HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-08-01, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47 No.0 5. CLINTON ONTARIO T HyFSDAY, AUGUST Local News Appears on Every Page of THE .''NEW ERA. 12 W. H. Kerr & Son Editors and Publishers' Don't 'i°iss 'leading i Every Week, THETHE Mr. W.N. Man ning and Miss 4iar. i riett of London and. Mr. (W..C, " _ ■ Y1 i. 'Manning of Cleveland ni,otor;ed• from Landon on Wednesday ,and will be the guests of Mr. R. E. Manning for ae,lew; days, OF CANADA INCORPORATaD 1669. Gapital . . $6,25o,000 Reserve $7,000,000 The Annual Statement, shows the fol- lowing intreases for 1911 1910 1911 Deposits 372,079 607 388,294.808 Loans & Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,512 207 BRANCHES and Correspondents throughout the world Interest allowed on Deposits. E. MANNING, R.Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH Talcum Peoider$, Colgate -4 B'clat Colgate:; Violet Colgakes 'Monad Violet Colgaten Cashmere Bouquet Colggates Dactylic Williams Karst Williams Violet William& Carna(tian Royal Rose Roy^l Vipolia TRY COLGATES NEW PER - '1. E--E'CLAT. We think it ono of the best. J1.30. HOV EY Dispensing Chemist, Fall Terni From Sept. , rd ELLIOTT' TORONTO, ONT. Stands in a .class by itself for fia•,.t-class work, Open all year. Write to -day for handsome !Cata- logues EARLY CLOSING Por; the sutelmer months Juin and , August we will closet ;our store eve*. ;even-' inngl at 6.30 excepting Thurs-.. day; and Saturday and before holidays. - W. T. O'NEIL ' THE HUB GROCER' Phone 48 The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 9 Decor¢ of Progress fo, Five Years 19064911 1 • CAPITAL $3,000,000.00 •$4 0000.00 RESERVE . 3,000,000.00 4_,600;,03010. DEPOSITS . 23,677,780.00 30,042, , LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 27,457,090.00' 98,554,801.00 TOTAL ASSETS . . 83,090,I92.00 48,237,274.00 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents, and Correspondents in, all the Principal Imties in the World. A GENERAL BANICIAta BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT heat current rate. ed at hi llo e g a Interest at Ail Branches. Clinton Branch, C E. DOWDING. NG. Manage r •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • tit i! 'w,-.- i1A A A.. lA \... t•91 •••••f•••♦••••••••••••NN, • • BOY •_.. We've made • t1Ution, t 4orthe Boys o ithe • • Holidays. i 2 ♦ Boys Scout Suits Regulation style, at $1,50 per suit • • :Boys Cotton Knickers o • J '4 • • Boys Cotton 'Sweaters • Ii n all ll popularppcombinations, the sizes 20. to 32, price 25c a , e a r t derw • Boys BalbrigganU ♦ Short sleeves, special at 25c P Duck Hats White Du To clear at 15 cents • • • • • •• • •• al Pre para- 25 p ♦ 25 cents, 5o cents and 75 cents • • • Boys ♦ • •, •i' Skeleton line, sizes 27 to 33 • good value at $3.00, to clear, at 1.90 Boys Flannel Suits Boys Scout Stockings s . In all sizes, .special at 25 cents • • f s . r o h 1 .Clot Morrish :T he 9_ • b A Square DealItor ,Every Boy" Akikkestiatitft *N•.Ste••4**44_•,tf_N_•!N! • • •' succeed Miss Ghidley, at a salary of • 31,000, and Miss A. M. Bowers, B. A., of Copetown, has been engaged to succeed Mise Fleming at the same sal- ary, oo 0000enan r000No on District News. io4101041410*9001b000n00000e000 Kippen Flax, cutting is in progress in this vicinity, and the, growers have large numbers of Indians and their families busily,engaged-.in pulling and caring for the. crop. The, harvest will • be a plentiful one, and the flax isa good quality. Wheat cutting is also being done in many districts. Grain all promises well, especially; oats and barley. A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mr. Reynolds recently, whenhis little daughter Marguerite celebrated her birthday and entertain- ed a number of her friends. Following a'number of games and amusements,a dainty birthday luncheon was served. Blyth. the four candidates who passed the 2nd class teachers exam, here were: - R. D. Mame, T. A. Rodgers Dorothy Tierney and Chas. Tell, We extend, congratulations.' Quarterly Communion service, will beheld in the Methodist Church next -Sabbath morning, Rev. Mr. Jewitt will conduct it. A nen stable may be built to replace the old one at the Methodist Parson- age. The flax mill is in course of erection on the old salt block property. Civic holiday Wednesday of next week. There are 11 contestants for the prizes in the Standing Field oat .crop. The expert Judge is expected in the course of the next week or so to make the awards. Varna Mr. Reid, classical master in Wind- sor Collegiate institute, is holidaying at bis old home on the Bayfield road. Mrs. Workman, mother of Mrs. Arch. McGregor,passed away on Mon- day morning. The funeral, conducted by Rev. Mr. Snowden, was held Wed- nesday from her daughter's home, Mrs. Butts. of K`; pen, to the Ro3gerville Cemetery, The football match between the Var. na team and the Blake team on Fri- day evening at Blake resulted in a tie, Mr. and Mre, Geo. Howard and Mre, Peter Douglas, of Blake, left for God- erich, where they took the boat for Detroit. They intend visiting friends in Detroit and other places' in Mich-. gan. The garden party held last..Wednes- day night under the auspices of the Varna Presbyterian Church in Mr. T. J. McAsh's beautiful grove was a de- cided success, notwithstanding the threatening weather. The receipts were over $100. A splendid supper was provided by the ladies of the con- Cregation. The Citizen's Band,. of linton delighted the large gathering with a fine program. Seaforth John Borderiek,son of bI Broderick, has been appointed to the railway a o d a wa mail service on the line running from Stratford to Owen Sound. t w Thea appeal of the Seaforth Light, PA , g Heat and Power Company to the ceeinty judge to have the assessment on their buildings reduced from the amount 32,000, as fixed by the court of revision was heard on Tuesday before Judge Doyle, who allowed the appeal, and fixed the assessment at 31,000. Wednesday, August 7 has been pro- claimed Seaforth's civic holiday. The firemen go to St. Marys to take part in the firemen's demonstration, and spec- ial rates and trains have been secured. The . Citizen's Band will accompany the firework Robert Porterfield has sold his farm on the Kippen road and intends com- ing to Seaforth to reside. The fall wheat in this vicinity is now being cut. • Although some com- plain of rust, the crop on the whole is aood one, The trustees of the Collegiate In- stitute hale engaged two new teach- ers to,take the places of Misses Chid - ley and 'Fleming, who resigned. Miss B. M. Bottoms, of Toronto, has been engaged as commercial specialist to • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••e. • •• . •• • Hoover's Oink -Wins Tecumseh Trophy at London The Loddon Free, Pekoes 'reports! tlie"'fin al roand ; of the Asskeet ,,w- hen sup as folaows:— Whets most of :the bowiers were interestod.in the big 'match on the upper grecre • J. B. Hoove'r's ICliin ten four were, winning the 'T,eeum-' seh' ,trophy in'the..associ,ation match unidert. the mil. Dr, Deans. and his Galt ring were 'neviea alble. Le head the northern bowlers, who had evidently made up their minds to bag the silverware this nim•. Fifteen: points an the first five ends gave -Hoover a lead ,that made the result a eritiain•ty, •but htie rank kept priding ep the points until they_has c.rassed, are'.cord Iscor ter te; tourney,, 36-11. As Hoover's rick war anxious to return to Clintoe on an early monis- mg train. President 'layton, of the W 0 B A., took adtiantage of the esisatton of play.y caused, by the rain. to present . the°Tccumselh' rophy and •,the, handsome club tags that wenet 'to the iendlvrduad members of the neenang rink. This t resident congratulated Mr. Hoover and dee ,assoei'ates on their Exeellelit showing at, this and farmer tournaments, and expressed the wish that the entire ;ink ould be,baek neat year to defend the atrophy tlhey, had won in such splendid fashion. ''Hover and hie men were roundly' sheared at the conclusion if Mr. Taylor's remarks, and is reply to s query as to what vas the matter with 'the 'g,entlemen. in question it was unanimously' and and etnlihati;ally affirmed that. they were all right._ Mr. Hoover was pressed for a speech, and realsonded very 'neatly. He thanked President 'Taylor and 2Le .other bo Were fon; their' come p.imentary remarks, and with characteristic anodesiy dieclaianed sU ,credit for the fine showing of his rink. He knew that heeled some of the Lest 'exponents Of the g,aane in Western Ontario to sup - .106..4040 Wort .him. and he was n'aturaltly .eased. that he had; been. s'o euc cesefulenththem, He always look- ed forward with, pleasurable feet -i', tee s 0f anticipation to the W. ,0: 13 A. meets and always enjoyed himself while here. He was pantie eularly proud to be a trophy winner track rinks pamlticipaltled, many of which he was sure were really mare worthy of the honor, ,than was his rink, Clinton Gaut ii; fourtiee 3, Mcn -vide P. Town H, Walker J Taylor H'..0: Hawke J. Hoover, sk..,36, Dr. Deans, shi11 Score by ends Iloover 1...•.....43J-430001013472010-36. Deans 0000032200000001o3-11 (Hoover had a close game with Dr. Wylie, of Brantford , in" the 6th round wapning out by a score of 14- 11. He drew abyle in the anal -fin- al and went into, the firals,wi'Nh Dr. Dean. The Advertiser spealt'ing, of the (final game says:—Skip 'Hoover'had- an easy time djefeating Dr. Deane ;n the Mills1Moir the :Tle(ment ieli Trophy. Hoover's rink showed the fauna they exhibited :duriniglthe early stages attire, Labatt compet- •tion, and that means that notthinie) liner has been rseen at the W.O.B.4 ,4.sn along time;, President A.,T. Taylor mate ithe presentatIan to skip Hoover, con- gratulating himon his fine work.. The special Tteportee the Toren- to News had at London paid, the following complimentary remarks to the bowlers:—Ong of the knode t,opufar victories of the "tournley was skip Hoover's( big" win in the final of_t_he Association aeries over over Dr. Dean, of Galt. The Clin- ton Bowler played well from the (fast of the week, and was counted among the dangerous from- the start.• latest News .At The Summer Resort hayfield Dr. Moffat and Dr. McLean, of London spent Sunday here. Mr. McLean and Mr. Young, of Stratford, were in town Friday. Mr. Trow and fancily, of Stratford, motored to Bayfield last Sunday, Mr. Dobson, of Detroit, is visiting in the village, Mr, W. • Glass has returned to Detroit after a week's vacation with hie mother. Miss Jeanette Smith, of Hensel!, is M the guestPeggy laggart. of Miss c Rev Stuart,Stuart, of London,is guest the of Mrs Stanbury. Rev Hodgins returned to Stratford last Friday. Miss Wright is the guest of het' grandmother, Mile Jowett. nag a er , of Mullett Mr. and Mrs, Norman Carter and son spent Sunday at the home of R. Garter: M Mr. andb M d rid e spent Mrs. Herb o g g Sunday with the litters sister, Mrs. Wm. Hesk. Jas. 'McCool ` has disposed of his driver to Wm. Brunsdon and bas pur- chased a black driver this week. The Misses Beck, of Goderich, spent last week with their cousin Miss (lora McCool. Master George and Fred Elliot, of Clinton, spent last week with their aunt, Mrs, Wm, Stevene. Thomas East ie spending a few days with his aunt Mrs. S, Appleby. Charles Stewart spent Sunday with ,Goderich Township friends. .Miss Olive Porterfield,12th con„ has returned home, much improved in health, after a couple of weeks' visit with her aunts in Mullett township.- [Fordwich Record). The Wetiskiwin rimes of .July 18th had a short item which refers to a for mer Hallett boy. raps. Hill, of Bel - grave, Ont., was in the city for severs -days last week visiting at the home of • his old friends, Mr, and Mrs. J. R • Staples, He has invested heavily in • the West and was taking a trip • through the country getting in per • sonal touch with the conditions, • Matrimonial.—A very quiet wedding • was solemnized on the afternoon of • July 17tb, at the London street par 4' sonage, Windsor, by the Rev. S. L. • Toll, when Miss Mary Victoria Par • ,sons, youngest daughter of Mr. and • ;ilia B n d llfast Gordon Windsor. are among the latest guests at Miss Ferguson'a summer residence. Mr. Percy Towne, of Clinton, and Messrs Harvey Read and Jaw' Me Kenzie spent Sunday here. Miss Alt and Miss Stuart, ot•, Detroit, are enjoying the lake breezes here. Messrs George McTaggart and G. Atkinson areived home this week from Detroit, where they have been visiting the latter's mother. Miss Wiggins has returned home to Goderich. Miss Katie Ross; who has been visit- ing her parents for some time has re- turned to her home in Buffalo. Thestev. Dr Stuart, of Toronto is the guest'uf his sister, Mrs Stanbury. The Rev. Mr. Ross of Godericb, will conduct the Anniversary Services in St. Andrews which will be held a week from the coming Sunday, while our Jtev. Mr,' McFarlane will ofeelate at one of his appointments at Detroit. The Annual garden patty of Trinity Church will be held on Thursday Aug. let when a good program will be pro vided. The baseball match which was play ed on Clan Gregor square between, i3aybe1d and Goderich resulted in a tie. But the opinion of: the townists was that the umpire had not shown a fondness for Goderich players that Bayfield would have had the decision but the umpire was from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Heath and children left Baytield last Saturday for Ham ilton. They went as fax as Goderich in the gasoline launch, and were ac companied there by a number of friends. We are indeed glad to be able to report that Mrs, Heath intends opening her cottage again next sum mer, Messrs 0 Johnson and J. Ford spent Sunday here. Rev Stevens and family,. of Mel Dick Tasker, pitcheronthe .Brant bourne are summering here. ford Baseball team spent a few days Miss Mitchell is among Miss Fug,' in town this week with his faitiily eon's guests, bete. Ile goes'to Blyth tode•y to bel York is visit p Miss Parsons of New out the team and is xpected to pitch • • • •1 • •` • •, • • o. Miss Marjorie Ross, of London, is the guest of Mies Florence MacMillan, Miss •Daisy Ilfiddleton, of Clinton visited Mrs. Jowett last week. Mies Maud Torrance and Mr. Mel. vitle Torrance spent Sunday in the yil lage. Mr, and Mrs. Welsh. of Stratford, and family have rented Mrs, Heal Ws cottage for the remainder of the calm mer. The Misses Qua, of the `White Oity held a wiener roast on the beech Thursdayevening. Mies Wharin entertained her friends at a card party Wednesday afternoon. Miss Malcolm of. Kincardine is the the guest of Miss nee. Mrs (Dr) Atkinson, of Detroit, spent a few days in the village last. week. Personal Notes. Mr.' Willaan Alexander r,'aturned from a visit to Detroit last week, Mr Will Harland spent a few dad a in town with bis family Misses Mary and Jean McMurchie, of Blynth were) the -guests of their aunt, Mrs. W. Brydone. Mr. W. J. Kerr, return ned to Walker ton on Tuesday after a holiday visit in and around Clinton. Mrs. Thos. Hawkens and daughters arrived in town on Ne ednesday from Ingersoll and aregetting settled in their home, We welcome them back to town Everyone is glad to see Councillor Beacom down street again after his Over The. Teacups ' • Dr. Thompson was in London on Tuesday, _ Mr. Lorne Jaeksoni went eo,Tori- onto on Monday. Mr. Jergy Case '02 See'a,foritli was in town on Friday. a Mrs, Jas, Fair; is visiting hens daughter in Detroit. Mr. C. Pugh made a business strip to London thief week. • Mr, Wesley Newcombe of Fort W il'ilam is lau town this week. Mrs. Ed. Saville entertained' Ia few friends onFridely evening. Dr. Prank !Boles of C'ookston, lninueeeta, ie,hoane on a visa. Miss Grace Clufft,`''entlerttaine'd a few friends last (Friday sere{mmn'g. Mrs. T. McNeil and two little sons are visiting friends in Lucknow. Mrs. M. R. Elliott of ecoderidh 'visited friends in town thio week. • Mrs. J, Mitchell of Albert St. ,is elating hex daughter, Mals. Kyle of J41ppenc • Mrs. Pratt off,'1'orpnto is visiting her broltheg', Mr. Josiah Rands,. i of town, Miss Mary Bramfield isependirag a week visiting rMles Irene Pope,et Heneal'1. ,. . Mrs. Neil of Plattsville is at pres- ent .the 'guest, (of her mother Gilchrist. Mrs,,` Mc,Garva and Miss 'Wallace spent afew days visiting fr;einde in Hensall. t Mr. J. •McLeod of the Jackson. Manufacturing Co., went to et. Marys to bowl, ,• Miss Louise Carling of Exeter has been thle guest) of 'Mrs. J. : Irwirn the past week. - Miss Mary Chant left to-tlky for Torontoto prepare for tile, milli- nery openings. Z. Misses Annie and Mary Mason, of London, is visiting relatives and friends in Clinton. • Miss E. Stevenson of Jack's'on. Micli, re visiting her sister, Mai. John Cunleghanue. ' Mr. Ed. Ross, Seaforth, of :The Flax Co. has .been in town on,busi.- ness for .the,past week. Mies Ruth Jackson, of Auburn, spent a few days last week with her triend Miss Jean Wylie: Mrs. Johnson and, son, of Pont William are visiting .the form;ea;'s fathers Mr. J. Emmertome Mrs, win Pair and Miss Kate Mc- Taggaot took intlhe; excursion to Thursday. Kzne ardirie an Mrs.W Mulloya Misses Ger- trude and ,trude ands Ida of Louden are thp[ guests of Mrs. J. Twite;hell. Miss Kate :Scott returns to Mewl York on Saturday to aiesume leer duties in the hospital there. Mr. BertMcIlveen and fannily rine turned to Toronto this Week agftei4 spending their vacation hnree Mr. Victor Stone returned to Tore ' i onto after a fewj.weeeh visit with his friend Mr. Stewart Jackson. Miss B. Mclvor retrained homepr from Oril[lia and( 'Hamilton, wheelie she visited (hie, past( few weeks. Mrs. Geo. Robeneee l and ' family returned home • imp m, visiting friends in Tnnerkip and Woodstock. Misses Annie and Mary Masan W London are :spending. a ` new days visiting friends in Clinton,OM Hallett. Mr. Hartley Watt was ento•wn foal a few days, this wei* visiting his' mother IVIrs. F. W. Watts at "The Maples. ! ' MuseRuby Suiter returned to illness that has extended over the past ( her home en ul,en,aoe, this week, five weeks. The old saying "von cesn't after visiting lice. sils'ttehl'Mrs. Ray - keep a good man down", applies very mer for some time, ,. strongly (u the case of Councillor Beacom, Mrs. Wan. Gunn • and Mies' Bertha Miss Annie Murray of'44,00d;stoek left on,7'uesday 00altrip down Ener is c iett;,ne Miss Grace 231u11 St. Lawrence..• They expect -to be Dr Agee ,• and Master Alex. old. away fox .a couplet of •w in{ant and Rev. Me. Grans, Mris iTedirfce firth are renewing cid friendships in ICltnton. !I'he, T,r: children 'left • Inc . ,Bayfield this w chil•dren leve they, fox will ramp in old time friends are glad to see him d ewett's gentle.• for eai 6neonth. '. as d once an r bla nun, : Mr. Austin' Oaanb ell of ITorento miases M. Pinning, I.;Wilkeny H, p, a former, riesident hese, was' rlenew- Holloway and Glatl Ys Chowan GOOD - NIGHT, BUG i' Kill thontl quick --Don't give- then( a (second' chance. = A goods idea(' when youistare war` en the Deetruetful Pota- to Bug, Our, Paris Green is:absolutely pure, tested and guaranteed. It in ,Ber er'e English make and ifyounree'this brandou cant (well Isay Good Night Bug. Vf A: McConnell -45 G y ru lt:. e To Animals It is a shante to have Hormel es and Cattle tortured :witth flies this hot weather, when yoiu lean kill the flies neigh WILLIA1ZS Fly and Insect Destroyer 12 stops animals worrying. It: keeps them in•condetion. It, increases the nigh , jaup- p1lt's the best thing in the world, for licel inhale houses Per sale by REXALL STORE. W.S.R. Holmes '•Phm B. ing ,old ,aecuaintaneea here on leave next Monday for :Bayfield, Wednday, where thee will spenld acouple !of weeks, Mr. esPaul FreemaiV left onSpyturh'l, Miss Katie Scott left gonTueeisday day for Port Colboaine, where ha will follow his work ;as miller, `F1ve Inc 'Milverton. Fatom. thea'ee shewull manly frianda here.will be soatry (to go to Brampton, to attend: the'Hatta see hirci leave, town. " Manning wedding, where she will be ,bridesmaid, i ing Mrs (Rev.) Ross in the White City. on Saturday with tge team against Mies Marie Newman -has returned Mrs. Turner and Miss Turner, of SCoronto, were in ;town 'Friday last, the guests of Mies Hegel ,O'Neil, On, :there way to Bayfileld where they will spend a couple of weeks. home to Detroit. Stratford team He will join the ,Mr. angd, Mrs- McLean.-ofLoned[on Nies Mabel Hodgins entertained her Loadofnrd team Saturday evening at Vi'r, an'd NIrs: J.'C. Malawi and Miss' friends, at a paper -chase Thursday Th9 many friends of Mr,: (7, J. afternoon. Mss - Fink brf London, at well known lienor a card perty, Fridan were hostesses soloist, wl>'o heel often sung be-' at a paory, Friday. t Miss Marjorie Tolmie had a dance at fore Clinton Audiences, will be the pavilion Monday in honor of her sorry to hear that his little' (two S uest Miss Florence Orr. year-old son was killed by a r une Miss.Roea Smith is theaguest of her away horse on Thursday afte o n Greta olf,the Soo, hnotorled fnon London 'on Tuesday, and. were, the guests of tell'. and 'Mrs. Couniteai. • Mises Florence Olivier :left 'on Saturday to spend'a wejaki withlMr. and Mrs. George 'Hawkins ofThled- ford, Mrs. Hawkins is a daughter} of Mr. Robert Stevens of gown. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tut, ea', Of Dr y oA , were in town Mbnda . e r lvfr.'Turrnslri who is emb"Wg",ekl in el flax business left for the Indian Re- serve near London' to secure In- dians fOr pulling,flax. , Miss Elizabeth'' Whitley, hay ,,b n making improvements and put in waterworks at her • house oh, Townsend' street, occupied by Mr. •Lawson, and his bride; and, has else been doing Tainting at hler home on, on street; Mr. J. J. Mitchell and, who have betels .visiting ;the ford mer's mother, Mils. J. .LViitehlele,'Al beet street, have inelturped ;to aunt Miss Brierly, of last Week.- Messrs:. Jack Best' W. Jones and J. Mr, Robert I iw.inti eon of ;him. J. Pringle, of Seaforth were in Bayfield A. Irwin left' on Tuesday for Pin - Mrs. Parsons, of •Barlock - in last Friday, cher Creek Sask. where . he evilll ArthurP n , , , Hullett township, was united in mar i Mr. W:II` nose and son, o£- New take up the U1nnNatr . 'He, will stay gg, 'll nose of Lon yy. riage to Mr. John Wallace, of Rus York and Mr, S. Wig there for a yea end will •pprobably comb, Essex county. The .bride was don Conservatory of Music, are boli return. an,the fall 1 t £ to laf d becomingly l gowned in a cream whip. Baying here. g Yp , Of suit, with ane a hat-.( s,t Friday n Sit! a number f card travellingw m t La n r and they werattended by Mr, and the campers gatherkedttolgethe , +alt Mrs, W. M, Wallace. of Comber. Fol. 'the pavilion, prior eothhe ddep 'met ,. i Present et. ibI1's'. lowing the ceremony the bridal party 'ef t}tei. 'Heath s, to P e, an i motored to the home of their fiends, Beetle,with punch -bowl, Address- , _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Dornton .:of' Rus- age Rev. ''1 oisnie of , es were given n1 y : I ' ' , . ,^ .. .. the far- e elm° the stem ris m b ere a s im tuous wedding: cI'' ria e b •Now i comb, where and ev,. dVI n f g , P g. rvWiltitdsor; a supper awaited 'them them. They Rayfdeid, and were ,replied to : 'by mer plays on, is the binding twine. will reside near Ruscomb, . where . the ' r dand Sup- , Some say there is a; d nger•of a.' short. will Mr: Reath... P oltn says ee, a ,groom is a prosperous farmer. . per, followed, ; l ( age:in the supply: g1 'a 1913 ton Victoria ;College. He will be aeta- tiwnrned only 25Milesf;front his !bro,. Cher, Rev Mr.Irlwiny :and bis sister g fr'e d : n Alava Ruby 3dis tinny, r p e u town wish him success loathe work. AUGUST SALE Ordered Clothinq $17.50 Ten only Scotch Tweed Suits made to order, every pattern'goor3,' regular 20,00:: and 22,00 values. —N0..- -- OU'R MOTTO. "Keep the wheels going during the slack month of August. • Straw flats For Men and Buys, During this sale in am clearing out all our 1.5o and 2.00 Straw Hats at 98 dents; Don't Miss This Opportunity to Save Money: ZE' Men's raliors and Furnishers x • g 11 ' - bassi' Maoseman, wherpe he tv,, )aur family, and spend( awelelk, withlaic before t" mother-ainl-1aw efr le rlo !L'f`A$' home to Arad wririt,h; Leg,