The Clinton New Era, 1912-07-18, Page 8recond : Wee `, 0 1,44.+41.YAf+ E of';• er 44, i Tables' of Bargains for Saturday Table No. 1-Muslins, Prints Ginghants, Toweling, Cot- ton, Art. Sateen, Serious, Etc., regular 20c and 25c choice for 10c Table No. 2✓ -Linen Suitings, Art Sateen, Muslin, Scrim, Mitek, Cotton, Voile, Art Denim, Wrapperette, reg. 25 and 35e,choice for 15c 2 -Piece Wash Suits for Ladtes Saturday we are laying out a huge --bargain in Ladies. Wash Suits, in white, pale, blue and grey, slze,?`56 to 40, reg $7 and $10, while the last $2.50 • Staple Reductions 12fts Gingliams...,,;..... 9e 2'5c Muslins • i8c i c Toweling 9c ;'25c Linen Suitings ....18c 1.5c''Toweling I2 -c 35c Linen Suitings ....25c. 15c M,uslins I2ic • .t c Art Sateen 12c Ready -to=wear Department 2.0o White Skirts ....1.58 $2 Wash Dress Skirts 98c s. 1,25 , 8 2 c hyla C Straw Hats f 5 9 5 oc " 2,50 ,.,,,1.68' . I•.,25 Summef Parasols 98c 3.00 " ,.......2.Io 2.00 Lawn Waists 1.25. • Dress Goods 5oc Dress Goods........39c 1.00 Dress Goods........79c 75c .59c 1.00 98c Carpets and Rugs - 60c Jap Rugs for... 40c 35c Jap Rugs for 2oc 25 per cent, off all Carpets, Rugs and Matts tom_._ .. .ter,• dozer '2rown DIRECT IMPORTL S, CLINTON" tea+arQ„= WON't YOU HELP. Remember' that you,oan, help us a lot by1vriting, out any local news gethrirn, you let us have it over phone, through the mail or drop into tho offtee. and .tell tes. TEACIIER IN CLINTON. Mr. Thos, A. Sinelair, M. A., a Walkerton, boy has ,been engregjell as science teacher in ,•tb{e Colleg- iate Institute in.Clinten, Ont. Mr. Sinclair'smany friends herg wish him every success—Walkerton escape. Ue , s > is MAAII s cn,srec eo. cog aro; 41 ROOFING 00 ^It -;will not • y k warp,`'rot, crack, blister, crumble or rust. Stronglyfire-resisting. Ru-ber-oil roofs laid 21 years ago are still sound and weather tight. If you want a roof to last, Investigate Ru-ber-old. 3 Permanent Colors— Red, Brown, .:Green — and natural Slate.. 75 Sole Cnnudiun Mfra, RESTANDARDPAINTCO. AMETZWes{ass tot Calik,.Lliniled,atontreal. `THOS. McliENZIE. 1 THE REGINA CYCYLONE. Several views were shown, in the windows ,of Morrish Moe. storb of the' wreck of buildings atilegina, caused by the Cyclone recently. MINOR LOCALS. Do not 'put Money in your mouth. If you will eOnsider the number and variety. of persons. who may have kande& '1before it came' into.your possesseon,you' will not have ask, e Whee-not?" Youngpeople! ! Whenyou rnov P P e eo'the• ;city or out west, alwaysr have the NeW Era sent; You'11 find it areal letter f¢Wom hone ;every week. summer's Now su m a here, cast upyoun New eye„, '' and strike to deathtltt roam - leg roa- lrig fly , where'er yeti find him spare him, not, but join ithetelans that swat, swat, ;swat. • WILL. RESENTENCED TO -DAY. The 'young Men as Edward Ben- nett, _ who now says his name is. David !Sucker, and who was ar- raigned on cllaeges of shop -in -teak - ling at:Goderich, Clinton and 'Hen- ple.aded guilty before Judge Doyle, last Thursday. In order to give einefor investiga- ting' his ireoord, "sentences wee cee.-• ft'rred ft,* a week. In'thie'Mean- time Bennett, alias (Tucker, will be tried on another chaaige, that of ;attempting; to break jail. The .al- leged attempt was 'made last Sun- day, by diggin!e under the floor and through the wail. If the prisoner' had succeeded 1n eis tunnelling' h(e' would only have !got into she jail yard. 'lot 4 eSPEeIALS AT SPETIA,L LOW R'RIC • ES r only 2- burner 'Gasoline Stove with warming oven regular. $15„for $1-r.75' I only Idea1.2-burner Casoline Stove with t qneextra powerful burner and oven, complete, reg $;10 for $7.95 1 onIy'z-rvick'Oi'1''Stove extension to with" ' p 3 holes regular $3,z5',.;for $2,75,.. r.second•hand Det i3 ` i O t Sun gasoline burn- ers and oven, in good order, was 14 fostove, a I only Rocer Churn '2 $4' 75 reg $4 for 6- t-fot Weather Hammocks, re 2 for 1.7 • : o for - g. 5, 5 l` .., is Snap in Granite Preserving Kettles—while they last Regular c for 45 29c Regular 75c for 55c 6oc for , " 6 't .42c 1.10 #or.,..,.. 6$c . . c 4 65or. -c t ti 74RLI4ND BR Stoves, (Hardware and Novelties Aloommomammummum o, •- ......1..4•.,1.....•.44..4!4 ►...........l........... P GODIlRI'CR WON: ÷-e+++++-teeee, K'++ f+ eine •++eeb4, Seafot•th.Boulers lost• sit Godeee,'eee C"LINTON MARISETS erich to the b ain, trophy scree- by ', 13 shots, -; Pork $7.60 iiRESETNTED WITH BOQL`tET, + wheat t 1.00 + Rev. ,J.Greene: priesen{ted the 'oil- -Atom d-itom of the New, Era witli(a bouquet of•sweet peas ,on Saturday morn ing. This was the lire';° oftheisea-. sons' 'HOUSE DAMAGED -The New Era /replete to hear ghat Bat'rister :Blair formeely of God - vetch, was a sufferer by the;ll)el;inat: cyclone:to the extent .;of \.bout' 51,500 by damage to his residence. SOME OF THE NEW 'THINGS, Cherries. Raspberries, Green Peas. A shower of rain. People satisfied'with the bleat.: MINOR LOCALS. These `l are the days of honcley ings and pie-nic parties. Good morning ! Did yen remem- ber to renew you New Erasub` scription?, • Peas . 80 g. 3. oats Barley .».... 70 . 4• Shorts ...;., .. -523.00le 'F Bran $21.00 + 4' , butter .:µ; _---::` ._--_.19-20`' THROUGH WITH WORK' ON • ONTARIO ST. :\ Work' is finished on itheet tacad- 'am' road . on',Onterio steeeet, ,and while the gtnen are1 pr pasting Abe front street, the steam goner will roll :Ontario s'tlre:et so ee Ito pack down the. stone. THERE IS, ONE AUTO— Persons In Nova Scotia to every 852 In Few Brunswick to every 594 In Quebec to' every : . 801 In Ontario to every' .. 314 In Manitoba to every 152 In Saskatchewan to every 194 _ In Alberta to 'every..': ..... 194, - In British Columbia to every165' NEARLY DROWNED, ANOTHER MILESTONE. The Wingham Times eautealet3' on itte sixteenth year under rtlate pales - eat management, The,Niew Era ex- tends congratulations. ' P,OPLU,ARI EXof/RSION. The ; Winghalne 'Union ” Sunday Schools (will i, l r un.heir R populate (an- nual excursion. 0roan (Mitchell to Kincardine an 'Wfngliaan's (Civic Holiday, :Thursday. Aug.' 1st. The 0.1'. R. •.will run two• special 'trains on that date, galling 'at all Lnter- mediate stations. For ;tine and fares and, all partieulaals see lame Fosters. •' MITCHELL. DEFEATED STRATFORD. Four rinks of Mitchell Bowlers play- ed four Stratford rinks on the Strat- ford green Monday afternoon with the result that the Stratford knights of the kitty were vanquished by the sum of 33 points. This makes one win and one loss for Stratford, Mitchell. and St Marys in the Faill Trophy competition, CLINTON WON,, . ' t, i.• On Saturday afternoon one rink of bowlers from 1v1itchell; same up by auto and had a friendly ., game here. After ' =exciting lends .the Clinton teams were victors by a score of 25-24, J,Ransford and W. J. Stevenson claim' the credit, Fol- lowing 'here the players and(scorce: ?VIRchell Clinton. .1r, Forrester+ W. J. Stevenson, T. S Ford. X. Ransforci(. Dr. Burrett • j. B. Hoover. Dr, Woods sk 24. W, Jackson sk 25 Mit shell -103102061234000000001-24 Clinton-- 030030400000321231210-25. HURON CO, DELEGATION SLEETS PERTH CO. OFFICERS. A delegation teas -in Stratford Saturday Morning rlepresen'ting Enron. County Council. The party consisted' of Hu1'onle Warden . T. Stothers, County Engineer D. Pat- terson, and County: Clerk W.Lane. Warden McLaren and several coun- cilors of Perth county ;net .them here and a ane/citing was Meld a•t- 130 pen. in the 'Court House. The subject: under discussi3On was the btul(ding ofa,'bridge on the linellbee. tween the counties of Huron and . Perth. Both Engineers fr'om the two counties were prevent. The agreement 'Wil no doubt be :that. c f each, t,a the counties. pay one half f 0, n o the h ost•ofb ' wl ' den. g• BALL PLAYERS HARD LUCIE. • While• working for his bz+o:th r e, in-law, -'Mi' John McKay, at Ailsa Craig ion July 10; 'Mr, Charles Barnes. had the misfortune, while loading hay; to fall, breaking ?lis 'eg', tilt, 'Barnes who; is one -of the favorites in the: 3ilsa Craig :hal', team seems to be having . more than his share 01: troublee es it is only a short time - a e 'e lAat, :hig .fine;• been, was eon- p t .Y estroYed by fire, Mr, e i w' . aAn s week -known .. s e c tv , no n tbthe ca or - ingl bundh.- in,this town, having :seyelal.times 'last Season for the glebe and• also was catcher: on the •Den(ie)d 'team' that playied here afete:yerrs ago, .The boys are korry to hear 'of his misfortune. WILL r+ET.,A,CLEAN J3ILL. ADolla^' Bill MAY.aarxy 00 110 receiver the vilest infection. I0 is a spong ,',that/ takes up filth and disease germs from ever* hand through which itpasses, ;and. from 'everybody .with whom it conies lin,„coartact. We hope, de- linquent e-1:ngiiett , subscribere are not hold- ing back then dollar bills. fon'fealr they nixie 'carry” stotme Con ttegious disease /to 0Us.. If they are we les- see them„ we are safe, havingehad the' mumps, sbi0 1etfever,wliooping r•orugh,, • measles; small pox 'and a variety of -Other diseases. So bring on your clellar4 bulls no matted ,how badly they tare infe,ete'd with dis- ease, and we will give you ,aeven receipt- .,for;themu.- WINOEBAM TRIMS CLINTON./ The Wlm,ghsen reportelil reports the game plhyed Sast 'Thursday as follows .—A' baseball nine 'pielted frQml the various teams of, the tewn league applied ,a coat of yvh9ltetaash to the Clutton ball ttossens evening, Park last iThuitjiday eveniz g, end. Wonby seore;60•12'9o,5, .Teal.. er had anassorliznenit that Clinton steeply, cpuldnit .see,, !and no less• than 15 Clinton mem, swatted the air in • vain, trying to conn% of with his benders,- Mr. L; Kounad'y umpieled to the saitisfaetlob 02 ab ,The up was as,followis: Wingham-Pender, ceritre 0fileld; Schafer, shortstop ; Tetfefr', pad—heal Stuart, catcher • NNe ]y,second baste:; Gillespie, first, 'base lEllioltt¢: third, base; Huffman, leftfield l Knetchletl iighhtt field. Cliintcn—ro'iinsent,tr` 'g,a'telier-; (Weir, cehattre field t';; 3$ig, it'hia'tl'.'base,; 'rwittchell,,short stop ; Kitty' pet- -cher ; Sal], left field; McEwen, right field; -Johnson, first 'base;.. Caagheyx second base,.. Clinton Kaufman, the young son of M, U. Kaufman of the Chronicle, had a narrow escape from drowning on Friday last, While fishing at the locks, in company with Miller Gilpin, he lost his balance and fell in. Be had gone down twice when young Gilpin. who kept his head, grabbed him and pulled d htm out.Several older P ersope who h were in the vic o Amty were a little slow about rendering assistance, which renders Miller Gilpin's promptness and presence of mind . "all the mow creditable.—(Danville Gazette) TRIED TO BREAK JAIL. Edward Bennett, who:, is awaiting sentence in Castle Griffin, Goderich, made a bolt attempt to get away from the exercise yard, He climbed through - a window by pulling out the bars,: and digging through an I8 inch wall, he found himself in the women's ward instead of outside. He started on the. outside wall. when he was disturbed by Jailor Griffin. He was at once locked in an upstair cell, where he can not get out. He is to be sentenced to- day on charge of burglary committed in Clinton, Hensall and Goderich some time ago. HOUSE DAMAGED BY FIRE. Mr. David Cantelon, reeve of Clin- ton, and his family suffered a great loss Fri -lay morning by fire which badly damaged their beautiful home in outskirts of Clinton, The building is of red pressed briektand the fire of r nated in the Kitchen, from the cook stove, The woodwork in the rear part of the house was badly burned and all the contents damaged. Birt for the prompt aid of the department, which had two streams on to a few minutes, the building would have been a total wreck. Mr. Oantelou was away from home, beingin Toronto. He arrived home on afernoon train. The' loss is covered by insurance, IIE DESERVES PROMOTION. It Is ofleiaily announced at' Ottawa this week that temporary Majors - General 1V. D; tlajorsGeneral1V.'D; Otter and 0. J. Mack- enzie are promoted to the permanent rank of Major.General, and the grant- ing of the same rank is announced to Brigadiers -General, D. A. MacDanald, W. H. Cotton, and 0; W. Drury. Slajor'Genere,l William' Dillon 00 ter, who teas born near 011nton, in Stanley township, in 1843, entered the services in IA61, aacl since that elate has had a military otreersuch as few Canadians have enjoyed' Lie was through the Northwest Rebellion, the Fenian Raid and the South African War. Gen. Otter was in Goderich with the Minister a D1 ' f thea a couple to of weeks ago, , his first Visit to his old home county for many years, and he spoke with feeling end affection of the old days and the carnpebies of ; his youth, most of'whom .have crossed the Great Divide. In addition to being a ' No. 1 •soldier, Gen, Ottery is a thorough gentleman whom it is a delight to meet socially. He well: deseryes the permanent rank now eccorded WE WANT YOUR BUSINES • ES .na Having purchased the Plumbing and . Ti1nsmithint Business of Thos. D. Johnson; I am now prepared to take Contracts of .ail Finds: REPAIR WORK Done;Prom .tl p Y, Orders at R. Rowlalul's Hardware Store, Phone 83. Th o#.Hawkints ti eaa; ice® summer se sin • fro July'; et inter gea (imto :ti our Autuarin Terns from=Aug- • gatWith, 1Vlany teachers and • • seniloai.'studeots will take ad- • vantage of our Summer. Term • and Sm,aaryLwill cogtanuet un- • • til .gradUataoti (rn .-four or • •, six months leads them 'direct > • ititq a 'good Isalari.ed )noel- ::• i m. as seat -' ular,s about • 'Write W. H• Sh Cantx'ai .Busim .r. • Toro lN.N N .Nt • 't'o Lett d you panic out tcoh ses • aw, President, '- ess'College 1 • • t v a e t f b 7 a a 3 tl 0 a P 9 tr R h a }v t, n a to fa cir J h In the death on Saturday thef1.3th ins;, in Clinton, of Mrs. Matilda Stevenson relict of the Tate 'Win. Ztevenson, of Listowel, 'Weetifelsn Ontario 'loses another of itel pion- cele. Decleas(ec1 ' was born in she Townships of 1Col,bourne county' elf Carleton, Oct. 3rd, 1838. 13er,3naid- en name was eleel da Stitt, Hee early years ewstee •sent in, ;that neighborhood where she also, nee;' her Iife•partnegi being marriie(&,Dee. lith 1855,• to Wm, Stevenson. The young couple coming west o what was then known as "the mete Queen's 'Bush" they poeSiesa0cllthezr selves of a hometsltead in the Bounty of Perth at•.the place since . calleel Britton. -where they sheeted the ex neriences and hardships common o the pio}leers of those dams( andl where -a large 'ter/lily. 11ess,elcl 'eheis union. After 1t strenuous two pea*, ears during whack they witnesaedl he evolution -of the country.,froau forest to its .prelslent elelar(ed and ul»ivated etate•,tlhey'cverle enabled o- retire 1tfom ,the activittlies off th!el arm; and took tip' their' taPiode In Listowel '' iMt's. Stevenson' was re-,deceased+thy four, childp•lan, also yl. her: husband. ;The, l,a;ters (teeth eang the result of being injured by a teain'alt1Harr('lston:, about eight soars ago when on has weary>bat Vetfl .daughiter. Daring the' last two n,d a half years 'elle leo zn eche her hone wish her 'youngest` ,daughter''' n`Cluu, on.' Darfur,' the mmostofthat ; me being an ilnval,id las the result I a parteal stroke; she has, been amlaiia no ticilily dui'ing'thel`asttwo . ionths, so' that When, elle end- came of 'Sa urd.ay last 'G!t Was not vnex'i ec,ted and •eould only Meanf5,hap-r, y release, A' life, long andf>ronsis4' ent: nelnb'er of the Prtesbyteoi,an hurch, a loving wile ,and Mother, he possessed la soul singularfy ansparenit and Sidled With,the milk JI human kindness. Being never appier 'than when \helping olt'h er$, he was one of the, ;few Irle:atomis foo non' it could be truthfully Geed she not an enemy un !the world',La., ernes; took place !Tuesday aitier- oon at Listowel cemetery :-an Itttkll rri va!! of !the rlatmalilns 'from' Clin- t. The followintg-m.embers•b,f•her may remain to mourn her' loss:— Ye. A, J. Elake,_yrie,tioria B. C„fWant. Toronto, Mrs. IWlin, IGilkinsom, 'sago, Rev...Robert.B Tavistock; Mrs. Rev. W.T. (l3unit,, Essex, . Mrs Jo WAS Fkx D $16. :An Ileeiee lister? was fined $10 rind oSt this week for the ueual'chatge, LOWN 9 SHOTS. ' Clinton, Bowlers lost at :Seaforth mil Tuesday fnlhe !Fath sense by 0 sluts, The iseore was close in each rink, CARD' OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs take this means of ''thanking neighbors, and," friends ;for E;helfe many 'kind-, nessei during their r(ecleh't; trouble and bereavement. CAUGHT BASS 13 INCHES. Tuesday evening, Dr. Fowler caught a black bass 13inchee long down, near the London Road, Bridge. Everybody wi11 be 'trying ito da the: sang ;now. • EARLY CLOSING.' We Wish to eon;gratulate .the Mee - chants of our town, kin the recent steps they' have taken with ,rie da. to early. elosieg. 'During the gine- mer 'months praetieally all places of business' will be closed in the `tev-. ening. The grocers wei,le'rhe last to. join this eottnlbi-ne, their store;:, beiing+,open: Thursday and Saturday evenings only. We feel !that whinn. being inconveniE(Nced, to a sli ght. degred the public :will retielize and sit a rCae -'the he P opportunity thee 'merchants; are •givn;their, clerks to.lenjey the summer evenings. ONLY SON DEAD. -Extremely sad was (the death of Norval McLean, (the' only child of Mr 'and Mrs. E. M. McLean, which ; oecured in Lendomlast'Friday alter an' inclose. of only two days. Nor- val Was only 14 years of•ag,e 'and Was a splendid specimen of the Can- adian boy clean, clever and•trong: At the Model !School which be t - fe deduntil last tall fa he was .me- garded as one of the hnostt promis- ing pupils, and among the boys there was .,o one (none popular than, Norval. The news of his death came sea. igrdat .shock' to his many 'friends ands !great sympathy iia expressrea `.tor Sas. parents. MUSICAL' EXAMS. The: following are ;the results per the aeusieal examinations, • recent- ly held by the Western Unividrsity. A year ago ;the ittriiiversilty aliastear a musical exalmi,nation Idepiu tment, the London Conservatory of (Mus -i lc and the ',Brantford ;Conserfaaltotry affiliating ' with it. The results spear., well for she 'fulture alf tthfa scheme, for while Itherle werla.many failures, the work ttaken, as a whole was very good. The names aret'aaf- ranged alphabetically, under (the name of the local centre, .at which the examination was taken. First- class honoree 85anarks; honors, 75 Marks ; pass •65 marks. Following were the successful eandfda to a s from Clinton: i — Pa James. Pas: -C. Carbert Singing- Grade 4, first-class home/it—B. Greene. T arty—Gelad(e.'• n,,first- class honoes—T. Dundass. Pass—E. McCutcheon. SUCCESSFUL HURON CANDID- ATES AT DEPARTIIENTAL EXAMS. Huron -E. Beacoin (hon) P Brown,. L W. Bower, T. 0, Ballantyne, W, T. Bolt, 51 F. Carling, 13 Case. C. P. Cowan (hon.), I. C•?. Currie, 3. ill (.utt, 51. E. Clarice, • E. S. Copeland, J. G. Davis, M.'1 Durst. A'1, Darrance, D, Dickson (hon,), L Elliot r. W,. eleyor rest, E. Gray (hon.), F. L Greg. 51. M. Gibson, M. E. Hanlon, H. Hallman, L"'k3o1ntes, I James, It. E. Jackson, J. Johnston. 111; 0, Johnston, 3, E. Kelley, J. W. Kehl, M. 1 Kennedy, ef. M. Lowry A. u. Lendsborough, H. Siacarthur, Al, McGowan, ler, :.lc, Gregor (bon.), A. 51. Morgan G. ta.' .tittcl±;ivan, 3, McKenzie. S. 1. McOiov, 0. SIeIear, W. A. eleleav (non,), 0. 0. Martin, R. G. elcIiercher• S. Petty (hon.) E. Pollock, E. L. L'earen.1. V. Boss, K. Reid, M. ltogorron. J. Robb t , ('hop. A. G l G. theor. I'. A Smith, hon ( Ch Sla eiiefY D 4 .. a,nd ers 1V 1]Turnball, on, , Wilton"tV. IValket,' R. . Wood, A. Woods H. Wellwoud.,1S, M. William. son, M. 1I. Young. DEATH OF MRS.. STEVENSON,. m R. Scot'; Clifford, (Mrs ... Geo. . Fen ell .Ci b f + .n o alit Mrs V v 1 eiing ham .2 2 2 0 34 3-12 • ntd: •, , l S Downs, 4 g 0. 0 0-0 - _ ._ Clinton and S., II of • Vancouver, Il 14+"i'+ 4•f3r1+.144 F-# 'E•i+.iM - i..+++++++++4'+++fi•d'++'4:++fa?^t rrwi, e Something New on Which to ' Mang Your Curtains. A Brass Telescope Rod with curved ends,alidt rounded edges on ,which to shurou y r curtains without cutting or tearing the threads: It is light and strong. Easily put up or taken down, ' and holds the curtains far enough away from the casing to allow a free movement of the shade, The oval ends make a very artistic effect. We have it in three styles. One for a single pair of curtains; another for double curtains, or a single pair and an over drop; and a third style made- so that the brackets will hold the shade as well as the curtains May we Show Them to You Th • D Fair et). Often the eheapast 1Always the Best 1 } 1 Jas. TW1thIi&Sorg 3' ellinq z The Big Sale is still going on. - Scores have taken advantage of this Great Money -Saving Sale. Have YEW ? • ' Our large and well -assorted stock of' Children's Shoes and Slippers is Attracting p c ng the Mothers''Attention. Now Is when shrewd Buyers Bays shoes Good, Leather Top .Phaeton Buggy for Sale CLINTON 1 • d'iMM1tNW V V Vhf DORERTY PIANO COMPANY EXHIBIT. Proni The Winnipeg Free Press we take the following ., hich refers to our well-known factory: -One of the larg- est exhibited in any fair held in Can- ada is shown by the Doherty Piano company of 321 Donald street. There are less than 40 instruments shown all of which are made in the, Doherty factory in Clinton,' A full line of pianos are shown : all of the famous Doherty make. The exhibit is at- tracting large crowds, and the clemon- strator of the a er• iu p to is y p busily engaged at all times showing g g owin the wonderful mechanism, and explain- ing the workings of the celebrated Doherty player piano. A small illns- trated booklet containing old favorite songs is given away in it is also found a complete review of all the various types of pianos made by the aim. Last year the company sold most of their exhibit of pianos, and this year expecte,,tlo.do• much the same, as all pie.nos 00exile/Atiora are for sale,. One of the special features of the exhibit is the display of music rolls used to the Dohertypiano.;.,hese are • made niles- teci• 1 y for the firm, and are the best. and latest used. One thing about •the method of LIandling these rolls, which appeals to all, is 'tire library system which is usecl'is# the Doherty con- parry, that is 'anybody- who owns a player -piano mff borrow rolls from this library. Me D. S. Cluff, man- ager of the factory has arrived in the city.efer,the exhibition: teetieseeeeeeeeei SERENADED MEMBERS. ' The Cijntton Fife and Dru'm'.Heirrh a: slot ed by' the Sua,i,merhilt (usual' serenaded two acktanemblers,Co e-. cillor Beacons. and Mr, Tit,os.'Kearfns on the morning of the 12th. ,Thein was the first 12th ,that' Connefiloi; Beacom 'has missed for a, r many years. onoarlo's deli iluslaess College Centra1ElisiliiessColle e Stratford, Ont. Our teachers are all exper-. • fenced instructors. Pur cour- ses are better khan; (evert pad' the equipment is more gore- Plete. We do more . foroini graduates than do other sing/ - liar schools. .Fourteen ,applications fox ”' tr e gin cli } he 1 were hl2eeived ;- during the past week, armee •: of these offering !Me c; We have three departments, Qpm'mercial, Shorthand and. • Telegraphy., Weito for ens free batalogue aid see What • we ere doing, , x ,De A, JLeLncltlan .. PrincipI.al • • e. vee ver .1eleeee t 4. •+ep•b+o°3elelee b CLEARING SALE 4. 4. 'OFMEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS, COMME'NC' .' INTI ON SATURDAY, JULY zoth,' 1912 In making prices for this occasion; regular prices, cost and real values have been completellr disregarded. Nothing but a ,firm decision ;on our, part to rid our .shelves .of all our goods, and do it - quickly, `would make such low prices as these pos + : sible. Remember this store's high quality atatltdards• Ow • Notice how we've cut our low Y i regularprices, then•, COME, SEE, TRY ON AND BUY •^xt, , ; + •, Sensational ,PIlces on Savo Moneyon Hen's s Shoeffi -•LadiesLines and Oxfords t $4.00 lines at $3.00.,, 55.01 lines at .1.,$4.09 3 00 lines at ,2.40 4,00 lines at 2,72 2'50 lines at ..... '... 1:98 3.00 lines at 2,40 2.00 imes at , ....`... 1.48 2,50 lines at 1,98 Special' Lots at Remarkably Low Prices While they Last A Sale Replete With GENITINE MONEY,S&VING OPPORTUNITIES • FRED JACKSON'S SHOES FOR , V RR YBODY er