HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-06, Page 8rat 3i �USIIVESS BUILDERS For Friday & Saturday Only We laying our for this li'EEli ENI) SAL{` several money`savers that should be appreciated and picked up. .. Children's Straw Hats, Ladies Parasols,. Tweed Dress Goods, Hosiery, Etc., at big reductions' What we Advertise - we do. Put us to the Test. 25e Utltittreii's fiats 15e ChiIdren's Straw Hats in several styles, plain and fancy straw, silk ribbon band, reg. 25c for r5c' He Children's Hats 25C Children's Straw Hats of better quality in all the, new styles, all sizes, reg, 50c for 25c. • Ladies Parasols Ladies Black Parasols, fancy handles, paragon frames, clearing lot, reg. L25 and $2, choice 98c 59e Dress Goods'25e Four pieces Dress Goods, one piece each red, brown, lustre, light grey tweed reg.' goc for 25C Boys Hose 19c Boys s narrow rib. Black Cotton Hose, fast dye, , heavyweight, just the thing for boys, all sites regular 25c for 19c Curtains Hall Price 20 pairs Curtains, slightly' soiled from display (one curtain only) soiled, Saturday, Half Price 5oc Skirting Embroidery For3 2C. One hundred yards 26 -inch Skirting Embroidery every design new this spring, regular 5oc for 32c See Window Display. dozer Srown D1REC?' IMPORTERS, CLINTON 1 '1VON't YOU HELP. Remember, that you can, heelp us aloft by writing out any local news whether you let us have it over 'the phone, through the mail or drop) into the office and .'tell us. THE POPULAR GUELPH EXCURSION. The popular .excurision to Guelph under {the auspices, of the, Farmers Ineititu'te+ will take place by C. P.R. on Saturday, June &th, Wirth the privilege) of repralning oveer at Guelph' unitil 'Mond'ay, June 10th. 'Excursionists' will have a splendid days outing, with the opportunity lel !seeing the many sights ,at {the, Ontario Agricultural College gro•ueds'and in'the prosperous .city of Guelph. Remeimbler the date— Saturday, June -8 --and make's Point 0! •enjoying't the best trip of the sea- son. Seta ;time-tabile in Our adver- tieing colunon. :'CENSE COMMISSIONERS The . Centre HuronLieense board'. '-cet on IWednei qday last and ap- pr eyed of a provisional transfers ,elf 'the .. British Exchange to James Reynolds, who leaves the Eturon and has bougbt out the Britioh Exchange. The change (took place Friday, and the eominissioner. will meet again on the 14th to coon - 'Melte the transfer, if the 'financial affairs of the .house have been saet-. tefactoxily settled Alex. Robinson a botriner hotel man in Goderich, has taken over, the Haron, and will -en joy the license privilege for'' two months, or'-anti'theend of July ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••• • • • S Local News ••••••,•••••••••••••••••••'S' 1•••••N••••••••••••••••• • • 4 eeiee+-e4•e •'r,' ' ••+,•i•°l�,' 13artliff'e bakery wagon L.ppeaerd' ✓ CLINTON ,MARKETS I. IN A NEW DRESS ee e - et a new. dross of paint,` •(zncT le toed so that ell who walk may see „- Hogs..: ..$8.50 .AUNT DEAD. Monday1s daily press reported the sad death oilers. Henry Rein- hardt, of Berlin, w1110 is an aunt of Mr, Jeo Reinhard(t,'of'the Waverly Iioulse, Following was the press report:—Berlin, Ont., June 2.—Mrfs. Henry Reinhardt was fatally burn- ed and "her infant gralnddaughiter Margaret! Ferekete, was severely in- jured, when a gasoline stove ex- ploded at thou' residence at Aherns Street'Wesit, at 9 o'clock this moan- ing. The woman died alt !the hoes- pital this afternoon. The ;child is expected 'Noreeover. Mrs., 'Rein- hardt was filling the tank of Sthe gasoline shove while tit was burn- ing, which resulted in the exelo- slam. Almost insitanitaneo43.sly her cloth ngt and hair wa;samass of fire Running from:4the house she ,called for help and (threw : her,self upon the grass elan effort to extinlgudlah the flames. Neighbors who came to her assistance stripped ;the clothing from her body, which was then terribly ',burned, The ,child `was seated in a ehadr nearibheee'tove and while Mrs. Reinhardt was pails- ing it upon leaving the( froom lbs clothing caught fire. The neeigh- bors, after rendering assistance to 'the woenen, found the child almost 'totally wrapped inflames, The in- eeri /.-ofthe house Inas slightly cis aged; . Mrs. Reinhardt, whose age was ' 48, leaves ,a hus;barnd, (three eons ' and two daughters. The mother of the Child, Mrs. Laura Ferrier, was at church when the an- etd,ent, The child has since died: OUR SPEIALS See our new Perfection Oil Stoves Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves Scree. Doors and Windows Baseball Goods rwin i liams Paints, Wl Varnishes and Stains USE. DUSTBANE The great Sanitary .Sweeping Compound 1-17ARLPlN13 13RO Stoves, Hardware and Novelties, e Eggs 20e to 21e eV leS A' HOLIDAY, 20e to' 21e Iq School leas closed Monday (ex- 4Whaat 955 • rept entrance class Who -are petting , �• JJe ur extra hours to be ready foe( ,the 1 Barley 70e to 80e exams, Paas 90c to $100 .1•. _ � Shorts ... ......$23100 COURTS I9 SHAPE. $21A6 The 'lawn 'Genn s court at lho V • 4 eieneeychurch 'parsonage is now in 4.4.4- .444e't4"r4-lee•ti4.4-�F '1.4 shape and ready for lthose who, are fond of(tho "game. GFFICES •WILL CLOSE The (offices of W l3rydone and C B. Hale will be eleseee on Wed- nesday and iSaturdeay afternoons from June 35th to Sept 15. HIGH COURT n The non -jury° silttings of the Count, of Justine win open in Gode rich, on Tuesday, Jritic vital The Honorable Mr': Ju,s(tiee elute will preside A WARNING. Complaint has been Made (that autowobiles( are ,being'speeded on the streets of'Clinton and should be discon(tinued at once. All drivers must also •sound their. horns (be- fore e'oming IEolstreet cornees. Butter Oats Bran' TRY THIS 'hoe have, an abhorence fur the ,scentof coal oil, land during the warm weather: if the ,screen doomand.. Iwbndo'a's aro bivahed over with routside tOr a n the ultra wrcee a dayo , e c1orth s turatedw' h cosi oil it v ol l do much towards keeping the flies front holding (melting's on your ,screens NORTH HURON LIBERALS The annual meeting of the North Huron{ Liberal Association will be bald 'in the ToWn Hall; 'Wingham, on Tuesday. June lath, commencing eat 2:30 o'clock p.m. Offices are Ito na" elected for the ensuing 'yearend other business of imporatnce !will bo brought before the meeting All Liberals 'are invited to,attend th!a meeting, and the officers are looking for, a good representation from' all parts' of the riding MEDICAL] -MEN TO MEET The next meeting of (the Huron Medical Association wilt be held in Seafortl3 on Wednesday, June 12, when'ameet interesting programis ito be presented It is : hoped that the quality.ef the program,•the season of 'the year, end the obvious advantages. of these geethering•s Will combine to l/duce a targe breth- ren 'Wt- " tendance i The Seaforteh reth ren will exert themselves to meet e, ery opportnni 'ty of the social Aide, of the'gathering WAS DELIGHTED, Here is what the Dungannon news has to say in regards to El- liott's auto bus—Victdria Daywill always beremembered by our rifle- men. Int was anremorable day ton every- sense o'fitheword. To jour- ney northward about !forty. .five Miles through, the beautiful county of Bruce to the town of Paisley in a large Clinlion touring .car capable of exceeding (the speed limit was a delight de luxe and toy return in the evening—an eveuing beautiful. land calm, concludedthe moot (enjoy- able day ever parrticipaeted ,by aur marksmen. 7HB ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. The Department of Education has aunonncedc that the jirnior;'high dschool !en(trance examinations for 1912 will begin on' Wednesday, June 19th, and continue Until Friday, June 21,st. The department has is ,sued a circular (of instructions in which itis slated that itis tihefn lentbon of the department of edu- cation, bymaintaining a proper standard attthe high .school en- trance examinations, to *prove tiro character of the 'work done is the public !schools to prevent con- gestion of the 'high seho,ols with inadequately prepared pupils. THE JUNE ROD AND GUN. An illustrated story (descriptive of a'journry ,'up into the Ar.etic •slope is contsihuted by ser, Luther Harvey laa,the opening number of the June issue of ROD -AND GUN IN CANADA published at lWoo•d- sitock,' Out., by W. J. Taylor, Limit- ed, "Vapaftion Carnes" follows and w ill forni,sh a pleasant siolultion, of the problem what to do with the boy clueing the good old.summer time. In (anarticle on the Grand Cae:capedi.a, Ithe great saltnen river of Eastern Canada, Mrs. M. G. Me- Neil McWl inter I<,ecalls famous 'sportsmen/ who have heeled, in cies W stere, including Sir Charles Ellis Lord Dufferin, the 'Marquis of Lorne,'Lorcl,s Lansclowne and Stan- ley. A thia•cl articleosetlre Culture of Black- and Silver Foxes also ap- pears in this Issue and other"'stories. and articles ' Ire in keeping wieth the :characetr of the magizine and 'the ,time .of'the year. REV. F. SWANN TRANSFERRED, At a recent meeting of the execu- tive committee of the General Con- Urence of Ithe irtethodfist church, Rev. Francis Swann was Itraansfer a ed frown the London .to•tbe ',British Columbia( Conference. The eranis� ' ter was In:ad•e'seethe earnest et- aueat of Mi' Swann, who left !Brig den to tale sharge of the mission slatidu at Kitamaat, B.C. He was acconnpanied'. on his journey -west by Mrs, Swann, who Oras been all 11 int ed assistant superintendent of the mission. They will be assist- ed ea the work by Mr. Swann'is sis- ter, Miss Swann, who was senit (to Kilt,almaai ayeer oriso ago,,by (the W. M. S. Mr. Swann was pastor of the Ditngaenoin circuit /for two years; moving later Ito Auburn, Rluevale, (Holme vide, Fullerton and Brigden, Beeth Mir. and Misr. Swann are pecuiearly.;adaptedl for tering, bn'g richly endowed - with the requisite •faculties of (adapting t,hlemsielvho 15k ecn'virslmenit;'. winning (their way fate the hearitet of those with who they colmelin contact and binding thee' lov e with bond,sllhat never pant. The revere. end.' gentleman Land-n•>As beloved helpmate have many friendisl 3n West Huron who wish thein all:sue- cess in itheir new field ()Sieber on the Pacific coa's't, - BASEBALL TO=DAY. The Wingham baseball eteabe are. playing here today at 4.30 with the elinton Baseball Team. • VISITED 'HOUSE OF REFUGE. Tee d'ay (morning the House, of J1efugo tOanimiehtee visited the House of Refuge and found every- thing in good order. ARE GOING :TO GODERICH. eA CT(ji11 S k[JLF HOLIDA S!.. The local factor cs are ` ralcirlj, Saiturday aft recee oft during the"' etuurner- months. HOUND WAS POISONED. + Last'Satur•day iafte•noon Joe Dat tcnbury ''load emm of his hounds hotsou ed, 'but with prompt aid the clog was saved 'and is now able (to get around. WON TiIE CUP. At 'the tshoot held under; the roan a emene of the 'Hensall Gun Club en the 24th, 4't h, J. E. Hovey (had;the honor of waning the silver cup. He ratele 17 out of 100Isbots. Mr. 3, E. Can1telon hall 73 out of 100. WILL .RUN THE PAPER. H. Belling, who has been• connect- ed -with the Dungannon News 'for the past 4 years will take charge of that paper as' the editor, Mr. Palm- er has other business to attend to, LACROSSE. The lovers 0!the.Canadian ' Na- tional game- are out practicing those evenings, and as there are soma excellent players town; we ma yet witness some lacrosse maftchos this summer. AN OVER SIGHT. Wo wiele to beg off `this week •for' neglecting eo,publich the Sunday School lesson last week but it was n 'ominiession on our part. How- ever 'this Sunday's lesson, wdll be found on page 6, CORRESPONDENCE WAS LATE. Lash week !several budgets, of correspondence;were too late for; our issue and -had to be held (over. .1.11 eo,py ishoted(be,in by Wednesday night or the first train (Thul':eday it or•ning. Sunday morning members of. Clinton lodge, C.O.F, are going to Goclesice ec attend church service' with Goclerich lodge. They will go.. ufe i,n Elliottt,s auto car. WILL GO TO CHURCH, The Woodmen of the World avi.It` attend (divine iser•vice in 'Wesley church onth° evening of June i6`th, when Rev. J. E,,'Ford will preach a ,epochal sermon fto',them. ANY LUCK IN HORSESHOES.' Mr. C. J. 'Wallas while riding - to: Gode.ch les auito last eveek, ran over a hor loshoely g t an on her read, which flew up on a bar underne f h rthe machineMr. (Wallis is going to !see ifithat (wilt keep him Lucky with his auto. „ANOTHER FIRE• The, frame house owned- by R. Marshall, onfbhetondon Road, near the G.T.R. track, Was totally des- troyed by fire Tuesday (morning about 3,30 o'clock. ;The.',f]eemetn get, 'there to save t'iae other build - liege, but nonew•ere in danger. The horyse was empty ait'the'tiime. WILL MARCH TO CAMP. The 26;bh (Middlesex Light In- fantry, with headquarters at Strathroy, will march from: Lan- don( to Goderich'on foot, otarting June 17(th. The dilstance is 60 =ilea and, ae Ithe regiment 'will parry practically all sits stores and pro-. isi'ons it will take five days. NO CELEBRATION 'HERE, Thq blallhdey of Xing George le was quie(tly \celebrated here_en Monday, no (ceremonies maring (the eveelt. The banks, together With Government buildings were tLosed o business lb cern dune whatever,n The beeiness houses andmanufacturing planes were in operetlont as usual, FORMER LOCAL MEN ORDAINED! Among those ordained into Holy Orders aft the Anglican Cathedral, 'Ioeon'to, oneSunday, was Rev, John Harvey Oo•lclotigh, B.A. Rev. Mr. Colelough will be remembered by C'iintoni'ana as iris parents reside: meat( Clinton. Mr, Frank'Hea•ion noon - was ordained 'a deacon ,aind will go(to Caledon, Ont. HAD AN ACCIDENT. Mayor Spotton of Wiin•gham had a close call fro!rnl being seriouslk injured. 1 While ou(t Metering lies ear swerved and crashed tribe, aetrlee ;stump. Thee accident was caused by Mayon Spobton lasing !control of the machine for a few-ysecondsi, whorl heiturned round to ,close, ,a 'door "which .he /noticed had got open, and vas letting arug fallout. The Lorne of the blow enapped the stump off, but,not before about $50 damage was done to the car, C"RIME RECORD IN CANADA, The criminal tatistice-for the 12 months ended September 30 show a total of 11,305 charges and 7,7.00 con (°Beare as against 13,358 'cha'rges and 14,448 convictions, for, the pre- -Lions year. By provinces the con- vi•cti03171 were. Prince iedwal;;ci Is- land, 268; Nova Scoetia, 923; New Brunswick, 213; (Quebec, 2062; Onit- ariio, 5,313; Manitoba, 765; Saskat- chewan, 908; {Alberta, 761; British Columbia, 796; Yukon, 23. The per• ,cc:ntage of convictione from charge: es was itloe hi,ghesle in (the Yukon. It 'stood at 32 per cent.. New Brun- e vice w,iitli six per cent,, was( label lowest, • -BER-0 TPoop5--.1455.5 5I TeRW. t° i5UtNr°444 rftt ROOFING 1115- NIft will not warp, rot, crack, er blis � blister, prumble or rust. 1 Strongly fire -resisting. Ru-ber-old roofsSaid 21 years ago are still sound and weather tight. If you want a roof' to last, investigate Ru-ber-old. 3 Permanent Colors- Red, Brown, Green - ' and natural Slate. 75 Sole Caaadinn Mfrs. TAESTANDARBeAINTCA: - ol Canada, Llmlted,Monireal. I�®.�• MckIENZIE, C1.INTON. "STUDY AT ROME. • ▪ Isgror Shorthand • a. coulee in B usltelyour • Ing i i y • ;spas el lure untie this fall or • win'ter and then finish, it at0 • 'Colleg•e if you 27653. (Many '2 are following this plate sae-, • ing( expense,' and gleitilne e s ready fora •goo;d office pee 0" • linen. Write us foe nee C3euIa•r4a • • Ths Shaw {Corr° poncle'ncl2l • • School and Central Buisiiness • College, Yonge and G'eiu'(aa'Id Sltteete, Touonto, e ea ▪ W. II. SHAW, -president. �• •••••••••160•_•••10.0000_••••••• ,rt HAVE A.GAINIE :'WITH ZURICH. The Clinton 'Baseball Clubhave e u hatch ,,pranged ag.amc'utlthZ rat e ]enter place on June 13th. The•Gun Co t 'Inch clubs will go down here in EMI ott s auto car. • TASKER WON 'ITIS GAME. Tasker won on Monday afternoon from' Peiterbor'o by a sceeeet of 6-2. He Mas never en'trop{htet alter 'the let innings when Peiterboro got their rums. Dick had -3- s;trikeo.u'ts' to his credit. SOLD HIS PROPERTY. Mr. J. H. Hislop has sold his pro- petty on Ontario Street _to etilie, Thomas Rothwell of f3tantcy'tolvn- ship. Mr. Raftjrwell gets a fine pro- perty .and will 'take possession in August. LRUIPEFIELD WON AND LOST. Last Friday sight Bru.cefield football team defeated Seaforthby aseore of 2-0. On ((Monday Inigglrt Brussels defeated Brucefield attlee latter !own by a score of 1-0. Quite a e t u' a number of'Cl.+ni o ions b de n both games. ' 'tINOR LOCALS r daysin sue - A! Waon.nted—Twq dry c A good berry :crop is p'riemised th.,ee year. Who said setrawber ly ehestcako? The. June brides are here. Summer reaor4t pamphlets are dis- placing ,seed cataloguesfavorite fiction. , Are you goi:ng'to Bayfield for the simmer A PRESENTATION. Bras. Tucker and Collyer were 1}r esenited with "three link" pins at the I.0, 0.F. Lodge Ion : ITueqeltllay rightin view sI tlheir leaving town tor the West, (They will bemissed in the lodge roomand etcher circles ler Tucker 'taking an aetivo' part in the Baptist Church; and Sunday School They intend'going into the French dry cleaning business They haver lived here six and twelve ;;earn respectively and are the • kind of citizens that Clinton cannot afford 'to lose The New Era wishes them. euceess in;Nheie new business, EDITORS ARE MEETING. • Two hundred and fifty new -Ape - per ediftors • 'and publishers -sare meeting in Ottawa annThursday and Friday of this week at tt'he, nifty. Fourth annual convention of the Canadian Press ,Assooi•ation. The program gives promise of the best convention in the history of the As- sociation. The City of Ottawa will tender abanquet to Ithe visiting pressmen dnuthe new Chateau Leur- ter .on Thursday. !Among 'bloc sneakers 'will be Premier ,Borden, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 'Ram, W T. White ,':.- and Hon. L. P. Pelletier. Hon. Geo, P. Graham, M.P., will be toastmaster. . rALLED HOME. After an illness of only two weeks Catherine McRae, wife of Mr. James• Ferguson passed away at the home oe her daugli(ter,•bins. Osbaldeeton, Rettenbury °street, en Sunday, June 2nd at'the age o3 69 years. Deceas- ed has spent the greater pant of her life here. ;Besides her hus- band eche leaves [three daughters, elite, W. Carter, Mee, A..Osbaldeston and Clara, a n•ur,se, The funeral was held on ilemeday •rftsir noon frorceit•he home of Mr, W (Carter, Princess street and'Ltev. Mr. Grtan't paes'to'r of -Willis church, spoke words of comfort to`(@he sorrtow- ing ones. Mrs, F,ergusan was a 1110 -long Presbyterian, The pall Learera were:-F.Jackson, W. G. Spaeth, J. Walkinshaw, J. Leslie, J. Cunningham, et, Cluff. DEATH OF NIRS. ANDREWS. Again We are called upon to record the p .:sing from our midst of one of Clinutonts residents, In the doatir of Pure II. F.' Andrews, a ten - dee, loving and devoted wife and mo(thor She 't vas beloved ,by all wiio( knew bast, alife-long member of the Methodist {Church` Tlr(r I aves 'ta m0111`13 theta, loss, -one son and one daughter, be'si'des the hus band, 't•o wlronr;see was married tlr r ty-fors year's ago "'Two sisters teers. Kee of Valley River, Man., and Mrs 3iEwuea of London, were with{ her rte 'tlrelast, as web as •, (a lilt s..- Pearl Cavanagh, of idanitebae ]ho funeral ta'ces place aGi hyton ce n.e'tery at"3 o'clock on Friday cleano:un. eeeeee••••eoe••ee•••see•e• l',t'lnkl `%V&anted Tenders war ted( foss releunlding a brick ,watt at !Phe New Etta( olfiale '.I and malting ether repairs(. Far further pailticu1ars call at • NEW ERA OFFICE. 41.14010*.••••••_!••••.••••/11e ' • .0(.1!:f.±teet't.E3:•tR.'Z t: filet i Something New on Which to Hang Curtains. A. Brass Telescope' Rod with curved ends and rounded edges on which to shut your curtains without cutting or tearing the threads. It is light and strong. Easily put up or taken down, and holds the curtains far enough away from the casing to allow a free movement of the shade, The oval ends make a very artistic effect. We have it in three styles. One for a single pair of curtains; another for double curtains, or a single pair and an over drop; and a third style made so that . the brackets will hold the'shade as well as the curtains May we Show Them to You ? Th Fair eo. i Often the eheap_st-- 121Iways the Best ... ...i aeuo IAAANWINNAMMAAAAAAMAANNAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAA,AAARANVk 1 Sellinq Out The Big Sale is still going on. Scores have taken advantage of this Great Money -Saving Sale, Have You? Our large and well -assorted stock of Now Is when Shrewd Boilers Bags Sloes . 1 Children's Shoes and Slippers is Attracting the Mothers' Attention, C 1 A Good, Leather Top Phaeton Buggy for Sale Jas Twitchell &Son CLINTON 3AAAAAAAMMMAAAAAMMAAA,V Wep+ Price of Cement is Again Reduced Latest Drop of Ten Cents per Barrel is Effective Throughout Western Territory. Foe the ,second time within a per- iod of, six. Months, a (reduction; of- ten cents per barrel in the price of Portland( Cement has been 'am- r-ouneed by the Canada Cement Company. 'Pbioi latest decrease is effective, according to the (Company's 'en- nouncemenet, at all points 3n rajn- ada, west of'the Lakes, A previous reduction of to cent° per barer( 'was made last November, . so that the notal drop blithe last six months is twenty et•nits abarrel,. west of the Lakes!; and ;ten- . !cents east—representing an• enormous saving (teethe cement' consumers in 'Western Provinces, FLY SONG Ten fettle flies ' Alt inline > Ono got •aeswat ! ,h Then 't h ere were nine. Nine (lent(° flues, Grimly, Isedate, ]Licking .their. chops -- Swat 1 hops—Swat1 ;Then 'there were, eight, Eight little flies - (failing some More— Swat I Swat l Swat l Swat! Then 'there were four. Four little flies, Ooloured green -blue; Swat ! (Ain't it easy?)'-• Then; there were two: Two little flies ' Dodged the civilian— Early next day There were a million! Central Business College'' Stratford' Ont. dOntar O9s Best Business College our. -ca rises are up -to -Cats and practical. We have a 18.`go staff of experi'e'nced in- •' 'l.Letors and our 'getaduatas' get the high grade jioaitdona. We domore for our estudents 'thaw: does, any similar school. Wil have three deparhm,ente Coannrercia:J Shorthand Telegraphy. Yo'e ,a to youeeelf to know tvliat we ' are doing. 'Get our frep,gata logue at ossee.. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL r • .i ail. EW SHOESmaaa ee 33. 4• . f, 'r M M �. ,1. And if.• �, you buy it, you will be surprised at how �, f: . long 'i,t will last and retain its neat appearance, for these shoes are really better than you have reason • to expect. - g e eek ' 4 4. 15 • • For men and women observe so closely the little points that give ease and , comfort, and embody those features that count for correct and becoming styles that no matter how particular you may be, there is a ion fn our stock that is , JUST EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT 4• 4 •1' 4• .1, 4• 4•. Do no miss the opportunity to obtain reit genuine toot comfort, and the - maximum of Shoe Service. 4L. .1. ✓e 1. GetPair A P � Shoes at Once • ' •1• .t. 3(_ FRED JACKSON'S ••II •1•. DISTINCTIVE SHOES r rte