HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-25, Page 2Established 1565, Vol, 47, No. 4
JULY , 25
eteeee - 'rte
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisl 'ers
Local News Appears on Every Page of THE NEW
ss Reading it Every Week.
Royal Bank
Capital $6,250,000
Reserve $7,000,000
The Annual Statement, shows the fol-
lowing increases for 1911
1910 1911
Deposits 872,079 6)7 $85,291.808
Loans &
lnyeetments 55,283,6;6 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,512
207 BRANCHES and
Correspondents throughout the world
Interest allowed on Deposits.
P Talcum Potvgers
Colgaites Eclat
Colgatets Violet
eolg6 te5 .Monad Violet
,Colgaitoa Cashmere Bouquet
Colga6tes Daetylie
Williams Karst
Williams Violet
Williams Carni(non
Royal Rose
Royal Vinolia
PW1E-ECLAT. We )think it
one of 'the best.
.T. Ei�QVE
Dispensing Chemist.
A baseball Match will be played
here on Friday evening when a
team from 031yth will play the local
boys. Game iscalled at 6.30.
Fall Term From Sept. 3rd
Stands in a class by itself for
f_ztst-class work, Open: all year.,
Write 'to -day. for handsome Cata-
For; the suer months
July and , August we will
close( ;our sltore eve.* ven
inti at 6.30 excepting mhus:s-
day) and Saturday and before
holidays. 1
Phone 48
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress fol Five Years 1906.1911
, 0,000,000:00 S4 0 000.00
3,000,000,00 1-,000,000.00
• . 23,677,730.00 t3c,042,811;00
~LOANAND INVESTMENTS 21,457,090.00 38,851,801.00
TOTAL ASSETS . 33,090,102.00 15,237,274.00
oudents in all Has 6v Branches iu Canada, Agents and Corres p
the 'riueipal elties in the World,
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Hinton Branch. C E. DOWDING, Manager
+ It is the desire of the
publishers that all shoulil
+ take gut interest in this
+ column of TILE NEW +
iElt'A. If Yon hive friends
,visiting you, or are go•
in4.. away fora trip, leave s,
word or send it on a post
+ +
Mr, H, Hunt has returned to town.
"Mr. Herb Wit'ts is in. Gcderiich
this week. '
Mies 011ie Mclllvecn, of Aub-
urn", is borne this week.
• Miss Susie Townsend, Toronito,is
visiting friends in town.'
W, T. O'Neil is spending a :few
days isi Bayfield :this week.
Miss Laura Sharman, of Goderech
was a visitor in town, Monday.
Mrs. Rayner entertained a ,few
t friends Wednesday' evening. . .
" Misr; -An'na Gordon, of Sarnia,•
the guest of Mists Bessie McEwen.
Mrs. Doupe and daughter, of Tori,
onto, are visiting relations in town.
Miss Batesie ;Glenn, of Toronto;' is
holidaying at her home in Stanley.
Airs. Edgar Pattison, of dee-
field, As visiting es,fown this week.
;Miss Janet Wylie is visiting with
Auburn friends Mott; a couple of
Miss May Smith' returned. on
Monday from visiting friends in
Dir. Bert Haafand, of Detroit, was"
in dtown Monday renewilnw old ac-
Misses Funny and Amy Helyar
are visiting at Varna, the guest of
Mrs. Campbell. , '
Mr. -Jas, Mahe:fly is i¥y>ilting et
the home of his daughter'Mrs.`Gi'm.
Sparks, of Btanley,
Mrs. ,T. Manning and little da'(fgh-i
ter, of Sebringville were guests in
o n
Miss Freda and Master Fred
Wallis are visiting relation's in
Benmiler, ,ehi,s week. •
Misseis Mary Smith, Hattie .and
Edna La -vis visited Kincardine for
a few days last week.
Mr. FrankHall and son 'Willie are
snending a weeks in New .Ontario,
where Mr. Iall is interestedtere„te
d in
rea? estate, •
Mrs. F. Hall, Miss Mamie and
Master Bennie, ale visiting Mrla.
?McGregor, of Seaforiih, and' Kin -
burn rfriends.
Messrs. J. B. hoover, Ed, ;Canto -
ken, J. Nedigee, P. Town and J. Tay-,
lot• are in London .attending a
Bowling Tournament.
Mrs. T. Jackson and daughter
Miss Rel en, 'Miele IE.Kaine and Miss
_Mary Chidley left this week fox Go
Home Bay, where• they will camp
for the sumauc1•.
.......� :. �hlcf OfficcrS of
•.••sea.•..•.•..•.......•• •o..•.•.s.♦
. s �g
IIi���l�1� Grand
• 1101Mag
Lodge •
lie -elected
2 +
• + Toronto, July 19, -With 11 e instal
• lotion of. c fii.cers h Convocation - Hall
•♦ yesterday afternoon. the 57th annual'
♦ conference of the Masonic . -Grand
Lodge of Canada, A. F. es A. AI., was
• • + It was decided to'e hold the . next
Boys Scout Sults
: : -Regulation style, at $1, 5 ,per suit
• terminated.
meeting in,Ottawa in•1913.
As was expected, Grand 'Mester M.
W, Bro. Aubrey White, Toronto;
Deputy Grand Master 1M, W, Bro.
W-, D. McPherson, Toronto; Grand
Treasurer 51. W. Bro. E. T. Malone,
Toronto, and Grand Secretary, R. W.
Bro. It. L. Gunn, Hamilton, : were
elected for 1913 by acclamation.
The other officers were: W. Bro.
W. Shaver, Toronto, grand senior
warden; W. Bro. Roger Miller. Inger-
soll, grand junior warden; W. Rro.
W. M. Kannawin, grand chaplain;
V. W. Bro. James .Dixon, Hamilton,
grand registrar.
Board of general purpose -R, W.
Bros. John Hoodless, Hamilton; S. A
Luke, Ottawa; A. Shaw. Kingston; A.
J. Young, North Bay, Thomas Rowe,
London; F. W. Harcourt, Toronto;
A. K. Wanless, Sarnia; J. E. Merri-
man, St.Catharines• W. M. Logan,
Hamilton;, John B. Way, Sault Ste,
Marie, and 7ames Ross, Waterford.
The district deputy grand masters
elected were:
Erie district No. 1 -Dr. W.
- Kelly,
34Ohair, No. 2-0. D. Brodie, For.
London, No. 3 -Dr. . P. Banghart,
South Huron, 4 -Rev. D. W. Collins,
Exeter. .-
Huron, No. 5 -George Spotton,
Wilson, No, 0 -A. W. Cameron,
Woodstock., .
Wellington, No. 7 -Thomas. Rafter,
liantilton; No, 8'-W H.' Wardope,
Hamil ton, -
• Georgian, No. 9-A. 0. Adams, Mid -
2 land.
Georgian, No. 9A—I D. J. 'Cherry.
• Magor, No. -10 -James Waugh,Port
4 Dalhousie. -
• Toronto, No. 11-3. B McLean,
• Maple; .
Toronto, No, 12 A. -G. A. M. David
eon. Mkm.
•• Princear. Edwhaard, No. 13 -Dr. 0. 0,
• Watson, Campbellford.
• ',9'rontenac,No. 14 -Dr, A. R. B, Wil-
• Rawson, Kingston.
• St. Lawrence, No. 15 -Wm, Hynd
Z man `South Falls.
tion for the Boys for the
... a s.`
g0 y
• Boys Cotton Knickers
i 25 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents
• y
• Boys Cotton Sweaters
• •
• in all the popular combinations,
sizes 20 to 32, price 25c
• Balbriggan Underwear
"• , Short sleeves, special at 25c
•�'s Boys"'�Jnite� Duck
` To clear at 15 cents _
Boys FlannelS
• •' Skeleton line, sizes 27 to 33
• good Value $ .00, to clear at 1.90
• g 3
Scout Stockings
♦ y
In all. sizes, special at 25 cents °
_______ ek
• `�,i'v,r'tad
It's War to the Death, on tl
••••a••••••••••••••••••••• „•.. ...........
1 . $ Men and Events.
-Greer la Atlanta CooatitUtUO*,
be assisted by an able body of teachers, 1
Non.:Wm. Paterson
the other appointments to the general
stab including Messrs. William
■ ■ Cruikshank. R.C.A.; J. W. Beaty,
ISCritically Iii A.R.C.A.; C. M. Man15; A,R,C.A; and
u 1 1 uu Emmanuel Hahn.
The' purpose of the new College,
which will have the upper Them of
"Tbe Grange"until a new wing can
he erected, are the training of stu-
dents in the fine arts, including draw-
ing. painting, design, modelling,
sculpture, and in all branches of the
applied arts, in the more artistic
Grades and manufactures and the
training of thaehers in the fine and
applied arts.
Managed by a Council.
Ex -Minister of Customs . Has
Week -Heart.
Ottawa, July 20 -Hon. William
Petersen, former Minister of Customs,
is seriously ill at the. Russell Hous
here.. Some months ago he bad an
attack of heart trouble, but recovered,
and has been -in Ottawa.for three
weeks., He took; a bad turn yesterday,
and his condition is regarded as criti-
Mr. Paterson i`s 73 years old, He
came to Canada, frau Aberdeen,
Scotland, with his parents, over sixty
years ago. His parents both fell
victims to cholera, and Air. Paterson
was btought up by the Rev, Andrew
Farrier, of Caledonia, At the age of.
fifteen, he entered .a grocery store in
Brantford as a clerk, and in 1863
formed a partnership with H. 13.
Leeming,for the manufacture of bis-
cuits.' ater he became Mayor of the
city: and 24 years ago defeated Sir
Francis ):uncles in South Brant, for
the Commons. In 1800 he was de-
feated, but the year following was
elected and taken into - the Laurier
Customs. W
Minister of u t
Oabnetas i
Hon. W. .. Fielding, he shared the re-
sponsibility of negotiating the recip-
rocity agreement, which Canada rejec-
ted last year.
•Mr. Paterson has always been a`re-
ligious man of high character; . His
deep bass voice made him famous, and
was often the cause of practical jokes
He has enjoyed poptr'arity on both
sides of the House. auct.among people
of all classes, and is generally regarded
as being a fine type of Canadian.
Ottawa, No. 16-J. 0. Scott, Ottawa..
Algoma, No. 17 -F. B. Allen, Port
Arthur. •
. Nipissing,:No. '18-e. R. Reid: Rud -
-` P r
(''” ,. Muskoka No.
19 -Dr, A.,S.. rte
1 , o
Q .ti�lh ..-Iv.♦ row
assan.' ..
ISii C�.O
o _
. - ,; Otonabee, No. 20-E. N, l3arfatt,
,, • Port Hope. . ,
"A Square. IDeal:tor Every iter - .•; ; ESA rn, No, 21—R, T.• Atcham Pili
jtittafttlAttlitt A* sstN* •N•.•.11.•1t4NN`44..1“M•
The College is controlled and mans
aged by a Council composed of the
members appointed by the Art' Mu.
seurn, the Ontario Society of Art-
ists, the Canadian Art Club, the Can-
adian Manufacturers' Association, the
Trades and Labor Council, the Senate
of the University of Toronto, the City
Council, the Canadian National Ex-
hibition; the Graphic Arts Society,
the Toronto Society of Architects,. the
Gntario Association of Architects, the
Applied Arts Society. and the Toron-
to Camera Club.
Career of Mr.'Reid.
Mr. G. A. Reid, the' principal of the
College, was for five years President
of the Royal Canadian Academy of.
Arts,. which is . the greatest boner a
Canadian artist can achieve. He' was
born at Wingham, Ontario, in 1860,
and has devoted his life t the study
' del his in 1' t 1c
at Philadelphia, ,
of art, F
Spain ann Italy. He is best known to
the. public by' his two ambitious can-
vases-141ertgagiug the Homestead"
and "Foreclosing the Mortgage." The
Arrival of Chaplain at Qnebec" is one
of his recent works which has won
In a report on loan corporation is -
sued by the Government this week it
Huron on was shown that there is $28,000 on
A Former clesposit in certain loan companies in
former Ontario which has never been claimed
the amounts vary from 25 cents up to
Ovr_ veva ro eewen,
exminis er of customer, who ;was crit-
icell ill in Ottawa:
Chosen Principal
Mr. G. A. Reid, R. 0. A , of Toronto,
one of the most prominent of Cana-
dian artists, have been' appointed
principal of the new Ontario Oollege
of Art, which wi 1 commence -opera-
tions about October 1. Mr. Reid will
amounts over $1000; Persons who
can prove to, the satisfaction of the
government that the money is theirs
undoubtedly can get it. Some of the
money has piled up from savings ac-
counts deposited bypeople who have
forgotten them or by people who
have si„ea , died. Others are due to
unpaid dividends where shareholders
have not been located.
Over The Teacups:
Me. Sheeley has returned to town
fora visit.
Mr. W. Goats, of Goderich, was in
town Friday.
Kill diens) quick -Don't give 3,
thein a (second' chance, A 6
good] ideal when yore; ;start:
war" on the De.structfui 'Pota-
to Bug.
Our, Paris Green ie absolutely
ire, Iteteted and guaranteed. 3
Itis Berger's (English make
and if you use this brand you
.can (well Say Good( Night' et
W. A. McConnell
Miss Jennie Forbes visited friends
in Seaforth on Sunday.
Miss L'zzie McTavish, (nurse) is
visiting her aunt Mrs, Scales.
Mr. Eddie Shepherd, of Toronto is
in town,
spending hi vacation
Mr Sid1Jackson, of Lethbridge, is
home for a couple of months. visit.
Mr. S. Davis has returned from Tor.
onto, Niagara Falls and Peterboro.
Mr. and Mee. James Snell, of Hallett
and Mrs, Mason are visiting in Detroit
n. son of
of Londe
Mr. John Irwin,
Alr, J. A. Irwin spent Sunday in town.
Miss Bessie McLean of Windsor - is
the guest of her cousin Mrs, Jim Mc-
Miss T. Irwin, Beyfield is spending
a, few days with her uncle lir. H
Mr. Wan. Good, of Dakota, is the
guest of his nephew Mr. J. T.
Ch oven. _
Miss Ferule Allin.. is visiting with
relatives and friends at Park Bill and
Mr. Harry Fremlin took in the
Forresters' excusion to Berlin last
Mr. Jack McDonald, the lumber
king of Walton, was in^town on Mon-
day on business,
Miss -Lilian McRae, of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of .her grand-
mother, Mrs. A. !McRae.
li•ennell and
• Airs, Geo.
f a. t is visiting
o Uab 1
sister Mrs, VG, S. Downs.
Mr. J. Leslie Kerr attended the
funeral of a grand uncle, Mr. Hugh
Kay, at Ayr on Friday last.
Master Douglas Tozer is spending
his holidays with- his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tozer, Toronto.
Miss Elsie Ross, of the W, D. Fair i
Co, leaves this week for a two weeks
vacation to Fergus and Orillia. •
Messrs Geo, Hiuchley :and 0. Turner
motored from Seaforth on Saturday, 111
and was the guest of Dr. Fowler.
Mrs. Will Ros,s netul(ned, Mon-i,l
day from .amonths visit in Winmi
peg the guest of'Mrs. P. Cijew,s.
Miss Junita Southcombe of St,
Louis, is visiting her aunts, the Misses
Southcombe, Rattenbury street West,
Mrs, M. Watt Fulton St. ` returned
Monday, after a weeks vacation with
•s Hamilton Londes-
her sister Mrs, A.
To Animals
It is a slh?�ntte Ito have Igor
es and Cattle tortured) with
flies this hot weather, when
yot1, can kill the ivies (with
Fly and Insect Destroyer
• IN stops animais worrying.
It keeps `them in:condition.
It increases the hailk yup-
It's the best thing In the
world) for lice) in�hen, houses
For sale by
AL .
W.'.R. Holmes
Phm B.
Mr. Oleghorn, of the Clinton motor
Go„ was here on a visit to the factory.
He reports excellent business in the
W m R West.
\[ At The Summer. Resor Mrs. O. MacQueen of Petrolia and
Latest Hesdaughter Miss Jessie of Port Arthur
are spending the summer vacation
with Mrs. Jim McRae
Mrs. Fair, of Toronto, spent Sunday
Mr. Heath went to Toronto last•
Detroit eut
an from p Sunday
Mr. W
Miss Wack, of Toronto, is the guest
of bliss Qua.
Mr. Garnet Atkinson spent a few
days in Stratford. -
Stewart Scott, of Clinton, visited in.
Bayfield last week.
Mr. W. Glass, of Detroit, is the -
guest of his mother.
Mr. Welsh and Miss Constance were
in Stratford last week,
Mr. Hutchison, of Dublin, spent
Sunday in the village.
The' Misses Leslie and Miss. Stuart,
of Toronto, are visiting here.
Miss Leila Best, of Seaforth, _is the
guest of Miss Mabel Hodgins.
Mr. Will Middleton and his sister,
Miss Daisy spent last `Saturday in
jMissesRankin and Macpphe''„lne of.
Stratford, are the guests of. Idles Mabel
Mr .and Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Hodgins
and Mrs Edwards motored to Gode•
Mrs. Brydone, of.Clinton, was„ the
guest of Mrs., Yvvey, Westminister
Grove, last week.
Dr. Atkinson, of Detroit,and his son,
Casey joined the rest of the family- in
Bayfield last week.
Mr, Roy Grigg,; of Goderich, spent
last Sunday with Mr. Clausin -O'Neil,
Westminister Grove.
Miss'1uhbs, Miss MacKay and Mies
Caldwell of Bay City, are the guests
• Me S' Scott, oi,Sestforth; and' Miss
• Grace OIuff,.:of;Olinton, drove over, to
Bayfield for the Saturday nightdance, Mrs. W. Rattenbury, Miss Alice, of
Miss- Norma Dixon, Miss Alma Brucefield, and Mi'. Harry Johnston,
Dancey and Mr. Roy Adams, of God. of Toronto, were guests at the home
erich spent last Saturday in Bayfield. of Mt. T. Dunlop's last week,
Mrs, Sydney Howard and Mrs. Kyle, Miss Jessie Oadzow of Buffalo after
of Toronto, have been residingdin
in B
field.Miss Evelyn Howard joined
them this week.
Messrs. Frank `McKenzie, William
Swann and William McQueen, of
Brucefield drove to Bayfield for the
dance Friday night. •
Mise Ethel Elliot and her friend,,
Miss Mitchell,nurses from the hospital
for crippled children, Detroit, are
Visiting the former's mother here.
Mrs. • Turner and daughter, Miss
Ethel Turner, teacher of Toronto Oon-.
tervatory of Merge are expected Fri-
day. They will reside with Mrs.
Last Monday morning, ythe `kitchen
of Miss Nora Ferguson's residence
caught fire, but the bucket brigade
succeeded in extinguishing the fire,
without sounding the alarm.
Mrs. Greig, Sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Greig, Mrs. T. Jackson and ,children,
Miss Kaine,:, Miss Hattie and Mr.
Laurie Greig, Mr, Stewart Jacksonand Mr. Victor Stone' composed a
party to Bayfield last Friday..
The O. W. Cadwell, boatof Duluth;
a week with her aunt Mrs.
M. Watt,left Tuesday
visit wither aunt Mrs for a months
A, Hamilton,
Airs. J. E. Johnston and little.
daughter Viola returned to their home
at Heard /Sask. on Wednesday,
after spending the past two months.
visiting at the home of the'lady's
mother, Mrs. Nott Ontario Street.,
Mr. Bert Moore left on Saturday for
Montreal where'' he will, sail on,the
"'Royal George”for Bristol on July
24th. He will be absent a ' month ' or
so and on his return will • be' ac-
companied with bis wife and family
and hopes to settle down as one of
Olintons Loyal Citizens.
Miss -Bessie Brown, • of Detroiiti l
who• has had ,a.positi�on in Ithe 'of-
fice Department of Park Davis and,+
Company there during the past
vee',• is spending atwo welekts'
cation at her hoe in Hullett ,andwill also visit enLondon, when ire-
turnin,gi to the ,elltiy
caused a great excitement in
the vii- On Thursday, of last week, lx
late last Friday, by anchoring in'the On
and brother Tom wentto
Luean and brought their mother, who
harbour here. The object of its cern-
;Mg was
ern•ing'was gravel. We shall,,,probably
see it here again before tire season is
Rev. Tolmie, of Winsor, . d , motored
to his camp here last week. On the.
is 84 years of age, to Clinton. The
old lady has been almost' blind for
some time but strange to relate 'her
eyesight is improving and may be
fully restored. (Rensalll Observer)
a• i 'MSS Helen IDAh crty:-haft on;Wed
wad while attempting to page rig S'a kl �ao ;,here � d,
sent: nto.a 'sen` foot `ditch, ` Luckily will visit her sister 14utis. E. Roeme :
neiher -the driver nor the'car. "were' „She was.accolmPa3iied by,;jaer+;br0th-
te ,�Mr.'VidtioM who has been VeSeting
•badly hurt; n;, . ., T ...
,which refused to turn out the ear was nesluOY fob s are n, lid
+''%(:a nuc•r•:d •n. u., .,
Mid -summer
* ds
Dollar Shirts
During our Annual M'd-
Summer Sale 'we are she
t :
ing a line of Soft Fron d
Shirts at r.00 that will sur-
prise you. Neat patterns
of black and white, blue and
white, and hello, hair line
stripes, . Will make you',
wonder why you paid more..,
Fit and colors guaranteed,
Two Pairs .o% Sleeves
With Each Shirt
We are now showing alt
new patent shirt with two,
pairs of sleeves and cuffs,
detached, This is a new,
idea and well worth looking!
into. Splendid idea for'
office, business met, and
mechanics' alike, regular
$1.75 for: $1'25
Men's Straw Hats 98e
Men's Straw Hats, sn`a.p'
brim and sailor styles, nar-
row and wide rims to suit
all tastes and sizes, regular
SI.So and $2, sale prioee9$
Men's Tailors and furnishers
at h iiel for the Islet .twotpibnit6aa„
blies Dollies ty Will be irii ed lrotk '
so,ciaily and musically having been'
oeganist en Wesley )Cheroh for leteate
tawe tee ; 1,, i