The Clinton New Era, 1912-06-20, Page 7Kingston Postal Clerk Found Dead.
Kingston, Tune 17. -Stanley Porter,
clerk in the postoffice, was found dead
on the railway tracks near Petawawa.
He left Kingston Saturday night as
a member of the Army Medical Corps
for camp, complained of being sick
and went, out on the platform for
fresh air and that was the last seen
• of him, alive. It is supposed that he
fell off. His body was found yester-
(nay morning. He is survived by a
widow and two children.
searrnen's Strike Throughout France.
Havre, June 17. -The central com-
mittee of the Seamen's Union an-
nounced yesterday that they intended
to take such action as would demon -
state the solidarity of the Havre
strikers. It is understood that this
is to take the form of a national, gen-
eral strike of seamen and dockers ex-
tending over 24 or 43 hours.
CIlildren cry
* • -*;\ g
His batting average is
high because he chews
0 -Pee Ghee
There's a lingering fresh-
ness about O-Pee-Chee
Gum that soothes the
nerves and keeps
them cool and steady
even in- the heat
of the game. 10
Gum Cu. Ltd.
London - Ontario
with plenty of out -door exer-
cise, pure food and air, will
arrest consumptive tendencies,
allay irritation in throat and
lungs; and build up the whole
body.c, All Druggist..
SCott & Bowne, Termite., Out, fAil2-14
, • '
THURSDAY, .MARCH 29th, 1912.
'Fruit -a -fives" Cured,After
15 Years' Suffering
' IlovninUR 27th 1911.
"I was a martyr to Hay Fever for
probably fifteen years and I suffered"
terribly at times. I consulted many
physicians and took their treatment,
and I tried every reinedy I heard of as
being good for Hay "ever but nothing
. helped me.
Then I heard of "Fruit-a-tives" and
decided to try themeand I am thankful
- to say that this /remedy cured nee
completely. 4
To every sufferer from Hay Fever I
wish to say -"Try nruit-a-tives". This
medicine cured me when every other
treatment failed, and I believe it is a
perfect cure for this dreadful disease -
Hay Fever"
' MRS. HFNRY K11.1P.
The real cause of Hay Fever is
poisoned blood, due to the faulty action
of the bowels, kidneys and skin.
"Fruit-a-tives" cleans the blood by
regulating bowels, kidneys and skin -
and thus relieves the excessive strain
• on the nervous system. Try "Fruit -as
tives", •
50C. a box, 6 for $2.50,trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Inuit -a -fives Isimited. Ottawa.
Miss Tilley Deaa.
Toronto, June 17. -The death of an
old and respected resident of the city
occurred at St. John's Hospital yes-
terday afternoon when Miss Julia Tin
' ley, daughter of the late Mr. Leonard
Tilley, Lieutenant-Gosremor of New
Brunswick, and Finance Minister un-
der Sir John A. Macdonald, passed
away after a short illness from heart
trouble. Miss Tilley had been a resi-
dent of Toronto for the past 25 years.
coming here shortly after her father's
death in 1887. She was 60 years of
s age. ,
Train Wreck In Sweden Kills Twenty.
te Linkoeping, Sweden, June 17. -
Eighteen persons were killed and eix-
teen injured in a collision which oc-
curred Saturday night between a mail
train proceeding to Stockholm and a
freight train at Malmslaett Station.
Among the victims was a daughter of
the late Auguste Strinjdberg, the nov-
elist. The first sleeping ear of the
express was completely wrecked and
two others were badly damaged.
Two of the injured died last night,
bringing the total up to twenty.
eynthia'i- ehauffeur
13y LOuis Tracy
Copyright by. IVIeLeo a & Allen, TneenatoS ; I I, I ; inns
isiirraCeeiVenessfrrae. -- isout k to north, k0
4.1, mio. Vanremen, anen seeing
nen at the very Up elf the magnificent , en ether or not M 612 St y, had wee/laid
gunmen the outlook is deceptive, Per , he NreadY.
eana it is that the eye to caisht Pi', ' -IFieeng:intere -"en° on mY machine for a
the taring adVerneernenteeofethn bta - nlluute,' lie said to the guardian of
aattte caves, or that basar emotions the Du Vallon. "By the way, Is Can
teagardens-of one • In particular, se eearn presence might affect hie own
Devar here?" he added, since
lire awakened bY the sight of coeY tam
where a cascade tumbles headlong, actions.
from the black•nocks, and a tree -shad -
e:1 lawn effeee'rest and coolness alter ' ."'Oh, you know him, do you?" cried
.na.e.d in the hot alpa.. the other. "No, he didn't come svith
hours is ,
Be that as it niae, 'Teen bad a wee is: We left him at Bristol. He's a
esound, and 1VIedenhann who had bird, the captain. Played some john-
ny at- billiards last night for a quid,
lunched on read and beer and pickles,
Was glad to halt at the entrance of
the inn that boasted a waterfall In
Its groundn
The road was narrow, and packed
with chars-a-bancs awaiting their
Borden of , noisy trippers. Some ot
the men were tipsy, and Medenham
teared for the Mercury's paint. To
the left of the hotel lay a spacious
"n there when the ladies had alighted,.
st,rd that looked limiting. lie backed
and ran alongside an automobile on
Which 'Paris" and "Sneed" were writ etrearre When Medenham had gone
half wey he saw the two women sit -
den in characters legible to the inn
tenet , ting with Marigny at 0 table placed
well apart from other groups of tea-
arinkere. They •were .talking anima-
tedly, the Count smiling and profuse
of gesture, while ' Cynthia listened
with interest to what was seemingly
a convincing statement of the fortu-
nate hazard pat led to his appear-
ance at Cheddar. The Frenchman
was too Skilled a stalker of silly game
to pretend a , second time that the
and won. 14e told the guy nor this ,
Morning that there is another game
deed for to -day, and' you ought to
;have seen him wink. It's long odde
again' the Bristol gent, or I'm very
much emistaken. Yee, I'll keep any
amatoor paws off your car, and off
oven as well, you net." n
To pass from the stable yard to
the garden it was not necessary to
enter the hotel. A short path, shaded
by trelisnaden creepers and climbing
roses, led to a rustic bridge over the
A chauffeur was lounging against
the stable will and smoking.
"Hello," said Medenham affably,
"what sort of caris that?"
"A 59 Du Venom" was the answer.
Then the man's face lit up with cur-
"Yours is a New Mercury, isn't ine
tte cried. "Was that- car at Brighton
Wednesday night"
The destruction of the house fly is a public d q y.
Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying
on a crusade against him.
His filthy origin and habit, and the fat thathis body
is generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him
one of the greatest enemies of the human race.
If the housekeepers of Canada will use
persistently, this peril would be tremendously reduced.
It is said that the best assurn
ance for peace is for a nation to,
be prepared 'for war. eBe that as
it may, the surest plan for the
farmer is to save the molsture he
'already has in the soil. This may
be done by plowing and harrow-
ing- "Pray, but keep tbe pow-
der dry," was the admonition of
a warrior. "
what to expect, ' and hie face was grim . Mrs. Devar's shrill accents traveled
"Yes," growled Medenham; he Iniew meeting was accidental. .'
beneath the tan. -• . dearly across the lawn;
"But you were. not ,driving inn -said "Just fancy that . . . finding
the other. . •' •• Jaraes at Bath and persuading hire Muscular rheurnatinne exista in
"A chap named Dale was in charge
then." , '.•
• "Oh, Is thqt it? You've brought
two, ladies here just now?" '
ay •• '
to come to Bristol on the chance that
we might all diee together to -night!
Naughty boy be is -Why client he run
out here in your car?"
Count Edouard said something.
"need! My guv'norn on the look- "Business!" she cackled, "I am glad
out for 'em. He didn't tell me 50, to hear of it. James Is too much of
but he made sure they hadn't passed a gad -about to earn money, but people
this way when he turned' up." are always asking him to their houses,
"And . when was that?" asked Me- He is a dear fellow. I am sure you
denham, feeling unaccountably sick at will like him, Cynthia."
heart. Medenham had heard enough. He
"Soon after lunch: Ran here from noted that the table was gay with cut
Bristol. There's a bad bit of road flowers, and a neat waitress had
over the Mendips, but the rest is fine. ,evidently been detailed by the man -
I s'pose well hiking pack there agernent to look after these ins -Un-
to -night?" • guished guests; IVIarigny's stage set -
"Most probably," agreed Medenham, ting for his decisive move was undoub-
who said least when he was' most dis-. tedly well contrived. It was delightful-
turbed; at that moment ho could .17 pastoral -a , charming bit of/rural
cheerfully have wrung Count Edouard England -and, as such, eminently cal-
NiarignY's neck. • culated to impress an American
• If you are suddenly taken with Dia -
&tea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps; or Pains
in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Sum-
mer Complaint, or any Ldbseness of the
Bowels; do not waste any time, but
immediately procure a bottle of or.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
it wM cure you in i* tinie. Mrs. H. LS
Steadman, Pleasant River, N.S., writes:
ne "A year ago this fall, my little boy was
suddenly taken ill with diarrhoea and
vomiting, and as our doctor is ten miles
distant, at seemed as if I could not get -
help soon enough, but on going to the
country store I purchased a bottle of
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
and after the first dose could notice an
improvement, and the next day the child
• was better and regained hedith. Since
• thit time I always keep it on hand."
r Insist on being given "Dr: Fowler's"
-when you ask for it. Price 35 cents.
• Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
• Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
-pled U0
6/11BA /Of S7
giesatiom /ploys
' CHAPTER. V. • •Cynthia poured out a cup of tea,
A Flurry on' te Mendips. heaped a plate with- cakes and bread
and butter, and gave some lustrue
It is a contrariety of human nature, lions to the waitress..' HeIViedenhani t. Brantford, June 17. -Samuel Hall, a
plat men devoted to venturesome knew what thatian raid veteran, end prominent
Somas of sport should often be tefider back by the waymIrhae aamheurrainel i
Mason, enclose away hereii on Satur-,
nestled as children. Lord Medenham found at Marignyn chauffeur had lin' da
two forms, acute and cheontie. In
acute muscular rheumatism there is
fleet noticed a dull pain intheteue-
eles which gradually bacrenstes.
Thies pain cletern Igh*S -from, one
muscle to anothen and 'fh,e week -
tag on theise muncies Makes the
pain very, ;severe. iMi4cular thou -
men= is J£1, blood disease and
should not be neglected, a Proper
treatment isb.otuld begin with the
fleet 'symptoms. Rheum° is recona-
menden byithe foremost people ev-
erywhere because( It drives all the
uric acid poisons from the blood
and enrlehete itao that the systena
becomets healthy ands free froen the
tortures of rheumataim. nJ. E. Hov-
eY Isells Rheumto and guarantees it
to 'give( entire IsatIntaetIon or mon-
ey anifumded. Get a botetle of Rheu-
mo to -day i and rid youenelf n of
Fenian Raid Veteran Passes.
ted the bonnet off the Mercury. I resident of Bryaenatrlosid siencela1.1841:ee'llwito
who had dene some slaying in his "More I see of this engine the more sons john Brantfond, and George
once risked his life to save a I like it -What's your h.p.?" asked W. 'Toronto, survive.
vorite horse from a Ganges quick- the man, who clearly reguarded thei
ws plowed in it by claws that erase I that Toronto,aab eJeuaner ars e. -a Tihne al Fiaegsite scisamy
Big Mission Collection.
and, and his right UM still bore the Mercury's driver as a brother in the'
•Feuld have torn his spaniel to pieoes en,.
a Kashmir gully had he not thrust "Looks a sixty, every inch. I won- since their first convention held here
Se down the throat of an enraged 1 lauds?" Missionstrydailliabrirce.
11 empty barrels of a .460 Express der if you could hold my car at Brook- tcvmairstatetaonntraiabduted ye
ear. In eaeh ease, a moMent's delay "Perhaps not, but I may give nut the concluding day of their annual
ritice tie a friend, but safety won gips." 4 TrainingF1 keloIoiliTIttosp3411es
secure his own safety meant the some dust to swallow over the men-ienfliateele-1. at
orse than the spinning of a coin with ' "Of course you'd say that, but it the Bum
such a price- would have galled hirn , The chauffeur grinned. I at the afternoon and evening sessions,
of $20,100 was pledge to be
th. ' Ell depends on what the guvnor means lirteedfatroellgane reirrt of missionaries
One saf the Zest
Equipped -
Piano Factories
in Canada
W.'poherty Piano and
Organ Co., Limited
Pactoriee and Head Office' eeloved engine.
Stele Suffers From Cyclone and 28
Are Killed.
Wholly apart from considerations to do. He's a dare -devil at the wheel, F
he was strangely unwilling to can tell you, an' never says a word
Kan-sas City, Mo., June 17. -Twen-
ty-six persons are known to have been
killed and many injured by a storm
that 'passed ever Central West Mis-
souri late Saturday, demolishing
buildings, tearing down wires and
leaving the smaller towns.and country
homes, completely wrecked.
Freen meagre reports that have been
received, it is.believed that the storm
that struck Kansas City late Satur-
day, causing the death of two persons
and doing damage amounting to many
thousands . of dollars, swept_ to the
south through Bates County, -Where it
left a trail of death and destruction.
The path of the storm here was hell
a mile wide and five Miles long. Be-
tween Merwin and Adrian 19 persons
were killed. At Oreighton, in Cass
County, two are known to be dead,
while at Leeton, in Johnsdn County,
two are dead, and unverified reports
say others have been killed.
• After striking Merwin the storm
took a northwestward course, passing
Sedalia, where the wind aid isruch
damage. -
In the country between Merwin and
Adrian the storm came up suddenly
and swept clean its path through the
northern section of the country,
When Henry Cameron and three of
his childeen were killed, the wind
'nicked up another child and carried
it away. The baby was found yestere
day a mile from home, uninjurtd.
The bodies of Gibson and Fred Groves
were found more than a mile from
their home, where they were when
the storm struck. In other places the
storm. in passing over a farm, killed
fifty head of live stock, but did no
other damage.
Throughout the stricken district
wires are down and communication
is carried -on by messengers-.
Relief trains have been sent from
Windsor, Vnarrenburg and Sedalia to
the country, and from Sedalia ninny
undertakers were asked, to hurry tb
the scene.
Eastern States HR.
at ?p115,000 wa5 debtio50u 10 t10edm
ble fire that kept practically the en-
tire fire -fighting three of the city busy
for several hours early yesterday. The
loss -in Taylor & Crate's lumber yard.
where thefire began was iapo,000.
The Empire Beef & Provision Co.'s
warehouse, four 'blocks away, where
fire broke out at the same time, was
destroy'ed with several small houses
nearby, causing a lass there of $75,000.
Capt;ain J. J. Leary, who was caught
under- walls of a small building
and w'ho was reported killed, recover-
ed consciousness several hours later,
bjec.k is broken and ho probably
will Fifteen firemen working in a blind
alley between lumber piles were
• caught by a shift of the wind and all
of them were overcome. Their pre:
dicament was not discovered for scale
time and several of them are in 'a.
serious 'condition.
Pittsburg, June 17. -Two persona
were killed, a score or more injured,
and heavy financial losses were sus-
tained ea a result of a severe electri-
cal and windstorm that swept western
Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and west-
ern Virginia yesterday. The fatalities
are reported from Washington Coun-
ty, Pa., and northwest Virginia. From
advices received. last night, scores of
persene are in a serious condition
from being stunned by lightning,
while others sustained hurts when
now resented MarIgny's cold -blood- ---------------------
1 some - ' fair crazy ABSOLUTELY SAFE untre:asefewdere uprooted and . buildings
owledge, even to his own heart 0 me to let things rip. But he's up
Zanesville, 0., June 17. -Three "%wire
e hundreds of pretty women he 1 - "yea," said Medenham, replacing: killed and ?encore or more injured
seism he would still have wished to wires, though he hardly thought this N. B„ iwritee -FF1 knew Baby's steeple of St- Thomas' Catholic
ang which had marked her down as . lake on him. Medicine ear lifetle ones and 'they while services were in progrene T. P.
easy prey. But he had been vouch- I "Which of you men is called Fitz, are thet only Imedecine I would give Elnan, crushed, died two hours later
ated glimpses into her 'white soul soy?" denianded a serving -maid, car- a,cleild ,withouie flnet consulting,a in a hospital. The storm out a path
aJuly because of its unfairness. Were What's her name? Vanrenen, isn't , Falling Steeple. Killed' Three.
pursuit of an unsuspecting girl Anna that girl you have in tow --1 FOR LITTL ONES ,
rithia Vanrenen no more to him than it?" . ' I - ----s
uld meet during a brief London the hood after a critical glance at the Mrs. Nelle Vtee.v.s, Hill Grovei, yesterclay w len a tornado caused the
escue her from the money -hunting t!tirdy mechanic would, play an• y Own Tablets are an absolultelyeate Church to erash through the roof
about a block wide through the town.
Killed by Explosion.
Kingston; June • 17. -Louis Persse,
aged 30, foreman on the C.P.R.'s new
line at Echo Lane, west of Parham,
Frontenae County; was killed as the
result of a premature explosion of dy-
namite. He had filled five holes and
th accident
hat night at Brighton, and again to •eying a tray. : doctor. .Tho WablOt0 areg
ar in the cloistered depths of the I "I," said medenhara, , teed by a•government analyst ;lobe
orthedral at Wells, she ha admitted ; "Here, Miss," broke in the °then absent, ely said and ;free from Fireman's Back Broken.
m to the rare intimacy of those who 1 t'my name's Smith, plain Smith, but. °Valets And) nercoticsi and cannot
possible do harni-ls ,
ut always 'good-hurt,fifteen firemen were over -
Buffalo, June 17. -One man was fat -
The Dr. Williams Medicine 100'..
. ally
mmune n Y , sup Th u , Jell b ii ' "d I
dee 1 in silence. ' I can do with a o' tea as svell
ee by mail at 25.con es a box trellis come bv smoke and monerty valued
over -
,They ,ar so. y me lune tea ers
Brockville, Oda ,
Itchronism; e il• .
Gives Whites Four Days.
. Santiago, June 17. -The rebel Gen.
Julie • A.ntomarchi, alias Pitilli, has
issued a proclamation stating that he
will grant four hours for every white
man to abandon the vicinity of El
Cobre, ten miles to the west oi this
city, after which he will burn all the
buildings and plantations,
Gen. Antomarchn who 'is operating
in the -vicinity of El Oobre, addresses
his proclamation to all f oreigners in
that district; giving as his reason the
action of the Government troops in
mercileesly killing negroes in no way
identified with the insurgents, and de-
stroying their property.
was filling a sixth when e
omurred. The deceased ,had _been
engaged in the work of loading dyna-
mite holes for several menthe past
and was considered an experieneee
man. The verdict uf the coronene
jury 'was "death from explosion," the
evidence indicating that the affair was
of an accidental natnue.
It was mot that he dared yet as anybo y.
Mink of a love confessed and rectpro I "Ask Miss Venrenen to give yeti
tate& The prince in disguise is al another cup for Count Marigny'
ery well in a fairy tale; in England phaueur, said Me enham to he g
1:04 the twentieth century he is an an "Oh, he's a count, is he?" said the
and Medenham would 88 waitress saucily,. 'My, Me he 1
mining by the chance that threw I "'Who wouldn't be?" declared Spaniel
oon think of, shearing a lamb as of
plashed on the young one
plena in his way. Of couree, a less , "She's the sort of girl a fellow 'ud,
isetrupulous wooer might have devised' leave home for.'
hundred plausible methods of reveal- 1 "Fine feather$ go a long way.
ng his identity -was not Mrs. Devar ehere's as good as her in the world," i
arriagesbroker and adroit sycophant 'came the retort,' not without a favor
eady to land and purehasablen-and1 eble glance at Medenham.Ule.1
re was small room for doubt that "Meanwhile the tea is getting cold,4,
girl's natural vanity woeld be flue said he. .1
red into a blaze of romance by learn- "Dear me, You needn't hurry. Her
ng that her chauffeur was heir to nt ma 1$ goin' to write half -a -dozen pie -
1d and well -endowed peerage. But lure postcards. But what a voice!
onor fostade, nor might he dream of ['he old girl drowns the waterfall',
inning her affections while flying • The waitress flounced 011. She wan
else 'colon. True, it would not be pinny, and no wandering chauffeut.
is fault If they didenot come together }lad ever before turned aside the ars
gain in the near future. He. meant 'nem of her bright eyes so heedlese!
te forestall any beeach of con dente
n -the part of Simneonds by writing
iiTull 'explanation of events to Cynthia
emelt. If . his harmless escapade
ieere presented in its proper light,
' heir 'next meeting Should be fraugat
With laughter -rather than reproathees
nd then -well, then, he might urge a
Omni plea that his 'repute 05 a caressie days was no bad recommends,
r pilot during those three memor
lion for permanency!
But now, en a flash, the entire pers
peotiv.e had changed: The Frenchman
end Mrs. Dever,, betvseen them, threan
mod to upset his best -laid plans. It
Was, one thing to guess the nature
9f the sordid compact revealed at
Brighton; 'it was quffe another to be
brought face to face -with its active
development at Cheddar. The inter
Vening hours had disintenerated all his
pet theories. In a:"Word, the difference
jay In himself -before and after close
tempanicipship with Cynthia. ,
It must not be imagined that Me-
fienhem indulged in this series of .setf-
nalysis while fetching a Dell of water
o replace the wastage from the cone
ensen He was merely in a very bad
temper, end could not trust Mime)?
te speakeuntil lie had tended to his
'Inerf you have seen Miss Vain
renen?" inquired Medepham, 'sipping
hi"nttae-ather!" said Smith. "Saw her:
In Pane, at the Ritz, when my people
pent me over there to learn the mecln
anism of this car. The Count was an
nays hanging about, and I thought he
wanted the old man' to buy a Du Van
I The proclamation has caused non-
aternation among the foreign residents
of the aSstrict, who are hurrying into
Santiago to advise their consuls.
Novelist.Loved Another Woman.
Chicago, June 17. -Testimony in the
divorce suit of Mrs. Richard Harding
Davis against the author was heard
&thine by Superior Judge McDon-
'Ion, but it's ell Lombaree Street to te ald. 're, Davis and her brother,
china orange'that he was Betel. the Brece Clark of New York, told the '
daughter the whole time. But you, court that she was deserted by her
plight to know best, How do you get husband in May 1910'.
pn with eer?" , "He cared for another woman" was
! "Capitally.' the reason given or the desertion.
"Why did Dale and you swop jobs?" M. Davis was represented by an,
I "Ob, a mere matter of arrange- torney, belt did not contest the ease.
Ment, said Metienham, who realized The testimony was ordered transcrie-
Oat Smith would blurt. out every item ed for submission to the court.
of information thee he possessed- 111'
allowed to talk. • .. .0
"He's a corker, Is Dale," mewed the' . ,1 ken
Other. "I can do with a pint or two NERVOUSNESS
;self when the day's Work is finish -1
an' the car safely locked up for the , e_
eight. But that Dale. he's a walkInn 7
renbarrel, Lord love a duck! what
soakian he gM'' me in Brighton. is ,cokalmosil !nit perniens mom nbile
porde lah-di-dah toff swaggered into tasneiedeil,ei)°51,v9eVellg'nes es 1311iseiai;aen:eeednferere
the garage that evenin,' and handed
pleasies-whigh thy n1 s he.d won tiorolln.W1 d'essnondlencVy, ianatelnlitY oxl
Ante Urle Pills drive uric
le a fiver -five golden guidlets, if
acid froret the system andi cure all
4, CLINTON, ONT. He deterniined set doebt at rest a host. at Elmore. must Say, kidney itroubles. E. Hovey sells
Western Branch, ' forthwith by the simple expedient of • - Anti Uric' Pens nersonlal
280 HARGRAVE STREET, '' - • • - - ,
C ntinu d
, e next week
guarantee, ,B. V, 'Mateoeit en every
box. , I •
. .• 1'; "., , • „ae'.
• The nerves control all rictions of the body so that nor
thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of
the. system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have
ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural
Drainssap their vigor and vitality and they never develop
to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak-
lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How You feel?
Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,
specks before the eyes with dark circles under them,
weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of thd heart,
bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples
on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex-
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy
and strength, tired morniks, restless nights, change-
able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc.
This is the condition oui New Method Treatment is
We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life-
time and do not have to experiment. Consult us
and we will ten you whether you are curable or not.
We guarantee c rah!e eases of
Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. if unable to call
write for
Wonderful Nervous System QUESTION UsT FOR HOME TRE,ATMEfiT
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
cin letters from Canada must be addressed
NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
meat in 'Windsor, Out. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
Do patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private adaress.
108 Cheques Will be
Distributed Among Canadian
Farmers. Will You Get One of Thern?
In addition to the twenty-seven first prizes of $50 each, there will
be eighty-one other cath prizes, ranging from $10 to $25 in our
This contest is along the same lines at the f In addition to thus being divided into
one which was so successful last year, except basses, so as to give small users of cement an
that there are three times as many prizes, and equal chance with those who use more, the
therefore three times as many chances for Contest is also divided into, nine divisions, one
- eacli contestant to win. Every farmer in Can- for each'province. So you sce you need only
• ada who uses "Canada" Cement is eligible to • to compete with the other farmers of your own
compete. The conditions are such that largeprovince, and not with those all over Canada.
and small users of cement have equal oppor- Don't think that becauso you have nevei
tunities to win a $50 prize. • 171 used cement, you cannot win a prize. Many
The contestis divided into three classes, and there of last year's, prite winners had
are first, second, third and fourth prizes (850, $25, never used cement before they
$15 and $10) itt each class. "- entered the Contest. We will send
CLASS "A"—Prieealo be awarded to the four farmers in each province you a free book, "'What the
Farmer Can Do With Concrete,"
who am most "Canada" Cement on their fume in 1911
CLASS "B”—Priaes to be awarded to the fpar farmer. in
srovlsc,'"ho ..nd Pb'wg'Ph" the c°"'rr le Contest but will telyou every-
that vvill not only
work wilt "Cann" c`nnn `I'd' rnm'an isia thing you'could want to know about
helPthyeefurmn. the
'cuss "ce-PrIzes to -bo awarded to the boa, tumors tit:oz.:tea oh, no:1 y
1,0grte'lltillYWahpr rd thol crii tvd; 4:21," nam, • ' and addend, to -day a9d ant
was done 'kb "Canada" Cemet. (Berrien ,hl, free bookend fun saruetuars•powisapiritzeh.tngrak.ttio accompanied by iMoto- °Cut 1:tizer.opuntemat irloerbctoazz..
Addre..5 Publicity. Manager
of your'
Prize Co -Meat..
Canada Cement Company
501 Herald Bldg. - Montreal
tree book:
'What thefanner,
can dowith Concrete.
will be sent to all.
who 'request details
,of,. the Prae_Contest.