HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-07-18, Page 1Saelsetekzewalz Rcie Lrbez',al4palOe 3uran dounity' �yetYs pis e a. ieeta an,d ' 1Uux`es dtohnti ip3;1 Plions--page 4• StxndaY,tSchoolltaasan'pa e+t• Established 1865, Vol. 47, "No. 3 OLiNTC N, ONTARIO.. Local News Appears, on Every Page. o EW 'E. 1912,' se cal'fii stet %on iags 3, 4n 4 Huronates in Manitoba page ,tE atraeee report fo Co. Page" . editto-mial Commnenifs-Page . H. Kerr & Son,, Editors and Publishers, �•on't Miss Reading it Ever THE Dyai OF CANADA JX0011P311ATED 1x69. A BREAB•IDOWN Monday noon the bask wheel On the wagon of'T,•Be'et<hes,"blf Port'er's ldnll, came tale bathe from( street As the wagonwas loaded w.ttb tum w.ber:• it took Some worik to get wheel back back on'agam Capita/ $6,25o,000 Fall Deserve - $7,000,000:. The .Annual,Statenient, shows the fol - s,• lowing increases for 1911; • .1910 1911 "Deposits 872,079 667 $88,294.808 Loans & .Investments 55 .83,6"76" 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,M0,346 110,528,512. 207 BRANCHES' and Correspondents throughout the world, Interestallowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNING; Mgr; CLINTON BRANCHr MUM Porvaers Colgate.% E'elat Coigates ,'Violet Colgate 1/fonad Violet Ce1gatga Cashmere Bouquet Colgates Dactylia Williams) Kern Williams Violet Willianais Carnation Royal Rose Royal Vimolia .TRY COLGATES NEW PER- FUbtE-E'CLAT. We (think it one of the bast. 5..L'`.• 1-1C0VAUY Dispensing Chemist. TORONTO;•ONT. Stands' in a days, by ite�lf. foe' flee:a-class work.± Open all year. Write 'to -day for handsome, Cata• rogue, EARLY SING m- For; the semimer months July and , August we well close, tour Store evert". !even-, Ing at 6.30 exceptiitng Thera: day'. and SkaturdaSs and before holidays. , W. T. O'NEIL THE .HUB GROCER Phone 48 .....:......111000 ...n: _ Events:' .x. At♦,..•11,0.s ..11t♦:.....t♦.!♦.. MR. 'FRANK METCALF, of Blyth who has been appointed Govern - Ment Fruit Expert for the Canad- ian West. .4.4++++•••••••••••+•-••••••• • PERSONALS. 2 i • It is the desire of the : publishers that all should i • take an interest in this column of THE NEW.f 1 • ERA.' If yon have friend,. + • • visiting you, or are"tt'o•"` I ing away for a trip, leave • + word or send it on a post + • card. • ♦ • •++++++++++++.44•44+444++++ Miss Ruby Sui'tter i,svisiting with friends in Mitchell, Mrs. KiJlbride and het neice, Mise /V Irene Collins are visiting, in St. Ban The Molsons Thomas. Miss Lulu Mulholland, of Toronto, was calling on old friends in (tow Incorporated 1855 ° last week. Miss Mabel Twiechel!, of Strat- Record of Progress for Five Years 1906=1911 for d,�wa visiting friends iso (town 1900 airs. '�reatherwax, of ,Or;llia ,is , 33,000,000.00 $4 0 000.00 the guest of her parents, Rteevel and 3,000,000 00 4,600,000.00 Mrs. Cant elon. �1TS• •- •• 23,677,7730.00 .. 35,012,311.00 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. , 27,457,000.00 38,854,801.00 Mr. and Mrs, L. Su tter returned TOTAL ASSETS • . . 33,090,192.00 43,237,274.00 ta$CRlsncoe this :niorniing, We are sly' to see them ;go. , lgrs. John Ballant •ne'and Mrs. Brigham, of Blyth, spent Monday with '_hiss 1tIeI'arlane. Mr. and bars. Geoirge Pollard, of Brussel were vis.ikolrs:'with their daughter, Sirs, J'. 13. 'Wasma;r, last at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. week. Clinton , Master Arthur) Hessian bad the Clinton Branch. C E. DOWDING. Manager misfortune Itostep on apiece of glass last week tsindl r.eceivic�_1 a ' severe cut, Miss Nettie Brown 2eti 'ttecl, to her home after visiting with her sister, Mrs. J.Les.lie Kerr for told past two weeks, Mrs. B. C'. Holland and her $.:e,ter' Mi•s. T, 3, holland, Of Winnipeg, are t,eneWing gid' accinai�nlance s.in Goc1- ericl> this week, 3liss Laura Wilkin is spending O , part of her ve.e.at'.on 'with her•broth- • • -er, Mr.Kali 'Wilkin,at Aylmer,, and i also visiting at Simcoe. 4. 4 • + Special Prepara- • • OAPITAL RESERVE "'Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents. and Correspondents in all the Principal reties ill the World. A' GENERAL BANKIAt„ BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVI-NGS BANK DEPART M`ENT f•A••••••••••••••••••••••• •04•••0••••••••4••••4♦•000 ♦ NOildaQ Goods for IIIC B Y Z • s , We-v'e made • • + • • •. • • • rl Boys Cotton 'Sweaters ;• • in, all the popular combinations, .• Sizes 20 tO price 2 32,C5 • • tion ,lir the Boys tor the m7 y .C.� a s t.9 ral seseassesseassezeteress=46 !ma Suits :s Scout Suits , at Regulation ulation s't le $1,5o p er suit y Boys Cotton Knickers 25 cents, o cents and " cents iS 5 :'. Boys Balbriggan Underwear rt sleeves,special at 2 Shotc p 5 1 • Boys White Duck 'fiats To clear at 15 cents - Boys Flannel' Suits Skeleton line,'sizes 27 to 33 good value at; $3.00, to clear at 1.90 Scout Stockings _ Boys� In all sizes, special at 25 cents Miss 0. Cooper leaves next Steak for Ontario, Cal vii.eel) she will With an extended visit �� zth filen sister Mrs.. S. Aline tl ong. Mrs, R, J. Clull of Clinton i.s'a vis- itor with Rev. W. T. Cluffnand (Mrs. Cliff, St. Jaques Rectory, for i few days-Stoatfordt Beacon, • The wife of Hon, 'Walter. Scott, • the victorious Preraiea' of Saskat Mr. T a e h • c]iettran is a cousin` of 1 J ,s � , i • Pattenbury, the genial popular host e• of the Rattenbury ,House, a • • 4 - • e • • • • + • • 4 • • • i • • • • • i♦= YO J. D. Stewart,', the member plant for Cannington, is a so'niof J. D; Stewart, of Stratford, end a nephew of Alex, Stewart, of 'Brussels.. PTe expect to sc.e 'Mr. Stewart a member of the Cabinet atuo, cli"stvne1ay. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, teaeter and Mrs. ' W. A. Careen;, of Rlytb, Were in town aan'Tuesday. Mr. , R. Carter expects' to locate in the drug busi- nese out We,s:t atter hajiegspelnt a r,utnber of. years in the- alining country of New Ontario: The engagement is anatoulncied of Miss Jean Ohvia Ca'rmiehael, elde's't daughter of 'Mrs. D. J. Caaanichael;, Penetanguishene, 'to Rev. John McEwen, of. Fort 'William, and son' of Mr. -and Mrs. Malcolm McEwani Stanley, The enarri•age will: take place early an August . S,JJ ,Latta, who was elected _by 00• niajorittg in Last Mountain, in the Saskatchewan election last week, is and odd (Huron lloy, having been born. near Bills Gesell), allet'i taught school in that locality .for; years. Nis "Coo servattive, opponent hard 500 of la imeSority in (the( pre -1 violas election, A Pleasant renmion of auut her' of the relatives of M(al. and alive. • T. A. Greigi took place at their home here this week. The visitors. events • Mr. Jas. Brown, sal. of Kincardine, + 'tether', of Mrs. Griag, 141x, and ?Mrs. ' J,A. Brown, of Milwaultee,'W1s..Mr, • and,Mrs. B.E. Brown, of Edmonton, ♦ Arta., Mr. W S. Greig, Exeter and -• Mise Violet arid`111aster Boy Brown• •• of Toronto, 11 is twelve . Tears ♦ si-nce above have melt and,nleedliess' vas, m�e ti • to say a vett' enjoy;iUle ,tr , spent. • Mr. J.A. Brown is one of 1 Milwaukee's prosPeroue 'business man and.. is en ',route to New h'ar'e oil his annual buying! (trip ioritile; J A. Brown Co. Mr. IRE. Bmlowmgs, an Edmonton ton bx ober, also east cis) gentler' ,b we 't 0 mI ,=' The above w 11e si e s fi g bis rie, Dies) accompanied -by (their wives N' en axil F rCI1ts. 410:04r OrAPOS4 ase—Donabey to LiQveland'P1aluDeal. Fine Weather For the Glorious Twelfth THE CLINTON FIFE AND • DRUM daymenkesuccess, as /std a-s'tti eethey concerned,.if4 wh'h ws c f which e BAND CAPTURES`FiRST aschief 'bright sunshne to give the propea- brilliancy and sheen to the 'glttter- ng,regalia, and we 'believ'e more .Orangemen stepped off to the tune SEAFORTI1. ' at the "Pro'testant Boys" than aver before in this. town. Fully twelve The ,Orange demonstration of hundred loyal, ...followers 'of King the pretty neighbor town of Se,a- William SIT were to be found in 'the forth] on the Gloriosa Twelp]t was procession from AIM exhibition d iavored w,i;.hi ideal weather and ih: grounds to the grove at the south atlapdaac f was good, It ryas •a ca. 'the town. Crowds of people lin- ga ay or I e towns the.straoth ed the excecourse ptionally marsh and saw being alive with •color and throng an exeeptioally well ordered pall- ed' bythousanda of peolilk The ode, with flaunting standards andf t procession was formed in' the alter- martial airs, swept grandly along noon inVieltorie Pari:, and led• by the streets, •a veritable teeny. of t`ounty blaster Wm J Benny champions' foe the rights of Pnotee,- PRIZE AT SEAFORTH wended its way to a pretty 'grove (autism• r,,ni the northwestern edge bf the ' Queen street was gaily die.corated town. The Twenty -!.four lodges in with flags and .bunting', but ;the pro -cession were as follows; ; searsity of arche) cdi deeoraitons South Perth, 1 was much in evidence, and a great I disappointment to many who on No, 313 Downie -42 inline, former celebrations saw eve;:'green Na,7508trat.ford-00 marching. , arches and other decant -ions in a- No. 1320 Waterhnrg- 4'] true times. bundance. - No. 903 Logan -54 stalwarts, �.. 1 No. S84 Carling$orc1-811 there. i The various lodges congreg.ated No. 527 vlihbert-40 resent. l at the Agricultural astounds sheet- ; t after 2 p.m., and 'formed in tho'fol- 'fol- lowing procession, No. 2,169 Brodhagen 32 walking, NO 2S4 R'ennoeb- 42. No. lee Woodham -5t. No. 518 Sr. Marys -40. No. 707 Downie - 85, , E ist ,Middlesex, , No. 248 Thorodele-34. South Tinian. No 24 Bay Belt(- 48. No 733 H,,,isall-83. Carriages with speakers and oldest members of the .Order. Wieghanr Band and lodge Wellesley Lodge, Gibbins Lodge, Morris, 'Marshall Lucknow Band and Lodge Ripley Lodge Maple Grove Lodge No. 1.03a N. area- 4U. Bethel Lodge No: 928-Sonamei'hill 30. Bervie Lodge No. 71U-Olinton-00 including Band, Bhie� ale LodgeNo. 813 Winthrop- 45 Walton Lodge No, 021 -Exeter -42. fl No 189 Goderich Tp, -30 No. 182 Goderich Town- 80. No. 2.170 Port :Alt est -30. No 145 Goderich Tr, -50. No, 193 Seaforth- 85, ,Brussels Lo go , I " Dungannon Lodge Belfast Loclge., Nile Lodge Belgrave Lodge Londesboro Lodge Auburn L g Lodge Blyth, Lodge The following learrlied off the Prizes of the. day, The Lodge soon- int', the'tg'reatest distance -Linwood. Best Banner -Belfast; Best Viler end Druinmea'r-Massae. 'Hutch and 'Carter, Auburn Lodge. Besdf dressed Lodge-B,uii rave. Largest Lodge,-Winlgham. There were in all seven bands in ehe procession -those of Seaforth 28 strong, Se. Marys 24, -Mitchell 26. Stratford, 20, Clinton 22, Summerhill 18, and Varna 13. County Master Kenny presided over tlhe speaking exercises which were conducted from a, platform in the beautiful slia.cled grove. The that speaker was ldavor J. 0. Greig, of Seaforth, who offered a cordial wel- come to the Order. The other speakers Ohdeef member, John Sherx(i'tt.' were Messrs. Andrew Jnvnt, 3. P. Seaforth; Rey. ` Shaw. Egmmndvilie; At, the Park the lollowing,speait- Rev, W. i+ , • A. V. Seaforth; 1i�e exs addressed' the, lati{g,,e gtaih'ering John Berry, Seaforth; E. Wilson, cn„M3.1ne, 1'.Stew- Clinton, Fred'WVelsh, Seaforth, mere-- art,OraCounngt�eylsmMaster;.-Dr. J,Bownnan, M. tart' of the celebration committee, P., A.31. Musgrove, ,I(f.P.P., Revs. Prominent oqtHcers and urnmbers of Croyley, Rrfngleam; ,Ostea'hout and the .Order ' ho were )assent wale_ pearce Londesboro; MiJler1 :Au-' County Master S• L. Ireland, Strat- burn and Farr, (Blyth. ford; 4, W. Switzer, D.D.G.M., of Blanchard; John White, Director of Ceremonies,” Stratford; W. 1. Thompson, Past Grand D. of C. of General Election Ontario West. Toronto; David Bonis, Past County Master, and former 'Warden of Perth County, and many • • ,• , , S ro. ,. 1 i0'thl , , . , . rrtsh. C lathing �. ►�.Mo e 9 a •.,..� ••, 'Will s li pand:eetyeral id�aY'son'A2omtxe�al, • r others. Stratford Lodge No, 759 woe the first prize for thebest dressed and largest lodge in the parade; Winth- sop won second, and Logan third. In the brass band competition, Mit- eheli won 1st, and St. blares 2nd, St. .51 rys got the prize for the best banner in the procession. " In the fife and drum band competi- tion, Clinton got lst and Stratford 2nd. For the best ,,file and drummer the award went to Messrs. Rand and Leif• er, of Seaforth, Bro. Francis Boyd, of Logan No, 908, was recognized asthe oldest Or- t angeman in the parade; he joined the Cyder in 1842, BLYT•H. Orangeisnf 'pro'ndly displayed it- self in Blyth on Friday (last an cote- naemoration of; the 222 anmiverearly of rthe ''Batltle sof ,the Boyne.11l • n r foun arta e e sing et a i n was. an nP. t w s - s 'a f o say, a s c es and at 'e a e it' lac s a , never esu paas'ed' in the history ,,; of Square, D a�'to�t Even' .Bo New•York andto,thex eastenavporaahs F�om1"''ybhslteder "•s'tandpoiet Dia• A Y y '� • goin�rr2141 P a u h s nes ani engin vr�wed lbla kir i; ',r `1e s,11:' tiyit, ibnsl s ie a ;dna ,s ;P • ♦ ue r on »age 5' birmaheet at N;as' l orecotjd ,Areaker, 1.,,,, f4N�4.*4. 444_4.4•Nl4lAN Gtonit�n d p g In Autumn 1013 Word Has Gone Out to Organizers of Both Parties to This Effect. Ottawa, July 16e =it is more and more apparent that both the political parties are lining up for a general election in the fall of 1913. Whether the ''tip" has gone out or. not, each party organization has received in• structions to look carefully after the )lets so as to be ready for any surprise which the Government may spring; In view of Mr. Borden's promise that he would submit his naval policy. to the people nobody here can under- stand how he"can adopt a policy of a coestribution with a' more vigorous naval Program later on without'a. general'lectior. now outlined, am as nis The Program, P g that the Governmentwillcome back in the fall with.its prograthi submit it. .to Parliament, introlnce and pass a redistribution bill and then go to the oountry in September of next year. PREMIER WALTER SCOTT The head otIthe"Saskatchewan (Gov-. erumen't, retnened to power. was bogs' in Lotsdori Towaship, near Ilderbon;in 1867, and began lite' as printei+S Ile went West as to young 'man, and was elected' to the .Coin eons from Assiniboia ,in. 1900. Be (held this seat until 1905, when he resllgned to become pre- mier of�the province- He is own- er (Of The 'Regina Daily Leaiceer, Fr. Tibia to Nead - New Seminary St, Mary's Assistant Rector Named by Bishop Fallon for Position. Rev. J. V. Tobin, assistant rector of St, Mary's Church, East London, has been named by Bishop Fallon as head of the Catholic seminary to be estab- lished in this city. Be will sever his his connection with h St. Mary's Ohureh in a couple•of months. Father Tobin will be professor of churih history in tbe•new institution, and other chairs are to he filled as fol- lows: Dogmatic theology. Fr, 0' Connor, of Windsor; moral theology, Fr, Brennan, of Wa4leceburg; cannon law, Fr, Labelle, son of. Mr, 0. La- belle. of London, The seventeen students have al- ready enrolled for the classes which open in September: Tillman Ocrcoaa•t, London: -Joseph Emery, Dover Swath; Joseph Glemon, Londrnt; J - Rondot, oITilbury; John R. Quigley, Elgin field; Joseph t'a'lon, London; James Harding, Landon;' Parnell Mahoney, Dresden; Themes iVfcCiu•thy1.1onkton; A. Grenier, Windsor; Joseph Bell. Blyth; Er, Costello, London; Hubert Diginiut, London; Arthur Flinn, Wind,"oi; Wilfrid Langlois, 'Windsor; John Young tioderirh, and Francis illcoarthy, Iiincora. It is understood that the honor of the Sunshine Pat k piopester is Slr,, Phillip Pocock, who made the pur. chase for the episcopal eorporation, Generous contributioes are in pros - peat, it is said, from prominent lay- men for the building fund• More Teachers . From Huron county Stratford iNotilaoal School made a mocrdin the fin- al. st exaeminationsitalaleshoaving belt) in June: In all 121 certificates were obtain !l. The certificates of, the succer,(ful candidates stud the tnnets of the. unsuccessful wit', be •forwaricled in due 'course 'tothe addressees rla33'oe't- idr to the Department of Educa- tion. Permanent Second Class I i t •ebeed to tilos certificates( willlso le si of the successful Grade "A" can- didates Who/ are 21 years'a age, and Interim Second! Class certificates to all other successful eanclidates. e - C'andi:dahes„tubo have not yucca d ed! in making the necessary 'stand- ing for Second Class certificate.% tut whose marks bring ithem with- in the provision. of section 12 (3) (a) of the) Noma' School syllabus, will be awarded ] nu,tcdITitrc, Class ease tifioatesy venal for five years, and upon passing the Raster •ar June final ,exain.inattion in any year 'dur- ing the term oe such( eet'(tifjiieate, will be awarded(Seeondl Class cervi fi,eates These latter eandaclateis will be tnforneed individually of the groups upon .whi'ch they hnust're-. Svrit0. Tltose,canditia'tes ssho have failed at (this examination will be requir- ed to attend another seseion, but they Still be allowed to' leomp1etlei their {course and welite l:he fisiel Oa- amination• in April along wtth the iGrad-8.0A.''' studenits, Following is the list of Huron students ,st Stratford Norimal a-- Permit/mat Second' Class Emma Philipp: s, Loedestboro. Wimnifredi Stewart, Winghane I Internale;Second Class. Peat] A. Ashton, Flordtvieh. Tinos, Arnnatr.ong, 13aiesseJs, Joss T. Anderson, Seafe7th. Ida Barkley, Dungannon. Rata 30.Clarke, Godeiich. Beatrice M. Curtsy, pl(usse)s, John S. :Wiav 11.Earl Dlleott, Codefich. Diboll , gawn. � Elliott 'arir'burri,. Henson. Helen Grieve, Sle'aforth. Ada i . Raines, +4'Vin'ghaan, Florence Smlay,W,u ,a gbaan. S4iltdred Jewett, Blueval'e. John E. Jackosn, Auburn. Elizabeth Joa'dan,' Dublin• Mary L. Laidlaw, Henfryn. Ida Mar. bhand, Exeter. e'rE. EAmaabeJ,Iit MVPMheca keoen,, xeter. l8elmorle•.. : ran ,b , Brussels. • ' Cr Stop k ' s S - aCxretta .G. tRa s,for ea Ith. Wroxet Itsahel' SParlilntg, a erj. ,Frances 4yI. Spence, NoWbridge, Lilian PS. Stewart', Seafoatth, ' abldn ,'B. Stirling? Drysdale, I) NIGHT, a Ball t i}emil quick --Don't give them a !second chance. A e good( •idea(+ When•,yot )star's e a it 11.7onithe De;sltruetful Pota- bBug. n Our Parts Green IS absolute' ppore, feted and guarantees,+' e ' Pt 55 Berger'a (English make and, if you use tide brand you cc (well (say; : ,Good( Night I3ug. McConnel Cruelty To animals. 1;t is a ehahne to have 1Hor4 es and Cattle tortured( with flies this hot weather, whe4e yea . eau kill the flies faith WILLIAMS Fly and Insect Destroyer Irl stops animals worrying. It. keeps them 133, condition. It increases the Milk Aup- ply. ' It's the ',best ',thing in the world for lice; in, hen, houses For sale by REXA'LL STORE. W..R: Holmes Phm B, Annual Mid-summe Sale Dollar Shirts During our Annual Mid - Summer Sale we are show- ing a line of Soft Fronted Shirts at'$i.00 that will sur- prise you. Neat patterns of black and white, blue and white, and helio, hair line. stripes Will make you wonder why you paid more. Fit and colors guaranteed, Two Pairs of Sleeves &t7itll Each Sl>itl't We are now showing a new - t patent shirt with two., p. e pairs of sleeves and cuffs, detached, This is a iiiew idea and well worth looking` into, Splendid idea for office, business Dien, and , mechanics alike, regular $1.i5 fOY., ., „ Men's Straw Hats 98c Men's Straw Hats, strip+ brim' and sailor styles, nar- row and wide rims, to suit all tastes and sizes, regular $1.5o and: $2, sale pride 98e Men's Tailors dna Furnishers li B ' c 1 e . n r B slid'. L d anal a aue a, Io ea,ceST.om'ori' Seelloeth.- F ,or n It e ',Cilias.. iR. Ttlrvey, Blitevale. Linleted d.!Cluts 1�i'r • C,aitheris3.e J. $roek, 'Wing Mande Keyes,Varna. '