HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-27, Page 1t uniY News on Pages 2 alc16:. C3rur'hes back ul}"Abolish `J Ilar,l-page 3. Established 1865, Vol, 46,' No. 52', 4,7°I. T it 'Ky"""; (teal-New.4 on pages 1; 4, 5;a'aia Iaoolc oar personai e,oiun e, pager 1 anti 4, ...,IMI,.110......,•0.. ..m;,s, .:. CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE 27 1912. Local News Appears on EveryPage of THE NEVV ERA. THE loyal Bark OF CANADA IN'CORP3E AT.ED 1803. eapifal $6,250,000 I eseTYe . - $7,000,000 The Annual Statement, shows the fol` - lowing int ceases for 1911 1910 1911 Deposits 572,079 007 588,204.808 Loans S- Investments- 55,283,976 02,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,510 110,528,512 207 BRANCHES and Correspondents throughout the world Interest allowed on Deposits. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH TaIeum PO*V4IeIS Colgate% E'clat Colgates 'Violet Colg:xtese Monad Violet Colgatas Cashmere Bouquet Oolgatas Daetylis 'Wtlliamsl Xarsi vVilliamte Violet Williani,s Carnaition Rqyal Rase - Royal Vinolia TRY COLGATES NEW, PER-, FLWE--E'CLAT. We 'think Aone of 'the best. Dispensing Chemist. W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers Don't Miss Reading it Every Week. The 72nd ani'tual reprot of the Upper (Canada 13ibte Society has been .distributed 'WIrd grain branch stands 'thq highest in Huron county, having icontribifted .$18290. Gode- rich eoance next with $111 85,(and Clinton $45 00. 'rhe 'total receipts for the year were $56,67153. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBERS ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Stands in a class by itself for iia st-class work. Open alt year; Write Ito -clay for handsome Cata- logue, The Beginning and the Ending The lave 'week fog (canning Pineapple, Tiie first week fon-1u eserving Str•1awbegries. Strawberries are now eat their] best, The ;preserving sseasoxi is at hand, anal;we have; 'the Fruit Sealers Sugar Sugar es usual at wholesale price. W. T. O NEIL THE RUB GROCER Phone 48 G, T. Sr Train "• Struck Load Of Hoy At Blyth J Mr. A, Sanderson Was Buried For a While, But Crept Out Uninjured, Blyth, June 20-Wiia't might ,have been avery serious 'accident hap- pened at the G. T. 10.!station, S, A. Sanderson was unloading pressed hay intoe a car when the noon press .came in, and as started the team gat frightened and bolted' In: front (of the engine. The horses es got; across the track but the wa- gon Was struck by'the.:engine, ',scat- tering • the hay, on both rsxdes. Mr. Sanderson was in the'ivagon at the time and it was expected (that he would be seriously injured bot he crawled from ended the hay. none the worse, only terrified, The fact, that tholtrain had not got up speed alone saved him. Mr. Me - Grieve, of Seaforth, who was there, tried toastop the team, when one of the h•or,sea kickedl him, but he also escaped serious injury. wwodmikAnwmoyi Local News &IMAAMPMAIMA ARE COMING AGAIN. it is expected that the St. Mat- thew';s bowling 'Club of Toronto, who paid Cllntonr bowlers a visit' last'year will ,visit here (again about July 1Tth. - GOES TO CREDITON JULY 1st, The Clinton. Baseball Club . ,avili play two games at Crediton on Jul,Y int. They are taking -down: ka. strong teamf and will try and ,cap titre' both games- WILL ATTEND TOURNEY. �" SeS•eral rinks of Clinton bowlers will attend the Seaforth tourney Thon July 3rd' and . Her'e'�i hop- e S S; Bank- thg that'111sthe trophy comes .back Wihz them. incorporated 1S55 `'OUR OWN" T111l0,TY-THIRD ReCord of Progress fot - The officers of the 38rd Huron are :-w Five Yens 191)6-1911 Lt;•Ool. Wilson. • 1004 CAPITAL , $8,000,000.00 $4 . 0 000.00. RESERVE 3,000,000.00 4,000,000,00 DEPO 41TS -3,617.730.00 3a 04`2,311.00 •' LOANS AND INVESTMENTS27,457,000.00 35 8844,801.00 TOTALASSETS . . 38,090,192,00 48,237,274.00 Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal .("ties in the World. A GENCiAYIA1AINu BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BAND' DEPARTMENT at all ifiranche . Interest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch, C E.-IOWDING. Manager. ••4•••w••••••••♦••••••••• •s••••••••••••4••••••••••• • • • • We've made •• • •• ♦ •• •♦ 4. s lioiidag Goods' for Inc : c%. . . +`+ Special Pre a,ra I p • tion tor the Burs for the Holidays. ♦ BoysScoutSuits • 81.1 • Regulation Style, at $1, 0 per suit ♦ Y 5 p ts Boys C . otton KnickersIckers • ♦ 25 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents • :Boys Cotton -Sweaters • • • in all the popular combinations, sizes 20 to 32, price 25c • Boys Balbriggan Underwear • Short sleeves, special at .25c ♦ •s Boys White Duck Hats i To clear at 15 cents '+ c : BoysFiannel Suits S b : : Boyss Scout Stockings 2 Skeleton line, sizes 27 to 33 good value • at $3.00, to clear at 1.90 • • 1 • In all sizes, special at 25 cents The Morrish Clothing 4. re Deal for EveryBoy" J� �a�' fee,. • • • •• • ••• •♦ • • •• • • •••. • ♦ • • • ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ , Z♦• • 4 4 ♦ • •O •• • ••♦ • • • ♦ NShots. ,...,:71 �/�9414.0 *.4S '...4,04 •••••♦ ••••.4•440444••••••••••••••• Major H. E. Combe, Major H. Hance, Adjutant Capt, W. W. lelseVicar, Quartermaster 1d, D, McTaggart. Medical Offioer Dr. 7. CV, Shaw. Paymaster R S. Hays. Chaplain Rev. J. W, Hotlgies. A Co.-Oapt, H. 0. Dunlop, Lieut. A. G. Nisbet. . B (I t. McPhail, Lieut. Van - stone. C Co. -Capt. Sale, Lieut. Dickson. 1) Co. -Capt. H. K. Jordan, Lieut. Town, F Co. -Capt. Sinclair. F Ito. -Capt. Beaman. (4 Co. -Capt. Naftel, tient Sloan, Ii Co, -Capt, Varcoe, Lieut, R. A, Walter, Signalling corps -Capt. T.R. Rundle. A BIG BLOCKADE The weekly crowds last Saturday night were attracted about nine o'clock to Albert Street where a block- ade took place which caused all traffic to cease. The policemen were on the spot, and horses and•antoniobiles coin,. iia up were •immediately stopped. The cause of all the excitement was a horse whioh took "stage -fright" at the approaching stone crusher, and re• fused to trove on. A woman in the carriage was -lifted out by two young men of town and placed on the side- walk, oat of danger. But meanwhile the horse kept backing .upon the. engine. At length the by-standers thought it best to unharness the horse and succeeded in obtaining hold of it, but the frenzied animals irritated at. their touch, bounded forwarii, and started away down the, street, LAWSON-JUDD WEDDING, The! reerri!agel a8 Mass $optic' V. Judd, eldest. 'daughter .of •Mr. (and Mee. Thomas Judd, tot Mr. (Ar'thur Lawson, took place -on Wsedneedlaly at 12,30. Thiel ceremony was per- formed at the{ &mei of the sbride'I parents by Rev. (17. Wesley (Peewee, in the! presence of., (the immekliate relatives and friens. The bride was given, away by her father, and was Ina wisitel Swiss embroidery dress. The couplet were unattend- ed. After ithe usual - ;eangratuiae ` tione the Wedding, dinner . ;was served after' wwiateiT the lyoung couple left( on' the 3.07 train ,tor De- txolt: and other, places, the bride travelling_ in a {travelling dress off navy blue iehiffon .panama, Upon: their • (return illhey 'wall take up housekeeping on Townsend (Streelt. The New: Era terns wlt'h their lawny friends inheaxtyi ,congratulations. CLINTON UP 38 SHOTS The first game in the Faill Trophy series was played on the local green here Wednesday afternoon between Seaforth and Clinton Bowlers, Clin• ton won by 38shots. the'players and score Seaforth 0, Clark ]Jr. Burrows J. 1, Shine W. G. Willis ; Skip , ....17 Dr, MelKay T. Rands B. Jeffery .1. el, Best Skip 18 B. McWilliams W. Newson A. E. Colson J.Greig Skip19 J, Taman uN eil J, SN11ie R: E,'Brigh't Following were Clinton G. Yates Rev. Jeakins W. J, Nediger E. J. Courtice Skip ,... 32 The World's Greatest orderer- —The Fly Swat The Fly A •campaign against the house fl'y as no -w; an progressl all over; the country and the wily fly win be put to its wits end to 'escape complete destruction. The Nave Era, has se- cured the right to publish (special articles on this Important question and also several( .cartoons (which we will commence to tpubliele this During the( next few weeks s e(c fat article% will be pubaished . that , should make, the public take strong action in getting] rid of the World's greatest murderer! -the fly. The United States has taken an active part in the "Swat :the 1!']y" campaign 'ands wetP'give below a reheat sketch of Edward Hatch, jr., of New York, who is chairman of the American Civic Association, Something About "tho Man Who Made - the Housefly Infamous." When the housefly becomes as extinct es the dodo'and fossil specimens la- beled "Musca domestics, abundant In.. United States up to about 7915 A. D.," are preserved in glass eases in =se- ems ,rtes the name of Edward Batch, Jr., Sugbt to have place on the label if not a tablet of its own. ting commit- tee of the dy fish g tee of the American Civic associati'ou ind, thief Inspirer of the "swat the Sy" Movement, be already bas a clear title to renown as "the -Man who made :the iousefiy in1anlous." Though actively engaged in the di- tection of a great dry goods house, • J,. Watts W A McOonnel D A. Forrester J. 13. Hoover - Skip 18 Chas. Wallis J Wiseman J. Harland J. Taylor Skip 93 J. L. Oonrbice J E. Hovey N, Ball J, Stevenson Skip ..-°,"36 EDWARD EAT011, befoundtime to organize the opposi- tion to the pollution of rivers and har- bors by sewage and manufacturing wastes. His Investigation of the New York water front, where flies swarm upon the filth: deposits, brought him. M a realization of their disease bearing ac- tivities. Once convinced of these, he began his anti, fly campaign about four para o aril thea h ridiculed Shots ,,,i„100 y ag g t as a crank, has brought the whole American Wale around to bis point of b calling a:areee A'nd wedding sta- view.. He has done this through the etee ery neatly; and promptly fin - liberal espekditure of his time and lessees *the ,27eWiEr,a Joie Departs money and his utilization Of the hearty went, 1 -slew York a merleap, las-operation or newspapers,: magazines and health organizations. - On Mr. Hatch's committee are Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the well known writer on health .topics; Mrs. Caroline Bartlett Crane, expert on civic better- ment; Dr. S. J. Crumbine, secretary of the Kansas health board, and Dr. Jo- seph Y. Porter, health officer of Florida. The most recent publication of the committee is the Ply Fighter, devoted to the prosecution of the 1912 cam- paign and. Issued from the headpuar- ters at 1516 Fifth avenue, New York cite - Sowell Holly To Abolish The iOar Two Bands Have Been Secured For Big Meeting in London On Dominion Day. Further details of the arrangements for the Dominion Day meeting at Queen's Palk London where announc- ed by the committee in charge of the demonstration 'for Leader Rowell While the meeting proper will not commence until 2:15 P. M., it has been thought advisable to have .a program me of music during the previous hour for the benefit of all those who may Wish to come early and secure the seats nearest the platform. The capacity of the grandstand is so large that there will beno difficulty in seating all, but the committee desires that esmany come as early as possible so that it will be practicable to startthe speak- ipg sharp on time. • ++++++++++++++t+++++++++++ $ PERSONALS: * It is the desire of the 4 + publisher s that all should + :talose -an interest in this * column of 'HIE NEW * t. ERA,, Y + f,youhave friends visiting you, or are go- + + ing away for a 'trip, leave . + word orseud 1t on a post 4 card. , + + 4 + +44+++++++++++4+++++++++++ Mess May Smith , has ,rdturnecl homey from Drayton. Mr. Clarence Paisley is learningthe operating at the G. T. R. station. Rey. S. J. Alien .and family. expects to arrive in Clanton next Thursday or Friday, Mr, W, Jackson was in Toronto lass week' on a business trip. Mr. 17.Archibald, of Toronto, and au old Clinton boy is spending his holidays in town. Mr. Archibald has been on the sick list and hopes to gain up while here. Misses Hattie Rollaway, Ida,Wilken Barbara McIver and Jess, O'Neil spent .last Saturday afternoon in Goderich; touring the camps:. - Mr. Hemphill, of Hensel' motored up to Clinton with a party, to the garden party Thursday night. Mr, and Mrs. I3riydone leek on Wednesday: fox a `week's visit in 0't- taWa.. , l 'MinM e Jennie offatt, of Wroxeter and, Miss Lilian Ross, of Winghalna are thel guests of ;Mies Jean IRose. - Miss Belle O'Neil'.went to Strat- ford on Monday to, meet her 'broth- er ,Clausiai wird has •spent. the Iget year: in Moose Jaw. Miss N lVlacDon<alcl, of Goderich, returned -home on:lefonda3s after sPendi'gg afew days at'the home of Mr. Jas. Flynn: Messes Dell and Hazel O'Neil are texpected home from Toronto on on si'riday, Mr. R. We)sli Wasin Londola.a Monday. Mrs. ilfaclTardy Smith, went to. London on Monday and, in the evenung assisted at the graduation. exercises at'the conservatory, Rev C,E.. and M;rs. Deakins,• OIre, H. •B. Combe and jMise Jerkins drove to God:erlele on Monclay. On ‘thel 'way then, horse .cut its lag sso badly that it wasimoossible for there to returxi that 'day. - Rev, Fr.. Dunn has been .confined e31 'topes rooms with - eangestiom of the lung( and was a able, to hoid service last Sunday. are glad ti repot_'( he 15 No* On tie end Councillor Beacobi( has been on ,he ;sink fiat threatened' with pleUr lay. lir. 03eacom's many friends: in, town, will, wish foil a speedy re- covert. 1 Last Monday morning Mrs. J. Brown, Victoria street, had; a close gall, haying; taken medicine oat of the wrong bottle. All that saved her was thatshe took an overdose.- At pre. sent the patient is doing as well as ooald be expected. The following spent last Saturday in Goderich.-Mrs. Grant and her guest Mrs. 'fucker. _ Melville Ransford, Theodore Hale, The Siisses Pntvell, Bay Rum ball, Albert' Mitchell, Emer- son Mitchel], Obariie Trowel], Hirem Hill. Broder McTaggart returned home last Saturday morning, but left on the one o'clock train for aoderieb to join the volunteers. Broder, so the report goes, has been made an officer of the 33rd regiment. Dr. Roy T.Rodaway, of Chicago. who was last week on a shoat visit tog hits parental home at Staple/ten left on Saturday last to resume' his studies, accompanied byhis sis- ter ilfelen, u_hoo.expects to, spend" the summer vacation, with her ale - Mx 'Mrs, (Dr.) Jackson. Mr. John Ransford •whn was attend- ing the Synod at London last week was appointed to the following Com- mittees: -Religious instruction in Schools ; Iuvestigatiou Committee on subject of women voting in Vestries;' and the Executive Committee,Mr.- Ransford was also appointed a dele- gate to the general Synod and also to the provincial Synod. Mr. Ransford will • have a busy time,, but we will miss our guess if any other man will attend to bis duties more faithfully than Mr, Ransford. Two Bands. In order to carry out these arrange- ments, the committee has engaged two bands, that of the Seventh Regi- ment and Mr. Roselle 4'oeocke's city band, One of these will be at the grandstand at Queen's Pack at 1:15; o'clock and will give a pleasing selec- Lion nf popular music for one hour,. M 2 o'olock the other band will parade down town, and, with the speakers' and others connected with the arrangements, will leave for the grounds in time to reach the park and have the chairman open the meeting at 2:15, Abolish The Bar, The principal speaker, will be, of course, Sir N. W. Rowell, M, P. P„ whose policy to "abolish the bar" has aroused widespread interest, and who is one of the foremost orators. of Can. ads, As there are thousands in West- ern Ontario who would be pleased to have an opportunity of hearing the Opposition leader. and ussin le fares prevail on all railroads that day, with good: train service from alt directions, it is likely that the attendance from outside of London will be very large. The place of meeting is idea), with am- ple room for an immense crowd, first- class street car service right to the gates of the park, with shelter in case of rain' and plenty of shade in the, eyent of Dominion Day being yell warm, and those who come will be as- sured of comfort, as web as pleasure and profit in hearing so great a Speak- er on so vital a question, License Inspector Johnson Makes a Capture An official in spectkon Of canteens at Go clench on 'Wednesday evening found everything apparently in proper shape, but License Inspect- or Johnston and the chief of police of Godertch undertook e !scouting expeclit4on of their own on Thux sr. day evening. and ,caused at,neaa riot by ,,seizing six keigs, alleged to eon - tam ,intoxicants, .en the infantry ee. The suspected barrels were,. hustled on we on and The two of- 1><u,s a e off with mac tgto 1 i'eea',s a (tem eft , u p thcx wetgaod.s.; About 500 militiamen purrounded She e cue .r ,s c mere about to them an l e f Captured beverages, When `lib e eho of police.. drewl,545 revolver, Tak- ing advantago of the confusion this caused, the driver (whippedup his horses .and 'rack( for the road. Thq wagoid wae{ pursued by over 210 angry' esoldiers, and the license inspector ,'ti as alMost torn froMs his vantage painit en it, ,One of ,the kegs burst` and added to the excite- ment, ,Thq ,eaterera ,and men are indignant( oven the ,affair, land claire that the kegs contained -ply local option beer, but the license inspector maintains that the liquid rens far over .the limit: ole aleohoL and ts.preparing to prosecute: Friday night thq been fired (an empty keg,' ,after ,an - indignatien meeting, and (carried et flaming' about 'thea infantry linea,asserting that they, were "Inereing the tin-° epectoT.” . The trial1 w a s tan ave aken place on Monday, but Was postponed hili Thurs.d.ay, It ie understood that the affureT9 have P o li iz ed for el - Jawingrthd eatsen so sell been, and will pay the fine, what elver it will be. Inspector Johnston is to bo ,eoan0nandec'i upon, aeting. peolmptly Seethes Metter; coon NIGHT, SUCH , Kill them( quick -Don't give them a.(saeond' chance. A go,odj ideal, 'when yost Istar't war; on the Destructful Pota- to Bug. Our Paris Green if/absolutely pure, tested and guaranteed. It i.:l Berger'ea (English Make and if,you use this braid you can well; .say :Good ,Night Bug. ' W. A. McConnell For SHIM? CIIIIII0P1 You Will Find -Dere New sponges 5,10„15,25 cents and up Bath Brushesj Rubby Complexion(Brush Bailin BIM and say-jus'f try ,that beau tiful Glycerine Soap, Rotse or Violet, you'll fall in love with it at; .the REXALL STORE. DR•t,NS Will be at our Store on Tuesday, .inly 16 W.'.R. lio1mcs Phm B.' 'Mr. and Mrs. Pred Cooper re- turned to there home from a merry delightful seven week's tour In the Old Country, Both were reatlyy. charmed .with 'England'e roads end scenery and the Svild flowers and '1vlay ibtgssoms. Mr, arid' Mrs. Cooper have .covered oyer !tab thousand mars on land and (sea iaice leaving Clinton and have Vis- ited some 15 of the larger ,cities and towns, Mr. ;1Cooper says Loudon alone with' As Ancient 'buildings and massive, bridges, rad ' 'dense population is well worth a Visit ito tree. They. 'were at one lserVice oar the wonderful St; Paulis v7athedraI and also( paid, a visit, to the. Tower of London, seeing all the (Crown Jewe).`s. They visited Hyde Park where thel wonderful marble mon- ument of our; latei Queen iVietoria stands. It is a wonderful structure: situated immediately, outside {of of Buckingham Palace. It Was Is grand lsiight° to sari the . lsolldiers. marching Sioundi and rotted the ace guarding it. :They 'also' got a good look at Windsor Castle. The reproduction of the Coronation, at Madam Tru,asaus 'Wax Weeks Ss really beautiful as also, is the repro- duction. of the Iate, Captain Smith the Titanic, which is, drawing great crowds to the Wax Works. Otet England' .can certainly heart of some wonderful archieecrure The. thing that ]struck Mr. Cooper very forcibly was that no naattor Where t one wentwhe,thei the place 1tv,as large or small, look which way ,one will, there wore, numerous build- ings ld - ngsbeing raieed. Ofcourse Dev- onshire .has the charm, amaysfor Mr. Cooper with its towering- and roweringand eleeping valleys, Then across froM1 Devon are the"Welslba moue - tains, Mr. Cooper one morning rut; rix o'clock, climbed to the (top Men's and Boys Straw Hats In all the Newest Styles Pan am as Sailors Telescopes From *25e to $10,00 Harvest Hats for men and boys From IOc up to 40e' Boys Knickers Special Clearing Lot BoysKnickers, Bloomer. style, in English worsteds and Scotch tweeds, made. from sample pieces, sizes 22 24, -26 and, 27 only, worth 1,25 to 2.00 per pair, Satur- day special, choice for 98c Men's Tailors and r®retgttees rorteanomossanammomerces deet '�s 1 00 Aber, which q Pmoust.A a , o n high, a'>;ood ,climb before brealcfa'li The sand's upoas.!the .sea shore ares grand. 'Mr. Cooper esays he eerll'aiates ly, had had' a delightful ,trip, but ,says there's `�Np, Place Linke Reese," and he Ss quite content to sing "2The Maple Leaf ForeVer." ..