HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-06, Page 5JUNE
Useful and Ornamenta
Articles suitable for Wed.
-ding Gifts, are here in
Lot of Netr Goods
Just Iteeelved.
Sterling Silver,
" Cut Glass,
Silver plated Ware,
Etc, Etc.
Quality and Designs that
please the par-
Moderate Prices Prevail
Latest Styles in
Wedding Wogs
II. littil/AR
Chief eleetantal engineer , Roth -
e:7, of the C.N.R.'-la eompapy with
&refer& and $tnlinary'n :citizens
Van in town last week •anianging
for a right -of -(way for the eleetree
lene, which the big Mackenzie and
'Mann Company proposes to build
thrtrugh Western 'Ontario. It is.
proposed to come to E '
xeter via
Stratfordf and St. Marys, and film
eliere go on to Lake Huron. There
hen been some doubt as to 'the ter -
no. =trial at the 'lake, Met Mr. Rothery
said( that in all probability it would
be Grand Bend. In the party -with
Mr leathery were Messrs. C. Melt:
hargey, Waddell B. Williams., Ald.
Welch, R.R. 'Laing, JB. Gordon,
presideue of the (Board of Trade
and Mr. Graham, 00 $t. May. allnY
were Met by Reeve Beaman :and
ehown 'through the towe, and
trodeced to many of the business,
en en.
Exeten ratepayers on Monday !al-
most unanionously voted in favor of
a bylave to eairee $5,000 for the inen
movement of the !sewee age system,
Theo vote was a small one, 180 bal-
lots being in favor and 11 opposed.
5, 3. Young, who has, been in tile
• general store business for sixteen
e earn and who, has bean connected
with this store for over thitty
years, has traded his besinese 'With
Plnlhorapson, groteryman, of
Goclerich. Mr. Young andfamily
will shortly move to Goderiele.
A most successful ice cream social
•-was held et the Donnybrook Meth-
odist Ohara on the evening of Em -
pre Day, under the auspices of the
p w meth League. Talent from
IWingham, Imcknow and Goderieh
• furnished an excellent program.
• The proceeds amonnfted to $e1.
• The annual teameteting and con-
• nect under the auspices of the Nile
niethodist Church Epworth League
on Empire Day, was a decided sue-
eess. The Central 'Male Quantelttn,
Allen 'Brown, the boy !soprano of
• 'S. tratford, and Miss Gould( of Tor-
• onfto furnished the prograrn,
n" The funeral of Mins P. McKenzie,
• Whose death occurred here on
Thuraday last, took placer toSall'd
eemetery. Deceased is survived by
three breithene aud one sister.
The death of May E. Ken, wile of
Geo. Rutledge of Nile, took place
on Saturday last, Deceased was 32
years of age.
Yards Oppilsite G. Tile Station
All Kinds of Coal on hand --
'Chestnut SOlt Coal
Stove Blacksmith
Furnace Coke
Kennel Coal and Wood
3 and 4 -inch size—
The Tile is of the very best
_ .
Brick to Order.
Phone 5e.
uron Go0 News
(Too Late lot Lasi, oulc)
Miss Maudena Holland, of Londo
spent the holidays under the parent
roof. ,
Miss Tillie Tebbiitt, ot Woodetoel
epent the helidaye at her home an
also at Me, Fred Tebbutt's, of the 14b
Miss Jennie Tehbutt, of Godericl
epent the 24th here.
Mrs, Odell ;led children returned t
Midland on Saturday after spending /
couple of months at her fathers, Mr
Geo. Ladds,
Mrs. R. Forster returned to Mark
ham on Tuesday she being called horn
on accOunt of her father's illness, Mr
John Yeo, who is improving nicely.
Miss Emily Proctor left on Tuesday
for a month'e to her sister, Mrs. J. EL
Lowery's, of North Bey,
Miss Doris Matin, of Goderich,spent
the holidays at her aunt's, Mrs.
Miss Ada Finley, of Goderich, epent
the holiday at her !mine on the nith
The Cheese Factory is doing a
flourishing business this season, this
being the third sale of cheese eince the
factory opened.
The Women's Institute neld • their
serni-annual meeting on the 28th of
May, there being, two speakers, Miss
Allen, of Jarvis, Ontario, and Mrs.
Dawson, of Parkhill. Their addresses
were both pleasant and r fit
po e,
The meeting was well at -tended, it be-,
ing,held at the home of Mrs. Mill-
51re, C. 0. Couzeue is visiting her
son, Rev. Mr. Ootizens, ef Staffs,.
Mr. Lashbrook, of Mitchell, spent
Sunday at Mr. Ezra, Pickard%
Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield, of Zion Oity,
are here on their honey.moon visiting
friends. She being fovinerly known
as Miss Flossie Potter.
Miss Bertha Stanley and Miss Lulu
Mulholland spent the holiday in Tor-
Mrs, Laidlaw, of Detroit, is the
guest of Inv sister,Mrs. Geo Whitely,
John Sproat, of Egmondville, hift on
Tuesday for Eldnaonton, where he goes
as a delegate to the Presbyterian gen-
eral assembly,
The firm of Ricbardson and Scott,
shoe fielders, have dissolved partner-
ship, H. En Scott continuing the busi-
.Rev, A. W. Barker wan elected jour-
nal secretary of the Godericla District,
Methodist °bur& and left for St.
Thomas on Monday to attend the con-
Thos. Enright, of Dundee, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, S. Blues
this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Somerville left
this week on a trip through the West-
ern pro oinces.
Miss Nettie Sproat has gone to De-
troit to take a position with the -Under-
wood Typewriter Company.
Miss 61. Kaufrunes, of 'Washington,
Oxford County, is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A.. Wilson,
Rev. Mr. Carswell, of Moilillop, left
on Tuesday for Fdmonton to attend
the Presbyterian general assembly,
Wm. Stobie, of Edmonton, is visit-
ing at the home of Air. and Mrs. Alex.
Miss Mildred Jones, of Loretta
Abbey, Toronto, is home for a vaca-
The Unioo Sunday School excursion
to Godeeieh will be held on Tuesday,
July 0.
John :Rudolph, of Toronto, a resi.
dent of Seaforth in the earlier days is
renewing old acquaintancee around
Rev, J. W. Hibbert, of Gorrie, will
preach hi the Methodist Ohuroh next
J. W. Ortwein will represent Hen -
salt Methodists at the London confer-
ence in St. Thanes. -
R. D. Wellande, of London, has
been visiting at his home for a few
Mrs. S. 13. King, of Iegersoll, has
been spending a month with her mo-
ther, Mrs, Neeiands.
Hensallites are endeavoring to work
up a borse show for the fall.
• A. Weslop, of Berlin; a one time
businessman here, was in town yes-
Another G. T. R, official was here
this week in regard to the erection of
a new passenger station.
A happy evenb took place ab the
home of the bride, Alfved street, on
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock when
Mrs. James McArthur was married te
Alex. Fairbairn. Rey. It, Mcle Smith
oftidiated. Only a few of the irnined-
• iate relatives of the eontractin par-
ties were present.- The happy couple
left on the evening train for London,
They returned last evening and were
tendered a reception by the groom's
sister, Men. Jas. 14 Bell, A pleasant
tiros was spent, The hand marched
down and serenaded them during the
evening, .Mr. and Mrs. Fairbarn
eaves shortly for the West, where the
g ooni owns considerable property.
' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter,. and Ars.
las. Shaw, ern of Oshawa,are' renew-
ing old acquainti
ances n Brussels,
Hunter,' and Mrs. Shaw will stay
The officers of the EastEluron Liber-
als elected Friday are : President,
Alex. incLauchlin, Fordwicia ;. first
vice-president, Wm. Elston, Wing -
ham ; second vice-president, John
Gillespie, Whitechurch ; secret:ire'
treasurer, 111, Black, Brussels ; auditor,,
W. M. Sinclair, Brussels,
A new church is being built at Wale
4,1C6'051=73MiumparaffMgmaNgwalin ..7mignine$MINNUNDSMNOMIMimmg
46.Good to u 011"
a»d so 10 every chair we show.
You setect one and, have wife
select other. It will be a "toss
up" wbich is hest. You can't go
amiss on
in our stock, They're all good
Just so with entire stock we
show, It's best in town, • and
thee s why "those who know'
buy furniture at our place.
Atkinson et: Dunford
the New Eva 'wishes to in.
crease ite stair of correspondents
throughout the comity and in-
vites the help of those willing to
send in from, week to week,
items of news in the neighor-
hood. Matters of importance
are always weleome, but equally
so are the items telling of the
Movements of people to and
from the locality. The New Era
asks that all willing to hell, in
the work, whleh will benefit the
locality by bringing it before the
world, write to the Editor of
,the New Era, when supplies oi
paper,, envelopes and postage
wilt be furnished,
ton by the Presbyterian congregation
of that village, • Last 24th of May the
corner stone was laid by Rey, Mr,
Turnbull, of Toronto. before one of
the largest. audiences that ever gather-
ed together in Walton, The building
when completed will hold 350 people.
• Mies Farquharson, teacher of t
Sunbeam Bible Olass of the IWO)
tartan Church gave eighteen or h
scholars an evening drive through th
country to Belgrave and on their r
turn they went to Kennedy's restau
antnesitere refreshments were serve
Dr W. Tannblyn and wife were i
London recently, M
visitine r. anti Mr
Sohn Rich, formerly of Wingham.
Dr. Wilson, V. S., was in Dashwoo
• Mr. Alex. Reid recently purchased
fancy'driving horse that looks goo
for the track this fall. He is now go
ting Jahn in shape.
Complaints are now being made b
some of the citizens, regarding th
etreets where the sewer was pu
through last fall. The ground wa
frozewhen the sewer was filled, and
it has settleddeaving deep impression
tyhich are n likely to cause seriou
accidents. :.
A jam occurred above the uppe
dam during Thursday night and in
some manner was overlooked by the
night watchman, whose duty it is to
visit the dam twice everyanght. The
Maitland overflowed its batiks ,and
flooded the lower floor of the mill, the
water being higher than in the spring
freshet, washing out the flume etc
causnag several hundred dollars worth
of damage, At the lower dam, where
the manager of the electric light de-
iaarttnent, Campbell, was in charge,no
damage wa,s done, although the water
rose 10 inches in 10 minutes. The
towt, was again floeded, but it cltd eot
go into any of the houses, affecting
only the gardens, etc., of the lowest
portions. .
Mr. Wm. Reid, forernan at the
Wingham Sint Works, was seriously
injured Saturday, Mr. Reid was
was working with a chisel on an old
boiler, When a piece broke off the end
_of the chisel, flew up with great force
and entered the head below the eye,
puncturing the eyeball °tad allowing
the matter of the eye to escape. Med-
ical aid was sunnooted, but the eye
wee gone beyond all aid. Mr. Reid
was temoved to London, where the
besb medical aid will be employed to
try 10 5100 the sigh b of the other eye,
Robert.Crawford is engaged with
Mr. Hutton for a short time, •
bliss Agnes Tresvfn spent Thursday
with her friend, Mrs. Philips James, of
Grey Township. orn-
Mr. and lilts. Spruog and eon of the
West are spending a few months with
the hatter's mother, Mrs, mos. Shob-
Totnnay Morgan, who has been with
Amos Oartright for the past five years
has engaged with Mr. Cornish for this
One day last week Cecil the ten year
old son of Jas. Cartright had the reds-
ftrtune to sprain his arm, 'while play-
ing at school and is under the doctor's
care for it while.
Mr. anti iire. R, Anderson, of the
West and Me, and Mrs. N. Weird, of
Dirnnannon Spent Sunday and Mon-
day with Mr. Anderson, of Oonstance,
and relatives in Seaforth,
• Harloek
Mrs. Shepherd, accompanied by
Mrs, Hill spent the peen week in Tor-
onto with their brothel -.Jr, Ephriana
Miss Mina Carter spent the- 24th at
her home at Westfield.
Mrs. Nielans elient Moraday with her
mother Mrs. McGill, near Seafoith.
Mrs. Stevens bas returned home
after spendiog it fever weeks with her
daughter, Mrs, Wheatley.
Owing to the wet weather the faille
ers are busy cal the land again.
• Rev. Lundy from Walton took
charge of Burn's and Knox churchee
on Sunday.:
Mies Lizzie Wheatley -visited Landes.
boro friends on Saturday.
• Stanley •
Miss Sean Thomsoa visited friends
in Goderieh at the end of last week.
Mrs. John Falconer, of BaYfieiti Was
visiting on the line last week. She
was the guest of Mrs. John Gilmour,
She rekurned to her home on Mondey,
Mr. Hugh Gilmour and Mies Mary
Gilmour visited. in Bayfield on ,IVIon•
err. Malcolm Campbell, of Winni-
peg and his nephew. Mr. Donald
Campbell, of Fort William, were
visiting on the line at the end of last
week. 'They left for Grand Bend on
Monday. Mr. Malcolru Campbell was
formerly a resident of Stanley. ,
Another Old Resident Gone: -Ora
the ever:dog of May 2918, there passed
quietly to her rest Christina Scott
Butchart, relict of the late John But -
chart in the seventy eighth year of
her age. The deceased Christina, Scott
was born in Toronto onNovember 8th,
1834. During the early years of her
life she lived at the home of Randall
Bentley, Dorchester, Elgin County.
Her father was Thomas Scott, of the
parish of Melrose, Roxburghshire,
Scotland, On October 8th, 1857, she
was married to John Butchart, teach-
er, a native of Dundee, Scotland. lie
predeceased her in February. 1010.
Forty one years ago the family left
Dorchester, Elgin County, came to
Huron County and settled on Lot 27 of
the third 0000058100 06 Stanley. Here
1 mienner, kind and charitable in dis.
position, and was highly respected in
the eommnialty in which she lived,
She wase pious and affectionate N510e
and mother, and a life lone rnembel
oi the Chrietian Chinch. She taught
echool for eome time, was a good
disciplinarian, and leaves a legacy of 0
well trained family of six. These ere
Mrs. Alex. IVIeDougale r.f Poplar rein,
Ontaiio ; Sohn Randall Butchaele at
borne ; Dr. Thos, R. Butchart, of Red
Oak Iowa ; Die James Butchart, of
Luecheu-fu, China, Mr, Cecil Legg, .of
Lyoes, Ontario ; and Rev. Frank D.
klutchart, of Cleveland, Ohio, Four
of'these were present at her funeral,
Mr. A. McDougall, John, Mrs, 0. Legg
and Frank, also two of her five grand.
children, Miss Mary McDougall and
Master Douglas Legg. Those who at-
tended the funeral from a clisatnce
weke her brother, Mr, Geo. Bentley, of
Aylmer, Ontario ; llfise Nancy Inglis,
of Aylmer, Ontario, Mre Reuben Bub.
chart, of Toronto, and her sons-in-law.
Mr. Alex. McDongall, of Poplar Hill
and Mr. Cecil Legg, of Lyons, Ontario,
Mr. and 1VErs. Chas, Rent, of Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. J, Johnson, of Goderich,
and ber nephew, Rev, le, V,T, Ballah,ofs
St. Thomas. The funeral on Satur-
day June let was attended by a large
number of friends and aqquaintances,
slsowing the high esteem in which dee
dsceased was held. The • funeral ser•
vices were suitably condusted by Rev.
R, W. Benzin, The remains were laid
beside those of her husband in 13aird's
Ceoaetery. The pall bearers were
Duncan MoEveen, Alex. Innes, Win.
Taylor, Neil McGregor, - Geo. Baird
and Thos. Fraser.
Bev, J. Kennedy, of Alois, Oraig, oc.
eupied the James Street pulpit Sun
day morning and evening.
Miss Martha Carling, a daughter of
Mr. T. B. Carling, and graduate nurse
of New York bospital, has been ap.
pointed nurse at Barmard College,
New York, at $90 per month: -
Mr. Abraham Dearing received a
telegram from the Mounted Police, of
Alberta. stating that bis son, Melville,
was dead and wanting to Ituow what
they would do with the body.
.T. 0, Hutton spent Mooday at home,
J, Hutton received a car of bran and
shorts, also a car of Western oatn,. this
I week.
delegate to Br
ethewrniilsi6o wortifeelreeenteade
leftun Wednesdayr morning for Se.
Mrs, William Lengthen who had
her leg badly broken, is not 1111PrOW.
Rev, Ur. Osterhout, accompanied
by Revs, rear. cd Thy: h, and Millenof
Auburn left. on Tuesday for St.
Thomas in Ur, Osterhout's hew auto.
Mr. ,9.. Jamieson who is growing
sugar bete extensively has secured a
gang of Belgims to hoe and thin them,
and also take them up in Hie fall,
The campers are fasb arriving in Mr.
Jewett's grove.
C. Atkinson and Harold Heath have
arrived for the stantner.
Mrs. (Dr ) Stanbury, of Toronto, has
areived and will live for the summer
in her resitlence on Clan Greve'
The fishermen have all adjusted new
gasoline engines in their: sailing boats
and will he able to give sailing amens.mdation.
,Ilitsuaed for /ad week
Thsi Rev: Mr. McFarlane attended
the meeting of the Huron Presbytery
itt Seaforth.
Miss leorbes spent her Victoria Day
vacation at her home in Clinton.
Mrs, A. Erwin has returned from
Mitchell after attending the death -bed
of her mother, Mrs. S. Beattie.
R Moorhouse and his wife, of Lon-
don spent Vietorie Day here.
A'considerable number of pienicers
who spent Victoria, Lay here realized
good fishing on the pier,
The service in St. Peter's Church
will be held at o'clock in the after -
Camty Dgings
Saturday ef last week fire was nolic-
ed by Jas Fox in the window of W. In
Strettouna jewelery store, J3russels,
caused by the heat of the plate glass
reflecting OD some back combs setting
fire to them, The loss was about 81,00
Reeve Leckie, J, P, of Brussels,
gave judgement in the Fry tea, peddl-
ing without licenses case and assessed
him $50.00 and costs or 858,05 in •alt.
A cheque was sent to cover the
amount with the hint that an appeal
might be entered. The action was for
sales made in 1011 as a lieenee bas
been procured this year.
While a mare belonging to George
Ricker Was standing in the blacksmith
shop of Brown & Olark at Hensell
awaiting to be shod, on Tuesday, it
commenced pulling back on the rope
with avhich it was tied. Not succeed -
login getting free it made a, violent
plunge back and the rope caught un-
der its jaw in such a way as to throw
its head up breaking it's neck causing
inetant death, The animal was a fine
one valued at nearly
The Seaforth races will he held on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
June llth, 12th, and 13th. The pin,
ses total 53,90000.
The following are the names of the
fanners who have entered in the
Standing Field Crop Oompetition for
1012, being beld by the Howick Agri-
cultural Society: -Jas. WT. ledger,
Harvy Sperling, Geo, Townsend,
A ugest Keil, Ed. Krohn, Wm, Brown
sr., Wna. Goggin and Elmer Fani8 of
Howick Townshipfaud John Pritch-
ard, Richard Wilkin fend John Holland
of Minto Township. There are sevelf
prizes offered, ranging from 54 to $20.
At a recent meeting of the Directors
of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, it was decided to hold their
regular monthly meetings in tbe Com
pany's office in Wroxeter, in place of
meeting in Gerrie as forinerly. The
change was made bemuse it was neces
eery to have certain papees at the
monthly meetings and it was very
inconvenient to take these papers to
the meetings in Gerrie. Owing to the
death of the late Jas. Edgar, it was
Mrs. I3utchart continued to live till necessary to make another appoint.
her death, Deceased was a woman tif ment, Mr. Hugh Edgar, son of de-
gcod ability, quiet and unastumieg inceased was apponited to '-ne wenn('
Watch Faults
Does Your Watch RIM
Correctly ?
If Not, let us, repair it for you.
It may be only clia•ty, and need
cleaning, 08 stop foe lack oif, oil
Whatever tl he, Reason, don't
WB give thorough examina-
tion orild regulation, FREE.
Anything, more costs as little as
satisfactory work chn be doe.
721. Grigg
Jeweler and Optician
ISSUCr Oft Marriage Licenses
of Blake, intends moving the
It is reported that Mrs. Nichols
hotel bending to Zurich and conve
it into a boarding house. This -woi
be it good move and wcruld fill a lo
felt, want,
The Xl$W church that is; belog ere
ed at Walton will' be 51x01 feet.of r
pressed brick, with seating capaci
for 350 people. Flcor will be slante
circular seats and pulpit in corne
Basement will be fitted up with ole
vooms, &c., in real modern Sund
School/style e.nd a tower 55 feet big
will put a finish an the edifice. Abo
38000 of the cost is in sight and t
balanee ef probably 53300 for Hain
and supplies will not stand in the wa
Oontract outside of this was let
john Hunter, the well known build
of Oranbrook, for the sum of $8,18
Ohurch is to be finished 10 the Fa
be up-tonlate in -every particoler at
a credit to Presbyterianism and th
neighborhood. .geoerally. The wor
has been gone Into, lead by the pastoi
with an enthusiasm, energy and unit
that ensurethe highest success an
the outlotan is most hopeful and help
...& requisition from the trustees o
N. S. S. No, 18, was presented to th
Hoick Council asking to have a By
law passed for the purpose of having
debentures lesued on the said School
section for two thousand six hundred
end twenty five dollars for the purpose
of building a new school.
At the Quarterly Official Board of
he Ethel circuit, which niet recently,
very gratifying reports were made
corn all departments of the churches'
work, the year just closed being one
O the best in hietory of the church,
Present total membership is 280, an in-
rease of 28.
The Rev. In C. Powell, who has
een vector of Chesley for the last five
ears, has been appointed by the
Bishop of Toronto to be rector of
heater. air. Powell is an old Turn-
erry boy, being a son of Mr. T. .1K,
owell, the Reeve of the Township.
Mr, and Mrs. jos. Cobbledick of
algern, formerly of Exeter, an -
ounce the engagement of their young -
r daughter, Ethel Florence, to Thom -
e B. Stevenson. M, D. of VS estas-
twin, Alta., son of Smoot; Stevenson,
astings, Ont. The mavriage will
ake place in June.
Mr, Matthew Finkbeiner of the 7th
oncession of Stephen has disposed of
is fine two -hundred acre fains being
obi 10 and 17, to Mr. Edward Fahner
f the same township. The price paid
as 811,900. Possession to be given in
he fall. This is one of the best fume
h the township. Mr. Finkbeiner has
ot yet decided where he will make
is -future home, but likely it will be
n Crediton,
The Union Sabbath Sebool excur-
iou from Seliforth• to Goderich has
een arranged for Tuesday, July 0, -
Gideon Koehler, eon of Mr. Henry
oehler at Zurich, had the misfortune
O having his leg broken, on Saturday,
bile assisting Mr, 'Wm, Oalfas io
onig sorne repairs on his tractioP
owner. The accidene as caused by
rie of the large cog wheels falling„
ver, and catching Koehler before he
ad chance to get out of the way.
One of the following young men,
umber of years ago was a resident of
lytb, living with his uncles Messrs
ainton Bios Re is now ita Regina
here he accomplished the following
gh ;jump on May 3118, One Oanad-
n record broken and an other equal -
0 was the result of the Saskatche-
an Olynapic elimination meet at
egina on May 241h, and three men
ill enter tbe Montreal trials from
is Province as a result at the con.
ets. These prin. be Feaser Stewart,
lvin Hammond and Raymond Bain.
n, the latter won the standing jump,
eaning four feet nine inahes measur-
from the centre of the bar, the
tual distance from the ground be.
g four feet eight and three quarter
ches. and one quarter inch better
an Bricker's Oanactian record.
Mr, Robert Pattceson, of E. 'Wawa -
°set, lost his valuable Pereheon
Ile purchased it a, short time
go, paving a high price for it.
The Blyth Lawn Bowling Club have
nted Industry Hall for the evening
July 1218, ard are going to put on
first class concert.
Following officers were elected for
ordwich Baseball team e -Ce pt. Will
oberts. S,ec,, H. S. McCabe; Treas.,
,W. Reichard; Collecting Coninuttee,
Vill Adams and Harry Gibson. It
as decided to rent the Agricultural
ounds for playing in.
Hensall expects to run their Sunday
chool picnic to London in July.
The Liberal-Coneervative Associa-
on of East Huron will hold their an.
ual meeting in Brussels on Friday,
une 11,
J. W. Ansley has left Winghana for
ritish Columbia, to take charge of a
ading camp on the G. T. P ,
Dr. L. N, Whitley has taken over
e Gerrie Drug Store.
On Tuesday morning about 4 o'clock
e barn of Mr. Alexander Edgar of
O 2nd concession Flowick, was struck
yieightning but slight damage was
W. Shipman, locomotive foreman at
e C. P. R round house Guelph, re.
iced a nasty scalp woUncl by corm
g in contact With fiair cylinder
bile engaged in his duties,
3 JJig MOIleg•Sditl'S
Don't Miss Seeing These Lines as They are
Actual Values:
Illaek,Cashinere Sex
c Ten dozen only Men's Fine Pure Wool Oaehmere Sox, in a nice
soft surcuner weight and good yalue at 35c, Saturday and ,Monday
per pair (see these in our south window) , , ... - . 1 9e
Men's Stift' Bats
As a special iaducenaent to every man to try one of our fine
• English Fur Felt Hats which retail everywhere at 82 50: we are
going to offer you the chance Saturday and Monday to secure youe
choice of our full stock of this season's latest styles at the low
price of 1011. Remeurber--no reserVe, every 82.50 Stiff Hat, Salm-
dap and Monday . . .. ........., .. . ... „ .. . . . . ..... —1.69
Women's Shoes at $1.29
Twg is one.ef the biggest bargains we have ever offered in
Women's Shoes and consists ef Oxfords and Strap Slippers, in Don-
gola Kid and Patent Colt, many oE these'shoes solcj at 32 and 52,50
to clear Saturday and Monday at , ...„ „... . ... .•...... 1.29
Also many other bargains in Men's, Wornen's and Children's
Shoes for balance of May.
Come in rand we will save Von Illoitey on Vont Shoes
IMPLOORMIIIiV2WZANIIIMDAMargraggo .11811,8443Z1Masmit...-113211$4011
1?lumsteel Brss,
Use the Wea wellStockings
A fine range of 'these' Stockinge
}eat opened up for Ithis season, ,
300 pretends on Mengel Seed,
Seed Corn—Several Varieties Will
be in istock ehortly,
SOM0 Potatoes for Sale.
%eons -
R. Adams
Emporium Londesboro
We have studied paint because we want to
sell the kind that would give satisfaction to our
customers, and we have got it. It's the
Famous Prism Li uid
Made by the eadada paint eempany
We've all the fashionable colors in stock.
Paint your house with Prism Liquid Paint.
The use of good paint is economy. It pro-
tects your building -s from the wear and tear of the
weather, PAINT NOW.
R. Rowland
Hardware, Paint, Oil, Varnishes, Etc.
191MANCRICIOMMIIIROMMI61114011111101•1111011VOMME.1.10.4=1116. ,r02.07,11.11.9111191.94102.127606/20
Since nayigatiou opened on lelo,y 8,
nearly two and a half million bushels
of grain havelbeen received an Gude-
rich, a quantity which a few years ago
was considered large for an entire
ts corapan tons, jonnie Town,
bre yelp tried to pull him away but
was knockel dome himself. Mrs.
Munro rushed to the scene and al
though she received a pretty severe
Mr, A. Hille, at Orediton, Was 00m -
The slaughter house belonging to re
for the adventure, e L118 sv°1's
llan nnotews tone inn - b
shock succeeded in saving • tea,
pletely destroyed by fire on Monday
anraeunoinugt .$30Motr., Hill estimates his loss
Mr, sem J. Latta, editor of tl
Govan, (Sask.) Prairie News is again
the 'liberal candidate in Last Monnts
ain, for the conaing elections iu Sas-
katchewan. *Saone a native of Huron
County and was formerly principal of
Zurich School and for a number of
year -s clerk of Hay Township, He
was deteated in the 1908 election.
John Stalferd and son of Leadbury
have set out 4,000 stteiwberry plants
this season,
Last year Alex. Yuji?, 818 con., Grey
harvested over 2,000 bushels of potato.
es, riceiving as high as 31.25 per bush-
el for part of the crop, He is putting
in 18 acres this season.
The home rit ex -Deputy Reeve Kirk-
by, 718 line, Morris, had a close call
from serious damage from it bolt oi
lightning recently.
On Tuesday evening Allan Munro,
of Wroxeter, it lad about 8 years 01
age, son of the late Alex Munro came
very close to loosing his' life. The
telephone gang had been stringinp, THE MOST POPVLAR ROUTE TO
wires during the day and afterthey Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays,
were through one of the aia.e. neat Kawartha Lakes, •Freoch River,
Mrs. Munro's residence !evoke letting Lakei snoenor ,and ,Georgian ,Bay,
the wires hang down, Before supper ,Temageme and Magefletawan RIVer,
ir appears the boys had been .pleestne oisile0ear Wrilt14' far'il-
itt catching the swinging wire and luistratoi litera.ture to •
after the electric lights were on under- For full particulars and tickets call
hanging wire however Was touching AJO:
took to play at the eame games the
first to take hold of the wire which
one of the light wires, was the
Duff, clistrecti passenger agent
A, 0. PATT1SON. depot agent,
immediately threw him 00 his baek'Toronto Out ,
_ to iliestern Canada
• , .
.Jilher 11 and 25, July 0. ,and 23, and
e'v'erY ,second Tuesday thereafter,
.until Sept.. 1? via Sarnia or Chica go,
Wrinni p og . and reeuen 534,00.
Edmoniton and ratuttm; $42.00.
Tickets good foe sixty days. Special
train will leave Toronto 10.30
one above dalce, carrying Through
Coaches ,and Pullman .Tourist
S I eepeng, Cars.