2 to 33..., ,' S'keletoll,.� , ,.. 7 good valie'tat $3.00, to clear at 1,90 ins . ock S Boys Scout$� In all sizes,,speclal at 25 cents 0 rr tS'. 1 — have been thaguests of Mrs. A Couch spected. lie lived be re 26 years. • for a few days. During that time he was manager of • the McOlary Stove Works. Tuesday 72 I r m Wiu ligan ri k remained over and,i , 17-9. In the even ng. o e g u Mr'. Stewart Jackson is expected •1 Cl otos won by home from Toronto, on Wednesday. of last week was his- 71st birthday. Born in Ireland. Aug. 5, ' 1811, Mr. • ' Mrs. Hyslop and daughter, of D1 Driscoll came to Canada with his SHUT STR ATFORD OUT. trcit are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. Jack parents in 1858, and settled in London eon. Shortly afterwards he moved to •: Saturday afternoon the Clinton,Mr" ani Mrs. T. Southcombe, of Kincardine, where he went' into the ibaseball boys shut out the McLag- London, spent a few days the guests hardware business, and later. became • gas baseball club of Stratford by a of theMisses Southcombe connected with the McOlsry Manu well- f t n Company. of London. When • known f 7-� tdBei' Richard', st ke outs 11 rEzra Washington is improving the company decided to open a branch p ghis house bya coat of paint, • and took, things easy. He fielded factory in Winnipeg to 1882, they. • his position perfectly and Made ex- Miss Wright is the guest of Miss sent J. W. Driscoll to take charge : of • cellenrt throws to first on grounders Daisy Middleton. it. He was manager of the- local con • . Draper had a goodi day of it with else. Henderson of Seaforth is the cern up to 1908, in which year, • the bat and made an excellentl,play guest of Mrs. W. R. Counter. ' having seen the factory rise to be one • Ise in thet 3md, when he pllayod ,a fast'Dr. W. and Mrs. Holloway, of of the leading establishments of the •drive from .centre field to first base Pc erboro motored to town and are city, be retired from business. Four' and caught the batter for.'the �rhip- visiting relatives here. sons and three daughters survive. out.. This play drew. great. ap- plause from the, ,spectators. Drap- er had a two base hit as did Thom- son and Richards of Stratforld. Harvey, far the, visitor's, pitched 'I innings and had; 3 strike -outs, and t had e fie s am he 8th i sin six ndJf y, n g a strike out, /Errors were nnimerous with the Stratford team. In the 4 Boag and ,family, formed a motor innings while fielding a groutnder' ICaglield party. , to Zurich, St. Joseph's and put his left should edall of Toronto, .ie the, .f, Bend on Monday. Harry Twitchell Mr. Fred Ti errand Be y er out of joint and had; to retire( guest of:Mr. B. McTaggart. Master lack Brownlee • is visiting visit- froni the tgea d. and 0, golly wens ,Miss Rosa Smith,who has beenJack Atkinson. ' :n in hra. stead. J..73. Hoover was Ung her aunt, Mise Briefly .returned . 'The Larkin twins, of Seaforth, are t umpire and gave justice to •both home to Aloinston, .on IUednesday.. • in Bayfield, the guest of Mrs.— D. K. teams. Following was the line-up` Messrs Harley, of Seaforth: are Grant Rev. J. Greene will preach in the Brussels Methodist cburah for the next two Sundays. • Miss Herman, of the Bell Phone staff is spending her vacation . at Niagara Falls, N. Y Rev. Fr. Blair; of Wingham, spent a short time in town on Tuesday while en route to Stratford. Dr. Graham, of Toronto, and former ly of Clinton was calling on old friends in town on Monday. Messrs. Suitter, Byam, F. Watson Edgar and Carl East spent Sunday anti. Monday at Burk's camp. Mr, Green, formerly of Gorrie, but town last' week in now. of Berlin, was in the interests of the Mail & Empire. Miss Beatrice White, of Windsor, who will spend a few days in town will be the guest of Miss Fernie Arlin.` Mrs. R. Marshall, Rattenbury street entertained a number of her lady friends to an afternoon tea on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, S. Brown and family of 167 Roxton Ed., Toronto are visiting the former's sister Mrs. T. A. Greig. M. Arthur, E. Attie. of Toronto, made a shorn visit with his parents, Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Allis over the holiday, Mrs. Byam who has been visiting in Stratford returned on Monday- ac- companied by her mother, Mrs, Johnston. Mr. R. E. Manning, manager.of the Royal Bank in this town, is out on an inspecting roar of. the Traders Bank this week. lien. and alts Ford, of Teeswater, have been spending a' few days with Rev.' J. E. and airs. Ford and other old friends. Miss Sparks, of Stratford, and a former milliner with ()ouch & Co. was the guest of Miss Ross Levis for a few days this week. Mrs. 0. Pugh has been under the Drs care during the past week, but her rneny friends are glad to bear that she is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston` of GOOD NIGHT Kill theml quick -Don't give (thein a {second .,'chanes.: A good]idea( 'when you)'starti war' on theDestructful Pota- Our Perlis green i6 abi;ollitely pure,'Iteelted and guarantees It io Berger's. [English make and If you nee thio brand you • ., eau, iwell say piped, Night ' t: Bug. . W. A McConnell. �1 • • • • • i Z • Z 4 • • I- •• • e- • 2 • PURITY RUR A K I N G B POWDER V `i Is making a.record, 'not only is it being used by the most particular housewives in _Clinton, abut is Wino being -used abroad Last week we got an order from Welland, and the week before we sent several lbs to Detroit - It's the Best •For You and it's only 25 cents at REXALL STORE. W.Q.R. Holmes Phm B, Toronto are spending their vacation in The Resort town with the fng their parents in Latest .Hews At Summer es andMrs, Oliver Johnston, r. Rev. - W. T. Chuff and family left Stratford last Thursday for their cot- tage Grove,Bayfield, ' stet y estmm t aeatW where they will spend the month. Misses Ella and Margaret McGuire have just returned to Toronto after spending three weeks vacation at )chi Mackinac Island and Bay City, M Miss Mabel Harland and her ,cousin. Mr. Clinton;' W. harrison,of San Fran. cisco, left here Thursday for Bluevale to visit their aunt,: Mrs . M. -le Mason. •Mr, Thos. Anderson. of Goderiel; and a former citizen of Clinton was in town on Tuesday. He was called to Belgrave to ,attend the funeral of a cousin Mr Merlin Mason accompanied by his' cousin, Mr Louis Greensides, of London repent a few days visiting re- latives and friends in Clinton and. Huliett. summerwng here.' - Rev, Cluff and family, of Stratford Miss Kathleen Hodgins is .the guest,' have takena cottage in Westminister Of Miss Mabel Hodgipe. Grove; for August. Mrs, Boughner and daughters of St. Mr; Wesley ampbell,'of Toronto, is Thomas are residing with Mrs, Ives-- the guest of his aunt, Miss Campbell, ton Mr. MacMillan; of London, and his with Kyle is r at the' '.holidays: sister, Mise MacMillan, joined the rest his mother T ; les 'wFas irony. of the family,who are camping here, Mr. Howard, of Toronto, was inBay field over Sunday. last week,: - Mr. Ieerie, of Clinton, visited in the Mrs. (Dr.) Monteith and Miss C. village this week. Monteith, of Stratford, are here and Mrs.''Wharin of The White!.Oity,ais willspend`the month of August by visiting in New York. the lake. , ' • Messrs Scott, Taylor, Ford, Witte, The Anniversary services of St. 0 Hs ilos d Britton of Clinton,spentest Andrews will be next Sunday 4 the holiday in Bayfield : - and condncted by the Rev. .Mn -Ross; 0 4 The Misses Easean and Mies Ma> y,of of Goderich. ' A collection will be 0 3 the -lake . called for to cover the . remaining Stratford, are en'eyinK. • Stra 1 building. . -0 2 ' ' thevillage. debt on theg and score by innings :— Chilton R.: 0• Hawkins 2 base 0 3 E. Jahn:son ,1 base • 2 2 'MeC-aughey 3 base 2 2 Twitchell s s • 0 2 Kitty! c f ri 1 1 W. Johnson c. Draper c f .arid ss 1 2 1 2 Cluff,rf, 1 4 R+,ehai•d p "McEwan 11 a d i t' j.. 0 tr 'tfoed St a_ Gook 3 base, s e Thompson c f Wagner 1 base , Richards 2 base Jeffreys 3 base, p Sin.i.h,' l•f Boyd'rf d e.se Resin. let Bafivey' lr, s • Square Deal toN +Every 'Boyd' , ' ° „' • Stratford 1 ;Ni1�NN•N.•, •••••••••4••••• •4*-• U 3 breezeein g ,Mies Belle Draper and :Mies. Elvar • Nies.,Forbes, es . Clinton, whYi ``"la si 0 Lavi',;Of ' Clinton ,.eand :Messrs •Runt•:'beeaervisitingrher many' friends here nJ l- 11 a Johnson { spent Monday, here: 11n , pd p a _ Wad gcently preeented a silver cake die'' rthe resbyterian chlor. Mies m "ber'Of h�� rues fo incl tato 'Fo'rb�s rfl'�7r ,7 s. s/W.a.T. +O'Nene. ,t. ,of Mr , ani th,e,uesG ,: ,: ».•02202010x 7 i1 evl Tolitlieii and 'Pfamily,0 and.Mr'i • ,,000000000.-0 t19 (OMMercral. . , , . rr,i :of;Toront eralentiS.unrr. I'thejtlhoip,w.a�'obliged to: retire -under; Mr.t Gunther, hg eirciimstance best known to c4.. Blj. -,;;; , f ,i.1 herllei 'a AUGUST RLE ordered; e1othina X17.50 Ten only Scotch Tweed Suits made to order, every pattern good,- regular 20.00 and 22.00 values. —0 --- OUR — — OUR• MOTTO. "Keep the wheels going during the slack month of August. Straw Hats For Men and Says this sale we are During clearing out all our Iso and` 2.00 Straw Hats at Mr. Clinton W. Harrison,'' of San Francisco, California, son of Mrs, J. ii Harrison a former resident of Clinton, is the guest of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. le, Harland. Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, .of Toronto, visited Mrs. Ed. Saville last week and also yisited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs Jamerieends Webster of;Lendesboro and'iltliert fo. "' ' Mies, Mabel W. Harland accomllan• r U, ied',bythor�covei'n ,Haiso Mr. W. r of San Fr ncisco spent yhe, Wweek Senfgl- with relatives in Toronto, 'Or&afiBfteti!> at Niagara Falls, returning,lsome Tues )lay night"after a very pieasanti}lme s 98 eeMts �---0— — Don't bliss This Opport Unity to. Save Money. r ,.Mee s Tallees and termsacrs • ,Mr. George S arIin , ,brutbei-in-lavr to -.pira. A. eleapom and, ,Mrs. '•Perry;,,, Plninsteel,r41i 1ilnton?,+liss,been;serious; les ih bb� is 3mw' tsornerWhdt 'ImgroTedl' we are pleased, to'state. 'Mr, parlingav SsiSleleeXeseSe