HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-13, Page 1sstabiished 1865, Vol. 46, No. 55
If You 1 vv" eciate Genuine Bargains Always Read, -the 7 dvertise inerts in the New Era
W, Kerr & Son, Editors'and Publishers
Gapital . $6 a5o,000
Reserve - $7,000,00O
The Annual Statement, shows the fol-
lowing increases for 1911
1010 1911
Deposits $72,070.607 $83,291.803 TORONTO, ONT. ~ ,
Loans & doles noit. NOW is an excellent
Investments 55,283,6:0 02,700,072 tears to commence: a course.
' Total Assets 02,510,310 110,528,512 Write for catalogue.
. 207 BRANCHES and
Correspondents throughout the world
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Brantford defeated St. Thomas on
Tuesday by a score of 13-4. Taskeli
had a goocUclay
,acall � struck i-rck
and made 2saer•ifieehits.
Many Business Colleges close
vacation dueing (the summer,
Talcum POwderS
Colgatesl Valet'
Colgat,Ss Violet
Colg•itc� Monad Violet
Colgate% Cashmere Bouquet
Williiam.% Karst
Williams Violet
William's Carnation
Royal Rose
FL ,ME—B'CLAT. We !think it
one of ithe best.
.T'Ch. L.
Dispensing IOV17Y
ummnsmne+ma• firgabilIMMIN
For Canning
Large, Big, JuicyPineapples
now alt theta' be,sfor preserty-
Buy your Pineapple's NOW
will the as i
as this vile be teat( [big
for ' e 1 .end" the
week Psm app es, .a
qualilty is;i'irst-elass.
W. T. :0 -NEIL
Phone 48
The MolsonsBank
Incorporated 1555
Record of Progress fog Five Years 1906.1911
CAPITAL $3,000,000.00 $4 0 000.00 -
RESERVE . 3,000,000.00 4,600,00.0.00
DEPOSITS . 23:077,730:00 35,042,311.00
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,000.00 38,S54,S01,00
TOTAL ASSETS. 45,237,274.00
Has 85 B
ranches in Canada, and.
Agents and Correspondents in all,
the Principal "'ales.in the 'World.. -
at all Branches. •Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton Branch_ C E, DOWDING. Manager
••,••••••N••••••••••••••• ♦••••••e••••••••••••••••••
. .
♦ 4
• D.-.anyLLAR
• How much "good SHIRT VALUE it is possible
to obtain for ONE DOLLAR is proved by the shirts'
• we are selling at this price. -
There is a n unlimited demand for DOLLAR
•• .
SHIRTS—many men' preferringto
neither more
nor: less. We appreciate this fact and stand ready to
furnish the best for the mons
♦ . Y
', Haare YOU Seen the 1laxman Shirt.
at $1.C:30?
• It is undoubedly the best Dollar Shirt we -can
They are made veryxoom. bosom and
: • procure. Y, _
° • shoulder limed,' reversible collars, and extra well •
Neu, J. 1 ford New
President of Conference
Conferences Now Over ---Rev. S. J.
Alliin Comes to the Ontario
Street Church.
St. T a.omee, Juno 6.—Rev. Jas. E.
Ford of Clinton, waselected presi-
dent of the London Methoditat Con-
ference on (the second ballot; on
Thursday afternoon, Rey. W. G. le
McAllister of Blenheim, as was ex-
pected, being his nearest !com-
The attendance of both minister-
ial and lay.Ide'leg'ate,s was large
when the general teessioms of con-
ference opened, and lilttle time was
lost in proceeding to the important
tuislness of choosing new officers.
On the first ballot there were 269
votes ,cast, 153 being necessary, to
an election. Rev. 3. L. Ford receiv-
ed 96; Rev. W. G.11. McAiliisfter 75;
Rev. G. N. Hazen 42; and Rev. Dr.
Manning 32. There were also, scat-
(tered . votes for several other
The (second ballot showed Rev.
Ford 137; McAllisitor 92 ; Hazen 27;
and l4Ianming•10, with other small
iscalttered votes.
The New Presidenit,
• The election of Rev. J.E. Ford is
a popular appointment. _: He has
'been en London Conference (through
all his ministerial career of 37
Rev. J. E. Ford, who is the President
of London Methodist Oonference
years, and has now( held every of -
fame in the 'gift of his fellow minis-
tern. He -has been chairman of sev-
eral districts, and es well'' known as
one of the beet legal minds in the
conference. Already lthis afternoon
he 'showed, his ability es a presUl-
ing officer. He has, held, 'among
Gathers, 'pastorates in Lucknow,
Essex, Parkhill, Forest, and is at
Present ' ' Clinton.
E .
reJEII in Clrrat n
Rev Ford 'will leave his impress
ion upon London Conference dur-
the year. He its an able pastor,. a
thoughtful preacher, and a man of
fine executive: powers. •
Rol, James Elford 02 Corinth was
r out
elects secretary y
lot, and named as his assistants,
Rev. R. Fulton Irwin Of Harrow;
and Rev. E. Powell of Exeter
Jubilee o'f Veteran's. -
Foca n
nistens reach
it jubi-
in London Conference (this) yelar,
'Rev's. Benj. Clemenft,IW,` Fansher.
and T. 'L. Matheson rounding out
112E7 years, and :the veteran,. Rev.
Dr. Wm. Donagh, going ten years-
better, and. rounding out (sixty
ars, Only one of the four was
eable to, be 'present, Rev. W. Fan
• .sher, who was given'a fine igreett-
• -trig,. anSi delivered' an interesting
• reminiscent address, He gave an
erestin contrast in ministerl'al
• int g
• salaries when he related than in his
♦ irr,st year he received. $60 and had
• to board hirnselfeand keep' a'horse.
•o Conference.Chanrges. ` '
fore hi{s departure from the Doher . i destroyed. A passenger coscls brought
_ ty Piano &Organ Co; weer, iee had gip from London is being used tenl-
Personal Notes beesit employed fors the pas! eightsporatelyas ra clepo.,
I ren inouths,'ltiho the office st• to Trunk officials are convinced
6 al -, Grancl
6 that the destroyed the
. nese-ante' lri;m �viih � b t . s
isze which Best
1£ those having' or..frrende' C t t (. t a oautrful et depoti
notify us of tin he fact reach week£ we tai- of, ' la Ebony Brutshes, FLismsny wof incendiary origin Thursdayd a gr et
-a' •wouldannounce itinthe NEW BRA,,' fr. el7to,t only in (the factor}(, suit General Superintendent Gillen,
l utl In and around Clinton ase sor accompanied by Chief of ''Detectives
�,=,�e„�i,+o,iruu u.w.uut+ uu)'uu).u�i,++11ry ,at the testi sustained byliis age= p,iy
arrived in London on Saturday
moval• frometheial midst, They will and' proceeded to I'[ensall on the
Miss > . Doane is home from Buffalos.however be pleased 10 learn, htat he I «Bruceroc 8 R0 -r
Mrs. i�IacHardy Smith is in Toronto obtarneu a iitu is r- nn `, slay of 'The depot was discovered in flames
this week, h a'arra
vel un Wisrnipeg. early oe Thursday evening, hut the
Mies Hazel O'Neil is visiting her I continued on page 4, fire was extinguished, Neer midnight
sister in Toronto, the lire again broke out and all efforts
Mr. Stewart Jackson ie expected ■ to check it were fruitless. the station
being razed to the ground.
home this week,
et o led es to his opinion
Destroyed q
Miss Gladys Chocven has taken a of the -fire Saturday (Ale, D,, was non -
position with Couch & Co, ' corrsrnittai, but said that he Day
hI e i e S on of Seaforth $o find out who had set it on fire.
s„ }3etati u, .dors ,
ail •Ntati
visited Miss Belle O'Neil lest week. '•
Master Clarence fIi gine.of Toronto,' —` Huron County Rifle League
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore arrived Mysterious Blaze Broke Out in
home an Stratford on Saturday. -Night and Entailed
Mrs. D. K. Grant spent Saturday in Loss of $2 000.
Goderich:as the guest of Mrs. G. E.
Matches June 14
Dungannon, June 5,—A,rrapgements
Mrs. Atkins, of 'Toronto, is visiting arenow completed- f r holding the
her parents, Mrand Mrs, A. Cook, Hensall, Ont., June 7,—The Grand semi-iaunual matches of the El
Albert Street. Trunk depot here was totally destroy. County Rifle League at Point I+arni
Miss Edith Dunsmore any Mr. Gor-
don Barr, of Stratfoed,spent the week--
nit i Mrs. H. B. Comfits •
Mrs. Suvisit-
Sr.f Glencoe,is wit-
.ing her son, Mr,Sr.,L. Suitter.
Mrs. Arnett anl. Mrs. Dear return-
ed toLonddn on Monday after a ehort
visit at the home of Mr. S.J. Andrews.
Mr. Mel ills Toyrauce and the Misses
Torrance attended the races in Sea.
forth this week
Mrs. Parker and Miss MacGregor, of
Seaforth, were the guests of Miss'
Grace Cluff, Sunday last.
Miss Laura Wilkin has returned
twine from Goderich,
Misses Fanny and Mary Jackson, of
Ontario Street left on Monday for the
West. ,..
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston si'nd daugh-
ter, Viola, of Heward, Sask.,'are visit-
ing Mrs, Geo. Nott. -`
Mrs. A. Forbes is visiting her darigh`
ter in Bayfield.
Messrs Gordon Taylor and Earl
O'Neil attended the Anew—Taylor
wedding in Exeter on Tuesday last.
Mr. Frank O'Neil visited in London
last week and left for Moose Jaw on
Mr. Arthur Dowding, wife and child
of Rooky Mound, N. 0., are visiting at
the home of lir. C. E. Dowding.
The following min1sfers are en
• kering the London Conference, iJ.
• C: Walker, from Maniitoba;S.Quinnn
o from Montreal ; G. 0, Colborne.
• from Alberlta; F,' L. 'Harburn, from
• Toronto; Joseph Jones, from, New-
foundiand. The last 'three are pro
• beltioner,s.
• Ministers leaving London Confer-
ence'tlris year are : A, Hamilton, to.
Manitoba;' F. E. .Clysdele, to Alleer •
ea; Stephen' Bond and T.Z. Wilkin-
son superannuated to 'Toroniio.
The ,countnirhtee on conference re-
lations. Was
e;latians.Was named as follows :Revs,
1V -J. Feed, A. W. Tongs S. J. Allen,
S, A, Andersson, A. J. Harris, ,Geo,
Jewett and R.N. .Barnby,
Revts. 3, H. Mallon and( W. Vance
were .appoi:nited conference letter'
• e a.
•-i• -Jones as rail v
wrrrtcr,s and A D. Jona Y
Shirts ZI
r •
We took good care of the BOY when selecting :
our shirts and placing our order_ with the maker
We have the same; shirting made into
Boys' Shirts. "Neat, snappy patterns,
which the, boy will appreciate, together
with good Shirt Making,
• 0C
• 5 I
and I
Morrisii Clothing
i Square I)eal-lor Every Boy
e •
•ol••••••+•N. !•••+•0•••N •••••••••4•••••••••••••••••
• •
• •
ed by ire last Thursday evening from
causes which are more or less a
tery. A blaze was discovered
abut t
six o'clock
the building,
but was
as it was thought.
Liter, about 130 when most people
were in their beds, the fire broke out
again, and this time got beyond con-
trol.of the firemen and citizens.
The loss is about ,$2,000. The'.
freight shed is a part of the same
building, and goods there were alto
on Friday, June 11. Shootine will he.
conducted at two . ranges, 200 yards.
900y sill
s seven snots
ho. at each
range. Besides s the usual cashP rizes
as well as the shyer sup add medal for
team and iniividual competition, re
spectively, there are about $100 worth
of other prizes donated by business
Men and others. This event is a very
popularone twice a year for Huron
County riflemen will complete this
Last Thursday and Friday over The beau't'iful elub house and
216 newspaper, (nen, many ' acco-m grounds were also subjects of much
paneed by their ladies to the num- 'admiration front he visiting ladies.
ber of over 138, visafte-51 Ottawa to Tea' was served lathe, large reeep-
attend ]the Fifty-fourth Annual bion room, pink and white carna•i
meeting of the Canadian Press As- tions -being prettily arranged: on
eeceation. . the !table, ,at Whieh.Mree P. D.Boss;
The meetings were as. etljoyable tMns. 'Wilson Southam and Mrs.
and profitable as ever and were Wm. Findlay pre ided,. The Stele -
held in (list (Chateau Laurier, the gates were received by a - (comm.it-
newholtel just oened• by the Grand tee coneposed of !Mrs, Rai hl Jones
Trunk Pacific, lthe fust of June. Miss Mildred Lowe, Miss Waiht, Mrs.
Through the courtesy of the 'C. P. Harold Stro,therS and Wise Lena
R atspecial. strain 'wars run from To- Benedict. ,Others of the Ottawa la-
rentto to ,Ottawa via Peterborio dies present were Mrs. James Muir
Wednesday evening and left again Mrs. Fred Wflliams,Mrs.R.F.Paa•pt-
on Friday night. ['non, Mrs. C. Parmalee and Miss
Mr. A. A. Alexander. of London,was nar•inalee Mr, P. D. Moss 'and Mr.
in town last Fr.day. renewing old Thursday bnorningg''Ithe trains was Wi.ls'an Sourtham. were also resent
acquaintances late in arriving and (the( morning "luring the afternoon. • p
Mise Hol`session was• very short, practically
of Kingston, is the guest'alt thalt tivas dears{, ryas the readilng A delegation from the Canaili'aln
of Mrs. G. O. Middleton, Sr. of the repo"+is of the various o'fflc- Press Association waited upon Hon,.
Mr. Fred Foerester is holidaying at ers and .cornmiletiees. W.T. White and. Hon. De. Belden
Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo and other The Preat, ienit fes the 'coming the former's office Thursday afiter-
Fear is an old Huron Boy, Mr: John noon. On behalf of the newspaper
14Irs. Joel MacLeod visited in Gode 22,8ome of (fleet fiaronito Star,
who publishers of Canada they request -
rich last week. vas born inithe (township of W awe- ed,that the ministers bring before
Mrs, Shonts, of Eureka, California, nosh,Pebruary 25,1877 and' received the government the question of the
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gilchrist. parJt o'f his education 'atthel Clinton nennoval of the duty onliarotype•
Mrs, Ferran returned' yesterday •Colleggialte. During his high school machines.
from Toronto, s„ and TJntvmeaty ,cat•eer he won sev- It was pointed out by the spokes -
Dr. Smith, of Stratford, visited on er'aI medals 'and scho5arshi}rs. 'He man fon the delegation that (the
Sunday at the home of "111•. H, B, graduated with divot class' hoses duty was not protective as,,there
Oornbe. in 1889. He joined the Star en 90 are nomanulaoturera of 'linotyPe
Mrs. Munroe (Grace Overbury,) of and in 1906 Ryas made assistapr.'t machines in, Canada; that this duty
Si. Thomas, was the guest of Mrs.
W. manaotn'g Edltom and nn+thee follow- of 20 per cent wall aharrier against
D. Fair last' week. ing 'year was =add managing edi-
Mr. W.J. Doherty on Mon! . toe. YVIr, Bones advancement to his
da from Doherty returnedure he was a present position of promemence has
Y been the result of meriit,
student at he 'Fact E uaat[o.r.
t lty,•of d p 1 d d bells
of t1
MisElsie Brown, of litrilett, spent
the past week with friends in town.
Rev, U. E. Je•akins and. Mr. John
Hansford are attending the `'•nod at.
London this week.
Mr. and. Mrs Lewis Weatherhead,of
St, Helens. were visitors in town on
H e ,
Mr, Sidney Watts has taken a post
tion in W. D. +air's Book Store.
Mr. Will Taylor`leavee this week Inc
the Muskoka Lakes to join the 0, N.
N o • for the summer months
Rev, T.R• Fydell isrecom0endOSi
u. erann r
pp u li a
uit,t W. Ba
Revs, W. H. B g
( H, Johnston are . recom'mended
for one year's superianlnualtion. All
'these cases'. were re$er(ed (io1 'thee
committee on conference lelations.i
.Robert Dalzoll has elhdrawn from
the work of !the conference.
The Si. Thomas Journal in Sits
enapsholts' of ithe,Londion conference,
says: "Two,' faces are greatly mirss-
ed • the ever (genial and affablel
to W
Mrs J. H. Carroll and daughter,
Helen of Kingston, ate the guests of
the latter's sister, Mrs, R,' Marshall, of
Batten bury Street.
Mr. Lou. Manning is in charge of the
Rexall Drug Store this week, during
the absence of Mr. W. S. R. Holmes.
Mise E. J. Becker leaves to -morrow,
(Friday) on the Steamer "Greyhound
which. sails from 'Goderiich. to visit
with sister, Airs, - W. J. Dai ken, of
14Ir. Victor Doherty, while vaulting
a fence on Monday had the misfor-
tune to sprain his ankle and Tooke a
a couple of ligaments. We regret that
this accident occuree.
Miss Lena Bartlett, B A„of Toronto,
who has been teaching in the Harris -
ton High School is at present visiting
her uncle,. Mr: W. 11, Hellyar. Miss
Bartlett intends going to Japan in'
• We regret very much to learn that
Mr. Will Harland has finallydecided
to leave town for good .and' that be
and his fat,nrly'will leave for Detroit
en Saturday. Their departure watin-
deed` be a loss to the town.
Mrs. Dowding, Sr„ and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Dowding left to -day (Thurs-
day) for Chicago, e
Dir. Levy, of Toronto, spent else
weekend at the home of his brother-
in-law, Mr. Emrnerton, .Isaac Street,
newspaper progress 5n Cmade,
Canadian publications %(being com-
pelled Poo -work at a disadvantage
by having to'pay higher for mater -
ver one rwu re mem er,s re inks, et.
Canadian Frees Associaition paid a The -minister of finance in repay
visit i1 tthe .
shalt to the
E .B Edd mills s a
' e s m n 'zed with the
said that h �
r� l�
Y n
u 'e T u °sda afternoon.
Cha re h r, Yas set of the matter as viewed
The (aeric of manufacturing ler- from the standpoint of the dews -
ren was especially of lgreaC inter-' papermen, he having been apub-
esit ata the visitors who were shown lashex at one timelrnrself. At pies-
th the processes through which •eat, honvevei, he could give the
traits famous product of the (Eddy no' definite assurance that the day
s gni
;milany- -of the
r swould beremoved ,but he .could
Many of'the membeaes had ques-
tions of interest to publishers to promiJe (them' that their request'
ask as 'they watched the large logs would be given the (consideration
which its m
tance warr
gradually beeng •chawg,ed (into pa-
per on 'which. their publication's Thefelle(vrng weee elected oFfn
come -forth, Eve}`Y p
arcitlai in era the Canadian Press Assocra-
:the process of manufacture of a- ,tion Rut Ottawa -endue -lc -0e •Presi-
1 dent, John R Bone, of the Toronto
Star; Finsit Vice -President. Tial D,
Donly, Simcoe Reformer; Second
Vice-prestident, W.M. O'Beirne, Strut
ford Beacon ; Secretary, Jno lmnie:
Trea;neer,J, H,.Cranston: Toro.-rtto.
Daily section -President, W. R.
Givens, Kingston -le Standard; vice-
president, F. W. Sutherland, St.
Phomas Journal, Executive cora-
St. T
+"ce S .bin man S
ma.l � . H
I ,.
l'imes°;W,.L'inlay, ,O�;tawaFrcePress
A T, Wilgress, Brockville Times ; .3
G. Elleett, Kingston Whig'; 0. 3.
Cavell, Be.11evslie In'telige•n;cer.
"'Recognition connnittee— W. 3.
Taylor,'Woodetock Sentinel Review
These was .also a box of water and. W. Finlay, Ottawa Free Press; C.E.
wind -proof matches, as Weil as ame- J ,Scoggie, Toronto Mail and Em-
tal match box welt filled. The Vi's- pimp,
Weekly (section -President, W.
Butherford,Owen Sound, Secretaree,
W.A.FrY. Recoanitionf,Com'mi,ttee,
D. William?,, .Oollingwood Bulletin,
and11.P.'Moore, Acton Free Press.
eet noon, on Friday, 64 moltors sev-
eral taxis' and three 'Street meld'
were wanting tootake the, delegates
to' the (Experimental Perm. .The
under'guides. • weather was perfect ands nearly all
Thursday ,evening the citizens ed of the 350 delegates!' ladies includes`
Ottawa 'tendered the Canadntf"at (took in -the trip, Luncheon wale
'13re,es Association a banquet in their :served at -the farm and fa splendid
Lege, banquet iHal'l, The 'toast list time wtis enjoyed. by ail.
Mr. John Wiseman Jr. hes( been w'agan excellen(L' one, the toastmas- Friday "oveningl -another !theatre.
transferred :from Guelph to Moose 'ter beingt'Hen. 'George P. Graham. party was held and et 11.30 allwere
� •-•Phe to names
Jaw F ollowi'ng were (the toasts . aboard for Toren, �
ca -
da adadst ,
f Cana at Can
o Moir outing n
f , �viltir Itch r
Miss Eva (Sluff has take a position reepo, The Parliamentg i
as stenographer in the Motsons Bank, , responded to by Right Aon, R, L. tali -- 1
Borden, Is, C., Prime iverni,s(ter of
Ottawa, m
Ctt of Ot
Mrs. James JarlcsonwasSeaforth ads • The ,
in,CanYOttawa. ,Facts AboutOta a.
on Monday. 1 sponded Ito by His Worship, Chas. A. a '
Hopewell,. 'Mayor of Ott,tawa, J. A. It Inas be of interest to, our read -
Mr Weritt, pf 'Loudon,. is now on I{ V. 'Baker Pub- :els •to read a few faots 'about our
read -
bliss i'sy M. 1„ •an ti giVe are th'oise'
the staff of the Molson's..Bank' ilei -y Commissioner of tOhtativa; capital; and Vhat we
The PotsltaildServiee;responded o by Immeshed by the Publieley (and In'
Dr. Coulter, Deputy postmaster Sinatrial.Bure,au. b
general; The Press,. 'proposed by Population, imcluding subur e,
Geo. S. May, PresidenfL . Ottawa .-8,000. ,;
Board of Trade; respondent to lby - Area, acres, 5,005,
John R. Bone, Toranito Sear, rand • Ottawa has:
Dante. Seitz, New York 'World; ' 6 daily newspapers,
The Colnnieneial interests of Can- 8 weekly publications.'
ada, res,poncled Ito by Hon, W. T• 8 water trarnsportatvon lines.
Whets mnnlster of Finance, A.E. 91 steam railway lines.
Tripp, M. P.; and. Nat. Champagne, 12 public, paeles-237 acres.
M. P.,. •• ' t 19 government buildin�gto.
The lady „delegates of the Caned- 22 charitable Institutions.
tan Press Associait on meeting were 32 miles. driveway.,
Thursday t fiterinoon 'entertained tit, 06 banks.
o en n
the m
lea at the Golf Club by • 17 Lilies street railway, °
editors of the city newepaliers. Al 62 ho(tei_i,
though the Weather wad somewhat 67 churches.
diisegreeahle, (the ride out and back 72 restaurants and cafes.
tottlue',citytvaei greatly nnjoyec(1g 17 educational Inshtutious,{53
per was fully explained; by o,b (gg-
ing members otithe firm who guid-
ed the vvsittors through the maze,of.
machinery initiie indlle.
A visit was also paid Ito the match
factory, where everything in con-
nection with thits highly interesting
work was explained. A pleasing
feature eftthe visit and one that
apparently was greatly appreciate
rated, was the presentation of a
number of boxes of matches of elite
1eronit ,sorte to the visitors.
To the (surprise ofths .newspaper
men ore effuse boxes was labelled
"Canadcan Preuss, Associiation.
Sauvenix of viisi(o to Use E. B. Eddy
Co Limited at 'Hull, Canada."
Ie yours if you own alCamera
How nice it well be in years)to
come to have a coll.eetion Of
(snap's taken in your'' younger•
days. I,
We Have the.Ensign Goode
Camerae inreach of every -
ono. All prices from $1.50 up
The real (thing in Cameraeas
the' little 'Enisignettie, it easily
,slips into, 'a man's vest pocket
or ladies hand bag, and you
can make potst card eine pie-
tures—Donut Fail to See It.
A Full Supply of • Photog-
raphie Supplieo,
. A. McConnell
Of each other
By each other.
Means genuine fun -,for the
ohildren,, and lasting satisfac-
'tion, for ,the parents,
You really ought to have 'a
Kodak, :and we have the ono
You' ough(tt o have.
'Win he at our Store on
Tuesday, ,Jane 18
W.S.R. lIa11mcs
Phut B.
Rests were given 'these' matches an.
boxing department as ,being 'the•
most flitting after the whole pro-
cess had been watched froan 'the
'beginning. •
Owing teethe large number going
on the visiteit was. necessary Ito
`take the members.,ofthe aseocia-
'tion (through en two :.parties both
Messes. T. Jackson, Jr,, arid ,C. E.
D ,wding sail on Saturday by the
White' Star Liner "Teutonic"' for
Presidenietteonu souncte' ail eaglet
James Livings'tonle, and the courtly and the New Era e6ingratulateshini
,si'ately Dr. Hannon. These men upon his elevattion. We wish, him a
were always' teethe ; forefront and
greatly beloved."
Nine New 'Minii,aters.
The reception of nine young men
into, the rnintistry of the Methodist(
rl n marked
Church Sunday ,lino sr g .
one of thei :fmportanl and iimpres
(sive ancidenits in the exercises oS'
The coniereinoe week.
The First Church was crowded to
pleasant' 'term' of of free. He ' has
years of experience do clur•ch ivorik ;
its amen of good( ludgmenit; an: able
preacher• and 'a wase ladmindstrator
leo shotil4 fi,11 .the honoirab1e office
Most effioicntly, He entered the
Miniis(try, in 182'5 and has,, h'ed to very,
,successful and (happy career and
e e
.was well entitle tothe refs alt
P �
accorded et this Conference. -
eapaeity the hallowed occasion and tier, Robert Dumber, left on Thuris-
daylasp fox 'Winnipeg where helm-
con(tinued on page 1, t Mende: ;taking u;phis quarter's, Be- special c,arf ,cop;veying the eesitorei freer (schools.)
Men's and Boys
Straw Hats
all • Ile Newest Styles
Int 1s
From 25C 10 $14.00
Harvest Hats
for men and boys
f” 0�n.to Oe
.� fl ®iiA I
Boys (Knickers
Special Clearing Lot
Bos Knickers, Bloomer
style, ,in, English worsteds
and 'Scotch tweeds, . made
sample pieces, sizes 22,
24, 26 and 27 only, worth
1,25 to 2.00.per pair, Satur-
day special, choice for
Men's IMPS and FnPnisilePS
107 wholesale houses.
10'J milga of sewers.
149. milgsl of ' air qis
151 Miles' of Watermainss'
176 factories.
1 (coptinucd on (',age Si)