HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-27, Page 2age
' 11, s I m on It III Ill I I'll II" Ile I "it'll ',I •
nessanti1lest.Contains neither
ppium,Morphin0 nor Mineral.
itrArdm sea-
Aperfect 'Remedy for Constipa-
tion.Sour StoinIeh,DiarrhOea,
miss andLoss OL' SLEEP.
Signature of
' to on the ttirottle,' Shadwell theil
diseharged his revolver - twice, and',
' Napoli dropped off the engine and
disappeared in the woods on th8
banks of Mimic°. ereek,
Big Frank stood on the crossing,and
when the rest of the pursuers reach-
ed the spot, he advised them not to
follow. They were completelydeceiv-
ed by this moire on his part, and left
For Infants and. Children. him thereOn the west ;shore of Mi-
creek Quinn and Shadwell lost
track' of the fugitive, and. proceeded
ha Kind You Haifa west along the railway to the Mimic°
camp, about a mile and a half
Always BOugh'hard chase and handed over. to the
tant. He has not been seen aince.
INapoli was run to earth after a
Toronto pollee.
Bears the
AttI months
For Over
Thirty Years
eel. •
Gasoline Explodes.
Sarnia, June 24. -An explosion,
which was heard for fifteen miles
around, occurred here at 7.30 yester-
clay morning at the Imperial Oil
Works, when a two thousand barrel
capacity steel plant, containing two
hundred barrels of gasoline, was
wrecked, the top being blown to
pieces. No one was injured.
The explosion took place shortly
after a new shift of men went on,
and it is supposed that when the
stills were being emptied into the
partly filled tank the sudden change
caused combustion. -
Over fifteen hundred spectators
watched the blaze which followed,
while fifteen streams of water from
the company's plant played upon .the
surrounding tanks, keeping them
4°01 and thus avoidilg further acci-
dent. The blaze was not extinguish-
ed until about 1,30 yesterday after-
s errefeene,,,
G. 'Cordon liewitto 00Mingoll E•
toMcii,ilogisto says, referring to the infantile death rate
from intestinal diseases and diarrhcea spread by the houSe
fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly is yearly caus-
ing the death of thousands 9f infants; 'as well as spreading
the germs of typhoid fever.
Or / ••,
Brantford Man Fatally Injured.
Brantford, June 23.-Chauncer Du-
meath, a young man 23 years old,
died at the hospital here Friday night
from terrible injuries he received at
nine o'clock by falling from the top
of a car between the wheels of a mov-
ing freight train at the Grand Trunk
,depot. His right leg and arm were
.severed and the injured man lived
three hours after his removal to the
hospital. lie had ventured frc-i his
home near the depot to the top of
—3 the train to talk to a brakeman of
his acquaintance, and it was while go-
ing from one oar to another that a
sudden jerk of the train caused him
to fall. He was employed at the Mal-
leable Iron 'Works.
Taft Is Nominated
By The Regulars
Scenes of Will Disorder Marked the Closing Day 01 the
• Convention.
• Chicago, June 24. -With nearly 350
of the Roosevelt delegates declining
to vote and hastening away at ad-
journment, time, to tender to Col.
Theodore Roosevelt the nomination of
a new party, the 15th Republican
national convention, at the end of a
long and tumultuous session, Satur-
day night re -nominated William How-
ard Taft of Ohio for President, and
James Schoolcraft Sherman of New
York for vice-president.
President Taft received 581 of the
1,078 votes in the convention, or 21
more than a majority.
The decision of the Roosevelt peo-
ple, under direction of their loader,
to refrain from voting, left no other
candidate near the President. The an-
• nouncement of the Taft victory was
greeted with cheering from his ad-
herents and groans and hisses from
• the opposition.
When it became absolutely certain
early Saturday that Mr. Taft would
be nominated without great difficulty,
• the leaders in control of the conven-
tion decided to give him as a running
mate his companion on 'the ticket in
•. 1008.
others dropped from the race
and Mr. Sherman was th.e cilly can,
After the committee on credentiais
and the convention had approved the
action of the national committee in
giving the Roosevelt people four d1 -
gates from Texas, in the third and•
fifteenth districts, the credentials re-
port as a -whole was adopted. This
ended the contests and the conven-
tion took up the report of the com-
mittee on permanent organization. It
-recommended that the temporary or-
ganization be made perwanent. For-
mer Vice -President Fairbanks; chair -
Man of the resolutions committee, was
introduced to read the platform. He
was greeted with applause.
The platform, after the usual praise
of the Republican party, contains a
declaration that the party will always
uphold the authority and integrity cf
the courts. At the same time, it de-
clares for measures to reduce delays
and to make impeachment easier.
The Sherman anti-trust act an.1 tho
inter -state commerce law come in for
considerable praise, but it is added
that legislation should be added t.,e
indicate specifically what acts of mo-
nopoly and restraint constitute
The protective policy is upheld, and
the doctrine laid down that the differ-
ence between the cost of production
hoine and abroad ahonld be the
iiidate regularly ed more tire I wsis_..91. Rrotectimi.' -„
convention. A motion from New s sciinti& eadry to determine
Hampshire to make the nomination the Mfg of the rise in cost of living
by acclamation was declared eta of is advocated. Legislation to prevent
order. There were made scattering , panics by improving the conditions
voles on the roll call that ensued, in 'banking and currency is declared
The convention amid much eonfu- a necessity. At the same time it is
sion adjourned sine die. declare desirable to preserve the in -
At no time was There an indieation dependence of individual banks while
of a walk -out of Roosevelt delegates previdinY for the transportation. of
As a rule they expressed their revolt, crops and for the fostering of foreign
hy trade,
When he called yesterday he was
gipafnreieecily byoi Itrepolliig.uoir‘ftaenrdpTaTe-.
frasbinents a discussion arose between
Mike Gyrada, aged 22, and Napoli.
The two left the house and walked to
the top of the Ei short distance
away, while the others stood on the
doorstep. Gyrada called Napoli some
bad names, which the latter resented.
Napoli drew a revolver from his poc-
ket and shot Gyracla in the breast.
just below the heart. He fell to the
ground and died almost instantly.
Two Italians Named Big Frank and John Masternalt, a chum of the
Polish Christening at Toronto
Ends in Tragedy.
murdered man, then rusI d t ta o ie
Napoli Are Invited to Attend a Cele. scene and grappled. with Napoli. Ele
bration at 'a Polish Colony at the was followed by Big Frank, who, see -
Humber River, But Soon G‘t ing his compatriot getting the worst
of the fight, drew a knife and stabbed
Into a Fight and Kill of Their' itilasternak several times- in the neck
• Hosts --Big ''Frank at Large• and shoulders.
Thomas Masternak went to his
Toronto. June 24. -One man shot brother's assistance, and succeeclod in
dead and another so bac13y F.tabbecl faking a revolver from Napoli, whe
that he died later at the We. -torn
trospitalwas the climax of a chris-
tening ceremony held by the Polish
colony at Humber ]Jay last evening.
Joe Napoli, an 18-yearfold Italian wat-
eT-bOy was arrested on a charge of
murcloe' after a chase from the Hum-
ber to 1V1imico. Big Frank, an Italian
sub-forman, is being searched for by
detectives in the vicinity of _Mimic°,
as he is believed to bean accomplice
of Napoli.
members of the neje., colony had a bush near the railway' track, When
been holding a celebration all clay he was almost cornered, he ran west
yesterday in honor of a christeninY along the railwaY tracks to Salisbury
n the The two ,Italians, who worked ie' avenue -crossing. There he was joined
:same 'construction gang as some of bY r''a0. A ligrit engthe'YThlelf
the Poles were invited to take part 'I';'as Passingab the time was flagged
in the festivities. There were several by Napoli,who boarded it: By this
• keg% of, beer on hand and the after- time Quinn was only a few Yards away
and be shoutoil to •1..bp .engineer not
was slill standing near Gryada s body
with the ,revolver in his hand,'
Tile shots attracted the attention at
Thomas Quinn and -.D. Shadwell, wno
live near by, •They both rushed from
their houses. Shadwell secured a
large T evolver, and with Quinn ran
to the scene of ,the fight. In the
meantime Rig •Frank and Napoli bad
started to. run towards the railway
tracks. Seeing that the pursuers were
gaining on them, Nepali hid behind
w•aste ma
Vim and Vitality
Are assuredl if you will cleansp
your stomach of undigested food
and foul gases; the ;excess bile
frori the ibel'and the waste mat-
ter from' theintestines and bowels
bY the use of
TM Pu'
are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests.
r7 '
irlt$DAVi luzl/ii • .2/th;:' 9tZ.
)1tid•olv:• Land
e(late e of paSture nnel 'meadow
land for grazing purposes. Canac-
commodate a large number of 'eat -
tle •tit reasonalole rates. Lets 77 and
10 liolineeville, Phone 12 on 143.
• Bedard,
House for Sale or Rent
Hune,,t. Tgwn and' • •
Anne Shanahasi. Se. amete No. 2 Hul-
jamee 1,ansing, Hullett. '
the great fruit, kidney, liver, stom-
ach and bowel remedy.
At, all dealers 25 and 50 cent box -
05 or mailed by The Fig P111 Co., St.
Thomas, Ont. Sold in Clinton by 3.
E Hovoy, Druggist,
Dr. Thoma Dies Suddenly.
Bremen, Ger' many June 24. -Dr,
Ludwig F. Thoma (4New York died
here yesterday. Me came to Germany
to arrange a program ler n tnio which
000 teachers belonging to the German -
American Teachers' Assuciatfirt, are
to make in this country later in the
summer. He was taken ill shortly af-
ter hia arrival here and has been in
the hospital GVHI' since,
• ; noon was devoted to a...drunken ea-
- ronsal.
There has always been bad blood
• lietween tile two -nationalities and the
•invitation to the festivities was ex-
•• tended in an enclertvor to establish
• more friendly- relations between the
• Poles and the Italians,
• Big Prank has had several quarrels
• with the 'residents of the -colony, but
of Tate he had been treating them
• :with mere censidera.ticint '
Dd M
aviair, No, 10 Hullett.
Maggie Lansing, No. 10 litnilett. -
Lavern Churchill, No. 11 Goderich. Miss Harris, who has been Seaforth
Bertio owden, No.11 Godeeich. manageress of the telephone office has
Viola Powell, No.11rGoderich. gone to Stratford, Miss Belle McKay
Zerelda Churchill, No-. lit Goderich. has taken Miss Harris' position.
Pemlea Bale life. 4 Tnekersmith, • A nasty mishap occurred to S. T.
May Thompson No.10 Oroderich. PvelausmtroofdEderrisieplosnwbhyeraehbyorsheisonbiwghticoh
C 1 N 5 33 11 tt •
he was placing shoes, The naof the
toe had to be removed.
The Goderich police have started
shooting all doge found on the streets,
and many valuable canines have been
slaughtered in consequence of the
rabies scare.
Word was received at Zurich of Mr.
John Winkeniueader in Napierville.
III, Deceased was nearly 70 years of
'age, and bad not been well for some
Lime. Five years ago lifer husband and
four children died from typhoid fever
within a few days of each other, and
she never recovered from the shock,
and the sorrow caused by their deaths,
Deceased moved to Dashwood a few
weeks after the death of her husband
and chiidrene, and some months later
moved to Napierville, where she lived
with her son until the time of her
Ethel Crich, No.6' Tuckerasnith.
Agnes Allan, No.6 Tuckersmith.
Pearl Cunningham, No. 9 Tucker -
1 •
Flora. Fingland, No.9 Tuckersonith.
Verde. Asquith, No.9 Tuckeremith.
Luna Lobb, No. 4 Goderich.
Isabel Sinclair, No. 4 Goderieh.
Clinton Model Schoen Pupils.
Mervyn Elliott.
'Wilfrid Crich.
Bernie Hall.
Austin :Martin.
Lloyd Wilkin.
Lloyd Rice.
Foster Copp.
Frank Pennebaker.
Auetin Nodiger.
Wiliam, Appleby.
Chester Johnstone.
Douglas Shipley.
Albert Shier.
Charles Thm
Walter Shier. When Your
Gifford Beaeou. 3 'se,
James Wylie:,
Charles Canter -on,
Arnold Glazier.
Clinton Cook.
Lo cansedi fromIthe blood/ being
thickened with uric meld poisons
circulating in the head. Anti Uric
cure all forms of kidney
trouble. They are so good and so
sure J.E. Hovey guarantees them,
Bs ,suro you get Anti 'Ulric Pills. IL,
y Marion on every box.
Would Ruin Him.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 24. -It was
expected that John R. Harrington
would. testify in re -direct examination
concereeng a conversation with Dar.
row which was said to have been tak-
en down by stemeraphers, listening
through a telephone device at Clar-
ence Darrow's trial on Saturday.
Harrington testified Friday that
Darrow had shown him last Septem-
ber a roll of bills which Darrow said
contained 550,000 aud were procured
from "Tveitinore's Bank in San
Francesco, that Darrow told him at
the time that if he cutild arrange to
reach two hiryinan, j01110-5 D. • Mc-
Namara would never be convicted.
Harringtou also testified that on
the mornine of Bort Franklin's arrest
for attempting to bribe Ceeresa N.
Lockwood, Darrow had. sail to
"My God; if he *oaks I an; reined."
71 Candiktes
rote on Entrelice
At 0130 o'clock lest Wednes,day
afternoon 71 public .echobl pupils at -
Semi)] ed at the. Cellegiate Institute
to, try their Exame, Those presid-
ing over the rooms 'were Principal
Treleaven of the C. C, , reiSss Del-
mag,e, and Principal' HarIly of the
Public ehool. The, re,sultsi be
publiehect alabut Silly 4, Following
are those who tried
Country Pupils. •
Elsner •IVIeHrien, No.12 Huliett and
Goderich. . .
,AlVin 'Townisliencl, No, 12 Bulieti
and Goderich.
Edith, Harvey, No. 12 Hulled; ,and
God 0/1011.
Norman Tyndall, No, 2 Hull alt,
'Roy Tyndall, No.2, Mellott.
Fergus Van Egm.oncl, No. 2 Hullett.
Mabel Lockwood, No, klifullett.
l'ohn Taylor, No.1 Sitaeley.
Leslie Hanley, No, 1 Stanley.
Annie Steavar t, No. 1 Stanley,
Neil Sparke, No, 1 Stanley.
Cook's Cotton Hoot COMpOtigiet. Harvey Seewart, No, 1 Stanley.
groat Utdrine Tonle, and Frantic Gray, No.0 Goderich.
Wilbert Finley, 170.9 Gotlericoh.
11 ilegil'!°r,SPoVia three awksc,,s
\pluY sato efiVoligolgerulg
.:s „_,., strength -No, ii $1.;,, No. T,
_.3'fr Sarah Cook, No. 0 Goderich,
• John Tigitei Separate No. 2 Hullett,
, 1.0 clegroee,stmageri..*3, box . Cltere:nee Blake, Separate No, 2 HUI-
,. for Hpncial 0240g, ,11,0..Por ,. 1 alt,
•.,.1' ropMcl on roc ' t IOS'.
o. t.' o prlos.
Morrison, Separate No, 2
Bold, by all &runlets or 5
- ree prmplitet.. Ai drenq 1 TIE "Juliette •'
0neel/issislei0e'faleleTts.0117. Udrracr.k1Villay.rt Mar gay•et lotpin, SeparoAe 1701 2
Ai 7erooined frame. hose on
glITOSII Street, oppo 'sae , eta' Hotel, for Sala or Ito rant.'
House being pitt an good order-
WalterWorks in connection. Apply
Eat tenburY Street
ditiRL'ins B. RALES
• Conneyancet V(..itairy
• Commissioner, et.
• Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St„ Clinton,
IsTetarry Public, Conveyancer,
' , ' Financial and Real Estate.
INGURAIION-AGENT-Representing 14 Fire In
euranee Companies
Division Court Office.
Rose Comb Ilroint Leghorn MediaJ.
• Eggs For Sale; ow rt, w. THOMPSON
Throat IsSore
It may be only a
Eugene Slieeley, i. slight cold now—just
Carman Turner. , a. tickling .,in the
Harriet Cantelon, throat.
Jennie Milicr.r But little colds
V101ai Cook, , V.003.3 grow large a.mlcsa,
dangerous. 0 1 t 0 n r, '
Gertie Wallis., they become chronic,
Florence Fawcett. develop catarrh and
Sarah Baines,' end in consemetion.
Eva Carter. Catarrhozone is the
Francis. Reynolds. remeay. It draws 10 -
Clara Twitchell. , fiammatket anti sere-
Merle. Moore. , 111,51 out of the throat,
nellevss th,-. el nigh
Eleanor 'ercKenzie.' cuts out the phlegm, makes breathing
-----,,, easy, kills any gerron Ridged in rho
Hens in this pen are prize win-
nees, and are excellent layers. Eggs
$1.00 for 15. A good. hatch ' guelL
- H. A. HOVEY, Clinton
Farnt For Sale.
Loft 40, 7th Concession, 'Goderich
llown.shil), consisting of 80 acres,
all seeded down except 25 acres. 2
tierce orchard. Frame house 20 x 30
with out buildings. Barn 30x72
with stabling under. First class
well. Fdrnr is 6 miles from Clinton
and 4 from Bayfield.
A pp1-4, on Premiaes or address
George Burnett,
• Clinton P.O.
To Graze Cattle
Phe undersigned is prepared to
graze 30 head of cattle for the aea-
son 01 1912.. Plenty of Water and
shade. Apply 'to
Summerhill P. 0,
Barred Rock Eggs for Sale
won on Barred Rocks at Clinton
4 firsts, 3 seccaidg,; 1 third( and
special. focr best collectio.n. Pen 1 -
Pallet mating, headedi by Millard
eeckerel, (limited( number settings
eggs $2.00 per 13.-leen2-, Cockerel
mating, headed by Millard cock.
Pullets in this{ Pele' are good lay -
layers. Eggs $2.00 per 13. -Pen 3 -
Utility pen, headed by, a cockerel
bred front onel ef the best laying
sbeihis• ixr Canada, Heals in this
were bred Frons 17 of my pullets
Which layed 436 eggs in 31 day,s.
Eggs $1.00 pen 15. I guarantee
good hatch or ..replace setting free
of eharge. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
TwO Illouses to Let
Jioie.n. Surgeon, Eto
eneoial attention given to dieeneem of:the.
• Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Nyee carefully examined, and suitable
Office and Residence. •
Two doors west of the Commereirt1 Hotel,
Huron St,
raucous laving t.-1 the thlOat 01
' 100115.
°thing in ths Antiate of hledioM0
• "
to give entire satisfaction to all SO Effentivo for Bronchitis
rheumatic &ufferers who use it.
Ill sumo 15 50 good we have receive and Threat Trcui1los as
ed hundreds of testimonials from G
prominent people throughout Can-
ada and 'United. States. Rheuerio l'' ATARRii0ZONE
dtiveis every particle of uric acid
poisons from the blood enriching it , in the v. st peciret reatly for- use any
C'tarrhozon- inlia.1.-r can bp carried
and coring rheumatism, Don't al- .1, Two months' treatment, onlY
leen the disease to go so far that moo; medium size, 60e; trial size, 250.
you aro a deformity from 'tiled:04's Dregeista, ur n C. Poison C. Co., King -
tures and pains it inflicts, Rlicumo stone, Ont., and Iiartferd, Coen., II
is your safeguard and 3. E. Hovey See,
guarantees Rheum& to do all that '5 ................
claimed, We have confidence in
Rheum°. oe we 'would not guaran-
tee it.
Ur. Beattie Neabitt Sent
Up far Trial.
'4 See and here our finest E.
New Stylish designs of t;
TORONTO, june 20. -Dr. Bea' tie
Nesbitt was committed, for t•rial • 'Doherty Pianos and IP
last Thursday mornieg and Will 4
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to;
Jacob Taylor
come before the'next A,ssizes on 4
four charger, of making' false re- 4 a ; •to
turns of the Farmers' Bank to the 4
Government. 4 . > l' 4 .
TliD evidence of former account- :131 (Special values in Art i"
ant Fitzgibbon, taken Thursday, 4
tended to ,show that Nesbitt evas 1 Cases r.
not so famBiar with the ;Finances ,:e" " le
of the Bank .as Travers cianned. '4 18-
4 Pianos and:organs rent P
----..- 1
ed, choice choice neW Edison
BLcAlviE,s0wK SO/AK , phoi
nographs, Musc & i":
, ., . , _
. variety goods. •
FROMA il p
DlipRiii [Eg ..,1, Music Emporitun It
4 is.
' • 4 entusarm...a.vaseaftneemeormetarnrwonknaumamm
Had To Chalt Work
Diairlicee, especially if left to run any
length of time, causes great weakness,
so the only thin to revert this is to'
chock it oh its first appearance, You .•
C Hoare
will find that a few doses of Dr. Fowler a ,
Extract of Wild Strawberry will do this 0,
. . .
1' b
quickly ad effectively. Mr. Inc,. 11.
Chilcierhousa Orillia, Ont., writes:- Boot Illaker and Eept/ieer
''When in Port William, last summer, 1
was taken 'sick well diarrhea, and Opposite Postoffice.
became so weak mid suffered such great
pain, 7 had to quit werk. Our manager
advised me to try Dr. Vowlees Extract Repairing done promptly
of Wild Strawberry, so on my way hone
I bought a bottle, and after taking four Stlit - cases and Trunks re -
doses I was cured. We always keep a Palrecl,' -
• lifottle, in the house. We have also used -
• it for our children, and find it aniexcellent • A trial will convince you of
remedy for summer complaint." • • the nPatness and pr omptriess
Price 35 cents. When you go to get a with which I execute my work
bottle of "Dr. Fowler's," insist on being
many cases where unscrupulous dealers StOre open every.evenill„.v
given what you ask for, as we know of
have handed out setae other preparation. -
The genuine is manufactured only by •
The T. Milbtath Co,, Limited, Toronto, •
Field Stone Wanted.
Dr. W. Gunn, L. 10, 0, P., L. MG. S., Misr
Dr. J. 0, Gaudier. B.A.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight calls at residence, Rattenbury Gt.
or at hospital
Field Stone suitable for road
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3,50 per cord of 13,-
000 pounds.
Chairman uf Street Committee
Logs "Wanted
All kincle"of higs, Maple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
price paid,
W. Doher ty Piano and Organ Co.
ccoucheur, etc,, office and residence on Ile,
tenbnry St,, onnosite W, Farran's residence.
Pasture 'Land
Is Crown end Bridge 'Wort( Specialty:
Graduate of 0.0.1/0.. Chicago, and 11.0,0.9
Ilayfleld on'Mondays, May 1st Decembe
Some first class pasture land to be
so d in o su s
tractive prices. Apply to
John Raneford, G T. . City Agent
lotst it; rel a ers At
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental treat
*Tient ss painless as possible.
The South .70 acres of lot number 83
and the South East part of Lot no. 86
11 acres both in the 1st concession of
Stanley township is forrent for a term
of years. This propel ty is cflOse to the
town of Clinton athcl possesssion can
be given at once, For further parti-
anlars apply to Henry Plumsteel,
Ont., or ielcOerther, Boys & Mur-
chison, Barristers, Bashi, Ont,
Live stock and general Auction oev
555 50 etoaA sales acacias/ Orden of
NEW Erce. office, Clinton, preAnct,y, abtenned,
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
Farm for Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estates oUjrs for sale 50 acres' -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, -laullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
and, improved, and with good
buildings. Also the undersigned
offlere for sale, lot 29,, con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms may. be
bought together or separately.
_ 031.
Ford, & tacos
We're now selling . Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
. We also have op hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover. -
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Iligliest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
McTaggart Bros.
u. GenerUf Banking Bashassri
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual'
Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and isolated Town Fropo
arty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos, E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., eaftith
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John
Watt, Harlock;. G. Dale,Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith: vans, Bocci
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, T. "If la
neweis, Brodhagen, M. McEwitu,.
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his own locality.
Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchlee
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmondj
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrieh Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cutt, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
111811 rance
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Tssac Street, neat door to New
, •
Grand TrunitRallway System
Hall weer -Time Table
Loudon, Huron and Bruce,
North r Passenger
London, depart.. 8,80 a m 4.50 p na.
Centralia ... ..... 9.40 5.43 -
Exeter ..... , 0,o3 5,04
Hansen,- .,.. ..... 10,08 6.05
Eippen......... . 10.16 6,11
Brucefteld . . ... 10.30 6,19
Clinton ........ . 11.00 ,e1,35
Lonclesboro 11.18 652
Blyth 11,27 • 7,00
Belgrave 11.40 '7.13
Winghani, arrive11.50 1,3.351
South Passenger
Vitinghfun, depart.. 6,43fslin 3.83 p
Belgrave............ 0,54 3.41
Blyth, .. ... 7.08 8.513
Londes.boro 7.16 4.04
Clinton. .. 7,50 1,23
Brocefreld 8,12 4.30
EiPPeo.. . .. 80,2 484,457)
EtrR:enseeil.:, . ..... ;8,48 c 5.05
Oentralla... . 9,00 5.15
Londonrrive10.00 6.10
:Buffalo andlOode „
Wes` Passengex
Strati or0.........10,00 o,2," 10,20
10.22 12.4e 5,55 10,47
3/SielittfOhteellal 10.45 1.10 6.18 31, 2
Clinton .. 11,07 1.25 6.40 13,28
1-Iolinesville11.16 1.33 646 11,88
Getseriee„,,. ,11-35 a 117,150 pm p01. 1pl,m55
• East 1 o ssenger
Goderich.. • 7 10 2,40 4.50
Holmeeville . .. 7.26 2,57 5.06
Clinton.— .... . 7,35 3,07 5,15
Seatorth .............7.52 3.25 5,32
..... ..... 8.16 8,48 5.55
Stratford. 8.40 4.15 ::6,20
Ord & /Vide' a ni ro p 111 p
CI Alla
Before placing your orders for
your Season's supply of Coal, get
ot.u. pees. The very best. geode
carried in stock en solti at the
lowest possible
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er Rowland's Hardware store, or
• at gleetris Light Plata.
Dr. de Van's Female. Pills
A reliable French repo fails, These
pills are exceedingly, powerful ta regulating the
generatiya3 portion of the female system. Refuso.
all cheap imitations, 10r. de Tante aro sold at
Sito box, or three 101910. Mailed to OtlY OrldrooS.
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