HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-27, Page 397th, 9 !T7`1•''IJiR'SDA'S�, � . .. .. � ., .. . +tttututttk+•++++s++++++t+t++++tut++tutu+:+t+•ft••tls+++tut♦t+4+++++4+ 4++r++{tt.... is +fit+ Z4. Z s Foreig ••+• �••••i•••••o••••+•♦��w�i� vi+••+♦e.O+••���•NN••O••++t++4+++++++t++++++t+++tt►•t+••t••+t•N••+♦ a+++t+++it++t++++++++t+.4.„...•••tt•••+•+i.••►••4••f• ••••••••t +++++++++I+k+*+++++++t +t+, + ++ ++++'++ +H•'►•.•4i•NNtN.•....•se 1 caINes '- ♦. ++4++++++4++++++++++++++++ Ship Owners Dec,r,te'Arbitration, Paris, June 23.—The French Trans- atlantic Line on Saturday declined to accept the Government's suggestion that it should arbitrate between the shipping companies and the seamen, saying that such action was not pro- vided for in the contracts madewith the strikers. The shipping companies of Bordeaux have also, refused the Government's suggestion. The Messageries Maritimes of i.far- seilles, on the other hand, has ac• eepted the offer of the Goi'ernment. Neither La Lorraine , nor Virginia sail on scheduled time from Havre as no bluejackets are available. SEVERE NEURALGIA Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Church s • f Ali Creeds ackr tip ``Abolish `the Bir'' Methodist, Baptist ' and Presbyterian Gatherings of Clergymen and Laymen Pass Resolutions'. Endorsing the Policy Laid Down By Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario 'Without a d'iussentislg voice the Toronto Methodist conference de- clared 'Yhatfl the temperance policy of the Liberal party, tee enuneiated by N. W. Rowell, was the (most Worthy . of any' policy before Ithe people of .the suPP01 t of members 01 the Methodist Church. This, was 'done by the adoption of that. clause of the report of the Oonnsnittee on Temperance Prohibition, and Mor- al Reform. The ,clause was adopt- ed without discussion. The report said: "Your ,commit- tee rejoicers in the; progress' of t temperance cause as evidenced by the ever inereaasnng,,area under lo- cal option ;andithe fact tthat•in,On_ kario both political parties+are com ring to realize the importance of this Issue in practical politics. We re- affirm; :the. 'oft declared policy,/ of Methodism, namely, (the total pro hibition of the traffic .in intoxicat- ing beverages.and declare that 'anY other policy can, only he accepted as partial and las a stepping 'stone to the ultima`t:'e'goal. "While the Methodist Church has not in (the/ past .and, we are sure, will -.not now !identify itself with any political party, we express our conviction 'that In this Province, so far as present policies on this ques- tion are .concerned, that proposed by the Liberal party to abolish the bar and drinking in clubs lis the nearest to our ideals and 'most worthy of our support. "At the( saYnel One we urge( our people to continue the fight along local option and( all other: effect- ive lines until 'aProvilnce--vide •measure is secured.” There is an excellent reason why Dr , William,' Pink Pills have cured thee moist [severe( cases of neural- gia !sciatica and other complaints rethe group known as disorders of the nerves. This !group also in - chides St. Vitus dance, partial par•aly,sis and the 'common state of extreme nerveousness ,and excit- .,abibity, Each of those complaints exist because [there is something the matter with the nervous) sys- tem. If the nerve's have tone and are strong( and healthy, you. will not have any of these .complaints. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink P1110 cure, nervous dis'ordere its, that they restore weak„ run down nerves 'to their proper state of tone. They act both directly upon _ . the blood. [supply and the nerves. . The highest medical authoritie,sl have noted[ that the nervous troubles generally attack people who are' bloodless and that the nerves [are" toned when the blood isreneweld. It is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink.'Pill s cure nervous disorders by cueing the cause of tho trouble. The following is an [ins -face, Miss Annie Jones, London, ,Ont.,,says: "For over a year I was an instance sufferer from neuralgia, evhich,located in any face and head. The pain at times was so 'intense that I could 'scarcely keep fronn; screaming and nothing Iwas doing. for tthetrou- ble 'seemed to help me'. As (time went on guy whole nervous system was affected. At last when, I thought 'my case was almost help- less„ I was advised to try Dr. 'Wil '.tares' Pink Pills. Tlie result of the treatment Is that 1am•now enjoy- ing' such comfort'. 'as I had mot known fort years, and only those who have suffered, from neuralgic Paths can. realize 'what a blessing the Pills have been tome. If yen are suffering from any blood or•nervoul disorder beginto cure yourself today with Dr. ;Wil- liams,' whichyou can get s P� Pills,. ilium, A h tiler or 1� from' any medicne dealer y mail at 50 cents a box or six ''boxes for $2.60' from the Dr. Williams' Medicine .Co. Brockville, Ont. American Section Men Strike. Battle Creek, Milch., June >1.-A re- ported strike of ail the section men on the western division of the Grand Trunk Railroad is denied here, Only' a few. Italians, it is stated, quit work because of a dispute With their fore man over wages. All have returned to work. Train Kills Kingston Man. Kingston, June 24.—At an early hour Saturday morning the dead body of John N. Burke, aged 40, machinist, was found on the Grand Trunk tracks in the local yards. He was run over by one of the night suburban trains. A widow and five children survive. Others Also Endorse It. Churches of all denominations at 'their annual representative eoun- dils held[ throughout the Province during the last few weeks have de-, Glared the( urgent necessity of tem- perance reforms and inmeny in- stances have gone on record las specifically supporting the ",Abol- ishl'the ;Bar" platform of Mr./Row- ell. Every Mehtodilt conference from the eastern) to the western bound- arigsi of the Province has now( de- clared in favor of Mr. Rowell's ad- vanced temperance legislation. Presbyterian Synods and Baptist Associations have dofe,the 'sa'me and sumo Anglican, Synods latter discussing the situation still have the temperance platforms of the. two parties under advisement. It is significant' that in ne single case has the "Abolish the Treating Sys- tem" proposal; of the Government been approved ,andi in some in- stances it hag (been roundly con- demned. Church boding that have passed ,resolutions endorsing 'Mr. Rowell's Policies are as follows Methodist :Conference of Loddon District Methodist (Conference of Hamil- ton [,strict. Methodist Conference of Toron- to District Methodist Conference of Bay c f Quante l•tietrtet._ Motil •:list Conference of Monty(' - al ilts'ritt. Walkerton Association of Bap- t.stChorches embracing' a section of Eastern .Ontario. . Niagara ,and ;Hamilton Associa- tion of Baptist Churches. Toronto Association of ;Baptist Churches. Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London Fin Excellent Remedy For Little Ones Mrs. John IC. Lepage, Rimouski„ Que., writes:—"Your Baby'a Own foblittl ts are nes) anexcellent as) keep e them[ in the house)" Thousands a'f tither mothers say the came thing. The Tablets always do .good—theY- >[cannot poseibly do halm. They are the only medicine for ,children (sold) under the a b- solufeguarantee of amovern ant analyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs They ,sweeten the stomach; regulate the wbowels,; breakup cold's; expel 'worms; euro indigestion and promote healthful 'sleep. The Tablets are soiA ,by medicine 'dealers) our by mail a1t!26 centra abet' from; The Dr f'Williams' Medicine Co.., Brockville, Ont. - � Pert and Ie arr • Nurse a grievaneq and watch it 'grow, .. 3t'S 'tough when love's' young dreamy digs of old ,age. meetrng'"att Colourg, last Week gave the moist unqualified approva1l ,of Mr. RoNell's policy: "We will folenate no compromise, 'We wan+tt'tite whole infamous busi- ness destroyed root ,ian+d' branch, Banish the bar =et continue•,tobe our 'batttecry, not only toeavct use from the appearance' of iinconstist- ancy, suspicion,, and) base 'ingrati- tude, but: alsoetlrat the victory for, which we have been) so long work- ing and 'prayiirgl+may be fully, ia(s ,5ured. Under the inspiration of such a lofty purpose et cannot be doubted that every true Methodist will prove loyal to our we1L nettled policy and will 'promptly respond to the ,call When summoned to join the conquering hoslts under ,the time ;honored (standard, "Abolish the Bar." 'Utn'til the final battle is. fought and won there ,can be Ino halt called. .The only word of com- mand. can .be forward till we abolish the bar finally and forever.", What Otherg Are Saying. Thei Montreall Methodist 'Confer- ence' also) expressed( the hope that measure! fon abolishing[ the bar would he carried. ,The Presbyterian Synod of Ham- ilton and Londonl'tvent o(n recorlti as follows: "This Synod places itself on rec- ord as approving whatever legisla- tion will effectively ,abolish the 'li- censed bars nolo only in this Prov- ince but throughout the Dominion." The following resolution was passed by the Niagara{ and Hamil- ton Association of Baptist Church- es: "Resolved that We, the Niagara and Hamilton Association' of Bap- tist .churches assembled atFonthiil, endorse the policy of Mr. Rowell in his "Abolition of the Bar" campaign While werecognize and fully ap- preciate the advance that has been made along temperance lines by the present Government believing as wo do that, a largeiamOunt of the existing evils are the result of the, drink 'traffic, we £eeh the time has • come when we should earnestly urge our people itosink all politic- al differenced and take a strpng stand upon this question, and, by tine ex any, other policy that may Hereafter be adopted to do all in our power to stamp out the( drink m 1lt . NEWTON =SLUT *norm traffic 'frond our fair' land,' The Walkerton Association of solutions have been assed b sec- men, who rusk 'their political; Lives Bataanpti t Churches passed this res'ol tiottal meetings of the different to carry out our behest, we would u: c rche• The L men's Associa- receive thio contempt end (would "Whereas the temperance ques hu aY tion of the Hamilton District ,at deserve the contempt of the party tion has again come to the nols thee Conference at Woodstock pass- in the Legislature, that at present a great moral, issue, an It both fp ed the strong resolution following, !opposes thatpolicy;and if we fail [tical parties in the Province e o On - only two, of one hundred 33101111)01.01 the Mende of ur iue in this ,epi-' tario have announced' advanced Showing any opposition : S19 wo shall deserve their veriest- laltttf arallis on 'temperance, ref01'tn, "'We Ing seiSpicion and distrust." be it therefore resolved that the rie- ren, with pleasure the ac- "Havingrequestedour leblie. preservatives of the Baptist church - tion taken, by rel Rowell ab the O deal i hths mosdifficult' es of Ilio 'Walkerton Association Legislato11 inrelali,on to faboltell= ,men t des With hall fvite to thereon nts, fn ltq teo aint that ears, nds ,also ,men In dile way, when they that wo pledge ourselves to pray hi,5 statement that heuntends aft les • have accepted our vechallenge,thwe, f or, to world for, to'.light for true include cruris and contemplates Pledge ourselves to give tl>ttlmm lig policy( -thad will most easily a and re: trictioes of the evil,and I utmost support in ,carrying 11 rid' our Province of the other s[thoroughly, wo pledge ourselves (to 'see that 'last= 'io a successful( fearer I drink traffic, and wench strongly those desired :conditions aro B'ow, of Promise, • urge all Christians to co-operate' as brought to pass." The l u 1 oat- body o't destroy this dragon., Tho London Methodist IConfer- lone we,asan ,association ex The [resolution passed by Woodstock ence, referring 10t the temPerAnCe cress our apPerc ,aa of the tact ox- alic' a goon Conference at he ros o u. uestfon, passed' a resolution de - t ' res fu- n that the question of �he' ;cut al tines ood' example of I he o " t of all is the •bow i t e ;cut lf- g cl'arvng thO bas l ant of thcl ecii,s bf t i wwelch have boon [heeding • of promise coming from Onitario's . m e le o f r the o isbefo epeople •t'fi + o traffic, u a q with the approval of the churches loyal w;, pca•eon, headed 1r ace w thiia Province in sohopeful a ,form, everywhel•e: Rowell, IHci•atofore kemper�,nce' I gr r'o Dias lame in and that we place ourselves or 000- °tDuring the past year one of the legislation in,Onta t been, I ord as heartily approving that leg- tnce, under leader of our Mr. N. bath! foe:, lout amwacti h w uslation which Will effectivelyabol- W.Ilaw, ll, the leadership dip adopted Mr. a leaping, e a dud noir itis walking, isle the bars in this Proviuce, and in plank ,ell, I�. C„ Dant as �a 'Me, and praisies thY God."the Dominion of Canada." n plan); xnits Platform, the )boli 'Me, report ucliurel tolenebup'beers 4 Such nvas the resolution passed Resolution.Methodist i�aymt.n , Strong e trop of the ban, and .club; licenses. the wish; toaffirm the words of our hind[ the man, who' es for the abo7i- at the meetnngt of st e Churches Wo f Baptist oi on, sedation o 1 n Beoides' the resolution pa a..d at General Superintendent, Dr: Car- tion. of the bar. of resit week. the general meetings. nurneltote re- man, that if we fail to stand by tiro The Bay of Quinte ,con,felrence Friday H BACK —TO LA N DD —'O F='TSI o—L: M NG J. E. 'Hovey KIDNEY C PILLS DROPSICAL S1h1ELLING A URINARY AFFLICTIONS H NEURALGIA—URIC .ACID P01S0NINC, Druggist, Clinton, The love of•applause is respons- ible for many,,nlear actors.' 'You aro wasting time every time you tell your 'sorrows. Trouble never attempts to dodge those who are looking for at. Some men Are, !bashful wheat it comes to meeting their obligations. The (wagon .wheel usually had that tired feeling, but it never coon- plaiars. Getting .,things 'Witissouro paying for 'them he ,spinel men's idesf of economy. Many a detipg father has peld hundreds of .dollars to learn that his daughter .couldn't sang. SOCIETY WOMEN SAY There 'is nothing 'to -equal. SAGE - INE in bringing out all the lovli- ness and beauty of women's hair. SAGE1NE scietens harsh, dry hair makes it rich and luxuriant in color and reme'Ves every particle of dan- druff from the scalp. SAGEINE is daintily perfumed; it is, not sticky or greasy and is really superiorias a, hairdreasing. Any woman can improve her appearance by caring 1 •,0 her hair with SAGEINE, J. E. Hovey in Clinton sells a large bot- tle toe only 50e. and guarantees dt to give excellent results. Get: a bottle of SAGEINE today, Bring oust all tha beauty of your hair .and note the improvement in your ap- petite co:.. a ,. for Men 04'eC eSt Electric 1� Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension 1 restores vine and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual v e ak nes' averted' at oa c e P hosPh o of will make you 1000 naw man. Pee 88a box,or two for 85.Mailed yaddress. The gimbal Arvis .Rt. Catharines : Oho. Some 1111UantthroPietshould offer, a reward for college that doe.sn t need thie-Money. ;Children 'who' have been ,brought ep as pets May 1nevee get over 113e -I ing disagreeable, ,SCREENS THE FLY'S WORST ENEMY.:' Any files that come Into your house may have come straight from person son who is sick with e Tomo contagious disease and pos. aibly cause the death of yourself or some member of your family Kill every' fly you 580 in your house, Get a screen door.' Keep all food covered up. Boil r all the water you drink. Keep your peivios soraened, Roosevelt Selected By The Progressives ,5 People Drowned In Niagara River Women And Children Party of Excursionists From' Buffalo Are Getting on Boat When Ricketty Dock Breaks Down—Eight Bodies Have Beent Recovered and Six of These Are Identified—Several Other People Are Missing. Buffalo, June 24.—Between fifteeq and twenty people were drowned and a number injured last night when a 30 -feet dock at Eagle Park, Grand Is- land, Niagara River, collapsed under the weight of 250" people, precipitating them into twelve feet of water. Eight bodies have been recovered, of whom six have been identified. The known dead' are: Mrs. McKee, Mary McKee, Mrs. MoICee's 10 -year- old daughter; Mrs. Riehmeyer and her 10 -year-old son; Mrs. Gallagher, Cecilia Kelly, 9 yogis old. Missing: Mrs.,.I3eilstrom and four- year-old baby; 'Viola Semf, Miss. Irene Thomas, Mrs. Westfall, and ]4Irs. Hyde. So far as known,' all of the victims were residents of Pulffaln Protesting Delegates' March From Coliseum to Orchestra Ball.,.. Chicago,` June 24 -Former President Theodore Roosevelt was nominated for President on an independent tic- ket Saturday night, in the dying hours of the 'Republican national conven- tion, in which lie had met a defeat. The followers of Col. Roosevelt gathered in Orchestra Hall, less than a mile from the coliseum and pledg- ed their -a support to the former Presi- dent. In --accepting the nomination, Coi, Roosevelt appealed to the people of all sections, regardless of party affilia- tions, to stand. with the founders of al cardtn whose the new party, ane of P principles, he said, was to be "Thou Shalt Not Steal. The informal nomination of. Col. Roosevelt was said to be chiefly for the purpose of effecting a temporary organization. Beginning' to -day when a call is to be issued for a state con- vention in Illinois, the work of cr ganization will be pushed forward rapidly, _state by state, At a later time,probablyearly in August,s tt it is expected that a national convention will be held. Col, Roosevelt last night said he acceptedt ed then o mir af1 onoi the under- standing 'thatho would willingly step aside if it should bo the desire of the new party, when organized, to select another standard hearer. Comptroller W. A. Prendergast of Now. York nominated Roosevelt. Dean W. Lewis Baker _oe. the University of Pennsylvania Law ;School, who was to make, ono of. 1, the seconding peeehes, delivered onNSeturday n,, ht ,rays a pleasure .1 eget, a mom, and especially to fight a fraudulent • convention. • "The delegates present represent a majority of the lecal'y elected dele- gates to the natior,iul liepeblican con- vention. They propose to do right here and, now just what they were elected to do." The gnverner s speech was inter- reefed with e told • •-t nP ehearine. Don't Grow Old Keep Your Hair Fall of' Life, Luster and Splendor W.S.R. Holmes sells PARISIAN SAGE the really good' hair ;grower, dandruff cure and hair beautifierp Everyone who cares for youthful loo ks+ should( use" it, Nothing (will put ago On your shoulders quicker than scant, fad- ed or gray hale. PARISIAN SAGE not only makes the hair of both women and men more luxuriant and beautiful but it is guaranteed (be eradicate daad- ruff, :stop hair 'from falling: land drive itehinese from the scalp. It Ilse dainty and refreshing hair dressing and is sold by'W , S. R. Holmes and druggists everywhere for Only 50 cents alarge bottle. The girl with' the auburn hair is on every carton and bottle. the Interest wtucn ne .nae prepared for the Republican convention. Representatives of tavetfty-two states composed the notification committee, which informed Col. Roosevelt of his nomination and in a sense stood as sponsors for the movement. The first persons admitted to the hall were those wearing large red badges with the words: "National Re- publican Convention, compliments of Roosevelt national committee:" The wearers were the Roosevelt "steam roller" delegates who were excluded' from the Republican national convex". tion. were opened • When the doors Pred the surging crowd, held in check by the olice, were ushered first to the bal- cony and galleries. These were quick- ly filled and the police had difficulty in handling the throng. The crowd extended for blocks in a line four deep. Governor Hiram Johnson of Cali- fornia, who presided ,at the conven- tion, arrived early with, Gifford Pin- chot, former chief forester; Amos Pinchot, and Governor Robert F. Bass of New Hampshire. When news of the nomination of all hall, • acid the (dent reached' 'Taft e e Pros e the Roosevelt ]earners seemed pleas- ed. The information that Vice -Presi- dent Sherman had been- re -nominated appeared to add to, their delight; Senator Clapp' read the resolution nominating Col. Roosevelt. It dies adopted. with a cheer. "To, any' man kvith mil blood in his veins;" said. Governor Johnson, "it's s ODDS AND ENDS. rix Brothers, owners of the excur- sion steamer line to which the Henry.' Koeber and the Lottie Koeber be- long, said late Saturday night that at least 200 ';persons were thrown into the water and that eight bodies have been recovered, The boats' had car- ried one load back to Buffalo, and were at the dock taking on the re- ' mainder, when the accident occurred.. The excursionists were preparing; 'to return to Buffalo after an outing at the park, end between 330 and 400 persons were on the dock to take the steamer, when the underpinning gave way, and hurled those nearest the boat into the river. The dock was V-shap- ed with the landing at the apex. It is at the foot of a high embankment and its approach is by a long flight of stairs. The current in the river at this point, which is twelve miles above Niagara Falls, is eight miles an hour. The outing was under the auspices of Court Amherst, Lodge No. 232, I.O.F. of Black' Rock, and was for the benefit of sick ' -ethers. During (the last ten 'years the number of immigrants into Canada exceeded 1,7700,000., The proportions of the Suez Can- al have beer( 'completely changed since its opening., The Union of South, Africa cov- ers 470,000 square miles and has a population of almost 6,000,000. Hong Kong, June 24.—Bandits dis- guised as soldiers have looted 47 shops in Canton, and a detachment of British troops has been rushed thither from Hong Kong to guard Shameen, the foreign settlement. Reports that \foreigners were killed in the fighting • following the looting have not been confirmed. Reserves are being held here to pro- ceed by boat and train to Canton, if their presence is required, and the guns and ammunition of the Hazara artillery also are ready to go for- ward. orward, It is said that business in Canton is paralyzed. The gates of the city are closed and strong guards pa- trol the streets. The British gunboat Rosario left -. lame Saturday for Shaheen to streng- then the fleet there. At present there are eleven warships at Shameen, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S .TORIA The barometer was discovered in 1134, •, China has about, 500 post offices. The railroads of Newfoundland total at 650 miles. \ IfQl�ii ' Gure quickly stops coughs. cures colds, heals. the throat and lungs 25 cents. •A pound of soap will make( -,•06; 344,000 bubbles. Tho population of India, is Seven times greater titan hhat of Great Britain, ai 7,r n, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA The London 'stock exchange. brine's together 25,000 Persons daily. Electric elevators are 'being in- troduced''witIl (success on the un- derground railway's of Paris. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Chapais 14ot at Unveiling. Quebec, June 24.—Hon. Thomas Chapais, who was invited to speak at the unveiling ceremony of the Mer- cier Monument, has declined the in- vitation. He tvtll, :rake no Statetrent fot tile pite4s, brit it is generally as- sumed that lie y would have found and' a novo inconsistent with his former attitude towards the one-time Premier o 1'6 During the election of 1691, which led to the defeat of 11Ir. Mercier, Mr. Chapais was one of his most ardent opponents and attacked 303. Mercier's private life and public administration. in no uncertain terms in the columns of Le Courier Du Canada. Mr. Tellier, the leader of the Quebec Conservatives, who was also billed to speak, has refused its well, so the ceremony is likely to be more or less a party event. Borden's Home Fire -Swept. Halifax, N.S., June 24.—The busi- ness district of the town of Canning, the home of Sir Frederick' Borden, ex - Minister of Militia, in the Annapolis Valley, was almost completely swept out by fire yesterday morning at sig The losses; partially covered by fn- surance are: J. E. Kennedy, $4,000; Cornwallis Trading Co., $10,000; A. D. Payzant, $4;000; Fred, Northrup, $1,- 000; 1,000; R. W. North, $3,000; Mrs. Bur- bidge, $500; D. M. Beakwith, $3,000; C. R. Dickie, $3,000. Gumdrops Cause Suffocation. Winnipeg, June 24.—George Ren- dell stumbled while eating gumdrops Friday and fell, humping his head and dying in ten mnutes. A post mor i. tem revealed agumdrop in the tra- chea causing suffocation. 1 1 Some Specials Maple Leaf Paints -the best to be got Hoes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, Rakes Turnip Seed, Millett seed, Buckwheat, M. S. S. Corn. Emporium. Prices These are to be found in the Em p Reasonable. D 72i EiV PORIiIJM l� S ., I� L®leI E u';k�ti4.+,,.x.,..e>, .,yk.__. H•.. ku,.'.:;:: .ta ;,,';' 1TY; RNOy?'F'OR7�UiV FOR A. LIVE MEAN IN CLINTON to m esome clean,honest money, giving ' for ma- tion to those who have requested it, regarding an This subdivision. 111 —trot a el n tow nsite . [nal Western original is a gentleman's proposition, and we want only men ofg ood standing who will not misrepresent.' Address � t western tau Canada Real Estate e Co. GO2 3113filliPL1111 )3IIi3LnING,''01(tO 1'TO