HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-13, Page 2peaporro.....margoomeseerreomarrnerarmomewerarasomagr....mgermararm.....
ler nilTv prirr t Stifle:141U tares Dandruff It
OIL11.1 IIU 11 UU I is Sold witli J. E, Itlov4y's
Guarantee or Money
T. VVI1ite Announces an Back
Mergency F.,ieduction.
Of dertoMeet the Cement Famine
ihich o Crippling the Building
Trades In the West the Minister
of Fimmce Has Cut Down the
Duty Fifty Per Cent. From
June 12th to October 3Ist.
Gttawa, Tune 10. -The duty on
srtland cement and hydraulic or wet
time in barrels, bags or casks, has
)en eut in two by the Government.
his remission one half of the duty:
for a limited period and will date
orn importations made from June 12
, October 31, both days inclusive.
11 customs officers theoughout the
tonainion will be advised to this
'feet to -day, -
This important announcement was
lade last night by'Hon. W. T. White,
[Mister of Finance, who for the past
m days has been investigating the
aortage in the west and the agitation
Mich it brought about,
Bon. Mr. White, in explanation: of
ee.Government's action, says: "From
iterrnation I have obtained I am
gevinced that a serious shortage in
alment exists in various seetions Of
Vie Dominion, due to both an unpre-
idented demand ler the commodity
ad to the difficulty experieneed by
he eastern producers in promptly
naking shipments by rail and water.
Urgent messages have been reoeiv-
VI Beira municipaloutlamities, boards
q' trade, and contracting firms in the
rest, statingthat heavy 'financial loss
cid i
public nconvenience are threat-
ined by reason of The suspension of
Milding and street paving operations,
knd requesting ',that partial or total
•emission of customs duty upon ce-
nent should be granted during the re-
mainder of the season. Under all the
jircunastances and having given the
natter full consideration, which its
:mportance deserves, I am of the opin-
Con that it is only fair and just that
the remission asked for should be al-
lowed to the extent of one-half the
duty paid upon cement and its cover-
ings during the period from june 12
to Oct. 31 next,.
t "Such remission is equivalent to
bout twenty-six cents per barrel (of
hree hundred and fifty pounds) lin-
er the general, twenty-three cents
der the intermediate, and seventeen
ents under the preferential
"Manufacturere of cement in the
,ast have large shipments now in
ransit and will no doubt, in conjune-
ton with the railway and steamship
onapanies, nee every effort to over-
ake their orders. From all sources
f supply I hope that the cement sit-
ation will be relieved in the' near
Merger Not Afraid.
Montreal, June 10. -The Canadian.,
ement merger, so some of its friends
laim, has nothing Minh to fear from
orapetition with the American cement
rust in case the Canadian Govern-
ent take off the duty so as to make
ement cheaper and more plentiful
the Canadian west. Reports from
ionipeg show that eement is both
sate and 'dear in all the western
ountry, and building held back.
The American Shoe Machinery
rfist, now being somewhat slowly in-
estigatedin Canada, is buying up a
•hain of papers in New 'England, so
s to hold their own, and they are
yen thinking about doing something
the same line in Canada,
Dandruff is a hair clestroyeltKacnd
SAGEINE is the only prepariittion
that will positively kill the des-
tructive Uttle germ. $AGEINE
will bring life midbeauty to dull
traded hair and make it grow In
thick and luxuriant. Sagelne grows,
beautiful hair, ',soft and fluffy. It
is a moat delightful dressing ; it
is not sticky os greasy and l is
deli -dry perfumed. Get a large bot-
tle to -day from J. E. Hovey only
50c. We know you will realize
how well you 'spent the small
....._...e...e.............e...._......eeeteeeeeeeeta. eta tv,.....
e`aterre-e-rez-e,rortreee-etartefereadieeree211 •
Pert and Iinpertlit
N",„, raetat •
initckly stops coedits. cures colas. heels
the throat and luotts ?S cents.
Don,keep the g ante wailing
whoa itilsr Your turn ,.to play ; have
our bowl ready, '
Don't. throw `the jack carelessly;
a carefully+ throAvil jack usually,
oang a good lead.
rubitinto your opponent
Ly piling up a big score when all
you, need ilstO win.
Don't. ;scold a player because Pe
made a oak' Ishot ; lie :feels worse
than *nit' do about it.
Don't boast about your ,,good
kowling you 'are sure to gal you
hunips sooner or latter,
, Don't 'watch the game on the next
green; ili will keep you bitsy look-
ing after your own. • -
Don't try to win at any ecis,t ;re-
inember thats,o,chability is,the first
object of the game,
puteyour feet in the ditch
when you are watching a Igamebut
keep back elf the. -line.
Donk leave dead bo-WItd in the
ditch; they may inteyfere -with the
jack: and with ,Soittehers.
Don't ,crowd .around ;the jack
when the end •is being played,but
keep at least three yards back,
Dont he a "pet -hunter." Think-
ing off the prizes is apttto spoillyoo
for (thei nocial parq of the genie, •
Don't lay your cap or other ob-
ject, on .thel green Iwhile dire eting
rhe play; et is against thearulese
Don't gektg.eouchy if you Ore be-
ing beaten, ,but take it with good
grace; you Will soon get nsed to It.
Do,n't,pla.y the wrong bias; the
pen•alty, is $10' Lor Alia first offence
and life imprisonment for the - sec-
A woman is seldom able to (see
that there ifs a button missing from
her-hu,sband'eg.armente, but she al-
we..3ne knowa when there is a hole in
his pocket.
The girl whet marries a nian to itle-
terra him begine, by fthlokingrehe
naay have made ,a,mintalre and ends
be knowing she has.
iTHE STANDARD 34 th-4, N6115fifil
eekiy N,ewspaper ,t'of tad Dominion
Canada. It is. bational difell Ito
It us -ea th6 iiiiist elfatErTsife firikrfiva
Ties, procuring thS photographs"from
1 bver the world.
Its articles b.re carefully' --Selected lend
ts editorial polley,_ 'is horoughly
ndependent. .
A subscription t6 Th d Stfindard
Taste.$2.00 'per year t6 any laddrese in
anata or Great Britain.
0 TRY IT FOR 1912! e
Montreal Standard Publishing Celt
Limited Publishers
, •
WATCH is a delicate piece
421 machinery. It calls for
iess attention than most
inachinery, but must be cleaned
anti oiled occasionally to keep
perfect time.
With proper care a Waltham
Watch will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay you
,0 well to let us clean your watch
every 121r 18 months.
--tee tli„?
Children Cry
Dead dogs wag notails;
Sometime:a ta prison is more of a
home than a palace.
Anyway the -average mou never
boasts of his humility.
No Man ever has 'to hunt 'tempta-
tion. He le lucky, if he ean :dodge
Vrooet's Faosphodizo,
The Great English, Remedy.
• Tones andinvigeratesthewhole
nervous syston, snakes new
Blood in old 'Fettle. Cares Nero.
sus Del3ility, Mental mut Brain W07•7•14 Des.
vonclenev, Sexual Trinalatess, Massless, Spa*
materrhcea, and Affects of Abuse or. Excesses,
Price $1 per box, six for $0. One willplease, six
win euro. Sold. ty all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on Peoeipt of price. N8111 paStphlet
mailed free. The Wood Mcdlolno Co.
Lfornterlv Triarlami • Torentot, On
Many lan indulge nt husband is
that way only when he faces the
ChaTity appeare to cover amulti-
riude of ,sins, but most of them show
through. '
Cook's Cotton Root CompountE
The great Uterine Tonic, and
▪ ..only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which wcitnon can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, 81; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger 23; No. S.
Sold by all drug sts, or sent
for special easesp per box.
004KMEDiCiesCoei01101111).0tria (rortnerkiWindsav
Dont' tell youe avide that yen
were delayed down town; be hon-
est -with her; she knows yonhave
been bowling.
Don't Make uncoMplimantary re -
Merles about your opponent's bowl-
ing, or say anyithing about bis style
of delivery.
Donk fail to live up to the rule
governing ithe game ortOurna-
;Dont for only theni will there :lad
fair play for all.
Don't use had language: on ithe
green. "Sun of a gun" and kindred
ex-pressiens are quite permissible
Don't argue with your .opponent.
Tf en•ything isin doubt, it is bet -.7,
tar togive him the benefit than to
°maize' over lit.
Don't continue to,s,tand on the
mat or LIT the middle of th'e greens
atter delivering your bowl but
step to eine side so (that your op-
ponent may ,see the effett of the
rtHp ctLINI'(„3N
Itt a1uIses is not consider,.
ed the manfl r.possible the ,Taft
strength will bp transferred to a map
froth the we.st sufficiently in touch
iv,ith the Progressives to preyent any
landslide west Of the. iviiesissippi
If Mr: Taft'sadrainistrationis en-
dorsed Pcissaid to be willillg to fore-
go a re-nominlition in 'the interests of
party harmony. •-Fully three months
ago, it is'• seta, lie made, overtures to
this effect to Mr.' Roosevelt through
Andre'klV Carnegie
ltlough ROoSevelt delegates may bet
but of the Chicage con-
yention to make the noinination of
Theodore toOsevelt impossible, but it
by no memos follows that Mr.Taft
will be a candidate for re-election. To
renominate the President would be to,
challenge, almost to invite the ever.
dreaded Roosevelt bolt. Even in a
straight party contest Air. Taft, defi-
nitely classified in the popular mind
as a reactionary, would prove as weak
.the polls as he was at the peimar-
' Many a girl makes the mistake of
marrying out of a happy home into
a boarding house.
Tf a weinan'e prayers were tame.
:welted it's a sate bet ithat she
would always look 7oung.
No. matter how long ;standing
your eaee may be, don't clespatr,
get a bottle of , (Rheum() to -day.
aj. E. Hovey sells it with a guaran-
tee to behefilt youl. :Rheum° is
wonderful in its quick action, the
pain ceases, the muscled and bones
are add of isorenees end stiffness,
and 'very poen a Rheum.° patient is
able tohave the 'Solna strength and
vitality of youtle. Rhe.umo builds
blood so rich and thick that uric
acid cannot possibly exist. Rheue
me 'costs only a $1 for si MonlilaW
taatatment from J. E. Ilovey or di-
rect, all charge,s prepaid; 'nom; B
V. Me Bridgeburg, Ont.
Don't try (to rattle youe, oppon-
mat ; play' the game.
Don't play before the last ,bowl
has stopped running.
' Don't lose your temper; itisun.
be -corning a ,bowler.
Don't forget ever and :alwayte
that you are a gentleman.
Don't kick the bowls out before
;he count is settled.
Don't forget to take your opPon-
mit tothe tap occasionally.
Do-n't question the judgement
of your 'skip; play Ids game.
Don't get eore when someone
making a better shot than you do.
Don't [hesitate to applaud a good
ahoft no matter who makes it.
Don't object to play in whatever
positon the skiip may place you.
Don't inals-e tremarks about an -
caller man'si poor play; it is hall
Don't gloat over _your' victory;
it Will make y our opponent feel
badly. .
Don't coin about the green
when you are visiting another club.
Don't, give any advice unless ,the.
man who/ 15 rikipping asks you to
do so. r
Don't bat in" when 'the end Italie-
ing counted ; let the vice-sltips set.t
VV* R. Counter Doe't pack your rank for asocial
' grime ;,,give the newi men a chance,
Jfeweler and Optician.
to play, (,
' Dont istad _ip the way of those
Issuer of ,:tho 13ie)ct green; they avant to
play oo.
Don't blanie the green f dr your,
a range -Licenses.
,,nCS eqlnpJ21'rn san 1 1 sitapie co- •'
counting system, carryinf.r ,11 through
the 'year, and taking a nalanee at the,
system, need not be complex; nor the
labor exacting,' Jan. i to Apilir1 is a
, good time to'teko 00 Meer:tory, as the,
ethinaete eisEt8,01tLI. itarniloelv,eeSf,ttrousnaintainlyy p
tunas of accomiting" suitable ' to the .
farnaer's needs, any; oee of , which
forms may Pc used. , •
'‘The „winter seaSott offerMany
Mese, o
f 3
e' 'ear The 'aecountiug
Bat suppose the Taft forces in con-
trol of the convention preach the doc-
trille of sacrifice for the party's sake?
Many timid' Repultlichns would re-
joice at any solution of the troubles
which now confront the organization.
They would -recall that Garfiercl was
eleeted in 1880 when the, Grant and
Blaine men sunk their differences and
made common cauee against the- De-
mocrats which had anticipated a walk-
over because of the ft-Tious feud be-
tween the "stalwart'-' and tbe "half-
breed" Republicane of that clay and
generation. • 'f
The President will recover much of
the Sting of the steam roller charges
'against his administration if' he fore-
goes any personal profit from his'-vic-
French Battleship Splits Under -Water
Craft In Two.
Cherbourg, June 10. -During the
practice manoeuvres of the French
fleet at 7 a.m. Saturday morning the
battleship Saint Louis _collided with
the submarine Vendemieire, The
mealier craft immediately disappear-
ed and its believed to have been cut
in two and to have carried to their
death the entire crew .of 26 men.
The accident occurred between Au-
rigny Isrind and Cape La Hogue in
the race of Alderney, where violent -
tidal currents prevail.
The, battleship was steaming along
quietjy when the submarine sudden-
ly appeared out of the darkness right
under the bows of the warship. There
was no 'time to avoid a collision and
the next moment the stem of 'the
Saint Louis struck the submarine with
terrifie force, driving the latter below
the surface. The engines of the war-
ship had been quickly reversed, but
when she was brought to a stop"the
submarine had disappeared and only
a threshing of the waters showed
where the under -the -surface fighter
had gone down. The Vendemiaire
was conamanded by Lieut. 'Primal, a
young ensign, and had a crew of 25
men. .She was launched on July
1910, and was .the ninth vessel of the
Pluviose type added to the French
navy. She was 167 feet 'tin length,
with a beam of 16 feet.
The captain of the Saint Louts at
once communicated with Admiral Rte.
sel, maritime prefect of Cherbourg,
and the latter hurried to the scene on
board the destroyer Catapults and
accompanied by despatch boats and
tugs and barges provided. with, cone-
plete salvsige apparatus. Word was al-
so sent to tbe Government at Paris,
and later a message received stated
that the Minister of Marine, M. Del.
casse, was leaving in the afternoon for
Cherbourg. This latest loas- to the
French navy has caused great distress
not only throughout the service, but
among the public generally, which
has-been made so frequently -to mourn
submarines. The Vendemiaire is the
craft, of this type to be lost by
tGe French.
Thai% lige a glimmer of hope Sat.
urday afternoon that some of the Vent,
eemiaire's erew might have eurvived,
bet, owing to the depth of the water
in which she sank, 26 fathoms, the
general feeling is pessimistic, Cher-
bourg is plunged in mourning.
When the wreckhig vessels reached
the scene preparations were made for
an effort by divers to reach the sub-
marine and attach chains to the rings
in, her hull, ivith the purpose of raiS-
ing he to the surface.
The manoeuvres of Friday night
were those of the third squadron. The
submarines of the Cherbourg station
had received orders to attack the war-
ships, and it was during one of these
attacks that the Venclemiaire made
the. fatal error of getting directly in
the path of the Saint Louis.
Taft Supporters Hope to Find
Compromise Candidate;
Republicans Are on the Lookout For
a Candidate For the Presidency Who
Will Heal Up the Breach Caused
by the Taft -Roosevelt Feud -
They Hope For a United
Party --Taft Is Willing?
Chicago, June 10. -There is a quest
on ,by the Taft supporters for an ac-
ceptlible candidate who will command
the support of the administration and
also attract some votes from the con.
siderable number of delegates in the
convention litho are sincerely anxious
to get rid of the Taft -Roosevelt feud
by the nomination nf their hors..
cl of eat; the winner played, en the
The ex -President will find it hard
to bolt a fairly good candidate to
whom the nomination may come un-
solicited, The tionainetion of a dark
horse at Chicago may e'etize Taft with
some show of credit and leave Mr.
Roosevelt defeated but by no means
sure meenente for studying these:flys-
teme and putting One of them intduse
Why not utilize the moments and , do
something, that will be useful, and at
the same, time add to the' knowledge
of the farm businesee Often a. grown
son or daughter may be Induced to be-
eome the account keeper, thus getting
a good business' training and improv-
ing the mind at the.,feanae 'time. And
it Is, surprising how much use will be.
made of the facts recorded whenonce
Mro.Effea Russelll, Granum, Alta..
says; "I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets, in place of castor oil and now
ft lam More oil. I could rildfr do
without the Tablets.; they "are won-
derful. •'Whenever baby Is (feverish
I 'give him the: Tablets suidthe fev-
er soon disappears. I always keep
them hatthe house and recommend
them to my friends." (Baby's Own
Tablets Ido not gripe. They are
easy to take aod a,bsolutely, sale
They are sold by medicine dealers
or hymen at 28 cents, a box from
Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Seger Has Cone- Up.' ,
The erholesale • price, of .stigar . hes
increased' in England nearly two cents
EV Found within a year.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorn
Eggs For Sale.
If You Don't Keep Records, How De
You Know the State of Your Affairs?
It there Is any business in the world
needing a set of books It is the farm.
A fairly accurate bookkeeping plan
will cause the farna to make more
money, because it will show up the
unprofitable undertakings, and this
showing will naturally cause thefarm-
er to give his attention to those things
which are r•eyealed as profitable. On
this matter of bookkeeping Andrew
Boss of Minnesota says In the Kansas
"Farming Is now considered as a
business. To be successful as a busi-
ness man the farmer must adopt bust-
ness principles. Be shoeld know the
cost of production of the various farm
producte and which products can be -
grown and sold at theg7t. eest neb
profit and with tbe least drafteon the
resources of his farina He Should
know what he has Invested In his
business afill the rate of interest his
investment Is paying; also whether he
himself is earning anything or wheth-
er his Income is earned altogether by
his money. If the latter, tie may as
well Invest bis money In 6 per cent
mortgages and take It easy hiniself.
"The only way to learn these facts
Is to take an inventory of the farm
Truss Torture
Onoo Thought N000seary, but Now Your
Search for Relief le Ended.
Wonderful Method Retains and Currie
Without Knife, Danger or Pain. .
J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto
Old-fashioned truss torture is no longer necesi
eery, Gallint Sligeing trUelses and barbarous
TtlginStilll ,Valitilliligllioaj2IfillACVAI rEi
who has devotee fiftei ye r3 tat fills one sone,
don. The merveiou he %IAN .,cueferous.,
gives to the rtiptur Ina t relief, rest and
seeurity where ali others Sall. It stops ,an
Irritetiona end restores eyery part to its net
tampon "On ae Von as It -It used ina for all
time ond o d styli ,usses afri,,threwn away.
"H14!"11, CURAn 11 " 0516e9 re akatolistely with.
°'1&.1t1Eilialoli Chrttil ig.'Iri %tit ohildrep
ta Ion but juste pate 4 6 oa w o eures.
testify. AISO ender4ed f Y pn S OlanS•
8110008S. Nothing coin c , tie 1.1 ot Int'
Wheroothers faIll ve greatest
-ustStrelg1.1 OS Pe, . 0 act ythisoside,
or delay, but a Motet _exir an 6 . litifa Mier lies
o five een- 074
0 a1i ageo. 14p 6 ,frorayarleeeele
rtaiFiragle °Will Xi° rig
perleaced tryI g rootelee, ate o b et°,
MY pleteherceMod Will sure, 0 100 9.
. , ItreiConeultatlon' Coupon, 0 ,
an,spir r 4rt
This Ripon uponiesentanorifliti...- 11.
.ptIfl %AM
es mentioned elow) ll en Cie er
to fresconsultstion, Ask at ho 0 a or
number of my mom. Note dates. '
Seaforth, QIICCD'S E otel, Jun e 0.
Clinton, „ -, Rail enbitry Hotel-,
-Friday (all (lay till '9 p_. tn.)
' , I day, ouly - June 7
, ,
. , .
f•''' Goderieh. Bedford Hotel, :lune 80
Wingham, Queen's 'Hetet June 10.11
Hens in this pen are prize wine
nets, and aye excellent layerst Eggs
$1.00 foe. 15. A goo hateh guart-
' 11. A. HOVEY, Clinten
For Sale or Rent
A' eolniffontablei 7 -roomed cottage
on N,ortle.. Street, good garden with
Bruit tretai good water. All in
good 'condition. Apply to NeW Era
or Ito .
del:RS. J. .131A1?LER
Mouse tor Sale or Rent
Teacher Wanted
ExPelqehced teaelier wan t e (I, male
or feknale, • to te(ach TJnion Sch0(01
No, 12, G-oderiell and Tfullett,
led at Sununerhill, convenient to•
chuech ancl poistoffiee, with daily
mall ,FerViCe. Duties to ,commence
September 3rd, 1212, State salary
with, • quail ficati o res. Applicat ions
Will bereoeivlecl upta June 13th,
T. J, LINDSAY, Secretary,
B. D. No. 1, Clinton
May lith, 1312:
Farm For Sale.
Lot 40, Ith Concession, Coderich
TownAlLp, consisting of $0 acres,
all ,seected down 'except 25 acres. 2
acres„ orchard. Rtatne bouSe 20 x 30
with out buildings. Barn 30x72
with stabling under. First class
well Farm! is 6 miles frora Clinton
atid 4 from Bayfield.
'ijDpl- 011 P.TeTa!ZOS or address
George Burnett,
Clinton P.0.
Room to Rent
Rooni5 for rent in Beaver Block
ecoupi,edi alt preeent by Miss Grant.
Price $3.00. ,
Presentor iiranted
A presentoa wanted for Pilesby-
?mien (fhlirch, Beucefield.
mitione, stating salary, will be ee-
caved upto the 15111 of June, 1912
JAS. D. G3311VIMELL Clerk.
• Egmondville Ont
A . /roome frame house on
Huron Street, opposite Common-
cial Hotel, for isole, or 10 relit, 1
House is being pntin good/ order.
Waterworks in connection. Apply
(Rattenbury Street
I am atill n the Tall Paper Busi-
ness, and rine In o position to show
yeti the best Wall PapMs that have
been shown in Clintoln•.
To Graz. Cattle
The undersigned is prepared to
graze 30 head of cattle for the ;sea-
son o21912. Plenty of water and
shade. Apply to
Sunamerhill P. 0,
a Linfor;
Barred Rock Eggs for Sale
I won on Barred Rocks at Clinton
4 firsts' 3 seconds,' 1 thirdc• and
specialfox Best coliection. Pen 1 -
Pullet Inating, �aeadeby Millard
,eockerel, amaitleq number settings
eggs $2.00 'per 13.--1len2-1 Cockerel
Tasting, headed by Millard code.
Pullets en thid pen: .fure good lay -
layers. Eggs $2.00 per 13. --Pen 3-
TJitiltty ley; a cockerel
bred fro ed 'one lathe beet laying
stral.Us ink Canada, Heed en this
were ,bred , from; 170-2 my pullets
which layed .40 eggs in 31days.
Eggs $1.00 per1.15. I guarantee a
good hatch or replace setting free
of eluiTge. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
TEO Houses to Let
• Theundersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
enaRmas 8. IITILE
Conneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
St„ Clintob,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,,Financial and Real Estate.
INflUltAliCErAGENT-Itopresenting 14 iire 10
- euranee Companies,: ' -
Division Court Office',
iician, Surgeon. Eto
acacia] attention given to diaeases state
EY0, „Par. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable!
Office anal Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Hotel
Huron St,
Dr, W. Cann, 1,..11. C. D., L. D. 0.8.. Edits
Dr ,df• E. Gaudier. 41.1 15,51.
°glee -Ontario Street, Clinton.
, • Night calls at residence, Rattenbary
°rat hospital
ceoucheur, etc, office and residence on Eta-
tenburY Stu oppeale W. Farran'e residence,
ts Crown and Itridge Work a Speclalty.-.
Graduate of 0,0.B.S.. pticago, itnd 0.0,11.0
Toronto. _
Daylleld on'11010.1111VS. 11111Y 106 (0 Decembe
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special oare taken to make dental treat
man* se painless as aossible.
Live stock and general Auction teY
kat m stops melee a apeman,' (heats el at
NEIP ERA cake, Clinton, prtimrsq,abtendee
to, Terms reasonable. Farmers* sale note
G. D. MeTaggart Al. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart .Bros,
A. General Banking Business
, Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
All papers bought' froln me Avill
be hung Very cheaply.
.All kinds of house painting done
and estimates given on old and
new work,
To call or dnop a. post card ;will
bring samples Ito your' door. ,
Geo. Potts
I PidillOS
B.ee and here our finest it
▪ New Stylish designs of
Doherty- Pianos and8.
Jacob Tayler
Field Stone Wanted,
Field Stone suitable for road
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord 02 13,-
000 pounds.
Chairman of Street Committee
Logs Wanted
AU kinds of logs, 1Vlaple, Soft Elm
and Basswood preferred. Highest
price -paid.
W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co.
I'asture Laud
Some first class pasture land to be
so'cl in lots to suit' purchasers. At
trachve prices. A pl to
; special values Art
• PianoS andorgans rent 11'
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music 8z: -
.4 variety goods,
44 Music Emporium I
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and isolated Town Prints
erty Only !natured.
J. B. McLean,OPFrFeIsci President,- eR'
nSt , Seaf orth
Jas. Oonnolly, Vine Pres., Godericla,
Thos. E, Hays,- Sec.-Treas., Sea for t
Jas. Connelly, liolghesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton M.
Chesney, SeafoitIr T. Evans, Beech. '&
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. 11,
newels, Brodhagen, M. 1VIcEwan.,
Each Director is inspector of losses
,Clinton. It
his own locality. AGENTS.
Ro Smith, }Turlock; Ed, Hinchlep
Sea rth; James Cumming, Egmond.
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments may be „made at The
Morrislt Clothing Co., Clinton, or -
R. H. Cutt, Goclerich.
John Ransford, 11'. R. City Agent --
The South 70 acres of lot number 85,
and the South East'part of Lot no, 36'
1.1 acres both in the 1st concession of
Stanley township is torrent for a term
; of years. This property is clOse to the
town of Clinton and possesssion can
be giten at ()nee, For further parti-
milers apply to Henry Plumsteel, Olin- ,
ton, Ont„ or McCarthy, Boys & Mur-
chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont.
3 C Hoare
4 •
4 -
Farm lor Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sofd
Money to loan -
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand TrinittEaftway system
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and.Bruce.
Estatei °Haire for sale 50 acrelf -
East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett.
A first-class farm, well watered
_and improved, and with good
Alan the undersigned
r.". otters` for Bala, lot 24 con.
ett, 100 acres. These farms May be
11" bought together orsepmately.
_ U
Boot Maker and Repairer
Opposite Postoffice.
Repairing- clone promptly.
Suit, cases ha.nct- Trunks re-
A trial will convince you of
the neatness and ..promptness
with which I execute my work
Store open every evening
rateit'entli '
.Ford &- McLeod
We're nos' selithE Timothy, Seed
(Government Stan atrd.).
We also have an hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and. Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
• --o-
Highest Market Prices paid forlaay
and all Grains.
Ford & McLeod
Before placing yoar orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The'very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
'Ioweet possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
• dr Rowland's Hardware store, or
With f • ,
W. J. Stevenson,,
At Electric Light Plant., -
North Passenger
London, depart.- . 8.80 a m 4.50 p m•
Csntralia- .... .... 9.40 5,43
Exeter .. . .... ....... 9 53 5.54
Bernal! ........ 10,08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 6.11
Brueefield . 10.30 6.10
Clinton . . .. . .. 11.00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18 652
Blyth 11.27 7.00
f3elgrave...... 11.407.13
Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35
WinSg°buatradepart6.4P339astinsen3g.3e3r p m
Belgrave.... .. . ... 6.54 3.44
7,08 3,56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton. -.. 7.50 4,23
Brucefie8.12 4.39
Kippen 8.23 1.47
Hensel!! 8.32 4,52
Exeter '8.48 5.05
Centralia '9.00 5.15
London,"arrive10 00 6.10
West Passengei
am pm pm pm
Stratford........10.00 1220 5,25 10,20
Mitchell.... .....10.22 1245 5.55 10.47
Seaforth ...
... .10.45 1.10 6,18 11,31
Clinton.. . . ..11.07 1,25 640 11.28
Holmes eine, -.11.16 1,33 646 11.88
Goderich 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55
East I ossenger
am pm pm
Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50
Hoimesville . .. . .. , 7.262,57 5.06
7,35 t 3,07 5,15
Seatorth. .. 7.52 3.25 5.32
Mitehell ,........" 8.16 3,43 5.55,
Stratfore....a . . . 8.40 4.35 ::6.20
Dr. de Van's Fernate
A reliable French regulator t neve% Theso
pills are exceedingly powerful in regultding the
generative portion of the fetnale system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
0. . nvenca a b2x,pr.three for 510, Mailed to any address.
rig Co., St. cathartnee, Ont..