HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-13, Page 4Dress
yes suns
alf Rriee S�TUR'D1-t`
Four only, Ladies Suits in navy, grey and tweed
effects, satin' lining,' neatly tailored, sizes,. 32, 34, 36
and 38. Choice of these four. suits $10;50 a
Six only Ladies.Lorrg•;.Coats. all new this season
in fawn, black and white, navy, ,sizes 34 and 36.
Your choice Saturday $7.60
mNet Wt 2
Waists $ � , 49.
In price only call these waists' be termed cheap -
The quality of net and style are very desirable.. The
lot consists of fifteen, worth $4.50 each. We have
them in all sizes. Choice Saturday $2 49
Two BigSpecials
�'�' peg s in..
Summer Millinery
-Special No. 1 -We put
on sale Saturday 24 Trim-
med Hats, our own crea
bops in the most exclusive
new designs, Your choice
Saturday r at exact] half
price $3,98
Special No. 2
Twelve Trimmed Hats, ,all oo3d styles, worth
•$4,00 and $4.5o. Choice Saturday ' $1,98
A Good Smart Boy Wanted to
Learn the Dry Goods Business
• •
Dr. Sage, of London West, will
preach at, both seryicesatSt, Paul's on
Sunday next and Rev,. Mr. Jeakin's
will preach at St, George's church. et
London. •
The Salvation Army are commenc-
ing old time Camp meetings in the
tent on Main street on Saturday and
Sunday, June 15 and 16, The coming
weekend meeting will be conducted
,•• �Jry Capt. Boynton and Lieut. Harper
Simmons of Wingham Services at 8
p. ma Saturday night and 11 a. m and
B.and"7 p, m. -on Sunday All are in.
vited. Bright cheerful meeting with
plenty of music, vocal, brass and
string. All are welcome.
The League of Ontario street chutch
held their monthly meeting on Mon-
day night. Under the direction of
Gordon Taylor, this committee is plan
nipg for greater things for toe coining
year -increased knowledge, increased
interest and therefor increased givings
to the greatest of all interests. Last
year the financial results were pleas-
ing reaching nearly tp the teo hum
tired and a quarter dollar mark, entire
lyvoluntarygivings andmaking them
nnoe more the Banner League of the
The Women's Association will hold
circle tea ou the manse grounds on
Thursday afternoon., from four to six.
All the ladies of the congregation are
are invited.
The Girls Club had a very successful
picnic at the river on Tuesday. An
interesting feature was the hat contest
-. Yn whish the prize was won by Miss
May Caldwell,
At the evening service last Sabbath
-Miss Abbie Glen sang, a solo very
sweetly. Miss Glen possesses a voice
of remarkable range for one so young
and gives great of musical
Bogs Worrying Sheep
Londeshoro, June 10ph
To The Editor of Thel New Era.
Dear Sir: -Will you allow me space
in your valuable paper to inforin-the
public that dogs are allowed to run at
large at nights : and are worrying
sheep. Every farmer around here has
had sheep killed or •worried by dogs
and I want to say that if dogs are al-
lowed to run at night they must be
Muzzled or any farmer willshootany
premises seen on his p es after this
notice has been in print.
Yours very truly.
Births, Marria es & Deaths
SUADDIOK-In Hullett, on June
Srd, to Mr:and Mrs; Richard Shaddick
VODDFN-Tn Hullett, on June 7th,
Emmeline .Modline„wife of Wrn, Vud•
den, aged 47 years
FLINTUFF-In Woodstock, on
Monday, June 10th, George Andrew
F.lintoff, sou of the late George Flint -
off, of Clinton, aged 21 years.
KERR-In Clinton on Tuesday, June
11th, James Kerr aged 7S year.
WADE -In Clinton, on Monday,
June 10th. Ruth Burns, beloved wife
of Rev. Willicm Wade, aged $1 years,
'7 months and 1S days.
Local News
'Continued ,fron Page 1,."
presence pf Rea , Dr, Chowir eat-
i7•adting 'snarly flluind reds of "ether
denomineu}rofii, , They toa`dina''..bion
aerayieee were -in charge of Rae,: J,
E. Food president(: (of the confer-
enee, aieeistetP,Iba ,many of the ata,
tondant 1nanislter s.
Oast of the number,, one; Rev.Mel-
, t'M a� 1uting, 13 .A:, rs "dee ruisd
for. work fn'Cirina. , 0:'he renrajnder
are nemunetetl•'to ...stations within
tlro.00nferenee. The list.olnbraced
'Phomas A. Allen, appointed to Dov-
er ; Herbert • ,r Ball, .;apl5o;•ntel. -to
Salem Art h r W. Brostn, .apP
,ed to lagnnniller; Edward R, Colwill.
B, A;, appoentted. to Rrrthaaford ;
Samuel J T.';1+otetner,appointed to
Cairngorm , G Clifton Gifford,an-
Painted. ,to Malden'; . 'Frederick L.
'Aai herl, aPPeentted to 'Walton ;
Barton H.Ro'binson,`ail A., •appo:init-
ecl to Bervi.e`; Melvin: M. Whitting B.
A. appointed to China,' •
Examining !Board,
The examing board of ;the confer-
ences one of itis most -limrportant
r,om littees, Warr elected on ;Satur-
day as follows G. N, Hazen ;
lir. Manning, W. G. H. McAA1•lieiter, J.
E Ford, F. T. iMaloet, Joseph Philp,
'A.`C( Langford and C, P..We:Its.',
A despatch from London state`s that
Ex -Mayor Rumball, who- has been
in a hospital in Rochester, Minn., for
sone time has so far recovered that be
has been able to remove to a hotel. It
is expected that be will be able to re-
turn to London an in a abort time.
Fron) the Brandon Daily Sun we
glean the fact that nurse Haddock
was awarded one of the silver medals
for her final papers at the Brandon
hospital Miss Haddockis a . neice of
Mrs, Eckmier of I own and was former-
ly employed in Mr. Nime ns restaurant
for sometime.
Mrs. CleghornWith .her two children,
"Pat" and Margaret left on Wednes•
day for Toronto where she will re-
main a few days before joining her
husband in Vancouver. During their
short residence here Mr. "and Mrs.
Oleghocn made many warm friends
who' hope that their absence may be.
Is the, Time For
Plumbing, '
Stove Moving.
will receive
prompt; at-
tention,' Prices races given
on all kinds of
Roofing, Sidilig, and
Contract' 1V ork.
Byam &Sutter
Sanitary Plninl►er"s
The Leagues Decrease,
Repor ,e, of (committees occupied
themorning ,session. 'the Epworth.
League committee reported ,a de-
_kea-,e :n the membership of :27 in'
all, young •people's societies, that of
tee Epworth League,., being, 175,
while young nien'a societies iii-
crea ed in membership by 315,
The pre :eiitation of the ' report
brought forth oon :;derabl'D disetrs-
stosi, several ministers urging
strongly the adoption of measures
toput new life Into the league
Others were of the opinion, that its
place was. well filled by men's :broom
therhoode and similar organi.za-
t'ians. Rev. F:W. Hollinrake, of
'Windsor, urged the pastors to get
actively to the work themselves.
I.ayrnen's Association.
•OPPo,Jtian With its abolish' the ,bar
1/el!eyr • : 'Heretofore; temperance. .
legislation, air'.Ontario Was lame an
both feet ' and wag caariled doily.
and laitd;