HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 4`Nitro
!Skii 4904
ea, Y
j hone 7S
• New
Assortrlreent of l`�
.Sumner Merchandise Speciafily":
this store f�
Priced at
25, per cent off all Giugtlalns, eha:nibrey
and 'Embroidery Dresses,,
These are ideal gar-
ments foil outing wear
in ladies „and misses
sizes, all 'good styles,
new this reason, so• if
you want a nice, cool
dress NOW is the time
to buy one at a low
Special for
We put on sale Sat—
urday, two dozen good
Umbrellas. They are
splendidly made, with
good handles, strong
frames, It wl1 pay you
to buy at this price, reg
1 00 and 1,25 for.... 69(;
er Normal
Resultsxof 'tile'.Recent "irll'iddle""
, Examinations.
The DePartmlent of 'Education
On Saturday announced' the results
of the midtd5e rschoo'1 'examinlat oa
r ' entrance: •n n the : 'Normal,i r tions.'- First ;' theycan obtain, im
rt haved ''
.� t tens a 'f d fl as
tv. sa c stiat ti is five
schools. The follq ,,ng � a 1 .'l 1 o v. 1. yP
',was also islsued :-The tcertificateIA, ' yn, assessments and surrender, their
the successful candidates ,and i certificates. Stecond, they can sur -
the statements of marks' `of :those , render; th,e'ai certaflcate,anti I eeoive
�vho failed wilt be mailed to ,the:, a paid up certtXrcate for half " -Mot
Principals 'or inspectors `'in the' amount of the original' eertiflca'te.
course of la fewt,days. I Thi+rd;'they can surrender ono -half
The appeal Ieaamimers have al- , the moonlit Of the .derti'fieate, 're -
ready read the papers of each ' ceive onto -Tout th in cash of what
candidate whose ,marks would ,in I they have paid, in 'and continue
former years have justified an, ap- haying the regular assestsments on
peal, 'Wherie such a eanditdf'tetel has the other half. • These conditions,
failed his. tstate niant o ah , i,t seems to us, tone reasonably fav -
will be stamped:. as reread', andno arable anid'•shiouftd" hot in any way
further appeal with be allowed. `.In I be complained of.
'Will not be refueled, ifa throughout the country over 'this
'.se aditei Wo'rl 95 n fox'xuly',,'sho va,l.
that up.det' 4hrts; mtp zafie oxi eajch 1.;
$11000 •` 'of Insurranee, the Monthly i s
aaseent wI>:b�e as foillvwa:: '
ro• years tot age $2.71`'pier Month
55 years of age, $3.30 Per.(mtontth
60 years of'ago $4.28 •per month
lit, year•s of ago $5.60 per(mQnith
This table of age not • ly•pn
present sage •of hueanbers, ,but their+
age as on, May 1 1905,when fire `
later, and higher mattes came ;into
etleet:onthoste who joined- • after
1�t2 Lowe!
This week Mr, '41'na, Proudfoot IC.
C., 1V,f, P. P. ;font Centro Buren, And
Mr, E, Zeller, !ditor of the Zurich •
Jlerald, aro 'away with thje?Liber-
•dts,' of Ontario, who are paying a -
Special •visna- to NewOntario.
for,isistanee; a inem) er who is 72
to -;day will have to'pay $5.50 .,per,
month:, per $1.000, Jut any of theste
members are' allowed. ecaitaitabp-
Ladies Sults Less 'than i Price
Just three Ladies Suits left in stock, good fine It
cloth neatlytailored,satin lining, sizes 34 and 36,
regular 58. 50, your choice . 9.OU
e Dresses at t$ s5o
Two dozen House Dresses on sae Saturday,
made of good strong percale and print, sizes 34, 36,
38, 4o and 42, choice 11,59
Roy Wanted to Learn the Dry Goods business
ew Fire Insurance Law
Is Effective To -day
(Toronto Star.)
Thursday, August 1st, the new
Tire Insurance Ace comes into 0f-
fent all over the Provineeto'f.Ontar-
en, and as.ag result every -fide, in-
eurance policy inhhe Province will,
be automatically affected.
a o Y
htdliday' lists inmost Of the
fire insurance companies and ag-
encies' offices anei cancelled at
;present, and all the staf Le .working
overtime to be reedy fotj the n'ew,
"It's just .eois'iinig us about a t'hou-
aand dollars fon militating and new
atationary,," said the ,mtanpger of a
big firm of underwriters . to The
Star, "and in addition to 'this ini-
tial Bost wewill_�have to pay Same•
six hundred dollars ayear textrain.
eateries on account of the hneW law."
What ; 1haniges Mean.
It seems that all ,expensive Stock
of policies will have to be destroy-
ed and new, •forms printed and 12.4
coed. Among the important ehan-
ges which will become ieilfeetilve
and 'have to be plainly printed'in„
the new policies under the revised
law, will be thet following:.
"In future the insurance company
will be liable .for damages - 'from
Lghtning, whether or net 'the Light -1
ning causes an'aotual fire."
"The Insured will have a stand-
ingpermit for wo men making
�k n
repairs fitfteen -days s in year,instead
of'fia as formerly."
"Policies must not ,state author.
iced capital of the company, unless
full particulars of'alm,ount paid -gip
and other details> are 'given."
Renewal Rececptei Binding.
Renewal receipts if accepted by
Ensured, are' an alccetritanc,e) of re-
newal of policy,- The company Inay
sue for the aanount bf the premium
unless receipt isreturned- Mimed
lately. On the other; hand, .the
company is liable for the ineuras ce
in case cif! lose( (from' the'mobn,nint
the receipt is slept out.
While the changes are causing
the underwriters a good,' deal bf
trouble they are, an the whole, Ac-
ceptable to them,
all other cases of failure appetals There is a grleatl ;deal of soafeness
m''die belfors`
September 1st, and aecompanied,by 1 increase. But Grand Lodge s!a,ysiit
the fc*e "elf $2; Irk' vi ',v df all the is necessary and Sir Alain AytJlecs-
precautions taken, Iro',ever, it is has given the opinion that the
most inlike'1y that such .appetall's Grand Lodg'et has the rifth.t to int, -
would succeed. Pose it. Ja ( s. McEwving, he Grand
Infornmatiton, Master, says'' the new rates are
Suecessfpl candidates who denim - ractically the 'Hunter table of
+ attend the .eoa M..' session of the rates 'endorsed by the Ontario 'Gov- -
W, PR,0UDF0AT, M. P. P.
under way amid oo,ttinued sheers,
At Cobalt.
Tuesday was spent at Cobalt wbere
the vlsito s were 'taken to the vase
ious mines. •
At the lunohecn, which was presid-
ed over by Mr, Geo, +Ilioss, short ad-
dresses were delivers by the- Mayos,
the Provident of the Board of Trade,
and other representative citizens, be.
speaking, the appreciation of the north
for the evident sympathy and interest.'
which had prompted the tour. In his
brief and appropriate response Mr.
Rowell sounded a splendid note for
united Provincial citizenship and loy-
alty, The tour, he felt, would be"of'
value to both -old and new Ontario in
developing a better understanding
and a more hearty cooperation.
Desire of the District.
President E. S. Secord of the As-
sociated Boards: of Trade of North tri*
Ontario' headed an influential deputa-
tion which waited upon Mr. Rowell
at,the close of the afternoon. .They
pointed out that, irrespective of party,
the people of the north felt them-
selves indebted to the Liberal leader
for his visit and that of hie colleagues,'.
and placed before hint a number of
the desires of the district with a view
to securing Legislative support. They
asked that one million of the five
million grant be allotted tor opening
up the country by permanent road..
ways, and took exception to the Gov-
ernment's handling of towneites, sug-
gesting that they be administered by
N° n ernment, M p a commission, They'also urged
ormal schools are.notified that !embers who are dns'os- Every isection of the Prpvinedg
their applications for a,dinisslont ed to complain should bear in mind will be re r,esent•ed in the °titatrio changes in the laws . affect' ng .settle-
must` be made-to+t'he Deputy Min, that .for all the years they have
p . menti duties, the extension of the
•ieter of Education Mit later than been members of the, Society 'their Liberal m iagdentatfly trout b the Nipissing Central Railroad From Lis-
Tuesday, September 3rd, risk has beer( carried for; perraips T'emislcamfng di igliit, which began keard to New Timiskaming a mile
Y p once -tine less than they could gek Monday night. The en Erie from the Quebec border, additional
The Nortnal schools will opens on it carried in any straight life con- partyn 'numbered over a hundred regulations covering the acreage held
atTuesday, c•toSeptember alcandidatesat 9hnums't Many. These soe:teties fu,nisth in-
n- bis .eol2ea,nguesy�willlrbe LibeRowe l ral® for speculation .under the veterans'
creased protection to a grleat many every land grants, and the apportionment
n•r esrequirted to Ue, at le! stpp7eightts ; o•Puhavi young andsi who crndidates,in t in elmoat
elecdt om, lishn eu0t0of a publiciier lty bureau in Tor-
areee years of age before October let. dependent,Aon ham; h members of thte Dominion•. Paella- onto, operated by the Associated
Further is,foa+mation a'egaadin'g 'ratesot of therr•egula¢t life the companies higher
menta a•nd leading men 50 the or- Boards of Trade,
he conditions of adtmissi;on may be f r' solar a an -amount Aad 'now ganirzation of the party.
AAN, NAMAAWAAAWAAAM:ooso•ofeoos00000sse000•oo
Men end- Events ®'
Is the Time For.
Eaeet glain
gl, •
Stove Moving.
will receiverom t" at-
Prices given
on all kinds of
ofin Siding and
Ytil & Sutter
a �
i[Mi�mARON GfflasTaa
NeW York
Who has startedl to clean up the
wd£oe 1 t
, which t
police sysaelm, after he. re-
cent murder is ire polrce;
force ttre;saatl ,:;tp be
attainted ft= sections 4 and 5 of + °i g .
the syllabus, copies, of which may that these olden Members have Crowds Cheered at Aurora. „
1•e obtained on application, to 'thte• fewer depending upon them land Mr.N W. Rowell's tont opened
their risk is heavaetl to carry, we
Deputy Minister •ef Education. No do not req that! any •50 nsticeisbe-. auspiciously with. a remarkable and
candidate will be admitted/ who ing done theml by i'iequiring ahem
spontaneous reception at Aurora.
does not comply fully withthe eon- for leg,
safety of this society to pay When the train pulled into the station
ditions of hese_ elections.. The shortly after 11 o'clock Monday fright, Mr. Rowell received an address
results are; the hiignrer rade. If they. arse .oat in , a gathering of five hundred cheering from L'aRowriton Liberals, and then drove
a financial positioml,to pay the men, women and children, with a
HURON. I higher rate, coinsidtJertingl the bene- I t rested the out to anted to for. lunch. lie was
fits secured Lnrth High end vipers band, g accompanied b Charles Murphy,K. J. M. Aikenhcad, Iron„ J. L. Arm-• el past, it is no ire , visitors, The Liberal leedee who had p Y P, Y,Ii • 0.
�u fire or hardship when they sale, started Co retire, was hurridely sum Mr. Pardon), of Loudon, president of
our ; V.M. 'Barget, hon.- J. C. Belil, uermitted to gle,t full benefit Torkeptthe Advertiser Publishing Co., and J.
hon.; lift P. Buchanan, 'hon.; II.. S. all theyhave , aid in ,flue reduced i red. M" nt,me the crow) E. Atkinson, president of The Toronto
p upits cheerio for Rowell. et the
Campbell, hon.; M. Cameron ; E. B. c::rtfficate, All this society 3nsur- I had of the demonstration was .Jessie Star'
Around Liskeard.
N W. Rowell and his followers
went through the farming district
around New Liskeard Wednesday.
They left their train at several points,
and were entertained by the local
Case; G.IE. Case, bon,; F.N, Cap- truce is worth what it costs to carate Walton, Liberal candidate in North Mr. Rowell addressed the Loyal
ling; E..J Chesney ; C. M. Clark, ;the risk as one gores along, but ,it is
York at tie last election, who joined Lodge of Template at ➢Lilber tag and
bon-; C. Copeland ; M. J, Curtin ; R. not wise to dep etid' upon it.alono; the touring party. At each opened returned to New Liskeard in the after
E. Dewer; T. 15 Dick, hon.; J. V because as a n,aturial aurid reason- vestibule getups waited to meet the noon, where the Liberals tendered
Dickson, Bron.; E. M; Dickson; V. B. able result the ,00tst of carrying the Liberal leader, and at es eh vestibule 0. him a reception. ,
Durni,n ; R. I Rerguso•n ;•. J, M- Fin- risk in old age is much greatee than lady stood, a hoquet in her hands, to
le) on;. A. Finkbeinor ; M. M. Fisher, in youth, end it would be an, imiust- ' greet him The whole train was de•
hon,; R. R. Forbes, hon.; R. E. ice to the young ton:tak,e'thenr pay.
Grouzeback; E. Guenther ; L. R. for :the old. These increased elates '
Guenther; J. Gillespie, hon.; N.M. on .the n1dd should not ticil(eli' !the I
Geddes •,J. Govetelock ; N. S. Goren- young men, joining tate benefit sac 1
lock; M Hablcixlt, hon,; E. Ham- ietie , as they get value fontallthey.
matt, hon.; D. E. 'Holmes ; .E. Hol- payjastthey go along. Lite, is not
land;; M. A, Moran ; E. E. Hunger ; assured to any, either young or old,
M.O. Irwin • L. V, Johns' A. F. King, and the small payment atnd (full
hon.; S. P. Kirke; M, A. Knight, benefit is assured to the young at to
lion; E. P. Levis ; MM. Lyon ; R,.W, ,titre when it is most needed, that
Levy ; E. C. 'MacEwen; LE. Mathe- is when young and helpleess dlrrid-
son; M. M. Mair; J.•A.McBurney;J, ren are dependant upon: the eaeih.i
McClinton, hon.; M. McGregor Ings of the head of tette family. •
hon, ; 1V1, E. McKinley ; -V, J. Mc- ,
Laughlin, hon.; O.J. Melnurchy ; N.
Itlitcldleotn; G. Muir, hin.; T. Muir ;
11. D. Munro; S.V. Morrish; N. M.
Nicholls, hon. ; M. 0-estreicher, hon.;
H. E. Pridhasn ; S. Petty; hon.; Tr. A.
Rodger;' F. A. Ross, lion.; A.E1
Shaw ; SILL. Shaw ; E. I3. Scott, hon, ;
J. R Scout hon.; G. J. Sills , 01,A.
Shipley; F C. S4olmam, hon.;E.P.
Sothern W. Sperling; E. . Sulli-
Van; Ci E. Stephenson, hon.; C. E),
Tell ; D. V. Tiernay ; M. I. Town, hon. ;
C, Turner ; F. L. Van Stone,''hon.;
L. J. Wasmann, iron.; G. O. Weir,
hon.; M. S. Webb ; WA" Welsh.; R.
J. Wiggins, 'lion:; 'M.'Wiltiams; 1H.
R. Wilson; G. in. young; C.Y.oulli
Ancient Order of
- United Workmen
Local News
corated,with flowers in short order.
Mr. Rowell spoke v"ery briefly from
one of the front ears, thanking the
people for their interest, t,nd declar-
ing that he felt certain that wi h the
sympathy of the women with hien,
the sympathy and interest of the men
world he with him, too. "I hope
that this :s but the beginning of an
enthusiastic interest in our policy,
which will continue until that policy
triumphs at the next election," The
Liberal leader's speech was cut short
by the locomotive whistle, the wheels
started to move and the train was
Remember' that vin can, help us.
a lot by writing out any local news
whether you let us have it over
the phone, through the mail or
drop into the' office and tell us.
.Our readers ane invited to write
for a copy of the, new catalogue
lust issued - by W.H. Shaw, •Presid'-
ent of the group of,schools ineluud-
in+g the wcl'13rnoavnl Central Busi-
ness'College, of Tioronto, and its
The older m,emb,enst of the An- four branches,.the Central Melo,.
stent Order of United Wdrinnen graph .and Rayir'ora'd' ''School and
hose who -loaned previous to 1905 ,the Shaw Correspondence School;
��iil have their monthly clues large- all now generally known as "Shaw's
1 increased afterOctober next..Schools" ol
Toronto. 'See adv: 'cardin
T le new table, as published in The ,this•assue. E. ZELLER
Local News
The baseball team plays in Blyth to
day. Dick Tasker goes along as chief
rooter etc.
Mr. H. Joyner brought in a smal
branch of a red currant bush heavily
loaded and the currants vere t good
size. They may still be seen in the.
,New Era Office,
Blyth Standard: -Miss Zetta
Bawden, of Clinton, purchased the
Bawden property on Mill St. from
Messrs, Purdon ,S Purdon, of London,
soiictore for the estate, at the sale on
Thursday last.
45 tickets were sold at Clinton sta
tion for Kincardine this morning to
take in the excursion held under the
auspices of the Union Sunday Schools
of Wingham.
Mr. Browne, of the Knitting Co
was called home last week owing to
the serious illness of his father, but as
he was progressing favorably he re
turned Monday. His father passed
away after he had game. The Toren
to Stai speaking of the death says: -
a s:-WillruAlbert Browne land survey
or. died Monday at his home, 62 Brun
Highest court of Env -6:e Decides
• In ISI '�'ee1�
� ease Favoring.
Decision Was Announced Monday in London— Comment From Ottawa and Montreal
on Results of Erquiry Into Merits of Case—It is ire g arded as a Serious Matter
q Y g
s , Mattel. f r all
May goThroughSettleo
—Hebert. Case- a. a Test Case in Order. to
LONDON, July 29. -The judicial
committee of the Privy Council to-
aay'dceided the Quebec "Ne Tem-
cre•" amaraltagie question in favor pf
the province of Quebec and against
therecent protpose4-'legilslatio•n oft
the. Donninlon Parliament which
undertook to provide that no law
`ae canonical 'decree or•custorn pf
any province should' have force or
effect '''to invalidate any Marriage
performed' by any Pelton connpett-
ent topetf_orm itmasMagel cere-
The papal decree declared that
the' •znarr'ifage of two Catholics or
el a Catholic : with a, Protestant
must :be perforpnje1 051 with the
sanction of the Catholic parish
priest. •
The' lord chancellor in deliver ng
Judgement to-tday said that the
proposed bill was ,beyond, the pow-
ers of tthe Dominion parinamtejtt.
Comment From Ottawa.
OTTAWA, July 29.- The judg-
ment of the 'judicial committee Of
the Privy Council/ on the Marriage -
law question as interpreted here
`here as)upholdintg into ,fhevcotntete:
tion •ofthel ;opponents) ofth . 'll.
The SuPrepnle Court ludSenh
pfglently is upheld in one
point and
in,_ effect, on
t.t.another'Tc,i a,,,bnit11 kwtftaawtareao d e jLla
but that the marriage in Quebec of
Catholics by non-Catholic ministers
functionaries was valid. The Privy
Council also, declares' the bill titre
vires, but, in so declaring, `adds
that the provinces have aright' to
impose conditions as to the ;solem-
nization of -marriage. Foe this . ea -
son question two its not anewer,eltl..
It follows•thereforte, that if the civ -
i1 code of Quebec is inte(ipi::tecl
as making essential to validity tins
marriage oif Catholics by priest&toe
their own church, the code In ques-
tion is constitutional and regular. It
a remedy is ought, the only ,course
is ;to amend the°°„B. N. A. Act v hich
could be done by the :Brutish par-
liament on the request, of the par
liament of Canada, What action
will betaken cannot be forecasted
at this juncture.
"A very serious matter,” was the
comment of Hon. Justice Idimgton,
one of the Supreme Court judges
who ruled on -,the (narr'i,agle refer-
ence when it was refermjed to '.that
body. "It .throws the whole thing
,into the hands 'of the local le eiela-;
"The judgment evidently Up-
holds .ads t he. bn hers bit
ho t vier of the efts.
the S1eprehnle 'Court, tehat ipoweletint
this 'matt resits with tote,P rovine"
dial, legislatures. 'My own 77"udtg=
el ou'w 1 b o+kthe-
e will remember, thex View,;; t1►ai . wblere tthe.. ilocakl
1 legislatures Tailed to provide the
means of marriage Of any rereems
the Dominion government; had
"What effect Will ,it have on, the
marriage situation in Quebec?" Jus-
tice Idington was asked.
"It leaves the whole thing to take
it. ,depend
that province where will
entirely • upon the, Iinterpreitatiom
the Queblelc doral legislature may
ttlte," •
Montreal View.
MONTREAL, July 29, -Legal o-
pinion secured here toolthe +ffndieg
of the; Privy, Connell on the Lan-
caster Bill refterre.niee appears to
lean to the b 1ief1 t that the. Lords
have decided nolo to answer ques-
tion No. 2, raltatimtg to -that marriage,
of Catholics by a Protestant mon-
ister, evidently believi'ng•11hat 'such
a point must be answered by a;Que-
tier court; which had a specific ease
before it, -•
It is pointed out in, this cowd5-
lion that thellbest thing to dol is
to let the !Hebert ease, .which'eonr
taunts all tthel elements of an ideal
teat ease, go through
the Privy
,Ceuniicih' The legal
experts alSo b
leve that glee made alear thatt.hf
-the, law .e, of Quelled. eblec'does not' npW
Make lt'po'ssitble to quash the Mar-
riage :of -people 'libel, 'tl�e a ieberts,;
the, provin'cial„LegislaturotInla -to
ansa a ch legit!llatio-n
A Toronto View.
TORONTO, July 29. ---Editorial
eonnanent by the Toronto leveninlg
papers on,the decision, of the Priv-
y Council is deferred; until to -Mort.
row. Sir Jamas Whitney 'refused
make any ,00mment. A member of
the legal staff oaf,the Attorney-
General of Ontario, who prjefer,red
to withhold his, (nannte :from publi-
cation gives his opinion that .:the
decision of the Privy twined
leaves the case .whe1'e the decision
of the Supreanle Court 05 Canada
left 115, "far no two `lawyers ,in.
Quebec will agree on the interpre-
tationof the Quebec Civil code
point at issue."
Geo. S. 'Ifolnaestjelyd, K. C., of Os -i'.
geode' Hall, a student of ecclesnias-
ti•al law, thinks, the Privy Council;
in declaring .,the! second' question
superfluous, has failed • to a)n'eiwlelrt
the vital question. "Thle' qqueshiotnt
was virtually whether .Qulabec lead -
made the 'NeTeenere• pant of the
provunsial law; fund this ques'tiorn
rho Privy"Oouncfl says is. - 5 aper-
fiuoms." , t *,, ,
s-•' d dtt e� v
Mx. Htlriek hroa b �l an 1-
ical Alliance,.. says: tilt Will how in
our duty toluove for powetr+tio`:un,•
11y our marxlagel latus• by means pit
an amendment to the Britisis N;ortlt
Amorst', Acttn it,...,,.;,a;.0 ,••t'.,.:i,
The Mo'nith ,of
Will bo our
Mid -Summed
Bargain r ggainDay s
Special .Reduced
Prices On
Wall Paper
Sporting Goods
Fancy Goods
1t Will Pay you to
Call During Augnst
ewick avenue, after an illness of 15
months. He was OS years of age. Mr.
Browne was forced to ,retire from ac-
tive work about a year ago. He was
born in England, but cane to Toronto
at;the age of 10 years. His father, the.
late .1. C. Browne, was also a surveyor
here many years•ago. He was a mem
ber of St. Stephen's Anglican Church
for 30 years. He was church warden
for six years, and also held the office
of secretary -treasurer of the. Sunday.
School, He is survived by a widow,
Lillian 0, Browne, two sons, Herry 0.
and William Herbert, and two daugh-
ters, Florence and Lillian, a;l of Tor-
onto. The funeral took place to St.
James' Cemetery on Wednesday.
Wednesday several rinks of Clinton
bowlers went to St. Marys. In the af-
ternoon they defeated the Granite
Club and in the evening tied the St.
Marys Club, They went down by Et-
liotts Auto,
Last Saturday morning Paul Free
man had to settle some old scores with
J. Watts and Cap Morrish at the bowl
ing green. He defeated Watts 3 games
and .'ap was able to take one game
out of 3. Paul Freeman won the last
game by a score of 13.0 from Cap. Ile
remarked that he left the town satis-
Monday morning while in town the
horse belonging to Mr. Harvey Johns
of Tuckersmith took fright at an auto
and in trying to get away smashed up
the shafts. In the evening Mb. and
Mrs. Tohns had attended league and
on there way home an auto scared the
horse at the London Road bridge and
threw out Mr. and Mrs.- Jehus. The
auto, it is said carried no lights at all,
and an example should be made of
these drivers.
Persona/ Notes
it -
15 those hiving relatives or friends 44.
4, .visiting in town or .going' away 4..
'lt► notify ns of the Saab secn week we
would announce it in the Nkw funs.
Miss Foster, o Thornbury, is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Kerr. Victor
is Street.
Miss Husband is spending her hell
days at Grand Bend.
Mr. F. Hodgins of Gnderich, and a
former well known Olintonian, is
taking in the New Ontario trip with
the Rowell party.
Mrs. (Rev„ Kerr and daughters and
Mr, Ohas. Kerr. of Welland, were in
town on Wednesday while enroute to
Hayfield where they will camp for the
month, of August.
Births, Marriages d Deaths
ANDERSON In Goderieh Township,
on Thursday, July 255th, Albert
Anderson, aged 54 years.
Girls Wanted
Girls wanted for Biscuit and Candy
Factory. Light work. Steady em-
ployment, Write for particulars.
D, S. PERR.IN & CO.,Limited
London, Ontario
Tenders Wanted
Tenders to be received for she
building of a new, school, 'in Reboot
'Sae. No. 5, Hullett, up to the 20th of
August, when ,tenri!erstshall , be op.
ene{d. Lowles,t' or any teludteeenot
necessarily ,accepted. Plants' and
specifinaitlons to be, .risen: at Mr.
James Snells. ,Tle,nders te'be (sent
Wm. LMAYR, Seo-Treas,
Sumhnerhil5 P.,0„ Ont,
Teacher Wanted
A (teacher holding a second .class
Normal ;certificate' to, ath: No
S. S.''Hulfett, ,This is a splendid
chance as it is only -11-2 'riled On*
tine town of Clinton, 'Didier eget*,
Mance S gt, 1st 1912. Atr
pply tot