HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-25, Page 4+++ • 4++ ++444+, ++4+4++++ +++++++++++++++++++++_+++++••••••••+++++++++++++44' The World ••••••••++++++++++++++++++••••••••••••••••••••)••••••.••••••••4•404** 0•••••••••••••••••••••erovvv4.••••••444•••4•••••04,0**+++++++++4+44÷++++++++++++1; Canada *4+44+**************** • os* f++4, Two Men Under Arrest Belong, Police Think, To "Murder Car" Gang ' seerlitraficiais of the police ae• INew York Police Hold Well Partment have ceased to bear the 1 HER ItIAIR GREW defence for. "Bed Men." , of Lieut. Charles Becker, merly head of the 'Strong Ann squad, and accused by Rosenthal be. fare his murder of haves.. grown wealBECKER UNDER DETENTION thy on the tribute exacted from gam- blers. Becker has been relieved of ac• eve duty with hie roving commission, Deputy Commissioner Expresses Com.: and is kept at police headquarters under orders. Deputy Commissioner plete Distrust of Susepected Lieuten- Dougherty indicated the abandonment ant -- "Bridgie" Webber and No- of Booker for the first time when, torious-Sarn Paul Are Suspected of Complicity - Revelations Will Be Startling It Is Said. in reply to a question if Becker had, been sent out to Far Rockaway to bring in Jack Rose Saturday night, renlieri: New York, July 2. -:Second DeputY"I would no more send out Lieut. Police Commissioner Dougherty yes - Becker to arrest a man in connection terdaymade a mysterious tour up with the killing, of Rosenthal than I i town n his efforts to solve the Her- Wattle send out Jack Rose himself. man Rosenthal murder and brine "There is no evidence yet to war - about the sensational developments which he had said: could be expected late yesterday. The deputy commissioner in charge of the detective bureau, had Promised that there would be "something do- ing" last evening and that arrests might be expected. • Louis "Bridgie" Webber, keeper of an -uptown resort, and Sam Paul, head of the "Sam Paul Association," at rant the arrest ef Becker,' said he, "but there are suspkious coincidences and information of astonishing activ- ity on the part of Becker's friends a few hours befeee the murder." "Bald Jack" Rose, whawas workine his lead off doing Becker's work on Monday night, hired the ear that cars ried the murderers of Becker's enemy. Now any farmer sitting under his own apple tree with a straw in his mouth the outing of which last Sun•day could draw his own conclusions." threats were made to "get" Herman We are after the murderers wher- Rosenthal, the gambler, were arrested ever they may lead. This case will be last night on suspicion of homicide in solved and shortly. And when we are connection with the killing of Rosen- ready to let the public know as much as we khow, there will be the most startling story of conspiracy and mur- der that the town ever heard." 'Men who know the under world of Harlem said yesterday that the fatal slots were fired by the worst outlaw of the upper east side, a man known widely for his shooting affrays, but vrho possesses the cleverness never to have a weapon on his person when searched by the police. This bandit, 'picked up by the auto exarty, was in a condition of intoxication, where the killing of Rosenthal was the most eat - ural thing he would do, said those who "knew. Just who this man is the police re. that. Jack Sullivan, alleged go-be- tvseen Pollee Lieut. Charles Becker and "Bald Jack" Rose, the latter al- ready under arrest, was taken in ;custody as a material witness. An important witness of the assa.s- (sination was Mune yesterday. He is a newsboy who sold Herman Rosen- thal his batch of morning newspapers test before the gambler was shot to death in front of the Metropole Hotel. • The newsboy is in. terror of his life 'and tells a vague story of the murder, evidently suppressing much that he • knows. While the police were looking for him in Saratoga, having learned /that a fund had been raised to get the fuse to say. Neither would they chs- entith out of New York, he has been ;in New Rochelle since the murder,' close tlte fact that he was one of those ;returning here Saturday night. arrested last evening. That's Why a Thanliful Woman Recommends Parisian Sage TO STRENGTHEN An effott is being Made to have ell stores close at 10 p.m. on, Saturday WEAK NERVES nights. ' 'The Blood Supply Must Be Made BIRTHDAY' STONES AND FLOWERS Rich, Red and Pure. -- There is an old sunerstition to the effect that If yon swear the jewel When you build up the ,blooderou that belongs to your hireh-enaratIle ' strengthen the nerves, because the that Sewel will prove a lucky Oils - 'nerves get their food Ingots& the male and proteet you from miefortle e +blood. You cannot reach the leery- , te-ne. Here is the list of the month ea wIth medicine except through ' and the flowers and jewels(that be- thi' • rest Medina longt o them ; W. S. R. Holmes will sell yOu. If fif- ty cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE end guarantee it to, banish ,clend- xulf, stop falling. hair and itching seaf.1), er 'money. back. It's delight- ful hair dressing that anakee hair s Mous and, eseinatin g. "In the spring I was recovering irons a severe ease of iesessepelail, which left virtually. bald on the front of any hd e eck and /Many ears...The hair kept coming, out rapidly and nothing I used stopped rioe getting entirely bald, until -lim- ed two. bottles of PARISIAN SAGE, This tents moder my hair ,e,bart ,to grow in arid,' in fact, grew Me 4 geod faer amount .of hair, ,ahe it hat entleelY etappecl my hair falling out. , ' 11 is with pleasure .that I give a public recommend to PARISIAN SAGE, which I know is a wonder." Mrs. Ella Gilchrist, W, Pitt St, Bed- ord, Pa. truth few peapleereallem Ne4volls Month FloWer. people are pale poples They are nervous because &hey are pale. January -Snowdrop The blood is so thin and Watery February Peitmeose /that it cannot nourish, the nerves. March .Violiet Daisy Staeved. nerves mean setaescat (nem- p algia, nervous prosttetion, peraly-.... I May ........ . . .... s liaWthorn June . . _Honeysuckle Waiter Lily FoPPY Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pelee su y . . told agony 'holm ectiatiea. I feried August ... s supply plenty 01 nourishing red September Morning Oloser blood to the exhausted nerves, !October ...... ' ........ __Mops thus enabling them to do the work November Chrysanthemum native ioitendect they should do. December ... .. . Holly Ism of Dr. Williams' Pink Wile in January ..... ..Garnet Stone This istheaimple secret of theesuc- IVLontle value in cases of lecialtice, Mrs. Job ' March - BIOO;-cfsPiteoanTlei Paring nerve troubles. As to their , Februarn Palmer, Fenelbn Falls, Ont. says: April ...... . . Diamond 'Tor seven weeks Inuffiered un- May s ...Emerald 'Moline so nateb wetsluthe pain thatl Jufle.. . ... ......._ . . .. -Agate everything to ease the pain, ibut it Jules . . .. Ruby ;steadily grew worse. Liniments August ._ . Pardonyx had no more effect upon the trou- Septemben . Sapphire ble than water. Then, the doetor October 4 OpaS itolld me to apply, shot iro.n. ito the Novembeis . ... . .. . .......... Topaz .afflicted part and I did so morning December; . . .Turquosse after mounting, but my leg bad ;be- I came nutab wile)/ the pain that , I ' ',could 'hardly feel the heat of . the• No Officiat Protest Yet. , Iron. I never expected to be ablest° . NO July 22.-A. M. Innes, walk agaen; ray leg, was so drawn • . - ' - , • • ' the British charge d abaires called at up. I had tried so menY things that the States Department again Satur- 1 had elven tip hope, yeeht the mg; day, but did not deliver the expected sing of ray brother I declded to it Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, To 023, formal protest of England agaipst the surprise in two weeks I was able to stand on mY feet with but little Pain P nama Canal bill. . It is probable the/ charge learned and soon after I was able to walk unofficially the sentiment of the State about again,. I continued taking Department in this matter. Its pen. - /the Pills for about two Inentlisebut tion appears to be unanimously in some Mine 'before I discontinued support of the contention, embodied their, use my leg had beeomiesitorm- in the pending bill, that the American • al again, and the tagony ef l ftoet Government has an undoubted right trouble had disappea)'ed. and I to favor its own, ships, either by re. have not since had a twinge edit. lieving them from the payments of Worses fail to.exprees ale. gratitude tolls or rebating tolls collected -with- for whet the Mills did iforelme .and , out violating the Hay-Paioncefote I must strongly recommend them treaty. It is recognized, however, that to all sufferers from isciatica." I this is a subjeet that might fairly The everY daY mission, Of Dr .Wil-, 'be made a diPboetie issue, and as limns' Pink Pills IS to cure, cases - nl the Department has decline toenter like the above, and they pvill noe into any such negotiatioris, so long as disappoint, if given a fair trial. the subject is under discussion before Sold by all meddetne, dealers or by Congress, it is unlikely that it will mail at 50 dente ebox or Sit bootee commit itself to any formal statement . f or $2.50 from he Dn. Wil' lams' of its position at this time, Medkine Co. Brockville, Ont. t - Split In Michigan. se - Jackson, Mich., July 22. -Michigan Progressives divorced themselves ab- Geder tele / solutely from the Repebliean party in - their state convention here on Satur- day ViSshile -ivoeking on a bridge be- . tween Detrol* and Belle Isle,forthe Byeealmost a unanimous vote, the Detroit Bridge Company, James Al- ' delegates went on record as favoring bert Quaid, aged 33, lost Seis hold the placing of an entire ticket, both and was 'thrown into the riven Be- fore he could be rescued lefe was extinct. The body arrived TUes- day evening Mettle 7.05 G. T. R. teaell. The funeral will be held Irene the /family residence, Dunlop, to Colborne cemetery on Thureday aeterneon. The late Mr. Quaid we ' the eldest son oi the late /Robe Quaid, Dmilop, and is survived by bi.5 Wile and famaly. Mr. Obeid was a former resident of Goderich. . f During July and August Itheetor- es are closed ,every 'Wedneeklay nesday afternoon, With the extlifn non of drug stores and nestuarante, The WESTERN FAIR • London Ontario This popuar Exhibition will be hed this year September 6th to leth Arrangements have been made by the Management at very (great ex- pense f or the blest wog -trent olf attractions ever presented at any previous Exhibition. This pro- gramme evil take place twice 'daily befove the G(rienell Steed. A great music's', *Teat is en etore folnall this year. Ira addition, to the First Hus- sars Band, and the Bandeof the 77th Regiiment Fushiliers, th,e manage- ment have secured, at very great expense, THE BESSES 0' THE BARN BAND of Chetenham, Eng - and. This is one of the finent brass bands of the word, The Glendale Troupe in their Womiee- fu Aerial and..Trapese Acts, ,The Braggaar Bees., the funny tme,n, La Bele and Eddy :Troupes in !their Comedy Tramboine and wire ',acts, the Maitelons Troupe, the greatest acrobats in America, and the Sea- berts Biding Combination and Equestrienne Act, both doube and singe. Hans mod Ms mule will, make a augh for every Move hetraeless and he is moving all t tshe time. Lc addietion to all this there wile be/ex- tra good speed tevente every af- ternoon and a maignitieslab pro- gramme of firewoeks each. night The fireworks wil conisi,qt of 66 pieces each night, incuding a very excliting Motorcycle race and con- ceeding with the wonderful produc- tion The iBombsierament of Tripoli, The Midway wile consist of a large number of good cease shows and well be inateuetive es well aislatmus- ing. All information regarkling the ExhSbitien will be promptly giv- en by elle Secretary, A. M. 93u -tit London, •Ontario. Specie railway rates commence September 6th. leaves lehe anapufecturer almost untouched will notbe repealed- by - the Dieted( Steees, If it is ef oe Ste- cePtece here a etruggle will be pee - yoked which will eueely onduce tbe privileges at (the protectlee intere este and may end Sheaceificing the preteeted interests, to /Lett, ageleul- ture eree.--Torlorste Weekly Sun. Italian Flotilla Is Safe. Roane, July 22. --An official commun- ication regarding the Daxdanelles af- fair says that a flotilla of torpedo boats 'while perhaps pursuing the enemy's torpedo boats, or for the pur- pose of recanneiteeing," made a dash into the Dardanelles. Although de- tected by searchlights and fixed on by the forts on each shore, they pushed on until they discovered that to ene- my's fleet was motected by steel cable obstructions. They were thus pre- vented from delivering an attack on the Turkish warships anchored in the strait. , "The Italian flotilla," says the com- munication, "retired in perfect order, despite the heavy fire of the forts, reaching the Aegean intact, thanks to the enemy's bad' gunnery." District News. Blyth. A. pretty wedding was solemniz- ed by Rev. Father 'McKeon, rectoe of St. Mary's Church, at London, at nuelial high mase Wedriseklay morning when Miss Marie M. Code, formerly, of Blyth, a • lgriaducilte nurse of St. Joseph's liosprtat •in this city, was married to MrS,Criste opher P. Kennedy, a bank Menager of Florence .0.nt, The bride was at- tended by kiss Eva, Poleeo,an, of Port Stanley, also agraduate of St. Joaeph's, while /the groom was as- sisted by hie cousin, Mr. M. J. Mas- terson, of Chatham. Miss Jessie McGregor eendered &eels), en veal acceptable fasheon. After the (sere - mow Mr. and. Mrs. KeninedY lett for a honeyanaon trip to Cleveland, Chicago and other pante. On their retura they will take up thedtieresa idenee at Florence. SUFFERED With Billiousness and Sick Headache Calgary, Alberta, July 8 1911. I was a grait sufferee for along time with Biliousness, Sick Head-, ache and Liver Itrouble. Nothing seemed ;to do use any good. I had almost given up in despair when n decided to try state and national, in the fieid. few instructed delegates voted against the move in order to record the senti- ment of their home counties, but ex- plained to the cmvention that they personally were for sepametion from the old party. el Delegates .to the National Progress elm)Pwrty - convention in Chicago, Presidential electors, members of the state central committee and a member of the national committee were chosen Saturdae. Fig Pills After taking about half a box the headaches stoPPedend raY ant:petite. improved. I havel just finishedithe fifth box and feel las weattok favitr. I cab heartily recommend Figesi ls foe, stomach and liver troubles. Mrs. Mary Ellison. Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 ceet boxes or mulled by iThe, Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, ,Onit. Sold. in Clinton by J. E. Hovey, Druggist. The West Speaks, ra, aiteitIoxaccedhp °fret -It limr. 1, "Will my blue herege clye? We hope not. Consult a doctor. Boy's Body Was Found OCR • O....44440 • • "Can you suggest a aeme •foiSilnY little pcoclle?" Sure. Call. him "Swab." "What do the otters 'D. C.' ef tee Washisagton mean?" , , Da Capo. We esked our Musiea Editor. He knows those Italian Wholt is.the value elle 'teal -dollar gold piece, San Franci sco mint, dat- ed 1867?" ; ID in good condetion we wil give you a. years suletwietsonl roes it de° mered atehis office. "1 am a Widow, Would you im.air- ry regath?" Thank you; but our wife,Ss in the best of health. Still, send use la photograph for oue. withealist of your inconie and encomelpranch- es, itmight caro.e in handy if we kept it seven years -Tudor ,Jenkle, in 'Woman's Home Compa.nion. • wingitam Mr. L. Hudson', a Fineman employ- ed by the Bell Telephone gangliere, had a nardow, ;escape .lelom..serious injury Tuesday when streaging'tel- ephane wires eicrose Josephine street. Mr. Hudson was leaning over the blg( steeil wipe thee/191de the cable, when a wire careying 2,000 volts, belonging to the •Wing -4 hone Electric Colonpany, broke tend in fellingefell across the.. 'wire he was leanmg /01n. He was knocked senselesellar fee e • d Part of his clothes were buene'd. He suffered eonsiderahly fkom elle shock foe altenne, but no sersoule ere sults are anticipated. , Last Sunday afternoen on the5th line of Morris, about twenty men, seine Married and some istmagles oc- cupied &vacant house, an.d. Were en•- joying theanselees With a keg of beer. A young man by the mainesef Nichol being curious as to what wee going onabont the house started to find Out. 'Some of thoee Anside took after lanai and, lit is alleged; gave him anawful beating. Some people passing bynotticed the row,. and came to.Wilighalm, and laid a complaint before Provincial Con- stable George Phippen. The lad's father swore- out e warrant, andist a shoet time after OlEr:(Phippennell some of the ringleaders rtoundecl up He also found where the partite) not their beer. There a're a number of witnesses also smanoned, ,and the case is,arotesDaig Much interest It will betried fbefore Magistratin A. Morton, on SaturdaY afternoon. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO.R1A Compote of Gooseberries. Top and tall a quart of gooseber- ries. Put them Into boiling water for two Minutes, and therointo cold weter mixed with a tablespoonful of vinegar for two minutes to see store their coloie then dnein them. Make a syrup by bailing:, three - Quarters of a pound of Bug* With c,ne pint. of we/ten for ten minutes. Put in the geoseberries. Boil thtem gently for iten Minutes or mobil the fruit astender but unbieolcen! Turin them out with tile syrupeand serve cold. ' s. Gooseberry Charlotte. Pick the tops and stalked:roue a. pound and abalf of 'gooseberries; wash and ,drain thetas, and boil them with a pound and a half "of sugar until reduced! to a pulp. Pre55 them through a comele (sielea. Take half a dozen sponge cakes, cut them into thin slices and line a Children Cry _ FOR FLETCHER'S cAs-ro IIA Officers Arrested. • Lisbon, July 22. --Conditions are peaceful to -clay both at Lisbon add ' Oporto. Flying columns of Republi- No one pretends to doubt that reciprocity has won a great and de - naive victory in Saskatchewan. Even Mr. Haultaln, who ecarcely masks hits own (sympathies, frankly lettributes the result • to the strength of reciprocity. , The result could hardly have been in doubt. It was not conceivable that in a square fight the Seamen, of the West would declarellor com- merclal isolation. They must have already learned well ehe limita- tions of the British maeket and the defeats of the , treneporeatien polley, ivhich ineveitably constrain the agriculture of the West to the "perils of one crop. Since in the 'east, the ,flag wae waved oney by proteceionearid lits einestler aelles/ and protection and Im•perialiem were almost identical, the farmer of the Weet \was likely to be quike sceptical of the pretended .dangers af trading with his only ecceselible neighbor and he was pretty .surie to mock alt the claMors ef loyalty, when they, issuee front theenoutles; of the likelings ef American Waste' In Toronto. s It will not row be said that recip- rocity, is dead, but that bythe ree rull of tide election ,it becomes the question, of 'first ia:nportamee be- fore (the Canadian people. ,The re - solation of the Wet ne based upon a elear knowledge 01 115 own tra- nerative arecessittes and will . not change. The depletion of the rural population and the decay of agri- culture In the ,old Provinces indi- cate that •there, too, the e English rnarket and the trasnornation of policy have failed and the nrural voice though weakened by emigre.. tion will join with that of the Went. 'lhat protection and its allies should persist in tt ,conflict, the es - sue of which is not in doubt, would be supreme folly The Fielding - Taft reciprocity agreement, wluch can troops continue the search in the north for -Royalist bands, but no more have been found. Several army officers have been ar- rested charged with complicity in the monarchist plot, The Minister of War says that the Government has mobilized 5,500 men and spent $2,2000 000 to quell the rising. . Electric Restorer for Men I-Ialf Buried In the Sand After All Night Search Toronto, July 22.--euried head fore- most in the, sand, with only his legs exposed, the dead body of Basil Col- lins, 11 years old, only son of M. E. Collies, of 22, Lake Front, Kew Beach, wet found by his father and FL Edgar about 4.30 yesterday morning. The boy's cheek and nose were slightly bruised, How he got int.; the hole, or how the sand which almost covered hls body was placed there is a nets- tery, which Police Inspector Miller, Crown Attorney Greer and detectives are csttehmting, to unravel. Whether someone killed the boy and buried the body, whether his companions, while playing Indian, buried him in the sand and left, him when they saw that he was buried out of sight, or whe- ther he fell ifito a hole in the sand and was covered up before being able to extricate' himself, are matters of conjecture. On Saturday night, as was his babit every night, the boy was playing base- ball on the beach with several com- panions, directly in front of the rest- denee where he and his parents live during the summer, At about nine o'clock it grew too dark for the boys to see the ball, and they stopped play- ing. The boy then went to his home cind asked that he be allowed to go to a moving picture show. Mrs. Collins, his mother, advised him that it would be better for him not to go to the show, apd he promis- ed( her that he would not. He then went mit on the beach again, taking with him a crutch which had been left at the house by a boy friend, who is lame. He was not seen again until he was. found. • When Basil failed to return home by 11 ceclock, his parents grew anxious. father and H. Edgar of 2,070 East Queen street, went out to search for him, thinking that be might have gone in for a swim in the dark and met with an accident. About midnight they saw a canoe floating on the water a few yards out from shore, and thought possibly that the boy might have been in .it. They went out and got the canoe, but it was empty. Thinking that possibly the lad had fallen out of the canoe. the searchers plain round mould with hem,. Pour lathe fruit, coven it withtelic- es of gponge eake, place a coner and a weight °utile top, land letet remain until well set. Turn it out before serving, add pourisomegood eustard or whipped oneaint around it. Gooseberry Cheene. PhOsphonel restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vxna and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. rhosplsoztol will wake you a nen man. Price BBs box, oftwo for Se. Mailed to any address. ll'he °Oben Dr alt Catharines. Ont. Pitched - Pitched Battle In Desert. Migrate, Trifoli, July 22. --Gen. Ears atkrnpted yesterday to dislodge a large body of- Turks, which had been harassing the region near Mice rata. The enemy, however, made a tenacious starid in the desert beyopd and a fierce Moghgement ensiled. The Turks were forced to retreat after' four hours'. sharp fighting'. They suffered heavy losses. The Italians eamalties wandered 19 killed and 87 wounded. Pick the taps and stalks from some rough red (goosebeeries, dully ripe. Bake those in a, moderat te oven till soft, then pulp them through a floe sieve. Let them boll very gently, and add, alittle at atime, a quarter •of h pound of sugar to every pound of feuit-pulp Boil, skim, and (stir it for ball an hour; then pour it on small plates, and 'dry It before the 'fire on in A cool oven. When dry, keep rth,e cheese between folds en white pa- per. Bail far half an hour. For Picnic Luncheons On(e can scarcely tldnk of stpicnic without sand-withes. Inetead Of slicing Meat, chap it very fine, Or run it through the, (meat chopper; and, adding alienate vinegar, on pi - Beason wine Penner, eialt end must - meant sauce; butter the bre!liel well before, tutting off the slice; tihnn put the chopped ,the onthe slice, butter another slice, cut from the leaf, lay the two together and wrap in oiled paper, 11 the bneael 15 too crusty,. trim off tne Oftlein sake, plain', well seanoned whole before wrapping. ' Any scraps antnest, or left oven chopper and seasoning. While a little cake is good for variety's some foods are Inuch more nettle - scrape 'of poultry can be ufescl Toe sandwiches by running through the tattglOgrYs•and winhes are al-wri'ys' rel-' %lied, if properly peepared. Boil fresh eggs about fifteen Iminutee so the yolk ,will lemumble; chop the engi fine while, still hot, ',meson, eo taste with pepper, salt and ,butten with alittle mustard if liked, and spread buttered ,bet.ad; tthe slices of bread nor handwiches should bethin end as nearly hquare as May be, after the eand- wich isanacle, not it diagonallyelay one piece onthe other and wrap In oiled paper, which can be bought very cheaply. For the Inevitable hard4noiled egg without which there canhard- ly be anionic, boll the egg about fifteen minutes, drop in cold water for ainenute, remove the shell, halve the egg lengthwise and nemovenhe yolk. Chop the yolk fine, season with pepper, salt, alittle anustard, same finely chopped, nailed ham, and 011 the eaVitY in the egg whites with this trelesture, praise the halves together and . wranenn oiled paper, twisting' the el:L'dfs to- gether. Another sandwich that is gtea.tly liked, is made (enlarge, fresh node. cracker's, lightly. speead with but- ter, covered vvite grated cheese, the two' .crackers prnaend together, and slightly, heated an the oven. Wrap imailecl paper. „ Children Cry. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORLA ' Afitt-DINNER MINTS • AnsWein COrneepondente • (From! the Funsirtown. 'Gazette) "Which is the best typewriter?" , Smile, we thick. "What isthe populationof Canton? Chinese, ehiely. , • , gee grappling IMCIS a coml.-I-lensed to drag the lake. After dragging for four hours, they reached the eonclusien tbat the boy had not been drowned, and gave it up. They walked along the sandy beach. They had not gone many feet before they saw the boy's legs lying flat on the sand. Mr. Collins and Edgar attempted to pull the boy out of the seed, in which he was buried. This they where unable to do, as the sand \vas packed tightly about the boy's body. ' Then they got on their knees, ancl scooped the sand away from the boy's body with their hands, They picked the dead lad up' and lay him on the beach. His nose, Sore- head and chmk were slightly bruised, These, however, -were not severe, a0d. could not have been the cause ot his death. Probably not even enough to cause him to lose consciousness. The body was carried into the lad's home, and the police were notified. His mother was prostrated, and had to be placed in charge of a physician. Inspector ,Miller of .No. 4 police station, svith the Drown attorney, de- tectives and Coroner Pickering, were notified, and went to the house. After, investigating, the coroner gave it as his amain that the boy's death was accidental. Another Bay Missing. Toronto, Jury 22, -Another Toronto boy has tnysteriously disappeared. This tine it is a 12 -year-old Italian lad named Ricco Ungar°. Ile left hia home at 82 Robert street to go to his brother's store on Queen street to help, tt ire during the day. Ile had neves- caused his parents any anxiety by ab- senting himself before. Winn they learned later in the day that he had not arrived at his brothers they be - !gen to make enquiries, and were ser- iously alarmed when no word of his whereabouts was obtainable on Friday night. Enquiries were continued on Saturday and Sunday without avail. The missing boy wore a blue cap and coat, black pants, shoes and stockings. He has bright brown eyes 'aud a dark cornnlexine. ditorial C. omments, ne.-e-n. -..• 'itesstrestesneweineneree neen Moved, seconded and carried in, lwhich nhe people 'generally will 1 that all tmasculines be permitted to share, In the forwand march of attend church minus a coat in the Saskatchewan, under Bon. 'IMr. hot nveather, without being tonsidn Scutt, we expect to see a worthy ere d "lobed taste." The ladies go example of statesmanship of a Very minus agood share of their dieesW indepen,deut type that will dolnore sleeves and are tontsidered to be thari 'tho Province immediately in- appropriately clothed hence thole- terestecl great good. Hurn,ahn for quest of the opposite fie% May not Fromler Scott and his Pr,ogeeestive be' regarded 4ts A bnegich of eti- I government. quette. ; kr. !Wilson, the Democratic nom - f , inee for Precedent in Uncle Sam's thee so-ealled .Sunerner vacation, se Thq New Era considers Much o I land (possesses tuany traits of char - meter that' should Make (him a very evidenced, by solne; of the pleasure , seekers, agethe hwifdest work they , suitable man to wield the wand' of have to do in 12 Monnths. Instead .onfaftlicoell"like the Iniited Stanea wislee It is no sinecure to rule / a of rest it is Hnecilkenali tea aid fif '1/, and mem the same progeard wseSe pnt On AA 1 hopme decided objection wouldne ..„,„013 raiseid. Thie want age of fade and When the Israelitish eines WiStrt it is no easy treader to keep out , seta caleaeri and saw how t goodly the, whirlpool. . a land it wad thee aPpettred to ' think it A wise move to carry hotrae m'n, eVideuce of The historic "blow that killed , with thethe testimony thiy ere to bear. It father" Wan not) in it with the nw.ani was ta publicity Move for Pales/tine lop" ehatr wad Meted out ep the•Op- Which erified ate later date. Position inthe Provincial election. guro. was vrequito eeeleiek, and hi Saskatchewan last frhurelday., Caleb 'for a campaign. along skankr where Pretaten Seed nearly awept the boards. Political celebrities, lines and can produce "the goods" to, back it up. Why 'Should the arraed with DominionauthoritYp a13.7 broad/ 'acres of this County, en pr' to show how victories could Win and well located, &Windt at be Non but they were routed,- prices: , bekow theik proper val- horst:4 foot and artillern. All the far melon When sales are made. obituary notices written since last • Gen,Blection counnot keldp , reason is because the real value is .eral d, the on einderstood Some nay Huron question of Reciprocity in natural no: will attract the attention; she Products dead( andthe resurrection deserves. Proceedings Were of the Olvelieet character and will pnove potential j in 'the battles to be fought in Al- ' Comedian Croprepot* gives the hertal and 'Manitoba. -One thing is farming ;community the ,ttesurance certain/ the great West isnot to be of (ae abundant- harvest, We hope coerced OD questions as full of the optimistic forecast will lee moment to them as advanced 'steps/ realized. 1 This is the Season for PARIS GREEN AND BUG FINISII. and we can supply you. We still have Buckwheat annTurnip Seed. We have Hoes, Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Rakes, Machine oil, Etc Paints -The best made. Oils -Boiled and Raw Linseed, Separator Oil- fine and clear. PROD-U-03V'177-A-14"I'ED EMPORIUM LONDESBORO R -ADAMS Wee ANN, AMINIM111001101M - „anew,' 411111.111111111 IAN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN IN CLINTON to make some clean, honest money, giving informa- tion to those who have requested ito regarding an original Western townsite—not a subdivision. This is a gentleman's proposition, and we want only men 01 good standing who will not misrepresent. Address Western Canada Real Estate CO. 502 TEMPLE BEILDINO, TORONTO