HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 3Thursday, August. este 1912. ; +4444+++++++++++++++++4++ 44+++++++++++4+++++++++.+4 iiiilNi++4++++i4+++ • Canada +4+1++++++4 ili..+lilii/iiiiiirliiii40++++++N+++4.+++++ TeForoignwi+.N+++++fell+N+Ni+it+Ni+iilii+N.. iiii+iN.ilii/iiii.i4iiii+i..i4++ii+N►wNriu}•air..ii+iN4/ii4Ni+iiii/0iiitt++t+++tt+1•. 4 +44i444++4441♦liiiiiiiiiit+44++4++4+++t++++i+fiN yA/VrYVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVvv~.0 Local News VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVWVVV 16 NEW P,OSTOFFICES. Seventy-six new postofIiales! were ,opened de. Canada during ithe Month of June. The great major .Ilty of themwere in+the western Provinces, thus indicating the rap'- id settlement of new districts by the record conflux of immigration this year. NEW, SUMMER RESORT. ni Detroit and SarniaGravels d> D ,capitalists are.being inter epete& in :the St. Joseph Beach (Lake 'Huron), with a view to establishing an ex- tensive resort, -with a peestengen boat service from Sarnia and Point 'Huron. A. B. Everett of Cleveland! behind the. scheme and with the party spent Thursday looking oveear{ the peat. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO lA RAPID GROWTH. In, the last Financial Post, a com ,tirehensive table is given of :the building pertnits issued) for June - , .and shows a remarkable Kylewth in the western cities of Canada, asl compared with last year. Swift •'Current, Sask., forte instance, ls(hoWe a +growth of 590.6 per ;cent. Overt June 1911. LAURIER TO TOUR .ONTARIO AND QUEBEC: It is announced that Sir Wilfreld Laurier will address +anum.ber of :meetings throughout ;Ontario and Quebec in the late summeror eerily autumn. It is believed ,ghat the purpose of ithe our is to renin by personal investigation the /Anti - Merit of Ontario as well as Quebec towards the Government's Naval policy. PAID $75 FOR KILLING COW- Docketl Passengers Safety After Crash. C. P. R. Liner Arrived Safely at Quebec Atter Collision With the Collier Helvetia -Passengers Pay Captain and Officers' High Tribute for Their Bravery -The Collier Cut Amidships. C.P.R. Liner Cuts Coal Steamer Hel- The latest Heins,' of the disaster shows that Captain Murray was pro - veils in Two Off father Poin t and deeding through the dense :fog eau. Is Now Proceeding to Quebec Un- der Her Own Steam, But Badly Battered -Collier's Crew Saved, -Was ,Built a Year Ago. tiously, when suddenly, and without warning,' the Helvetia was seen, but too late to avert a collision; the Em- press of Britain plunging into the Hel- vetia, and, it is said, cutting her in two.Successful efforts were a oece made 'to rescue the captain and offi- cers of the sinking vessel, a few mo- ments- after which she sank. The occurrence' naturally: 'created consternation on the Empress of Bri- tain, but this was soon quieted, and Captain Murray had an investigation as to the damage suffered by the Em- press. Ile then wired details of the. disaster to the C.P.R. authorities, and ordered his vessel to return to Quebec. The Empress of Britain had 730 pas- sengers, the greater part of whom thecollision oc- were'ondeckwhen curred. The progress of the disabled steamer to port is very slow, its pas- sage being impeded by the wreckage which. tangs over its bows. At 1.15 yesterday afternoon the ship reached Father Point, where she was still at 5 o'clock. The Allan steamer Pretor- ian was standing by, to which some of the passengers and the mails were being transferred. The Einpress of Britain expected to again get under way shortly before seven o'clock. She is traveling under h ismaks `eown m and as she her leenng but eight miles an hour, she is not expected to reach Quebec before to- night. The steamer Helvetia, which sank after the collision, was bringing a cargo or 8,000 tons of coal from Syd- ney. The skipper of the Helvetia waa Capt. Connell. The steamer wasbuilt at Sunderland we The captain's about a year ago.s u p and niece were on board. Capt. Con- nell and First Officer Wilson are well known here. It is understood that the ship and cargo were insured. All on board, except the officers and the twn.. women, were Clhinamers. Quebec, July 29 During a dense fog, the Canadian Pacific Railway steamer Empress of Britain, which left Quebec at 7.15 on Friday evening, collided with the steamer Helvetia, a collier bound to Quebec and Mont- real at 4.45 Saturday afternoon. The scene of the disaster was between Cape Magdalen. and Father Point. The first news of the accident came to Quebec about 6 o'clock Saturday even- ing via'wireless, and this was follow- ed by another despatch stating that the e Em res!of Britain was returning g to Quebec with her bows badly stove in, and her forecompartments filled with water. The latest despatches from the liner state that after transferring mails and a number of second and third-class passengers to the Pretorian, she start- ed back. from Father Point at 7.40 o'clock. The steamer is proceeding slowly under her own steam, and the Lord .Stratheona and the C.P.R. tug Cruiser are accompanying her. She cannot arrive until late this afternoon; As far as can be gathered, the Em- press of Brftafnstruck the Helvetia amidships, cutting her in two, the injured vessel sinking shortly after- wards." Those on board the Helvetia were all rescued and taken on board the Empress of Britain. Captain Murray immediately gave orders to have his ship brought back to Quebec, and assistance was de- spatched to her, the wrecking steamer Lord Strathcona being despatched at once, while the C.P.R. tug Cruiser, which was in Montreal, was also has- tened to the scene, passing through Quebec yesterday morning on its way to heli the lumnroca �{ Rri4.: .SOLD I'IT FOlil -$85. While drivin .iia adtolmobile past .a 1 arm near St. ICatheztinee, Arthur lilinmell struck a cow with such force that the animal 'hadd ko the allied. The owner delmandledl ithe value (tithe ;miler. WWII he Place -ed at $75. A cheque fon this amount was ,atone, handed over ,and Kimmel!,after bleeding it, earbed the carcass p1f in�hie !motel, sear+ to the city, where he disposed' est it to alocal butcher Tor $85. ,AUTHORESS DYING. Mies Pauling Jo+ltreeton, the .In- • .dian' poetess ea dying at the Mute St. Hospital, Vancouver, and an appeal' is being made foe 'funds to ."keep ;the wolf. away." Copies of her latent book, with autographed .signature, May be had for $2 from the hospital address, and this would ,make a deserving tribute to a loyal good Canadian, who is in meed. DOUBLE LIABILITY- TO ME COLLECTED. It looks as if steps were about to be taken to enforce the double lia- bility claims are the defunct Farmers Bank. The liquidator has been mak- ing inquiries as to the financial stands ing of the Halton shareholders • in this immediate district, with a view no doubt to collection from them the amounts they are down for. -George• town Herald. •CCONVICTION QUASHED. A few weeks ago Magistrate Davie imposed a fine of $30 and cost on John Phillips, jr., for providing an "Indian lister" with liquor.._ Phillips swore that he was not aware that the party was on the prohibitory list, but his evidence was given with such hesita- tion that magistrate considered him guilty and the penalty was im- posed. Bis counsel, N. R. Thompson, X. U., carried the case to a higher court in Toronto, and the conviction was quashed, with costs, amounting to 823, against the complaint. The government must amend the law as it is at present, otherwise it will be im- possible to make a conviction in such' cases: The names of the "lister!" -should in all cases be published in local press. and this should be final as to the knowledge of the person furn- ishing liquorto inebriates. Unless this its done, or something as affective, the law map be coneiiered a dead letter. Mitchell Advocate. THE CARE ,OF CREAlV[ FOR :BUTTEHMAEING. k • while individual co. rived from the f the Department o Ottawa. This bulls authority of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture. pies may be re c Publications Branch o f Agricultnre at tin is issued by Martin Burrell, re. NOT WEATHER AILMENTS .01.01... ,....,.1. IA Conselwatire Trotest amensse The Ottawa Journar, an Influen- tial newspaper which !u$ually sup- ports the Conservative party, dope not •approver the proposal tr prle- sent the :BMW kovern►nient With dreadnoughts, on the ground that it would be taxations of iCatnada A hnediebne than will keep chit- without representation, and would dyers well is a lgreat boon tto,(eveal be 'the subject at con'timuoula Wraazsge le in parliament and in the IprppsL mother. This what- BOY s Jt continues: Own. Tablets do. An occaisiond A :Canadian navy, big or little, dose keeps three little stomach and with Canadian ship workie and dock 'bowels right and prevents sack, yards; hap 'good angnmentte. summer During the hat sumer A Canadian squadron attached to months 1aktal ch troubles schol ily ,tb ahsi eenperlal( navy, but tomb. - turn . to (areal diarrhoea Pr. ;cholera faired by Canadd'a, hes good 'afrgni- What Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head- aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart -burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat biter ' eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spetle, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms Q If you have, a y'oonsiderable number of the above symptom® you are suffering from bilious - nese. torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery le made up . of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent eure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator end nerve strengthener. . The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, e full list of its ingredients being printed on Its bottle wrapper end attested w that it contains no alcohol, or harm- fulthese habit-forming drugs. It Is o fluid extract made with pure, trlpleere6ned' glycerine,' of proper strength, from the . roots of native American . medical . a plants. 'Worlds Dispensary Medical Annotation, Props, N.'Y. forest P Iran be much more easily, and more♦ for the.: blind, etherefone, 'ene P;ren- ripal snakes hie 'annual appeal ito the readers of thje (New ff al to send him the metres? of any children in their v-ieindty who( are . blind, ox' $U"tstJOD A$ whose sight is defeatist* that !they cannot be eifeetiviely taught' din' the Public Schools -,together. With, Met M 1 L EAU R N' S thoroughly, taught in he school -.. The Blind Happiness For • l Thomas Jefferson wrote; that all men +are endowed by their Crlaator with unalienable rights, enclud ng life, liberty and (the puesuit9oif"hap- pinees. 'Henry George said in ("So- cial' Problems" that man. is en eon- stituted that it isieelterl .impoesa' ible for ltimm' to attain happiness happiness of b seeking bb ha n. vet . sa y P.P ethers. -There •arle more i ham two thousand persons in Ontario. _.men, .women and children- .ap vroc imately one'out of ever thou- sand ()tithe : Sgenelral;" population - who, from causes usually ascertain- able, are .deprlavie!'li of the senige of sight. What cChance would the blind have in the pursuit of happi- ness, if lett 'in ignorance. idleness', and dependance? Fortunately some nrovisionr has been made to;bright- d'- rv,th condi- tion i e m ' e d m o e thelives in e P bright- en tion of .these afflicted ones, +though muck remains to bel done tobring Ontario into, line With 'theimore ad- v arced states in America and coun- tries in Europe. For forty yeses It is a recognized tact that the price received for butter is veru largely, in- fluenced by its quality and.this is in great measure determined by the'eare given the cream frons which it is made. This matter is recognized by the'De- partment of Agriculture at Ottawaas being of vital importance to the creamery patrons and buttermakers of Canada; consequently there has been prepared by the Chief of the Dairy Division under the direction of. the Dairy Commissioner, a bulletin on "The Care of Cream for Buttermak- in +." It commences with the health' and feeding of: the cows' and follows the subject through the various stages of milking, separating, storing and delivering the cream, each section be- ing dealtwith•from the standpoint of the man job rather than of the official in an office. The requite of experi- ments conducted on farms and in. creameries are given to shove, the ad- vantages of separating a rich cream, properly cooling and storing it, as well as of making frequent deliveries. The bulletin says: -"Keeping the cream for longer than two days at the farms has, no doubt, much to do with the old create flavor' so common ingathered cream butter, and we can scarcely ex - poet to have this defect remedied so long as cream is gathered less than three times each week." . The bulletin which is No. 32 of the Dairy and Cold Storage series concludes with a sum. f important notes for patrons, m o s cry P . owners and :buttermakers ere ttierp Hu o' n c sea have been issued to t p . 4e 4 µsuppp�,ea,ch creamery with a copy.for coati patron. ;Requests frit , -supplies feather purpose should" be sent to the infantam and of Baby's Own.Tab- lets axe matt at hand 'the• .childmay die inn {favi hours'. Wise motbe e always keep the Tablets In the house and gavel their children an occasional doWse to clears out + the stomach and bowels and keep them well. Doan't wait tell baby is the delay delay mays ieoat la precious Hee. Get the.treblets, now and you Mab' feel reasonably safe. Every mother who uses the, trebles praisle thhen and that 58 the) best +evid(ence thee there is no other, fli dicine toe 'chit ld b medicine dealeers or by maile1t25 cents a bo, from The Dr. Williams', Medicine 'Co.,. Brockville, Ont. Just Play The Game. Just play the 'game, and lilay it on the square; Some men may break 'thee' rules to your despair ; But let them do it -any fool can, beat i Who plays with' honest leen and stoops to cheat. it takes a head to win when play- ing. fair. Dare all the risks your nerve will let you dare; Ile fails the worst who playlet with too Much care, But whether tasting glory on de- feat- Just play the game Don't hog the ,chances ; no, but take your share Don't eater to the grandstand folks who stare. Keep onthe job, .be braced dor what. you Meet, Till time is called the g;aene es molt complete And here's ;your motto -always, everywhere- Just ,play game 1 menta. A Canadian payment towards Im- perial navy defence has come argtt mente. Doing nothing at alt, while 'not rrapectablev Would do no =Mediate haraa. . The More anew! naval progaree is deicusseld the tereatlen 'beta eI stakes In tLe way. of aggrreemene appear to be. In short, fhene doe4 not ,appear to be.anfyt 3meeeld for tM new. Program. The one adopteld ly the Laurier govern ne was one satis'faetary to" the �Imperial gevernmenit and 'conaiea e�a:G _olonial .self-lgovernsnest. Tlyere would have beexl no thought iof dei-' terfering with thee policy ,only that the lnembelre'of the' incoming Imust government up something g too justifyet thee heir their reputati,oe tar ultra ImParktle ism which .the reciprocity queslatuom improperly gave therm by jgotng+ Laurier one beeteiri, LOOT[ fOR SIGNATURE Every • `genuvne package, ,of Rheum o bears signature .B.V.Mar- von. Rheumo is aced byJ.1CO. aveyin Clinton and 'R1ieulno'.isgua'r teedl. to give results br Money refusedh'd. Don't forget ,the name. IRheuhno for all kinds at Rheumatism. HOLD .YOUR 'HA1R Go right downs to the drug .store. and get a' bottle of iSAGEINE. J. E',Hovey sell It with at `{positive ing rantee oof the scao 1p; and to lefradicaate. dandruff, :or moneyback. Dandruff is the cause of hair troubles 'and dandruff e` d dr ran.. and eine kilts the B Sa it %here is no other preparation known to soilence that/ is' so quick and certain 'as Sagetne.-Doneeeon- fuse Sageine (with other, preparat- dons. Ask J.E.-Hovey foe he le ra ale f ink r ndh �nd f gent is great res ru g grower. Sageine is a delightful dressing end as note sticky, or; greasy. A lgli ge battle from J.E. +Hovey casts only Dec. and iitie'guar- Judge Monet,Replies. Montreal, July 29. -Judge . Monet, who came into prontinenceit at St. Johns,_Que., through his speech at- ,taeking Archbishop Bruchesi and BishopBernard for their interdiction of the Monnoir College there because the priests°'who conduct it refused to return to Marieville and -re-establish "their college in that town; has issued a reply "to- his'dalumniators and detractors." He ' ridicules the "reparatory tri- dupm, announced to take place in St, Johne last Sunday, to "shield our heads from visitations- from on High," on aceouit of alleged blasphemous ut- terances tri. his ;address. Will Enlarge Grain Elevator. Montreal, July 29, -The Canadian,. Go:eminent, having proved _the use- fulness of the Port Colborne elevator.- snd having trade it clear that the the cost uf' transporting grain lrgm L®ke Superior ports to Montreal via •per " reduced b' Pott Oolborne, Chas beeny half a,;cisat,a teshel, the present 9?:• ty of 800,000 'will be in. creased (100 bushele. s he e to OOD bnt Or Maiitreal who:„' J. A. Jamieson dee;;g�an,eetdi the original elevator, will' band;the enlarged structure during tihR,oQ/341- wifitei. ,,, teelicj' ansa Cold storage Commissioner anteed bo.givg eatiafaltttaan. the Legilsature of Ontarid has maintained at Brantford a school for the 'education an'd' tnstt(u'otijoln. of the blind ,children and youths of lite province, of both sexes, witlli4 out charge for boastd, tuitionor hooks ; and. in+ that school hundreds have beent:tau ht 'bo read and write is oma m sing -playon rt pl n anf� to sr dof g instrumenit, and tb; do, some usle- ful, work, the reimuneleation floe which suffices or assists to: pro- vide 'an independent livelihood. Of course no•am,ounl ofipetructiion can make �abllirn (person as cont- cetent as he would' bee with (sight, but lit is surprising to see. how much and what a variety of things, Laths blind can .accomplish, ,by touch and hearing, under peeper guidance. There are in ovally; eountr many more blind adults than blind lehild-' t. tBra t the Institution a � •e d ren, and ford provides to all applicants /nee appliances by which the adult blind can be taught at their homes to read with their' fingers. Childredn THERE IS NOTHING FOR TILE LIVER names and post office addresses of parents or guardirans. Itis only Ey the kindness of.thos'e who "eek' the happinless of others" that;com-, rrunieati,on can be established bre tween'•;tle e,chool and the, children who enjoy its :advantages, Honored Cartier; L7em�;y. Montreal, July 29. -The frietnric old French village of St. Antoine mi the river Richelie +, was the ,cera of a patriotic demonstration in h .nor of Sir George Cartier, St. Antoine being the -birthplace of. the great statesman, and yesterday six. thousand .persona gathered to honor his memory. It was decided to ereet a mernorirl !tune to be unveiled at the time of the cele- bration in Montreal in - September, 1914. One of the features of the day was an address by H.Rainville, M.P. who criticized Mr. Bourassa, who wrote an article the other day be.ittling Cartier. LAXA-LIViR' PILLS They will regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and will tone, renovate, and purify the' liver, removing, every result of liver trouble from the temporary, but disagreeable, bilious head- ache to the severest forms of liver.com- plaint. Mrs. ohn R. Barton, Mill Cove, N.B., J writes: -"I suffered, more. than tongue, can tell,from liver troubles. I tried inedicine but got no several kinds; of relief until I' got Milburn's'Lase-Liver Pills. They are a wonderful remedy." Milburn's Lara -Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for 81.00, at all -dealers, or'mailed direct on receipt of price by The T:. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. amessimsensmeninote 1 This is' the Season for FINISH. H, BUGF YNRIS GREEN AND� and we can supply you. We still have Buckwheat and Turnip; Seed, We have Hoes, Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Rakes, Machine oil, Etc Paints -The bat made and clear. Oils -Boiled and Raw Linseed, Separator Oil- fine n PRODUCE W -ANTED R ADAMSEMPORIUM LON SES 1B O RO The flavor lingers long—it's a smooth, succus lent, lasting' gum—made to taste delicious. No need to overlook your taste, no need to repress or destroy it—since you can buy the smoothest and the best gum made at the same price, and flavored to suit you. You can have any. fruit essence you desire. A better 'Spearmint' at the same price—or the best Pepsin, by asking for O-Pee-Chee. O-Pee-Chee is sold by all dealers who sell the best gum. O -Pee -Chea' Gum Co,. Limited Canada T London ' i The Baker Says: s GIVE ME FLOUR =' 41 MADE FROM ALBERTA : • 1 WHEAT, AND 1 WILL = • ▪ FEED THE WORLD." • • • • • N•••N•eN•i••NNN•NdN••/HeININ••.•••••••...e• 12 • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • •.. • ••N•••N7NN•N•N•N•NN••••NNN••••N••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••N••••N•••N••••N•••••• •1 • ••1-': A • CARMANGAY is a Railway Centre—the shipping point of a - vast wheat, flax and oat growing territory; ' has a magnificent School. House, three Grain Elevators, three Churches, two Banks, numerous"' • well-built, substantial Residences; owns and operates its own Water and Electric Lighting Systems, and is a e Most up=to-date and SelfeReliant Commonwealth. • • The Lots we have to offer are in the Original Townsite and only a a few minutes' walk from the Canadian Pacific Railway Station. Your cital .however small, is sufficient to. take advantage of this excep- s ' tonal o ortunit ,. " BE SURE YOU'RE RIGHT, THEN GO_ 4 AHEAD Crocto us Y "-Dav ' kett' So send for an illustrated booklet • map, price list, etc., and then you will be sure to go ahead,much to your own advantage. (tet in on the Ground Floor. Write name and address plainly on coupon, and mail to ns • • •' • WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE 00, :502 Temple Bldg, Toronto; Ont, Please send me witeout obligation on my part, literature containing Z facts, figures and views ofCarmangay • �'• i e!i • Name Address:0 •• • `--� --._. ..• CLINTON NEW ERA • . e�•e •e••••e•o•eo•;>"•treeeeeeee•+� •••••••••••••••••60000011100: •••e•r•e=•off 0•Ne•NNeetIIN •tl1N•N••• 1 M AS_THE . PO E T. A Y • ��Western C anada + Real eal 1st, at e Co. ' i Investvour east, in Western Land • • •Yowri1thoaavteparaucnten n fynr hand 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ontari0 • And helpto found .& nation. a 41 .•ef �NN . • I _-- ...... :-....... • •• • 1