HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 8P1 on LrkIoij Friday will be.a LUCKY DAY for those in time to pick up one or moreof these waists at 69c. Think of the price, then come .andsee them in our north window. All sizes, high and low neck, dainty styles, well made and good patterns. " Determination not to carry over one waist to next season is our only excuse.' White Embroidered Dresses This season's styles in white embroidered Wash Dresses,' wide insertion, square neck, short sleeves, all sizes, regular $5, sale price.. 3.79 Embroidered Mull, withwide mull insertion, ex- ceptionally dainty, low neck, short sleeves, all sizes, regular $10, sale price 7.98 25 and 35c Linen Suitings 15c Out g� the balance of our Linen Suitings in stripes and plain, in all the popular, colorings, wide width, regular 25c and 35c, sale price .:. 15e Sce South Winow. Children's Straw Hats loc Your choice of fifty..25c and 35c Children's Straw ' Sailor4lats 10C 2 Pairs Cotton Black Bose 25C Ladies fast black cotton hose, sizes 8 to lo, Sat- urday 2:pairs for • 25e Remnants of Carpets 25 Remnants of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets,' lengths run from .3 to ro yards. Prices as follows:- Regular 75c and 85c for • 55c .Regular $1.25 for 75c dozer 9rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON OVER 61 PER CENT.: PASSED ENTRANCE. .Out of a total nuhvber cif 22y165 candidates who tried th(e 'entrance examination into thel high echool' this year in, the Province! 13,603 or about 61.a per seat. T his is s sohnewha ling+her „thanaro figuree when l3 027Pass d out of 22,198who tried -about 58.6 per cent, These figures given out bythei De- paetmeet,retf Edneeti!on, are fainly complete, only aviary, few cases being withheld for considler"atilon. BR• _nosh A raayt�.4 ROOFING'�0"�j Is made 'in soft,'- Ilad- 07* C7 PI some shades ofRed, Brown and Green, as well as natural- slate color, These colors are an integral part of the exposed surface, not patted Cannotfade out or wash off.4 Let • us ;show .you samples. Sole Cenedfan Mfn.77 THESTANDARDPAiNTCO. eiCanadaanelted,idontreal. i, eetaesatwiereis THOS. 1vScKENZIE, CLINTON. • COMBINATION PICNIC. The combination' Fio•nie between the Women's Institute and Farmers' club at Belgrave will be on August 6th, in Chas, Wilkinson's grove. Among others expected to take part on the program is Dr. Reed, of George- town, and phos. McMillin, of Hallett, and in addition to addresses demon- strations b' given wille e oneneral purpose brood mare, 2 year old colt, 1 year old colt and a foal. A big time Is expected and a large crowd looked for. DEFEATED THE TROPHY WINNERS. Saturday ;afternoon Mhi, John etansford selected three other4 well- known bowlers and, deanonstratleld to a big crowd( of ,bowling critics that he was capable of skipping 'a Best class bunch ohbowlers by'de- feating the London Tecumseh win- ners by a score, of 19-15. After the 5th end they kept ' the lead through out. Following was the score by ends and players: - J. L. Courtice E, G.Courtice A. T. Paul P. Towne J. Watts J. Taylor J,Rate ford, sk'19. J. Hoover sit 15. Hoover ,...20010002i01J00150110001-15 Bansfpordt ..,0130111101051001001'120-18 Mr. Ransfoxd is et cou he open to those wh'o w;oul(dl ,challleng•' plainly evidenced supreePacy, but like "Mr. Johnosn" he : says rthte,y must have a record, • - Our Pftsdllt Specials FOR ALL NEXT WEEK A Screen Door and Regular 1.00 Doors for ..... Regular g r 1.2;1 Doors for Regular 1.75 Doors: for ..,. Regelar 2;00 Doors' for Screen Window Bargain .85 Regular 40c Window Screens 1.10 Regular 35c Window Screens 1.45 Regular 30c Window Screens 1;65 Regular,20c Window Screens A Granite Preserving Kettle Bargain Regular 1,25 for $5e Regular 60e for Regular 1.06' for 68c Regular 50e for. Regular .75 for....;.... .. 55e Regular 45e for Regular .65 for... ......... 45e Regular 30c for 32c 280. 2200 15e 40e 32c 20e 20c 1 only Portable Rubber Bath; regular 36,50 for 4.50 1 onie Gasoline Stove, 2 burners with warming oven regu lar, $15.00for. .... : ,,.. ..:., ,..•.....,11,25 1 only "Ideal" 2 burner Gasoline Stove, one extra powerful burner with oven,.•regular 310:00 for 7 50 H11RLPiND BROS Stoves; . tiardwate and Novelties NE #41444444444444,44444+.444.4444.440.4444.44+4...4.44... 4 • • • • •••.•1••••••••4••••••4•••i•ta••••••••444•••••••••••••• WESLEY S. S. PICNIC: 4+1.4.7••II••bd�•Y• islet. e•�•l•4.4•4.4t+. ¢••9.4..4.1': The annual Sunday Se6ohl;picnic I 't' CLINTON MARKETS �t was held on Tuesday, to Bayfield,Hogs $8,10 4t+ wheat .., ...-..t 1.00 Peas 80 ' oats 50 Barley .. 70 +' Shorts $823,00 • , Bran; $21;00 •; 4 butter --19-20 4' 3• Eggs .......-. 20e to 210 +++++++++ +++4444÷++14++,+++ HAD A BIG TIME Ontario St. Methodist Sunday School had arig time apttheir ane nasal picnic ,held last ,Thursday, at Bayfield,. The rain kept `off so that the day was fine for their -outing. COUNCIL MEETING. ;Cbu1%cl meets text ;Tuesday !ev- ening. ' This will be an important meeting as the rateowill be :struck and the waterworks ,commisai!onf are •ale° expeetede!to have a repoeh heady. DEFEATED BLYTH. Last Friday evening the baseball boys defeatedtheBlyth team ,by a score • of 9 to 4, The ,batteries ,for the... teams were :-Clinton, Kitty 'and W. Johnson ; Blyth, Taman, Henry and McDowell. MINOR LOCALS. - August. One month more and school will re -open. Haveyou rerieweit1 your ; sub- criptiou to the New Era? . The K•nittinig factory! staff ,arel taking a week's holidays while; the plant es being over -hauled. FOR THE FAILL TROPHY. Owing to Goderieh defeatinlgi the Clinton bowlers ec!ently at Clinton .the Co-tow bowlersand aifo rld will play home and home games tor the. Faill ,Trophy. The games will be played neo August 7th ,and 14th. CIVIC' HOLIDAY MONDAY. Mayor 'Gibbings has proclaimed Civic 'Holiday on Aug: i th. A !big crowd will go to London to witness the baseball:'match in this ' !Called- ran League. .The Baptist Church will hold -their' , !annual Plante " to Bayfield.-• IN NEW ,ONTARIO. The Ontario •Gospel Van which left Clinton June• 4th in colportlagl work has been working sloevey northward and Peached North Bay' this week over some very difficult roads. It ie now going Least to the Ottawa River, and into the Algon- quin Park district. ON EXHIBITION. The Tecumseh Cup won; by th Clinton bowlers atLondon last week is •onlexhibitionj 4n the: win-,dow of Tozer ands Brown's, !Gents furnishing store, along with the, club bags which went with : the trophy i op y an!d will become' this prop- erty of the hour bowletis, Meeare. Hoover, Taylor, Towne and Couch tice. The cup is certainly a beauty. MORE BOOSTERS WANTED. ` Says the Tweed News -Our• staid old business' men and Moneyed!elt- izens, go about their duties herein a very oin c Way, , and nd th e Y are e almost as quiet as the prov rbLal clam, but let rope of them land him- self out in!Sas'katehewan erAllber- ta or British Columbia, end ,he,be- gins- to jump ,inethel air ,and holler loud enough to bet heard all over America, and they !sheell out ithelo money in'any '.games that eomee la - long. Ontario lien. make; . greet boosters w.henr Utle'y),bec,ome west- erners. ThR Y relYwhy 3 m 6 fi tihe caru't do as much an,O:ntario. If we all began to, boost Ontario as much as .werare •boosting) outside pla(eep Ontario would be, the greatest spot on the, upper, sidle of the !earth. And the 'old/ iProvinee is worth boosting. osepe 44d'f!u••tiossosesassiisi • Men and Eventa. '; SECOND COI NCTLLOR•HURT, .: Last Mondayyle: Ament of ''Brussels had a close' call at his factory from serioue injury to his left arm' by get- ting caught in a plaiting machine. As it was there were no broken bones but a badly bzifised forearm, It was a close can. 'The other m'embere of the town Council had better watch out as Councillors lames and Anent have each a -disabled hand. W. GLENN CAMPBELL'S REPORT. A musie_al announcement which will be of inteeesti iio many of ithe readers of New Bela is ,the 12th annual repoit, settee coining to Hu run County, of W. Glenne Campbell. The work this year is in ;eoninlec tion with three wie,1.-kaown latish al faetititiena vis.= -Toronto Con's servatory; London (Eng.) !Collegle; and Western University and coverts! five grades of work viz.-Pr,'zmary, Junior, Interlmediatee, Seniorl and. A.L.C.M Aasociate of London Eng., College of Music.) The following isthe deport ,and is a :credit toteacher) and pupils :-,- Grade 1 -First Clans 'Romance Miss E. Ferguson, Seaforth; Mies J Turner, Sca'orth, • - Grade 2 -Miss Lulu Doherty, 'Eg� mond toile Matide.MorrisLead- bury Lea bury; Louise Ferguson, Seeiaiforth; Mary Murphy, Seafonth;, Agnes ' WON THE GOLD CROSS. Sproat, Kippers: BON. W. L. MaeKENZIE KING, former Minister of Labor, •sailed last. Thursday mornings on ,ith'e Royal George: He is going on an extensive tour of Europe, to Study economics industrial and; social conditions. WILL : GO TOi BERLIN. Clinton Bowlers expected to be re ` presented as the Berlin tourney next week. CIVIC 'HOLIDAY. 4 Train service- single fare to any part. Good going any train on 8. 4 and 5th. Returning on 6th, The town ticket office will be open' Satur day evening for the accontodation of the travelling public. Honors. -Florence McKay, Ste- 1o,rth. First Crass. -Alice Carbett, Clin- ton ; lin-to,n;. Lela Lansing, Auburn; ,Ella Colelough, Holdnesville. Grade 3 -pass -Miss Esther Bell, Blyth; Miss Lornet Rarn, Seafonth, Honors. ,Miss Mabel . Turner, Brucefield; Miss Lulu Doherty, Eg- mondville; Miss Edith 'Hall. Wing - ham; Honors -Mies Marcie Sproat, Kip- pur- ,. First 'Claes 'Hon MissWinnie Howson; Auburn: Miss Nellie Hicks. Hofaeeville , Grade 4-Hoinors.-Miss Ida Ev- ans, Bayfield, Miss! Mabel Swan, Brucefield, L Grade 5 -Miss Pearl Godley„Blyth Theory -grade ` 2 -First !Class Honors, -Miss Lillie Dundas, Lead - bury. 1 V Pass -Miss E. McCuteheony !Wal- ton, • Mies` Maud Ferguson, u it of g , .a pupil Mr. Campbell, had the following euccessful pupils : , Grade 1 -First (Class Honoais'- Miss F. Staples, Leadbury; Mie's D. Bevis, Walton; Miss!. J. Knechtee, Leadbury, , , Grade 2e-Hoaiiors-Mists' T. Dun- dee, Leadebury, Special reference d tial should be e P to the work of! Mies Pearl Gidite(y, who is the first in Huron County to obtain the. ILL. C.M. Diploma oMif ss G•ltLonddleyon, Eng., 'd'Collegaughtere of Mus31ijAic, 01 genial merchant tailor, S.11, 'Gidley, et Blyth and has taken pill her grades for examination, bothth°�- DEATH.. OF REV .A. GLAZIER. 1 retinal and Practical with 11V1're Campbell, -which .includesl'the ,fol On Tuesday of last week gtWiax- lowing:- , ton, .there diad d Rev. A. Glazier at " , N l ' `Prion• Junior. 'the. age' of 76, an old and hivghlly atoroCni Intermediate atoly-o estcelned minister of the Method- with Toronto L"qn andwat.sof' 1st C'hurch.: Many years o3 his' minx withnc and Selina' A. L.C.LM. istry'had been stoat ae miesiomaey Londonp Eng., College of illus- among. the Indians, and his life had thus been eulb, of scIf•taacritice. The deceased was born in IHurom County,. near •Clinton and'•rmlered the Methodist ministry, atBlyth in 1871, and was ordained at Picton in 1875. He was stationed at Hiep- 4-•4.044+•4••4.10+•••4••+•+•+•34' worth where, hawse ;the first tree,.1 ident'minisler, Cape Oro leer, Oxen- den, Omendaga. In 1901 he retired from o the active work, and has sinetg resided in WTarton, where he has been highly riespetoted. He, is aure vived- bye. widow, two sons land five. daughters. Mrs. Glaziers ar. and Mr. Those Conk, ;o£,town at- tended the ' funeral of the late Mr. Glazier, INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISING' MANAGERS..: Miss Nora McCaughey, obtained the highest marks of those writing' in Blyth on the recent Entrance exam• ination and was the winner of the gild cross donated by Rev, Father Dunn, of Clinton. SPENT SATURDAY AT t BAYFIELD. .4 'number of younigt ladies splelnt Saturday afternoon in Bayfield. !, The day was ideal, so they lead. 31 most enjoyable thole. Gabel Elliotit took thene over tun his motor bus and the( girls r are loud in *leer Praises' of Gabe as a chauffepre BASEBALL MATCH. A11 good baseball fans are asked to o to the Park on Saturd a afternoon to see Clinton's old favorite Dick Tasker. now pitching with Brantford Canadian League, pitch against the McLagan Baseball team of Stratford. Game is called at 280 sharp. The visitors play a good game and . every one will get their monies worth. This will be the only chance to see Tasker pin town year. ear. I OLIVER HA LLES A quiet wedding was solemnize at St. Paul's : rectory, Strbf tflor , Saturday' •adternoon, when 'Mat Charles ,Oliver, o,f Clinton, and Miss Florence Hates, Toronto, forpierly of Clinton, were :Married by the! Rev, J. Hodgins. The friends in town of the bride( andl groom ex- tend e- tndcongratulations. e NEWSPAPER MEN MET( AT CLINTON. 1, ' The Huron Co„ Press Aas(ocia- tion met here on Monday afternoon and discussed subjects of inter- est to the newspaper men. Among those presleat were 'Messrs. V,am-, atter of the Star, nodierljch; El •liott, of Times,' Wingham, South c robe Taes Exeter • Veale, e, News Seaforth; McLean, Expositor, Sea; forth; and Reeve New Era, !Clinton. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT ic. Mr. Campbell is justly proud of FOR JULY, 1912. , Miss Gi ley's+ work. Miss Sauncler- ' The highest maximum temperature eon, of Myth; wh Fipaseed Grade 2 successfully at the recent exame, a as a pupil of Wise Gidley. The 1912 elditios>i 'of the Deebar- ate Newspaper •Diralctoi y, which u+fers in a `very conhenientt and complete form a51 tthe im!formatio,n which-"radverrisers wouldf like to It now ,about publi,eatio!ns. through- out Canada, has .just been. rlecel ved. Over 325 pages ,otinteresting !stat- istics giving circulations, dates of l ubli,cations,:. and, of courser, (names nt p rbli!shers, etc., and thle pkb;li4 cation of the 1'911 census figures) for the first' time in any complete ;dir- , ectory of the Canadian press, make has 'edition specially' :interesting. The Desbarats Advertising Agency, Montreal, will send) a copy to the adventisin!g manager of any 'fitan who applies for it on, the 1irm'alta- ti!onery, mentioning his offecial pos- ition, for the nominal price ,of 35c, The published price, of the work is 35,00. • emessepettemimemilsor Eauca1Io11 Pans 3 • Look about you, and see G 5 how trained- brains win ,bet. •' • tor salaries dial in:timledniva- • • ,cles. We train young men :• • and women to use their brains • S • ins business':.They ,succeed. • Why" not you? Will you write • 5 for •a copy of puri ,n,ew cater • logue? It will interest you • • aif you want to get aheald.- 0 • Fall_ term from, August 25th, ; g Address, Shaw's Schools, Tir- • onto, Ont. W. H. Shaw, Pres- • ident, Yorage & Gerraa{d' Ste.' •, • • NEW ONTARIO LETTERS, • e+••• 4 TA former well known • • gentleman, bf Clinton leaves 0 •4 shortly for New Ontario and ♦�•- has promised the NEW ERA -; et aseries of letters from- that 4 interesting, and important • ., part of the Country. The • ,readers may look forty I to •, .1. several interesting lettere. • 4' 4.44.444-•444.41444444444444+41 L WE. WANT. YOUR li BUSINESS Having'purchased the Plumbing and tr,.. Tinsmitl ing o!' Business of Thos. D. Johnson, I am now :prepared' to take Contracts. -of all Kinds REPAIR WORK Done Promptly". Orders at R. Rowland's Hardware Store, Plione 53. Thos.l-Iawkins •••MMeelNleeN,*NNN•O trll•aO am a>•sei was 900 on 6th, 7th and 101,12. The lowest minim Inn temperature was 42 on .16th. The, highest range was 420 on 18th, the lowest 120 on 25th. The mean maximum. temperature was 78.- 200 . the minimum temperature was 556.420 and range 31.870. The total. rainfall was 3:07 inches, Fall wheat cuttingbegan on 20th, Thunder showes on 8th and 11th. A heavy rain on evening of 20th and morning of 21st. ••••••••••e•oeaa•ee• s WITH TRA CHURCHES. • • •••••e•®eeom•o•••.•se WESLEY CHURCH. Next Tuesday evening the League service will be held. It is Oonsecra• tion night. A good program is, being prepared, Alr. A, O. Keller, head tuner with the Doherty Piano Co'was organist last Sunday and will play again next Sunday. His playing was very ac- ceptable to the congregation. Monday evening the League service was under the social department and a delightful tea was served by the committee. After supper with Rev. Mr. Ford as Chman the following. program was g n: Piano.duett-hI,sses Chant. Solo, "The Clock of Life" E. East Solo. "Absent" Mrs. Mills. - Readine "The automobile" Mies' Cum. inghame. Solo °Will o' the Wisp" Miss - Boles. Solo. "The Deathless' Army" J. L. Kerr. WILLIS CHURCH. During the absence of Rev. D. >K, Grant, on'holidays, the pulpit will ' be occupied by Mr. Fingland of Auburn. The Women's Association intend holding a Picnic on Mrs. 1Vhitehead's lawn, on Wednesday of next week in' place of the regular monthly meeting. Last Sabbath evening, au interest. ing ser:'vice of song was given by the Choir, in which the following. numbers, were rendered - Anthem -"God who madest Earth and Heaven" Solo, -"O Jesus Redeemer" -Dr. Gandier. Anther,?, -"0 Happy , Band of, P11. Brims' . solo,-' A voice from Paradise" - Stewart Jackson. Anthem. -"Sun of my Soul" Solo parts in the Antben;s, were taken by'Mrs. dills and Miss K. Scott. 1 ulsday, August i,st,, 1e12.' PICTURES THAT PLEASE Carbons on good -brown card mounts, with black line•'around picture, giving effect of double mount.Q Sizes, 92x24; 1.4x24 and 20x24. PRICES THAT PROFIT We bought these at first cost from manufac- turer, and offer them at the remarkable price of 27C each -a profit for us, but a bigger one for you. SUBJECTS ARE GOOD "The Doctor" "Modern Madonna" "Dance of Nymphs" "Sistine Madonna" "Boy Christ," "The Gleaner," "St. Cecelia," "The Last Supper," and others. If you are interested in a Superior class of Pietures"at ,a deeidedlY advantageous price we would appreciate your inspection. TheW.D. Fair uo. Often the cheapest -Always the Best SeIIiiigOoI Siile We have still about Four Thousand Dollars worth of stock to, dispose of, so to close it out in a hurry we will cut prices still lower • 1 EVERY SHOE MU 'ST GO AT 011TeEI Now is the time to get your Boots and Shoes for fall and winter. •From now on, terms of: sale will be STRIeTLY eASH. Men's regular $5.00 Boots for $3.5o 4.00 Boots for 2.75 2.50 Boots for 1.5o 4.5o Oxfords (patent, gun_ ' metal, and tan) for 3.4o reg. 4.00 Shoes for - , 2.75 3.00 Shoes for ' 2.20 2. 0 Shoes for 1,65 ,\2.50 . 'Shoes for 1.25 All our Men's Working. Boots, Boy's,' Misses and Children's Boots at similar reductions. Wemen's ,c BIG SPECIAL Women'sxf O oris Pumps, StrapSlippers Children's Slippers of all kinds AT HAPLF RICETwitchell&SonJas.as. 4LINTON NMMMMAMh subject "Praise -The wings of the I Spirit". ONTARIO ST. CHURCH At the Young Peoples Meeting on Monday evening undies' the. "Good Citizenship" 'department, an ad- dress was delivered by Mr. A. T. Cooper on theeharactiel of the "Good Citizen." A. 'young! Imem's chorus furnished music and a!tole., "The City; Four -Square" was rend- ered by Miss Fernie :.AIlfn. Mrt. HawkeHawke presided. The , Cohnhiiunion 'S,erN viee will ` be 9 ei& next Sunday morning hollowing the public ser- vice. There will he!no, Sunday school service 1 1d .inthe,:afternolo,n• dui' the month of August. The scholars are requested to.atitend !the Moho - kg service each Sunday which will be evade of special interest to thein.. snoarlo'S oesi iiustness College CentralRusinessColleg e Stratford, Ont. Our teachers aVe all exper- ienced instructors. xperiencedinstructors. Our .cour- ses' are beitter than !even{ pini) the equipment is more icom-- plete. We do Snore- tforouri graduates than do ,other BMA - liar schools. Fourteen ,applications for trained help were received during the past week, some of these<offerin over $700 We.' have (three departments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write Tor our free catalogue and stile what we are doing. 0. A. McLachlan,' Principal. ++5+4.4. .44.4 444• :4.4.4,4,4 4444*• H+3+4 :e-II!4+4'4.e.4.4.4•+II43+'E++4,41404.1 • •,*!e 4. 4! 4. We Want to Give You 4 , A Dollar perhaps more WE'RE now making such extraordinary':low prices on our Summer Shoes and Oxfords. ;' that you will save a Dollar, and in some instances . t +++'r more. You'll be losing money if you don't supply, li your footweir needs during this sale. 4, All Men's $4,00 Oxfords for $'3 00 All Men's 5.00 Tan Boots fur:.:• ,., .;..4.00 _ ` �°. 4.- Ladies pat. leather 3.00 Pumps for 2.4o cr; Ladies pat. leathern 2.50 Pumps for • 1.98 .: Misses pat. leather 2.00 "Colonials for....,,....:. 10.68 Child's pat: leather 1.35 Colonials for t. 9o' 4- + 4 •' t• I 4 t' An An instinctive sermon was delivered t •b by the Factor Rev, Mr, Ghent, on ' the h+++++++athealesahseeteheteeffeete heelelt3+ii+_€+ +ithaelreete'3e3 3•�F F+leitde' Special Lot of Girls Shoes for $1,00 Special Lot of Child's Shoes for 75c Come in and See How Well We Can Please You. - !FRED JACKSON'S