HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-27, Page 7rp� eip'I1't .nage 7 Old folks grho need eetn4lhin, ,Of the kind, find host effective• without aby discomfort . !' increased doses not Deeded. 25o. a box •; attiur-dr y u ht's gg Nallogal Prue pad Cheskal Cell( Cunade Limited: X164:® • KNI'GHT,CONVENE. Order' of., St. John Is "Holding Its Assembly 11, Toronto. - Toronto, June 24. -The legions of the Knights of St. John have descend- ed upon Toronto, brut it is a friexrdly' invasion, the occasion being the thir- tieth international convention of this honorable body. Six thousand knights had arrived' last night,' and more to the" -number of ten thousand in all, ' are coming in on the trains to -day. The +welcome :of the Province will be extended by the representative ofthe Premier of the: province and that of; the city will be tendered by Mayor Geary and Ald. McGuire. Represen- tatives of a number of local Catholic orders . will deliver addresses of .we1=, come. To these will respond General John C. Shea, supreme counsel of the` order, and Mrs. Renner, president of the ladies' auxiliary. , The great perade of the order will he held at 3 o'clock sharp, the knights assembling at Queen's Park at that hour. In this parade the general marebing strength and fitness will be. judged. Upon the program for the four days of the :convention are a number of novel' features. One of these is an organized descent re the ladies upon the shopping district, ct ' when they will look overthe Ida a in 0 liodY- I``1 e11B.IlrlH , MONTREAL ,THE STANDARD is the National Weekly, Newspaper' of The Dominion of Canada.•LIt is natio'na1 fn ail its aims: k It uses the inose expensive engrav= ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. 'i. Sts articles are carefully selected and its editorial pence_ is _ ;thoroughly independent. A subscription to Th^e 'Standard hosts $2.00 per year to any address in $tanada; br Great Britain. sa TRY. IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Coy Limited, Publishers. By LOuu Tracy' copyright by McLeod & Mie -n, Toronto scented a ""flue a',pennY" cigarette, and 1 -quart Dale did the a opened every aw Smith throw away the exquisite' 1 -quart bottles o' Fuss opened eVer9 h ten minutes, Thank you, my dear"-:,'Jrand'that Sevastpolo, of Bond Street, 0 l who i jthis to the waitress, "next to beer 'uppl ed tomer to those us s n Y giveme tea. Nbw,'my boss, •beana knew the price paid by connoisseurs Frenchy, won't touch eether--swine an' ror the leaf grown on one shall bill- corfee ,are ;his specials." aide above the sun -steeped bay of "He seemed fo bo enjoying his tea Salonika, ',when 1 _ caught . eight of him in the I 'Yes,he agreed, Bravely poisoning garden a little While ago; aid Me; the helpless atmosphere,;;"this is' bet- denham. ter suited to the occasion." "That's his artfulness, my bee, You 1 "A bit of all right, • eke? I can't waft a bit. ' You'll see something be. nand the Count's cigarettes eeteel'- tore you reach Bristol to -night; any. i French rubbish, you know. Ah': tete "' tvay, you'll hear something, which money they run into -well .there!" • amounts to pretty much the same in "But it he is a rich man—" the end." t "Rich!. Smith ekploded with mete 'They're just off to the caves," put lament, "If be had what lie owes he In the girl.` Might worry along for a year or so, rites herpost- but, you mark my words, if he doesn't t "Whiledss Mrs. Dewar writes bnsineas of mine, only eros, I suppose?"' Said 112edenham in- I• -Well; it's no hocently. just keep your eyes open. You're go. "What! is, that the old party with Ing through with tbis tour?" the hair? I thought she was the l i "I -believe so" said Medenham 'oung lady's -mother. She's' gone with lowly -and; thus he took the great them She looks that sort of med- esolution which till that moment was :: filler -not. half. Two's company an' dim in, his mind. three's none is -my' motto, cave or no • t "In that case we'll be having a jaw Save, tome other time, and then, mebbe, She tried her most betwitching ;we'll both be older an' 'wiser." mile on Medenham this time. It ;was ' Notwithstanding the' community of novel' experience to. be the reeipient' k Iestablished by Smith's weeds, f a, serving -maid's marked favor, and taste t embarrassed him. Smith, his the man was still furtively racking his brains to account for certain- 'lis- mouth ughter currant bun, spluttered orepancies in his new acquaintance's With laughter.' peering and address. Medenham's "A fair offer," he cried. "You two bands, for instance, were too , dodge outside and see which cave the kept. Hiss boots were of too good well a aristocracy chooses. Then you can I quality, His reinder driving gloves. take a turn round the other one. 1'11 I discarded and lying on the front seat, Watch the cars all right " were far.too costly. The disreputable The giresuddeniy blusher! and 1001:= line coat might .hide. many details, but MI demure. A sweet voice said quiet not these. Every now and then Smith red Dade "'r"an dheN 1sl Y to say, .� �auted u it an hour "We shall remain here half f � why, Sr more, Fitzroy. I thought I would tell you in case you wished to smoke =or occupy you time in any other Way." DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH A WATCH is a delicate piece XX of machinery. It calls for ss attention than most inachinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasinnallt to p perfect Vane. , With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect tune for a lifetime. It will payyou well to ,let us clean your watch every 12 or r8 months. . R. Counter Jeweler and issuer of Mar via,ge 1-,j+� e17ses, Medenham was sure that at the back of Smith's head lay some scheme some arranged trick, some artifice 01 intrigue that would find its opportu- nity` between Cheddar and Bristol, The distance was not .great -perhaps eighteen . miles -by a fairly direct second-class road, and on this flue Tune evening it was still safe to count on three hours of daylight. It was doubly irritating, therefore, to think that by his own lack of diplomacy he had almost forfeited Smith's Confi- dence. Twice had the man been on the very brink of revelation, for he was one of those happy-go-lucky be- ings not' fitted for the safeguarding of secrets, yet on each occasion his tongue faltered In subconscious know- ledge that he was about to betray bis Master's affairs. Feeling that Dale would have man- aged this part Of the day's adventures far better than himself Medenham took his seat and toucbed the Switch. "wre have to make Bristol gy seven o'clock, so I shall pull out in front; I suppose Count Mariguy will give the ladies the road?" he remarked oasually. ' Smith was listening .to the engine. "Runs like a watch, don't it?" Was his admiring cry. "And almost as quietly, so you heard ST Of "Fruit -a -tires Cured Nis Rheumatism Pnor. J. F. DAVIS 563 CHURCH Se., TORONTO. I want to' say to the people of Toronto and elsewhere that "Fruit -a -trues" is my only medicine and has been for the last four years, Previous to that, 1 had been very much- troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Disease, and had taken many remedies as well as employingghot applications of salt bags etc., witlrodt getting satisfactory results. Noticing the advertisement of "Fruit- a-tives", I adopted this treatment alto- gether.and, as everybody knows, since taking"Fruit-a'tives", I have been enjoying the very best health and -find it a pleasure to follow my vocation of Dancing and Deportment Instruction". PRox. J. T. DAVIS. Prof. Davis, the celebrated teacher of dancing and deportment in Toronto, is thatq"Fruit-a- t-yes" - n stating hire franl, 1 g „ of distressing cured him rives Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. 500. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. SUNDAY SCHOOI, Lesson XIII.—Seoond Quarter, •For June 30, 1912. sae Lord, of t;•toree 'conSroi, ii, and 4,1.. ;will' be Lyell ' ' Lasser( IX,=BYl?ocrisy and" sineerlty, Matt, vl, 1-1$. Golden Text Matt. ui, 1, R. V, "Take heed that ye do not your rigpteotlsness before men, to be seen of then; else ye have no reward With your Father who Is in heaven." The weed to Abraham 3s still in force, "I ap1•,the mighty, God, all sufficient; walk before me and be sincere" (Gen. xyii, 1). Not'as'pleasing men, but God, must be our motto (T 'Chess, 11,'4), Lrssory X, -Hearing and, doing, Luke vl, 89.48. Gelilen Test,;Jas. 1, 22, "Be ye doers of.. the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." All 'who truly receive Christ" are saved fully, freely and forever liy His finished work, and that atone, but all such must prove before men the reality of the new lite by walking` in the good works 'prepared by God for them Mph. 11, 10; Tit, ill, 8). Lessee xL-Christ's witness to John tbo Baptist, Matt el; 2-10 Golden Text, Luke vii, 28, R. V.. "Among them that are born of women there is none greater than John. yet he that is but little in the kingdom of God Is greater than he." Whenthe kingdom comes the least. in his glorified body Obeli be greater than John was In his mortal body, and John himself will be greater thanever before. Lessem XII. ''Che penitent woman, Luke, vii, 86-50. Golden Test, I Tim. '1, ' 15, R V., "Faithful Is the saying, and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came Into the world to save sinners." Even such es she was can find a place in His kingdom. but such es self righteous. Simon, cannot enter. Behold this woman so occupied with and devoted .to Jesus Christ that she is oblivious to all else! THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Comprehensive Quarterly Review -Golden Text, Matt. v, 17 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. LESSON L -The appearances of the risen Lord, I Cor. xv, 1.11. Golden Text, Acts If, 32, "This Jesus bath God raised up, whereof we am all wit- nesses." Always emphasize the gos- pel as set forth in this lesson and re• member that everything depends on a risen living Christ, the same Jesus what i said:' who lived on earth as n poor man, "Oh, I hear lots, •but I reckon it a now at the right hand of God in the good plan to keep my mouth shut," place of all power and still a real grinned the other, man, the Son of Man, welting for the '.Exactly what you have failedto time to return and bring His kingdom. dodgetd pleasantly, antly,eiedeand, with sho LESSON IL -The use of the Sabbath, nodded Pleasantly, -with a ` so tong!" passed out of the yard. The dark 11, 23 to iii, G, Golden Text, Man's face wore a good-humored Mark 11, 27, "The Sabbath was made sneer, It was as though he said: for man and not man for the Sab- ' "You wait a bit,' my cloudy shuffee• bath." Consider the daring pride of -you ain't' through with his Count- man In judging the' Lord of the Sab ship yet -not by any manner o' bath for using Ells own Sabbath, but means." they knew 'Him not and judged Health And Meoenham did'wait, till heady be a ,mere man like themselves, yet a x R seven o'1)anlO. He saw Cynthia anti • tier companions come out of Gough's great rancher. He made so manifest =.aa+a�� t+ ser. ti� their hypocrisy and formality and re- Cave and ental Gox's. These fairy ligious pride that they determined to "You may occupy your time in any grottoes of nature's own contriving way you wish, Fitzroy," said Cyn -were well worthy of close inspection, )811 Him. thia. be knew. Nowhere else in the world I 'LESSON III. -The appointment of the can stalactites that droop from the twelve, Mark 111, 7.10. Golden Text, root, stalagmites that spring from the John xv, 16, R. V., "Ye did'not choose was eloquent, Cynthia, floor, be seen in such perfection of me, but chose you dad appointed you, The pause form and tint. But he Fretted and that ye should go and bear fruit." had heard. fumed because Cynthia was immured "Thanke ing Miss Vaurenew he ice-cold recesses, and Mork the words, "Unto HIm, with said, affecting- to glance at his watch, too long in their Him, that He might send them forth He felt thoroughly nonplussed: when, at last, she reappeared' from to :French and to have power'° (verses She would surely think he had ,been f the second cavern aucl halted' near a 13.15). He Himself is the great and flirting with this rosy -checked ser, ,sal] to purchase some curios, en- 'only center, and apart from Him there vane and he might never have an. patience mastered him, and he o ortunity of telling her that his sole brought 'the car slowl 'iron until she is no fruit ratio or service nor anything l P turned and looked at h Lion reason for e his anxiety the clearn 0 He raised his cap. I LESSON IV. - The beatitudes, Matt. Cion .lay p his aaboety to learn "The gorge is the finest thing in v, 1-12. Golden Text, Matt. v, 8, much as Possible about Marigny and Cheddar, Miss Vanrenen," ire said.. "Blessed are the pure in heart, f'o they Iris associates, !'You ought to see it while the light' see What a blessed time hey, ain't she smart!" said the girl; is strt3ug, it shalllll see God." thewhole ear when the when Cynthia bac! gone,' "We are going now she answered Medenham put Iris band in his Poc- .dilly. "Monsieur Mariguy •will take Principles of this sermon ere lived outi ke" and gave her halt -a -crown• hie to 13ristel, and you will follow with . Meanwhile, as heirs of .the kingdom, to ti you,' we should manifest these principles In • forgotten Dt avO gDever." "They hDeva . T YMis Gerrie," he said. Without heeding - He gill not flinch from her stead= our, dally life, true •poverty of spirit ,tare of astonishment strongly tinc- tured fast gaze, though those blue eyes oil being the foundation of all, such a sell shred with indignation, he stooped in, !fors seeaned. definitely to forbid any' l renunciation that He may De see)). In us. unnecessaey scrutiny of the, Mercury's 's expression of opinion. Yet there was LEssog V. -Poverty and riches, Luke tires, The minx tossed her head, w challenge in them, .too, and he aei''i vi, 20-26; eve' 70.37: Golden Text, "Some folks are as grand as their,Dented it meekly. 7 ui e xfie 15, "r1. man's life consisteth backto her she remarked, and went "I was Ironing that I might have not fn rho nbuucinnce•o'l the thin . back to her garden. the pleasure of driving you thin even) which he Possessetil." This Is part of, But Smith looked puzzled, Medena Ing,' he said. "The run through' thee hampno good actor at any time, had' lass is very interesting, and I know' a cliseourse similar to the Sermon on stropped too quickly the air of camas every inch of it." the Mount and Illustrated by the 'story aderie which had been a successful' He fancied that she was-eonseioiis. of the rich rhea olid Lazarus. .There passport His voice, his pian-, of 50n1e mistake, and eager to atone is no life apart from Christ, and 11110 ser,, the courtly 'insolence 0E mtheem- I If in the wrong, ,'riches are found only in HIM. maid's dismissal, evoked vague mem She heeitatecl, yielded almost, butt) Ltssely VL-Tbe law of love, Luke Dries in Smith's mind., The did not I Mrs. Dewar broke in angrily: I VI, 27-38; Rom. sits, 8-10. Golden Test, not ! h retoe t Trual v T ier•1.r r sh t Y soldierly ge differently, ntl Fitz- "Thou eyedre decided di e e P 0 2 • ouldhal xiil h SZ e Y, Rom, A I he I fleets fit into the picture, but . soy. 1 have some postcards to die -1 neighbor as thyself!" to 1 Corr alit, seemed .to hear that sa}ne authoritaj I (catch, and Count:Mariguy has kindly; weare taught tllnt without; love Live voice rage. ing to Dale' fn tire (lironrlsed to.run slowly up the mit,nothing counts, not such giving away Brightest garage, mini '.ve overtake him, all we have, and. Dui bodies to be The conceit eves absurd, of course., 'I Chauffeurs do not swagger through' the uffering Yeti! The unnatural suffering of so many:womenat times `- can be relieved by a little care and proper " help. Beecham's•Pills give just the assistance needed. They act gently but surely'; they correct faults of the system so certain!3'that you will find better conditions prevail Amongst Women Who Take this renowned and effective remedy. Beecham's " Pills: will help your digestion, regulate, your bowels,. stimulate your liver. Headaches, backaches, lassi- tude, and nervous depressiorrwill trouble you less and less after you, take at times -whenever there is need. 8E8CHAl1I'S PILLS Womenwishing toretain their youthful looks and to feel at their best should bo sure to read the special directions with every box. ;Sold' everywhere. In boxes, 25c., tom' oat vilest t0 Uac vu ell Ule IJUtt UtJ, revolver which he carried. One of the men . in the melee es, caped. The two arrested gave then ,names; as James Brady, aged 32, and John Berry, aged 22, and claimed tr, be: Canadians. One of them said he would not be taken alive, but tlioy were, however, Both locked up in jail. All that was taken from the store was found in a,bag, which one of the trio carried. Casket Factory for Guelph. •, Guelph, June 24.- ere s m than a probability that the National Casket Co., whiclr was to have been granted a' loan last year, the bylaw TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. afterwards being withdrawn, will lo - 1. In a portion of the • Guelph. ore inG a p 0 owned Begin, proprietor of La.old Burr factory, now � aned b Y the Croix, who was mulcted in $3,000 Canadian Furniture Manulacturere, damages by Justice Greenshields, will they are now asking for a financial appeal. ppea . assessment of $5,000 and switching Part of the gates at Lock 21, on the facilities, and this will be granted as far as possible. Welland Canal, gave way Saturday and.navigation was interrupted again for twelve hours. The British manufacturers' party returned to; North Bay Saturday from Cobalt; much impressed with the sil- ver country; They have gone west." At Windsor on Saturday the King received 15,000 members of the ambul- enea brigade. Major -Gen. J. C. Dal- ton, commanding the overseas detach• went, including a body, of Canadians, was presented. Would-be automobile wreckers drag• ged a log across the highway neat Albion Mills, about three miles from Hamilton, Saturday night, and nearly caused disaster to several motorists One car was badly jolted. Two Toronto men, William Pearson and Angus Cameron, engaged in e fight at Niagara Falls, N.Y., Saber day night, in which a score of friend! joined. Police reserves were called out, and the pair were arrested. Tiev. Father La:macllo celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary as pries, at the Sacre Coeur Church, Toronto Two dangerous thugs arrested it Vanc""ouver lead a bottle of nitro-gly serine. and burgalrs' tools on them, Kenneth Mackenzie of Midland who cut his throat and then jumper from a window of 0 train while be ing brought from- Midland to Tarot* to be placed in the asylum, died at the Western Hospital on Saturday. Damage amounting t0 about a thou send dollars was caused in the freight Blinds of the Niagara, St. Catharines cC Toronto Railway, earn/ last nigh' in Thorold. It is thought that some one threw a lights+l cigar stub on tht floor and caused the f1r0. Tussle With Three Burglars. Piano urcliasers og'pot/we ? dog' asleepA defdrr. ,hap DOHERTY ishesr heal/dile on earth, ne�� the Best M Ectug pp•���•'p cid Piano Factories ntodl tf� Doherty,- Piano and Organ Co , Linttitec1 Factories and head Office N ONT. TO '�sh , y(res+terni French, 280 HA.1GRAVE STPEE'T, WINNIPEG. MAN Yes, y --ell ought to have waited in' ` yard ou the inn: for orders," said I burned. The only !iattery of lore is the world dressing for dinner each the ever smiling Marlene., - "My 'care the love of God in Christ, and He ex- the and distributing gold in their eau Hardly pass yours in this narrow' pests us to love others :is 1:e loves es. leisure moments. But Smiths 'bump road. 13aelr 'a bit to one side, there's Lessor VII. -The old law and tire _.. Text.. pf inquisitiveness s was well developed, it good fellow, , and, when we have new life, Matt. v 17.20.. Golden as the phrenologists_ say, and he was gone, pull up to the door. Come, 01155' rum. zlii, 8, It, V., "file that levetli: already impressed by the fact that• no re , Vanrenell. I am fierce to show you, bis neighbor hath fulfilled the Int'•"' oRim o could afford to send out for hire ` the paces of a/ Du yahoo." Tlie law of Goch is holy Rud' e m and Medenllarn s: f ententewere:in tF a car like „' I. The conclecT ng sentences "nanny thin he said at last. I . but Count Edouard spoke ;gaud. but because it i"5 so perfectly , 9 I unnY n, )bench, seem to have met you somewhere or Idiomatic English flashily and with a holy `po lucre man cin keep it, said the Id other; Who do you work for?"' tether fascinating accent. one thing it does for us. is to shut qu �, '1 I months and bring us all' in guilty be., "1ViyselP:" Cynthia, slightly shirred by; ller'own l to re- "' Medenham, caught the note of He 'Fingular lack of purpose; made no; fore Gocl, and then ice are ready wiiderment,; and *as warned. further demur. The three walked off' cetera fibs righteousness of Gocl as a straightened himself with a smile, down the hill, and Medenham could 1 free 121. though it cost him an effort to look my obey, in a chill rage that, were ?r•,ssON yi1I,-Ti-uthfulut"s, filets, v; Clieelave o "; "'', 12. Golden MarignY able to guaits intensity, 83 `,ii .T as, iiia 1 l +, "KAYO a; cigarette?" he said. knight have given him' "furiously to 1'Ost; EPh, Iv, `?a, 1 . V, "Puttlut away "'Dont' mind if 1 etc, e puffings.' tti1 111 i andeine faisehoud, speak yo truth each one n'Ith. ellen, after a Larose, s In a few minutes the Du' Vallon tasting: in' "Sorry, old roan, but this der-., scurried 'by. , Smith was driving, and b!s neighbor, for we al'e::ruemhers. one ain't MY `Ver d It tastes Heee, . oo1ous smirk on ]lis' •fit another" The tongue is not ' our Cy bvhat,on 'o )ries de, Cabbagio? here, there ed facaas ho glanced at Medenham, (thief trouble, but the: power bank of elenhat uilnei" 4 the tonneau,with the il; and when it 1s set 5110 the 03? Hell l ;ke,, god ac- •„ „..}ta sat n. n am m chastened m - 119 'Ili Cr it, dpcti Fi\`e`n sample of 1�IeCie h Chain of Western Theatres. Vancouver, June 24.-A vaudeville circuit will spend $1,200,000 on thea- tres in Vancouver, Edmonton, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon. Work has al- ready started in Edmonton. teapt. J. F. Smart Dead. Cornwall, June 24. --John Framer Smart; for 28 years deputy sheriil of Stormont, Dundee and Glengarry; died at his home here yesterday, in his 68th year. Smart was a veteran of the Fenian raid of 1866-70. He was a captain -adjutant of the militia be- tween o- tween 1874 and 1885, retiring with the rank of captain. He was a gradta- ate of the Kingston Military School- Ile chool Ile married Josephine Liddell, daughter of the late David Liddell, its 1873, by whom' he is survived. AFTER ANY' sickness, Scott's Emulsion —increases the appetite and builds strength rapidly. Its wonderful nourishment assists nature in restoring health. Al Druggists. Scott & nowne, Toronto, Out, 't" 12-7 Belleville, June 24. -The local po lice, at an early lions yesterday 1110011 iirg, bad a. roUOtr am? tumbie tussle with. three burglars, At two o'clock a general store at Canitton Village two miles n01'tli of this city, was bee gleriaecl, and. a considerable quantity 1,f groceries, menet' and postage stamps were taken. The rime were seen, leaving the' premises, but evad ed their pursuers.- As the robber: were coming towards Belleville tela police were notified and 'caught the men at the east end of the G.T,R yards, When surrounded the met put up a desperate tielrt, one milking 1 i brill on earth, hot the I"riuee eace,,` Continued next week setettestele 'earl ®,��trj'y��tDEIT• Wim' ® R K� OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you and make a man of pimples bloits hes andnulceiseheal up becomes neivesy becomblood st ong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated; all drains cense—no more vital 'waste from the system. You feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't let quacks - and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars, - C " NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WiTH PARALYSIS Peter 17. Summers relates his experience: "Ives troubled with Nervous Debility for many years, I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in youth. I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked. at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -m, back ached, had pains in the q Book of my head, hands and feet were ti cold, tiredd in the morning, poor ed,appetite, lingers were shpo0t eyes IJl lonobl hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set in and the doctor sold me +hl he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of I ,,..- medicines and tried many first-class �”. ''' physicians, worn an electr'c belt for three G- .,cl' months, but received 1 the benefit. I OEFORE TREATMENT was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy I AFTER TREATMENT fj Remedy, though I had est all faith .in doctors, Lilco a drowning man I commenced the :irw ::Iinmrton Tasamarsxm and it Saved my life. The improvement was like mag c-lcould feeithevigor going t rough 1110 nerves. I was cured mentally and physical y. I have sent them many patients and continuo to do so. CURLS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Wo treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER. DISEASES and all Diseases Peculiar 10 Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS. FREE. If unable to call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. f` (� ti Cor. Michigan Ave. artd Griswold St. Detroit Mich. T 1 Cg� All letters from Canada must be addressed E to our Canadian Correspondence Depart amaaasessameleames - All Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: s» DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. ., Write for our private address eg s atrr r. , .4 , •,::arta r,r .+f.„ i'4t'diSc r tie </iJ ,j ae- you he . one. of i 1 4.). armors ilt '1 � recti : ✓ Cordes -et c, i Nr l ill ,r" 51 -a lin. {,lw • Aur ts rev e. COUPON ANY C�xPaAiDA CEMENT .COMPANY LIMITEd Herold Bgildlri5, Montreal Please sena me, full particulars of the 1812 Farmers' Prize Contest, and a free' copy of your book "What the 'Farmer Can. Do With Concrete." Name ,. Address, .. . .. . ..... tit::'!/!en/%/%�/.,v/// /i ,,. w HERE \Aril]. be twelve cash prizes in each of the nine provinces (108 ill all) 1dtl n • Ila 1 n the 1912 Prize Contest for Canadian Farmers. The 1911' Contest was so successful in awak- ening interest in the use of Concrete on the farm, that a second contest, in which three times as many prizes are offered, ivasdccided upon for this year. The Contest this year 1s divided into three classes, "A,'" "E" and "C," tmd'there will be four prizes in each class, (First prize, fi50; Second prize, 7125; Third prize, 715; Fourth prize, $1.0.) 'Thus there are three 750 Prizes, three 725 Prizes) three 715 przes, and three 7)0 Prizes, for each peovi,Fce. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES T In Each Class there will be First, Second,' Tird. and incFourthrPrize1 s. (750, 725 715, and 710) for Each • CLASS A"-Priztis to be awarded to the four. farm/Yh In each province -mho ung meet Cida" Cement on their gnus In the year WI). shay - amnia CLASS of 01,0 e (imr'd ,, ,kwarded to the rdlmemo in esu Nish "Canada. Cement province who ton their, of the. best farina In 171.1 CLAS, C th,ertni0",1,llin�twarded to the how any farmers stem of in cerh concreteprovince work waswho done with the best ., Cement, ' hoia ' Camdn'.,Ccmen6 (irntttes for rkioprize must be acconiraiiicd, by L> unpin of Mc work.) you must use a' large quantity of cement in order to'. -' Don' t think tlquan d a•C " The of tasty of 's prizettvem 050 used verycount little Classes cement, and "C " Many' of last year's p When you enter the Contest, you have a chance to win a cash f�. of "50as'.'vcll as�.the certainty tliat 3'oii'vill atlda pArvra,reur j, ir.., t rre,�rortevnrrrdto`yonc farm.. If you haven't n copy, be sine and ask. e our book, "What the Farmer Cp. Dc Witli Concrete. only Fag,- Y p It will not suggest many im rovemeuffthatyou ran use in entering r 1 but will mil you all shoat the i e of concrete on the faint• i e on t. att.cheif coupon, or nee nameand od,.�cs • •aur nam it. . +rrt u.t i if.tli e Pore Cfil J\e 'las , Lu pod a copy of and,-u•tl1 ecnd furl Ionic and n.copy of !+hat the Farmer Ceti i?e With Con rete" to you ,1,, 10ttly tram : !td -'.r -en , Publicity 14`_e�iiicg'.er �•, !4.aLll£tA�.ts?,. il,,,v ',halted tr 501 Herald f., e 58 reals ,ui 1: "4-