The Clinton New Era, 1912-07-18, Page 5at sta.'s'. a ..".',FF.',.".7?•,'Mtri?•,.., • ' . . „ '!L77 ' •-• •' There has been a lot of care and time. expende in seleCting this RING stock of our, rQuite, good deal of monek, tgo,, for we- wanted, --above Oil things,- at. CalanOnte, as Wg possibly get it:, , We. have,. some particu:: lar1}7 handsome nton„ none stnictions tar Al t i f Se,h' d ea:AP at_ra_tx_. fe forgentlemen. S.merth4ji ror$2.001 anallintiletlillttpriee go "Ilwayt"m# over a tit IIIINDREine DOLLARS aa. aentented • Thetnwe be „some cute--litfle Maga for the: yodnger folk fen $1,00 end thereabouts. reit *ill be ,perfectly Safe if yen depend upon MIS StnrC,. for yinar, Ring Needs ` N 1[1.1.111t zawEitn and OPTICIAN •THE ItAILL TROPHY: July 17---Ctaincars lat Seaforth, Jule- 31-Godorinit at Clinten. Only lime reaching, all Summer Resorts En Highiarnds nf 'Ontario, isseitading MUSKOKA LAKES, OF BAYS, ALGONQITIN PARK, INIAGANETAWAN RIVER, WRENCH RIVER, (113111AGAMI, ICAWARTHA LAKES. Rein Simmer Service now in tele iteet to all the above Resorts. Write for full particulars aid il- luntrated folders, to any !Grand Meisel Agent. , nomesechers' Excursion Jnly8 md.23 August' 6 tend 30 September 3 and 17 -- „,„ tea Via Sarni al :or aChinago. Wannipog and return $34.00. Eimannon and return, $42.00. alienate good for 60 days. NO CHANGE OF CARS. Special train will leave Toronto "10.20 atm. on abovel dates, via Chi - nano and St. Paul caarYing through Teaches and Pullman Tourist Sleep hag Cars. • 'c Grand Tritisk Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest , matte between WinalitegeSaskatIon- -EdinOnton Wow Feet Express, service be- twW een innipegt and Regina. Sitiooth readbed, .electrie lighted sleeping ,cars, superb 'dining :car seandee. Leave: Winnipeg t 6.00 p.m. Amine Regina 7.00 a.m. Arrive Saskatoon, 8.30 a.m. Arrive Edmonton, 9.00 pen. For Intl particulars and tickete calI on in write - „a atnEll'a RAN'SFORD & SON, Agents A. O. PATTISON. depot agent .A.E. Duff, district passenger agent 'Engem ntattnne 'Toronto-, ,CLINTON COAL • YARDS Yards Opposite G. Tat. Station Dorothy Heath, for the past week. _tt elineleelententeetente ran' ".• 'nett ; - ." e• at"'„, " • t iraninek Mrs. Allan, Sr., bad 'ter ankle !ladle sprained recently. Out is able to be around again, - Master Harry and Deno:0'13mi, of Clinton. arenpending a few weeks, at W, Shepheads. •• Don't forget the Lawn Social to be- held her on July 25th. Everybody come and have a good abate; ,e • • . e •--.11anWni.'6jteeney i4ed...ciatigfifei4: en flohnestallevisited theft : daughter, Mrs, D; Tudonone,day.laets'weektl • Miss Melts teeth., ef ,Stinan, Danotat is itipendinintit fewdane-the gtieet'79i thee, ' Oahe F?dillaWitn. Atinantoeinetnn "otherfriend nMies4Allie It/clieWatspa,-20,fratialliala, js visiting her sister Mtii. 'w. Ated",s.-.9400klas,itiKuitoioas,b4knet ' lot to Mrs. JohnBeltten.,..Wennaler.t ,ateind shelgeteaptigneriaMelsa efAngint. 3 • DUnganiii1411a , Presentatiens,-Refore-leaving -lawn pereille for .1)ungaution Mrs,, (Revd t_J.-Ei Hunter was preirented, by the Ladies'Aict of Shiloh erithat 'beautiful •g•old, brooch, set with aniethyate and pearls. It was antorapanied by an • appreciative address. The following evening the W. M, 8., of the Circuit , made a gift of an- oak sectional boole ease to Mrs. Hunter. The address said a number of very nomplimentery things concerning the work _of Rev. and Mrs. Hunter, who renlied.fn fitt- ingterma ' a • t • ' I . • ' 04 • T • • Rengallatn` ' t Miss Lottie Grassick is veiy ill; bun, it hones -of recovery are eatnetaine,att et Mris. PdcLeodaef Dettridt, is tht, guest of her brother, Rnalenthrona ' "e° „ Airedj: Stewart,- Of Odeted, nt. the' attest of Mrs. Harry Arinold. "" a Mrs. George Walker, ottGuelpia' and1tL her five cnildren are petits of her :9 mother, nire. Sraallacembe; and tathea: relatives, • ' : al Mrs. Madden, of near" Torontrin- the guest of her son, Percy -Menden, a° of the Molsons Bank staff.- „t The local colleen istprepanitig, tat": :,„n put five carloads of crushed stone on "at our businese street. They' atenalgo experimenting with oil, nestreet sprinkler. en, I • . The cenncil will • place. a• laign , it whietle on the powerheuse boiler or fire alarm purposes. "Scareely any rain fell here - this week, and many. of. our -farmers' are getting very anxious as crops are Buf- f. i • email da,..c tieehelds-andettes e paretic:ins were -being made to close up NUllen onemf the cherideliers smitlenin , fell. The iron frame, struck one •o the Young . gentlemen DR the head. He was more stunnea. than hurt how ever and is now able to be ' about. wiTilhvereRaect, Minn satt,evAennas,reowf sailoinThoseuane• day next, ,while our Rev. Mr. Inellettt-- lane will peea,ah.in Seaforth. ' • The Rey,: Rend Dean-, Hodgins, of neefottin has:thong tha inettatennamer vi141 7117; Int' • a d.l; te'4 e • olnen i as' reii"e7tilmMe for et vacation. a • , Harry,,Felconerhes %returned on a enidssurrarnernieit. ' , iniseRubseWoodehawarrined' home roth nollegen ; /is A larent,terageiryiee nelheld en I thenewn of Mewl :Fa Heath) dal the terrace. dalargetithoW'inditiedted tu hthene epteiroehadisoamreeMtoishseiosneere,"!Medref.ollr :eab leeld'a ettlfettl- diet :the aneattle- jpillainseilast ayear. n. s 0'-i ,, 1 -7• k- , , t ic ,1 ..-..,- Prices, \-- 4 For the ': balance ' Of . July' ' W : will 'off' e.:ispe.:ia'.1. iriciti'oe' '- Special ,'.- '.,. .roen.ts to clear our ren-inarits ancliineSAlii,t are. partly sold out., ,;.:r.freliit*tyl..,;,..:16,1..i.,:pkit,t,ii4,,,,,::: oht464::e: ilawbrittitoY:::WWtht ' ; , sister of the. kre , - was gfrtlan a*:-Ptertila "hse4fe,4cgcees4.)aielfiLdi * ' itt-43,ilaideri haat; fethavith' lily 'of the 1 ilfs°36er.b Igt'e 64;4 ucineluitsent, oq eeki•' a ey. and white roees. rain wore the 1,e0Orgee gift, rt. peri ;neeklece,, and also an old heielooin a king of anbies set in pearls the •property of ner great, gneat grendraother. ; They wet:gain. attended. _Miter Adelaine, Nairn sang • "Because" and Megars. Stewart Jack., nen and Stone, cif: 'NOW troth,gang a' delete :Tbe ybung_emiple steed sbefore '6, nank-offerns.and datetientTne house ,decoilations were Menses tindthe :celea effect of ma:inn-Wes Oink 4ml:whiten Jlire britiansnotherlwoilea handset*: gown- af spay rink ethe, wedding ;gifie were, bean tillitritaroua :'andtaitairannt, nafter:thatacetemeinynathe nntiniter ' 'ant ticlayanotaila istseentnotieft-ditanat ;i Mr.. read Idreitalting left' Ors'afte.thettli: arntat , .rettia g,Oderipli•‘ tota-aVeYltaall; Saakti- teitheiletheyevill „ rennin. ha thesfuntie a ;Catteists.fions'allintonwere,'Airgat Wm, , lecksona,Mrs. Those Jackson,. SteWart Jackson , and his (elands; Mr, Stone, of New York and nfayot and Mrs: 'Gibb. Inge. Guests were also Minn* from Stratford, fled City,. Iowa, Sealloth and Goderich. .• . • ,, -- '1094,r • The Litman/ ofanir.- and' kits. 'John Joynt, Ross stet, Lucian -dm, was the scene of a very pretty daisy wed- ding when theitedaughtea Ida Ful. ford, was united in ,roarriege with Mt. Walborn& Molnenti, of 'Fullerton, Dale eon of 'Mien anatit Mrs. McLeod, Ferest, Orin" Theinowle was prettily decorated with marguerites and ferns and Mee Sellery, of London, played the wedding march. -The' bald% Who was given away by her fathnie wine a gown of duchess satin trimmed with pearl' ornaments; the tulle veil waa arranged with orange -blortecang o form a Juliet cap ,• and she carried shoWer bouquet -of bridal- roses and ily of tne vallen. Hen only orna- ment was a pearl ounbeirst. ,the gift the groom. Tins seater .of, the Miss Margaret Letitia; 'acted s bridesmaidewhile Miss Grath Mc. ood, sister of the groom, was maid f hen*. - They weep gowned 'alike n pink Mentalane - and carried bog' uete of'sweet pees tied with. stream:, re of cream satin ribbon. The:best an was Mr. Gordon O'Brien, of Tcn onto. Rey... Gebrge. McKinley eonn tutted Jim ceeemony, - assisted by ev..J. W. nillico of Glencoe, -Minn , robber in:laws of the -bridei During he signing of the register, Miss Edith reeman, of Lucknow, sang "Beloved. is Morn," After the' wedding 'luncheon, served on the lawn, Mr. and Mrs. McLeod left for their home 10 Fullerton, California, where the bride will be at home to her friends after Sepnember 1. er eg. Mr., John McIntyre is holidaying with Toronto relatives.. Local gensinia grower:, are complain- ing that the extreme wet weather of the springfollowed by the. present dry spell is causing many of the plants to wither away. Mayfield Mrs, hloorehouse is holidaying here. Dr. Axon and Mrs. Axon, of 0.in- ton, spent Monday in town. Mrs. Lowery and family, of Detroit, are Summering on The Terrace.' Messrs Garnet Atkinson and Broder McTaggart visited in Seaforth last Friday. Miss Grace (fluff and her brother, Mr. Newman Oluff, of Clinton, spent Sunday here. Miss Jean Maraggart entertained a number of her friends at a card party Monday evening, Mr. Clarence Paieley, of Clinton, is the guest of Inn 0. O'Neil, of mirister Grove. Mr. Ross drove 'a ;umber If young men from the village to Seaforth on the glorious twelfth. Mi98 Amy HOWSOD; Me. Mills and Miss Dorothy Mill., of Clinton, spent a day here last week. Mises Dell and Hazel O'Neil, and Messrs. James Inarie and Gordon Tay- lor were in town last Thursday. Abs. Glass and Mrs, 51cMillan motored to London last Thursday. Mr. Glass returned with them to Bay - f Mr. Robinson, of Westniinister, Vancouver, and a student of McGill University, Montreal is the guest of Mrs. Jewett. Mrs. Ina and family, of noronto, ac-' companied by Mrs. Jones .and Miss Jones, have taken cottage No. 4, in Jowett's Grove. Air's. Tolmie and dauglaters,of Wind- sor are in their summer cottage on "The Terrace". Rev, Mr. Tolmie is expected next week. Ma Reg. Hodgins, who has been camping here with his family, left on Thursday for Stratford. From there he will go to Detroit. • Mr. Newman, of Detroit, arrived in Bayfield last Friday. Miss Marie Newman has been the guest of Miss Ml tip& 01 Coal on hand— Chestnut Solt Coal Stole° Blacksmith Furnace " Coke • Kennel Coal and Wood Tiite-2i, 3 and 4 -inch size— The Tile is of the very best • quality. Bnek to Order. Rev. D, K, Grant and children from Clinton spent last Friday itt Bayfield. Mrs, Grant,who has been visiting Mrs. W, T. 0 Neil retuined home with them, Messrs. Harold Heath and Earl O'Neil were in Clinton last Saterday. Mr. McKenzie who has been vniting Mrs. Heath *nye into town with ,them, and took the foo' -twenty train tor London. The boys returned to camp the same night bringing with them Miss Hazel O'Neil. Mr. -Stewart Jackson, of Clinton, ac- companied by his friend, Mr. Stone and Misses Jean Chiciley and Evelyn Greig spent lint Thursday in Bayfield. In the evening ata small dance in the pavilion which they attended, the young gentlemen kindly entertained II FORBES tlitoen•st.rowd with a manner of .selee. An unfortunate accident occurred est Saturday night at the pavilion. Phone 51.. eneetamenameansee anan- GOO M St OD" and so is every chair we show. You select one and bave wife select other. It will be a "boss up'which is best. You can't go a/ MISS on • s ANY KIND OF A tinalAIR ,in our stock. They're all good Just so with entire stock we e--;11°7.it8tTt in town, a a s v;y 'hose who know - buy furniture at our place. Atkinson & Dunford IJNPERTAKING &ND FERNITIIRE hippett • Married In Dakota. -The following which we take from es recent issue of the Drayton Elcho,• North Dakota, will be of interest to a good many of our readere. De. MacKay is a for- mer Kippen boy. Dr, McKey and his bride were visiting friends in Kippen and Tuckersrnith a week ago and it is needless to say they received a warm and cordial welcome wherever they went. The Echo says : A very, pretty June wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Patter- son, of Bowesmont, when teeir only daughter, Jeannette, became the bride of Dr. J. F. McKay, the - well known Physician of Bowesmont. Rev. Peter Erickson officiated and the ring 'ere mony was used. Miss Poole of For. esb River presided at the organ aud the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Lohengrin'a wedding march. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, , wore a bee*. dant gown of embroidered 4 oile over messaline and carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the val- ley. The maid of honor was Miss Mar- ion McKenzie, of Forman, North Da- kota, a cousin of the bride. She wore agown of white net over silk end can ned pink carnations. The bridegroom was attended by his cousin, Mr. Creme ble, of Cavalier. A short informal re- ception followed the ceremony, after which a deliginful luncheon was sea ved in cafiteria style. The bride and groom left from St. Themes for a two weeks' trip to the, former home of the bridegroom near London,On t. The wedding gifts were numerous and cost- ly, including meny beautiful pieces of cut glass, silverware and linen. Both the bride and groom are well known in this community and they left on their wechlrng trip with the hest wishes of their friends for a long and happy journey through life. Leeburn -Miss Winnie Shaw, of Toronto, ar- rived in our burg Saturday evening to spend two weeks holidays at the home of her parents. • Miss Alberta Horton, of Goderich, is spending a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs. Iva Horton. Miss Jessie Linklater arrived home from the West on Friday evening. Her many friends are glad to see her back again, The W. F. in. S. will hold their regu- lar monthly meetieg at the home of Air. la Lawson on Wednesday after- noon, Prayer meeting Will be held on Thuredity evening. Brucelield Judging by the number of people passing through our village on the 12th, Seaforth must have been pretty welt crowded. Jas. McQueen and wife have re- turnen frorna trip to British Colum- bia and the North West They think that good old Ontario is still good euough for them although much pleased with all the places they visited - Alt's. Harry: Little has returned from visiting in Toronto. Mrs, Arthur kitchen has renamed to her home in G,oderich. • He honie in Regina was injured by the cyclone. She had it rented. A lawn tennis club has been started in our village. . Miss Nellie Breadfoon of Tototto, is spending her vecation at the home of her brothers Messrs William and. Alex. Broadfoob, • , The friends of John Murdock and bride met at their home on iviondaY night and presented Mrs. Murdock with a handsome cut glass water pit - ohm' and goblets. William McQueen will preach in 13rantferd next Sabbath, Goderia Townehin Lang -Sturdy- A pretty wedding too place at the home of Mr. Geo. 0. Sturdy, Concession 1„ ef this town- ship, on Wednesday at high noon when his daughterneligs Linda Sturdy, became the bride-ut Mr, Thomas Lang grandson of Thos. Jackson, Jr., of Clinton The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Dr, Medd, of Gonerich, in n the presence of many invited guests, 1°°64/11°T1a. the weclaang. march, being played by '• laneit-: John Pairelerrice 'has purchased a fine driver from albeit Trewin last week.' s • Miss Alice McQuarrie, df Warwick, is spending a,few weeks with her sister Mrs, Britton, of Constance. Mcflool, of Torontonaspenta- ing a months vacation under the par- ental roof.' • ' • , Mrs. :Wm. Tamblyn- and Masten Roberta of Toronto, are spending a • few weekeevith Mren-John Tamblyn and also -relatives in Winghain. 'EerlDexter, of lityth, spent Sunday with his cousin, Win: Trewin. Miss Mary Cartiight is spending a week with her cousin Miss Rae•And- rews of Auburn,' • alt!. and- Mrs.. Willis Mountain spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr& Henry Adams. " LOndegboro Robert Haggitt, of Pidgeon, elichi- fan arrived here with his family in is auto to visit his father and sister, Mrs. James Woodman, Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon accompanied by her SOD Arthur has gone on a trip to Manitcba. Arthur will likely.go on to Edmonton and also Vancouver. John Hutton shipped a car otwheet this week and got a car of Manitoba flour shorts and wheat foe feed. E. Watson. of Blyth, and al. Arm- strong, of Hulletheach shipped a num- ber of hogs from hate on Wednesday. Mrs. Uoombs had hen daughters from London for a Vint over. Sunday. Miss Walker, of London. was the guest of Mrs, W. T. Brunsdon over uHy, n ad a Tn. g is Mutest done here and the crop Is very fair but not heavy. On Monday we had the first rain of any use fer eiX weeks and we are in need of more yet. Miss Alice Bell is visiting in Ottawa. Rev. J. H. Osterhout will preach the second of a series of sermons on the Lord's praymain the Methodist church next Sunday morning, Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, was here on Monday night in consultation with Dr. Allison on the case of Geo. Lyon, Rev. and Mrs. Osterhout are spend- ing a couple of days this week at the Summeri School n St. Thomas, Mrs, Taylor who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Lasham for a few weeks has returned to her home in Ottawa. Miss Minnie Lyon is the representa- tive of the League here at the Sum- mer school at St. Thomas this week. Miss Geraldine Chaptnar,of London, is visiting el the Methodist Parsonage. Stanley Mrs. Metcalfe and her' daughter Mary, of London. and Mrs. Wools, of Lucknow, were visiting Mrs, Charlotte Johnson, their sister at the home of Mr Thomas Campbell, last weeg. Miss Julia McDonald, of 'fucker. smith, was visiting her sister. Mrs. John McCowan, Sin last week. She was accompanied by Wen -Peter Day - mond. Mr. Malcolm McEwen and wife were last week visiting friends and relatives in Kent County. . Miss Lille McCowan and Miss Clara McGregor spent the 12th with friends in Myth. • Dr. John Roche, of Detroit, called on several old friends on the line last week He wag toarnerly a resident of lot 19 on the Second. • , Summerhill The neustees have lengaged Miets Lovell of Wroxeter to take ichangle af Sumlmerhill school at a salaryna $550. As Miss Lovell ',comes highly aneommended, the board eant con- gaatulatingf theniselVes o nemining so efficient a teach*. ,• MSS Geos•gina, Murray of London is visiting her cniater, nat'sn- T. J. Lindsay, also Mester Will Murnny of London is \netting nts auntallnrsi Lindsay of Stuntnerhill. N++14*******4+144++24 + Personal Noies 44- * ÷ set if those having relatives or friends 4'1. 4, visiting in town • or going 'away * it'gtitidrniolOrtiinTefetelStrehArVkhlivA6. :1444444+444.444,140144411 Miss Jessie Cadson, of Buffalo, is via - i nee her aunts in town, Mrs A Watt and the Misses 'Thompson Mrs Harry Bartlift and ehildren are visiting Brussels relations this week. Harry , Twitchell and • Frank Mc- Caughey are holidaying in .Kincardine Mrs WR repenter visited London this week • • Mr Sid Jackson, of Lethbridge, is visiting with his parents in; town Miss Willman, of Oshawa, is the guest of Mise Erma An drewe. Mr Alderson, of Winghann was a ealler in town last Fridey. nir Wooten. of Stretford. vis- ited Mr. Greene on Tuesday, baster Alartgareb Nichol, o6. town, • spent the 121h at, her home in Blyth. Misa Ecnua Menaugneet of town, went to Goderich, Tuesday, where she will speed her vacation with her sister Mrs Reynolds Then, Mason, spent the week end in Toronto Alas llf. A, Sipes his left for her honte in Plattsville Mrs, Penlham, who Inn been visit- atch Fa ' -era°nee • tie la a' „ , rt libtisletrepi repatr a • pa. 'eTen.ninga aan. sten atan,:itankrettic; -'atteetnya net, °nate, dtt.tya '4edalialrait tioat -and regulatianitTFR, ER. ,, Athing, niore men' at et slat a satinysfactory: worMan the Moran , ' t' ' an:a, .tte • en, '• jefeWorela and opiininn Issuer oillarriage Licenses jug her 'brother. Mt:en ,Aeariii', i113ok. returned to Toronto on anturdaya Mr. and Alt's. Flarolri :Raynor' re- turned on Tuesday after As:pledge* -trip of seyeral weeks. ripehntis the:Ord Land. at " Aree. John Ransford watrin Tothina lest week. Mrs. A. T, Cooper has gone teaaChe. cardine for a visit. •• The Misses Walkinshaw, with' ;then' guests Miss Edna Aitken of Beetnn and Miss Blanche Bennett of Wing, - ham are spending a week at Enfield. Mr:John Craig was in Detroit this week. , • Miss Nell Miff went to Detroit -on Tuesday. • Miss Sarah Ann Agnewvaaiwisitinn in London • MIAS Minnie Coopet was in Torontn last week. . Mies Jessie Doddn isteisiting.friende in Seaforth. . ' • Mr. Will Pinmsteel , returnedfrom the West. ' • H. Holden arrived taarnallfeetittY from the West. • MISS Emma, Southcombe is yisiting, friends in St, Marys. • Miss Edith Jennison' has returned home frorn London. ' Miss Cowan is enjoying a few weeks holidays in Detroit Mrs. M. Watt and Miss .Bessie are visiting in Londesboro, Mr, Melville Torrance, rent -peel on Saturday from Muskoka. Miss Eva Stinson of Beyffelcl, is the guest a Miss Stella Co -pp. ; Dr. and Mrs. Rogers of Brticefield were in town on Saturday. Me. Hartley Watts speet a few days at his home in town recently. Mr. D. S. Cluff is in Winnipeg at- tending the Winnipeg Fair. Miss Marian Gunn, is at Oliphant, the guest of Miss Madge Yates. Miss A. McCorvie, ent ertained a few girl friends on Friday tvenieg last. Postmaster Scott asenjoying a well earned vacation these, days. dies Mollie mut and eliss Clete Ford leave this week for Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Penman motorted to London, Tuesday, for a short \neat. Miss Gladys Manning mid her twin sisters are visiting Miss Jennie Taylor. Messrs. Stewart Jackson end Vic- tor Stone were in Seatfornh 'fIntese day: Airs Harold Johnston rine little daughter of Toronto, are guests in town. Mrs. Forbes and Miss Jennie, visited Stratford friends, Thursday and Fii- diy last. Mr. la, Klipperd and Mikis G. Laidlaw of Detroit visited Mrs. A McRae over Sunday. Mr. 11, W. Browne of the Clinton Knitting Co, was in Toronto over the week end Mrs: Lou, Doherty and children cf Goderich visited last week Men W. G. Smith. Mrs, G. M. Yates and daugbters, are camping at Oliphant, nine miles nerth of Wiarton, Mr, Geo, D. Chidley, arrived home On Monday, from a two months visit to the West. Miss L Gibbings of Toronto is expected home on Saturday, for a few weeks vacation. - Mr. .1, W. Treleaven who has been in London for the past week, spent Sunday in town, Misses Mary and Maggie Miller of Staida are visiting their uncle Mr. James Mabapy. Misses Maine, Eva, and Mollie Chuff entertained a few friends on Thurs day evening lase Mrs. Mahaffy, Mrs. Chidley ;and Mies S. MaIt'afly niaatoil Mrs, SharP Stanley, Tuesday. - Miss Janet Goveulock of Seaforth, visited this week at the home of her uncle Mr. F. la Hall. Ales, Geo. McRae of Detroit, has been the guest of Mrs, S. P. kennel for the past ,week, , Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duitfond and Clete spent a couple of days an Brussele thes week. Mr. and Ales; R. a. Dunlop, visited the Male of Mrs, W. Aattenbury Brucefield on Sunday. Miss Georgia Murray teacher in Lon- don, is the •guest of her slater Mrs, Thos, Lindsey I3ase Line, ' Alt'aVill Fortester of Mitchell, spent the week end at the home of his Ince ther Air, D, A. Forrester. Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Oonstatitiue of Zurich spent the week end here, and lent for Toroeto on Tuesday, Mies Katie Stoat itrepencling o feW days the guest 013 I116105 Marion Corners, Goderach, this week. Miss Enitif Ports of Cleaeland, Ohio, •arrived on Saturday eyening and is the guest of Mrs, W. B. Whitley. Mr, Grant Beaton is spending a atn. , „. e 4 sPoEfeb4: rie-;:14,s„:,s1f0;„ 0., 0,- Szgt, louses ad WhiteWgard:""-;^0•4 • 'ot`OtiS es, Slippers ,arld Ttf.0,4PS`.:60.A s a.ve some"sizeS'iold'ii54:01vvA :" A r''' ,JeLOTJILNC t‘ • Its, Odd Pants. apd;ydd:yesp ay you to seekiat,wei41,e,,t9iOffer. lothink4Onde to measure-:-'-ilest gitisficcOnnt;aven tee] rm SIVIPILL PROFITS MORE iltISINtSS •••••.• • • ,•ts',.-r•:' week at Grand, Bend: He intends leaving for the, West mat Tuesday. The . niany frientin enf , Mrs. R. Fitzsimons will be planed to see her out again after a vein • severe Minns. Mr: Stewart. Paisley': returned to town on Saturdayteftet ,a, visit with his -sisters in Tecumseh :nand Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston and family of Dungannon are visiting Clinton friends and relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Agnew of Detroit have been visiting the formers smtitretheetr, Mrs, Agnew Rattenbury Mrs. 0. McKinnon and little daugh- ter of Kincardine, are vieitors at the home of Mrs. J. Johnston, before mon. ing to St. Marys. Mrs. H.13. Combe entertaina few friends lTuesday afternoon in honor of her neice Stdiss Dixie alma- ders of Minnouri, Mr. George Chesney, Seaforth who was in town Thursday combined busi- ness with pleasure and bought a car- load of cattle from Mr. John Middle- ton. 'Mr. and Mrs. 3. Wr realm and Mia4 Agnes peened through Clinton Wednesday oa their waY no Kincar- dine wherd they will visit for anser weeks M. R. Jennison leaves on Tuesday on an intended trip out West. She will visit one of her daughters at Brandon and a son and daughter at Swift Current. Alt'. T. W. Hawkins, who recently bought the business of Mr T. D. John- son. arrived in town on Mr, and itS SOCHI as he secures a suitable house will more his family here. He has rented the house recently occupied by Alt'. Gus, Oollyer. Miss Elizaneth Chidley accompanied by Miss Jean Chiciley aod,Miss Evelyn Greig left on Monday morning "for Toronto. They will be joined by Miss Agnes Chidley and on Tuesday will leave for (nevelt/nide Muskokat Where they expect to remain a, month, Lastt week Mr. 'J. 3. Avery, of Bran,don, 'Mrs. N. 11. Kelly, of Pitt- sburg, Mrs. Bakikley and two daughters, of Brus,sels, spent it few hours in Clinton coming by auto. They visited friends and relatives Seaforth, iClanton, KinearaMle• Bernie and Teeswater, ••••••••••••0•••••00 • • • WITH Tan CHURCEEF.S. • • • ••••••••••••••••6•1110 WESLEY CHURCH Rev, Mr. Ford went to nonbatel to *tend the Inaiseritin,g of the Gene eeal Confnerence Special Conernit- tee, Frolm( there life will 'go on to Peterbero and Nonwood, spending next Sunday with his bronher, Dee Ford, of Nonevontle Inn J. A'. Ir- wintakes the .evening gervice. ' At .the League trarietiogi •ortMcm, clay evening, Mr. R. G. Strutheaneof Galt, and Totro.nto University m'an nelinered an address on ininsion work in China, and also of ,the good.' woe kbeing done at the Northfield:le Conventions. Mrs. Mins delighted those present with a polo. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. preach, niorning 4 T1,1 riP111 . Clatig bleeding ne 111 earl Inablin asorehlip art -11. a:M. AifittP, 7 p. Sundae- School ,end Binge Ole3n:B.30. The annual Sunday, School eiicnic at Banfield bealield be Thurse clay of neat week: antj .st wILLis CHURCEL A very. interesting "and inatinne- tive servsce lens h.eld in WWI Church on Sunday morning, - the Sabbath School having merged/ with the moesing servion. fort the summer months. it its honed a. parent. will 'their ,chadinka negulaily to the sennice, an:din:this 'way enable the Itench(eire and offia cent to enjoyn well-earned holiday Mrs. Mills gang very sweetly:' on GSureniclonyinmithoerninevget7Iss :Hattie theie annual nienient Jewett'e Grove, Bayfield, 'teed:aye Ther 'Sabbath -Seat- atisi are holding% e Canadian National Exhibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperial Year a, . ----- Imperial Cadet Review Cadets from tin the Overseas Dominions Exhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards From Buckingham Palace Paintings of the Year front Europe Paintings by best Canadian and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi , , Basses 0' Th' Barn Band , Britain's Best Brass Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions , Arnerica'sGreatest Lie Stock Show Canada's Biggest Dog Shown, America's Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Fireworks • , Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus ' Four Stages 'and Arena an going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports' Ten Band Concerts Daily , Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks -60 Numbers Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9 The pastor, Rev. %S. J. Allin, - TORONTO estern Fair September 6th io 14th, 1912 London's Great Exhibition Liberal Prizes 1 • Instructive Exhib'ts Speed Events each day New Art Building Filled •with IVIagnificent Paintings' ATTRAOrioNs Programme Twane Daily. ' Live Stock Parade Daily, • BBSSES Tv, BARN BAND e 66 Cheltenham, England. One of .tlie. greatest Brass Bandin the -World and sev erel, ethers AERIAL ACTS, COMEDY ACTS, TRATHBOLINE and AeR011A,TIC ACTS, SEARERT'S EQUESTRIENNE ACT, and Others. The illidway better than ever. , FireavorkS Cadre. evening Single Fare Rates .6-87er- all railroads From _Kingston. to Detroit - special EnciirSiOn Days Sept. 10 th 12th, 13th, • Prize Lists and al1 information from W. J. Reid, President Pi. M. Hunt, Secretary