HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-20, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 46, No.
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
If You Appreciate Genuine Bargains Ilturays Read the Advertisements in the New Era
Royal Bapk
Capital . . $6,25o,000
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PUME-E,CLAT. We ithink 14
one of 'the best.
Dispensing Chemist,
Swat the Mee. - , -
• The hay crop of 1910 ie now well '. . '
Huron- llidloy
aesured. . . , ,
Vegetation. is, bounding foew.arel '
these days. . -
Stands in. a does' by itself for
first-class work. Opeu all --year.
Write 1to-clay foe hand,scene. ,Cata
For Canning
Largo, Big, Juicy Pineapple
now alt theer beAr for preserer-
;Buy your, Pineapplea NOW
•as. Ithis •will be .the P.asti [big
Week foe Pineapple% and the
quality es first-class.
W. T. O'Neil,
Phone 48
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1$155
Record of Progress for Five Years 190601911
CAPITAL . . • . $3000,000.00 $4, 0 000.00
RESERVE . . • . 8,000,000,00 4,600,000.00
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TOTALASSETS . . , 33,090,192.00 48 237 274 00
Has 85 Branches in Canada, and Agents. and Correspondents in all
the Principal "'lies in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch. C E. DOWDING. Manager
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• R
. I
4 How much good SHIRT V A.LUE it is possible '•
; to obtain .for ONE DOLLAR is proved by the shirts :
: we are selling at this price.. •
; •
; There is an wilimited demand for DOLLAR ;
; SHIRTS --many men preferring to pay neither more ;
Mr. John R Bone of the Toronto
Daily Star, who was made Presi-
dent of the Press Association at Ot-
tawa, and who was a former pupil
of Clinton Collegiate.
School Scholars Sports
Was Another Success
Sixth Annual Event Was Enjoyed
By Both Big and Little Last
Friday Afternoon
PrIncipal Hartley Is •Leaving Clinton. Shooting Tournament
At Goderich
Will Become Principal of the Bilingual School at Vanklee4 Hill,
It was with mingled. feelings that
the people of Clinton heard, on Satan
day, of the appointment of Mr. John
Hartley to the position of Principal of
.the New English French training
school at Venkleek ,Hill -feelings cf
gladness that such an honor should be
conferred on one so worthy of it and
feelings of sorrow that this appoint-
ment would involve Mr. Hartley's de-
parture !tore town.
The citizens at large will regret this
move as Mr. Hartley has been an ex-
cellent teacher and else. took a very
active interest in Church work.
Mr, Hartle* was born in Huron Co.,
in the township of Turnberry and
;liter passing his Entrance took up his
High School and Collegiete work at
and Sound d
1 •
Untied his studies at Toronto Normal
and at Hamilton Normal College.
He taught successfully at Wroxeter
Public School for five years and also
Blyth Continuation class one year and
a half and has been withOlinton Model
School for 5 years.
Mr. Hartley will have the same rank
as a Principal of one of the Provincial
Normal schools. His salary will be
$2,000 a year with yearly increases...
I When Mr. Flartley came to Clinton,
five years ago, be had before him a
most difficult task -that of follovving
in the footsteps of a man, who bad
made the name of Clinton Model
School famous throughout Ontario,
but he has proved himself equal to the
position. Our School stilt stands in
the "None better, and few as good"
class, and Mr. Hartley has won for
himself the respect and admiration
nee -only 0„,i pupils and teachers but
also of the community. lie Is on of.
the most -prominent members of the
East Huron Teacher's Association of
which organization he is Seceetary
But it is not only as a teacher that
we esteem Der. Hartley,. - Himself a
speaker of no little eloquence, he has
beceme the right hand man of the
rector of St. Paul's Church and has
often conducted services in the
Churches in neighboring • towns,
When the Children's Aid Society was
formed here this 1Vinter, Mr, Hartley
was elected President.
No matter how much we may wish
ib would be unreasonable to expect
that Mr, Hartley would deeline the
offer of such an important position, so
that all we can do, -while regretting
his departure, is to congratulate him,
on his appointment and express Cale
sincere desire that he may keep on
climbing the ladder of success.
DuffingJuly arid August he will
teach a ummer Model School at Gore
gave a Maple Leaf drill that was E
The New Era is indeed sorey to see'
cadets were also pub throufh their
Last Friday afternoon the 6th An -
noel School Scholars Sports were held
on Recreation Park and everybody
had a most enjoyable time.
Alt. 180 headed by W. jackson's auto
and the Kitties Band, of Lucknow, the
scholars marched down Mein Street to
the park. Two drays, prettily decor-
a.ted were also in the Perade and be-
tween the girls and boys came Clin-
ton's Citizen Band, IVIajor Rance also
had his Pubtic school cadets on parade.
Upon arrival at the Park the girls
under the direction of Miseality Rance
ay on Manitoulin Island.
heartily applauded by all present. The
Mreamd, Mrs. Hartley leave town, but
paces by Mayor Rance and t le boys aope that they will like their new
were a credit to him. surroun Ines in Eastern Ontario.
iAfter the foot races were over (Min-
tou and Goderich played an exhibition Following was the announcemenb
lacrosse match for three-quarters of made in the daily iaapersa
the game Clinton had the hese of the ' Toronto, June 1.5a --The details for
• •1 game by a score of 4-0 and during the woiking out of Sir James Whit-
thatlime Jobnsonstoppod some excela ney's policy regarding bilingual
ent shots. The leet quarter they went schools have been completed. The re-
; . organization of thessaschools will take
to pieties amid Goderich te t e scole
and as le was near six o'clock they de- effect at the beg ginninof the next
cided not to try and break the tie school year, on Sept. 1, and the au -
As Goderich only came down with 30 rangetnents just completed will • con -
men the both teams played only 10, tinne 10 force until Jane, 1013.
W, S. B. Holmes handled the gatne • Hon. Da Pyne, minister of edu-
well and made the boye play clean cation, in handing out a statement.
lacrosse, Following was the line up:- to the press yesterday., said a circular
would be issued by • the department
Clinton Goderich would
a few deers. The statement gives
Johnson Goal Graham out by .Dr. Pyne says these will be
Riamball Point Nicholson three. inspectoral divisions for the
Cook 0 Poins Blackford English -French schools : but the mini-
* 1 (Much let defence Make ster said these divisions bad not
1 2nd defence Beacom been definitely laid out as yet.
Clinton Model School ; D. M. Eagle of
the Windsor Oollegiete Institute and
A. A Jordan. 13. A. Principal King-
ston Model School, The assistants will
be: - At Ottawa, J, M. Eleury ;
Sturgeon Palle., Stanislas Grettoh,
Peincipel Public Schools Plantagenet,
Tbe assistants at Vankleelc Hill and
Senclivich have not yet been appoint.--
Has a Rabies Scare
Reg. Sturdy, Bitten -on Both Hands
by Frenzied Animal, Goes to
Toronto For" Treatment.
A serious case of rabies alarmed
the neighborhood in. Goderich Town-
ship, south ef Goderich Monday morn-
ing, Reg. Sturdy went to a gravel
pit to lead gravel, and was there at-
tacked by a dog. Sturdy beat the dog
off twice, but when. he went to kick
the animal the third time he slipped
and fell; the dog jumped on him, and
before making off bit him severely on
both hands.
Sturdy went to Torontia Monday
afternoon for, treatment, and •every -
farmer bas been warned, and is- wat-
ching for the dog with a loaded rifle
closeat hand.
etCe Walters TheGovernment's Plan.
Watt 3 home Kay '
WhitleyInside home , McKay
2 home Page •
McKenzie Outside home Powell
!Mose who scored the . goals were
Couch ; Fink 2; Walters 3 ; McKay I.
A -Tug-of-war took place between
the South side of the aown and the
Neale -side captained by Hall' and
Kilby respectively. The South side
were declared the winners.
1- After tea was served a baseball
match between the Pub School and
the lst Form of the 0, 0, I, yeas play-
ed and with a good pitcher fume the
Co'legiate the abbe: chool team won
• nor less. We appreciate this fact and stand ready to • by a. score of 18 -2, •
• 4. rurntsh.the best for the money. , • We nearly forgot to mention the
41. , •
•' • baseball match between tbe'Ruffering-
• 4, yets" andthe School Board. It was
-* - • • declared a tie at the end of the eth
* .e. am• 2 I innhaes, Thisegame tickled the young-
* weraseseeenamieeeesmeiewesessioesseaswerelem
4,- a .l. eters in areat style. The ladies had
••• only received that morning their cos-
* • Have
V.s,u Seen the Fiaxnaan Shirt • tames frni oParis and there was seine
• 4 class, patio% ing were the prize-
, * winners
i M it$LZO ?
• It is undoub,edly‘ the best' Dollar Shirt we can
.: procure. They are: ma.de very -roomy, bosom and
shoulder lined, reversible collars, and,' extra well
made. . ,,
- ,..
i7i • . - , • Oa -der, Frank Mutch,
.te •
• _let Reader, Part 2,
41. *
• - ' a i Girl'aRace -Amy Gould, Marion Mc-
-* • Elliott Henry Slomane-
. 44 Girl's Skifping Race --Donna Mul-
* . • lioy's Hoop Race -Chas. Pulford,
Miss Kerr's Class
• Girl's klace-Barry Conabe, Sadie
• Gibbs, Vera Cook.'
Boys Race George Elliott, Ken
ee Carter, Willie Crawler.
Miss Wiltee's
• Girt's Race -Leila McCartney Nellie
• Oooper, Jessie McGuire.
* Bo 's Race -Mervin Daeves, Ike
Intyre, Leona Taylor.
, s s Boy's Race -Alfred Glaziee, Fred
* holland, Cat iarine Wylie.
We too l< good care of the BOY when selecting : creo. carter.
4. „ '• Girl's Race--Dorathy Rorke, Amy
:,.. ', ' and Reader
• • our shirt and, placing o order with the maker
.s nr
* 'At liellyar, Lottie Judd.
The Government plan for the reor-
ganization of the school provides.:
The pupil shall 'upon entering the
firstforra begin an oral coupe he Eng.
lish ; as soon as he has sufficient
knowledge of English he shall begiia
the comae in the primer.
In schools where French 'has ihith-
erto been a subject of study, instram
tion in that language shall be limited
to one hour daily, shall not interfere
with instruction in English, and shall
be opt -lona).
Tbe supervising inspectors appoint -
VV• SuintelerbY, R. 0, White,
B. A., E. E. Ingall, B A,
The inepectors : L. ettyment, at A,,
V. H. Gabourd, 13. St. Jacques, R.
"For the ttaeninge of teachers for
the English French schools there
shall he four Model schoole : at Ot-
tawa, Vankleek Hill, Sandwich and
Sturgeon Falls. The Principals of assure Rev. Me, cDonagh that in
these schools will be 0; H. Edwards, heart and sphit we are with him."
13 A.. now Principal of Napanee Mod- Rev. McDonagh was a former preach -
el School; John Hartley, Principal , er in Rattenbury °betel].
We have the same shirting made into
Boys' Shirts. Neat, snappy patterns,
which the boy will appreciate, .together
with good Shirt IVIa..king.
• .
50C 75c and $1 oo
• . •
et Boy's Raee-George ,Walker, • Cecil
Cooper, Marquis Turtle!".
Girl's 8 hoe; Race-Dorathy Rorke,
• Mary Argent,
13ov'te Sack Race -Hugh McGuire,
• Cecil Cooper.
110111101030011"5"11811.11.1."11111, 41,
The Morrish Clothing (79,. I
Square -Deal tor Every Boy"
• .
3: -Local News
High Scores Made by The Huron
CO.Unty Rifle League Colborne
Wins Cup.
Gocierich, Jane 14, -The annual
June tournament of the Huron Coun-
ty Rifle League was held yesterday al
the Point Farm range. Ten elite as-
socia,tions were repreeented, with a
total of 150 men. Some splendid
shooting was done, nearly fifty scores
being 60 and over, •out of at possible
seventy. The rebooting was over tvvo
ranges, 200 yards and 5t0 yards,, John
Scott, of the Lochalsh •aseoiation,
won the medal for the highest ag-
gregate, with a score of 68, 34 at each
target. Colborne association won the
rep for team 'sho'oting with a score of
, 626. • Dungannon was second with MO.
Three possibles were made at a single
In And Around
The Capital
A Newsy Letter From Mrs, F. W..
• Watt, tothe New Era
• Readers.
Ottawa, June 17,h, 19112.
Dear Edittee :-
As you 'wished to know seine -
thing of my trip I will try and write
a few linea 'this looming.
After olio conference in Torento
GOING TO WINGFIAM., t Lanadowa, Of coursed rata -
1 came east holding my first meet-
ed.' ut next morning waarine,
r1y ideal, foe 'which I was thankful
es I had a twenty Mlle drive and I
must say I enjoyed tlirnmeneely.
The scenery was beetle:ital. I had
no elea• thete were 'omany rocks
and hills andlittle lakee etc, all -of
which added to the beauty of the
seene andr at this time of ,the year
all those appear to best advantage.
will not weary you with a de
tailed account of our Meetings, suf-
fece itit seay they, 'have been veary
well attended, the women down
have takinte a great interest in In-•
estitute week. They raise lots of
Money, too, Thbnk !nothing of
buying a piano. for their hall ; one
blanch 1 viisetedt paid for ;a piano
last •year,and; bad a !balance
on hand of $76, iso you see they are
workers. •
The baeehall teaexpect to go
to Wingharn on Friday to play the
return match.
Have "you renewed your New Era
TheexaT4s. -will be oyer to -mor -
Snowballs and Orange lilies • are
already out.
'Chief Wheatley has his men work
jitg onthe Ontario street road now.
Soon muddy roads will be unknown
• If von have a doe., and if your dog
has fleas beyond a reasonable amount,
do not muss yourself and dog all up
with fief), powders and other dope.
Take your vaccum carpet cleaner, if
you have one, to your dog -otherwise, 1 I have enjoyed some boat trips
take the dog to the cleaner' and go 1 down the St. Lawreece which were
over him well with the suction end of
the cleaner. If his hair isnot too long
and curly the fleas will be removed to
to the bag 'of the immune cleaner,
much to their surprise and much to
the doges relief. The Saturday Even-
ing Post is the author of this idea.
Crvilization is a great thing,
Rev, Dr. Wm McDonagh, 22 Pauline
avenue, Toronto, the °Iciest, member
of the London Conference, was paid a
high Cr:irate at the recent meeting of ipnerotyttaallvilal Ibhelaovnegabne,ge;Itomtsliremd
the. Middleton. Miss Middleton,
who taug'ht school here some years
ago, beingl greatly beloved by her
pupils. e
I have been successful in organiz-
ing Savo new branches 'with large
membership. I did. not ,expect to
meet anyone down here who would
a now any of our Clentonians, 'bu't I
have had ,seyenel enquiries bout
our Clinton people. At Athens and
Barrette. Rapide numbers of people
vere inquiring for the Andrews
Broth.ers; at Nerrickville for. 'the
Holcien,s. The house was pointed'
out to me where the Holden fainil-
toe were/ born and rased/the
the Conference observes the Globe,
Printing a portrait at the same time.
Dr. McDonagh is 81, yaars of age, and
line just completed his diamond jubilee
iu the ministry, In recognition o1 this
the Conference adopted the aillowiug
resolution: "
"Rev. Wm. lfleDobagh, P. D., has
been lobg and favorably known as
a minister of the Gospel in the Meth od-
1st Church, especially in the London
Conference. He now completes his
statieth year in this connection. With
great gratitude to Grod, we join in ex-
tending him our heartiest congratu-
lations. We remember with Pleasure
his many years of effective and faith-
fnl service as pastoe and preiteher. The
I 1,cainq in here Saturday evening.
to ,sped Sunday at the Capital, and
havo thel plea,sure oeputteng up
at •the "Chateaueleaurier.". It cer-
tainly is a, lovely place, -wislrethad
time to give you a alight descrip-
tion of it, bilt I have not at preeent
One thing that attracts. my atten-
tion is the Freaeh , el em ent-Fren eh
everywhere. nolice Mott in the
• ,
Is yours if you own. a Camera
How woe it will be in year.sto
eolnet to have a tollection of
-eaves taken anyone yeuntger
Wo have the Ensign Goods
Camerae in reach of eviefty-
one. All prices from -$1.50 up
The eeal thing in Canieraels
the( Ensiguette, 01 easily
,lips into a man's vest pocket
oce ladies hand bag, and you -
can make post card size pic-
tures -Don't Fail to See It,
A! Full Supply oe Pholtog-
raphie Suppliee. ;
W. A. McConnell
.......131011.041/Ranori1.0 ,,,,, .41.10,V.O.111
dining room, theateshers San speak
influence he has exerted is etal known 'French.; do not "appear ece ha) „elate
I! el' 1 t 1 t . •
't It 0 /I 1
sincerely sympathize with bim in his Properly. There le besides athe
and. will long continue with us, We eaea r u cerstand nglish
present feebleness, and earnestly faray main dineng'i•ooen, a grill evhere one
that the presence of Divine Comforter can procure lunch at allnost .atay
Of each other
By each either.
Meanie genuine fun dor _the
children, and la,eting.satiefac-
tion, for the parents.
You really ought to have 'a
Kodak, and we' have the one
You. oughlet o have,
wat be at our Store on
Tuesday, Junte 18
W.S.R. Holmes
• Plem B.
Men's and and Boys
Straw Hats.
In all the Newest Styles
;may be. ,bis eonsolation. 'We woald time,. else private 'diming rooms for '-
-famlies Or Inmates, The Imeans
aro all elegantly immeshed, Send an
orchestra provides music eeritain
horm,s of !the clay. They playeal
bealltif ull y y eot er clay autern o on,
- --- and last naight when I came III trom.
• . church ithey were playing, and
Ne Teniere . BCPee is Bea 10. Ganada 'aveplzve,•ntrivlionten oivi°,ae;
foe zefreehments betweep thee: ae-
lecithen,s-it was music eight along.
_ The :tee here for rooms without
The Supreme Court 'Declares That Mixed Marriages are Legal in
hath a
93 decYn
leayacinlP'd'Iufj.0ar IT°17ons•
Quebec-Coutt-holds that Parliament Cannot Pass Lancaster
jamas are muchrthe same as on
moala are earveeT "a la carte" and
Bill, With Mr. Justice idington Dissenting -He Says mdluniagoe,,aar,:' isetTigelleessta ecialed'ey
Bill Can bePassed If Modified. Soue•rsylacnecuesogom jogtlintg,enlpolx%yeeesite,otget,bee-
here. next Sunday, and possibly foe
the fleet of Jelly.
Ottawa, Jane 17. --That tbe Domin- len. ' .
ion Parliament has no power "bo pass As to the second branch of tbis
a general marriage bill for the whole question, coneenung mixed mar"
cooritay such as that submitted by E. riages in Qu,ebec by other than Oath.
A. Lancaster, M. P, vvas the almosl olie priests all concurred that such
unanimous decision of the :Supreme marriages were perfectly legal.
Court this morning. Mr, Justice Iding• This concurs with the recent judg-
ton only dissenting. ''' went of Mr. Justice Charbonneau at
This reach -discussed and long Mentreai, declaring the fIebert mar -
awaited judgment, given today, CODA- riage valid,
prieed long dessertations by learned
juclgee on the Taws of the Dominion
and the Provinces. The following is a summary of the
3rd. Reader . Justice Iclington's dissenting udg- ;Supreme Court decision:
Girl's Race --Flora. Miller, Leota. Hat- mont gave bbe.°PiPicm that the .Lan- The Court decides : 1. --That parlia-
land, Alice Pickett. caster Bal, while impossible .as it at meat cannot pase the Lancaster
eluepher, Wilbue Welsh.
Boy's Race --Ernest Little Orvil
" maae workable. , , 2.---Thite mixed marriages are legal
9tesent stands, naight be revised and rciarriagebill,
Boy's- weeeleureee Race _ Earl Regarcting.question two, concerning i in Quebec. _
ma.rmages in Quebec,Chief Justie.e The latter - decisioti practicelly
Steep Harvey Lawrence, Geo. Middle- . . . .. ' -
Fitzpatrick declined to answerthe hest • means that the Ne Ternere decree is
ton, Wilbur 'Welsh,
Girl's 'rhread-the-Needle- Race- Ed. part at it, which concerned the mar- I really only an ecclesiastical bogey in
ith Jones, Freida 'Wallis. dames of ho Catholics, by,other than Canada.
- • - 1 that of a Catholic priest. Justices 1 Of course the whole judgment will
410 Reader jaington. Duff and Davies said there be appealed to the Privy Council.
Girl's Race -Jennie Baines, Mildred was 'nothing in the Quebec law to ' Meanwhile both the Nei Temere cle
Opole, Kathleen Dozer. render Buda marriages invalid, Mr. cree and the Lancaster marriage „bill
coneenuaa an page 4, , 11 Juetice Anglin gave a contra OrIlD- are legally dead in Canada. . e
11 mai oid friend, Robt. Holmes,
-was itail Era office r would saly
"1s.. it not beautiful ,around tlie
Parliament buildings„ where one
looks, dowel over ehose reeks, ,anre
shrubs and trees. to the "Lover's!
Walk" and •on downato the river ?"
betaine 1fhe would keow, lhaving
been here so, often; but peobably
you, toe, have viowed .the sceneiry
at 1.1.31,15 spot, a think it islo"vely, it
looks so natural 'and so'hd, •
2 pan.--W'ell, I've been .ant seght-
'seeeng, weenetee qtakeng in" the
large atores, and. I !Wane through
the now -depot arid .saw the Cloveen- Meirs Tailors and furnislurs
lor_Gonerags privAto, waiting rpona
which quite a sw,e11, affair, latis6
took .a lea: ride( out to ononf ,,the, •
eummer reseals, coming back about
,Frout 25c to $[O4
Harvest Hats
for men and boys
From 15c lip to 50e
Boys Knickers
Special Clearing Lot
Boys Knickers, Bloomer
style, in English worsteds
and. Scotch tweeds, made
from sample pieces, sizes 22
24,' 26 and 27 only, worth
1,25 to 2.00 per pair, Satur-,
day special, choice tor
about one o elockahad lunch, atiaci
now ,am setting hero listening to
the ereheettra, musec, altholigh at
;this mengto Lean, over hear ehe
speeches In the main. dining room.'
where Rine .Government are 'tendert,
ing aban net teeeprasentativect of
the e3retiet Meineefeeetureeeta Ther
:e quit° &crowd of them., We can
eee thcral fromithee balceny. Nove '
tee 1do not. W,ana to monopolize
Apace' talentvaluable, paper 1w311
flop riglet here, Yeuree- . e