HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-18, Page 7ytithia's . • -1" 7HTJESDAY,,JUL 1012, . A MARTYR TO eh auffiir HAY FEVER "Fruit-a-ttves" Cured After 15 Years' Suffering CENTnt, ONT., Novaminta 27th 1911. I was a martyr to Hay Fever for probably .fifteen years and L suffered terribly at times, I consulted many physicians and took their treatment, and I tried every remedy I heard df as • being good for Hay Fever -but nothing helped • Then I heard of "Fruit-mtives" and decided to try them, and I ani thankful to say that this ' remedy cured me. completely. ' To every sufferer from Hay Fever, I wish to say—"Try Fruiwadives''. This raedicine cured me when eeryother treatment failed, and I believe it is a perfect cure for this dreadful disease -- Hay Fever" • • MRS. TIMMY KwIVIP. The; real cause of Hay, Fever is •poisonettlilood, due to the faulty action of the bowels, kidneys and, shin. • "Frhit-a-tives" cleans the brood by •, remdating bowels, kidneys and skin— • and thus relieves the excessive strain on the nervous system. Try ''Fruit -a • twee '. 5oc: a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, ape. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price • by Fruit-a-tivee Limited. Ottavea. CARRIER OF PESTILENCE. ---- ,, A famish, fly will produce mil. lions of progeny in ems eeasen. Each and every oneof therm mil - Ilene of files may become the bearer of typhoid or "ether• deer - porous disease gonna. Self pro- tection demands the'eactermina- Con of this carrier tif pestilence. Now le the time to begin. Stattat By LOttin Tracy Copyright by McLeo d (l'Oonto, 4 dinner: I May not be, BO -1,761:Y far be- , ' In. such a, night hind, since you ladles will take some •Sieed Did° *lin a WilieW in lien 1me over, your 'toilette, and I shall— ' • hand . wh'it yow:call it—scorch like mad at- • Upon the:wild ea-banlic,, and waft ' . • • ter have found that careless herpeoun- • love drel, Smith." To comeagain to Carthage. • • Cynthia had suddenly grown dumb, I -Marigny ..had indeed arranged a o Mrs..Deveri tried oncemore to ,re-, situation 'worthy of his narturing lax the tension. • ' He , "Do be careful,- :Count DdOuard,"1 among- the decedents of Paris. H believed that in these surroundings She cried; • "thiS piece of road is dreadfully • dangerous, . and, when all said and done, , another half hour is now of no great consequence." ; "If your chauffeur has really gone to Blagdon, he will not be -back under- pn hour at least, ro e Meden- ham's 'disdainful voice. "'Unless you Vide the luncheon tat he might, not wish to wrettli wour der you will not Cynthia and. attempt to follow him." bbtairt at a wayside Inn, ter -would make' merry over the feast.: With that he bent over the head The ittagnetiara that had never yet lamPs, and their radiance fell un.ex- !faired- hint in affairs .of the heart pectedly on MarignY's scowling face, would 'surely, prove mitent now at this 'since the drecomfitee • adventurer beet 'cnsis his WM. Matriage' to a, could no longer bretenld to ignore the Tich woman could alone ',snatch him Pnglishmanie menace. he was from the seeial "abYss, and the ',pros- powerless: Though mitiverine with Peet became doubly alluring when it anger aed balked desire, he dared not took the geitie of Cynthia, He „evOuld Provoke a scene in Cyshlea's presence, reatiere her to a disConsolate chaper- and his contheuee' already war - on wome time -before Midnight,, eind, aed' him 'that she was bewildered if he was cynic enough to admit that noteactually suspicious. He forged a a he had not, then ,sticceeded in even- ed,* her esiteem by hi's chivalry, his tinobteneive tendernees, devoted Stontionprrahove . by his flew . et interniting talk and Well-turned epi- gram—the fault would be. his own, and trot attributable to 'adverse coxiditiorm. n It was at' aurprising„ therefore, nn impressionable girl Would admit him, to a degree of intimacy not to be' attained by many days of prosaic *eetiligif. At the right moment, when his well -bribed. servant was gone to lmngforcl, he • would' remember a bot- tle of . wine and some sandwishes 'stored in the car that morning to pro - t m• MONTREAL. r - I trim STANDARD 10 Natfolial ;Weekly Newspaper bf the Dominion 'of Canada. It is national in all Rs I It uses ,thd Mat Engrav.. ings, procuring the photographs from. all over the world. • • Its articles are carefully seleeted and its editorial policy. Jhoroughly . . independent. •' .A. subscription td The' Standard Costs'$2,00 per year to any address In •ge.n.ada or Great Britain. ' pti TRY. IT FOR1912I , eeMentreal Standard Publishing Ceti ee- Limited, Publishers. 7- • •••••••....narn. SUNSHINE FURNACE ,Guarante.ed by MCClary'S' tosave fue1--to out • dust, fuss and' bother and ,to heat your Ilduse'. evenly and comfortably in the coldest weather. We guarantee the .tarn'ace to .save enough to pay for itself :quicker- tha'ri any.other furnace you can b u y. 311. , "Explanations, are like swamp," he • SOLD BY— said. "The farther you plunge into • by!' To Please you, Mrs. Dever, I ; :ey e Sutter them the,„deeper you sink.4 80, goc11- Eir.ram & • shall crawl.. As for Miss Wanrenen, ' I see -'that phe does 'tot, care what becomes of. me." t Pay geibitsriaen to lete1 tins 'When the throb. gertainly .slee !wondered why -Money o that he failed to choke back the, curse Centhia weakened a little at that. Nia her of the Merceire's engine 'tame 'over Model chauffeur chose to express his the crest of the hill. Never was ma.11- °Pinions so bluntly, while Marigny's iniwillingnees to take offense was ad- ed dragon, more terrible to the 'Me- hl:Mar, even in the - days of knight- errantry. In an instant his well -con - Delved project had gone by the board. Ri ra e. , ' !'Is there no betV ter an?'" she- , . asked quickly, her - Medenbam had Government Failed To Get Puna. - Re saw hillisell discredited, suspected, Started the engine; and his hand Wag. . a skulking plotter driven into the on the reversing lever. ment to Vote the -Necessary open, 'a seleconfessred trickster utter- - "For what?" he dZmanded. question' that would lay bare his pre. difficulty?" ,_ : . ' . •----- ' ' feman Raid Men SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson Quarter For ;July 21, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL' SERIES. IY at the mercy of some haphazard I' $400,000 "For extricating my friend from his tenses and cover his counterfeit rha.p- 1 he likes ,to come with us, he ,Oeltawa, Ont., July 8.—The bun- eodY with ridicule. can leave his car here all night, and dred donee for eFenian, ex the Fenia return' for it to -morrow." Raid 'v etewans is Ito; bei la joy 'defer -4 "Perhaps—" red. The lis 170 money'. The "Please do not trouble yourse/f in Gowernment ptie through a bill last the least on my account," broke in session, but failed (to aelfe-Parlia- the Count gayly. "As for abandoning ,menti to Yotetthe money. Thee, are nous forty, thousand aPPlicationsf my car, such a stupitb notion would never enter ray mind. No, no! 1 and if these were granitled an' =- wait for Smith, but you may rely Penditure of four hundefed thous - accomplished the manoeuver with w butron until Parliament meets land .1.5ittyIt :gat he do on ray appearance in Bristol before apollodlitagLeWtebtirde big you have finished dinner."' Though it was no simple matter tO to !make a governor-igeneres wak- back and -turn the Mercury in that rant toscover such an expenditure rough and narrow road, Medenheen • Therefore, !Merle can be no. ;Matti-, skill that the Frenchman appreciate • , votes the Swaney. If the ve(terarsa to the full, For the first time he noted cre se latthe ' s preehann ea el t el t the g ites mind the' number when the tall -Tamp re- vealed may it. an inn Ina te d ti I 7 ' ' t any gran at all. "X L, 4000," he commented to Ithro tor's shattered fortunes. self. "I 'must inquire who the owned "My dearest Cynthia" she cried eV , is. Dever or Smith will know evhere , If Cynthia had heard; and hearing understood, it is possible that,a great ;many remarkable ! incidents then in embryo would have passed into the. mists of what might have been. For Instance, she would not have. deigned_ to notice Count Edouard ,Marigny'd further existence. The next time she met him be- would fill a place in the landscape comparable to that Occu- pied by a -migratory beetle. But her heart' was leaping for joy, and hee cry of thankfulness quiteedrowne'd herears the Frenchman's furious' Path. • Mrs. Dever, having had time to 'gather' her wits, made a gallant' at tenipt, to retieve her fellow-conspira- DON'T NEGLECT • YOTJR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece •rx of rnachinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep perfect With proper care a Waltham Wath will keep perfect rime tor a lifetime. It will pay yea well to let us clean your watch every Se or e8 months. W. R. Counter • Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. fusively, "dq say you are not hurtl" to apply for the infonnatton. And I ' "Not a bit," Wase the cheerful a111 must also ascertain that fellow's his- is caused, fromfithe bleed" 'being sever. "It is not I, but the car, that ; tory. Confound him, and my luck; thickened with uric acid poisons Is out of commission. Didn't you see- tool If the Dever woman has any, eirculating in the bead. Anti Uric tne do the Salome act when you were sense she will keep Cynthia well out' curo all forms of kidney thrown )on the screen?" ' of his way until the other chauffeur trouble. They are so good and so "Ah! sure HoVey guarantees them. aot wonder—this fearful road—" •the car is broken doevn. I dcl arrives." "The road seems to have strayed was thinking the same thing a,t the V Marton on every box. I As it happened, the "Dever woman"' Ms sun you get Anti:011'Se Pills. D. same moment but, being nervous, out of Colorado, but that isn't the trouble. . We are short of petrolo, dared not attempt - to utter her Please' give some to Monsieur Marig. thoughts while the car was creeping' RY, Fitzroy, The 'we can Merry to cautiously over the ruts and stones.. Bristol and the COURt must pick ul) At last, when the highroad was I his chauffeur on the way." reached, the pace quickened, marl EILADACHE Text of -the Lesson, Mark iv, 2642; Matt. xiii, 33 -:-Memory Verses, 26-28, Golden Trott, Matt, vi, ,10—Commen- tary Prepared by Rev. D, M. Stearns.. The portion selected from Mark for today's lesson gives us two Parables, one of which, the mustard seed, is the third in the regular order in Matt. xill, while the gradual growth the seed is recorded by Mark only. The verse from Matthew concerning the leaven is the fourth in the, series, according to • Matthew, 'and:text week's lesson on the wheat and tares is the second. We will be better able to summarize these first four or five perables after° next week, Concerning them it is seld, "All these things spire Jesus unto the mul- titude in parables, and without e par- able spake He not unto them," thus fulfilling Pa lxxviii, 2, 3. He spakee the word unto thenas they were able to bear it, and when they were alone He expounded all things to Ilia ciples (Matt sill, 84, 85; !dirk iv; as, $4). His repeatedly saying, "If any - man have ears to hearlet hint hear" (verses 9 and 20), or In the Revelation epistles, "Ile list bath an ear let him bear what tlae stult galth unto the churches," reminds us that meek are dal of bearing and =ken LW long for 'Snob an anointed ear as Samuel Shear Impudence Without more ado, she seated her- the regetined the faculty of speech. 1 -- • self by Mrs. Devar's side, and Mang-, • "We have had a quite eventful day," solicitude, turning to the distrait girl ' (Brantford Eepositheil • ay realized that he had been robbed she said with an air of motherly, ! . her side. "I am sure you areSome of the tonsere ative organs of a golden opportunity. No per - '0, are II' g el' Mention to the past recond) i rubbing it into Mr. Rowell for suasion would bring, Cynthia, back in" by to the Du Vallon thee evening; it tired. What between an extra amount of sightseeing and poor Count el go Libeled party in this prov- would need the" exercise of all his Edotrard's unfortunate mistake, we thee' IR have been in the Cal' rcearly tweivei Litberal leade can affoxid to !treat It at any ti temperance matters. The subtle tact to induce her to re-enter nse in the near future. He strove to appear at his ease, hours." _ , all such crttietsms with contempt, even essayed a few words.' of con- i , I How did PitzroY discover that eve' it was the Liberal par(tw. 'which Placed. on (ttlie statute books the gratulation on the happy 'chance that had _taken the wrong road?" asked: Crooks Act, which paved the way brought the Mercusw to their reliee, Cynthia, rousing herself from a Per" f or (11. reduction of the, number lot 11 - but the imperious young lady cut ' plexed reverie. ' •quer licensee from over 6000 to less short his limping phrases. 1 'Well, he drove ;very fast frein than 3000, evhich placed (the local 011, don't let us waste these pre - Cheddar, much too fast, to my dilute' option leeeislation upon the statute " cious minutes," she protested. "It Mg, though the risk has been more books and which is responsible for 1 is much more of this wretebed course, It is always easy to be 181541a section of temperance which. has yet than justified by circumstances. Of oven' linaWertant advance in the diet- efter the event. At any rate, there' been, reside. Pon the Conserivatime will be quite dark soon, and if there , LraMeke—den1;a)iii broke Meat that. Mrs.; no sign of your car when we. party, to take, to iteelf anycredit Devar's change of f ront had caused 1 being ; reached the top of the hill, weeme___ , toe ewe wiping out ef licenses which . i we discussed matters, and decided to has (taken place under 'Meg ,optiofte him some grim amueement, lest the, Siscovery of Siarigny's ertifice roused. is sheeie impudence. his wrath again. It wee high time, I „explore tbe byroad." that Cynthia mimed be enlightened, "Did you remain long in Ottedclar? had, to whosin Ake Lord.coUld4rbisper things and give him mange's for otlW ers also. The edmOultIoner, "Take heed what ye hear," and "Take' heed how ye bear".(verse 24; Luke vld. 18), were never more needed than.now, for raise teachers rinft teaching abound every- where.- Our lesson titre, he *oath of the Kingdom,"- la very misleading, , no doubt unintentionally,- but bad all the same. It arises 12a- m the idea held by so many that the kingdore began when the Spirit came. In a epeeist way and for A special purpose. at Pente- cost and has been growing ever since, whereas the truth Is that the kingdom then at hand did not come and has not yet come, and when it does nine It Will not be gradual, but by a great catastrophe, a -judgment. an overthrow of all enemies, according to Isa. 1, 4; x111, 9-11; xxxiv, 1, 2; law!, 15, 16; Rev. xlx, 19, 20; mg, 1-3. What then is the grolith now going on, as set forth In these parables and elsewhere? We tnust remember in connection with all these kingdom parables His saying when they asked Elm about the first one; 'rUnto you It is kiven to know the mystery of the kingdom of God" (verse 11). The kingdom Is not growing, but the mystery more fully, described in Eph. ill tend elsewhere is growing, The church, which is Ells body, the elect from all nations who are to share the .KIngdona with Llim, groweth unto an hol' temple in the Lord (ELM. ii, 19-22); The seed of the erst parable, the evord of God, being faltbfully sown, quietly works according to this first parable of today's lesson, the blade, the ear, the full corn in the ear, until the harvest, which, we shall see in next. lesson, is tbe end of the age. The wind blowetb where it listeth, and thou canst not tell whence, it cometh or whither it goeth, is a truth on the same line. The growth of the naustard seed into a great tree, sheltering the birds' ot the air be Ite branches or under its ehadow, sets forth anotber phase of present things. That an herb shout& . become a great tree is something out of .the regular course of things, and these birds in the branches cause us to remember that in the parable of the sower the birds or fowls represented the devil (verses 4, 15). If In a dis- course the speaker uses a figure and 'explains 111, then a little later Uses the same figure, his former explanation stands. The so called church has grown to be a vast something very different from what the Lord intended It to be, and if in the first twerve disciples there was one of whom our Lord said, "One 'oe you is a devil" (John, VI, 70), we can- not' doubt but theft ba, the great com- paty of those who today are called Christians there may be many who for some reason other than the right one have taken refuge In the church. . As to the woman taking three meas- ures of meal and leavening it till the whole was leavened, is it not very clear that the woman, the church, is doing that very thing, wedeln ,our day as never before?' From the passover story of )Ox. xie, where they were to search for and put away all leaven, there is- no place in the Bible where leaven means Anything good. It ie al- ways something corrupting, and Israel was forbidden to offer it with their sacrifice (Lev. Li, 11; ye 17). le Lev. xxitE,15-18, where the bhurch is .typi- fled hy the drst fruits, leaven was commanded because of the evil that the Spirit foresaw would- be in those first fruits, but It was Met by the sacri- fice of the next verse, In Amos iv, 5, they were told that ' offering with leaven was just like them and their sinful ways. 'When Serail baked cakes quickly for laer visitors she took three. measures of meal, but we are sure that she had no time to use leaven (Gen. xvill, 6). .0er '1.0.0 .taught the dis- ciples to beware of the leaven, or false teaching of Pharisees and Saddunes (Matt. wvi, 6, 12), and the Spirit by ' the said,eaeLnetd uer ell: de Po ftli-selneeearitYwaint,dh truth (1 Con v, 8). This age of the mystery of the kingdom, the calling qutof the church while the kingdett; postponed, is Marvelously let forth in theft parables by Him who kneur all. ' Remedies are Needed Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines would not *Reg be needed. But since our systems have be- come weakened,impaired and broken down through indiscretions which leave gone on from the early ages, through countless generations, remedies are needed to aid Nature in correeting our iehetited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden biledical Discov- ery, a glyceno compound, extnicted from native medic- . • i'nal roots --sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. Frier Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestine! Derangements, the "Discovery" is a time -proven and most efficient remedy., The ffenulne has on its outside wrapper the Sig,nature -\ 1 - AWN k• - Piano urchmers shodd nol remain iMf asleep .1)) /he laci &DOHERTY heist value • on cord partly at least, as. to the true nature U Fitzroy htt up the pace, why were of the ',accident" that had befalleni ! roll so far benindr .. ' DE her; disappearance. . , some postcards. And that reminds "The road to Bristol lies behind! me--Fitizroy sent a most impertinent you, Miss Vanrenen," he said. ; me,ssage by one of the servants--" "One of the roadie" cried the ' "Imuertinentl" Frenchman. . 1 "My dear, there is no other word "No, the only road," persisted', tor it—something about going off Medenham. "We return to -it Some, without me if I did not stait instantly. two miles in the rear. Had you folS Bill, there! We must not renew oer towed your presenrepath much far- Bournemouth argument." , ther you could not possibly Its.ve I "And he caesecl a servant in the reachee Bristol temigb.t." I hotel to speak to you in that man - "But there is a village quite near:. My ehaufteur has gone there for; ' • "Yes—the very girl who waited on petrol. Someone would Mime 'told Us las at tea—a pert creature,svho seem - et our mistake." . ; ed to find the task congerilale' "There is no petrol to be bought at I. Mrs. Dever was building, better! than Blagdon, which is a mere hamlet on'. else knew. Cynthia. laugbecl, though the downs. .Arnyhovr, here are two pot with the whole-souled merriment g.alions--ample for your needs—but that yeas music ha Medenham's eara. lE your man ia walking th Blagdon 1 "She has ben properly punished; 1 you Will be compelled W wait tin he' forget to dp her" she explained. returnee Monsieur Marignjed 1 "Count Edouard would see to Though lYtedenham did not endeavor, That -we', , to check the contemptucus note that 1 ''He didn't. I noticed what he paid Prent into his voice, he certainly ought ,—out of sheer curiosity. Perhaps I hot to have uttered those, two con,: ought to send her something." 014ding words. Had he -ransacked his' 1' "my cleat Cynthia!" - gmple voeribularY of the leren1 , But clear Cynthia was rnaltiag be- anuage 'he could actively haye hi lieve to be quite amused by a notion upon awth.,,,;„ set of sruabies offerii:4 that had just suggested itself. She - , t 'Wilt; Vibe evident that his a.courate) touched Medenbam's shoulder. ' tlmilar Meiculties to - the .foreignetel leaned 'forward in the Winless and nronunciartion startled the eccorapli-i 1 , "Do you bappen to know the name ees. Each arrived at the same con: of the waitress:who brought you some hlusion, though by different channels', toeaf usat.gCalsveedbdaerr?'n' anything, and 3, hate this man was no naere clmaffeur. and the tact rendered Ms marked hostility to omit these small items, If I had all the more significant. ! 1 her imam I eyelid eorward a postal ',INevetithelesse, for the moment, orden from. Bristol." -,- , Of his earlier statements M Cynthia, I ' her' he had already eolved the riddle ; "I waited a few minutes to address One ef the Best Equipped Piano Factories in Canpda W. Doherty Oiano" and Organ Co, Liniited Factories and Head Office CLINTON, ONT. Weatemn Branch, " "111.91r2159mmillii"...4"16 ' ;Zplittpued pest week alum, ems,eoteme tes, uneasiness.; by 1 i "There be no need, Miss Vanrenen," a 'display. of good humar we hoped to teed Medenham. "I handed her—well, aloes ever the palpable, absurditY of 'Sufficient, to clear all claims." ..1 teem to -have eteetelee tem twee .„ The temptation to explain that he , had never seen the girl leefore that nen very . badly, he OK • day Was ,StrOng, bute waived it, and "Please don't be too hard en me. I hall Make the aMends when / eee contented himself with saying:, you in Bristol- Au ' .nevoir, 'chores "I—er--csua't exactly any—Inroe of "You Md. But dames! Tell them to keep me some bablt, I ineagin . A bite et this and'a taate of that, all day dulls ihe appetite and weakens the sig,estion. , Restore your stomach to healthy vigor by taking a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet altereach meal—and cut mit the 'piecing". Na-l)ru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets are the beat friends for sufferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. 50o. a Box at your Druggist's. Made by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 149 • You caret afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-aka- heti° medicine OP KNOWN cosurosrnorc, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver ant bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. Gable 6i_ TelegraP cow alongside his barn about six Kingston, July 15,—While milking va 'i Lightning Kills Farmer. smereession, home 11410 aecreere beatification. As canonization is sure to follow, Canada will soon harie her first saint in the person of Saint Maw o e1 cmk Sat urd ay evening, Wlli ng, am garet of Canada. • McKerrna, farmer, 63 years of age, was instantly killed during a thun- derstorm. A lightning bolt struck the horn aed knocked the side of it, and also dam& McKenna and his two,ehildren., The father was instant- ly killed, but the boy and girl recov- ered. The boy managed to crawl to - the heesse and notified those at home of the terrible accident. Two cows nearby were also killed by the bolt. • Fault Destroyed -Airship. - Atlantic City, N.J.., July 15.—The explosion of the gas envelope, of Mel- vin Vaniatan's airship here on Jtily 2, which caused the death of its crew of five nem, was due, not to the action of the stie's rays, as at first supposed, but to a fault in construction which. allowed the expanding gas to exhan.et dieectly over the exhaust of the pro- peller' engines, thus igniting it. Thie is the donelusion reached by Charles Hillman, an expert who has jest con- cluded an investigation of the disas- Thugs Assault Girl. Hamilton, July O.—The police see. ' -looking for a gang of eight ruffians who waylaid Albert Hannah and es girl friend named Sarah Hollins, Go the mountain Friday night, and crim- inally assaulted the girl. The .pair- were- held up at the point of a ree volver. Three men held the man and one after another assaulted the giele who is in a serious condition. . - More Good Pews From West. Calgary, Alta., July 15.—B. Cutts, fanner, near Aldersyde, Alberta, has oats already forty-two inches tall well headed out. Reports from all points' vialetoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta stem erops a7 exceptionally well advanced. 'Ali provincial depart - Meets of agriculture have issued re- ports indicating the crop as a record - breaker. Former Hamiltonian Dead. Aloosejew, Bests, July 15.—Mrs.ello- setta Rogers, formerly of Hamilton, was drowned when a boat capsized on the river Friday night. C. D. Walker, her companion, was saved. * ' CANADIAN NEWS. ' • • 0, • e Prospectors returning from Eord Liard, at the head of Liard River, in Ontario, report to the Ottawa Geologi- cal Survey that they found gold there, • Toronto headed all Canada with its building permits foe the fiisi, five menthe of the uresent year, with a to- tal or $0,002,505 and a three per cent increase over last year's figure. flour mills in Western and Northern 'WINNIPEG 06.--41=b+- Ontario is being promoted. 280 HARqRAVE STREET, , Col. Roosevelt Busy. ' Oyster Bay, N.Y.. July 15.—Col. Roosevelt said Saturday that he 'would be unable to attend the organi- zation of the new National Progressive party in the State of Michigan ` under the Oaks at Jackson" an July 20. He had been invited to "sound the key- note" of the Progressiva campaign at the birth of the new party in Michi- gan. "I am very hard at work," said the colonel, "with the preparation of a long statement of my OWLI views on the big questions which are to come up before the National Progressive Convention. I want to have this com- Pleted before tho convention meets. I do not think that I Shall be able to get away from here next week. I am very sorry as I Particularly would like to attend the tneeting at Seckson, Mich." Suffered With Nerve Trouble FOR TWO YEARS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO SLE' Mr. Chas. W. Wood-, 34 Torrance Saw Montreal, Que., writes:—"For two yeatz I had suffered with nerve trouble, and* was impossible for me to sleep. It rEdi not matter what time I went to bed, in the morning I was even worse than night bare. I consulted a doctor, mid he gave me a tonic to take a half ham before going to bed. It was all right far a time, but the old, trouble returned 'with greater- forme than before. One of e boys who'works with me, gave me heli a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I took them, and I got sack satisfaction that I got another box, azicit before I finished it I could enjoy sleep from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m., and now feel good." ' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills aze 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes ror $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt al Iptiocroentboy. Ont. T. Milburn Co., Limited, - Smash on the G,T.H. ntreal July 15.—The Gras& Trunk Railway officials here announw ed yesterday morning that the Toron- to train to Montreal Ftiday night cols lided with a freight at Newtonville„ Ont William Burgess of Hamilton - Ont, fireman on the. paesenger Wee-. motive, was slightly injured and wee= taken to Cobottrg Hospital. Eight freight, cars were derailed. The Week was cleared after several hours' work and traffic's resumed. St. Margaret of Canada. Montreal, July 15.—The Roman Catholics of Canada rejoice to -clay in the news lrom Rome indicating that a new saint will soon be added to the calendar and .that the faithful will soon be able to invoke the name, of St. Marget of -Canada. On' the 7th 'of December, 1878, a deceee of the sacred congregation ef rites, declared venerable Margaret Bourgeoys, foundress of the congrega- tion of Notre 1)ame, who died here in Montreal on the 12tli of January, 1700, aged SO years, now after approving of the rniTacies Wrought about by her .Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The, great Ilterine Tonic,' and .0* -- tele, pete , entreat •bilenth1y dildepaellid4°. 1;543°Eildwl- 611thiteamdegrO" etes 4 n of, strength—No. 1, ; .NO. 10,degroca Stronger/12; N0,131 for special cases, 56 per box, Bold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on rocei t of price. effi2,214211101111CCIJOROOTG.011T.etforterl:irlo214, , Fsee pamphl . • 1....""mm......*••••••=mrm*.••••••.........* _eeetteeeselilino NA RU " CO Extract ol Wlld Sirawberry Compound - is safe, reliable, and most effective in all cases of Diarrhoea,CholeraInfarituin, Surnmer Complaint, and Cholera Morbus, In 250. and 5oc. bottles, at your Druggist's. NATIONAL OW AND CHEMICAL CC Or CANADA, LIMITED. 211 Imannamworomarravamagowaamarcwounoraonowaremennvioncoulawormar " glig73882 , t•I'cift- 1014,...AVIO•$'":1';'!"1 -.PM" f ,!) ." ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHESl PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of all those , afflicted with sayeelead or ski. Dizefthe to I our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed . cure for these complaints. There is no ex- - cuse for any personhaving a disflgared face I from eruptions and. blotches: No matter , , whether hereditary oracquireci,• our specific remedies and .treatment neutralize all poi- , S011g in the blood ana expelthem from the : systeni. Our vast experience in the Meat- , mem of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases ,euables 'es to perfebt a cure without experamenting. We de blISIllegg 011 the plan—pay Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you. have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of charge and let us prove to you how•quickly Our remedies will remove all evidences of disease; , Under the influence of the New Method Treatment She skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the Victim realties a new life has opened up to 111111 - — 'YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Inmates of Men THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question Liat for Home Treatment DRS. KENNEDY&KENNEDY- Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. • Ali letters from Canada must be addressed N 13T1 C E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to 'see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we gee and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Cartadian business only. Address all letters as follows: •.KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. ssi .111.0