The Clinton New Era, 1912-06-20, Page 81 Page• 8 Ladies and Misses! Cotton Repp., Washable, in Plain White Pale Blue, and Grey GREATL.'Y, REDUCED $5 Wash. Dresses 2.98 good qualityre in plain Tub. Dresses, made of �,a repp, long and' -grey, two piece coat, new stle, daintily trimmed, all sizes, reg. $5, on Saturday your choice for $2.9S $9 Wash Dresses 5,98 Ladies Wash Suits, in plain white, pale blue and grey, best quality repp, well made, full length coat, newest design, reg. $9, your choice Saturday $5,98 FANCY :PARASOLS REDUCED $2.50 Fancy Parasols' 1.98 Ladies Fancy Parasols, two tone colors, new style long handles, just a sample lot, bought for quick` selling, regular $2.50: Saturday $1.98 $1.50 Ladies Parasols 98c Ladies fancy -and plain black Parasols,, new style tops, re • . lYandles, in two tone shades and plain black 0 p , g $1.50, selling Saturday for 98e NEW ARRIVALS THIS WEEK New :Neckwear Wash Collars and Belts New Wash Dresses. New Lawn Waists. "New Corsets and Gloves New Table Linen .New Indigo Duck New .Cotton Voiles New Muslins New Curtains and Scrim dozer +t,F 2rown DIRECT IMPORTER$, CLINTON THE CLINTON NEW HRS. asernowesimmiesa ...P..:.:........s..1...141...,..a.......e.� The New pastor for • Church Ontario St, Chur tl ° L�:cat News • esu4+••lese.N•••••••••••.sHs1.lN••••••••••••••••11. BAND CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT, a. , 4• 4.4.4'4 +4,4.,e+.l•er..e.t ketal l l! l' Owing to the garden•partq on Tilers CLINTON CLIN'TON MARKETS day night the open ,itir band concert ,f, ' •a• 'Hogs $8,10, •Il+ will bo given on I!'ridav night of this � 19-22 + 1. Eggs' ' 1-2p 'i' week, - )13uft:tor r PASSED TII1tO'UGHTOWN. Wheat Sec PA bac is Oalt a •n - •E belong- Severaloises,caravans and torous g 70e to 80c 4. ing to gpsies, passed through ton � Barley • .. 4, Tuesday morning. Their horses were ..i�. Peas .. 90c to $1.00 + not the' best "lookers' by anymeans,:'1i, Shorts $' -,tk •t.' Bran:, $23.00 WOMEN'S IN• STITUTE, The regular monthly meeting of the +++++++++"++++++."+++++++ I Weiner's Institute: will be held at the hone° of Mrs. Frank Hall on Thursday afternoon; June 27 at 3 o'clock, Mena - hers please remember. that it is discov ery Day. GOING TO LINDSAY; We regret to hear that Mr. T. Firth B, A Science blaster at the Collegiate intends leaving at midsummer to take charge; of the Science department of Lindsay C. I. la his year here, Mr. Firth has proved himself an excellent teacher and much regret is expressed at his departure. MOONLIG HT EXCURSION WELL PATRONIZED The moonlight excursion to Gode- rich last Thursday night was well Ratronized. A special train of seven passenger coaches were crowded. The weatherman might• have beena little more lenient with his • warmth, but still everybiidy enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Many exclamations of pleasure were. heard regarding the commodious quarters on the steamer "Greyhound." ,- LOVES FOWL. A dog visited the yard of Joe. Rands and put 20 of his hens out of business. A law case may be the outcome of the. dog's visit. Reports have = also been heard that other people have been losing their chickens by cats and • dogs. WAS A BUSY DAY Monday at the station was a busy day. Besides the regular trains specials were going through with the soldiers to the camp at Goderich. ,One of the Redcoats was arrested in for: being to smart on the morning frain coming from Blyth. • FOR THE.NIMROD. Monday marked the opening of the season for bass and the local nimrods will shortly be offon "fishing" trips in quest of a day's recreation. Real en• oyment to many is found when fol• lowinglthe pursuit of which Isaack Waltoon es the patron saint, GOES TO ST, MARYS. a fordBeacon says :—At the The•Str t; regular meeting of the St. Marys Col- legiate Institute Board. held on Thurs day evening the application of Mr. Mc Kinnon•of the Kincardine High school was accepted at a salary of :11,600 per annum to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr, S, K. Ma.tin, B. A., who has accepted' a position as mathematical teacher at the London Collegiate Institute. -Mr • McKinnon's old friends in O.inton will wish him -success in his new position. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE. The treasurer is waiting' to bear, frons' all the churches concerning MANY WENT TO SEAFORTH.,', Many from this town attended the horse races at Seaforth last week. All report that the races were good this year. A SHORT HOLIDAY. The Public School pupils hed'an hour's holiday on Wednesday in order that' they might see the Middlesex regiment march through town. PRESENTS SCHOOL W ITB. SILVER OUP.. Rev. Fr. Dunn presented t'he Public ,school with a beautiful. silver cup. The teachers have decided to have the name of the pupil standing highest each year engreved on it. The cup is to be in the possession of the pupil one.balf of the year and in the school the other half. Rev, S, 5, Allin, who comes from Windsor to Ontario street church as successor to Rev. T. Wesley Cosens,'is no stranger to a goodly number in this. locality.; He was formerly stationed at Brussels and Goderich and knows the County very well and is pleasantly, remembered. His past t years were marked by no small success and he leaves a fine new church whioh will stand as a monument of a faithful and successful pastorate and a congrega- tion i'n good heart. Mr. Allin belong- ed to the Bible Christian `ehtirch prior' to the Methodist union -and held im- portant posts. ,Re has been in the active remise since 1874 and is a fine preacher' as well: as a good singer. a faithful pastor and looks carefully BURIED HERE. 'We overlooked, the obituarynotice of the "fate George Flintoff, who wag buried here last Wednesday. Deceas- ed died last Monday at the Woodstock Epileptic hospital and was 21 years of age. Be was affected withepileptic fits and was taken to thehospital three years ago, after residing in Exeter for about a year. The endcame gradual- ly but surely and he slept away. The funeral took piece to Clinton cemetery on Wednesday. 'Deceased is survived by his mother, • Mrs. George Ethering- ton of Usborne, three sisters and three brothers. Mrs.. J. 0 Snell, of Usborne, Mrs. John Newcombe of Stratford, Mrs. John Welsh of Alberta, Fred •of• Goderich, Frank of Stratford ' and Glenn with his mother. their eontributiona for the evoeik lint 'two] have responded so far. • J. Greene, HOLMES—BALL. One of the prettiest of June wed- dings was solemnized at "Fairview' Htlllett, the home of Mr. and .Mrs, W.H. Ball, when] (their eldest daughter, ;Bella Beatrice, wa,smar- ried ltodsir. W. S. Reginald Holmes, a pronuine/et - young business mean of Clinton. The ,ceremony took place] lathe, drawing room, before abank of palms.The bride who' wa;a 'given away' by her ]*her, looked ;sweet and. winsome in a gown of white, patin,..with guipure Lace. She wad• ^attended, by one bridesmaid, her sister,' Miss Annie, who wore a dress; of pale pink paiicatte [sills trimmed with mac- rame lace and ninon, and apicture hat 'tomatch. Ruth, the .Ismail daughter of Dr. Ball of town, am 'a dainty whits frock, made the isiveet est of wee: flower girls. The groom ,vas supported by Mr.:G.eorge Gar- diner of Toronto. After a dainty luncheon, the bridal party drove to Clinton, where they took the 3,07 drain Inc'Toronto, The honey- moon Will bespen10 abaong 'the 1000 Wands. The 'bride's travelling costume was a grey snit with tan. halt. Guests totho number• of fit ty or sixty witnesscdc the Ceremony, being :presenIJ from! Seaforth, To- ronto and' Goderich. ;The New Era lo•in,s avith'tlhere in offering ; ;con- gratulations. DON'T,DOIT. • We echo the words of an exchange -Don't have the nerve to send items to this office announcing doings got up for profit unless you want to pay for them, We sell our space and papers for a living, If advertising is worth doing it isworth paying for. NEW POTATOES. ' Wednesday morning new potatoes were sold .fn town by MJoy- ner. Henry He planted them two months. and three, days ago. They were all a good size, considering the backward season.' 'e SEAPORTH BOWLERS TOURNEY, JULY 3 AND 4, The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Oiub has decided on Wednesday and Thurs- day, Joly 3 and 4, as the dates of their tournment this year: • There will, be three "competitions, trophy, associa- .tion and consolation, for -which hand so"ine prizes have been selected. As this will in all p •obability be the only tournament in this section this season a record attendance is anticipated. The club members propose to give a complimentary banquet to President McMichael and the visiting bowlers on the first night of the tournament. AN OLD RESIDENT GONE, Early Sunday,. morning, June( 16, the ;Spirit of Charles Messias:Bezzo responded :Ito'the call of ltheo- Mas- ter, and winged! its flight t' great beyond. Born in Waterfot'd, on 6etay 11th, 1831, lashed lrealcheid the ripe age' of 81 years. In ;the year 1868 became( to Clinton 'arid oldes e on e of 'N110 e)Ll els or. was. ill � ) residents .o2 'the town. A, Man kind- ly of heertl and genial disposition Ito made. friends with all with whom he ;camel in. contact. In religion he wale a Baptist, and in, polities a, life-long, (Liberal. Besides a sor- rowing widow, (there remains p family y 'of four. sons and two daugh- ters, Isaac xinot Ralph ot town;- C. Mortimer of Berlin, Win. B. of• Lob Angeles, Cal., Mrs. .T. Dubs= of Stratford, ands Mrs. Fred Brlownof Petrous. The funeral, which was private, wa,s hold Tuesday after- noon, interment. taking place in Clinton Cemetery, . Uig s peel LS 1 Week For Next Screen Doors and Windows • Sherwin -William's Paints - Varnishes, Japalac and Floorlac Dustbae—the great sweeping compound Balance of Lawn Mowers and Gasoline Stoves AT A BIG REDUCTION , See our New Perfection Oil Stoves. WINDOWPIHAI:NE—The' modern translucent glass decoration. Has all the effects of stained glass and costs about one-tenth of the real, thing. 'FiRLAN'f) BROS. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties IN GOOD ORDER. , "REV. S. J. ALLIN. after the interests of his church. Mrs. Ailfn,. whose maiden . name was Miss Ada Darch, of London, ably seconds her husband in practical church work, while the members of Mr. Allhia's fam- ily have always contributed a goodly share to the success of the various departments such:as choir, League. Sabbath School, etc. They are a scholarly family,threeof the sons being University graduates; Mies Fernie Al - lin, an accomplished vocalist and pupil of the McDonald Domestic Science School Guelph? and Miss 1Vlayfrid, in additionto a good Collegiate training, has been in attendance at Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas. We welcome Rev. 11,1r. Allin'andfamily to Clinton for the sake of auld langsyne and wish him ab The Grand Jury: of the (County Court made a Visit to icuse, o f Llefugo, ••ancl repontsl as follows, — PTe visited the 'House of Refuel and found there were 90 inmates, 56 males, and 35' females; .a11,Geem- ed very contenited' and 'well caret] for, andlspolco very highly of•Jthe iendness 'and :caro of the official' and s.M etch Mr, an n fth0.Refuge, n t who. deserver very 'great .ct {e, foe dit the way. in [which they keep the house and attend all the inmates. We allot inspected the Court House and found !everything in good orcler. THE FAILL TROPHY. Arran enrents have been mads for the playing] ofgames This sea- son in the .competition 'for thePaill trophy. ,The schedule is arranged in 'twat ,sections 'Goderich, 'Clinton and Seaforth In thhe Huron lsectioa and Stratfoatd, St. "Marys and Mit- chell 1n the Perthsection. A sched- ule iI oY games, concluding, July Sief, was arranged for each section, and later the winners of the :Huron sec-: tiom 'play ' tori and home genie' withthe winner;:" of the :Perth sec- tion. Four rinks from each club (day in the games. In, ease of a'tie in the districts, points Ito out,, the concluding 'games are t. played Aug. 77:th, and 14th, points counting. - The schedule for the Huron section is as follows,— June 10-Goderich. at Seaforth Juno 26-Seaforth at Clinton. July 3 -Clinton at Goderich. July to Seaforth at Goderich. July 17-elinbOO at Seaforth, . July 31--Goderich tit Clinton. PRESENTATION :TO MR. 'rHAR'LAND. After tura evening Service on Sun- day, o - day , Mr. ,B, J O-ibbings our behalf Eike choir' and• cos ggregatiot of.On- R:ario`Sttreat 112ethodast Church, mad an ,address' Ito, Mr. Will 'Harltapd thanking +hdsrifor his faithful ams efficient ;cervices in the choir and expressing rcgree at his departurieo Tic (then presenited hien with a We'tch-fob, ,and an umbrella, Mr, Harland in few well ohOmmi words expressed his gratijtude and bus par- r ow er -row atsevoriel gl his cone) ectionwith - the ,choir of which for oyer: twennty year,e he has been a valued member. the beisti wisher ,of the whole cone regation\go with Sir. Harland 40laiis new home. Following was [the to, dress :— 1 Mr. Wm. Harland a - FOX many years you havenelen i10 ttimately associated with the inter- e.sits of,Ontariot street church land choir, In 'the( course oMime it leas colpo aboult, 'that, your [advance in 1;10 ,callfor: sacrifice £cre- 12Jtion pWhosuch occasions are noel 'an,conrman, yet en this case we feel More deeply, (thesev(eilance t:ecau,se of (the long continuance and initiniete chanacter of'old ties. Interest lof our choir, has eves been foreign to your isympat'hy and we feel assured that in leaving Clin- ton, you will carry away,i with, you many memory fwhinh bring you "back inithough'ts bo the old bricks Church 'on the hill you kindly accept' from us'thismo- mento ofithe happy Past, not Only as a token of appreciation of !your faithful ,andf-willtingllservice but el- se as a signlof our 'goodwishestfor your future good ,and welfare nor would IVO fail to include with. you, your good wife -and family, who. al- so, haves a wart" place in our affec- ions,. May 'Heaven's richest fav- :ours attend you in your mew field,. of endeavour. Signed on ]behalf of Ontario Sit;' church cho,ir,,, B. J. 'CYib,bing4. e SATUIRDAY NIGHT SHOPPING. We clipped the following item from the Hanover Post and itis to be hoped that its appearance in this paper will cause some citizens of this town, yes a good many to sit up and take notice and next Saturday night do their shopping ata more seemly hour:— Citizens our:Citizens no doubt through thought- lessness are depriving our merchants and their clerks from their justly earned Sundays rest by keeping them in their stores until all hours on Satur- day nighte, The old fashioned custom of keeping store open practically day and night has long since fallen into disease except in backwoods villages. Our stores are open at night more than is necessary and. the Saturday night craze is 'beyond pardon. Onr people walk the streets in many in• stances until nearly ten o'clock and then bolt into stores and expect; tired salespeople to attend to them.cheer- fully. What chance ° have they to spend a' happy and restful Sunday? As before stated, they do this without thinking , Jhescen'e out of, doors on a nice evening_ is enticing and they leave their shopping until the last— forgetting the tired people,behind'the counters. "Live and let lige" is enter- ed more and more into the scheme of things and we trust that our citizens will give a thought to the merchants and their clerks.. undant success in the coming term. July pastorate will open on Sab- bath, 7th. i`IiU(.RSDAy, JUN'E' 20th; 1:912: 1 l'Iteameeesemi Something ethin, New on Which to Hang Your; Curtains. A Brass Telescope Rod with curved ends and rounded edges on which to shur your curtains • without cutting or tearing'the threads. It is light and strong. Easily put up or taken down, and holds the curtains far enough away from the casing to allow a free movement of the shade. The oval ends make a very artistic effect. ' We have it in three styles. One for a' single pair of curtains; another for double curtains, or a single pair and an over drop; and a third style made so that the brackets will hold the shade as well as the curtains May we Show Them to You TheWa o Fair o. Often the eheapestJ1Iways the Best SASKATCHE WAN ELECTIONS ON JULY 11, -- The Saskatchewan Legislature is dissolved. Nominationstake place on July 4, and the election on July 11. FINED $2 AND COSTS. Lant Thursday afternoon Police Magistrate Andrews placed upon E. Rowecliffe a line of $2 and costs for aseltlng Jos. a on the London 7 Crich aU Road recently. y ROOFING pit, iiauuu Til is made in soft, hand- f h �°o AN some shades of Red, ey Brown and Green, as well as natural , slate color,' Thesecolors are an integral part of . the . exposed surfaoe,Wnot painted on. Cannot fade out or wash off, c Let us show yen samples. 77 Solo Canadian Mfr.. THE STANDARDPAINTCO. of Canada,Ll®ited,Monfreal. 10E1as aitWRAPPED THOS. MIKE° NZIl'C, CL8NTON. geoes•etleese mars owes•••- • S`TUBY AT HOME • • Starr a•Chierse ier Bookkeep- vn.g: or.Shorthand ; ulse your g • ispacc (brie until'thij fa11 or • • winter! and then finysli; it at 0 • Cotlsgo 7,f you nils].. a12,any ®• are following this len, sav- • • lint[ 1 ,expense, amd seising • ready: for a good otfficepbiki- •• • tiom. Write' tys foa''pmilieulaaa • • The • Shaw ICorrespondeu,c(el • School and, Cenitral.,Bulsilnees Coiilege, Yonge. and Giera'(ar(d • Sltreettp, !Doronfto, • W. II ..SHAW, 'President. i • •• •••••••••,N00.61•N�NN•*� MnMMMAMNMAnMM/iMMN;MAAA nAOMAN* A!'AVh AIVIAA/VIt Sellinq Out THE SOLDIERS WERE HERE. Wednesday at:ternoon the town was all astir when the Middlesex soldiers marched 'through, emmout to• Goderich] camp., They pod just southl of the Bayfield River bridge for lunch, and came through •town about 3 o'cluelc. Their band, ;was`,eomposed of Indians, played 'through the 'town. ' They camped at Holmesvilio for the night. BACK PROhf TFIEi WEST. Mr. James Mahaffyy arrived home on Monday, from he had atom 'Elbow, Whin Saslc,, where n d sates . ho left There. last 'fall. his 'grailn was alt under the snow, (hut this year hehad it threshed and found :t yielded thirty-eight bushels to the acre, While slightly, bleached, it, was No. 1 sample wheat. 'Mr. Mabaffy has been very successful in his three years i:nfthe 'West, jut -.still he says 'Clutton is good enough for him, and hel Will remain in "]the Hub in future. I The Big Sale is still going on. Scores have taken advantage of this Great Money -Saving Sale; Have You ? Our large and well -assorted stock of Children's Shoes and Slippers is Attracting the Mothers' Attention. NOW is when shrewd 6hgers Blip sloes ' A Good, Leather Top Phaeton Buggy for Sale Jas. Twitcheli &Son CI TON lii L AMAAANWSANVeMMAAMANO W W WV WVWV W. 'TRICK SEAR. T'<vo travelling gentlemen frons Sunny Italy witlp a with a, .trick bear,, entertained our citizen's on Wednesday of this week. 1V .C. T. U, MBETING. A Meeting g cif the 'W. C. T. U. will SPOTS ON LAWNS. For various reasons many of our lawns look patchy at this season of the year. Where the grass died out, the land should be manures( with rotted manure, and spaded deep and thor- oughly; then raked fine, and lawn mixture of Blue Grass. Red Top and White Clover sown. Various mixtures are recommended, but ase good a one as any is made up of 42 pounds of Kentucky Blue Grass,live poundsrof white Oiover an acre. ThaRed Top and Glover germinate quickly, and later give way to the slower -growing but more serviceable Blue Grass Some, times a little black earth scatteeed over the bare places, and grass seed sown in it, will soon give a good lawn. —Farm and .Dairy, BEAUTIFUL CLINTON. The vacant bit', once 'adorned by bill ,boards, between( the (Chinese laundry and Met old Royal CHoltel, has been) levelled(',and ameatlfenee nicely painted, has been placed 54 the back! of it. In the centre of ;'lie plot there 'now Vasa beautiful bed of cannas, 'and assown as [the grass grows, what has Tor years bean an eyesore ;to'the people of :'Clinton, will be Iasi pretty: a little spot 'ea anyone might wish, to sec. Three cheers £oidie Clinton Ilorticultur(aa: Sache ty. They're ala right, " The old( buildings at'the ,bacic of the S2o'toli'Worlr;si have been re-,. moved, and tmoslt of The old junk that has be dumped) there, has been ,carried] Away. We hope President '.Craig will follow' in the lead of (the, [Horticulture Society as this would Make a splendid sae for a park. Some time ago We saw an adver- t:lsomeant-no',t lin Tho New Era, bpt on,a blackboard in 'boot of the town hail—"`Man wanted] to cut grass on ithe( streets," Has lie bec+dn'. found? , r. owes•••••••••••A•••s•6•••• Tenders Wanted Tenders \wanted for rebuilding a brick 'wall at The New Bila]', oi2ine and making ether`' rdpaitec Vol!' further psi{ticulard call.at' NEW' ERA gFFICE. - .,0,.!••j!•••,00S••.•o••MAS• 4'3'3 3'iS•"-_�+.+.34it104:R'~fri' 1 be held at the home of i1Lrs.,W.'10'. Harland, .oupriday, evening of this, week, at 8 o'clock. All members are requested tobe ed P present. COAL PT4ICES. An'earo•-a cdejrb'into ou'r'leeTphor't last week of the (coal prices . y :should have (been -nut coal $7.50, and [sltove .coal $7,25. An extra 25e will go on in August. VISITED HOUSE OP REFUGE. On 'Monday, the lne0ubers of 'the League of Ontario St, Church visit- ed �ssit_ ed the House( of Refuge. p m did programme of musac.and read- sings waa given and fruit and lie- f: ashments served, The league us- ually visits .the 'House of [Refuge : the t qli fall but they went ltlhiaiweek !n order' that Rev. Mr. Cosens might be 'with •them. Such visits as these are great events] in the litresOf;the Inmates. 'SXc. P. G. 'Cassels kindly loaned his gramophone for the oc- vaaiton ;anr11 the, inmates enjoyed this, A CLOSB CALL. Last Sunday 'afternoon little Fred Pugh waa driving down Ontario street, whenjust at the church cor- ner he encountered an automobile. Fred 'tried-tomake the pony pals but it refused, and just as , the au- tomobile cams up, wheeled right in front of it. Tho ,car was stop rhed o just in thcl nick of time an pony seized', by,a passer-by, and .headed the right way. Central Business College Stratford, Ont. onro s fest BU sioess College Our courses are up-to-date and practical. We have at age staff of experienced n-. isr'ru'ctore and our 'galaduatda. gab the high grade ytos,ibions. We do more for our ,students than does any similar school Wd have three departm,ents Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. You owe -it to yonwwelf to know what ` we are' doing. Ga our free eats- logue. at once. ' D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL i. 4.4 ^4.,(.,1.4-4 .4.'r4.4-4.1.4„4 41. e. nq 4.4.4,43.4 r •IIS •l- 4 4. 4 4 -4. 4 4. 4, ,e. 4, 4 • 'ty' 4 44444444 4.4,444. 4.4.4ea I• Man We Have Been Watching Y +r We have been looking out for your interests. We have the kind of Oxfords you like—Oxfords that are built for you alone„ Snappy styles of distinction that stand out from the ordin iry styles so decidedly that when you :" see their,buying will be irresistable . yn FRED JACKSON'S DISTINeTIvI, SHOES