HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-27, Page 4ata1
f it's Ncw
If it's Isere
As the millinery season is drawing to a close
this accounts for our. Saturday price. The Hats are
some of the smartest and newest shapes, all trimmed
in our own work room. Just 15 hats to sell at this
price, regular 4.00 and 4.50, your choice Saturday 1.98
Daintg Apparel
iOr Sniper
In Ready -to -Wear ,Dept.,
Now thart the warm days
are- here,. you should have
clothes suitable for the season
Women seeking slimmer ap-
parel will will land our styles
far ahead „of .the average
ready-to-wear models. Come
in and look around. You
need not necessarilybuy. We
are always glad to see you.
We are showing this week
Allover Embroidery Dresses
from $4.75 up
White Wash Skirts
from $1:50 up
New Gingham Dresses
from $e,00 up
New'Musiin Dresses - (�i
from $5.00 up 'JII Q° t` ''tIr
New (louse Dresses'
from $1.85 up
New Nett Waists
from $2 25
New Lingerie and `Tailored up
Waists from $1..50 up
New Fancy Parasols
.from $1,5(1 up
Boy Wanted to Learn the Dry Goods Business
,,Preen, Flemming Returned; Carry-
ing Forty Seats on First
St. John, June 21.—The New
Brunswick - Provincial •elections
Thursday resulted 10 practiea1ly a
ciean'eweepi foie the Govexnancen(t,
only two: Opposition men; Dugal
and Pelletier, in Madoweka, being
elected In Northumbox'lan;d,
where three Indeptendent, Censer-
i atives ran (against( the Govern-
ment ticket, two of them were Mee -
ted, In St, John !City, York and
Sunbury Countic'Is, the ,Opposition
candidates lost their 'depos'its. A.
1i. Copp, the .Opposition leader, was
badly defeated/ in Westmoreland.
Premier Flemming headed the poll
in Carleton.
The result ofThursday's voting
gives the Government forty seats;
Independents 2, and Opposition 2.
Officers era
Nen hi
• Sheriff Reynolds, of Huron County,
Interests Himself in Their
Behalf—Sentence is
Goderich, is June 20—The four young
men who lost their jobs at Seaforth a
few days ys ago,' while traveling with
Sanger's circus and who afterwards
entered a private residence in that
town and committed burglary, were
letego this morning by His HonorJu
Judge Doyle.
Through the instrumentality of
Sheriff Reynolds, employment has
been secured for three of them while
the fourth will remain in custody un-
til money 'conies to take him back
home. ,
Letters certifying to their previous
good characters were received from
the youth's friends in the States by the
crown attorney, and after his honor
had given them some good advice he
suspended sentence,
They Are Satlsfwed,
biota the St. Mary's Argus oe take
the following item which refers to a
former 0 C. L teacher, Mr. Chas, Me-
On Friday night, June 14th, a speeial
meeting of the Collegiate, board was
called to consider the appointment of
a new principal,al resultant ant on
much -regretted resignation of Mr. 13.
K. Martin, who is leaving for London.
After some discussion, .Mr, C. McKin-
non, of Kincardine, was appointed
pa'incipal of the Institute at a salary of
$1,6CO per annum Mr. McKinnon isa
specialist in Classics and though a
comparatively young man, he is a
thorough and experienced teacher,.
having already achieved signal eac0ess
in his work at 0 inton, Barrie and
other points in Ontario, as well as in
the West where his late years have
been spent.
An Enthusiastic Athlete.
He is an enthusiastic rtthlete, exeell-
ing particularly in lacrosse, baeket-
bali and foot ball. In the latterame
he succeeded while in Clinton, by�' his
coaching abilities no less than bhis
personal prowess, .in winning . the
inter -collegiate ehsmpionehip and, the
next year. on going to Barrie, he so
perfected the Collegiate team there
at they entered the finals for the
championship, only being defeated by
the Clinton team which lead not for-
gotten its training of the previous
year. Not only in the field of athletics,
however. is Mr. illcKinnona gleaming
luminary. ;°In disciplinary power and
the art of imparting bis knowledge he
resigns supreme, and we can prophesy
"weeping, wallingand a.shiug of
teeth" for the stugn
student who,.cen or will
not learn his Latin; that will have to
be mastered even if everything else
should s ide a chute -the -chutes, so we
would advise prospective' pupils to
keep their verbs and conjugations in
mind, to say nothing of the germs of
Caesar and Virgil
In obtaining
Mr, McKinnon The
Argus feels sure that the Collegiate
Board has gained a great asset in keep-
ing g p the local school as an education
force in the province. -
1 The voting on the waterworks By
aw at Blyth resulted in 120 in its
favor and S against, The object, of
the by-law is to raise $5300 by, de.
bentures to be expended in laying
watermaine and to consolidate the
overdraft of 1011.
Is the Time For
Stove Moving }
will .receive prompt at-
tention, lOn Pr'
on all kinds of
R ofln�„ Siding,and
Contract Work.
e 111Aalaaa AAa/A1AA4AaALi titAAA/eaAl1///11/1Aaha14A/A:
oval Nei
The examinations in eonnectGon
with Toronto Conservatory of music
were held in the town hall- on Wed-
A party of eighteen ladies went rap
to Goderich on Monday, in 'Elliott's
Auto truck. They visited the camp
and took in the sights of the town.
The Brantford Expositor of Tues-
day had, the following comment:—
You bet there was great joy in 'Clin-
ton this morning en the morning
papers arrived,
Rev. H. A Fish, who recently gave
up pulpit work onecconnt otill health,
has been, appointed Organizer. for the
Provincial Orange Grand Lodge of
Ontario West. He will have super.
vision of the territory betweenWhitby
and Ignace, and will take charge , pro-
bably some time en the early autumn.
The portion of Ontario west of Ignace
is in Manitoba for Orange purposes.
Hem Mr, Fish was recently pastor of
Owen Sound.
• A drop of ten cents per hundred in
the wholesale price of, granulated
sugar will be welcomed by housewives
nowat the beginning innin ofthe preserv-
r se -
b g g p e ry
ing season. On account of the in-
creased output or raw sugar in Cuba
the price of the finer grade of granu-
lated sugar has• been reduced from
$5.29 to $5.19 per' hundred weight.
Mr. Joeob Taylor last week, sold the
Brickenden . homestead on Rattan.
bury Street East, to •Mr. •Tobe May, of
Exeter. who recently sold his farm,
sand intends making Clinton his future
home Mr. May :secures an ideal and
valuable property, at a reasonable
price, and expecte to occupy the same
in the near future. We extend to Mr.
May and family on hearty welcome to
our beautiful town.
A necv',eement eiidewalk has been
pint in at Ex-efayox Taylorjs home
e.n RattemburY ,)street. -
A cements curbing't1sbeing put in
at the aide' ,of ,the road( in friolnt,bd
Ontario Street IChure'h."
The( frasnd building occupied .,by
T 'Watts is receiving a coat of paint
The macadam road on ,Ontario
Sireet'ils, being pushed along in
good' ;style,
Tuesday of this week The Brantford
Exposititor had the following local:-:-
R. Clinton Tasker was the bright
particular ,star yesterday afternoon
behind the dyke, when Kane's Red
Sox, took a game from the Guelph
Royals by the lowest possible score -
1.0. - And perhaps the said Mr.''Taek-.
er did not 'deliver:the geode. He had
the Needham combination at his beck
and call. and, with the admirable sup.
port accorded him by his team mates,
the interest in the game dwindled.
down to the point where wondering if
the Royals would get _. a hit at all.
We ommitted to. mention that Mr.
Tasker refused to give a base on halls
or to hit a batsman, which made his
performance all the more meritorious.
Tasker had three strike -outs, and Tiny
Schuman was the victim on each and
every occasion.
Palms and white flowers- decked
Chalmers' Presbyterian Church, at
Toronto lest- Wednesday afternoon.
when at half -past three the inarriaae,
was solemnized of Mary Victoria
(Minnie) youngest daughter of Mr.
and -Mrs. P. McKendrick Ossington
avenue, to Rev. Hislop Dickson, M. A.
son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Dickson
of Atwood, Ont. The ceremony was
conducted by Rev. H. A. Macpherson.
White satin with pearls and crystals
was thebride's gown and over it /am
tulle veil held in place - by orange;
blossoms Her bouquet was of roses
and lilies, and she wore a pearl brooch,
the gift of the groom, Miss Edna
Skeet, as bridesmaid,was in pink
satin and crystals with hat with oe-
preys and carried. pink roses. The
small flower girl, Beta McKee, was
in French val. over silk • with bonnet
of flowers and satin and carried mar
guerites. Ilir. Percy McKendrick was
beat man, and the ushers were Rev. C.
S McIntosh, of Orillia and Mr. F. W.
McKendrick. A reception was after-
wards held by Mrs. McKendriek, who
was wearing black silk voile with,
mauve and a black plumed hat.. The
groom's mother was in black silk. The
groom's many friends in Clinton will
Dickjoin in congratulations. • Rev. Mr.
.sonDr. supplied Stewarth. ere one summer for
Huroll's PoIiticaI Parties- Doki
Their AoouiI Meeting
East Huron Conservatives
The e Lche aou..ery
r IC t'
a t es of East
Huron held their" annual meeting in
Brussels on June I•lth.
loThe officers elected . were as fol-
President—P. W. Scott, Belgrave,
let � T ice•Pres—
M. H. Moore, Bruss-
2nd � r ice Pres, -R. Mnemelove, Bine•
8rd�riee-Pres—P, Metcalfe{ Blyth.
Secretary—O. G. _Van stone, Wing.
Treasurer—Thos, Stewart, Blue -
The Presidents and Vice -Presidents
of municipalities are the following,
the first mentioned being-Presidenl:—
Iiowick—M, Cane, W. H. Gregg ;
Winglvtm—Dr, Irwin, Geo. Spotton.'
Fast Wa,wanosh-J. J. Kerr,: D.
Ohatnney ; Brnssils -B: G; i ry. 2'.
Newsome ; Wroxeter—Dr. Jackson,
W. A. Rutherford ; Morris -H. Proc.,
tor, N. Taylor ; Blyth—T. Code, W.
Eruigh• Purbberry—A. Wheeler, W.
Mines; Grey—J, Pearson, J. Hunter,
After the election of officers; ad-
dresses were delivered by Tames Bow-
man, 51. P. for East Heron, and A.
$, Musgrove, M. L. A. for North
• South Huron Liberals
The annual sleeting of. the Liberals
of South Huron was held in Walker's
hall' inBrucefield on Tuesday after-
noon last 11 was a palely business
meeting and there was a good attend-
ance, every municipality to the riding
being represented. .the dfficers and
working committees
were appointed
and arrengements were made' for
thorough revision of the voters' Bets'
in every municipality, Mr.
HenryHSni h.of,HaY, was re elected rsaid•
ent;Mt.J, G. Stanbury, Exeter,
retary, and Mr, John Murdoch, Stan -
lay, treasurer ; Dr. Sellery, Hensel!,
and Messrs. M, Murdie, McKillop and
R. Seldon, Exeter, vice-presidents, and
Messrs. John Ketchen, Stanley, Fred
;.fess, sr,, Zurich, and Dr. McDiarnud,
Hensall, honorary vice presidents.
The following were appointed munini-
al chairmen ; John McDowell, McKie
lop ; James Watson, Seaforth ; Wm.
Black, Tuekersmith ; Robert Gardiner,'
Osborne ; R. Seldon, Exeter, George
Mawhinney e and T.Colli
ns Stephen ;
e heu-
Charles Fritz; Zurich ;David Ander-
son, Stanley ; L, Scott, Hensall ; M,
Rose, Bayfield, and John " Torrance,
Goderich township, Me. Edmond
Zeller was appointed to supervise the
work of revising the voters' list. Re-
solutions approving of the policy of
the Liberal oontigenin the Federal
cont; the a eats in
t Federal and Pro-
vincial, ail Parltia a
trent were spoken to
by Messrs. Thos. Fraser, Jacob Keller -
mann, J. Ge Stanhnry and Bober
Gardiner, and were adopted by
standing t n i vote.
North Huron Liberals.
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal. Association was held in
the Town Hall, Wingh me, on Tuesday
afternoon. 0 sing to the busy time
with the formers, the attendance was
not as large as expected, but nearly
every section of the riding was repre,
emoted. President Ishister ocoupled
the chair. Many matters of impor-
tance to the Liberals of North Huron
were discussed. Officers for the easu-
ing year were elected as follows;—
President, It,obt. Shieli,, Fordyce ;1st
Vice, Arch. Anderson, St, Helens; 2nd
Vice, Sheldon Bricker, Fordwich, :3rd
Vice, Abner °omens, Wingham ; Tree, -
sure', J. A. Morton. Winghani ; Secre-
tary, H.B. Liliott,Wiogheni, Munici-
patlOhairtnen—Ashfield, Joe Dalton,
lilagabridge; West Wawanosh, John
MoNab,Dun aiinnon ; Tarnberr iso t
S. Mnir,•Gleuannan ; !iast Wawanoeb,
John Shiell, "Mingle:ma i Morris, W. J.
Henderson, Wiughttrn ; Howick, John
lienneberg. IFordwich ;.Winghaiu, Ab-
ner Oosens ; ]31yih,Geo. Powell, VVrox•
eter, John Douglas, The selection of
Chairmen for polling aub•divisioes was
left with the Liberals of the several
The following resolution was unani-
mously adopted :—We, the Li berets of
North Huron in,coevention tssel;ibled
heartily endorse the leadership' of N.
W, 1Io ll
the K. C. who during the past
session of the Legislaturelxas token so'
firm and uneomprising a -stand o,i all
questions affectiug the moral an,t ma-
terial welfare of the -people of this
Province, and hope the d'ay is not, far
dilatant when, he, as Pitemier o' Om
tario,will have an opportunity 01(mm:t-
ing into law the many progr• ssive
ideas which he and his Lieutenan is are
so ably advocating,
We -desire also to express our con
tinued confidence 10 the leadership of
SIe Witfrie Laurier, who though now
i n
no opposition, tion, is universes .y ael:rioiv-
ledged dtobeCanada's
ggreatest states-
man -
man and confidently look foe.v,ard
to the day in the'near future look
ward -to Ibe day when his policy -will
be truiniphantly vindicated by public
opinion, -
Ernie Graliani is in Cloder:oh with
the volunteers.
SIr, Stewart Jackson was in Sea -
final, Monday,
Miss Grace Cult spent the week
end in Goderieb, the guest of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Grigg, Miss Evelyn
Grigg and Mr. and Mrs, Colson of
Seaforth motored,. up to Clinton Sun-
Dr. Moffat and sister, of London,
Mr. Murray, and Mrs. McLean, former-
ly of Clinton, call on Clinton friends
Sunday, .:while motoring about the
Mise Geta Eocd entertained a num
ber of her girl friends last Friday,
Mrs. Malcolm MacTaggart gave
very enjoyable veranda tea on Tues
Dr. Miles Shipley, son of Mr, Wil'
liam Shipley, has gone to Stavely,
Alta., where he will take a practice'
for the summer.
LVIr, and Mrs. R. B. Carter, oftown
leave in the, course of a few deem for
Mr. Ewart Blachford of Londesboro
spent the week end the guest of Mr.
O. S. Hawke..
Mr. Bert Mcllveen of Toronto, was
in town on Monday.
Miss Ross Levis is expected home on
Mrs. MacMurchie of Harriston and
Mrs. MaeMurehie of Michigan Melted
last week with Mrs, Duncanson.
Miss'Vanchie Hamilton of Beams-
villa was the guest on Thursday of
Miss Jean Thompson, Beech St
Mrs. G. D. hlacTaggart gave a
thimble tea, on Monday afternoon in
honour of Mrs. Tucker ob.. Nova
Scotia who is a guest at the Manse:
Master`' Lloyd''Wilken' and Miss
Irene are Hensall visitors this week.
Mrs. Murphy. is visiting her eon,
Richard Murphy, at Exeter this week.
' Miss E. R. Delmage left on Setup.
day for her home in Bt, Marys'
Miss MacDonald left, on Saturday
for her home in Oanaington.
• Mrs. Butterfield of Bay City is the
guest of Wm. Simpeor,
Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs.
Cooper: and Mrs. Appleby motored to
London on Tuesday with Mrs. Simp-
son's brother, Mr. Heid.
Mr, and Mrs. Fisher Sr. of Benmiller
spent last week at the home of their
son, Mr. Richard Fisher, Huron Road.
Mrs. Linder of Toronto is the guest
of her mother. lilts. Holmes.
Dr. Field, of Goderich, and Mr.
Andrew Scott, of Seaforth, are pre-
siding at the departmental examine
tions this week, Mr. Treleaven is at
Seaforth while Mr. Bartley is at
Blyth. .
Mr, Jae. L. Heid, of 13ay City, Mich.
came over in his auto last week and is
the guest of his sister Mrs.- W. Simp-
Miss Fern Cross, of W oodstook, was
the guest of her aunt Mrs, Wallace
Wheatley last week.
Miss Minnie Kerr is a guest at the
Musgrove -Greer we
ddin in Wing -
ham -
ham to day.Sha will visited Ripley
and Listowel before returning home.
Miss E, Obidleyspent the week -end
in Londesboro.
Mrs, L. 0. Paisley visited in Londee.
boyo lastweek.
Miss ,(surfs I! orlres is home from
From The New Fork Herald.
A, assent convention of South-
ern bankers Mr. R.L. Gueriaey, of
the Commonwealth Trust Company
of St. Louis, While speaking on the
fmpextant subeect of publicitycha -
acterized many' of the curren(ad-
vertising schemes as "lemons;"
and added :-- 'The .shortest and
most direct route td the often/Ion
of all the people lie through the col-
umns 01 the newspaper, (for in is.
daily read by business hien, profes-
sional men, in.eohanies 'artisans—all
These are indeed words of: wis-
dom. 'More money es wasted in'ilais
country en worthless (advertisinng
mediums than 'through any other
downward ,channel; t••ave, perhaps,
the fdiotiel pastime of "wine open-
ing." And the advertisers G§peed
their money 'while sober.
A notable
example of
and effective newspaper frash, in iblinae-
noryl By. means of1 .lig
a s anle
n. r i
appeal in the ,columns or the leading'
daily 'papers .,of New York more,
than seven hundred lots' of the Ven
Coriiandt estate were quickly aid'
easily Bold to welt to clo.cash pur-
chasers atpricee 'that actually sur
passed the expectations of;the beers
or'thei,,eertate. (Cart anyone belie;m.
that this/ result could have been ate
Mined through any other method
of publicity?
An important fact for business
men t consider is that an adver-
p:ofait: to an
from. ro
ma t he authority rand e-
Putation of the nOW,spaper in Which
ivtats printede -- And this apart from
the mere matter of,circul,at,ion, The f
newspaper (01 high reputation al-
ways (reaches people of financial er
ys xriahESA �1.�`�.>an`fis`�^'�a�x,'`a�i.::,4
MR. JOHN HARTLEY, Principal of
Clinton Model School, who ac-
cepts the position of Principal at
theBilingual !Model School t
Vankleek Hill the 1st of Septem-
ber: ,
Miss May Rance is yisiting in Gode.
Mr. J. McMurchie was in town,
Master Lloyd Rice left for bis
home -in Bowmanvdle on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Joynii of `Luck
now' announce the engagement of
their daughter, Ida Fulford, to Mr,
William Stanley McLeod of Fullerton
California, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, W.
McLeod of Forest, Ont. The marsh
age' will take place July 10.
Mrs. K.Chowen arriived 'home,
Wednesday evening' from her visit
with her'mother: at Ingersoll.
Miss Nettie Brown, who has been
an Drum'ba as milliner, is spending a
few dayai with. her 'sister, Mrs. J.,
Leslie'. Kerr..
Miss Ross Lavis, Milliner fat
Georgetown„ arrived home on
Wednesday night for the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Brydone, Mr. 'and
Mrs. 'Craig andi Mr. Jackson, Mot-
ored'', *.o Bayfied lase Saturate"
afternoon, returning home by waY
of Goderich.
Miss J. O'Connor, Zurich, (spent
th$ week end( at the home of Mrs,
J E. Reynolds.
On Saturday of thin week Miss;
Margaret Davis Ieaves for Stevens-
ville, Montana, where she has'• ac-
cepted apo,sition.
Meta Goodrich, of Edmonton, who
has been the guest ,of the (Davis
family fon sometime. leaves (for her
home thee week.
Reve'.J E. Ford, President oe Lon-
don Conference 'wast calling on
friend 'n
friends a $r; h at on
g g e Tuesday.
Miss Kathleen : MacBride, 0.1 Wat-
erloo, its the guest; of -Miss Daisy
Mr. E. J. Archibald, of Toronto,
is visiting relatives in.to•wnn.
Mr. 3'. Inirie, of the( Motor tg o.
will spend( ithe week end dne4..,f.,
bourne, then gueot'of his uncle, Mr,
Mr. George Pearson, of Tomenito,
was calledi home: last ,week,. owing.
to, the serious illness of los eittle
brother, Leslie.. We are glad to re-
port that, the( liittle fellow( is now
on his, way, to recovery.'
Mrs, R,S,Byam Went to Stratford
on Monday, t•o attend, (the funeral,
whish. was held on Wednesday, of
her' little niece/ who died asa,lre-
salt' ofinjuries received from a
hors,o, r .
Mra. H. E. Bones wentto 0
on Tuesday, on account` of tihe ill-
ness of her daughter, ;hiss Violet.
Miss Merle ;Moore is visiting
fi lends in. Mensal;,
bras. Barngcrd and her traughtea,
of London (are the guosite of Mrs.
H C. Pugli. , .•
;Mr. P. Couch,' his another , and Mee.
Roes visitod,inVarna, on unda .
Mem P, Conch -who had been spend-
ing a few clays with her mother, re-
k lu :them.
Mr: Charlie Tisdale of(Toronto,,
and a former 'Clintonsed
x ,Wyton boy ipalssed
1' 2d t
ak in law 'a'.
Yr oa o
Hall,. H's o
old friends ,
>, rad offer {eon-
Mr. and:Mrs, T. Riedel . ,.
of ,/Aub-
urn, 'were the gumets of Mrs. 3. Miit-
ela.eli, Aiheee street, Tuesday,.
Mr, and Mars. A. Parsons, f Hare
look, were the uests nrf.ltirs xr
Watt, Fulton street, on Wednesday.
The 'Misses Greene, 1Cunning-
hams and 'Cantelon spent Wednes-
day wiith Mrs. J. Southcombe,
Huiletit,, •
Miss Carr, ,
of Blyth, visited with
.Clanton frlenuds last week.
Dr. and 'Mrs. Axone went to Bay-
ietd; on Monday,
Mr. and' Mrs, E. Munro, and Mast-
T1arrY PP
en,t Sunday with
respons:rbili1y, friends'in Ged,erdeh, '
-----a,--„eMess Katey Ellison of£t,caforth,
e apan�t SiandaY K'i'th ll'I'ss B10
� we Booth's
/^.�. 9 y^� �j s se 44lissElva Levis visited M Hale. .
oo h S Ir�doriiita,bl 1 tie Belelaer ofG e.i t
od > c, on SundaY.
Messrs: Dodds, 'FIoIlowaY,and"Ike
The indomitable Is iris of General
WilliamB Booth, h bead, p
1 ado the
if Salva-
tion Army,. (speaks forth in the Sol-
lowing me,ssaga ithat he has sent
out to his devoted followers, ian-
mediately aftee the 'announce-
thab lab dee
probably a'bl would he
completely blend—at the age
of 83
and aftee 68 yeara X08 arduous, self-
sacr ificing labor ;
My 'Dear Comrades,—If the
unexpected blow regarding the
loss of my eyesight; has not act-
ually fallen, 'ale ;the newspapere
have slated, it is hovering dan-
gerously near. Instead' of fthe
retaioration, of sight for. which I
had hoped, ,and for which) I
you have (so earneaitly
prayed, the doctors tell me I am
on the( very eve of entire dark
0008. ,
In a few brief{hours my.com-
rades May be under the painful
,cornpul,sion of anno`uncing (that
the General! is hopelessly blind,
In 'that event, whatan finder
eribably painful loss will be
mine, nevex again t.osee the
light ei day, or behold the e, tin-
en•ance° o.f my friends, or look
t i
into the m t" c , m'
s she c
Y pat r eves v n v
co rat ade
s , neverageing ng tc
ness that wallah tor over sixty
years! has been;( ome the ,sight
of 'sights -men land Women
kneeling af'the Mercy -Seat.
Then, too„ Shave lost the
hope of being able with anyea-
cil,ity to write, while It will be
an ,absolutely impossebility-;to
read well.
Pine ,up all My a Y
lose the. are many
and Seriour,, Sedhi,itp:bu't 1oolr `qat
`fife mercies left me!
For, ;there esmyeon fidencein
God. '1 am not going fto a I low
the frxesitence of a few th:ngs.
whish are an conflict with fay
lud¢•meryt to• uliterfege' with my
confidence in His wisdom-co,n-
fide c
r n e that is inspired by ,a'
lifelong knowledge of Hits lov-
ing care.
Then, Ibave nese lost theeas
surae:ce 01 any own happy rela-
tions with my Heavenly Father.
I laavd,.
roti; last the ,conrfxdelaco
and love of my( own dear, peo-
ple. I have nob least the :Ines-
tirnable ,blessing of life.
1 - want the continued loyalty
`of nay own people, and, the heart
ler co-operation of all men
and women .wholse hearts: ;ane
fixed with the ?same purpose as
my own.
In afew weeks' time Ihope to
be found (once More on /the
An am . (dear ,eomrard s a
the light ori�n the dark, you, may'
vaunt upon your General to (trust
in God "and, go forward 1.
a, ,• w zvr�' T
, x oo »t.
! LA.
Rarttenbury drove to Godericle; on
Sunday aY tose
ethe, soldiers.
Mr, Newton Davie was in Godo
ichl on Monday, i
Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Mosrislaand
11fiss Bessie were vieleore in foci-
ericle, on Sunday.-
Jai. e i
Jae. rE.:Ilunter, 'w
t a
be at Dun annon next con-
ference year, has been laud up with
'rheumatism, but we hope he lwil l
(soon be,bei ter,; 1
Mayor Beat'tie, M, P., sand Wee
Hume Btliodt, of London, were en
towns on'Wednleeelay,
Mr, A. D. Beaton - arrived:Gist%
fro'an hili western visit' on'ITuesday
'nv ht. Ho. e t of the Lime
with, his `sonsMost n lin • at Moose Jaw,
Mats. W, Grant, sr., of the London
Road, Is visiting her dauglleter, Mrs,
J. Hunte' in [town.
Mrs,. Holland, of WinnipegIs re-
G, 8 and 10 .feet wide
sl to 31130
• -e
X111 Prices
Teacher Wanted
Forhool section eq vom. No, 9, Hulked,
duties to commence after holidays,
State palary Mod qualifications.
pplicaltions received- upto Satur-
day, July 61th, 1911. Apply to ,
Elias Ball Secy. :.
Auburn, P.A.
For Sale.
Tenooung Piga' for sale. : Are
ready Lobe taken away now. ,Ap-
lily to
For Sale
.One buggy, cutter, harnesst ;robe,
and ruga and a ole -horse ploW, and
one "Daisy" chnrn, aecond hand'ox-
gan. A11 en good repair, 'Apply to
Hugh (Ross,
fPown,sen•d St.
For Saleat a Bargain
A forty ;light: acetylene ;gas
machine (Kurtze Improved) with
chandliers and burners all lcom-
Harland ,Bron.
Private Sale
A private ,sake of all 'household
elf sees. A good coal heater.in good
repair must be sold, sat once. Any
one wishing, to see'Moe furniture
otc„ noay Melee commencing ,next
Tuesday at residence next ;Wesley
church, Victoria ',street
I t Mrs. J. T. Reid..:
Teacher 1. '
�'� aliltf.4i
A professionsal second class
teacher wanted for S.S.No. 1,Stan-
Gey. 'Dultites hid pommence aftea•
Bummer holidays. A liberal salary.
Apply stating experience to
Malcolm McEwen,
'Clinton, P. 0.
Farm to /tent
Being lot 53 and 5,1, Con. Bayfield,
known lasthe •Wi ginton farm,
within two: ranee of Clinton, There
1I0 a good" brick house, bank barn,
driving house and( other outbuild-
ings. Good orchard and small fruit
farm.. All, In good st, and
tion, For: furthe + a
ax °
l ;ir,cu( s
a a
lily, •to P.
14lrhs. Wigginton.
Queen Street'
1 ,Ciinlo,
For S;de
An eight roomed (frame house,
in good conditional, 1vith ;stone cel-
lar, town water. Hal half acrd of
land Wilde young piton-- orchard,
Occupied by Rev. Mr. Weelie, Pols-
, i ae given( by 10atober lst,
Price $900, Applly_
1.1 t ' , ( ' New Era.
newing olds friendships in town
and vicinity.
Ma, Nelson Robinson, a student at.
the 13. C. I. returned‘ Ito hila home
at Westfield) tine week.
Miss Thompson, "•sof. Goderich
Township, who has been on .[illy th
Public School staff ;ler teem:,. past
,sol en years has, we un,derstanti,
taken a,sch ,oil at Oshawa and will
commence her duties after the hol-:
;days, She is an efficienttteacher
ban dfheeltL
. 1oiaaert hnveamsoelia000us
wish her, success in Oshawa.
oe semoseeseseessssssses.S
Tenders Wanted
Tenders !wanted for rebuilding a
brick fwall.,,a',t The New Exiaj; olfi(c*a
and making other - re(paia's4 For,
farther paa{ticulare call at
woolfolei.Ae00000m eeoe