The Clinton New Era, 1912-07-25, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 47, No; 4
( ti
W. H. Kerr & Son; Editors and Publishers,'
Local News Appears on Every Page of THE NEW
Don't Miss ..Reading it Every Week.
A baseball Watch will be played'
R0yal T�a k teaefrom•claywill gt1 x]• i'eann from •Blyth .will piay, the local
OF ` CANADA toys, Game is'ealled at6.3o,
Capital $6,25o,aoo
Reserve $7,000,aoo"
The Annual Statement, shows the fol
lowing increases for 1911
1910 1911
$ 7'2,079 6)7 388,294.808'
Loans &
Investments 15,283,6;6 62,700,072 Wrvbe'to-day for handsome Data -
Total Assets 92,510,316 110,528,512 rogue.
Fall Terni From Sept, 3rd
Stands in a class by itself for
fust -class work, Open all year.
207 BRANCHES and
Correspondents throughout the world
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Colgate% Eclat
Colgatos Violet
Oolga!tcs Monad Violet
;Colgattes Cashmere Bouquet
Oolgaftes Dactylus
William% Karst
Williams Violet
Williams Carnalttiosi
Royal Rase
Royal Vinolia
Ft1iME EI CLAY. W[think R-
one of 'the best,
Dispensing Chemist.
Fon the, sukaraer months
July" and , August , we will
closet ;per store neve*, even
ing( at 6.30 excepting IPhurs
days =and( Saturday and before
W. T. O'NEIL '
Phone 48
Incorporated 1855"
Record of Progress fol Five Years 1906=1911
CAPITAL : $3,000,000,00 '$4 0:000.00
RESERVE 8,000,000.00 4,600,000,00
DEPOSITS .?x,67^1,730:00 85,043,311:00
^LOANS AND INVESTr4ENTS. . 27,457,090.00 38,854,80L00
TOTALASSETS , . 33,090,102.00 18,237,274.00
Mas 86 BranchesinCanada, and Agents and Correspondents in all.
the Principal 0-tils in the Wald.-
at all Branehes. interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch.
+ -
____x +
$ It is the desire of the
4. publishers that all should 4,
• take an interest: in this
+ columnof THE NEW' $
1 ERA. If you have friends , t.
visiting you, or are go-
y in,, Away for a trip, lciavc •
++ word or send it on a post +.
• ;card. +
Mr. H. Hunt has returned totown.
Mr. Herb A/Vit'ts is in, iedertich
this week.
Miss 011ie Mlclllveen, of Aub-
urn, is home *his week.
• Miss Steele Townsend, Toronto, is
visiting friends in town.' '
W.T. O'Neil is spending a stew
days in Bayfieid;thse week.
Miss Laura Sharman, of Godeili,eh
was avisiitor in town, Mondsty.
Mrs. Rayner entertained At Ifev7
t iftrieads Wednesday' evening.
Miss Anna Gordon, of Sarnia, • iisl
the guest of Mists Be'ss•ie McEwen.
Mrs. Doupe and daughter, of Tore.
onto, are visiting relations in town.
Miss .Belesie. Glenn, of Toroartts,"is
holidaying at her home in Stanley.
Mrs. Edgar Pattison, of „Ellice -
field, ,is
ruce-fieid,,is visiting s,s,town this, week.
Aces Janet Wylie :usvisiting with
Auburn friends tote a coupleof
Miss May Smith, returned on
Monday from visiting friends fin
Mr. Bert 'Haai'and, of Detroit, was
in %town Monday renewing old ac-
Misses Fanny and Amy Helyar
are visiting at Varna, the guest of
Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. 'Jas. MIahnfIy is i'ysiltinig at
the home of his daughte?Mrs,-Wm.
Sparks, of Stanley,
Mrs,J. Manning and little 'dda'ttgii-
ter, of Sebrengville were guests in
town, over Sunday.
1,1iss Freda and Master Fried
Wallis are visiting relatioins vn
Bemoniller,.this wgelt,
1Vlisseie Mary Smith, Hattie and
Edna Levis visited Kineamdine for
a few days last week. ,
Mr. Frank Ball and 'son Willie are
,pending a weeks in New Ontario,
where Sir. Hall, is intexfested: in
real estate. .
"Mrs. F. Valli, Mine Mamie and
Master Bernie, axle visiting Mrh.
MlcGregor, of Seatozith, and Rin -
burn ,friends..
Messer,, 3.B. Hoover, Ed. •Cnnte-
i ton, J. Nediger, P, Town and J, Tay-,
Bowling Tournament,
Mac. T. Jackson and daughter
Miss Helen, 71i,?,s R.Kaine and Miss
Mary Chidley left this week for Go
lloine' Bay, where• they will camp
for the summer..
C E. DOWDING, Manager
lot are in London .attending a
•mcasn a�ic . r a1eac�
••P♦4••o••a••♦ss•••••a•••• •••••e••••••••••s•••••••••
• 4
♦• OIC Goods the +
I +
Yr S •
We've made Special Prepara-
♦ for the
tion tor the Boys.
♦ J
Boys Scout
-Regulation style, at $1,5o ,per suit
Boys Cotton Knickers
• 25 cents, 5o cents and 75 cents
• .
• .
• •
Bo s Cotton 'Sweaters
in all the popular combinations;
sizes 20 tO 32, price 25c'
Boys Balbriggan
Short sleevesspecial at
ite Duck fiats
• =S- :BOYS-Wh
To clear at 15 cents
apps Su
Pi l it
,goys s
liesizes 2
Skeleton,n , > 7 to 33
• good Value. at $3.00, to. clear at 1,9?
• Boys Scout Stockings
• In all sizes, special at ;5 cents
e Morrish lain
"A Suare. Deal: for Every Boy"
Manz Grand
Lodge Be -elected
Toronto, July 19, -With tie instal.
lotion of cfllcers in Convocation : Hall
yesterday afternoon. the 57th annual
conference of the Masonio Grand
Lodge, of Canada, A. F, & A. Ai., was
It was decided to hold the next
meeting in,Ottawa in -1013.
As was expected, Grand Waster M.
W. Bro. Aubrey White, Toronto;
Deputy Grand Master M. W. Bro.
W-. D. McPherson, Toronto; Grand
Treasurer 41. W. Bro, E. T. Malone,
Toronto, and Grand Secretary, 1•t, W,
Bre. R. L. Gunn, Hamilton, were
elected for 1913 by acclamation.
The other officers were: W. Bro.
W. Shaver, Toronto, grand senior
warden; W. Bro. Roger Miller, Inger-
soll, grand junior warden; W. Rro.
W. M, Kannawin, grand chaplain:
V. W. Bro. James Dixou, Hamilton,
grand registrar.
Board of general purpose -R, W.
Bros. John Iloodless, Hamilton; S. A
Luke, Ottawa; A. Shaw, Kingston; A.
J. Young, North Bay, Thomas Rowe,
London; F. W. Harcourt, Toronto;
A. K. Wanless, Sarnia; J. E. Merri-
man, St.Catharines• W, M. Logan,
Hamilton; John B. Way, Sault . Ste.
Marie, and James Ross, Waterford.
The district deputy grand masters
elected were:
Erie district No. 1 -Dr. W. Kelly,
Florence. ,
85 ()hair, No, 2-D. D. Brodie, For•
eat. .
London, No. 3 -Dr. P. Banghart,
South Huron, 4 -Rev. D. W. Collins,
Huron, No. 5 -George . Spotton,
Wilson, No, 6-A. W. Cameron,
Wellington, No. 7 -Thomas Rafter,
Hamilton, No. 8'-Wr H.. Wardope,.
Georgian, No. 9-A. C. Adams, Mid-
Georgian, No. 0A -.L, D. J. Cherry.
• •Magor, No. 10 -James Waugh, Port
N 11 -J 13 M
LOronto� o,ean
'f' Toronto, No. 12 A, -(J A. M, David-
son. Markham, '
Prince Edward, No, 13 -Dr. 0. 0.
Watson, Campbellford,
Frontenac, No. 14-1)r. A. R. B. Wil-
liamson, Kingston.
St. Lawrence, No. 15 -Wm, aynd•
man, South Falls.
Ottawa. No. 16-4. 0. Scott, Ottawa.
Algoma, No. 17 -F, B. Allen, Port.
,ipissing, No, 18-0. 1t Reid: Sud-
Muskoka, No. 10 -Dr A.S.Porter
Otonabee,No. 20-E.' N ,,Barfa
or one.
Has rn, No. 21-R. T. Richardson}•
l ** N**1O__.•*1•0a1•i1#1•10AN.9'1../41!
It's War to the Death on the -FI
6C11tER Oltlf RGE
FFtcyrie APRIL
OC'foDi;i ..
-Gray la Atlanta Coustittitio•,
Hoo. Wm. Paterson
�s Critically ill
Ex-Mitiister of Customs Has
Another Week -Heart
S elh
Ottawa, July 20. -Hon. William
•Paterson, former Ministet of Customs,
iseexiouslyill at the Russell House
bere.. Some months ago he bad an
attack of heart trouble, but recovered,
and has been • in Ottawa for three
weeks, He took a, bad turn yesterday,
and hie condition is regarded as criti-
Air, Paterson is 73 years old, He
came to Canada, freak Aberdeen,.
Scotland, with his parents, over sixty
year ago. His parents both fell
victims to eholero,:and. Air. Paterson
was bcought up by the Rev, Andrew
Farrier, of Caledonia, At the : age of
fifteen, he entered a grocery store in
Beantford as a clerk, and in 1868
formed a partnership with 13, B.
Leeming,for the, manufacture of bis-
cui is e- ater he became Magor of the
city: and 24 years ego deteated Sir
Francis Mucks in Smith Brant,for
the Commons, In 1800 he was de-
feated, but the year following was
elected and taken, into the Laurier
Ciebnet as Minister. of Onstoms. With
Hon. .Fieli heshared h '
H. n W. n h ted t axe•
sponsibility of negotiating the recip-
rocity agreement, which Canada rejec-
ted last year.
Alr. Paterson has always been a re-
ligious roan of high characteel His
deep bass voice made him famous, and
was often the cause of practical jokes
He has enjoyed popu'arity on both
sides of the House, aud.among people
of all classes, and is generally regarded
es being a fine type of Canadian.
A Former �Huron lay
Chosen Principal
Mr. G. A. Reid, R. U. A ; of Toronto,
one of the most prominent of Cana-
dian artists; have been appointed.
principal of the new Ontario College
of Art, which wi1 'commence --opera-
tions 'about October 1, Me. Reid will
be assisted hymn able body of teachers,•
the other appointments to theeneral
staff ipeluding Messrs. William
Ornikshank. R.O.A.; J. W. Beaty,'
A,R.C,A.; C. M. Manly, A.R.O.A; and I,
Emmanuel Hahn,
`Che purpose of the new College,
which will have the upper floors of
"The Grange" until a new wing ,can
be. erected, are the training of stu-
dents in the fine arts, including draw-
ing, - painting, design, modelling,'
sculpture, and in all branebes of the
applied arts, in the more artistic
crudes and manufactures and the
training of thachers in the tine and
applied arts.
Managed by a Council,
The College ie controlled and mare
aged by a Uounoil composed of the
members appointed . by the Art btin
scum, the Ontario Society of Art-
ists, the Canadian Art Club,. the. Can -
adieu Manufacturers' Association, the
Trades and Labor Council, the Senate
of the University of Tgronto, the Oity
Council, the Canadian National Ex:
hibitione the Graphio Arts Society,
the Toronto Society of Architects, the
Gntario Association of Architects, the
Applied Arts Society. and the Toron-
to Camera Olub.
Career of Mr, Reid.
Mr. G. A. Reid, the principal of the
College, was for five years Presidcut
of the Royal. Canadian Academy of
Arts, which is the greatest honor a
Canadian artist can achieve. He was
born at Wfngham, Ontario, in 1800,
and has devoted his life to the study
of art,at Philadelphia, in France,
Spain nn Italy. He is bst
known to
the public by, his two ambitious can-
vases -Mortgaging the Homestead"
and"Foreclosing the Mortgage," The
Arrival of Chaplain at Qnebeo" is one
of his recent works which hes won
In a report on loan corporation is-
sued by the Government this week it
was shown that there is $28,000 on
desposit in certain loan -companies in
Ontario which has never been claimed
the amounts vary from 25 cents up to
amounts over $1000. Persons who
MU prove to the satisfaction of the
government that the money is theirs
undoubtedly can get it. Some of the
money. hes piled up from savings ac-
counts deposited by people who have
forgotten them or by people who
have siece died, 'Others are due to
unpaid dividends where shareholders
have not been located.
Latest News At The Summer Resert
Mr, Fair, of Toronto, spent Sunday
Mr. Heath went to Toronto last
Mr, Wan From Detroit spent Sunday
Miss Wack, of Toronto, is the guest
of Miss Qua.
Mr. Garnet Atkinson spent a few
days in Stratford.
Stewart Scott, of Clinton, visited in.
Bayfield last week.
Mr. W. Glass of Detroit,is the
guest of his mother.
Mhr. Welsh and Mies Constance were
in Stratford last • week.
Mr. Hutchison, of Dublin, spent
Sunday in the village.
The Misses Leslie and Miss Stuart,
of Toronto, are visiting here.
Miss Leila Best, of Seaforth, is the
,guest ofMss
Miss MabelHodgins.`
Mr, Will. Middleton and his sister,
spent •last'Saturday.i
Misses Rankin and Macphe ln, of
Stratford, are the guests of Mies Mabel
Mr and Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Hodgins
and Mrs.stdatEdurdwarayds, motored to Gode.
Mrs, Brydo e,' of Clinton, was the
guest of. Mrs.c Hovey, Westminister
Grove, last w4ek.
Dr. Atkinson, of Detroit,and his son,
Casey joined the rest of the family in
Bayfield last week.
Mr. Roy ,G Grigg, of Goderieh, spent
last Sunday with Mr, Clausin O'Neil,
Westminister ` Grove.
Mise Tuhbs, Mies MacKay and. Miss'
Caldwell, of_ 3ay- 0ity, are the guests,
of Mrs. ()apt Ferguson.
M1raS'.' (MuffScott-, of Seafer tli. 'andM is
Grace of Clinton drove over) to
Biayfield for the Saturday night dance.
MIiss Norma Dixon, bliss Alma
Dancey and Mr. Roy Adams, of (iod-
erich spent last Saturday in Bayfield,
Mrs. Sydney Howard and Airs, Kyle,
of Toronto, have been residing in Bay-
field. Miss Evelyn Howard joined
them this week. -
Messrs, Frank "McKenzie, William
Swann and William McQueen, of
Brucefield drove to Bayfield for the
dance Friday night.
Miss Ethel Elliot and her friend
Miss Mitchell,nursee from the hospital
for crippled children, . Detroit, are
visiting the former's mother here.
Mrs. Turner and daughter, .Miss
Ethel 'L'urner, teacher of Toronto Con-
servatory.of Music are expected Fri-
day. They Will reside with Mrs.
Irwin, '
Last Monday morning, the kitchen
of Miss Nora Ferguson's residence.
caught fire, but the bucket brigade
succeeded in. extinguishing the fire,
0 sounding the alarm.
i h uts n
wt a
Mrs. Greig, Sr,, Mr. and Mrs.' Tom
Greig, Mrs. T. Jackson and children,
Miss Baine„ Miss Hattie and Mr.
Laurie Greig, . Mr, Stewart Jackson
and Mr. Victor Stone composed a
party to Hayfield last Friday.
The 0. W. Cadwell, boat of Duluth,
caused a great excitement in the vil-
lage last Friday, by anchoring in the
harbour here. ' The object of its cam-
ing was gravel. We shall\. probably
see it here again before., the season' is
Rev. Tolmie of Windsor, •motored
r last week. On the
•t his cam here
way while attempting topass a•` rig,
'which refused to turn out, the car was
n o ditch. Luckily
sent into a to foot
neither the driver nor the car 'were
badly! hurt,•
•••ses es•••S••••e•so•••s•
Men and Events. e
4x.-wc�aewrna -
minister of enston as, who . evae erit-
leen/ill inObtaw,ae
Over The Teacups
Mr, Sheeley has returned to town
fora visit.
Mr, W. Coats,, of Goderich, was in -
town Friday.
Mies Jennie Forbes Visited friends
in Seaforth. on Sunday.
Miss L'zzie McTavish, (nurse) is
visiting her aunt Mrs. Scales.
Mr. Eddie Shepherd, of Toronto is
spending; bis vacation in town.
Mr. Sid Jackson, of Lethbridge, is
home for a couple of months visit.
Mr. S. Davis has returned from Tor.
onto, Niagara Falls and Peterboro.
Mr. and Mrs. James Snell, of Hallett•
and Mie. Mason are visiting in Detroit
Mr. Johu Irwin, of London. son of.
141x, 7. A. Irwin spent Sunday in town.
Miss Bessie McLean of Windsor is
the guest of her cousin Mrs, Jim Mc-
Miss J. Irwin, Biyfield is spending
a. few days with her uncle Mr, Il,
Beacom. '
Mr. Win. Good, of Dakota, is the
guest of his nephew Mx. J. T.
Cho wen.
£ctissl+ernie Ailin is visiting .with
relatives and friends at Park Hill and
Torun tu,
Sir. Elarry Fremlin took lo the
Forresters' excusion. to Berlin last
Mr: Jack McDonald, the lumber
king of Walton, was in town on Mon -
clay on business.
ilfiss�,ilian MIoRae, of Detroit, is
visiting at the home ,of her grand-
mother, Airs, A. McRae,
Airs, Geo. aennell and little
daughter of ()abate is visiting her
sister Mrs, 1,1, S. Downs.
Mr. J. Leslie :Kerr attended the'
funeral ale grand uncle, Mr, Hugh
Kay, at Ayr on Friday last,
Master Douglas Tozer is spending
his holidays with his grandparents,
Mr. and Airs. Tozer, Toronto, i
Miss Elsie. Ross, of the W. D. Fair j
Co, leaves this week ' for a two weeks
vacation to Fergus and Orillia.
Messrs Geo, Ilinehley, and J. Turner
motored from Seaforbh on Sgturday„
and was the guest of Dr. Fowler. -
Mrs. Will 'floss returned, MOn-11
day fromi a moxvth3 visit in Winne-'
peg Elie guest 02'M s. ,P, Crlaw .
Miss dunita Southcombe of St,'
Lonis, is vieibing her aunts, the Misses j
Sonthcombe, Rattenbury street West,
Mrs. M. Watt Fulton St. returned
Monday, after a weeks vacation with
her sister Mrs, A. Hamilton Landes -
kr. Oleghorn, of the Clinton motor
Oo., was here on a'visit to the factory.
Re reports excellent business in the
Mrs. C. MacQueen of Petrone, and
daughter Miss Jessie of fort Arthur
are spending the summer venation
with Mrs, Jim McRae
Mrs. W. Ratienbury, Miss Alice, of
Brucefield, and Mr. Harry Johnston,
of Toronto, were guests at. the home
of AIr, T. Dunlop's Iast week, .
Miss Jessie Cadzow of Buffalo' after
spending a week with her aunt Mrs.
M. Watt, left Tuesday for a months
visit with her aunt Mrs, A, Hamilton,
Mrs. J. E. Johnston and little
daughter Violareturned to their home
at Reward Sask.- on Wednesday,
after 'spending the past bwo months,
visiting at the home of the lady's
mother, Mrs. Nott Ontario Street,
Mr, Bert Moore left on Saturday for
Montreal where he will Bail .on the
"Royal George" for Bristol on July;
2413. He will be absent a ' month or
so and on hie return will • be ac-
companied, with his wife and family
and hopes to settle' down as one of
Clintons Loyal Citizens.
Mise. J3etssia Brown, _, of Detroit;
who has had aposetion in fthe of-
fice Department eml of Park Davis and
Company there
during the P..
eae, as
spending at wo welnlas' va-
cation at her hosaie in lHuUett end'
well also visit InLondon, when ire.
turnhig Ito the ,Dopy,
On Thursday, of last week, Alex
Murdock and brother Tom went to
Lucas and brought their mother, who
is 84 years' of age,. to Clinton. The
old lady has been almost' blind for
some ght timebisutim strangrovineg• ' to
and' relatmay e •herbe
fully restored. (Henson Observer)
Miss Helen
' 't Doherty
She accompanied byierliee+3-
'V tsat't 'Who has; been visiting
Kill then( quick -Don't give
them' a (second chance. A.
good( idea( avhen your [start
war on. the Desitructfui Pota-
to Bug.
Our, Paris Green ic.absolutelyy ;
ppure,,lte,ated and guaranteed: '
It iB ;Berger'st (English make
and -11 you use this brand you -
can( (well bay Goodt Night
: W. A. McConnell
el Lie -I y
To Animals
Sat le a se ito have Horse
es and ,Ca He torturedl with'
flies this hot weather, when
Tod Fankill the Miee ilvit'h
Fly and Insect Destroyer
` It; stops animals worrying.
It; keeps them • in condition.
It inereases the gunk . pup -
ply. the beat thing in the
worlds for lice; in,hen, houses ;
For sale by
VW.'.R. Holmes
Phan B.
Mid -summer
Dollar Shirts
During our Annual M'd-''
Summer Sale we are s •ho
ing a line of Soft Fronfed,
Shirts at SI.00 that will sur-
prise you. Neat patterns
of black and white, blue and
white, and helio, hair line.
stripes, Will make you:
wonder why you paid more.,
Fit and colors guaranteed.
Two Pairs .oi Sleeves
With Each Shirt
We are now showing a,
new patent shirt with two
pairs of sleeves and cuffs,
detached, This is a new
idea and well worth looking
into. Splendid idea for
office, business men„ and;
mechanics, alike, regular
$ 1.75 for $1.26
, Straw
Merl s SHats 981
Men's Straw Hats, snip
brim and sailor styles, nar-
row and wide rims to suit
all `tastes and sizes, regu'l'ar;-
and $2,sale price
Men's Tailors and furnishers
at Mme sow, t� t.ttVof4aoat
Afiss Doh&rt,-'Wad tae mkRpeed Arena '
to,cially and htndi.sacal;ly haviivg f'
s r
org,anp, t1am.W�sday:.iCllu ,ali:l'gati(st�`?s~a
tine. ... l,.•