HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-18, Page 2Farm to Rent
Being fat 53 and 54, Con. Bayfield,
known las the Wigginton farm,
Within two' miles of Clinton. There
is a goorl brick house, bank barn,
driving house andf ether outlauild-
bags. Good orchard and small fruit
farm. All in good atatel ef cultiva-
tion. Por further particulasie rap.
Mas. Wigginton.
Queen Street
. •
arena as painless ae poseible.
For Sale
jiehin, surgeon. Eta
' siteeial attention giVen to diees.ees of:tne
Eye, Ear. Throat, and liose,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable 1
TWO doors wee' of the Cis natal
ne !, .luiL.se
. GlliN,Na.u.rd,T11:0..
Dr .11, C. Sandler.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight calla at residence, Rattanbtert Gt.
or at hospital
eronehenr, ete,, °Mee and sea:swami on 505
Wilbur; St., comae W. Farrar'. residence.
. DE/. F. R. AXON ,
' mousy
W Crown and Brldire Work a Specially.'
- Graduate of.-C.C.D.S.,, Chicago. and
gtaggeld on'llleadava, Way lot to Deoembe
DR. H., FOIN:I.Elt,
• Offices over 014EIL'a store.
Specie' sire taken to make dental tease
An eight rimmed 'frame houSee
in good condirtioen, with ,stone cel-
lar town. water. Hai half acrd of
land with young plume -orchard.
Occupied by Rev. Mr. WS/lie. Pots -
'session (given by Oetober 1st
Price $900, Applen
NOV Era.
House for Sale or Rent.
- •
A 7 -roomed frame house on
Huron Street,. opposite Commer-
cial Hotel, for pale or 'Lo • rent.
House is being putin good order.
Waterworks in connection. Apply
Rattenbury Street
• Farm For Sate.
Let 40, 7th Conees,sion, Goderich
To-wash:Pr consisting of 80 acres,
all ,seeried down lescept 25 acres. 2
/mess Orchard. Frame b.ouse 20 x 30
with out buildings. Barn 30 x
with stabling under. First class
well. Farm Ise miles from Clinton
and 4 from Bayffeld.
A ppl e on Premises or address
George Burnett,
• Mitten P.O.
Two Rouses to Let "
'1'he zuniersigned has two houses to
let, apply to:,
Jacob Taylor
Field Stone Wanted.
Field Stone suitable for road
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton. Price .83.50 per cord 01 13, -
Chairman of Street Committee
Live stock and general Auction*.
Wain .tora 'Idea a epeotalth Ordete of at
Now Eno oillee, canton, prtniltnY attended
to. germasreasonable. Farmene sate not.
G. D. MeTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
MeTaggart 13ros,
& General Banking Business(
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on •
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town prin.
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos, E. Hays, SeosTreas., Seafoola
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John
Watt, Hariock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seaford'. 0, Evans, Beecke
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. B n•
newels, Brodhagen, M. McEwats
Each Director is inspector of losses to
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchles
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmonds
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrish' Clothing Co., Clintom, or
R.H. Cu tt, Goderich.
Logs Dailted eLINTor4
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
price paid;
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co.
Pasture Laud
Same first class paeture land to be"
sold in lets Lo suit purchasere, At
tractive prices. Apply to
John Rensford, 0 T. R. City Agelat
Fire, Life and Accident
. I risurance
Real estate bougbt and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand Trunklitailway Systen1
Fano tor Sale. Rail way Time Table
The executor of the Southeombe
Estatel offers for sale 50 acres' —
Bast half of lot 28. eon. 6, Hullett.
A. first-class f arm, web watered
and improved, and •with good
buildings, Also the eziederreigned.
Were for sale, lot 29,1 COG. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May be
bought together or separately.
. Clinton.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Sta.ncleed.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, And Red Clover.
We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid 1 or Hay
and ail Grains.
Ford & McLeod
''"'"'f'k"' •
"Page 2 -
There are no dead
flies lying about when,.
• are used as directed. All Drug-
gi.sts,GI-ocet-s and General Dealers
sell them.
Sackatchewatt is Swept
By the Liberal Party
)1r. 0.'Holley, of Weiton, has been A 'favorite hoe belonging to
appo,inted os agent 'Wingharn, Ilfchard Proetorn'i of 13elgrave, for
and is now on duty, which he had refused $250, 'broke
Alberti Ndwtoin, a highly esti.-
The 'Voters' List for the Towrl of
Wingham lite' 'been issued and wiaS
first,/ 'posted in the elerltils Offieei on
ISIoncleY 'last. There is a total- of
017 voters orithe List, divided las,
fottio,walf—Par.y 1, 512; Part '11, 312;
Part 11193; ;There are 412 persons
oualified to serye as jurors.. The
Dumben a voters on last ygae
Haultain Overwhelmingly Defeated by 'Premier Scott-
" Even the Hopes of Libarals Were Exceeded.
•lervative Seats Turned Over—klose Callior
Opposition Leader.
Western Canada Wants Larger
Markets and no Interference by
Hon. “:Bb" Rogers
Regina, Sask., July Id.,—Late Te-
ton*, 'from outlying eonatituences
toidayeshow an fnereased Majority
for the Scott Government. 'At
noon thee returns show; Liberals 35,
Conserv.atives 10, doubtful 7, post-
poned 2.
Thendoubtfur constituencies are
Kindersley,' Sloose jaw nounty,
• 'Moese, Pipestone, Pinto Creek
Quill Plains, .Shellbrook, These
May not be heard from in full for
several days, on account of tthe
stormaninterfeeng with the tele -1
Phone service, but little interest
attaches' to these doubtful results
as overwhelming, has been Scott's
victowy. Prese, comment of the
two PartY.PaPers of WinniPeg sties
opera result that 'ay.
Spealdng of the' result, Dr M.
Sim -peony President of the 'Winni-
peg'. (Conservative Association, said
/Ulla morning that such atsweep is
not good for .the Governanent ad-
raitting the same rule applies
wherever that% re . ino Opposition,
such a state of affains tending ,to
make:the Ministers 'autocratic.
• In fthe last House the. Scott 'Gov-
ernment held 27 seats to Use Op-
• Position's 14, the ratio being two
• to one. In the next House, accord-
ing( toeetarne so fa alreceived, the
Scott Government will hold about
• 46 seats, to the Opposition's 8, the
• ratimbeing nearly six to one. Forty
seats Vire sure for the Government,
four seata are sania fee the TConJ
aervatiVes. There the two deferr-
ed el ec tioes which Neill, 'clioulitless
• go to: the Government, and there
are ;eight seats from which racket-
cally no returns have yet been Ae-
ceiveal, If the Liberal candidates
!win only' half of these, which is ex-
, 'meted, the standing will be 46 to 8.
- Liberals Elected.
Arni (River—Geortge A. Seott, Lib-
eral; brother of Premier Scott, de-
feated IF. C. Whitlock,. Conserva-
tive. •
Pleasant Hills—A.B. A. Cunning,
Liberal, telected, over 11.H. Willway,
Conservative, by 155 majoritY, Lib-
eral gain. Former, ,Conservative
majority 600.
Regine Bole, Liberal,
Majority 01 250 with three polle to
hear from, over J. F, Ernbui y, Con-
servative. Election concdded.
Saltcoats—Hons(J. .4. 'Calder; Lib-
eral, elected, by large malohlty over
&Nixon ConsertvatiVe.
Saskatoon leity—Hen. A, P. McNala
Liberal, elected over D. Rugh Mun-
roe, Conservative.
Moose Mountain—R. A, Magee,
Liberal, wins' seat over Di't W.81 -
Until' by majority; of 100 Liberal
Swift Currant—Hon: Waiter + Scott
Liberal, 117 over Rev. R. Foster,
Mei:eel-lain—A. S. Smith, Liberal,
re-ON:Acted by 140 majority o'er, H.
nhvo)od Conservative.
• Batt] eior d—S. Sr Simpsonelected,
by? majority -of 120 over Dr Oven s,
Biggar--Majori Ins. of C, W. Caw-
throp, Liberal, over L. McDonald,
Conservative, Is over 100, This is a
new constituency.
Canning ton ---J. D. 18 tewar t, Liber-
al, leading by X00 over 'C. E. Wood,
• Co-nservative
Hanley—Dr. J. W, MacNeill, 'Lib,
cleated by 197 over John Ham -
Mont Conservative.
Hamboldt—Ron.l.A..T'urgeoro Lib-
eral/ Atterfney-Genenall elected by
317 over A.D. McIntosh, lConserva-
. •
Kindersley—Hon..W. N. Mother-
well, Liberal', leading by 2thover J.
M. Tolombs, 1Conservatave.
• Last IVIonntain—Coneolete eeturns
show election! (of S. J. Latta, Liber-
al, ',over T. A. Anderson,Consenva-
tive, by 119. This is a Liberal gain.
Former Conserivative Majority was
300/ • .
'Melfort—G.B. Johnson, Liberal
leading rivet! DI. T. Spence, Ctein-I
servativa by 20, and likely elected.
Conservatives Eleeterd.
Ceeek.—D..JI Wylie, ^ Cons
servative; eledtd over N.L. Rob-
son, Liberal. Unchanged.
lbloosenlanc,City—W.S. WS:lough-
by4Conseryativei elected by major -
,'ty, of 153, with dome( ipolle to hear
from,(oVer E. G. Matthews, Lill:Ts:al.
'Prince' Albert City -1. E. !Bethel-
- she:NY) Conservative, defeats .70r,
Robertson', ' Liberal, by 150 najoe-•
• 1. '
,In Doubt.
South 'Qu'APpelle—Latest returns
servative leader elected 'by, imia-
/thole Pori, V. W. G. Haultain, Con-
eenty overt David Railton, Indepene
dent( 'Reciprocity Liberal. Libel
headquarters at Regina' reifueed 'Ito
concede Haultain's election alt Mid-
night and claimed' seat for Railtton
by 51 majority. llaultain's majority
at last election, in 1908, was 300:
• 31ilestones-Epth side§ Claim this
Revs Dr. Boyle, Proffeaseal of
History'. in Trinity University,, has
ius received word of his ,appoint-'
anent as vicar at Cobourg, succeed-
ing! Canon, iSriragge, who recently
resigned Rev. Dr: Boyle has hot
o of its ..fronit legs near, the knoe
and had to be killed. The hose
wars in the pasture field land how
the accident happened 210 onlq
knoWS, as the boriets were badly-
fraCtured and sio evidernace of a
bruise on the flesh or, di atlas/11)-i,
enc.°, of the „ e ausnal Was
a greatpet, had been in M. ptoe.'
tor'e poseessinn from a colt and
money. ((mulct not buy it.
J. F. Daly'''. of Seaforth, was ap-
pointed a Member of the, 'Hydne
Fleetriics "Orin/mission' to fill the
acency caused a few weeks sago by
.) D. MeCalluen; ireigning.
ere/mina sorrow and regret was
feic,.. at Leadbury onf rocetrvng
definitely decided to accept theap- , ord ofthe !death of Mrs. W.T,
pointment /as yet, and will iconaider -McDianalds, who lost her life in The
theMatter toe some day.s. evsll redone:which, etruele. Regina. Mrs,
be a deeided/ inere,are in .riaslany McDonaldi, • -Whoee„ Maiden name
ever his old jciosition, .aP 1Cobourg waq, nsesele rorneeery oflviee
is one of the best .eznidowed parrsh- -K,
p township,- , add a Melee of
es' In Ontario outsidenot ' •Toronto.
Messes. Tames. and Samuel, Smith,
iBoyls4 is a forInaele popular eee-
• tonnel St. Paul's Church, 'Wine -aim.
edspioneer of, Hotvick to wnahip,
died -at his hokne near" NeWbridge,
six 'thilee weat of Palmerston at the
age} of eixtyefour. • •. •
Mr. Lawrence! 1VIcEwete of Turlit
laery was' mended in Guelph on
Jxine -the ninetepehth to Miss Aud
sey, 331eck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gadd°. Black alt Guelph; •• ' ,
Miss jennfe 'Hardy d.aughter of Mre
and Mrs. Hardy, of Exeter, Who re-
cently, Sett foes Regina, had anat.-
'row escape bathe reefer/A" cyclone
which ;struck- thelreity. 'Miss Hardy
•Was"ertaYing in'thet building of the
N'Y'omen'al^ Christian) Association
which 'Wee badly damaged.
Prior' to -his departure efor his
home in Exeterl A. G. Heywood who
.has been junior Pastor in the Meth-
odist Church at Shedder)was the
guest, of 'the 'Young Men's 'Bible
class lit the ho'me of Mr. J.U. Main-
aed. During ^the evening Mr. Hey-
wood wa9 presented with ,a hand-
somel volume( of ;Roderick SiifeKav
-and an address expressing general
regret nt hie departure was read by
Leonard Mceere: • •
Two(Exeter Old 13os were ele-
rently married in London. M. Ed-
win Evens' son of Mr. and Mre. John
Even was; married to Miss -Meda
Gould. Dr., Samuel Thomas was
married to Miss Alice Calcott.
The W. F. M. S. of KnoX Church,
Belgrave, pe elaralled tho. 25th unni-
Saskatchewan; Election.- Returns:,
Insthe 'revised returfts for the
Saskatchewan election. Rev. M .L
Latch (Libera)l. is given as elebterl
for Morsel by a anajorety of 64. The
parson was pitted against a very
wealtthst ,German lumber merchant
who owned three automobiles and
kept the ni busy during the elett-
ilou. •
J. D. Stewart is re-elected for
Cannington by a majority of over,
3110. '
Hon, J. A. Calder is repeif.ecl as
eleFted fon Saltcoats by a laree Ma-
- It is noted, that the Majoritieeof
the Liberal candidates are latter
ranging from; 100 to 400, which is ria -
Markable in View of the sParsely
settled' eountry. The few -Ganser-
'eative ;candidates elected got in by
t art majorities.
Canadian Markernara Performs a
Notable Feat.
Corp!. G. Mortimer Ties With an Irish
Sharpshooter With 73 Out of 75 In
King's Norton Match — Mortimer
• Has Taken Four Firsts and One
Second l'hus Far In the Con-
tests—Other Canadian Scores
of AteKillols, •• After moven to
ginat'She. eves Married to Mae Mc-
' Drmald, 'whei - is a ,half brother of
• Premier 'Walter Scott, . 'Mr. Mc-
Donald 'was' Idaughters who are
now deprived of a mother's' llove
,encl (care. , •
-The voters' Bat for the tovenehip
retephent tbrl the year 1912 „has
been issued and was first posted in
'the „clerks) offiee July eth.
If any' --Reteon desires to. aPPealith
have pante put,, on or struck off
said appeilefieuet 'be lediged with
the clenKthattY days from theitlette
of first •posting. There •one nine
• sub-Idivielena in this town-
shiep. There are the' name's of 1,284
voters an the list. Of these 986 pre
entitled: to Vote ;It PatliamenkarY
electonts land 4,135 at the Municipal
elections. There are 9277 entitled
to vote/ at both parliamentlary and
municipal ;elections only, and 59 alt
ParliamenearY 'elections only. Theis*
are 68 female votees and 536 renal-,
Med, to serve as jurolds.
Miss Beatrasq Cur's* has been
gaged as teacher Of iSarkeees ,school
an Grey. township, • at a salary of
$500. issJennie Rands takes the
Principalship in Gori e at $ 650.
%Masers, has snore god sehool
teachers. in the! 'field than any
other town 'oats size inCangdze
Rev, Colin Fletcher of the Thames
,Road had a narrow escape et Re-
gina, during the nyclone. He,had
Everybody, now wIndts
Eam.Bult liest for these.
Let. it, give YOU ease
and comfort, """.""".
•nruansts and gores sorronherit
Lor Sale
f77'.7.11t 77'
LI-4:18th 1912. :
' W. DRYDOI§Jr. •
:" 01:atrial;
Mowing machine in Om od- work-
ieg order,; Massey-Hareis binder.,"
root -cutter ; and a (buggy, nearly
new s and cutter; apply tett,
' Ontario Street,
Farm,, For Sale
" A first 'class farm., oonsietang of
ID acres, 'op con, 12, part let 34, Hul-
ett towpship, 3 relies fvornisLondes-
bore, and .6 miles froan Blyth, 11-2
milessfrom School, A. bank barn 36
by 56, another barn 86X52, delve.
shed 24i40. A brick letause, plenty
of water, about en ("acre of
right after harVest. Apply to
;Myth, P.0.
..., view itt toe taut teat arr. norcien
was to Make his first iiublie speech,
it was expected the Government would
mark the imp-irtance of the occasion
by sending at least one member of
the Imperial Cabinet, As it was, _pot
a single member took the trouble to
be present, and a splendid :opportun-
ity for a public welcoming' of the dis-
tinguished visitors ihtsSed.
"This is interpreted as a slight.
'What,' they ask, 'would`English peo-
ple say if Asquith and their alioister.
sal colleges wire to visit Ottawa ,
and were entertained to a 'great, public
dinner which was boycotted by the
'WhOle Domirrion COO net'."
versery of t eurernuch loved Poc- been at the home of Mr. Melville
iety, on the " 25th ult., about 1501a- Martini len" minutes before thief
dies, assembling. ' storm, and leaving walked through
Mr. J.Jerznyn, of illuevale had 1th./ district, ' entered the only
three !members of his family in latei- house in.the, area that avast malt
gina at the time or 'the disastrous storm swept a few moments after
eyclone. He felt relieved Say word ward 'Mr. Magien's house was, alqo
-from' them to the effect tha A thetr partially ;destroyed,
were 'all uninjured, and busy help-
ing fro rescue the dead and injured. ---
Belgrav School did well at the
Entrance. (II -Out cf pupils : who
wrote all passed '3 ,taking honpre.
'The ;names, are :—Iionors,
Wightmiturliella, Simpson arid Nor--
Wightrnan. Passed, Greta
Aonstrong. They wrote at Wing -
Mr. Edward: of Hay ToWn-
shirt had the misfortune, 1011 Tues-
day last, of having three ribs bnok-
en, ;while assisting at Mr. P. Lam -
on ter -barn, It appears that a Stich
oil timber accidentally fell and
and struck liefiller a severe blow in
t he side. It is.fortun ate that he en-.
pe'l ltS ho did, as the same blow
vis the head night easily; have 'rtes
suited: fatally.
OnS,Tuesdays June 24th Mr, My.
Sararas; of the Bauble Line, RV,
died, after a short illness he imv-
ing reached the age of 10 pears, 7
months, .and 3 days. The deceased
was one of the early settlers of this
township; having been a reliderst
for over 40 yeaes.
On ;Thursdasr. Jime 28W./ Beaver
of ithe 14'th Con., Hay MbwrishiP,
biought to &triers ,tirnoth y that
'measured 4 feet 0 inches ,and .or-
charti grass' measuring 5 feet 7 in-
ches ;in length.
A itimberman from London, Ont.,
. is buying timber in FordwIch localBisly, July 15.--(0.,A..P. Cable.)— ity'and shipping at to the narilldoiun-
Carpi Morter imer,' a Canadian marks. try. His gettingl some fine elm
man, Saturday scored a world's re- logs -off Mr, B. Gibsoiats fermi. Irfe
cord at the 1,200 yards range in the will bethere about/ six Months.
King's Norton match rifle shoot at At ITrinity !Church Fondwicin on
Bisley4 making 73 points out of a pos- Sunday tmornrng the Rector, the
sible .5 with his 15 ,shots.
F. W. Henry, Ulster, Ireland, tied
Mortimer's 'sensational score, but in
the shoot -off the Canadian beat the
Irish/Tian by 14 points to 7 with his
three shots. - "
Corpl. Mortimer has been doing
some phenomenal shooting during the
meeting, having -taken already four
first and one second prizes.
In The Daily Graphic eompetition
Oorpl. G. Mortimer and thirty others
are left to shoot off.
• Among the Canadians, Sergt.
Smith was 32nd, Capt, Schlater 33rd,
Corpl. Regan 401h, Lieut, Maggs, 58th,
Sergt.-Major MacDougall 60th, each
winning $40; Pte. Mitchell 75th, Capt.
Forster 111th, Sergt, Sampson 146th,
and Sere. Armstrong 155th, each win-
ning $2.0.
In the Wimbledon cup competition,
Sergt. Bayles was 16th, Sergt. Simp-
son 18th, Oorpl. Mortimer .19t1, each
winning $40.
Sergt. Armstrong and four others are
left in the shoot -off for The Daily
Telegraph cup. Color-Sergt. Stoddart
is 12th With 60, Coepl. Mortimer 49th
with 40, Capt. Forrest 68th with 34,
Sergt. Smith 124th, Sergt Richardson
141st, Sergt. Simpson 160th, Lieut.
Steele 151st, and Sergt. Andrews 155th,
each winning $20.
Will Hesitate.
Ottawa, Julys15.—The Saskatchewan
result will interfere with the pros-
pects of a number of M.P.'s from the
west who were expecting to resign and
take offices or appointments before
Parliament assembled.
rruchess Gees to Europe.
London, July 15.—In view of -the
serious illness through which the Du-
chess of Connaught 'has just passed,
it has been decided that she ,should
leave Canada to spend a few weeks at
a' German health resort.
Therefore, the dttchess' will shortly
take her departure and proceed either
to Marienbad or Wiesbaden. She will
be accompanied by 'Princess Patricia,
and later M the year, beth will come
toEllgiand and spend a month or two
at litagabot Park.
Bev/ B.A. Moder, read kettler
trona liqr..11. Aldi -(ad presenting a
very.. 'handsome desk bible and
prayer, .hook :Nis use in thc church,
The presentation was a(de by Mr.
and Mrs. Aldred to corornemoriate
the recent baptism of their infanfl
Premier Borden Receives Signal
Honor in England.
• -
The Little Dominion Will Contribute
a Ship Every Two Years—Imperial
Defence Conference Will Hold
Three Meetings This Week -s-•
Notables Present at Luncheon
London, July 15.—(C.A.P. (',eble.)—
The Imperial' defence oommittee will
meet three times this week --Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. Consider-
able speculations is rife as to the re-
sult, but the Canadian Associated
Press learns that the proceedings have
not yet passed the preliminary "Stage
in which. full information is being ten-
dered and drawn mat hy questioning
on the. part of Canadians, ror have
the deliberatione been confined to tho
naval question. Trade matters have
been dealt'with, Hon. George E. Fos-
ter making a forcible presentation at
Saturday'p conference, -which lasted
nearly two limas,.
At the close there followed a lunch-
eon in honor of Premier Borden by
the Ring and Queen at Buckingham
Palace Their Majesties received the
guests in the state rooms, Lewis Har-
court, Colonial , Secretary, presenting
the Canadians.
Among thride present were the Duke
and Duchess of Argyll, Earl and Coun-
tess of Minto, 'Lord Stratheona and
Mount Stephen, Premier and Mrs. As-
LITTLE BOI WAS ere, After the igneheen, Eon. T. 0,
quith, Lewis Harcourt and Mrs. Har-
court A. Balfeur, Winston Cluarch-
ill, lionar Law, and some thirty oth-
Hazen, Hon. Mr. Pelletier and ladies
stiDDENLy Tmi[m reatastcs.171,,,eLroo:edweRrecthas?shoildT't eirlean-
IRA Hou, bit, Borden and colleagues
will, to-morrov, be guests at a dinner
in the Reuse of Commons of the tin;
'pire Parliamentary Association, at
which Hon. Mr, Borden and Hon. Mr,
Foster will speak.
Handcar Passenger Killed.
Montreal July lb.—While' takrhg on
cars loaded withelainther at l3eauce-,
villa Friday the locomotive of a spe-
cial trate teem Montreal collided with
a handcar and -caused a grnesome 86-
• eident. On, this hancleat were 11. Tar -
diff, his- wife, and mother:en-law, and
a man whose name the authorities did
not secure. The handcar was crushed
tre bits and Mrs.., Piehet, Tardiff's
t}Y killed.
hneotrherbod-iny-labeiw,nawahs oriesribtanly umtilateda
All the others sustained serious in-
juries.Lorimer's Election Invalid.
Washington, july 15.—By a vote of •
86 to 28 the Senate yesterday unseated
Senator William Lorimer of Illinois,
and held his e -,:tion invalid,
If you are suddenly taken' with Diar-
rhcea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, or Pains
in. the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Sum-
nier Complaint, or any Looseness of the
Bowels, do not waste any time, but
immediately procure a 'bottle of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
it will cure you in rep time. Mrs. IL L.
Steadman, Pleasant River, H.S., writes:
"A year ago this fall, my little boy was
suddenly .taken ill with diarrhoea ' and
vomiting, and as our doctor is ten miles
distant, it seemed as' if I could not get
help soon enough, but on going to the
country store I purchased a bottle of
I)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
and after the first dose could notice an
improvement, and the next day the chikl
was better and regained health. Since
that time I always keep it on hand."
Insist on being given "Dr. Fowler's"
when yon ask for it. Price 35 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
A Biennial Contribution.
London, July 15.—(0,A.P., Cable.) --
Capt. Faber, M.P., who is shortly go.
ing to Canacla,• and who lunches with
Premier Borden on Friday, speaking
at Ringsciere, said , he believed it
would be found that the Canadian of-
fer was to find seven million dollars
',every other year for an ironclad and
,that New Zealand wood do the same.
The utterance has given rise to .a
good deal of comment, but it is not
believed that stiai a decision has been ,
The Mail, in a probably well-found-
ed editorial, says: "Britain must ask
Canada to ceuncils. Canada asks for
a sea council and there's a sea va-
The Telegraph says: "Canadian
Ministers don't show thS hopeless at-
titude of British politieiens in ap-
proaching the solution of the problem.
While they have pretensions •as re-
presentatives of the Dominion, they
are not greedy forpower but are
merely. desirous of some voice in the
Imperial policy in return for effective
aid in Imperial defence."
The Express says it understands
that Canadians in London are' Much
dissatisfied with' the treatment meted
Out to Dominion Ministers by the
British Government.
"When Mr. Borden," it continues,
"attended the R.0,1. banquet be was
ANOIPPallied by six of his colleaguee.
Conneyanoe, • Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc. ,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St., Clinton, ,
Notary PriblicrCoriveyancer,
- Financier and Real Estate,
INSU,RAJOE-AGENT--Ilepresentina 14 Fire In
surance Conapeniee..,
Division Court Office.
chaMd. Possession can be given
Any irregularity of the bowels is
always dangerous, and should be attended
to at once. If the bowels cease to work
properly, all the other organs become
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills work on the
bowels gently and naturally, and will
cure the worst cases of constipation,
Mrs. J. Hubbard, Port Colborne, Ont,
writes:,—"I have tried many remedies
for constipation and never found any-
thing so good as your"Milburn's Laxe-
Liver always keep a vial ihe
the house, for we would not he without
them. I always recommend them to
my friends," •
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
per vial, or 5 vials for 31.00, at all dealers,
or mailed direct on receipt of price by
The T. Millsena Co., Limited, Toronto,
See and here our finest F.
New Stylish designs of
4 Doherty Pianos and5.
Teacher Wanted `.
A preeessional second clasp
teacher . wanted far S. S. NO. 1,Stan-
ley. Duties. te ;comer/ea/co after
summer holidays. A. liberalesalary.
Apply ,stating experience to
-,seeretarY) •
' • -Clinton, P.O.
4 Special "values 111 Art
4 1'
' Cases
• Pianos and,organs rent
ed, choice new Edison s..•
.1 zphonographss, Music S5.
variety good.
• DP
4 •5.
• Music Emporium ,0;
4 C. Hoare
vY• vvvvvvvvvvyvyrIrviryvvvvvi
For Sale
Ten young Piga for sale. Are
ready to be taken away now Ap-
ply to
Boot Maker and Repairer
Opposite Postoffice.
Repairing done promptly.
Suit cases and Trunks re-
A trial will convince you of
the neatness and promptness
with which I execute my W01-15
Store open every evening
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of �,a, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's' Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
Rt Electric Light rice.
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8,80 a m 4.50 p
Oentralia 9,40 5.43
Exeter 953 5.54
Hensel' 10.08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 6.11
Brecetleld 10,30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.1S 652
Belgreve 11.40 ▪ 1.13
Wingham, arrive11,50 7.35
South Passenger
Wingham, depart0,43 am 3.33 p en
Belgrave , . ..... a54 8.44
Blyth 7,08 3.56
Londesboro 7.16- 4.04
Clinton 7.50 123
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippen . .. 8.23 4.47
Hensel!! 8.32 4,52
Exeter " '8.48 5.05
Centralia....9.00 5.15
London, -arrive 1000 6.10
Buffalo and Gode s.
Weer Passenger
..,. a na p pan p m
Stratford........10,00 12.20 5.25 10.20
Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.5 10.47
Seaforth... . . .. 10.45 1.10 6,18 11, &,
Clinton .. 1,25 0.40 11,28
Elohnes4le 11.16 1,33 6,46 11.38
Goderich —11.35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East l'essenger
am p na pm
Goderieb 7.10 2.404.60
Holmesville . ... . . 7,26 2.57 5.06
Clinton 7,35 307 5,15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitchell . . .... s8.16 348 5.55
8tratforn8.40 4.15 5.20'
Dr. de Yates; Female Plils•
A reliable Frani ventilator ;never falls. These,
Ville are eueadingij proweriul in regulating the.
• generatite portion of -the female system. Refits°,
all cheap fenitaticnie. Dr..de Was' are sold at
15 ti box, or three for 110. Flailed to any address.
11?! @allbelik#2,14 Vo, 061cpSerldes,