HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 5Tfiursdiy, 11ng45,t 1jt 19124
ear ee-
There has been a lot of
care and time expended
in selecting this RING
stock of ours. Quite a
good deal of money, too,
for yve wanted, above all
things, as complete as we
could possibly get it.
We have scnne particu-
larly handsome stone con.
structions for ladies.
Also attractive effects
for gentlemen.
Somi3 of' them sell for $2.00
and front that price go
away up to over a
Then we have some cute, little
'Rings fer the younger folk for
,$1,00 and thereabouts. •
You will be perfectly safe if
you depend upon this store
for your Ding Needs
Porter's Will
eThe farmers are busy with the crops-.
Mr. aod Mrs.. Wightman, of Detroit,
are visiting at the home oteda Charles Godorioh Township
McPhail. are, Ernie Thompson has retuned
to the West. s
, Dungannon
Arthur Roach, a young lad, fell ou
of a cherrytree the other day an
broke his right arm.
Mi.iJohn Smith, a young man o
s vicinity, was united in marriage
on Wednesday evening to Miss Mark,
of Goderich, The couple, Will Make
their home in the Hub tewn.
Walter A. Wilson has been appoint-
ed Mere of the Township of West
Wawanosh to succeed 'W. S. Me-
Crostie, who has held that position
for a number of years, but has had to
resign owing to Western interests en*
gaging his attention. The new clerk
up to the thne of his appointment
served faithfully in the township noun -
nil, Haus he enters on his new duties
with a thorough knowledge of intuit
cipal matters.
eighty yeiti•s ago at Grenville, Ont.
t ftnd when a boy his parents came to
, intends moving into Mrs, Farnham's
house as soon as she vacates.
Nfies.Pearl Papneau, of Stra,throy, is
. visiting her aunt, Mrs, Dinah Taylor
and other friends. •
Mrs. Hall and children, of Clinton
are visittng hev sister, Mrs, 0. Mc-
Gregor. •
On Sunday afternoon Quarterly
meeting will be held in the Methodist
Church. The Quarterly Board will
meet on Monday evening at the Par-
sonage. • .
We are sofra to hear that Master
Willie Lowrie, son of Chas. Lowrie, to
very sick with typhoid fever. We
hope soon:to hear of his recovery.
this county and settled on the6th
concession of Colborne. Until he re
moved to Goderichfrom the' farm
about twenty years ago. Mr. Cousins
continued to be a resident of Colborne.
He was married in the year 1961. to
Miss Mary Brock, of Stanley towm
shig, who predeceased him four years:•
He is 'Survived by three sons and
seven daughters: William.of Marlette
Mich, ; George, of Chicago ; Ben, of
Powell, Wyoming; Mrs. J. le Ora of
Goderich township ; Mrs. William
Mamie), of Saltford ; Mrs. -Blanchard,
of Winnipeg ; the Misses Mattle "and
Ricca, of Winnipeg, and Lizzie and
Ruth, at home. Mrs. Keifer, of town,
Mrs, Wm, Feaga,n, of Colborne, and
Mrs. Black, of West Wewanosh, are
sisters of tire deceased. Mr. Cousins
was a lifelong Methodist, and the
funeral services on Monday were
on noted by his pastor, Rev. A.
Brown, of North street elethochst
church. Six nephews deposited the
remains in their ;resting piece in
Colborne cemetery ; John, Thomas
and Daniel 113oPee, James and
Watson,Williani and William
Feagan. The sympathy of tbe com-
munity is heartily extended to the
bereaved family in the loss of a
devoted father. Nearly all the sons
and daughters were home either dur-
ing th'eur father's last illness or for the
Miss Maud McAllister bits returned
from visiting with feienBs in Ripley
and Kincardine. -
Mr. Alex. Murdock rad daughter
are visiting friends in Oxford •County.
Will Chapman has gone West to
spend a Month. • -
Mrs. John Petty is seriously ill, and
her advanced age, 93'renders recovery
somewhat doubtful,
Albert Cudnaore has secured a posi-
tion with the Grand Trunk at Guelph,
Miss Mabel Sparks is in London un-
dergoing treatment at the hospital.
David.B. McLean has moved into the
residefitee he recently purchased from
Mrs. W. Stoneman.
T. J. Berry leaves in a few days for
the old country, and will Ming out a
a fine lot'of shire and elyde horses,
H. Busch is very seriously ill at his
• home here..
Miss Bessie Urquhart is spending a
few days at the Cautauque Assembly,
The funeral of Mrs. John Workman
held from the residence of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Win. Butts, of the second
concession of Tuckersmith, to Herisall
Union Cemetery was largely attended.
Deceared was 68 steers old, and one of
the pioneers of the district;
'Mr. Geo Lyon is slightly improved,
Miss Aline Bell is visiting in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Brown spent a
'few days last week with Varna
Charles Watson made a ehipruent of
epring chickens. Some of them weigh -
•ed almost 5 pounds,
•Rev. Mr. Hamilton the former pas-
tor will supply the Peesbyterian pul-
-resits next Sunday.
3, Hutton' has a number of men at
• work building the dam.
Messrs Watson, of Blyth, shipped
• hogs from here on Wednesday. The
price is a evancing.
Eggs are up to 22 cents a dozen and
• sugar down to 85.65 a cwt.
Several of the Hallett schools are in
'need of teachers as soon as the holi-
days are over.
Some farmers have their barley as
well as their fall wheat cut.
Leslie Woodman is home for holi-
day a at present.
W. Fellers found his stray horse in
Tuckersmith. •
W. Cole was travelling West on the
elOda Concessioneone day lately with
his auto and could not get up Young-
, .blut's Oil and had to procure a team
to pull up the auto.
Thursday the Excursion to Kinser-
. dine was elle drawing card and a good-
ly number enjoyed the trip.
• AlbertRoyd, of Lucknow, made a
sehort visit at the home of R. Adams
. Wednesday.
• Rev, W. Pearcy, wife and baby left
• Wednesday morning for Toronto.
^They will be away all the - month of
• Quarterly communion service and
Bentiaroal service will Le held at the
Methodist Church next Sunday morn-
ing, couducted by Rev, 3. H. Oster-
' bout. B. A. B. De the Pastor. A spec-
' lel:effort 15beingmade to have all the
• members of the Church present, All
welcome. In the evening a service of
csong will be held.
Brussees _Oats:sleet' 3-4.
;Blyth •' ....October 1-2
Fordwich October 5
London. ,Septem,beir 6-14
• Seatorth. September 19-20
• Toxonto Aug. 24 -Sept, 9
Win.ghstur • Septeznbee 26-27,
Zurich . _September 113-19.
Yards Opposite G. T.R. Station
All kinds of Coal on hand-
-Chestnut • Soft COM ,
Stove • Blacksmith
furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
Ti1e-2i, 3 and 4 -Inch size—
• The Tile is of the very best
quality. '
Brick to Order.
Miss Annie Cooper, has taken the
organ at Coie's Chureh in the absence
ot Miss Flossie Cole who is in Mich-
igan on a visit.
Mr. Percy Weston sporte a new
driver and the girls will have to gb
fast now if they drive with Percy.
• Miss Lottie Cantelon is back from a
visit with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Cole,
of Cape, Mich , and other friends.
Hr. James Keyes, of Stanley town-
ship has finished his foundation on his
barn. Mr. Jas. Spackman did the
Mr. Robert Cole has also had a
foradation put under his barn. West-
on Bros., had the contract.
Mr. Ike Rettenbury lost a valuable
horse a couple of weeks ago.
Last Thursday Albert Anderson
passed away at the home of his moth-
er on the Bayfield line after being in
ill health for the past six months. The
funeral wae held on Sunday afternoon
and interment was made at the Bay-
field Cemetery. Deceased was a: mem-
ber of the L. O. Le it Conservative in
polities and it member of Cdle's Meth-
odist Church. For the past three
years he had been homesteading in the
West. Besides hie aged mother 7 bro-
thers survive -Lew mad Ben, of God-
erich township; a,n4 Robert, George,
James, Charles and Wm. in the Vilest,
The deceased was well liked by all his
• Goderich
The farmers in this neighborhood
are all smiles over the fine rains which
have fallen the last few days. • The
wheat,•which is mostly all cut, is just
fir, while the oats and barley are
picking up well now., •
Ou account of a gale which prevail-
ed this morning on this side of Lake
Huron, the steamer City of Detroit
was unable to make this harbor, but
continued on to Mackinac isle.
sVhile engaged in clearing a bucket
at the elevator here, Foreman Lenn
had the infefortune of having his left
hand badly mangled, as a result he
will be laid up for a couple of weeks.
The annual garden party and high
tea of St. Geolgas Church was held
last Thursday afternoon and evening
on the grounds of Mrs.' Griffin, ad
joining the rectory grounds, Just be-
fore tea was served it heavy downpour
put a damper on things in general,
The candy fancy work tables were
well patronized, as well • as the fish
pond. During the evening Black -
stone's Orchestra rendered choice
selections. Mr. A Cook and My. Kar -
Bloke also assisted. The receipts
amount to nearly $250.
G, -G. Lee. of Goderich, a well known
merchant.of that place and proprietor
of the summee hotel there, was badly
hurt ila an auto accident, when fits
machine turned turtle in the ditch it
mile north of St. Joseph. Lee ac-
companied by his wife, was driving
when he lost control of his machine.
Mrs, Lee escaped with minor injuries,
and her dauglater, IVIttrion, who was
pinned under the machine, was only
slightly hurt, but Mr. Lee had five
ribs broken. He was also injured in-
terhally and received a bad shaking,
up. The patients were taken to Si.
Joseph by James Weil, of Berlin, who
happened along in his ear and phy-
sicians were at once rushed to the
place, Lee, it is said, Will recover and
his escape hem death is regarded as a
1 miracle-
• In the death of Thos Cousins, of
Goderich, which occurred on Friday,
119th mete another of the early settlers
of the township of Colborne has been
• one 52. •removed. Mr, Cousins wae born
Our. Aim==To Please
• Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they want more, and bring their friends with them."
To Use Our Furniture is tp prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why tpt secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable.
Atkinson &1 Dunford
Furniture •Dealers and Funeral DirectOrs-Plione 104 -
NIGWT ANIO:SENOAY CALES,,-PhOne No, -427 or Phone•10
. ,
Mrs. J. Dunbar and Mrs A. Gordon
of Ashfield, weve visiting at the horn
of Mr. Thomas Baird last week. Mrs
J. Dunbar is vet y active and
healthy fen, her year.s.
Mrs. Elliotteof Seaford], and Mrs.
Monk, of Tuckersmith, visited on
Monday at the home of Mr. Thos.
Miss Kate Hayner who was visiting
her uncle Mr. Alex. Thomson, left on
Wednesday for Geoigetown. She will
leave shortly for Eyehrow, Sask. She
will engage in teaching. .
Mr. Thos. Fraser has taken 035
pounds ofehonee from one colony of
bees, He has several more hives that
have done pretty well but can't touch
the above records. Mr. Fraser is fast
coming to the front with his epairy.
Last Monday morning as Mr. Wm.
Taylor and son were driving along the
Huron Road towards Seaforth, the
young horse, which they were driving,
became unmanageable when a motor -
;vele passed. Mr. Taylor was thrown
out ad the buggy passed over his
breast breaking two ribs and other-
wise injuring him. He was taken into
the residence of Mr. A. Scott, where
Dr. McKay, of Seaford], attended to
his injuries. The son escaped injury.
' Efolinesville
Mrs. Crawford, of Sarnia, formerly
Miss Mareenie Ayres, is visiting at
Mrs, Robert Atcheson's.
Mies Lyons, of Londesboro, is visit-
ing her friehd MissEinmeline Holland.
Mrs. Leech, of Goderich, attended
the smell on Friday evening return.
ing Saturday.
Quite a number from Goderich, at-
tended the social on Friday evening
The lawn social en Friday eveuing
was a financial success the proceeds
anounting to $115.00.
Mrs, N. W. Trewartha entertained
the members of the laceiath family on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs, Whiteman, of Detroit,
are visiting in this neighborhood.
Auto's are the order of the day, one
from Sarnia, aud anotheifrom Detroit
passed through on Tuesday.
The League held a social at the
home Miss Knox, on nuesday evenieg.
Mr. and Mrs. Stranghn has returned
from Michigan accompartied hy Moe
Thomas Anderson and her two sons.
Mr. Anderson is expected to arrive in
a few days with their housebold ea.
feats. We are glad co welcome these
old time residents to our midst again
The bridge gang arrived op Monday
and have commenced work, •
Narrow Eecape-On Monday when
Mrs, Charles Beadle and Mrs. Me -
Knight were driving QUt of the village
the horse became unmanagable and
upset the buggy throwing them out.
They were badly -bruised and shaken
upbut no bones were broken. -2
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Degemeof Saska-
• toon, Sask., is visiting the latter,
father: air. Henry Colclough and other
Mrs. Muir, ofaNiagera, is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Gob. Stephenson.
'Mrs, Farnham hns hired for e year
with trustees a Fowlers school We
aviseeorry to lose her and her fernily
from the village. We understand she
intends living in the home formerly
occupied by Mr. Chesney.
We understand Mrs. John Britton
It has not taken St Andrew's con-
gregatiou long to settle on a new min-
ister. The naembers onlY heard seven
pastors, Revs, Hain, McKay, Graham,
Turner, Avering, Craw and Allan,
and en told a meeting Tuesday
night. Rev. Mr. Pearey, as moderatos.,
first held a service, Then al ter are -
luminary wovk a, ballot was taken of
those present with the result that
Rev. Ma Turner received it large ma-
jority of all the votes case so the call
was signed and sent to him • 11 is
understood he .will accept the call
shortly. '
Mr. F. Metcalf, who recently re-
ceived the appointment as fruit in -
spec ,or for the west, leaves for Ob.
tawa this week for instructions, and
fronathere he will leave for his duties
rink of bowlers skipped by Dr.
McTaggart intend taking loll the Ber-
lin tournament at Berlin next week.
Messrs, R, Forsyth, of Ottawa, and
A. W. Robinson visited recently with
Lacknow friende.
The farmers here are now busy with
their harvest operations, and prospects
were never better. '
Rev. H. Woods preached a epecial
sermon to young men on Sabbath
evening from Haggai 1-6; taking the
words "The bag with holes," It was
a very impresstee amnion and he gave
good advice to the young people.
Mrs. Lawrence, of Samna, visited
this smelt at the home of Mrs. Mc,
Miss Fannie Potheringhane • of
Moosejaw is. visiting at the home nf
er brother, Dougal Fotheringham.
The Sabbath schools of our villrge
held their annual picnic at Bayfield
on Thursday last, when a pleasant
time was spent by all.
Mrs. Nevin and grandson, Harry
Sintipeon, of Rothsay is visiting rela-
tives in our village.
Miss Hazel Rlcoat is visiting friends
in Sarnia,
Miss Horne, of Seatorth, was last
Week the guest of Miss Mable Turner.
Andresv Murdock, who has been
visiting at his home has returned to
Detroit. He attended the olcl Boys
Reunion at Kincardine.
Ma A. Aikenbead and wife of
London are visiting at the old home.
'Miss Jean Murdock ' has returned
from \visiting her urale, Mr A.
Muvdonk, of Kincardine.
• xt is the desire of the, +4
publishers that all should
4; take an interest In this •
Z. column of THE NEW Z
• ERA. If you have friends •+
+ •
4. visiting you, or are go* +
ing away for a trip, lea'
word or send it on a poS.,
+ card. •
• +
Mrs. Charles Aberhart and 'children
of Seaforth, are spending it few days
with the formers parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Jones.
Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Miss
Norma and Miss L. Gibbings are
spending their holidays with their
sister Mrs. (Dr.) Hely at Lapeer, Mich.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. "Watts and
little son spent Sunday at Sheppard 1
ton the guests of Mrs, Burrows, Mrs.
Watts graeadinother.
Miss May Walker of Detroit is
vismingher father Mr. Robe Walker,
Victoria Street,
Mr. Len Cantelon of the Royal
Bank, Who has beeneransferred from
Toronto to London, spent Monday
with his parents here.
Miss 11 0. Fisher ie the guest oe
Mrs. W. N. Manning London.
Mr. and Mrs. C.Iletlyar went to
Kineardine on Thursday.
Mr. Thos. Kyle and tamely of
riippen and his hrotheraiaideW, ease
Samuel Pollock of Saskatoon, weal.
Grand Trunk Railway System
August 11, 12, 13, 14, tround trip
retest from •
New London, Conine 918.50
Cacouna, Que. ; $22.85
Charlottetown, P. E. I. $30.80
Halifax,N. S. .929.35
Murray Bay, Que. , ...22.85
• Old Orchard, Me. ..., .[ .$19.65
Portland, Me. .....
t. John, N. B. $27.35
Sydney, N. S. $33,85
R.eturn lianit Aug. 31st, 1912.
Only lino reaching all Summer
Resorts in fof Ontario,
Inivi A GA1V1I,
Full Summer Service new
feet to all the above Resorts.
Write for full particulars and 51-
luserated folders, to any iGrand
Teunk Agent.
• Upper Lake Sailing's
Sailiege from Sarnia for Sauit
Ste. Marie and Post Arehue 3.30 p,
m. Monrclays, Wedneledaye and Sat-
erdays. •• . ea'
For full' p,erticula,ra and -tickets call
A.E. Duff, dis#AcIll 'Pa(oSehger agent
lloineseelters' lEXCUPS1011
August 6 and 7. ,
September 3 and 17
)1 Via Sarnial or :Chicago.
Winnipeg and refluma $34.00.
Eamanleon and retum, $42.00.
Tickets. 'good for 60 dal&
Special teeth will leave Toronto
10.30 pm. on above' dates, via Chi-
ca,ge• and St. Paul eareying through
machos and Pullnaan, Tourist Sleep
ing Oars. The Gr,ainid. Tatenk Peg:-
Itie route( is fiiivi4 ;hours ishorTher be-
tween Winnipeg, Saska.to.on end
Edmonton, two trains daily, Winnie
Peg -elegem artier imoletle trondbeid
.thet best slew evesectone
strueted ; electric Ugh ed Oman,
• sleeping cars, both uppere.andlow-
era elfeatrie deeding lamps, end
containing compartnaents, an
draevitn.g r,olosete. The aerate jli
through the newest, Most picture
eeque and most rapidly developing
section of Western Canada, elimin-
ating any rnemoiteny cd e the Item.
Dininig caw service{ has criestkre(d li
new standard of exclelleMee. It
•casks no More to have cholee oe
routes. Tickets and resedvatione
Procured felean iLClaeance {Wank
Lv, Winnipeg 835 aaa. 6,00p.m.
Ar. Yorktian, '7.10 p.m. 9.30 a,ne.
Ar. C.anera, 8.30 p.m. . 1.1.45e.m.
Axe Regina, • 9.00 rem'. 7.00 m.
Ar.: Saeleatoen, '• 8A8 3.1111.
Ar•EdmOn Pi ' •
, • „
en, or iwrtte,-,
0,PATTISON: deport agt_sit
'Lfeien Stattidn, froruiltn, Ont. .
Watch Fatlits
Does "Your Watch Ron
If Not, let us repair it for -you,
et naay be only dirty, and Reed
cleaning, or stop c)r laek of ode
Whcitever t he Reason, don't de-
lay. W.Jil give thorongh examine-
• don and regulation FREE.
Anything, more costs as little as
satisfactowy Work cam be done.
Je Grigg
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
the guests of Mr. 3. Mitehell last
VwleM'irdie'earYstable.s• Fregsueersatsala.04rBesaut oisifsTgrebnteso
over Sunday. a ••'
Mr. Beat Kede, teas isa Bayfield
on Saturday. ,
Mrs. George •Hayd and daughter
Constance and Mrs. ti. Bell of
Brantford, who tura, spending this
rummer at Point Farm,, ,moteltisid
down and anent' Tuesday at Mrs,
Wm. Robert eon's.
Mr. Hessian and Miss Sehadel of
Toronto are guests of iVfal. Reese/en.
Miss le Snanehan. returned On
Saturday from Detalait and ia
enending the week tat the Mend.
Mrs. P. W. Watts' has retuned
home sate; an absence es of any
w eelee. •
1VIrs. Glazier, er., and Mrs. rThas.
Cook attended Ole; funeral of Rev,
A. Glazier, superannuated Metho-
dist minister, at Wiartom •
Mee Addie Rayean of Toronto
has been canoed home owing to
the serious illness of her toothed.
Miss Edna Aitken, who has been
visiting at the home of Mrs. Jae,
Wallrenshatv, left on ;Weittnesditty
for Bluevale, to latedndhe . {tweda
ding of her brothinee; Mr. H. 'Hollis
Aitken to Miss Alice; Duff,
Mi•es Margaret Wiseman is ex-,
pected from Ottawa on Saturday Ito
spend her metal= here. . t
Mr. Linder of Toalento, Who Was
a visitor in toesere •ovea the
end, returned Maul ton allonaday,
accompanied lejr IVIrs. Linder, who
las been witheher daughter, ;Mee.
3. Doig, for the( past couple of
Nitta Mable Dunfard of Stetted&
is spending hee holidays. $n town
with her sister, Mils. W. Picket:It,
Mrs. Arch. Kennedy' and daugh-,
ter, and Mrs. ,Valneane of Datztolv
are venting Mrs. Donald leenneidy,
Mr, G.11. David entertained on
Tuesday evening in homer of (Mrs.
Mr. Arthair Brickenden of Landkni
is visiting at 4310 home of (Mr. J.
Taylor. 1
Mr. Stewart Jackson left on 'Dues
day for la fame {weales visit in Toil,
ronto. ;
Mrs, 'Sennett and daughters,Rena
and 'Verna, of Blyth, and' their.
friemd, Miss Davis, spent a leev
days the guests of the former's
sister, -Mrs, King,
Mr, Hardy Blo,uld.eneleet far, alo-
ronto oneWednesdaY moreniet,
Mrs. H. Alexander had a few glees
in • to tea, en • Friday evening of
laE4 week •
Messes, Gordon Cuninghante, and
Dur:t Hovey are camping at Nathels
The families of Jas Twitchell
Mrs. Mulloy, and li.Marehall
nicked at Goderich on TueedaY.
Mr, Ray Graham of Wier &
Brown, clothing store, is at pile -
sent on vacation.
Miss Minnie Pinkney is spending
her holidays in Goderich and Clinton.
(Seaforth News)
Miss Mary Kennedy was visitiog
with Goderich friends last week.
Mies Lizzie Cudmore was a visitor
in Stratford for a few days.
J. Harold Kerr. son of Rev. W. K
Kerr, a pupil of Tillsonburg High
School and a former 0,0.1, student
has eracessfully passed his Pati IL
examination for first class certificate.
He is new attending the cadet camp
Mr. Wm. Watters of the Forclveich
Record is rather worse of late, and no
hopes axe entertained for his recovery.
He has been a patient sefferer for
'many months, fighting manfully
against the inroads disease Was mak
ing on his vitality.
C9,unty D9ings
Messrs, Hemphill & BC`/Vr) of Wrox
eter are erecting an elevator at the
south end of their naill.
Goderli,ch, Signal -Thos, lnnidry
arrimed home Sattery?,frora
Western, trim, lie was away eal-•-
tevo fraohtlie anal went' as tar as
Vectoreia. He found the trip very
interesting, eaw mamy, •Goaleeich
people, and spaaks in warm
of the hospitallitLy ehatf weseevery-
wete hteepeid upon hiin end ears.
Gundry, who accompanied him.
E'verythina. baorranig in the West;
ne says, eased the trop' lieo•Pente
this year are egollent. It,can'eas-
lilt be imagnied thee amen ad ear,
'0 undr,yes .aetiVe tempeeatuniet and
• teetterieig •eineagy would seas kneels
ah tila117 ,Cmar,,would, ellia`rradeht
• lortig,er time: He think/ title WM'et
se a great „country,,but'uovehede. d
• he find isfnly;4' • place,lie liked tatex
than, -if3tocietiteli,' oath he has' terns
back to the old town with iintentitm
August is here and now is' the time when our stock
must be lowered, as we must have room for our new
fall stock when it arrives, The time is short in which
to do this; but we are determined that during the next 1
,.. few weeks all lines of spring and summer goods will be
cleared out, and room made for heavy fall goods.
Big Price neductiops Will be made on the
Following Lines.
Ladies VVhitewear—Waists, Underskirts, gowns,
Drawers, Corset 00vere, Etc,
Men's, Women's and Children's Cotton Hose
Children's Wash Dresses, Blouses, Etc.
All lines of Wash Goods
Men's, Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Underwear.
Buy Here and Save Money During August
Plumsteel Bros.
Huron Co. 'News
The Fordwich Record is holidaying
thi week,
• ,,The Treasurer's half yearly state-
ments to June 80, showing a balance
on hand of general fund of $1,578,40.
n East Wawanosh.
The Municipal Voters' List for Men-
rie for 1912 was first posted up Thurs.
day of last week. It contains 652
names in Part I; 911n Part II and 33
n Part 661, a total of 776. Persons
qualified to serve as jurors 389,
The Regina, cyclone hit the reidenee
of Levi Beam, a former resident of
Morris, who is a bridge contractor in
the Western metropolis. Fortunate -
y the family was away from home at
•the time of the disaster or the story
might be a sadder one.
The trustees of Union S. S. No. 12,
Grey and McKillop bave re-engaged
Miss Jennie Robb of Morris township
at an advance in salary. A good re-
eotnmend. Miss Grace _ Robb will 1
teach at Moorefield, her salary being
$550. The latter has just completed
her Normalcourse at Stratfod.
The Voter's Liet of the Township of
Usborne have been posted up and
shows a total number of 753 voters
The number by divisions are Mo. 1,
part UV. part 248; part 3.7; No 2
part 1.33. part 2, 28; part 811; No.
8, part 1-156 part 2, 41. part 8-18; ,No.
4 part 1481, part 2-27, part 86, The
uumber qualiffed to serve re jurors is
Mr. Thos. Flynn, of Exeter, reach, -
ed it nasty bruise while working near
Wingham, They were unloading
some heavy rails with which they are
relaying the L. H. & 13, when one of
them severely pinched one of his fing-
The Voter's List of the yillage of Ex-
eter is out and shows a total number
of 605 votes. The numbers by 111.1
mons arM
e sub adman one part 1
part 249; part 841; sub division 2, part
1.137; part 241; part 3.25 sub dividon 8
part 1,-107 part 2, 39 part 8,•12; sub
divison 4 part 1,-57, part 2e14, Dart
3,-5 making a total 02605. The num-
ber of persons entitled to serve as
jurors are 203.
• Flax pulling has commenced at Cred.
One of the Prettiest weddings for
some time, took place at the residence
of Mr. ant Mrs. 3, Simms. of Scott,
Sask., formerly of Crediton, Ontario
when them oldest daughter Ethel
May, was united in niarriage to Cllar- I
ence 5, B. Holmes, Rev. W. A. Cam-
eron officiating. '
One by one the old pioneers of Cred-
iton seetion are.passing away and on
Senday one of the oldest and most
widely known residents in the person
of Mr, August Heist died at his home
at the age of 72 years 8 months and 14
days. Deceased was born in Wurten
berg, Germany in 1839 and came to
this country with his parents when he
was 10 years of age and settled in the
Niagara district a few years later they
moved to Stephen Township. In the
year 2860 he was naarried to Miss Bar
•bare. Hetet of Waterloo, and settled on
the farm north of village, where they
lived until 12 years age when they
rnoved to Oreclibon. Besides his wid
ow a family of 7 sons and 4 daughters
MWin, Ford, at one time a school
teacher in Tuekersmith, died in St.
Joseph's hospital in Londou on
Tuesday. Kr. Ford was 68 years of
age. The remains were taken to St,
Colinnban and interred in the $t.
Columban cemetery on Wednesday.
In reference to the death of the de.
ceased the London Advertiser gives
following sad particulars: Mr. Wm.
Ford of Thedforcl uncle of Rev.
Father Ford, parish priest of Bothwell
was brought to London on Monday
night and placed in Sc. Joseph's
Hospital, suffering from cold and ex-
posure. The late ller. Ford had wan-
dered away from his- home and had
become lost in the woods around
Parkhill. When discovered he was in
an unconscionscondition.it is thought
that his mind had been affected for •
some time past.
The laborioue con tract'of rebuilding
the mill dam at 13russeis; has been
completed by the Pryne Milling Co.
and an A 1 niece of work is the result
which we hope will stand for many a
year. Last year the Ilene and about
75 feet of cement wall were Welt and
last Spring's freshet worked such
damage to the older part of thee dam
it was found necessary to epect 265
feet, which now completes the work,
making a cement wall measuring
over 400 feetWith 3 waste gates. Wall
is 12 feet high and 4i, feet thick at the
bottom grading up to 2 feet at the top
and appears to he aery substantial
as it is well backed up by quarried
stone and' earth.„2 cars of cement were
geed and the •expenditure was over
$1.,990. In 1910 the improvements cost
about $istoo solhe limn should 'have
sereethipee for the large output of
both 'money and labor. With the
preeent 'Mem' the supply of water
ehnuld practically run the mill all the -
year as the new water wheels installed
t year are the most raottimn
• Mr. L, Hill has commenced on his
contract of building a new school
house at 8, S, No. 11. Huliett. Tee
prince will be over $2000, ee
During the month of,. Jelly, 827 cars
of grain were loaded from the Glode•
rich elevator.
A union Sunday School excursion is
being run to Goderich from Blyth and
other stations on the 0. P ft. tine as
far east as Milverton on Wednesday,
Aoitivgioustkto,udt.m7hy.. This will be Blyth's
Thos. Gundry, of Godericb, who re-
turned from his Western trip, is again
open for engagements as auctioneer,
and will soon have a big string of sales
on hand, as he is easily the leading
sale conductor in this section.
Mr, Harvey Sperling 4th , con. How
Mk brought to Fordwieh ktecord office
several stocks of fall wheat, the long
est of which measured 5 feet, si inches
Re also left a stern of timothy which
measured 5 feet, 7e inches.
Messrs, Chas. Wright, ltith con.
Howick had three bead and F. 0, Ma
hood one heed of cattle killed during
therecent electric storm.
Mr: John Powell, of Detroit, was he
Wroxeter on Friday. Mr, Powell
taught school al; S. S. No. 13 Ilowick
some 35 years ago,
Mr. Frank 1Vietcalf, of Blyth who re
cently received the appointment of
Froth Inspector ,fore
leave on August lst for Ottawa and
from there he will go to Medicine Hat
Sask.'where he will be sta,tioned. He
was at first appointed to Lethbridge.
Alta,, but it since has been changed.
The many friends of Miss B. R. Hull
who had charge of the continuation
school at Wroxeter far about three
years, will be pleased to learn that she
has been engaged as principal of Luck -
now continuation school at it salary of
$1050 per year, The Lucknow school
is splendiely equipped and has no less
than six teachers.
One by one the pioneers of West
Wawanosh are passing away. One of
the earliest comers of these, letrs. Eliz-
abeth Anderson, relict of the late
Arch. Anderson, passed to her rest at
the home of her clabghter, Mrs. Hill,
in Milton. As Mrs. Andersonknew
the trials and difficulties and also the
joys of pioneer life in the early days,
having corne some sixty eears years
ago as it young,bride with her hue -
baud and settled on the bush farm in
West Wawanosh, now the home of
her son, J. D. Anderson,
Mr. Gran, of the Canada Flax
Fibre Co. has made arrangements for
installing the machinery in the flits
mill at Wingham for the manufacture
of the flax straw which has been
stored in stacks 185 Wingham for some
time, It is expected that the mill will
be started in about three weeks,
The voters' Rats for the Township
of Tumbling fot 1912, have been print-
ed. and were first posted in the Clerk's
office at Bluevale on 3uly 22nd, The
list this year contatns t e names of
646 voters and there are 350 persons
qualified to serve as jurors.
Nathaniel • Weston, a former resi-
dent of Goderich, died in London last
week in his 701h year. Deceased was
father of Mrs. W. T• Yates, formerly
c4TWhemdgehaathinMecurred at Westfield on
Tuesday of Thomas Woodcock, a for-
mer well-known resident of Winghem
in his 57th year. Mr. Woodcock had
resided in 1Vinglaaan for a number of
years and nearly thirtyyears ago he
was engaged in the livery business
there and in later years conducted it
dairy business. Interment was made
oinnTlehinuirtsydalpyhuhetesht... conisterY itt Bletil
The brickwork of King Bros. new
store is completed at Wingharn.
• A letter from Mr. A. D. McKenzie,
formerly proprietor of the Luekuow
Sentinel, states that he will shortly
publish `The Wilkie Tribune," a new
addition to the Canadian newspaper
slisats.kaltVehielkwieanis a, growing town in
proclaimed Nd
Venesd j
3 holAugust 7111,dayh
t0r sllb
Seaforth. oretehn.
The firemen go to St. Marys to take
part in a big firemen's demonstratiou
that is being held in And town. The
Citizens Band will accompany the fire-
men and will take part in the big
parade in Sb, Merys on that day.
• Mr. John Deverex hoe sold his farm
on the Huron road, east of &worth.
to Mr. John Nolan, of McKillop, the
price being $7,000. Mr. Nolen has
Procured a No. I farm and one in
first class condition, • .
Mr, John Rankin of Seaforth has
purchased for a, client a recent issue of
Mallillop rural telephone debentures •
amounting to 53,650. The debentures
run for 10 years and bear five per
cent interest. They were purchased
at par with accrued interest.
Mr. Robert Porterfield has sold his
farmon the Kippeu road, south of ,
Egmondville,, ,which, ,he, ,purehased
about two years' ago fneree WI John
.Reinke, to Mr. Alexander Wallace
tfrom•ielesek•Conhoye The cpribet,Pittd.,'•
was 97,900 and Mr. Porterfield retaihe
pOssession until March lot,
, .
. . ,
. r.