HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-25, Page 5,tL
Brilliant Assortment of New
Sutmer Merchandise Speciallyhis store forSaturda.:
Prl�edat S y.
e cent off all Ging hams Chambre
25 per Ginghams, y
and Embroidery .Dresses.
• Wear
Atone 78
These are ideal gar-
rents for outing wear
in ladies and misses'
sizes, all good sty('s,
�P ') tiew this season; sol if
y,"..t';, ":1 you ` want a nice, cool
" ;=J$`�;J dress NOW is the time
1l to buy. one at a low
Special for
We put on sale Sat–
urday, two dozen good
Umbrellas. They are
splendidly made, with
good handles, strong
frames, It will, pay you
to buy at this price, reg
1.00 and 1,25 for.... 69ic
Ladies Suits Less than i Price
Just three Ladies Suits left in stock, good fine
cloth, neatly tailored, satin lining, sizes 34 and 36,
egular 18.5o. your choice
House Dresses at $I.So
Two dozen House Dresses on sale Saturday,
made of good strong percaleandprint, sizes 34, 36,
38, 4o and 42, choice 1.50
Boy Wanted to Learn the Dry Goods Business
•••••••••••••••••••• tion. and was always ready to do a
• WITH THE CHURCHES. • good turn to any person, and she sea
highly esteemed by all who knew her
• • The funeral took place on Thursday
•••••••••••••••••••• from her late home, to Trinity church
WESLEX CHURCH.: and from there to Trinity cemetery
for interment. Miss Babb was a sister
Rev. J. E. Ford will occupy his of Mr, J. G, Chowen.
own pulpit next Sunday.
On Monday evening Rev. D. K.
Grant, of Willis Church, gave an•
Etateresting (talk to the League on , RnlceReld
"Bermuda' and it was .enjoyed by i A, T. Scott is having a second story
everyone' present. Mr. Grant placed on his cottage. Mr. McKenzie
spent three yours there. of Clinton is doing the work.
former( of our
, Y
SiehbaLh erviaea at it a:ln', and village leaves this'syeek for Vidtoria,
TP -m- l Misrsh PeaColumbia
Mr,r Reid has
Rev; S..TAIUn, ` pautor,- mill
preach knorning and evening,. l been out for come time.
• Class.nveo i at 10 a,m.' Suds Miss Nettie Simpson is visiting rola
Meeting. ' Y tives at Stratford,
School -it 2-30 '.pP:ria Brown Bros., Detroit, visited last
. Stang pe!oplce' meOttng On Men...
slay .evening under direction of Grabek at the 'home of a mthe,f cousinsi
Graham Bros, They came, from tris
1 Good Citizenship". 'department. ' city in an; automobile, '
A drlet''bylfrs, J B, 'Hoover and
'Mr. W. Wyle wa8 very much en-'
anted.last 'Suntday evening. BUSINESS
Services next Sunday as Usual at B V SINESS ''
nal. and 7•p.nl,,'k'he pastor, Rev,
W.W. Wylie preaching at both of
these' service)), Sunday -School at
2 30 pm,
The B, Y.P: U Meelting on 'Monte
clay evening at 8 o'clock. The GOs- •
-pea of St. John is being studied and
a very helpful time is being spent'
al. .the"Union.
The Sunday School picnic will be:
field on•Civic Holiday, Monday Au-
gust 5th, •
The Women?s Association and W.
P.M.S. are , :holding •afarewvetit,
Thursday evening,- at the Mande, in
honor of Mrs. 'Hislop who aerlmow-i
rug to Walton. Mrs.. Hislop hat,
"beernawilling worker in both sec-)
ielties and will be ouch mistejd tby
the ladies,,
o Tot:onto
Mr.Victor Stone,40
lindiy rendered afilnlsolo at the
Sunday eveuing service last, which
was `much ,appr-ec,lalted by the con-
gregati on.
The choir are planning a :picnic
to beheld in,tho near niture.
tie regular monthly meeting of
the Girls' .Club worn'( .beheld next
Tuesday eventing 80tirtin et„ at 8'
o'clock. All tthe-lgnrle are Asked to
bring some) work .fort the bazaar
with, them. ' •
The .choir of this church being
given a complete holiday uring
,luguslt so•that next Sunday eveln-n•
Ing, being the last in July, isomer
thing special in the way of a' song
service will be giveln. Rev. Mr,
Grant will take as the subject of
his serrnion, "Praline ; The Wings tot
the Spirt" In; addition to anthems
by the choir.there will. be other(
numbers in which Mrs. Milts, Miss
Scott, Mr. Stewart Jackson, Dr.
'Gaudier and Tr. ' Stone will' lbe
Another of Blyth's citizens called m
8 er rest, Miss Agnes G.Babb, died at alit & Sutter
the home of her, ..sister Mrs. Prank y
Metcalf on 'Mondaymorning ,'last„
sitter a. long, , and : tedious Ottaek of,
ease.'+Mias'•Babb ..h. : been $ t.Nr'7P1 lnbers
• . >�rr&hts erg �a„She, �-r t
a resident of Bt,thri'or,2o yeas
r►aa a`very hapyy cltesrlfri dispopi i'
Subjects taught by expert instrdctors
at the
Y, M.C. A. BLDG.
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr,
Principal �� Chartered accountant
Is the Time Ror.
Eavetroughing .:
S#dire Moving
will receive prompt at-
tention. Prices given
on all kinds of
Roofing; Siding, and
Contract Work.
tr w-
• ,r.u,t.?k
,t,,- '','`I d,., : '•, , �:.' .,rtt4..I:u•uatY,nt, xllntiil°n,,,aCnl.,�t,iri4 w...,
- _ 1. �✓,,'i"6w?� � r 1 r ^ ' � I' ltraelay, xY{il,�' f2, til} 1g1 -/G, ,:{, i t ��l
�. Inn1P1 eMc.,1,. ,ux l■i.,. ,a,� . 'r; , e At�+„+�° � ui' t10;'' i"tf,;,;.,nsenCrr a°s,,, hM:•aAi` ' _e : `aa� a,: 11•lt>nr h•"°r�e^talTti.tt t d,a.,r l Metl�rt,.,✓:,m.aM
td,cs2'ie,t�a.i.Mix&Yr., dlC,rx
tit l
f, Td'�tgal,s-� i�rmarter1.Mruee, rnrs',:!1�'v� !ir�lIlJe r. mg^
.,aa-rl l.s•.ilw st R1�w•,+�.i.,�.u„..a�,�:. n�I.�.
r ra
p...iade' Tfiltroesxlea to ieci jeaehaaeglcrfk; seunononb
thew- thegharsthe wpongway„leave,.••While bidding farewell ooa.1yZeWd.Tant>weaeela'otihnte wicaa sAafaboryrinrxclalhryht Mpyat vdr,:-0( pa
h1si s 111 41'4
t friends
arid hmanlsebeet,
oommcncedto bee
.i . 1 r. Inr.spiite of Mr. ` olmio's;e,ffortlx: � ^"n ••
int, . ^"^"^” ”n�„^"n�" n
' ^�'^�^^�^
wehnneca"bodi,ukey l t rtlioronnbaekg.li theg',vpnlate•glas•tillft'a
AT"THAM %TIII V WITH :NEW M i rIiINE' window ofall S v er's office. It was Personal .Notes
quite all i,n lids the officte (before 44. If those having relatives or blends
,.'.. alt was 'brought to a stl'in,d,eltill, ' viaitin6 is tows. or going away,
A CChatlianr` despatch sayisi Gras-
oli.ne driven ,velhiie;des are •not rle5,
specters bOpit,sonls'. u"ot PIT en
hers of ,.lath; if .the e:itory'that •
comes from Thamesville way Saito
be credited,
Thti joke this time is on (hely. J.
C Tolmie; of Windsor, and• we'll
itnowvn and !highly respected, here.
Rev'. Mr.' ,(`clime, tit seeans, was •
out ons ilittle ,t(our, in his ,au'tenrp-
bite last wvecrk calling on old friends'
in the, nei,ghbprhood of Ridgetow•n
and Tharvesvjtlle On ?Friday a hoo-
doo seemed to have it in fox:' Mr.
Tolani�o and leis car, ,On the way in
fronn Ridge: own to Thlamesvirlle he
mat afarmer's wagon, and in turn-
ing to let the farrier pass, hi l ma-,
chime was ditched and so dee/aged
that he had . bo have it drawn to
have it dralvn' to Tharnesviile with
'though lit svrecked t+he whc;le front notify us of the: fact eaelt week we
' wool$ annoaace it in toe .Nrcw itaa.
of. the allf,ce, the ear 'itc{a'1,; which '� :�.
seas a newone auffef1 d no,, Igrenit, -,,
damage. ,�.e'�, ,�,
li4r, Syer came 'rarnandng up” and Mr.-Wf1ner GYal8is sinT'op{onto:
h stily 4.nitjuirect the name of ilble Miss Shannahan is the g}ieist of Mies
autocet who stood' perched fin (the'' Cowan,: at Detroit.
car in his office suritounded by Miss Mabel Cantelon is spending a
splintered Blass and wrecked firths- short time an- Detroit, '
ituro, r
f'T m e Misses Maudeand ` lw'a tWilide
ser "a re ,.v Mr, To.nnae, of Wind{. are visiting in London.
p ed Mir;. Tolm,ie. I anvil Mr. B. P. McWilliams, of Toronto,
very sor'ti.y, but the damage shall7ie was in town over Sunday,
Anxious For Prt
Winnipeg, July .iS.—The grain
Growers of Western Canada have de-
cided to take over the Manitoba Gov-
erument elevators system, and secure
control of the Fort William terminal
elevators, if they -can. This was de-
cided late lastnight;after an animated
two days", debate on the situatiob.
Tbis is the' climax of a four years'
campaign on the part of the, grain
producers of the three prairie' prov-
inces, and it is expeered to be the en-
tering wedge that will place all elc'.
favorable to permitting the farmers Mr. and Mee D Cranston leave to,
riot El
•• Mrs, Robt, Porter of Brampton is
the guest of Mee, Duncanson.
�� Misid Stella Kopp is the guest of
iffisis Lulu Martin at Exeter.
Mr. James Munroe, of California, is
terest on their cost for a period of visitinghis nephew, Mr, Ed Munroe,
+five years. It is understood that the Miss Archibald returned on We'd-;
proaincial government in Manitoba is neaday frown her tfrtip to Gore '.Bay
W est, Rt, the head of
the lakes and at Montreal, under their
control, A delel ation will wait upon
the Manitoba and Dominion Govern-
ments at once, In Manitoba. the gov-
ernment has 104 elevators, They ex-
pect to lease them at 6 per cent..: in-
to control the storage and oistribu- day, on if visit to Muskoka, and Tor
Miss Maud Ferguson went to Berlin
on :Saturday on,, the Foresters ex-
cursion. '
Mrs. A. Morris on Tuesday fell down
stairsat her ~home and received a •bad
shaking up. •
• Mrs. Shier and master Walter have
returned from spending a week's
holiday in Kincardine.
Mr. Palmer of the motor Car., works
Mr, Jackson of Carp, distaii.et .eigri.f has rented the borne recently occupied
cultural representative, Mr. A. E. by Mr. Arthur Cantelon.
Riddell`presiding. • Mrs. W, Brickenden and daughter,
Mrs. Watts' address, "Why Is It" Miss Grace, of Toronto, spent Sunday
followed. This talk was ehotsen by at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor.
;the audience .because of the' novel-, , Mr. T. Brickenden after a two weeks
ty of ,the topic, ,and they .were not visit with Mr. Taylor and other re -
disappointed in: their anticipations. latives returned to her home in Tor -
1 was practical and highly sugg'e!s- onto.
sive,' embracing a wide range of • Mrs, Chats. Munroe. of North Caro-
' -f thought. At theclose of her re-+, lina and Mr. and Mrs, Fred" Munroe,
Marks, Mrs. Watts dwelt upon the of Toronto; are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
necessity of parents instilling into E. Munroe, •
the hearts of the rising genertation Prof. Brown, who has been for the
loyalty toe Kirug and country, and a past year organist in the Presbyterian
lose of Canada, She refereed ito Church at Galt has taken a similar
.tlhe dignity (Nf'baam life, lathe pur-' position at Ingersoll
suit of which m,an was monarch of
all he surveyed. This (excellent ad -
Hugh Rose and Miss Team Ross
dress won for Mus, Watts a bouquet are visiting at Leamington with the
;,f crimson roses gracefully pros- formers' brother, Mr. Ross may go
sorted by lithe (Miss Florience Bldg
down in a week or so.
dell, In_ responding Mrs, 'Wattle 1 Mr. Thomas Walker an old resident
said, "ctio'ns ispeak louder than' of this town has been on the sick list
words, and this presentation has I but his many friends will all wish for
appealed to ins, .more closely' than • a change for the better.
any vote of thanks nes ever dome,"Mrs. J. Hartley *tutted lfrpm
The "Galetda people having learn- I, Gore Bay on (Wednesday, of this
ed of Mrs. 'Watts popularity all a I
week and will spend a testy week,a
SP looked forward withpllea I at her home ,at Wroxeter.
sure to her Visit, and the&' expect- We are sorry to report that Mrs.
I ations were' gratified. She waa ac- John Sterling recently fell down cellar
corded a warm welcome, and at the and received a bad shaking up. No
close- of the meeting Wednesday • bones were biowen however. •
eventing, was the centre of congrat-
I ulations. Mrs. (Watts hne met with
I' brilliant success in all her .appoint=
merits this ,season. and made many
lasting friends. She will long cher-
, lab. pleasant Memories of her visits.
to Inetitutes '111 Carleton County.
A Mrs. 'Watts was entertained at
"Cos tlebar," the lbe,a'utiful home olf
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Riddell.
Carleton Women ''Hold
tom of grain. An offer was made to
I lease the elevators for one year by
the,Manitoba cabinet, but _the grain
men want a five year, lease, These
-details are yet to be itorked out.
With Mrs. Watts In The Ottawa Valley
'As our reader are well awairk,
Mrs. F. W. Watts, of Clinton, hap
spent nearly all of June and July
in thgr,Otta'va Valley speakng un- ,
der the auspices of the Women's
accounts` of various meetings riot
reported -before•:—
Kinburn Institute.
To one privileged to lyecome acs
uuainted from time to time with
the officers anid meiinblsrs of ,the
Women's Institutes of Ontario, the
thought arises that under this ban-
ner are icongrhga11ed the very best
women of the land. The numerous
branches, individual In their enter- •
prises., yet united inthle one Iaud-
ible aim, for the good of home)and
country, are reaping bountiful har-
The Kinburn organization is Po
exeeptiona ,On Monday eetelniini ,
June..l7,t'he, first public meeting
held ,under the auspicjes of this
branch: /was attended by 250 ladies
and•gentlemeti -The event was oc-
casioned ''by the visit of the gov-
e'rnmentt's`' delergate, ,Mrs. F. W.
Waitts ofth'rton.
Amid the applause of the aud-
ience, the.chairlady then introdue-.
ed the, -..:; speakier;- Mrs. Watt. The
subjectof her address was "Hap-
piness In the:' Home" Evan a ver-
batum , report :,.of this talk would
give.tothe readers but a vague idea.
of what Mrs. Watts had In 'store
for those fortunate enouugh to
hear her: The:eharka odher deliv-
erance .'would'bemissing. Though
rhebovetealr:svailt ground, •not :a
s enitence,r}pras-.8nonotonous._
•Stittavi9te Branch.
The, Stittaw'ille branch of the Wo-
menbr I:nstituteeln•et intsnnifiner sea-
sion on P -hu achy, June 13, at : the
honee.",ofstheArecretasy, 'Malls ITho;s;
W 'Selina c'Tlvevev'enit was a mark -t
-ed hi -WO' from' in intellectual and
a'lsecia'J, Stand -point. An excellent
addreack'hrttelia preciated by all
nes@9Nt • g 'delivered pp
to 'sea li
W. Watts, of Clintn, Ont., nab ve y
pleasinig.andsforeible speakler. A,s
this address reelednot be given jus-
tice in the spall available, in this Is -
tiller iarepot tt obit will be published
iri^'ehe,iFfoueeiioid-.Depantmlent next,
F..rlday ta`o: .
Inportitute Work at Kars.
c` s, etits..addrellnsed a gatheh*
rug of 150. at Kars, on the evening of
Jut#1e,.11, her•subieirt .being "Happi-
ln TThe•Moana2' Nile English rector,
f gGc" curie.. ,,/the. ch'adr, aiM Miss Mac -
ay of Ker tville read. 'Piper i a
.titled.,,,,"Wo' en's Place • In The
World" Mrs. Stratton is president
, and Mrs. W. A. McGee, seerettar'y' of
this Institute, -
Annual 'Meeting of Lejetds Co. t
The annual district meeting of
the Women's Institutes of 'L,egd,s
County took place at Delta on Mon -1
day, June 3, when It\vo sesskons
were held. A'die'egation was pres-
ent from Lansdowne, Seleley's Bay,
Newboro, 'Westport, Elgin and Del-
ta, responded to by Mrs. Darling of
Lansdowne. The pri.nci, al spea'ke'r
was Mrs, ,Warta. Mrs, Foley Asad
a paper 011"Character,'. ,and 'the
history of lace malting was thesub-
tect of a 'talk by 'Miss Kearple :West-
Galetta Women's Institute
Wednesday, the 10th of June, was
a red letter day, in, theannals of the
Galetta branch of the Women's In-
stitute. On the above date) this or-
ganization held its ,annual summer
meeting, and well. may all interest-•
ed feed proud' o'1 -the event's sue-'
cessful issue. At both sessions the
attendance was large, Rus e:Pe
bali being filed with ladies ,and
gentlemen dal the evening. The
decorations innthe hall refltected 'a
high degree of -artistic taste on tlhe
part of 11114-1 Mayine 'Henelahen, Mris.
J. W. Ritchie, Miss C. Montforte,
Mrs, F.•Learman,th, :and otheals who
•asslated. Surrounding the plat-
form the .color scheme was ",led and
green, the background lin tried, cen-
tered by thenational flag an'd
banked with icr is. Paintings laid-
orned, the 'walla on either side ,and
+'he 'entrance *as latched In rich
In, the ,afternoon, the viae-1presidl
unit Mrs., (Rev., J. MacMorin'•occup
ted the ,chair, and ',after a viartatrp-,
propriate speech initroduce to the
ladies the delegate, Mrs. F. V.
Watts of C,baton,' who has a wide
experience, and ',pinks :among the
foremoat ,Of II'nstitute 'fworkes{'(.
Mrs. Watts, in a talk entitled"Whair
Mothers endpan'ghters Should
Know and 6tartiefm�ier;" mad:a
Impression on tier listt'eieals; 'To
the :Mothers she ,imparterd much
wholesome advice, To' aid therm in
the making oa.a;model`hoineand ;n
moulding the characters of the, lilt=
tle ;ones placed under, their ehangb
and awakened ibthe daughters a
keener Perception oftheir duties
to, 'mother, home and country. A'
vote of thanks, (moved by,Mrs. 'A.
L Stackhouse, ({inborn. and see-
ogded ,by'Mrs. Ar h...Riddell, was:
'tendered' Mrsa;lWatts.
e Inv:the evening:thje speaker was
a com.panied onthe platform, by.
,.+, . , tr
Annual Meeting
The Carleton Place branch of the
Women's -Institute Met in Isum'meir lA�•[��
session, in, the. 'gown Hall on Satur-4 •1<Ritf
day, June 22, where over fifty ladies "=
were addressed by the govern- *j
menta delegate, Mrs. F. W. Watts, • Local News
of IClip,ton. The tneeti,ng opened(
by the singing of :the "Maple Llealf
Forever." "'Mrs. Watts held :cap-
tive the attrition of audience
iia pleasing ,and attractive INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS,
manner she, enumerated the duties
of mothers to their ,ehildrfen :from ' ' In the -absence . of D. D. G. M.,
tenderest years to manhood ,and Murray, of Exeter, Past D. D. G. M.,
McLeod, assisted [ by Bros. Chant,
Moore and Gould, installed the officers
of Clinton Lodge I. 0. 0. F., on Tues-
day night. After the lodge meeting
Bro. Hellyar treated all the members
to lee cream at .Bartliff's restaurant,
The officers are as follows:—
Mr. P. Moore of the Jackson Mfg.
Co. Clinton, .called on W. G. Dav'is,
of Exeter Factoryy, on Satw(day
prior to (returning to England for a
holiday.—Exeter Times.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Duff of
Bluevale announce the engag,emehtt
of their daughter, Martha Alice,' to
Malcolm Louis Aitken, Icon of Mr.
and Mrs. J,amers Aitken Of Belptob.
The -(marriage will take place on
August lb , - , .
womanhood and placed vividly be-
fore the Jgirls the* responsibilities
in, wielding in the right . direction
the influential powers God had giv-
en ,thein.
'.: 4t; the :close of her .talk, Mrs.;
Watts was ftendored a vote of P. G„ Bro. Hellyar.:, •
thanks,' N. G., Bro. Mitchell. . .
i 6 ,r�11
Z r
el Baker Sas:
• i
s 4 CAR.»'IANGAY is pa Railway. Centre—the shipping in point of a - i
o" • vast'rs heat,flaxgrowing aP g
• and oat territory; has a magnificent School
o ( ?� - : House, three Grain Elevators,tree Churches, two Banks, numerous :
• 41 well=1 int, substantial. Residences; owns and operates its own Water ':
• � f � - - � ` :,::_. and Iaectric Lighting Systems, and is a a
• , Most up=to�•date and Self:Reliant Commonwealth. e
• The Lots we have to' offer are in01
• a the Original Townsite and:only m
• ♦ `
• •• a few
utes' walk from the Cana
dian Pacific Railway Station.
, • : a 1t�t however small, is sufficient to take.advantage of tns Pice
: ltgna.npportunity_. ; .� BE SURE YOU'RE, RIGHT, -;THEN GO •
• .% ri4{ AHE AD." ---Davy —Dav Crochet, So send to us 1 •
r ,�;� rh„ : } foran illustrated booklet
iaits" :
map, price
.:. ..a list, etc., L, nd•
then you will' be sure toah muchto •
�:,.. , . go cad
• your Own advantage, Get in on the Ground Floor. •
• ▪ {dritc name and address plainly on coupon, and (pail to ars Z,
WESTERN "CANADA `REAL ESTATE 00 , 502 Temple Bldg, Toronto. Ont., _ •
• 1Pleasefigursendesand mveviews withofoutCarrobligationnangaq, on my part, literature containing
•. facts,
• Address;. ,,.,,,,.
N•iN••NNN•i••••f f•f•f••••••••••N 4••••••••ff•••f•••••••••••f••••••fia•••••a••f••••••••••••••••••••••
....... .. ,,.
:, t
Western C 'Canada cal,Estate CoInyeat your cash in Western Landi
Youll,havea.fortune ait.your hand: -
,v OZ Temple ',Building Toronto Ontario ,
:..And:help .tofound:an tion _4100049001100011100000000000000�N7 .
J gt,l ,r„i i tN :[iI$ -:'t t t,cx;: i '
i „y�
r ,i,
For august
A Special Number, 15c
Ladies Home Journal
Patterns for August'`
10c and 15c.
All the newest styles
We carry a $500.00
Stock of the patterns
Girls Wanted
Girls wanted=for Biscuit and Candy.
Factory. •' Light work. Steady em-
ployment. Write for pa-ticulars.
D. S. PERRIN & 00., Limited
London, Ontario
A bunch of 3 keys: - Finder would
confer a favor by leavin r same at
V. 0„ Bro. Webber.
R, S„ Bro. Gibbings.
F. S , Bro. Wiseman.
Treas., Bro. Chant, •
Chap„ Bro. Moore.
Warden., Bro. Hall.
Conductor., Bro. Muteh.
R. S. S.. Bro. Twitchell.
R. S, N. G,, Bro. McLeod.
L S. N. G , Bro. Alexander.
R. S. V. G.. Bro. Mulholland.
L a, Bro. Kennedy.
0. G., Bro. Kerr.
The annual Meeting of the W.O.
B.A. was :held atLondon ' Monday
evening and Mr. A. J. Taylor, of
Toronto, and a'Hornionaxt7 'member
of, the Clinton Bowling Club was
elected prlesident. 'Followingg are
the games played by the Clinton
bowlers up to preps • time
Preliminary Round
Clinton. London, R. C.
Ed. Countice. J.'Mair
P. Towne(, ViningJ. Vinfin
J Taylor, Dr. 'orfMglat'
J. Hoover, ek 16. V.R. Vini,ng,fsk 14
l First Round. •
'Hoover 13. Stockdale, Toronto, 9
Second Round. •
Hoover 23. Barbour(, London, 10
Third. Round,
Hoover 16. McGaffey,•ThamesviiJ e 9
Fourth Bound.
Hoover' 18. Nightingale, London, 11
Semi -f ai. `
Hoover :12. Rice, Toronto!), 19i
Ricer '320120221222000-19
Iloover ., •002001000000414-12
Pitt -h; Round.
'Hoover 20 McCurdy, Stratford 2
Skip 'hoover of Clinton trimmed
Barney Vining in an extra, 0115, it
was' a fine 'gable,
The Advertiser (says—Th'e're area,
number o,f olid (timers mi,ssitrg, ,by
the way, ,and among the misting
are two, from Clinton, I3id1y Jackson
and Professor'Je,akins.
The, "choir boys" Iso popular at
former tournaments, are conppi,cu•±
eus by their ,absence this yletar.
Bilily" Jackson `should be down to
stir' things up a trifle.
;The. Toronto a,lnk was told owing
for, Hoover's Clinton quarttet,4e,
an, d practically won the :game in
the early stage'. Evlery men on
tar ,,QueenrChty rink ryas ilr aplep-
did forn, ,and placed thebowls al-
most where,, the /skip asked for
them. .Ont the other hand, thel
Clinton: rink only showed .f!laRhes
of,,, their best 1aim, 'and lsclelinedl do
be Iaj 11i,ttle ;nervous and over ralnx-i
ions. Even. et that they inrade'fdhleiir,
opponents worlt hard all the way,
and, towards the conclusion of the
match. displayed -their usnuai 'skiflt
with( such effect- that 'the Moro-)
nide: lour were glad 'tlie sin/Alkali
hold',. not ,eoime sooner. Rice's rink
is, .s'ube to put up lv' good .fi,ghtl'forl
the trophy, Ser ra bettert ,balance{d' `
fotud Bever pedlar:bred on ' ka local
green. 111oLsay ,that Sykes, had a
little the be!tdfar ol':Courie-e, in yes -4
terday's'game dis,:;ito ,sa0*""that few;'
better. leads are in the :game,. In
Kerr, 'Rice .has a good slecond, who,
can draw to 'Within a loot of ' a
given poadtion at (any. time, ,and
Philip, And' the shitp9;are noted efl
de aw shoes. Philip ,had a worthy
opponent en "Jake" Taylor of the
Clinton rink, and ,canis through, 'the
battle with flying ,colors.
In his game with Hoover, .Nightin-
gale was away off on his runners. in
which he usually excele,and the Olin
ton rink was going so well that after'
getting, into the. eight[i" or three years t;
m su nes '
siot3' two a list': a'tivart
oyes` ,'f
the w„_,
�e anther, tow�tds'ttie'ts
p #leer
ware. The fine bowling of ourtice.'
and- T'ay'lor 'helped materna* tq de
ea as year's,
ra:a,ff•vzhu evs:9u' niise,s Yf._.,Wia tbpylie, si„Y} 444�.W' mw+.