HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 2WIAWffittiliWaiN
Local News
Letters recently found a Palos,
Spain, contaisi information se to
what it met to send; Columbus eo
distoiteT Anamica. It is said ;that
the cost was $7,000.
Electric Restorer for Men.
1Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its prope tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphene] will
Enke Yon a new mail. Price 18 a box, or two for
16. mailed to any address. The Bonbon Drug
It. Cotherinee. Ont.
The stories of an, outbreak of
some 40 cases of email pox in
ley are false. There ate serem.al
eases of a very mild form there.
People should not spread finch ee
earmang reports. The authoraties
have the disease Well in hand.
Children Cry
A deal has juet beei ! put through
whereby a is !said (the 'IWOGalt pa-
pers, the .Reportleiri and the Be.
former, are to be etetabined begin -
ping th.e bast of Auguot. It has
been feet for Borne time that Ate
tewn could scarcely eupport pre-
fitablyetwo. daily papers and the
rectors of both decided to merge
there into one eompany. The in
ited daily well probably he a trilled
the Dailly Reporter, and the kaaln-'
agar anel yentas:1 otwner will be Mr.
James Clark, late of Detroit.
, • •
quicki$ stops coughs. ewes colds.hello
the throat and hinds - • 25cents.
• Welland has Ital ;turned on the
•pONVer in the new waterlv. eo e
rent, which wad -gaunt at a cos
$75,000, and is a model of it kind.
This plant i entirely apart teem the
old plant and both will be ke.pt
eommishota The new plant has a
capacity of three million- and a half
gations ai1y and tht plant Oita-
raaged so that 'It can be ancretielsed
to ten =anion& gaalon daily.,
purap was bat an -England and la
dieect pressu,re operated by water'
Children Cry
The .Onterio Medical, Council, af-
il er considerable diseuseliont hail dee
cided to admit those Who practice
t he healing art under the eiamelof
osteopathy lo the College .of Phy-
icians and Surgean'. This also will
mean, that the osteopath as weelfas
the allopaths aal. homeopathy. ,wiel
have Ito comply with the qualiticae
tons and regulation of the medical
Goderich Star: Engineese J. N.
Fele, °tithe C. P.R., who came here
Listowel three Mouth, ago, has de-,
sided to go hackle his forteer Ten
kietween Lestowee and Linwood
Junction. The opening up of the
hne be,tweien Guelph and 'Hamilton
neccesetateelhien! bleisig en the lat-I
tee city over night, an ,also•eente
night en Toronto, giving him .otalla
nine night in Goderieh out of every
three, henco the treason for he
,211aRge. Ws understand heresumes
his form.er rue! (to -toy. !WIr . Fair
and daughter, Katehleen, load aes-.
tc) day aftermoon to again take up
their residenee in Lieetvel.Met Fair
le Li her of Mr. L. Fair formeav of
the Rove.' 13ank here*
Wood.'s Zacopludini,
The Great EnNisit -Ea/n.4.
Tones and invigoratesthewhole
%I'd% OrS.tfaileincegs 1464
ass Debility, Mental ant! Brain Worry, Des-
pondency, 'Sexual Weakness, Ehnissians, Sper-
ritatorrhtea, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses.
Price $1 perbo sister $5. One will please. six
• will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. .Naw pamphlet
trailed free. The Weed Medicine Co.
• Mt -menu Windsor) Toronto. Oitt.
A Dew .as,essteent twill bstruck
for the County of Middlesex, Such
was 'the outcome( of arc appeal blef-.
fore Judge Macbeth, of London, by
the county council repreerentaltive,
of the Township of Loudon again&
the assessment scheme enacted by
the county commit in 1910, and ad-
opted again at the recent June sit -
togs of the s'asne body. .
On, and after SepteMber lstItherle
will be no, cheques, forms, pass -
kooks, etatiopary, name plates, ad-
vertisements or other official in-
signia bearing the ame Trade:ea
Sank. As a result of the Inergen
with the Royal (Bank every connec-
tion in which the term (Predate
Bank has been used the Royal Bank
will be sibstitulede General Man-
• ager Strathy, of the Traders iBank
assuine the tittle ot Teenager
ear Ontario( k:if the( Royal Babak,
Grand Trunk Railway officials
state. • that( 8,500 heads of lemilitee
en eerier Catareot (left /or( the -Went
this year, wed' 'seated .ationg the
route of the Gem. P. 'or in Peace:
River district. Every one of the
farmers had at/east $500, ,while
• Mane'alt itheee had much More. ,
Gentle eindISure
You, ulso, should give ap-
proval to this efficient family
remedy -your bowels will be
regulated so surely and safely;
your liver stimulated; your
digestion so improved by
"Fruit-atives" Performs
Another Miracle
BRISTOL, N. )3., Jux.v eeth. 8908
"I had a stroke of Paralysis in Meech
8900, and this left me linable to walk or
help myself, and the Constipation of the
Bowels was terrible.
Nothing: did me any good. and I was
wretched in every way.
I then took "Fruit-a-tives" for the
Constipation and it not only cured me
of this terrible tronble, but gradually
this fruit medicine toned up the nerves
and actually cured the Paralysis.
• By the use of "Pniit-a-tiyes", I grew
stronger and stronger until all the
Paralysis and weakness left me.
I run now well again and attend tny
store every day. I say "Thank God
for Fruit-a.tives"
"Frait-a-tives" not only crired tlie
terrible Constipation, but so toned up
the nervous system and the general
health as to completely overcome the
Truly "Pruit-n-tives" is a wonderful
nic a box, 6 for Pao trial 'sae, esc.
At -dealers or sent on receipt of price by
Fmk -a -dyes Limited, Ottawa.
Ways of Cookeng Raspberries.
The ,clever cook) 'bakes her elm*.
reke in a sheet to -day and to-
morrow in individual round Rakes
o larger than a bakeng powder
biscuit. Thc eteasned pudding! ap-
veers one day( from a radon mod
and the text front individnalmolde
Or cups. Sometirate a border mold
et blanc menge or snow pudding
surrounds the sweetened l fresh
fi nit and whipped cream orboilled
euettual fill apart in other combin-
ations, while there, are always the
'id standbys and berry pie and bere
re aake which to many tastes can-
not be excelled as a summer desert.
Raspberries are ,best 'when Imexed
alth suem awhile before *leaving
and isethis respect differs halm
strawberries. Rispberraga inlay be
used whole for short Rake' but
strawberries are better to be mash-
ed .alittle withl the sugar and
blackberries must be cooked a little
before usimg inith1s! way.
Berries in an icel arta apt to: he
merely hard bits lof Wait with all
their distinctive flavor frOzen lout.
---- •
Raspberry Ice.
Mash two quarts of raspberries
and 4avo eups of sugar together and
let stand two home. So nk on
rounding tablespoonful of gelatine
in one half cup of water for hale en
hour, then pour on one-balf Cup Of
boiling water and stir. Add two
cups of weer to the herr:leis and
sugar and strain, the juice thriough
a jelly; bag. Add' the dissolved gel-
atine and the juiiie of two lemons
and freeze.
Respberry Tapiopa.
Soak on cupful toe pearl tapioca
intwo cupfuls' oe cold water until
it isaU abeerbed. Put over the
Lire with two pupfuls of hot water,'
and alittle (sage and ,cook anal
emooth and transparent. Stia isa
lightly one pent of nice raspherries
and sugar eoeweeteln, teen info A
mold and set in a cold' place to har-
den. Sere cold with, whipped
cream or a sauce Made hi this way.
Heat a pint of berry juice to sealde
ing, then turn iintio it a tablespoon-
ful of cornstarch dissolved an a
little cold water. Cook eight Miss-.
utes add Sugar to taste, pool be.
fore using.
Caused by lildney, Stomach
and Bowel Disorders
St. John, N Be September.18. 1911.
-My brother was a gaveat (sufferer'
from kidney, stoanachl and bowel
troubles and wale given up by two
doctors. He wais advised to by
our Fig Pills, which he • did. and
after taking five boxes w.aft, ea&
eletely restored to health andile
oetter tioeday .thanl he has teenier
Nears. You cant reeonamendi Fig
lelle too highly.
;w. Mane ems
At all dealers, ;25 and 50 teens) or,
The, Fig Pill Co., St. Thcanies, ,Ont.
Sold in • Clinton by J. E. Hovey,
Druggist. • , ,
Goderich Girl And
Chum Victims?
Cif Viihlte Slave Traffio-Promised
Good Position'By a Man.
LondoneOnt., .1111y 26. -John Me -
Donald ot Goderich has asked the
eolice to help hira locate his daugh-
ter Mamie, aged, (15, and her chum,
Margaret •liendeason, of Luckslow,
who, it is feared, have been, lured
to Detroit by a Wan whoprotnised
them fine poeitions. •
McDonald IS nearly frarati'c, as
both girls were neinarkably pre-/
posseesinV and he team that they
have beentthe vletibis of a whit• e
elaver. The police at • Sanaa and
,14 L. Windsor are keeping a ehasee loek-
esseffeereereeee wimeos m, out for the trio.
Does Not Despair
• For The Premier.
Mr. Rowell and the iiAbolish-
the-bar" Fight.
Pert Dover, One, July 29. -The lead-
er of the Opposition has not yet de.
spiered of Sir James Whitney joining
in nbolishing the bar from Ontario.
"I hope he will yet join with me in
this great fight to banish the ear. 1
may not eopelees. I think he may do
it," Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., declared
here Saturday evening in the course of
hie addrees to a crowd of picnickers in
Orchard 13each Park. The gathering
was Qamposed largely of Liberals from
Mr. Rowell's own riding -f North Ox -
feed, who, under the auspices of the
Woodstack Young Liberals' Club, had
come down on a special train in the
afternoon to lunch with their member
and leader on the pleasant shore of
Lake Erie. In his address, Mr. Row
ell dealt with the various issues which
have arisen since he sueceeded to
the leadershipof the party. His pro
neuncernent o., the Liberal policy with
regard to • tee temperance question,
however, seemed to arouse the great.,
est interest, and his statement that
he believed there was yet a chance
of the Premier aoceding to his request
for co-operation was warmly applaud-
Mr. Rowell said he believed the
tour of the Liberals through New On.
tario this week would both directly
and inaireatly affect tbe future de-
velopment of the north to a telling
extent. The delegations, which is to
be a large one, 'would represent all
Aectiens of older Ontario, and the
itinerary arranged would be most
Mr. /ohm MeBeth of Woodstock ace
ed as ehiranan. Besides Mr. R;weeltlli
vertord., algo aadressed.tne P. for
eetirng, Western Sentiment
dealing briefly with a number of the
prominent -issues before the people.
Prefes,sor-P11 dothe best Lean,
bue yeti think you're skimpe
ing me on the material?
1 1 ea *ever getawhet lea want
ie the xestunene," ideal the hale
table pergola.. •
"Nem cane.t you knew how to or-.
der," replied •the sad ,eareastic
man, "If I want s °Teethe's g .cool I
ask for a cup of het coffee,,and if
want • something warmI welt for
aced tea. ,
Lew Shank, the Indliailapolis
mayor, went to a convention, out of
town and registered • at a hotel
under the name of "Freak Dawson:1
An aequainta.nce of his eounded
him on the •alias, to which. Me. I
Shank responded:
'It's this Ivey. When, a man im
public life travels' around he is
frequentlY annoyed' by visitor
and cranks. If I put down! berv
•right name Iwouldn't have amen-
ute to myself.
"Pm riot alone in this idea.
le owadays many a public man
travels n,ux vottaea."
A woman entered a departraernt
store, sought out the inane, furaleh.
ing counters, and ased
"I wish to buy abathingi suit 'Stir
my husband.
"Yes, madain," 'said( the ,satelsa
man, "and what chest reeiteureer,
The WOMall frOwnect and bit her
11)W -ell now:" she add, "how pro-,
yoking that is1 I've forgotten
the chest measure."
"Twenty-eight inch, • madam?"
suggested the eallereman.
"whY, yes, of leoursel" she
cried, beaming. "How on eanth did
"Geatlemen who eat, 'their wives
ehop for them," heangeeredaeal-
Ways have twenty-eight leech
chests." ,
An argument commonly used by
The Toronto News in discuseing the
vote onreciprocity last Septecabee
is that the west broke
LOVELY HAIR The Manetoba Free Press showethe
Parisian Sage Immediately Ban.
ishes Dandruff, StopsSealp
Itch and Makes the Hair
Radiant and Charming
PARISIAN Sage is not a dye -it
does not contain poise -mous sugar
of lead or any other ria.agekleus
It is a high grade scientific coMe
benatien that will put life, lustre
and beauty Mee any leak the mita-
ute it is applied.
Scalp itch goes over night; dand-
ruff, disappearls; heed( stoles falling
and the scalp becomes immaculate/4
le clean and free from gealmee 1
There's a delightful treat coming
to your scalp of you baven't tried
PARISIAN Sage. Girl 'with, Au-
burn hair OR every carton and hate
tie. 50 cents at W. S.R. Holm*
and dealers everywhere.
Mr. Littleshrimp -P.riefessar, 1
wgmt you to take nay son ice hand
woe Make amen of him.
falsity of this line of reasoning by
showing the parliamentaryl kepre-
eeetation of the prairie Provinces to
be as follows:
. Come Lib.
Alberta 1 6
Saskatcb.ewan 1 9
Manitoba , ▪ 8 2
10 17
er a Liberal majority of sevesa
The popular vote for the provinclee
Con. Lib. Ind.
Alberta .....29,675 37,208 2,892
Saskatcherw,ao, ...34C00 52,924 1010
Manitoba 40,356 34,781 2,559
The Independent vote was castieor
candidates who were, in sympathy
with the Liberal, fiscal policy.
Leaving Winnipeg out of the
count, the vote in the nine remain-
ing Manitoba ,comstituences was:
Conservative 27,602
Liberal 26,732
j Yet the Comeervativeisewon sev-
en oat of nine 'seats. Ia Kyle aon-
stituences they won by narrow
margins while( the two Liberal Mae
jorities were large..
The Free Press, points out that a
feature of the Western telections
was that with poesibly one estop -
tion .every successful Coneenva-
aye candidate was 'elected by the
vote of cities, towns and large yil-
loges, and that rural weiettleten Cam -
anti showeda unanimity, of politic-
al option uniparalled"io the his-
tory of Canada.
BAC K-1'0 -1" E- LA N. D VI NO oi
J. E. Hovey Druggist, Clinton.
IWomen and Advertisements
OM E statements are so saturated with their
,• own moral as to require no .cornrrint. "Rid-
ing on a car during the excitement over the
naval battles between Russia and Japan," said Mr.
Thomas Martindale, before the Retail Merchants'
Association of Pennsylvania, "I observed that the
Imen were reading the war news' and the women
'• were reading advertisements. Those women, I
watched keenly, read every line of the advertise-
ments, and then turned to the woman's page, This
ride was a distance of eighty miles, yet at the
journey's end the women had nor yet had time to
tura to the actual nburs of the day. The women
want advertisements to read, and you must present
your business in a readable shape 10 be in the fight
these days." •,
Is your Stock Moving? If not.
Then we can Help You, •
New Era Ads pay -They /
.• get right at the people. ,
, _ ,
ThLIPI1ON1 30.
The Christian Travelers' Association
met tit Atlanta, Ga., and selected To-
ronto f or the next convention,
Mi.e. • Hallett, wife of 3, C. Hallett,
collector of customs, Guelph, dropped
dead on the street from heart failure,
while on her Way to church.
A Republican sugar tariff reduction
bill, the first purely Republica -1s revis-
ion measure of the present Congress,
Woe ealopted. in the tT. S. Senate on
Saturday, --a.-- -ea
• Taking the risk of jumping from a
moving street car on Saturday, George
Dement, a young Greek, who resided
at 144 Argyle street, Toronto, was fat-
ally injareet
John IS. Lyle, 94 years old, and chil-
John S. Lyle, 94 years old, and child-
less is dead in his home, Springwood,
a fortune of $20,000,000 to $40,000,000.
He was born in Nova Scotia.
The wreak reported on the C.P.R.
near jackfish Friday was not a ser-
ious one. One car left the track e west
of Jackfish and carried away a tele-
graph pole. No one was hurt.
When 9,000 feet in the air, a rope at-
taching the trapeze bar to hie para-
chute broke and Thomas Ileifield,
26 years of age, of Quincy, Ill. ell
to hie death at Canton, 0., Satuiday.
Protesting that their leaders have
-betrayed them into unconditional sur-
render, the London dock workers have
adopted a resolution not .to resume'
work total they had consulted their
It is understood that the Dominion
Government will at an early date
make application to the U. S. Inter-
state Commerce Commission for a re-
newal of the rate on grain from Win-
nipeg to Duluth.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wa.nend km, S. S. No. 10
Goderich Township. Ditties to
commence after the summer holi-
days. An experienced teacher pre-
ferred, apply ea,
+ 1 • •see. -Areas.
A reliable inein with a business
experience among farmers, to re-
present ueinl South 'Western ,On-
,tario. Permanent position e'er the
right man.
New, Telephone
• Directory
The Bell Tee/phone Cotaparny of
Cain -aide ififioon to print anew is
sue of its 'Official Telephone Dane -
tory for the Disteict of Westeen
Ontario ineluding
Parties Who .contemplate boom-
ing Subscriberce otrethose who wish
changes in Itheir • present entrti
should glee !their ordel's with the
Local Manager alt once to insure ba -
edition in this ue
Connecting Companies
Should also report additions land
,ehanges intheix list of&bee/libeled.
either to the local en.anager, aredere
iect to the Special A.gentes Departe
,Inent, Montreal.
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada.
I E4
I See and here our finest r.
INew Stylish designs of E
4 Doherty Pianos and 11.
•special values in Art
Cases r:
Pianos and:organs rent it
ed, choice new Edison E
phonographs, Music & r
variety goods. •t-
.-1Music Emporium
C Hoare I
4 Organs,
Boot Maker and Repairer
Opposite Postoffice. .
Repairing done promptly. •
Suit cases ,i.and 'Trunks re-
A trial will convince you of
the neatness and promptness
with which I execute my work
Store open every evening
Unsurpassed for residential education. The
"Ideal College -Home" in which to secure
a training for your life's work. Thorough,
courses in Music, Painting, Oratory, High
School, Business College and Domestic
Science. Large campus, inspiring environ-
ment. Resident nurse insures health of
students. Rates moderate. Every girl
needs an ALMA training. Handsome pro.
!meatus sent on hpplication M PrincMal. 42
(3onneyanee, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
• Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St„ Clinton. ,
Farm lor Sale
The undersigned offers lee male
lee splendid facto, pariti of Iota 26
and 27, Township of Hullett, sit-
uated on the (Base -line, 11-2, miles
Isom Cliaton. 'Phe 1 ann o n si st s
eighty acres of choice land, is well
fenced, well drained, land in •althor-
ough state of ,eultivation The
buildings are in firat elates repaie
arid there is abundance of good
water. Daily Mail service and good
phone Rommeobon. Apply ow lthe
premines or address
e • '• • Clinton.
Farm For -Sale
A first plass farm, eonsieting of
)15 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,1aul-
lett township, 3 miles frone Lomdes-
boro, and 5 Telles bora Blyth, 11-2
Miles beta School. bank barn 36
by 56, anoltb.er barn 30852, &live
shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about 'an Cetera of or-
ahatid. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to,
' 113lyth, P.90.
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial and Real Estate.
resueexce-AGENT-reserssentene 14 Fire In
surance Companies..
Division Court Office.
!Iola% Surgeon. Eta
medal attention given to diseases of:the
Eye, Ear. Throat. and Nose,
Eyes amount, examined, and suitable
• Prescribed.
Office and Residence.
Two dome West or the Commercial Hotel
Huron St.
For Sale
Ten young Piga for sale. • Are
ready to be taken away now Apd
ply to '
• Farm to Rent -
Seelig lot 53and 64, Con. Hayfield,
known leathe Wigginton farm,
within Iwo l miles of canton. There
is a goocl brick house, bank bare],
driving house( and other outbuild-
ings, .Good orchard and small fruit
farm. All in good Neat's( of cultiva-
tion. For further Imetieuleet fap-
. Queen Street
' Clanton
For Sale
An eight roomed aranne how,
in good conditionn, with atone cel-
lar, town water. Had half acre of
land with young plumr-orehard.
Occupied byRev, Mr. wyixe. Pop -
'session given by !October let.
Price $900, Applrea
NeW Era.
• House tor Sale or Rent
A 7 -roomed frame house on
Huron Street, opposite Cornmeal-
cial Hotel, for pale or / to rent.
House is being paten good order.
Waterworks in connection. Apply
Rattenbu.ry Street
Farm For Sale.
Lot 40, 7th Concession, Goderieh
Township, consisting of 80 acres,
all 'seeded down except 25 acres. 2
tierce orchard. Frame house 20 x 30
with out buildings. Barn 30 x 72
with stabling under. First class
well. Fenn is ()miles from Clinton
and 4 from Hayfield.
A opl a on Preamscs or address
George Burnett,
• Clinton P.O.
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has twO houses to
Jacob Taylor
Logs Wanted
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
price paid.
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co.
Pasture Laud
• Some first class pasture land to be
sold in lots to suit purchasere. At
tractive prices. AIMIY to
John Ransford, G T. R. City Agent
Farm for Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate ()nuke for sale 50 scree -
• East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. AlsO the undersigned
°Mere for sale, lot 29,( con. 6,Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may. be
bought together or separately.
- 'Clinton.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timethy Seed
(Government Standarue.
We also have on hand, !Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Bewley and Feed Corn
Higheet Market Prices paidgor Hay
andall orans.
Ford & McLeod
•co ii
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, gel
our prices. The very best goods
carried in geock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davie
'& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevesison,
at Electric LIMA Plant.
Dr. W, Bunn, I. B. C. P., L. R. C. d.. Edits
Dr. J, C. Candler, B.A. MM,
Office-Onteirlo Street, Clinton.
' Night cells at residence, Rattanbars St,•
or at hospital
ceonchenr, ete„ office and residence on Re
tea= S., mates W. Eamon's residence.
le Crown and Bridge Week a Specially. -
Graduate of C.C.D.S. Chicago, and
Hayfield on -Mondays, May let to Decembe
Offices over O'NEIVE store.
Special mare taken to make denial ireLt
meet as painless as poesible.
Live stock and general Auction tee
Wel DO atom sales • apeman/. Were all at
New ERA office, Clinton, pe niptly attends d
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers) .ala Dote
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
& General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed an
• deposits.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town ProPe
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jae. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seam th
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M,
Chesney, Seafoaht 1 Evan's, Beech.
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, T. Bea
neweis, Brodhagen, M. McEtvan,
Each Director is inspector of losses 1:
his own locality.
Robt, Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hincblea
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egnionce
ville; J. W. Yeo,Bolmesviln
Payments may be „made at The
Morristi Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Insurance -
Beal estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunk Railway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce,
North •Passenger .
London, depart 8.30 a m 4.50 p m
Centralia. .. . ... 9.40 5.46
Exeter. . . ... . . 9.53 5.54
Hensel! 10.08 6.05
Kippen . 10.16 6.11
/3rucefield 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6,35
Londesboro11.18 • 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
fielgeave • 11.40 '1.13
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
South Passenger
VVinghani, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p ne
Belgraive ' 6.54 3.44
Blyth 108 • 3.56
Londesbore 7.16 4.04
Ulinton . . ... 7.50 4.23
BrucelleIcl 823
8:12 44:4397
Herman' 8.32 4.52
LCIE°exnnetdttlranii'allarivurffaelo and 1110980d:°° 6.10
Buffalo e 5.0
Wee' am Pmassengea
• Stratford.. ..... .10.00 13,20 3,r2g 10.320
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 555 10,47
Seafortb=10.45 1.10 6.18 I 1,, 2
Clinton . .. 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28
GHootilmareiceheTe111118516 • 11..5033 7%42 11.11.(3,53
East I'Resenger -
Goderich.... ...... 7.10 2.40 4.50
a In le nit p m
Hohnesville .::.... 4, 7.26 2.57 5.06
Olinton.... .... ...a. 7,35 3,07 5.15
sMS etiratatc:h;etalri 11 a. : : ........ : 87.'5216 3,3.4825 • 55 58R
8.40 4.15 6,20
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A reliable French regulator ; neves. fails. Them
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all cheap imitations, mr.. et* 'Yea% are eold st
fk a box, or three for HO. Mailed to any address.
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