HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-20, Page 2Page fraB CLINTON NEW ERAL.. eports of County Council Committees Mr, Robert McKay, ehaeman /of abutment et the west end of this llito Special leammktee weporisela Lridge, aad (5O efoiiag ol (11 The rho k)ma invientien of the abutment ateaat unlined building if eters ot the 33rd, regiment to walls and ,centre pier and that a -t•ts'it the rn 'while in camp be accept- neve :span of 140 feet; be placed at that 'a:smelly of The! coati- the Wet endof bridge. That the cillome as can realm It convenient be County Engineer ask for +tenders requeeted ttend.:(2) That the fox (the buedieg' -of the eredge, xequest of Mr. Bailee, secrete* of I. etween Bay and Stephen eaasked the 'Week Huron 'Farmers' I•netitute, for by Kalefleiech and Willorn aektng tee co'uneil to petition the That Ithe Enginoce examine the o.f Agrieultere • to 'rip- bridge on kilo ,boundary, of ,Grey Polet a district representative !foe and Elina referred 'Foal Motion. of !teas, ,coupity, be granted, (3) l'hat Ltving.stone and take sueh action the regimen of the Secretary of the ag. he. ,considers best. That the Ontario Municipal Association r e- mettee of a ; foot -bridge on the epeetieg ttax raceme be refeauled to bridge at BaYetold and the partici- /the whole council for an expression eating by Huron •in the Provincial of °Innen" (4) Regarding the -eke. good, toada 'grant be left -for the queeteof Sheriff 'Reynolds (in re- consideraftion of 'the vshole council, epeet to .reforestratton recce/emend RUOelle request teat Dickerk no •action. (5) That nc; teeter', be bridge On ,bounclary, of 'Huion taken on the matter of pedlar.e li- and itzmee be eulle this 'summer, cenaes es requested by B. D. Woods, Thee the Engiereer'a recornraenda- of St. Helene (6) As to the .ap- bona hs to Bail's bridge he eareie'd plicetioti 02 3. J. Monier and other a out and that' the work beidoneete for an ex'tenition of:the boundaries soon as possible.' That the .consid- of the enolleel village of Zurich ree- ;nation ,of the Motions respecting ornmend no•adtiou until the peevh, te Roland ibridge on the, Hullett amass of the act are compile . an McKelop boundary, end the Marnech brid'ge be lett to, the whole council. The County Prpperte Oornratttee rcpoeted having visited, the 'gaol and ether- :county buildings and found them/ all ins good 'shape, and recommended some slight repairs, The CoMmittee only receiverone lender for /the erection of ,tbel proposed ,addetion; to th.ef' lgoal which to :store coal,. this tender be- ing foe $618. In view ,of thistfact 'they did not ,eonaider it wise to ex oceecl wale the, work and aaked The eo'uneil to deal 'with the matter &this, senile% Dr, Milne, chairman of the Educe- teop Committee, reported en respect to thetsetetabltehment of a new pub - Jim !school inspectorddiarision re - aa follows:That the toWneletps of Howlek, Morris, Turn - berry and Eaet Waw,astosh wilt% the 'town of Wtagham wad the village of Vero -weber be part of the new en- inspectorete of Huron, and Bruce. That a committee composed of the reeves• and deputy! reeeses oe the munteipalities named.together with the chairman of thie corarailltee, be appointed to tice with h committee from thel {county, of Bruce to ap- point an Inspector' and to (arrange She proportion{ of isalarytto be paid by Jeaebt county. Mr. Tom ectbe Iu- 'pee5or for the tete Inspectorate of Weee Huron, Icoraprieing the townships of Ashfield, West Wawa - nosh, Colborne, Goderich, Stanley. and, Hay and the town of Godertch wad the villages! of Exeter, Heneall and Bayfield. Dr. Field fto be in- epee/toe for the new Inapeetcrate of East leuro'n, comp/islet the town-, ehtps 'of Grey, Runge ilefeleflloP, Tuckeramiele 'Osborne and Stephen. the town e of Clinton and Seaforth • and the villag'es of 'Brussels an 3131yele The eoarunietee to meet at • Wingham if possible :before. (the 1st of July Ito appoint an Inspeetor and to make other; necessary antange- etenea. The clerk of the county of 'Bruce and, (the: Minister of Educe- ftion to be notified acccedingly. It was also recommended that the al- lo)tment 021'101T5s5en, High. School for $414.83 be paid. That /W. B. Weidenhammer, Principal of Exeter , ',publbe Ischool, bean examiner on the Gaoler Grriefin reporeed five male ieoners andl /two female prisonere the erection of an addition to th in the jail. He also reconamendede tail isoftbat proper accommodation could be eurniished for female pi leen erre Besides reportieg in favor of the Payment 9i a number of amounts., the Finance' !Committee reporteb the .arneleeti required to be raisekl this year to be $776, 502,52, meees- sleeting a rete 01114 Mills on ther dollar of the equalized valuation. The Equalizetiou Committee! re- ported recommending that the equalization of last Year be adopted Mr, l'afttereo,n, County, Engiraeer, reported haViog issued orders sluice lase meeting to the amount of $300. As you' are aware, ,considerkelle damage was done et, bridges during the spring freshet, the /nose dean - Thigh School entrance boaid. Ap- age angi teem teethe maittialiad 'Derided !to Ithil report were tables' River, At Auburn ;bridge the west showing Ithe number of dela itasPee- abaeraent and pine were damaged ftion thee Would be given tat ettet 'tee and traffic over the briclge esetop •spectorate in the proposed eedts- pod and we' have (to emanate° un - ((libation and the:enure:bee of teach- till the new abutment and pier ane •era Oar each. Ip the proposed tew oreeted; • 1 am, of the opinion. it • Inspectorate there • would, be 51. would he better to lengthen the • days ,and 109 teachers; 'in East kedge ;toward. ,the west, as the cur- • = 44 daye and 98tea)hers aside en vent iSellatlgine eVer7 year There weeet Beate 42 days and 93 teachers.• Is also a bridge on (th.e boundary • of Grey and elowick that will rie- • quire a new abutment, At Balite Mr. 5. S. Munnenge chairman of bridge I would reeommend that the House of Refuge Committee, re- ported satisfaction of the commit- Continued •on Page 6. tee with the Inanagement .through- • out and thee the insnaftestatelecom- foetable and welt (cared efor. An Electric Restorer for Men asstetane sealer= has 'not yet been procured although one has !been Phosphonolgaires;Jorery ita:rvr in the body advezeleed for, buit the work is be- vim eneiv--itraita PreniaTurgedrecai:saga alt s591u,I • tag clone veay Isaftistactorily by the rakliness averted at once. Phosphonol nal present help. Little expense has, ezrealmnr„lidri':ellarNenitivo'n. • been required leo fall &his year for P.m. et. (tethering/. ons. rag eepates °althea buildingi. The ex - pensee foal the half yea.r were $3,-, enated len:mesa are entitledf to a gr ene (of • 558,33 and Ille4e'eelPtis. $356,95. -THE FITEE -LIST $1.11,,eachefrotn Ithe 'Governlinene ni acecauet of the volunteee veterans t',2roesaee!eees,d'sees-mss.s.se,„et, lerd arrangemetete are being made ••••• to have these vents Itrameeerelede Government Cuts Duty Off Many • to thecounty. There are at press, j pS Raw Materials, mizzety .tanaatos, ,all of (whom. ' •"alePeae 'coenforeable and 'contented. The Jana ItSlhd crop tan f ollowe •Oate, 77 acres; barley; 41-2 :scree; oniona 21-4 acres; hay, 1te'creen isuger beets, 23-4 acres; potatoes, BRITAIN BETS PREFERENCE -mtzstuk:.Or'"-atv.X.s.k. acres; mangolds, 1 -4, acre:es Canada Gazette Makes impertant • Announcement to the Effect That r.eculttve Commettee, (reported, - oae,,teteet eneerman of the Eit,xe: 9.retelte0ouncil Has Beds Issued' eonamencliatg a grant of $100 Ito he Removing the Etatire Duty Un - Sale Aeseetakion ; that a Iggstret tee!, der the British Preferential 425 beenade itte'teee W.ieetelt welt; ,-,•• Tariff and Redueine Others. 'CrUeleth, $15 Sobel .gliveta as a tfiret exavettanereessat&estett prtze and $10' as a se.co'nd wen, eon Ottawa, Sune 1i. -The Government beeftng ,anianale exlvibeted by eine- have by order -in -council made some ;sweeping reductions and suseeneem of customs duties on articles largely ;gee in Canadian manufactures and Which are net pod -ease or sold to any great eitent ig Canada, A number of artioles have been placed altogether on the free list, while the duty on ethers ewe keep egeteeretble er-othWeehacelseen p1ttee4 5e-erans- ferred to the list of goods which may be imported into Canada free of date under She British preferential tariff ancl subject to the reducee duty of destome tattler the intermediate and geliFeal tariff. • Articles upon which the 'customs duty's totally abolished Wee largely into the manufacture of ,spenial chairs, hats, rubbers, instruments • of all kinds, ladies' combs and celluloid ar, totes of all kinds, abraisive wheels, peroxide of hydrogen, explosives, op- tical 'instruments, braided fabrics. For years past Canadian manufac- 'films, have complained .that owing to the heavy duty on these articles, they were placed upon an unequal footing with foreign manufacturers, and the cost of production of the above-named manufactured article'. was needlessly big,h. The matter was time•and again brought to the atten- tion of the late Government without any definite action beirig taken. Hon. W. T. White, however, since eo.ndiftion of the' Auburn emdge 'and assuming offloe, has given consider - the 'Belden; brtclge, ()tithe Grey and able study to the whole matter ,,,4th .Howtek boundary and instructed the Engineer to call 'for Senders fox the building of one abutment at each of theta bridges. The tenders ancelved for: ehe work were' not eatisfactory 'and no contract Was let, As teethe Auburni bridge the • committee recommend that the span of 100/ feet at'Weet• End bridge betaken down and eaese work Placed under ehe Emet span so as to protect et from/ .damag'e and the !wog* to be done 'aesoon aspossible also ihat( the Engineer .call for ewer e cost to the people who buy, deettleke for, the/ bleeding Of ah the manufactered ase ea. while on the rteties front thekpunty of eliron ; that $10 be granted to, the Beekeep- erse Asseetation, alsolthet h grant of $100 be made to the 'Clinton Hoe - Veal and thee the balance Sol the $500 appropriation for exespitala be dtvided, between (the,lheapeta)s ot .Golderisch and Winglham, Ito be 'a. - ,PeOtteetaa en like Mariner evith Ithe letevernmene igraint ; that' $200 • ibe granted teassIde in Making an ex- lebetten of Huron fruit's eI tee Fro- o5ncial Show at Tor- onto In November, and that the fol- lowing fruit growere, bea aoAnlrat.. (tee toseee that eth e mane y ts ''prop - expended via., T. Metcalfe, 131yithe 51.51. Sleep, roxlerts relit; Mr, flame hek, Gederich; Mr. Melee, Dungan- non 'and' Mr, /Currie, !Bsesesels, Arkl that thid coanmittee( report to ,the eonficia aft (the December Imeelting. That a grant of $200 be made to the ChIldrena' Aid Association ancl that ehe agene furnielle the council at ite Deeember !session with (a. full Beate - •/mane of receipts land expendieueele fOr the year, That a grant of $25 be given to the Hisz•on Poultry Assec- iatien. ' •i • Mr. T. J. Waiter, chaleman of the r tied and 'Bridge Cortertettee, re - e • ported.: On April letle the commit- tee enet at Wingltanseand received the repore ofSiheEngineer 00 the the result that he arrived at the con- clusion that in the interests of both the raanufecturers and general ems- tomets, the duties 'on eertain articles should be abolished. The duty, which She Canadian manufacturers were compelled to pay upon the material, which have now been placed on the free list, likewise compelled them to charge a higher price for their finish- ed procluet, and the result of the changes which the Government have introduced will undoubtedly tend to °Ihand therri reegat or tne'll'atles, earneino. t scarcely affect any Canadian interest, as the mtrity of the eles affected by th pew rating are artie not produced in Canada, The eamS thing applies to attieles upon whioli duties have been reduced, and which are used as material in the, manufacture of cameras or kodaks, typewriter ribbons, silken fabrics, neckties, otietal articles, etc. - The reductions are besed entirely upon stitistical information secured by the officials of tee customs board, following representations made by a number of mabufacturing companies, In Mot the atenufacturers have on different occasions during the past few years asked that these duties be re- moved. The reductions announced by the Government are not, however, of such a sweeping nature as a hasty glance of the liiSt would at first indi- cate. .• Every article can be used solely as manufacturing materiel and chiefly in the mamufacture of celluloid novelties, photographic and kodak supplies. The eustorns and finance depart- mont in addition to the information given be the matmfacturers, secured a number of •other important facts, which resulted in the reduction of the, duties. The consumers must un- doubtedly benefit by the reduction as -well as the manufacturers. By secur- ing much •of his raw material free ,of duty, the mannfacturet 'will be on an equal footing with his competitor across the line, and will it is promised lower the prices now charged for the finished product. It is also understood that reductions of the tariff on other raw materials is being considered and the announce- ment of further reductions is expect- ed -within a few weeks. 'Must Pay Tax, Toronto, June 17. -By the decision ef Mr. Justice: Malcikton regarding the interpretation of the will of Eliza Anne Gwynne, delivered at Osgoode Hall Saturday, the legacy in favor of the British Union for the abolition of vivisection goes to that charity in- tact, but as the charity does not °pea ate within, Ontario, succession duties must be paid upon the legacy and are to be paid out of the remaining por- tion of the estate. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yeti Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 144 ' HE WILL KEEP ON. • — Langlois Says He Will Continue Age tation For Schools, Montreal, June 17,-G odfroi Lang- lois, the editor and proprietor of Le Pays, the paper which has earned the displeasure of the Archbishop of Mont- real, answered his grace in a long article yesterday. In it Mr. Langlois reiterates his in- tention to fight on io the cause of better education for French-Cenadien children. He says in part: "The creation of a Minister of pub- lics instruction, free and obligatory, education with uniformity of school books eannot encroach on any relig- ious teaching or hurt any belief. We have awakened energies, we have dis- pelled ancient beliefs. On this ground we were and upon this ground we shall still remain." Concluding Mr. Langlois says; "Assuredly Archbishop Bruchesi cannot make a crime of our stand against St. Jean Baptiste, against this evil which permeates French-Cana- dians who nurse illusions and wrong impressions, who look backwards in- stead ,ef forwards and whom Arch- bishop Langevin denounced in the most eloquent terms at Winnipeg re- cently when he declared 'French- Canadiena were men of words and not of actions,' thet they Imp 'terri- ble talkers,' that thee lacked initia. tive and that they receded instead of advancing." TE-iiiiii7c1;i41"6-814 I 'EFS. It is reported that Hebert will ap- peal his celebrated marriage ease. Five men were arrested at regersoll in a police raid dean alleged gambling hellefeetesee Rev. Dr. Sperling, prineipal of Wee - ley College; Winnipeg, died . after a short Meese.' The Chinese Premier hurriedly quit- ted Pekin for Tientsin his action geWeete Veelaideettble stir among mem- bere ef his Cabinet.'oot -tee ' niOventertit` is now on foot to 08- 91 niunicipal bank in Mont- real, It is being weentely eepported by a nember of the aldeffnen. Fred Haidee, a workman, -was aeiz• 'ed with a• fainting spell and dropped thirty feet to the grouttd at Hamilton Satin:tiny, eleetttes katelet ieteeeela fpund guilty of rat slaughter in the killing of his brother ist Digby, N.S., was etentenced to a life tetni it elui peleitenriefe at Dor- chester on Saturday. After wining all the way from Fort Worth, Texas, to attempt a trip over Niagara Falls on a plank, Theodore Reinert was yesterday driven from the falls by the .American police: - Frederick Willford, who was injured a week ago in a 'runaway, died at renokk near Welland yesterday, aged 70 years. Ile heel just retired from his farm in Wainfleet to reside in renwick. Bound for various parts of north- western Canada and the United States. thirty zosetcheeked, amiling Scot/oh women arrived in New York tette Glasgow yesterday. They are all bridesdo-be, So crowded have the Niagara Falls, Ont., schools become by increased at- tendance resulting from -workmen be- ing employed in new industries that the public school board will erect two new schools during the summer. The Government banqueted the members of the rine:rotational Naviga- tion Congress at tee Chateau Laur- ier in Ottawa Seturday night, The 6.1=1=••••••••=monwomimmoMminienoWes.m.Mimimp, COok's Cotton Root -Compass& Tho great Uteri's. Tonle, and Only safe effeettlat IdoubblY • Beelike:eon wheel everaell 00.11 depeod. SoIdi Unto degrees of strength -,No. 1, 111$ No. 2, 10 degrees; stronger Saf for special oases, 5. Per box. Sold 07 all druggists, or Sent &renal , nee Pt of . price. [moo Pamphlet. Adareex: Ti ECU MED)1191100,J1/1011TO.Urf. Voranalg Windows, ' goests humeerea iev, and eton. e, D. leazen, Minister of Marine, presided. TI. McColl -nide a young mae from Haven Cove, C.B., attenapted to board the C.P.R. western express at Car- tier,' Ont., yesterday while the train was pulling out of the station. He fell 'beneath the wheels ad both legs were severed, causing death a short time later. ' 'BIACKS 'FM Their Votes May Swing the Re. sult in Chicago. .COL. ROOSEVELT ARRIVES The Ex -President Gets an Enthusias- tic Reception From Chicagoans and and Says Fight Is One Against Dishonesty - Taft's Supporters Win Vast Majority of Contests For Seats in Convention. Chicago, Jeine 17. -The fight to force the Taft negro delegates 'from the south -the black sixty-six who -claim to hold the balance of power in the convention - to break their pledges and vote for Roosevelt, is getting hot- ter every hour. Roosevelt is beteg preached as the race creed by some of the ablest negeoes in the country and the enthusiasm has reached a pitch of aintost religious fervor. Saturday night at the Pekin, the ne- gro theatre, on South State street. more than 1,000 negroes, among them some of the delegaten roared and shouted their approval as the Rev. R. 0. Ransom, the colored preacher from New York, and a power among his people, told them that the dele- gates were freed from their pledges since President Tait had been "un- tie/a to his oath of office and a traitor to the race," Meanwhile the Taft people have atvakeued to the danger of the situ*, tion and are doing their best to keep their negro delegates in line and to start something like of wave of real enthusiasm for the President's cause, They are , usinethe Brownsville case , as their Chief argument. While the meeting at the Pekin was going on the Taft supporters among the negroes were gathered at the Olivet Baptist Church. There were several hundred of them and they adopted resolutions condemning Col. Roose- velt's action in the Brownsville affair. At the Taft headquarters in the Con- gress Hotel plans were made for a negro mass meeting last night at the Colored Institutional Church, where She negro delegates were marched in a body with the idea of showing the negroes the Taft strength, Col. Roosevelt, wearing his new fighting hat, a compromise between the sombrero and a rough rider's headgear, came into Chioago late yes- terday and was aockiraed by thous- ands of .his supperters and admirers. The hat was in the air throughout the automobile ride from La Stele street station to the Congress Hotel, waving selutes•of acknowledgement of. the theere that marked the former Piesident's passing, Mr. Rooseeelt declared last night, Shat he had not mapped out a plan' i of campaign. He was n consultation for several hours with the =wet's' of his candidacy, and then assurned charge in person of "this naked fIght 'between corrupt politicians and thieves and the plain people." He would not ditouss his probable ap- pearance on the floor of the eonven- tion, but there was no doubt among the delegates last night but that he would be there, Col. Harry New, in Oharge of convention arrangements, said Mr. Roosevelt had not applied Lor a seat. , I II MONTREAL! THE STANDARD hi ;t1i'dtjx :Weekly Newspaper bf the Dominion 'of Canada. It IS hateinal 54' ett tts 'alma It uses the Meat expensive &tale.: Inge, procuring the photographs from' all 'over thgi world. 1. It articled Ere carefully 'ideated end ita editorial pollee.. is etior.oughle tndependent. • A subscription eit Tee Stendeed Oats 52.00 per yr t any, addres4 &nada itn: Greet prItithi, • ••• 0, TRY, a FOR:1912C • Vlantreal Standard Publishin9_CO4 Publishers. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH AWATCH is 'a delicate piece of machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be 'cleaned and oiled occasignallY to keep perfect time. With proper care a Waltham • Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay yea a. well to let us clean your watck every taer x8 months. W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Mairloge Licenses. THURSDAY, JUND 201-h, 1912, -ell zitTee " a or en aelegat en, tne most aggressive and outspoken of the Roosevelt adherents of the delegatiote which yesterday issued but a thiely veiled threet of independent action if things did net go well fer the eplonel in the convention, marched to the sta. tioe in a body and escorted Col. Roosevelt to the hotel. They bore aloft a banner which read: "Calffornes relu,ses to try title to property before the thief who stole it." ' And on the revetee side: "California's solid twenty-six for Theodore Rooseeelt " "Chicago is a bad place for people who steal," said the colonel, when the cheers. which greeted his appear - elms had subsided.. "California's 26 votes were cast for us at the primar- ies, and will be counted as such. "The 'people will yen," he -contin- ued. "We have won in every state where the people could eepress them- selves, three to one, and sometimes eight to one. They are stronger web 118 now 'than they were then."' Its • dosing hours attended by ex- hibitions of tense partisan and per- sonal feeling among its members, the Republican national eoramittee 'con- cluded last night the hearing of the contents involving 254 seats in the nas tional convention which is to assem- ble Tuesday. The sum of its *ark is: Roosevelt 19, Taft 235. President Taft yesterday received 62 delegates, Col. Rooseeelt 6. .All of Washington's 14 went to the ,Presi. dent, against the protests of Senator Poindexter that the "country would judge the eause." put of Texas he se: -cured 26 of the contested 30, over the prostrate form of Col. Cecil A. Lyon, who dedared "you may depose me now, but I will be back four years' from •noir When many of you will not." • In Virginia, where the issue was drawn between, negro voters and he 'regular state organization, tbe Presi- dent reeeiv.ed the entire contested delegation of 20. In the District of Columbia he won 2, Committeeman Sidney Bisbey going to defeat with She Roosevelt delegation. The Washington cases, almost the last to engage the committee's atten: tion before the conolusion of its ten day's work, were preceded by a threat- ened personal combat between Fran. is :T. Haney and Committeeman Ken. nedy of North Dakota, which was pre. vented only by the interference of their associates. /NNW mmsymproasicsame.issomli, Rose tomb Brown Leghorn • Eggs' For Sale. Heals in this( pen are prize win - mere, and are excellent layeee, Eggs $1.90 for 15. A good hatch guare anteed. Ie. A. HOVEY, Clinton For Sale or tient A' coknffertablel 1-rocimed cottage on Noeth Street, good garden with &telt +trees; good water. All in good 'condition Apply Ne'w Era 'or(to • MRS, J'. BeeTLER Blouse 16r Sale Or Rent A 7-roolnecl frame ,house on Huron Street, oppo,site Commee- cial Rothe], for pale0915 to rent. Hone° is being put en good order, Waterwoeks ix; connection. Apply ;MISS PORTER, lEtattenbury Street II.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA114. 4 N. 4 lir 4 lir i Pid110 5'. 5, IP I lo Ir Ir 10 4 . See and here:ourfinest it 1• • New Stylish designs of : 0 Doherty Pianos and : • and the South East part of Lot no, 86 te 14 acres both in the ist concession of * Stanley township is foredo t for a term te, of years. This property is clOse to the 1 p. town of Clinton and posseseston can te be given at once. Fee further parte sl P ton, One, or Idelearthye Boys & Mur. milers apply to Henrylumsteel, Cnin- .P 411 chison, Barristees, Barrie, Ont. 4 special values in Art Teacher %tainted • vr. EnirDoxe, BARRISTER SOLI(./ITOR" NOTAI..Y •fenaalPUBLIC. EEO. r, e, to ote(aeh Telnion: rSohorot Experienced to's-cher 'wentel,roale o No, 12, Godertch and Iluliett ted at Semmexhill, convenient' to church and peseoffice, with daily mail :servile's: • Duties to corn/pence Septereber 3rd, 1912. State, :salary wijth qualificatiote. Applications will be received up So June 15th, T. J. LIaTDSAY, Seeretaey, IMay leth, 1512, 1, 'Clinton Farm For Sale, 044/•10/•001.• Lot 40, /th Concession, 'Goderich 'Pownehtp, consisting of • BO acres, all seeded down lexcept 25 acres. 2 acres orchard, reanto house 20 x30 teeth out buildings. Barn 30 x 72 telth etabling under. First class well, Farm( is finales from 01intoh and 4 from Bayfield. A pplq oh Preenkies or address George Burnett, Clinton P0. R00111 to Rent Room torrent ip Beaver Block occupied: at present by Miss Grant. Price $3.00. .- JOHN JACKSON. miamm•••*•••••• A Presentor Wanted preeerntoe wanted for Pins13y- eeriest Church, Brucefield, cabana, stating salary, will be re-. calved up to' 'the 15th of Slime, 1912 • JAS. D. GE1VIMELL, 01erk, Egmondville, Ont To Graze Cattle The undereignece is prepared to graze 30 head of eattle for the 'sea- son 011912, Pletty of water and shade. Apply to JOHN WARD. Sumraerhill P. 0, Barred Roek Eggs for Sale I won on Barred Reeks at,Oliteton 4 firets, 3 secondste 1 ,third( and special for base colleetten. Pan 1 - Pullet nating, headjece by Millard cockerel, Ohneted numbest setting% eggs $2,00 per 13.-Pen2-a Cockerel elating, headed by Millard cock. Pullets inthee pent are good lay - layers, Bgge $2,00 per 13. -Pere 3- letirsty pen,headed; by; a cockerel bred frone on of the best laying strains in,' Canada. Hone inthis were bred • front 17 of ray pullets which layed 436 eggs; in 31 clays. Eggs 51.00 peai 15. I guarantee a good hatch ow replace setting feee of charge. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. No Rouses to Let •••••••401.1 The undersigned has two houses to let, apply to Jacob Taylor Field Stone Wanted. --- Field Stone suitable for road making is wanted by the Town ef Clinton. Price $3,50 per cord of 13,- 000 pounds. FORD, Chairman of Street Comnaittee Loos Wonted Chesney, Logs woont J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben . neweis, Brodhagen, Me MeDwan, All kinds of logs, Maple, Sett Elm Clinton. and Basswood eneferred. Highest Each Director is inspector ot losses In price paid. his own locality. W.Doherty Piano and Organ Co. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchke Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmonti ville; 5. W. Yeo, Hohnesville 0 Some first class pasture- land to be Payments, rnay be „Made at The sold in lots to suit purchasers. At Morrabi Clothing Co., Clinton, • or R.11. Cult Goder`ch ' traetive prices Apply John Ransford, G. T. It. City Agent --- t— CLINTON CHARLES D. RALE omitteyaiacet Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Teener oi Marriage Licenses, Rayon St., Clinton. H. T. RANOEI Ncitemy Public, Conveyancer, _ Financial and Real Estate, INSITEANOE'AGENT--Iteoresenting 11Elre surance Commies,: 'Division Court Mike. DR, T. W. THOMPSON itoian. Surgeon. Eto enecial attention given to diseases Mem. Eye, Elar. Throat, and him. Eyes earefune examined, and suitable 1, • prescribed. Office and Nesidenee. Two doors west of the COalnlerellaT ROM /Caron $t. . DES. GUNN and GANDIEIE Dr. W. mum, z. rt. 0. P., 85, 85. C. S.. Allow Jr J, C. Candler. B.A. 85,81, Moe -Ontario Street, °Union. Night Wight residence, Batteninny Sti or al hosoital OR. 4. W. SHAW, PEIESICEAN. SURGEON. °continua eta., office anti residence on ha foamy gia, opposite W, Earran's residence. DR. D. A. AXON DENTIST, 54 Crowit and hrldge al'erk n Spottaityr. Graduate of 0.0.5155,.. Chicago, and 11.0.D.B Toronto. hayfield an -Iflonslavs, Mny let to Illeoesubw, DR, H FOWLER, DENTIST. Delos over O'REIVB More. Speoial care taken to make dental treat. meat as painless as tangible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction Kr. • GODERIOH ONT Ilium stout sans a apeman/ Orders 58 5)' NEW ERA OffiCe, Clinton. prcaor tly abtawied to. Terms reasonable. Farmers. salt Non - discounted G. D. MeTaggart •M. D. MoTaggar MeTaggart \Bros. BANKERS, ALBERT ST , CLINTON & General Banking Enalness traneacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowee on depoeits. The IVIciCtilop Mutned Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. . OFFICERS. J. Bf Mame, President, Seafortb Jas. Connolly, 'Vice Pres., Goderieb Thos. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth DIRECTORS, Jas, Connelly, Hohnesville; John Watt,, SeafoithT. Evans, Beech. Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Pasture Laud JA001ii TAYLOR eL,1NTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance FARM FOR RENT The South 70 adres of lot number 85 Cases • Pianos and organs rent o5., ed, choice new Edison 3. phonographs,. Mum & 4 variety goods. Music Emporium C. Hoare rrvvrrvvVrinrmyvvvvvirvvvi T. WATT, Boot Maker and Repairer Opposite Postoffice. Repairing done promptly. ' Suit cases and Trunks re- paired. . A trial will convince you of the neatness and promptness with which I execute my work , Store open every evening W- ATTS Farm for Sale. The executor of the SouthcoMbe Estatd affairs!, for • dale, 60 acres'', - Bast half Of lot 28, eon. 6, Hullett. A firet-01a55 Sam, well watered and improved, and. with 'good buildings. Also/ the undersigned. offlere for sale, let 29s eon. 6,H-all- ett, 100 aeres. These farms May, be bought together or separately. JA3lES SOTJTHCOMBE. 7 r; ,Clinton, Ford & McLeod Wetre new 'selling fleatiethy Seed (Government Standard.). , We also have on hand, .Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheal: Pew, Barley and Peed Corn 'Highest Market Prices p'aicl for Hay and all Gettins., Ford & McLeod 4111NagarhillIk OC:).A.1.1 j Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock end sold at the lowest possible price, Orders may be left at Deeds & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, Ait Electric Light Plant. Real oitate bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to New Era Vi...••••••• Grand TrunkRallway System Railway Time Table Lendon, Huron and Bruce. North London. depart Centralia • 8,80a m 4.60 p axe 9,40 5.43 , • ; Exeter 9.53 6.64 _1 Bennet 10.03 8.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.80 6.19 Clinton 1.00 6.35 Londeseoro 11.18 6.52 Blythe ..... 11.27 7.00 Belgrave ... .. 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive.,. 11,50 : 7.351 eeuth Passenger Winglsam, depart6.48jsem $.33 p Belgrave....„ ..... 6.-54. 8.44 Blyth 7.08 3.56 Londesboro,7.16 4.0e Clinton 7,50 4,23 Bruceilehe 8.12 4.39 Kippen 8.23 4.47 Hensale ..... 8.32 4,52 -Exeter......., ... . .. :8.48 5,05 Centralia 9.00 5,15 Londonearrive....• 10,00 6,10 • :Buffalo analetode West Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford .. ... ..10.00 12.20 ate 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seafortht10.45 1.10 6.18 113 Clinton •11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28 Ilolmeseille 11.1:3 1,33 646 11,88 Geederich .... ' . -11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East I essenger am' pm pm Goderich • 7,10 2.40 4.50 Holinesville 7.26 2.57 6,06 Clinton 735 I 8,07 5.15 Seatortls . . ... 7.52 3.25 6.32 Mitchell 8.16 3,48 6.55 Stratford 8.40 4.15 te8.20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French reg-ulator; never fails. These plus are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generatiVe portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap Imitations. Da do Vatt'S are sold at 85a box, or three for $10. Moiled to any address. The seobou Yang 000 et. QM/alines. 455t. Passenger