The Clinton New Era, 1912-06-06, Page 4lir
��liuCrp :,
TJ 3.4)31'11011E
We it
Gal rents
®y/E'RE,putting on sale Saturday,15 Ladies
Trimmed Hats. The hats are some of the
smartest and•newest shapes, trimmed in our own work.,
room and are upto the' minute e s style.
;Your Choice of the Fifteen Ilats Saturday $2:98.
Suits out Half Price
We anxious to clearout tile balance of ou
Ladies Sring Suits. Just sig suits left in stock, in
navy, grey and tweed effects satin lining, some of
Y grey �
these suits sold as high as 822. Your choice of an
one suit $12.
Now is your chance to buy a Suit
at about Hall Price_
Just to hand this, week, one bale of Japanese
Rugs, " 6 feet by 9 feet, :suitable for bedrooms and
verandahs, very special $1.5o
We put on sale Saturday, twelve Tapestry Rugs
in fawns, greens and browns, 3 yards by 3 yards and
value at yards,, good quality, and wou'd be good
$15.Special for Saturday $11.75
A Good Smart Roy Wanted to
Learn the Dry Goods Business
9,0 6'00 000.0 010,0440',10
aC lhe.'eXecuitive of the League ri
the ha'm,ofNlrst JE Cuntetan;I
tait Tr dety oSeeln ando s tro
coninniteteesl`weie appointed'foy the,.
year, r+t .vg';hoped that all the mein=
b x o
�e� and chair h, m es o v
�'� c sn e (u. i
L.l n
taire an,actin e Interest ani' this
poi.tant work. .
'Mr, W •R Johnson of Kippen,will
p'eaeli, morningg, and evening"•'next
Sunday in-the,alasenoe of the pastor;
On Sunday evening last the mem
bons of'the' C..0.1-0, about 70 in -num-
ber, attenddd (ser r ee
Rev '0. E Jeakenis, taking, "Am I'
my brother', keeper?" as a tett,,
preached, . an earnest '8erinoe on.
neanlil responsibialty to lus;brother
pian, Mr. James Dohenty eangt a,
,solo with organ and violins a'com-:
The meanbe'tls 06 the Maaonic Fra
`ternilty will ,(attend ,service next
tiwnciay,, evening. .
Preparatory lser'vices wore held
Last leriday afternoon. In the (af-.
tee noon, Rev, N. Shaw of Egmond-
' :Ile, prea•ehed and in the evening
Rea,. Mr. McFarlane, of Bayfield.
Sunday e' ening Misses Murray
and Carmic1xeal ,addressed the W.
Ji .S. on The, work ea foreign mi(eslon
week done in,Nova Scotia.
Mr, C. S. Hawke will preach, next
Sunday m,orntng.
Next Sunday evening the chobr
p-11 givee as e nal songservice, Mr.
C.H. Holland will preside,
JteAlleil DoWll for Ontai'to;'
Street' Church;
St. Tiioinas., J'uin0 4 A•1`liougia,•p�,ul
office ily analoui>JrcOditlierepbr,.
at+thef' lsb stiet l' committee•' of the,.
ejoasease Dnxtrxa.!'Colxfe.rcnoe of,;the
'bretho,dise, .Clineehein'session here
t1i J week, rt ail shotty • ion ineretasle
le the :. nz,nnlber=Jhip for the ,con-
1erenee of121
Nang of iht:.' rdilstricts showed
largo,losses',..whileh had the effect
of ptiliiing' down ithe avorage ';for
the coiiferSliee: Em • others showed
stmila1 increases, giving a • good
margin• of growth, '
Ott oa'the eleven districts repre-
:sante& et the conference six show-
od •asau'bstanLta- gro'w`th, while'the
remaining five all repoltred.Iosses,
which in'two ,or three' cases Were,
remarkably lag're, InC'eisti,gationof
the condetioaa-leading to these de-
reases .evelt no doubt form an. im-
Porten•t part of. the work of ° this
Ti general 'Isessaoal, .made up of
l:otli nunie`.ers
d laymen, will,
open o iua.0aY oternoon, vhen
eleo of. the feral duties hill bethe
oleetnonf new officers, Rev. J. E.
Ford of (Clinton -is tgeneralty re-
garded aethe logical successor' to
Rev. Dr. Warner in the pltesidenit's
FOR MAY, 1912.
.The highest inaximum temperature
was S10 ou the 23rd, the lowest mini -
muni temperature was 200 on lath.
On the 14th ice 110 inch thick. The
highest range was 310 on 1.3th. Phe
lowest range was 7 0 on 1716, The
means were maximum 03 930, mini-
mum 414S 0, range 19,450, the total
rainfall, O.52 inches, a very wet mouth,
Swallows returned on 3rd. 1lnmming
birds on 19th, Maples in bloom on Sth,
Wild plums on 12th, Thunder rhow-
ers on 22nd.
The "Toro Thumb Wedding" in
Willie Church school room last
Thursday was declaied by a large
andenthu,si astic aucli,ence'tobe one
of the base children's entertain -
1 atentts ever given in Clinton The
lir,st number on the porgtiam was
a piano ;solo by Nora Kennedy, ux
clever li(ttle mu,sieian 'Then the
wedding march from •Loliengrin
was played and ithq ig nests, in
grown-up costumes, centered, and
were .led by tiny mhers 'to. !their
chairs on Ilse platform which was
beauttfuLly decorated with 'lilacs
and blossoms Frank Smith acting
as clergyman, joined with 'a 'big
iron padlock, Jennie May June
(Katharine Grant) and Charlie Alt-
a -Plea 'Hopeful (Jack Mitch) Isabel
Johnston took the part of brides-
maid, and MacGregor Grant that of
groomsman Alter the ;ceremony
a program was given consisItngof
several choruses, to recitation .by
Isabel Jalinston, a ,dialogue by
Robbie, Shrenk and''iielen 'Grigg,
and ,solos by Katharine Grant, Jack
.5111-tch MacGregor Grant, Helen
Roberlon, 13crtha Yates, Agnes Fain'
Hattie Greig and Heien Jackson
Ptahapd What deliighted'ihe 'audi-
ence mast 'was !the month .organa
solo by Jean Sianpson, la., little tot
from '1110 infant class, bust from fisril
to last each Little kiddie did .their
' paalU welt and data enedilt . (to their
'teacher, Mrs Grant, who. planned
Mrs. Windrow and Mrs. W, Adams,
of London came ou Saturday to visit CHURCHILL -In Goderich
Idrs. Johnston, Sr. ship,on > Town -
Jnne ucs, the wife of Welling -
Mrs. McKenzie, of Cleveland, and ton Churchill. a son.
(dish Adams returned to London on GOVIER-In Hulls
r Monday, Herbert
May 30th, the wife of Gooier,
Miss E. Graham, of Clinton, was a a daughter.
aisitor at J. Lasham's this week,
Mrs, Armstrong and Miss Geddes,of
Belgrave, visited friends here this
McBEATH-MtJR000K-In Bruce -
week, field, on Junelst,Miss Jennie Isabella,
Business at the station has been only daughter of Walter and Mrs.
enshing as cattle were sbipped on two nIcBeth to John Ross Murdock, of
days, hogs on two days, hay several Stanley by the Rev. H. Wood;
car loads and I. Hutton shipped a car WISE-INNES-In Tuckersrnith,on
of flour and got a car each of oats and June 0th, Miss Pearl, eldest daughter
amixed car of bran, shorts, etc. 06 John and Mrs. Wise,. to John Inns,
Mrs. Allison and her fa: her visited of Stanley by Rev. H. Wood,
et Belgrave on Monday. DEATHS.
George Lyon is laid up at present
with heart, trouble. - FERGUSON-Iu Clinton, on Sul, -
S. Woodman was laid up a few days day Juee 2nd. Catharine McRae, wife
but is at work again. of Mr- James Ferguson, aged 09 years,
1 ANDREWS -In Clinton on Wee -
Last Friday evenia,g five youngnesday; June Sth,Mrs, H, F. Andrews,
from came froDeitroi't' to hot iu her 53rd year.
sugar becits, They 'only sayed ttilt
..Monday as l'he plants .were rather
:email; They- twill most likely be
back: again shortly.
&Irs.I aslnam' 1James McQueen and wife left on
Is not quite better elouday for a trip to the West. Mr
yet but its going out driving ;in• McQueen is a delegate to the Assemb-
hopers of improving. ly at Edmonton. Ile will afterward
' Mrs. Longman, who •met with the visit his brother. Wm. McQueen, of
,ataeaclent lately is still otthe: 'homeVancouver. Mrs. McQueen will at•
of George Longman, She i,a nott � tend the Women's Foreign Missionary
making much improvement as•the I Societies' Annual meeting at Vanoou-
lereak • was , an extraordinary bad ver.
one. e, ( I Dr, R,: Ross and wife,' of Seaforth,
visited last week at the home of Mr.
A. Douglas.
ed to Goderich on Saturday last,'' Miss
Jean Thompson accompanied them.
Mr. Boyce has-afineauto and. knows
how' to run it,
Wrn Berry, who was hurt by'a
horse some weeks ago is slowly re
The Sacrament of the Lurd's Supper
will be held in the PresbyterianOhuech
on Sabbath next'"
Wm. McQueen, ollenox Oollege,who
has finished cis University' course
has taken a position as secretary of
the Y,. M 0, A.,, for a year.He will
attend a meeting in Winnipeg-. this
Miss Hazel Elcotit, of Guelph spent
Sunday at her limbo.
Football is now in full swing our
players played Seaforth on Friday the
score being 2-0 in favor of Brucefield,
On Monday night they played :Bruss-
els, with a score of 1-0 in favor of
Wedding-vOn,Saturday June elms to at
h noon a v r. im ortant Gere
e man
was performed nt the home of` the
brides parents -Walter anti Mrs. Mc -
Beth, when their only daughter Jennie
Isabella was united in .marriage to
John Murdock, of Stanley. At twelve
high noon the contracting parties
etoodgnder a beauiitul`white floral
bell in the parlor, -where' the ceremony
was performed by Rev. H. Wood. The
was darkened and lib upwith
wax candles and lamps. The bride
was beautifully attired in white satin
t elaborately trimmed with lace and
' silk fringe. After the ceremony and
congratulations dinner was served to
l the assembled guests about 40 in num-
1 ber. The brides going away dress was.
navy, trimmed with white broadcloth
and hat to match. ''hey left on the 4.40
train for St. Thomas, from where they
go to Cleveland and other OLD : Y -the
Le places.
Thecouple i
youngwill be at home
their friends after July let at "Ever-
green" farm in Stanley,
fur •-
e. Mr. James Boyce and family motor -
by IvlcCiary's to
save fuel—to cut out
dust, fuss and bother
and to heat your house
evenly and• -comfortably
in the coldest weather. We
guatantee the Sunshine"
furnace to save ve
enough to
pay for itself quicker
than any other
furnaceY ou"can
Byam & Sutter
Mr. A. J. Courtiee ,spent the holi-
day with his daughter tllrs. F. C.
, El ford of Buffalo.
Mr. John Potter had a very, fine
day for hiia barn raising, on Saltur-.
day it went up without any person
getting seriously hurt. Mr,Potteri
w'11 have a line barn when Finished.
Mr. Hawke of Clinton tools the
pulpilt in the hietrhodi,st Church here
in alio evening.
Mrs. Geo, Ladd spent Sunday in
Mrs. Mcbiatli and daughter visit-
ed o•ne day Last week with MYIrs. N.
W Trewantha.
Mr, Win. Stanley got his foot hurt
at the x'airsing by a erblbar falling
en it, -
Mrs.Lew 1M,ebbuebt and Miss Liz -
:ea -Feed attended a meeting of the
in.atitele at Blyth last week,
Mr, Fred Tibbultt soon of Fnederiek
Tibbut2 off the 14th con. icworking
for; Mas. W. W,,Trewar(lha. -
Mre, McKenzie and Mrs: Leech of
Goderich, visited their .sister Miss
D. A. Holmes this week,
Is the Time For
Ravitroll 11x119
Stove Moving
will receivep p, rom
tention. Price given
on all kinds of
. .
Roofing, Siding,
Contract Work..,
Sanitary Plumbers
Re'eiie,Rit,via Ceatz$elon ass a'btendStag,
the tke Oouneii this week
Miss 1L3»gl'Ohi is,yisxting in; Lpn
dromwith the:Misses Gunne
Mitis' Stales Liviriget ie cif, Aimee, is
b e est of J
h gn . Mia, .hareem •gterrp,
M:iBsLuoile (}$n 1s ahle,lii lie out
tter her resent^
again aillness;:
MLes IsabeliS4unn,leaxes in' a week,
err ace for a visit ie. the 0,1d Oouptry,
Tei'Walkinshaib are guests
at thheeMtss. lees=Innes weddthg to day
111ae Jean Cliidloyy ie 'iu' Zurfeh the
guest of Mre. "ooestantine.
11, saIse. h pt the
Kinirg's 1•SkiirMrst.bday at W'Smitoodstock.sen
Mr, and Mra, Ki bride and !Miss Kin•
drept spent,tl e holiday at St. Thomas,
Mf.Ss• 141a rde Torrance who line spent
9onietime at -Lethbridge is home again,
Di'. Milne and f.unaily autoed frcm
B;;y.h and spent part of Friday in
IVIr. and islre. James ,Hair with their
two daughters leave next week for the
IISrs, George Middleton was: in Tor-
onto thiasveek,the guest of Mise 13,
M. Hill.
Miss May East speut a few'days Inst
week in Toronto, with her sister, Miss
.The Epworth League and Sunday
School anniversary. Which'precedes
the conference, was heldto-night,
in the, fleet Methodist Church, with
a large abtendanLee. Rev. with
Johnston cif Toaoaato,• who was an-
nounced to ,speak, was unable to be
present through illness, his place
bring very ably taken by Rev. Geo.
Vs' Dewey of,London.
Thq first draft of the Stationing
Committee of the London Methodist
Conference was- issued Tuesday
night, There are a coanciderable
number of changes, and the com-
inatten put in. (two. busy days .,ar-
ranging matters. The Ministerial
session of the conference opened
Wednesday morning, the general
sessions 'the •following afternoon.
The changes, proposed by -the first
draft are as f'oiioivn,-
London, Wellington street, G. N.
Hazen; Cenkenneai, H, A. Graham;
Hyatt avenue; J. E.'Millard ; Em-
press avenue, T. W. Casette ; Me-
morial, S, A. Andenson; Ridotrt St.,
3. C. Reid; .tanctson, Fred 'lan in
until college opens; Dorchester; E.
A. Fear; Byron, W, J. Rooke ; Mit-
chell, J. W. Baird; Atwood, L. • W.
Ecoid ; Kincardine, A. J. Langford ;
Wroxeter, R. S. Ladeland ; Ashfield
J. J. laurran't ; Berviie, `Bunton C.
Robinson; Belgrave, I.Kitpalrick ;
Clinton, 'Ontario istrect, S. J. Allen ;
Holmesi1lle, Bele McCormick; Blyth
George Jewett ; Nile, C. C. Couzens;
Wallton,, F. L. Harturu Exeter,
J imam street, W, 0.H. 'McAllister ;
Parkh:l l It. J. Uren; Hensall, 'Robt.
Ilickis; Crediton, ,:Selby Jefferson;
Sylvan, A.3. Snell; Ailsa, Craig, 3,
Hu,ssor; Lucan, T. T, George.; Wood
halls W, 16. McTavish ; I i kaon, R.C.
Burton; Kerwood, R. L. Wilson
Warwick, Harvey Kennedy; Arko
na. John Ball; Brooke, Byron Snell
Mount Bridges, A. J. Agnew ; ,0x1
Springs, S.V.E. Pentland ; Sarnia,
D;vine ,street, W. J, Ashton ; Wyom-
tng, J, W. Pring; l i,nds,or, London.
Street, S. L. Toed ; 'Walker -vale, W.
Q. Ho.wson: Malden, G. C. Gifford;
Harrow, C.F. Clark; Ruttliven, J.13
Curree; Woodslee, T. B. Coupland;
Leamington, J. C. 'Walker ; Whea[te
ley R. F. Irwin ; Romney, W. Pat-
Terson ; Pelee Island, John Munday
Blenheim, G. LW. Dervey ; +Cedar
Springs, 'SW, R. Osborne; Wallace -
burg, H. T. Ferguson ; Rtdgetown,
f.E. Holmes, Glyds, Harold Wil-
liams; Highgate, G. J. Kerr ; Tharn-
esville, S. Muxwoa'thy ;-Vardsville,
Willian4 Goodwin; Glencoe, Rich-
ard Hoblee: Lyons,' W. E Darling;
Vienna, S. Quinn; Kingiake, S. i0.
Fdmunds; Yarmouth !Centre, W.
Conway; Orwell, J. 3. Sinclair; Port
Stanley, W.R. Vance; 'Harwich, H.
J. Fair ; Dover, T. J. Allen.
Tho annual report of tho S'tatia-
ti.c-al Committee will. !show a total
membership of 51,137 in' the London
Conference., The. ismall increase of
139 over last year is explained by
the mavexnent to Western 'Canada.
The total number removed by trans
fee was five hundred greater+tthan
'tho number ;received. The total
revenue from all sources was $598,-,
217, an unereaso ,of $46,449. For anis-
atone, $74,119, Ianincreasc of $1,-
470; for connexnanal funds, $123,122,
ar, incroa,se of $4,135; for circuit
purposes, $315,150, (an uncre,aso of
1'37,158; Der ministerial support,
$159,945, len encroase of $5,156, ,Of
1,611 marriages, 475, or rnorte (than
ant; a day, took place at the Weide
302Cenitral 'Mothodest Church.
London district led all others'
t -n •nn,ere•a3.ec1 nieanbership with
a x10151 sof. 107, to , b'o fol-
lowed, wed by Stteatfeed with 94,
Gocerech came neat with 33.
The Figures.
Theistatist.ics by districts: '
Inc. Dec.
107 ,
Goderich' 83
Wi.ngliane --.I
Ex eben
5(rathrory ......
Windsor .--. . - 775
Ridgetown ° 72
St. Thomas
Totals. - 477 356
Total gain for ,conference 121
efts Personal Notes
inwvfoiosttuiihYliydnsguasahnoaoY vufuoixwaee . friaetsiatn r iveggl)rg
Miss Minnie Ker spent the holi,lay
iu Alma.
Mr. 0, Fink spent the holiday et
Miss Wallace' was M Goderich, on
Miss May Bentley was in London
Rev. T. E. Ford is attending Confer-
ence at St. Tbornas.
Miss Ethel)Bradshaw is spending a
few days in Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Guy returned to
Oshawa. on Saturday.
Mrs. J. Hartley was a visitor at her
home over the holiday.
Mr, Alex. McLennan, of Seaforth,
was in town on Saturday.
Mr. 3, H. Ohellew'and daughter,: of
Blyth, were in town last week.
Rev. J. Greene is in St. Thomas at-
tending London Conference,
Thomas arid Mrs, Davidson; of Grey
T wnshiP were Clintont visitors s fast
Mr. and Mee. D..Eckmiee spent the
holiday visiting relatives and friends
aft. T. A. Greig with his daughter,
Hattie, and Helen' Jackson spent Mon-
day in Seaforth.
Misses Fleming and Knight, of Sea-
forth,were last, week the guest of Miss
Agues Ohidley.
yea Nims tIbcialo
into annual o t'
rrt 4i iang or klie. Weft
'i4iaron. .Lie mai 'Assoealait on 'wart
weld it Goderich on MoaTday after -
G There x n. T •. w
1 b he a t
ai e
'1 erg l�-
dance, hint 'nearly all. t -he muniai-
' ial.ataes 'were represented.
Ltn tho absence thiough illness of
pee tcleet, 21 J. Motrish, the
firsit vice-president, W'tn, manic);
Thee .f
q death t17 o the lato''treaisurer;'�
M, erceeeph ' (,heal, made necessary
annolth:or appointment to that poise
''fic)e, arid Gordan Noung, ofCarlow..
wad 1 .oleetod, This was (the 'only
1 ange in'the list of officers, Which'
;Is as follows -
Presielenft-H.`J. Morrish,>Gode.
Resit'vac°-president--Wm. Bailie.
a t
-Second vice- it a os Dal-
' e,.ad n`E J Dal
icon, Kingsbridge,
Third ' vice -president -John Ping-
in -
i. nd, !Witmer,,
Seeretary-W,'11. Robertson, God
Treasurer=G•aiidox:( Young, .Car-'
Auditor -W, 3, Pai,eley, Clinton.
Chairmen foe m
nese alitre •
Col -
boom Young, 'Cailow;Ash-
field -Chase • Stewart, ICintail ; West
Wawanoeh-J. P,MeNab.. DwnPan-
nom; Goderech !township, J. W. Yee,
Ilol.mesvelle; Hul'ieat--Taos. M0Mi1-
Ian ueafoath ; Clinton --Dr. J. W.
Shaw; GOderioh-W, L. Horton,
The following li•gso.lutions were
una,innously adopted :
Moved by Chas. Garrow,, seconded
be Johne Fingland, (that +they an-
nual` meeting of Liberals of West
Huron desires (to expess its co iff-
dence:in(the Opposition at Ottawa
so ably led bytthe Right Hon, Sir
Mrs, Cranston, of Fort William, is
the guestof her parents. Mr. and
airs, John Torranee. •
Mrs, Elliott, o.f Mitchell spent the Wilfrid; Laurier ; to, decline its firm
Ta. t '.an
ar��nggq ,�
ggL'+�' ' in
week end at the homehe
of he • x brother, ' adherence to :the ' policies with
Me. D. A. Forrester, which the Liberal party io iclenti
Mrs, John arrived home Ilod and its confidence that these
on Tuesday after a three week's visit poli[cieo will u'rtimately triumph,
at Hamilton and Toronto, - Moved by Tlio. McMillan, seconded
Miss Jean Bogie, of Goderich, is by John Robertson, that we pace on
spending a couple of weeks with her record our confidence in the Opposi•
aunt, Mrs. H. Pennebaker. tion in the Ontario Legislature, our
Rev. W. T. Chaff has been confined appreciation of the able leadership of
to his room the last few days with a the worthy stand taken by our worthy
severe cold -Stratford Herald. member, Mr. W. Pmember
'got, K. 0., as
Mr. W. 13, Taylor leaves next week 2 prominent member of the.Legis-
for Huntsville to tike his position as Moved by Hugh H. Hill, seconded
purser on the lakes for the summer. by W. J. Finlay, that we express our
Misses C. Wallis and R. E. Manning sincere sorrow at the reamedC by
are expected to- represent Wesley death of our late treasurer, Mr, Jos-
Church at Ooi Terence; at St. Thomas, eph Bell inn place on record our
Miss Mary Bromfield and hiss Ila high estimation of his worth as a man
Bawden spent Sunday in Hensall the and a Liberal; and that the sympathy
guest of their friend, Miss Irene Pope.
of this Association be extended to the
bereaved relatives.
Mr. Geo. P. Briclienden, of Loudon,
was in .town this week visiting his sis- '
ter, Mrs. J. Taylor and other friends .
Mre, T. T. Leckie is visiting her sis- qqiiha®® � �p �l�g
ter near Brucefield, her first outing ��PJIEa[ &Sail�atkl6
since her long illness.---(Goderich Star.]
Mr. Hartley, Principal of the Public °� ,�1 1
School,waisToronto on Friday, in-
in�1A809:� To
Y, A Montreal
torviewiny the Education Depart-
m'� � ��ii ��roro
eat, ' Ilaab ata
Rev, W. W. Wylie and Mrs. Wylie
are attending the Walkerton Associa-
tion of the Baptist church at -Walker-
ton this week, •
Messrs D. Tiplady and L. Tyndall,
are attending Oonference at 51. Thorn-
itt as representatives from Ontario
Street Church.
Miss Murray and Miss Oarmichael.of
Nova Scotia,who have neeu visiting at
London, spent Sunday with Rev, DJC,
and Mea. Grant.
Mies Maude and May Ferguson and
Mr. Harry Fremlin visited at the for-
mer's parents in Auburn on Saturday
and Sunday last,
Rev. 0, E.Jeakins, M. A., B. D at-
tended the Deanery meeeting of Perth
at Mitchell last Thursday and preach-
edlinethe evening.
Rea, W. E. Kerr, of Tilsouburg and
a former Pastor of Ontario Street
Church. will be stationed at Welland
for tho coining year.
Mrs. Wm. Gilkinson, of Chicago,
who has been visiting the past week at
the home of her sister, ells. W. S.
Downs,, leftfor her home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Plumsteel and
children leave on Tuesday for a visit
to Mrs. Plumsteel's parents at Oxbow.
We wish them a pleasant trip and a
safe return.'
We are sorry to hear that Rev. Mr.
Gunne, of London, and formerly
rector of St. Paul's church here, has
been sick in the hospital hut is doing
as well as can be expected.
Mrs.' John Hunter, of Brussels,
mother of Misses Mina and Clara
Hunter, formerly of Clinton, died last
Saturday evening. aged 74 years. The
funeral took place. Wednesday after-
noon, •
Mrs. Gunn and Miss Bertha return-
ed on Monday from a week's visit in 11
Toronto: Miss .Isabel accompanied
them and will remain home a week
before sailiug,,on the Corsican for
Mr. R: H. Coates, of Ottawa, and a
former Olintou boy has been appoint-
ed a member' of the Commission to
bring about a more accurate and
efficient system for the compilation
of Canadian blue book statistics.
We' are pleased to be able to, report
that H. J. Morris is making good pro-
gress in recovery from the illness
which laid him aside for six or seven'
weeks. He is now able to be about
the house, and bis many friends may
hope to see him/ up town soon.-[Gode-
rich Signal
Miss Amy Howson went to London
on Mondarto meet her niece, Mrs.
(Rev) Mills from Montana, who with
her small daughter, Dorothy, will
spend the sunnier here, As Miss Bev.
tie May, Sire,'Milis was well known
here and her many friends are glad to
welcome her to the old home once
more. r
Mr. Thos. Watt, .a former resident
of Wingham, but lately of Mfo, Mich,;
has returned to Canada which he says
is good enough for him. He has been
manager of a large merchantile busi-
ness in Mio, but requiring a change to
more outdoor exercise, he has gone on
his farm near Olintou.-(Wmgham.
Mr. Clarence Copp, who was success-
ful at his examinations at the Faculty
of Education has received the appoint
ment of Principal's Assistant at West
ernA Toronto. This
Avenue School, is
a position much sought aftand we
wuld congratulate Mr. Copp, who is
one of the Clinton boys who are sure'
to make good.
Mr, J. Taylor will be in St. Thomas
the latter part of this week and some
of next. He web in Stratford and
Mitchell this week and secured some
good business. He has been appointed
adjuster for several of the companies
he represents and has satisfactorily
settled the claims of air. John Jack-
son and others in connection with the
recent firein the Jackson Block,
Her Royal Highness Is Suffering
From an Attack of Catarrhal
Thr 'Ciftadei, Quebec City, June 4.
-At noon today Her Royal Highest
Dueheas of Connaught was reported
10 be. resting easily. Dr. Galan w,of
Montreal, lean constant attendance,
however, and 11 es unclei'att'ood itis a
case 01 a m;ld attack of appendi-
c tis. It was not 'considered ser
ions enough however, to prevent
he Duke and PrincessPaitricid.
11 on attending Laval University
•t^cording to
Official Bulletin.
Quebec, June 4. -The following
bul.leltin wa,s given out his morn-
ing by Lieut. -Col, Lowther, mili-
tary secretary to HRH. Duke of
Connaught, --"Her Royal Highness
the Duchess of Connaught is suffer-
ing' frown catarrhal appondieiites
Dr Garrow was called M consulta-
tion,- and it has been decided „Ito
move Her Royal Higline,as to Royal
VLcltoriat Hoapi'tal, 'Montreal, for
ATJCft);9'S Ck' CONNA_.IIC7t3T
Official announcement eva,s also
made) 'that owing to the andisposi-
lion of'H R H. tine Duchess of Con-
naught, Il R 1S. the Governor-Gen-
eral and party are neituameng i 0
2lontreal toerlay, and all those who
had •e 1 a
va 1 sem er invitations. ton d
and to parties at the !Citadel were
requesfted to accept this intianation
and' regard 'therm (as unavoidably
Montreal -June 5, -"Hee. Royal
FT±ighnges'item Duchess 61 Connaught
h:ae passed a comfon'ttabieday, sae -
tees less, and the symptoms which
gave, ,sumach anxiety haese1 em-
p: oved' Ynat erially during the last
'twelve hours," •
all Paper
you realizee how •Much
Wall Paper of a moan; has, to
do( wifth 61t;s cheerfnlniees2 1t:
•tsnMi ,Lhe eget that corneas--
ounty-there are plenty, ol (gloomy
palaces. It's the (,taste, the
harin:ony, the f5tne,ss of things
andf when aft comes. to know-
ing rwhatls What we've had
experience enough to be able
to,a tit
. 'Ask
fob estimates and {designs.
Always pleased {to- show,
Cooperi4• >91
- 'S
The home of Mr, and Mrs. Leyi
Wiltse was the scene of a pleasant
event, on Wednesday, the occasion
being the marriage of their only
dsu hter Miss Lulu to
Miss L 11Ir. John
Hayes of Saskatoon.
The ceremony was performed at
high noon under a beautiful evergreen
arch on the lawn by Rev. T. W.
Oosens in the presence of about forty
guests from Seaforth, Goderich, Wal,
ton and Clinton.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, looked very pretty in a
dress of cream, silk trirnmed with
cream satin she wore e cuuven-
tional wedding the
veil and cursed a
boquet of lilies of the valley,
The wedding march was played by
Miss Eva Wiltse, cousin of the bride.
After hearty congratulations the
guests repaired to the dining room,
where a wedding dinner was served.
The groom's gift to the bride was
a crescent of pearls and, to the pis teals
a pearl baa' pin.
The hi'ide was the recipient of many
beautiful and costly presents, among
them being a handsome Nordheimer
piano from her mother,
The young couple left on the three
o'clock train for their home in Saska-
flee bride's going away gown wus blue
serge. her hat was black trimmed with
lace and King blue plumes.
The best wishes of their many
friends follow them to their new home.
Hurrah for Pont Stanley on Fri-
day, Juno 14111i. Woodham Council,
No. 97. C. 0. C.F., has made ar-
rrangemencts( for an ee eursion hlong
the L. H. & IB, frown . Clinton and
pointe,; south,'jkto Port Stanley 051
Feiday, Juno 14111i, at a very reason
able rates. Good to return next
day. Far parttculasa• see big -bills
and dodgers. There isn;o better
place Ikan Port Stanley to ;spud
the day.
Teach( r !Wanted
For ;school seoti,o:n No, 9, Hultett,
duties to commence after holidays.
State isalary ia:nd qualifications,
Appli,cationa received up to Satur-
day, July/eth, 191P. Apply to
Elias .Ball, Secy,
Auburn, P, 0,
eas1urc and Meadow Land
80 acres of pasture 'and meadow
land will beemite41 cheap. Lot 77,
and 78, lRoimgsvella.'
William Bedard,
Phone 12 on 114.
On account of 'tihe,slight damage
done to mix 'Millinery, we haviei
decided 'to clear oust (our Ie'tocli at
a0oame Early" While ehe Bargains'
Miss Caatelou & C�,