HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-25, Page 63
There has been a lot of
care and time expended
in selecting this RING.
stock Of ours. Quite a
good deal of ,money, too,
for we wanted, above all
things, as'complete as we
could possibly get it.
We have some particu-
larly handsome stone con-
structions for ladies.
• „
Also attractive etlects
for gentlemen.,
Sonia of them sell for $2.00
. Rings for the younger folk for
$1.00 and thereabouts.
You will be perfeetk safe if
YOU depend upon Onestore
for your Ring Needs
away Math over a .
Then we have Some cute little '
• '
and from amcortee go
Mrs, Bates, of Toronto, , is visiting
at the home of her parents, MV, and
Mrs. Wm/Clark.
At the recent entrance examinations
held in Varna public sehool, two pu-
pils were successful, Leigh MeConnel
and George Beatty.
Mr. John McAsh is laid up at pres-
ent with a sore leg, which was injured
in a game of football, •
. Mrs., Arch McGreggor was called to
the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Work-
man, who after an ilfnees extending
over nine years, is in a very critical
condition.. She at present is residing
at the bonne of her daughter, Mrs.
Butts, of Kippem,
Mr. B. R. Higgins, of Brucefield,
occupied the pulpit in the Presbyter-
ian Church Sunday morning, and Rev.
Isaac H. Woods, of Brecefield, con-
ductedthe services at Blake in the
afternoon. There were no services
here last Sunday, owing to the illness
' of thepastor.
The Methodist and Presbyterian
Sunday schools held a union meeting
no the Presbyterian Church here re-
' candy, and were addressed by Me. Mc-
Lean, of Kippen, and Mr. Ortwein, of
Hensall. This is a step towards church
Only line r eaehing all Summei-
tn High4DridS ta Ontario,
Full Summer Service MOW in (ef-
fect to all the above Resorts.
Write tor full particulars arid al-
•luatrated folders,to any 1Grand
Trunk Agent. '
NOideddelierr EXCUPSI011
.July 9 au cl 23 August 6 (and 30
Septeinber 3 and 17
ta Via Sarnia or SChieago, -
Winnipeg and return. $34.00.
Edmenaon and return, $42.00.
Wickets geed for 110 days,'
Special tsain will leave Toronto
10.30 p.m. on above(dates via CM -
nage! and St. Pail' etadyine' through
-coaches and Pullman; Tourist Sleep
ing Cars. r •,
The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail.
way is the shortest and quickest
•'route between ,
Winnipeg -Saskatoon. ?Edmonton
• Now Fast Express, service be -
.ween Winnipeg, Yorkto,n, Cavern
arid dlingina •
Lys Winnipeg 8.45 a.m. 6.00p..
Al. YorktoO, 7.10 P.m. 9.30 ham
Ar. Canora, 8.30 p.m, 11.45 a.m.
air. Regina, 9.00 P.M. 7.00 Lin.
Ar. Saskatoon, 8.18 a.m;
Ar. Edmonton,. • 9.00 PP.
tipper Lake Sailings
Settings erom Sarnia foot Sault
Ste. Marie and Poet At*hus 3,30 p.
tin. Mondays, Wednetedays saidsSat-
surdays. L.
Smooth roadbed, eleetrie lighted
sleeping ears, superb dining 'ear
aiervlite. •
Leave Winnipeg t .6.00 pm.
• Arrive Regina ' 7.60 a.m.
Arrive SaskatoOn, 8.30 a.m.
Arrive Edmonton, 9.00 rem.
POT full particulars and tickets call
on or writers -
A. O. PATTISON: depot agent
A.R. Duff, distatiet pas,senger agent
Tinton Station, !Toronto, Ont.
Yards Opposite G. T. R. Station
All kinds ol Coal on hand—
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Cotil and Wood
3 and delheil Size—
• The Tile is of the very best
Brick to Order.
Phone 52.
The home of Mrs, N. Wetlaufer,
Blyth, was the scene of a quiet and
pretty wedding when her daughter,
Rosetta N. was united in marriage
to Mr. G, IL Wambold, of Stratford,
the ceremony being performed by
Rev. Mr. Jewitt. The bride, who
looked charming in a gown of em-
broidered mull over messaline silk,
entered the parlor' leaning on the
arm of her brother, to the strains of
Mendelsohn's Wedding March play.
ed by Mrs. 11. A. Wetlaufer, of Ber-
lin. The parlor was beautifully
decorated with palms. ferns and
maiquerites. After the ceremony
and congratulations, the bridal
couple and guest a repaired to the
lawn where a sumptuous dinner was
served. Mr. and Mrs. Wambold
left on the four train, Wednesday,
for Dashwood and Grand Bend, the
bride wearing a dress of pearlgrey
nal] Toy trimmed witb Service Sat-
in. After spending Sunday with
the bride's mother, tbe 'happy couple
left on Mohday morning for Strat-
ford where they will make their
future home.
-A. short sketch ts given of the new
Methodist minister : -Mr. Jewett was
born in Morris, Twp, attended High
School at Mitchell, -finishing his stud -
les for the ininistiy at Cobourg. His
first charge was at Pelee • Island in
1887, since which time he has been
at the following places as their pas-
tor •Wilkesport, Marwick, Melrose,
Warwick, Elimville, Hensel', Wards -
vine, Dutton, Weetminis ter. Mt.
Brydges and now here, In the
year 1857 he was united in marriage
to Miss Priscilla Oliver. and have a
family of three boys and one girl.
The oldest boy, 0, V. has had a very
successful course at school, being
Gold Medalist at Victoria College,
also took first class honors in Math-
etnatics and faculty special. At the
commencement of the coming term,
he goes as teacher to the Chatham
Collegiate. The second son, II, W. is
following in his father's profession
and atpresent he is engaged as the
pastor at Eddy's Mills, London' Con-
ference, G. G. the third --s engaged
in the teaching profession near Lip-
ton, laask, His only daughter, Miss
Elva Mary is at home.
Mrs. Graham, of Toronto, is visiting
her sister Mrs. W. Cole.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Price, of Blyth,
spent Saturday sthe guest of her bro.
ther Robert Clark.
„Mee.. R, B. Stephenson and son
spent it, few clays the guest of leer mot-
her, Mrs. Andrew, of Gorda.
e Mrs. Miller, of Seatorth, spent a few
clays last week the guest of ber grand-
son, Ernest Adana.
The Constance Womeo's aliesionary
Society spent Wednesday the guest of
Mr. Harry Taylor, of Harriston.
spent Sunday the guest of the Snell
Bros, Mrs. Taylor and son returned
with him on Monday.
Jane Watt, of Hemlock, spent Sun-
dativit his friend Nelson MW,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longman and
two -thildran -spegit Sunday at the
home of Wm. Mealool.
Miss Annie Braithwaite has return-
ed home after spending two 'months
with relatives in Hamilton and Tor-
Elias Ball ii ein the sick list at pre-
sent but we hopehe will soon be im
proved in health. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens and Son
spent Sunday with Seaford] friends.
Miss Emma Snell, of Win • hams WaS
the guest of her aunt Mrs. li. Snell for
the past week.
• Miss May Saville spent this week
with her friend Miss Sadie Gibbs, of
Samuel McCool has returned from a
naonth's vieit with his brother Robert
Matto], of Edmonton, Alberta.
Wild raspberries are ready now
and are plentiful but not. so large as
other years owing to the dry weather
Albert Trewin has had anew drive
shed erected on bis farm.
• Miss Maggie McCool and Wellington
are the guests of their sister, Mrs.
Awde, of Winghain for it few days.
William and Ji Gray shipped a car-
, load of cattle to Toronto last week,
Miss Alice Waite, of Goderich, is
visiting her cousin Miss Lizzioasodden
this week.
• Our MITI= =To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when...they want more, and bring their friends with them.
TO USE Our Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying- a whole lot.
Substantial Furniture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
while prices are so favorable. •
Instz)11:_ Dtitifor
• ParistailtetIldeatetieitind. Directors -Phone 104
• IfIGiet'AN SWAM AY-CALLS.41MMISINO;;:lr.Voiliiiietieli§
1 Misses Jessie and Nellie Watkins,
ef Clintdn are spending twe weeks
with their uncle, liobert Watkins.
Ou Saturday evening a few of the
neighbors gathered, at the home of
Mr. Will Longman, when Mrs, James
McConnell presented Mrs. Will Long-
man vvith a check of 5150.00„ and Miss
Jos's) Risley read the following ad-
Dear Friends;- We have assembled
here to.uight, on behalf of the under-
signed, to present you with this token
Of their heartfelt sympathy in your
present trouble, and we teg you will
aecept this , Check of $150 CO. with
which we -Wish you to purchase the
best artifice,' foci; to replace the , one
which you have lost and accept the
best wishes of your neighbors and
friends for your future welfare.
•1 Mrs, Sas. McConnell
Signed Miss Josie Elsley
In responding Mr. Longman on be-
half of his wife expressed. himself as
being very thankful to his neighbors
and friends for died kindness and
sympathy show e to them in this
time of trouble, •
G •
Methodist Minister, Dungannen.
The subject of this sketch was born
in Bruce Co., near Kincardine, he be-
ing the second son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hunter. In 1885 the family.,
naoved to Morris Township, Hurn
0o., and later to Brussels-, when the
old folk retired front fanning. Fol-
lowing up a public school course Mr.
Hunter attended Albert College, Belle-
ville, and during hisprobation speitt
two years at Victoria College, Tor-
onto. lie entered the ministry in
1898 and was ordained at the London
Cohference at Listowel. Since then
he has rendered splendid service, at
Harmony, Illersea. Tupperville and Is
now located at Dungannon. Mrs.
Hunter was Miss alinnut Robinson,her
father being Rev. J. W. Robinson, a
well known Methodist divine who
served ha Chuich well for many
years and is now on the retired list,
residing in London. There is it bright
little daughter, Alma Elliott, also a
member of the home circle ba the
Dtingannon Parsonage. Rev. Mr.
Hunter is an excellent preacher: a
successful evangelist. ; an attentive
pastor and no department of work is
neglected. In Mrs. Bunter he has a
royal belpmeet. We wish them the
highest success at Dungannon.• .
Presentation To Mrs. (Reed Jas. E.
Hunter Before Her Removal th Dun-
gannon: -A pleasing event took place
Wednesday evening, June 28th, at
the Tupperville Metlaodist parsonage,
when tbe members of the Ladies Ajd
of Shiloh ahead' gathered and present-
ed Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Hunter with it
beautiful gold brooch set with ame-
thysts and pearls. An appreciative
addrese was read by Mrs. Farslow,
and the presentation made by Mrs.
McKee?. Refreehments were served
and the evening was spent in social
intercourse. On the following evening
the members of the Woman's Mission-
ary Auxiliary of the circuit also pre-
sented Mrs. Hunter with a sectional
oak book case.
Porter's 11111
Air. Albert Rutledge, of Galt, is
visiting under the parental roof.
Miss Luella Tichborne left for the
West onTuesday of this week; '
Percy Jenkins, of Goderich, is spend-
ing a few days at It, Y. Cox's,
Miss Aldo, McDonald returned to
Detroit on Frelay last, after spending
three weeks under the parental roof.
Miss Pettigevv, of Pittsburg, is visit-
ing at John Toreances.
Mrs. John Beatty, of Seaforth, visit-
ed this week at the home of her aunt,
Mrs, A. Donglas.
• Charles Reed hat his weigh scales
placed in the station yard ready for
weighing. Our village is now well
supplied with scales, John Walker
has one hi the village.
Mr, H. Johnston, l'ormato, is visit-
ing at the home of tirs..Rattenbury.
Miss G. Marks, who was recently
hurt by being thrown out of a buggy
is he proving. .
Mrs. James Grainger, of Manitoba,
is visiting itt the home of Mr. Grainger,
of our village and other friends.
IStanley I Miss Sturdy, of Goderich Town-
ship, has been engaged as teatherin
' S. SS No. 1, of this township.
• Mr. James Cameron. of Walkerton,
n,,. 0 t • ..i.t+1__ la h
On Monday afternoon Miss Winni-
fred Jarvis gave a party to her girl
schoolmates, They all had a pleasant
time. •
Miss Vera Pepper visited last week
in Clinton at the -home of her grand-
mother, Mts. Carter. '
Mr. Sparks, of Dakota, was • visiting
his brother, Mr. Alex. Sparks hist
week, 3
Mr. Chas. Layton, of Seaforth, and
Mr. Fred KOche, of Detroit, Called on
Monday at the home of their uncle,
Mr. Hugla McGregor.
Dr. Geo. Brown, of Detroit, and
Rev. J, Brown and his two children,
of Butte, Idaho. during an auto trip
in this -district called at the home of
'Graham Bros,, on Tuesday of last
Mr. Robert Mooney has purchased
the Fjsber block, one of Witigham's
lanclonarks, and will remove his
plumbing and tinsmithing business in.
to that desirable location.
Me Wesley Walter, of East vvawa-
nosh, has purobased the house recent-
ly owned and occupied by H. N. Road-
house. Ma Walter will shortly re-
move to Wingham. ,
Ds Elanably has renovated the house
recently purchased from Mrs. H, Kerr
and now has an up -to date office and
residence, . •
Mrs. Green has removed her minim,
my business into the lileyie block.
Work is progressing rapidly on • the
new building being erected by the
• King Bros., and by September 1 they
hope to be inside of it with a stock of
general merchandise tecond to none
m this county.
Mr. C. Knechtil was in Kincardine
starting the horses there during old
boys' week,
D. D. G. M. Wm. Martin, of Bruss.
els, installed the following officers of
Maitland Lodge at their regu'ar
meeting . N. Go, G. Amsbury : N. G.,
R. Brook's IR S., J. S. Groves ; treas.
tweral, B, Elliott ; financial secretary,
W. J. Raines; warden, W. F. Guest,
London. Road
Miss Jennie Grant is visiting
friends near St. Tbomae,
Mr. McKnight, Sr., who has been
sick with bronchitis is not improving
as fast as his friends would like to see.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nott visited with
Mrs. D. Hoggart in Mullett, on Seto
day. Mrs. fioggart is an aunt of Mrs.
• MM. Frank Zoulsdorf favored the
League on Tuesday night with a cold
ple of solos which was very much
Mies Mabel Livermore, of Toronto,
hes been home on it two week's vaca-
Mr. Taylor balms the League next
Tuesday night at Mr. James Note
Goderich Toivnship
On Tuesday evening of last week
the Jervis family and friends met at
Mr. Alfred Jervis' borne in Holmes.
ville in honor of Mrs. J. Holland and
son Walter, who are visiting Irons
Winnipeg. Tbey pulled and ate taffy
and lee eream, cakeidetee to tbe full
and enjoyed themselves _until near
enidmigist. Then thanking tbe host
and hostess they left feeling that it is
good to naeet and eajon themselves.
On Wednesday &Marmon last In
Maitland cemetery, Goderich, there
were laid away, amid a great throng
of sorrowing and sympathizing friends
the mortal remains of Mary Elizabeth
Yuill, eldest daughter ,of Jas. Yui11,5th
zoneession of Goderich Township.
Miss Yuill had come to the borne of
her grandfather, John -Porter, to visit;
when she was stricken with append-
icitis and peritonitis, and though
everything that medical and nursing
skill could do was employed all it was
in vain,and on Sunday %riddle bright
young life passed out. Miss Yuill was
only ID her twenty-fourth year. The
funeral services. held at her father's
residence, were conducted by Rev,
Jas. Hamilton, pastor of Union church
of Which congregation she was an
active member. The pall hearers
were 0.12. Edward, Robert Bodges,
Chas, King, Reg. Sturdy, Meredith
Clarke and J. Blair. • Many floral
tributes to the eeteet11 Which the de-
ceased younglady was held were up-
on the cof in, among:. theme being
wreathil from the Paistime 011th of
Goderich township. the Girlsi.Club ofr
Goderich, and Union church Sabbath
wheel. ••or:
lass Jessie Linklater tett on alcinday
to spend a few days edith her tester,
Mrs. Wm. Ruston, neer Sebrin ville.
Miss Mary Gordon from Goderich,
was the guest of the Misses Linklater
en Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kingswell, at-
tended a party given by Mr, j. Greene
Port Albert on Monlay evening.
Miss Jean Clutton left on Wednes-
day for Toronto to spend a few days
with friends there. '
The Ladies' Aid of Baptist Church,
Goderich held their Weedily meeting
at theirpregident, Mrti. A. JR, Cluttbra
on Saturday afternoon of last week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Phomer has returned to
Detroit after a two weeks visit among
friends here.
Miss Leona Yoe, ef Detroit, and
Miss Mabel Twitchell, of Stratford,
are visiting their friend Miss Lulu
Mrs. Simpson and Miss Simpson,
cousins es Rev. 141r. McCormick are
visiting here.
• Mr. McMath, of Toronto, is visiting
his cousins, Mrs. N. W. Trewar
Mrs. Thomas Holland, of Wxnexpeg,
_Watch Faults
Does Your. Watch Run
Correct lj
If Not, let us repair it for you.
It may be only dirty3,' and need
cleaning, or stop for Meat of, Writ'
• Whateverdthe Ileaseineclorat de-
lay. WE give thorough examina-
tion and regulation FREE. ,
. ,
Anything more costa as little, as
satiefaetowy work can be, done.
• Grigg
I .
Jeweler and Optician •
Issuer 01 Marriage Licenses
these parts for the last four weeks
started for her home on Tuesday going
bye. P. R.
.Miss Bertha Stanley lefiren Tuegday
reprising for it visit to her sister, Mrs,
Reid, of Manitoba. • , •
The young people Of the Epworth
League and Sunday Saluda are hold-
ing a lawn social on the geounds .-af Mr
Geo. Holland on Friday the 2fich last
Rev, Dr Medd and wiae. of G,od.
erich have returned home after spend.
ing a few days with relatives here.
The reguler meeting of the Wo.
men's Institute will be heldun Mims.
day, P. M. August 1st at 2 :80 in the
Forreester's Hall. Rev, idr. Osterhout
is expected to be present and give an
address. All ladies cordially invited.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
Church had a very large meeting on
Wednesday afternoon. They bad a
visit' from a number of Constance
ladies. • - •
The teenagers of the Manse. have
put in a new coal furnace purehaiied
from McPherson Bros,, of Binh. •
Saturday night rain cis the, extent of
2i inches fell and put away ell • tem.-et:if
a short crop in this neishborlmod,
The greater part of the fall . vtheat
cut and is coneidered a very geoderdp.
Soine elalin 40 bushels to the acre' but
25 will be rmite commou, .e
George Lyon is still confined tothe
house and not improving' !Duch. '
Mrs. Howard W. A:damed of Minna.
apolis arrived at the hoine ofstR.
Adams on Wednesday , fore it shoet
visit. Howard is at peasant. in.. Walt
Virginia and will meet' her at her'Par-
ents home in St, Thorned
W. Peffers had %Althea, masre tea
the road• pasturing aande old alandey
the went south about lkindese and
nu -
trace of her can lee goteilindelfaThe'
brand on left shouldest le T. dtr. There
is a suspicion that some one -took her
North throueli here ow Mondbannight.
. The following pupils•of Mite: Mite
Bell were successful theisiaiieetdc
Western University• 1itusiatexamina-
dons. Grade 3 -Elsie ellialerteLentieP
boro, Paso. Grade 8-tallie urtukOpli..
Londesboro howls Item! ,thirtere
Constance, 'honors a ColeetheCarderte
Clinton, paws. Congraaplationesetp
teacher and pupils 5:0)ZW
k4P. P •
(}V1.10,1 kig AIL
Mr. Thomas Anderson hatereturned
to the Soo, accompanied byeelreeend
Wit. T. Strangant and alisstdebtie
Asquith. esimoi
Mr. S. Cox, who Was badly. ,d.y
falling from a, load of hay hist -weak'. is
ire roving slowly. '
Ocordlog to t e report•of ,.the .1tto.
Vstial meettn Of the Wet
Farmer's lne Mute, Aebutri es not as
representative on the board sot dine-
oreand ie not 'listed for "a meeting
this coming winter.
paste through here on Frality.ae,.,
qbec-Autburn ,anfitial -11011M0'
will be held on Wednesday, July 81ot
at the Point Farm. It is held at an
earlier date this year so that the farm.
ers can attend before harvestie in full
swing, .,
Mr. Sas. McLeod 11111G W191 it palatal
accident lest Friday -while in Blyth.
HIS horse shied at an automobile. Mit
IdeLeod got out of the binged mad at-
tempted to lead it past when the
horse naade a plunge throwing bins up-
on the side walk. Mid ' ()believe
brought him home in his auto when
It was found that his skull was fractur-
ed and a numbettof ribs broken beside
other internal injuries. We are glad
to know that although Mr. McLeod is
in a critical condition he is improving,
AL .T. Fano has sold the Union hotel
Goderich, to Johe Lennon, of town,
who takes possession next Monday.
Mr. Farr will remain in town, having
purchased for $2 500 P. T. Dean's re•
sidence on Elgin avenue.
CIIRISTIANA-In London, on Wed'.
nesday, July 8r6, to Mr, and Mrs.
Andrew Ohristiaua, (see :!ss Lithe
of his uncle, Mr, Neil McGregor: Who has beep visiting her relatives. in Coates), a ems.
Grain Growers of the West Will
Have Control -of Terminal Bkvators
Toronto, July 18. -At the last meet- That the vote taken indicates 80 de-
cided a preponderance a opinion in
favor of union, on the part of Metho-
dist Church, that this general confer-
ence special committee is satisfied
that the Methodist Church is now pre-
pared to proceed toward the consum-
mation of tbe basis of apion heretofore
agreed upon,
That the recent action of the Gen-
era Assembly ot the • Presbyterian
suggestieg cooperatbse be,
tween the three negotiating churches,
in several departnients of work, pencl.;
Thnt the accomplfehment of 'orgapie,
union, has created a situation unfere.
last session. In this emergency this
General Conference special committee
nag of the special committee of the
Methodist General Conference treater.
day the question of the removal of
Rev. Dr. Cheese from Winnipeg to
Vancouver was brought up and the
committee expressed approval of the
proposal that Dr, Chown decline the
position Offered him in the coast city
and instead devote his time to shap-
ing thieeducationial work which will
etrebeforethe snet general confete
ence. It was decided to hold the 1914
conference in adtteave, if suitable are
rengements can be made with the
railways for transportation of the del-
ettateme'sseace, eieest.s
The contmittee approved a report on
church union which said in effect;
refers to the general boards and com-
mittees of our church the considera-
tion of euch temporary arraegements
for co operation as may ***found to
At the same time this special com-
mittee expresses its 4ctentseetierietbdt
such cooperation ia &more didietilt -and
much less •desirable,' than organic
union *hich no provisiona arrang
•meet plight to be permitted to tertian,
Thet, the opecial coinmittee be• ato
thogized in 'conjunction/with the unidp
.comeattteecof the other negotiatiog
churches, to provide for the oversight
conneeted with any of the three
,Special Prices
For the balance of 'July we will offer special
. :ste
ments to clear our remnants and lines that are
partly"sold out,
• spEeirfa.
All lines of Diess Goods!:
\Skirts, Blouses and Whitewear
• Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Pumps,
(lines that have some sizes sold but)
Suits, Odd Pants and Odd Vests
It will pay you to see what we have to offer.
Clothing' made to measure—Best Satisfaction Given
• 1?ltimsteel Bro.
uron Co News
The voters list for the township of I The name, Mission Society ot
East Wawanosh have been issued and the Presbyterian chureh-Seaforth
were nett posted in the Clerk's office ahipped, two large bale's' of clothing
on July 18ch. The list of this year tothe • Hopisatl , at Sefton; Mane
contains the names 551 enters and last week. ' • ,
there are 285 persons ,qualified to . Nelson ., Higgins, who has 'begin
serve as Jurors. . 1 teaching at the Stione schol houttet
The Robert Park mensorial medals, I Morris, has bone engaged to teach
given by Victor Lauriston in memory i Belgrave school' tor next yeart .at a
of his father. the late Robert Park, it salary .ot 5600. . .
former principal of the Goderich pen-
ile schools, are awarded oe the basis 00the1180110rlialheupehe oarj• Plegy.Wsitieletniueteee"
of marks taken at the hi
h sch°61 en. B A. . Yu% 11, Grey's "Potato King"
1 . .
gold medal, for the Goderich pupil
trance examination. This year the
has thirteen acres of Potatoes; '
taking the highest marks, is
2000 bushels lar tette and made -wet!
won by planted this year. Last year he -
Elsie Dunnadge, of Central school. As
the winner of the highest marks at t e thinks potatoes give
Victoria sehool, Allen Sinclair receives out
the silver medal. The highest marks him the Is. est and threat retuating
in the inspectorate were taken by fin'• his bib".
LofotuhiseltHleeKnsaid ssochnoodPrincipal McKay firiTaltheipoGareas ul/pOot me 1.• ci;u1i yd a ti 81119 1.2 twissitale
James White, of Zurich, wbo came contates 822 names in Part I; 214 in,
op for sentence on Monday at Gode- Part II; and 17'in Part III a total
rich, having been convicted to em- of 1083 an all. 553 are 'eligible to
bezzlement, was allowed to go under serve King 'George as jurtemen.
fsruoampenadiesdnosnenorten jeuedgaefteproyalelec
Itutries R. TurveY, of Bluevale, as Princi-
The trustees have engaged Chop,
sutnitduetrisloodtothatthWe hictoemhyasanmy adwehorsee-
year ate, salary of $575. • 1iliet. Tore
Pal of-Cranbrook school 'foci IOW
Earlgthileermoir thpeproopldriated
t • -Everett Walker is at hit holme tit
vey. thaFi just .colinpleted hits course,
relict of the late James Perkins, at
inhabitants of
his vacatians He is principal. of the
se the Stratford Nonmal s.chooL .
Gorrie, in the person of Mrs. Perkins
Morris Township ilifista Region 'for,
• Woodstock, died on July the twelfth
Albert schael With a large staff of
front injuries received a few days be•
fore in it runaway accident, For some assisaants. Mr, 'Walker „relates
years past she had been living with
clone: He says the rebuilding .and
many interesdng 'storists of the cy-
ber daughter Mes. Dr. 3, .3. Williataa,
reconetruoting is " going ahead
,of Woodstock.
with a rush.
practising medicine. at Change Islands
Dr. E. J. Eacrett, who has been
It. Beniface church Zerieli, cele...;
ing hands with old Melillo in Exeter.
Newfoundland, for four years, is shak-
week, when the following rsiverend
braked forty ihoulAs' devotion/ this
The doctor will go to England this fall geatletnen assii..1fild 'Elev. Fr, Stro-
to take some special courses in medi. eder-Fathers Foster and. Goodwin
on july 9, There arita138 who are elt- George Thornton, Ione of thief old-
, . of Mount Carmel; Father. Danzeti et
issuea by the clerk! Mr, lia. W. Erwin.
The vote, IV list for Bayfieid has been
Hesse!, and Father White of St.
It was first posted m the 'clerk's office Columba:It 1 ' - • .
gible to vote -at both parliamentary and ,eat residents, Passed away onalon-
tuuniqpal elections; 59 who can vote at day evening last at' his home in
municipal elections only andlawbe can adeKillop township. 'Deceased wale
vote at parliamentary.etections only. 102 years, 1(manith and a days on -
•The ntunber of inuincipal electors is age. . He had 'bene a long resident
197,antaof parliamentary eleeters 154. MeKtilop -•aect was well endtevare
There are 35 female' editors and .5g owy mown.. i )..,,, ,, .1
Henry atilber... township .clerik 0 t
eligible to serve as jurors.
The samples of water .taken front) SSephen, has .cosnpileted ihdie return
dile last Weildrilled at Winghitm, were an the 'Department dor the quarte
.seet, to Toronto to be tested and word ending June SOof births; maidhn-,
that the water dittit perfectly pum
was receined.on.tdoaday to the etfeet
ibiont as followis; la birth. -e4 males
ed 4,0 deaths Yegilditerier1 In ide div-
igle mom dobtamed ouiy fitaie Wets 14 females, ,10 deati4--§ itiaten 411,-.
do,the. million- of chlorine. Ihis was .
males, ci Marnageg. .
Mr, Pringle et Wing.ham, hasthia
, . . ,
'iakiitsitiEnteiteateny water sent from
spring 'made aniether addition to
Thed May :Township voters litit
The addation is of briek, 22 X 32, terce
-mutates ath,e 'names of 956 persons,
'Thefe are 7.82 in Part 1 ; 1385n part 2
s!oreys high. Re has also added
give room for itectreased business.
and 38M pant 3. - _
fare alt work, and a 'Clicker' the
af his farm at tho iitli:Con.,11ay do
Mr. Ezra Kariteher has dispeekid
first of the kind in this part of
den sewing Machines to those ke- -
xesora, Jacob 'Weide and EfenaY the country. This is a machine for
Get. 1st, , 1 .(*Alf
$7500.00. Possession Will be given
Brown. - The .consider Odom is
Pringle is preparing to add a sec -
cutting out iglove shapes, and Mr.
and is now getting it in shape for nurchased the isrutoeis ov,aposialtor
Mr. John Weymouth of 13lyth has
posing of the output. ,
ond of these Machines. The capac-
ity, of the Works now 1s104 dozen. a
day., and ;there is Iso difficulty dis-
the season's work, He will ehortly
Thos. Burke, son • ' of Mr. Saanael
move his family to Breasels.
Burke of the 11st. con. of Greyeteet
Sim Alex. 1VIeNeil, ath line, Mor -
were drawing in hay and while- the
ris. is botae from the Clinton bode with. rather a serious mathap. They
piltal where she anderwent an oa-
team was ' standing the deg lay
oration for appeaadicitis. She is
down under tate wagon. When, the
Making a good ,eecovery and will
!loon be fully ireatored.
caught inithe lhay leader, one of
team started again the dog was
. The date tor the annual ,Blyth
the litters going through the
lett is Aug 1.2th. • '
Sunday School ,exeursion to Gooier-
81tin of his back. In extracting the
One of Ma Ed. Wurrinia bereave dog young (Burke was •bitte,n about
the hands. by the s.namel, Bleed
horses, at Zurich, died on Stinday,
poisoning sot in.
The anneal was worth $2.00,00 ,at
The - IBrussels Post say -se -We.
lease. '• ,
have pleasure in extending eon-
gratulations to the ,Brusels pupils
who. so 'ably ,stesealned the 61d- time
record .atEntinance exaandhations.
Ten wrote 'and all passe cla efilgtht
taking ,honors, One ease af unuite,
aal was that of Albert Lott, - who
haa the 'handicap of waeting 'his ed
sight. He wrote ,at the 'exam. midi
•passed with heroes, taking 5011
writing not included. "text had the
a uestiens read to him by the,. lex,
miner an he 'look them .cle we by
Ilia typewriter iptchees's and wroto
the •answeeo by the isiemie mad/tine.
Financial repast foie the Metho-
,clitit Church on iBelgeave circuit
has. `been is:sneer toi. the Was' isncla
lug May 31 lad. Mere are • three,
sippointmerits-Sunshime, Beigrave
and Brick Church. Far pastorts
salarY, Belgrave contrelmenot $311,05
Suntelone, $S05.00 ; s 'Brick Church
$215,00; total, 5761.00, Fob the
• eral mission fund, the circuit slaiSoci
imam ; W.I'd. S., 58320; Ladies Ald,
513 00; Trnatep IT3osicis; stiAl..601,
'other fu,ntis, etaa Making atedlt
,t)f, tlits • Beigeave ,q011,tribIltpd400r:
:fi4'55c1 , ()Utile, •tfircnit, nf 51245'5
65 l, 'SanlIkl.),K#S,"'. 52,51407,' 'irieli,,',
iSi06‘61 R. ilh,or''' ia'Reio,rding-
55" .SuneAspk412541, Brickiefiaroh,,
, )Stewart, and 3.3. Dement was ,
' 11110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Peeps, 10,r the yeax! thao deport/ed.
New Telephone
,The Bell Telephone Company of
tanaide is soon t o print a new ist
sue o$ its Official Telephoue.Direc-
tory f or the Distrtict of Western
Ontario including
Parties --Who; ,eo ntt emplate. teem-
ing Subscribers, ordthose who wisih,
dkauges in thew present ante&
shouldeoleete (thee ordegee with thel
Local Manager at ogee to enelere
4erltliOElI in tins astiue
Connecting Companies
Should also e•ePort additions and
changes intheir diet ofdult?ierabledeist,
OelMtet eg141,14r
-Meet; Mointre,aas
Zhe Bartel 'ePtiOnt