HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-06-06, Page 2t4"ditintainaltaleadyn. ba Parents Allege CrdeltY at SWansea School, ROWN INTO HYSTERIA tle Frances MacLean, Aged Fe, „ Punished for Talking by Having or Head Tied to Back of a Chair ith a Piece of Stout Cord and eee-e rieeie Time ntie0i'difig 11" (Tonto, June 3. -Because she wri hated to that childish weakness'in- lay to resist the temptation to talk, noes MacLean, a little tot not yet I ,years of earsb age, received very atment at the hands of her teaoher, eieomeia tn.steneter o.Ze at §1,1m/A'ri 611 ilisu2darAff6 -3,7itnerdiing to chergete meg "a meeting oz the "school beerel iday nig'at. The YetingSter's head tied to the back of a chair and 6 ;was forced to remain in that peg-, el from before recess until school sed. When finally released, the •]dwas hardly able to walk, me her yons temperament heel worked her o a fit of hysteria. Two hours af- the cords were loosened., the deep marks made by the strings could I be distinetly seen, end there was o a mark over the eyebrows •which arecl to affect her sight for a little boy who witnessed the oc- zxence, gave a graphic description e means employed by the teach - o inflict the punishment. With a of stout cord, something similar that used to bind cooked meats, teacher passed -a loop under the re chin, This was knotted at the h• ead and passed over the eye- ows to the back of the head, where other tie was made. The loose ends re then fastened to the back of the • ao that the child could not move r head without causing pain to her oe. So -highly unstrung was the ild as a result of her punishraent, at when children started to let off eir fireworks on Friday, she again (Arne hysterical and had to be cart d to the house. According to the boy's account ancis was placed an the chair some - e before recess, which is -called at out 2.90 o'clock. Here she reinain- until after 4, while some of the _ler, pupils stood around the open ior. A by uncle of the girl, who so 'attends the school, was called one of the pupila, but despite his orts he oculd not untie the cords, se of which had worked over the rl's eyes, obstructing her vision. At- the la:meting of the sckoel board a Friday night J. MaeLean, sr., and X. 'MacLean, Ir., attended and call- , upon Prineipal W. H. Clipperton'to ve an explanation. The matter stat- that.he knew nothing about the af- ir at the time it occurred, but Mr, :aeLean told him plainly that if he 4 been attending to his duties and sited the room he would have seen e child fastened. The teacher sent letter to the board, which was read, herein she stated that the little girl d given tremble since last Septera- tr. The father contended that he ould have been notified if this was e ease. ,IlAre -Clipperton demonstrated -how et -x.114 was tied. Both Mr. Mae - UPI -sr.. and Mr, W. MacLean, jr„ netely criticized the priucipal, while e board sat mute. In apologizing, r. Clipperton said that he was very ry that the news had traveled so okly. Big Publishing Deal. Toronto, June 3. -One of the larg- t boelt and publishing traniactions recent year was put through on turday, when `the Ivlaemillan Pub• thing Co. of Canada, Limited, ur- • aeed the publishing rights and ex - ting books of the Mating Education - Co. The price paid was not divulg- thut, a very large amount of money tinged hands M the deal. Mr. dull, who has been with the Muting dueational Co. for a long time, will e retained as editor of the educe- onal books, It is understood that lVforang company will control •the fiblication of the Inffiversity Maga- ne and the Canadian Medical Seur- at, and several similar periodicals. Men Let Boy Drown. tLendon,„ June 3. -Norman Cookrill, ghnyear-old son of Thomas Cockrill, s drowned in a little over four feet water in the Thames, near Dee- ! !Ws mill, Saturday afternoon about eree o'clock. • 'It is said that four men stood by nd listened to the little fellow's cries p help without offering to go to his ssistanee. The lad, with three corp - anions, was playing at slanyvereck, nd was riding down the river on an id punt when he fell off. The body as recovered half an hour later, ,• ottawans Looking Proua. O ttawa,Jame 3.-A notable event f' the capital on Saturday was the formal opening •of tbe new Grand 'fink Railway hotel, the Chateau turier, and the new depot, each of hich cost e1,500,000. Many local lebrities and outside neweetanefinen ;re at the opening, a,nd a press din; r" was given at the hotel Saturday ;.Your Nose ) toffecl With Cold D on't load down Ur stomach with ugh 'Medicine. , Send :healing meal,. (ion .through the etrilseasend it Imo- ; passages that are lamed with Da- •rft, Dasny 'done by in - Ling lich curse cold in t minutes, teen chronic catarrh and bron- tie yield to Catarrhozone and no e but it cure,s in it ehort time. BREATHE CATARRHOZONE meant to use, guaranteed to cure !sc eafe- a child snay use it Get era-on:me; ' large $1.00 .size abse- itdguaranteed; email size, 50 cents; dealers, !oe the Catarrneeone Dome Ktnenton. Pnt, 11) gat 'Two Are Killed -1n Germany and One In West. ONE LAUGHED AT WARNING Aviator Philip 0, Parmelee, After Being Urged to Postpone Flight at North Yakima, Wash., on Account of Heavy Winds Goes Up and Fails -German , Pilot and His Passenger In Killed Senday, detntt--dtateedee'tane?er._"Pe ,tet-ee. Wash„ June 3. - Aviator Phillip 0. Parmelee was kill- ed while attempting, a flight in an aviation exhibition Saturday. A gust of wind caught the tail of .his aero- plrend nyertuarned the machine. „aftlialeat-leiJ been up about three kenntlfkg en his first flight of the day aeg, heel, trge4ed. aletade ttale9 pt.i* ta air grounds nelglat of 400 feet when a. gust of wind struck the machine. The biplane crashed to the ground, crushing the aviator be- neath it. His skull was fractured and he rriust have died instantly. Before he prepared for his last flight, Parnaalee was urged to poet - pone the exhibition, at least nntil the wind quieted, but he laughed at the persistent and fatal misfortune that laad dogged aviators for the last week and ()limbed to his seat. Killed With Passenger. Bremen, Geimany,- June 3. -Albert Bauchstaetter, one of the best known of German aviators, and his passen- ger, Lieut. Stille of the german army, were killed yesterday when their monoplane plunged to the ground just after staeting on the northwest aviation circuit of 425 miles. The monoplane, guided by Bauch- staetter, rose and was taking a curve preparatory to straightening out for the long Journey when the accident occurred. Apparently • the aviator overbanked his machine. The mono- plane dropped so heavily that it was half buried in the earth and had to be sawn apart before the bodies of the two men -could be extricated. Brantford's Railway Bylaw. Brantford, June 3. -The City Coun- cil, at a special meeting( here, put through a bylaweto purchtAe bonds of Lake Erie and Northern Railtvay Co.,' to the amount of $125,000. The rate- payers will vote on the bylaW Tune 24. Representative !citizens interview- ed, deClared themselves unanimously in favor of the measure by wide this city will secure a new line to Por Dover and Galt Following the vote in Brantford, the bylaw will be submitted in Port Dover parish, Simcoe and Galt, for the purehase of ac25,000 worth of bonds by each municipality. Fifteen Years For Claud Allen. Wytheville, Va., June 3. -After de- liberating two hears and a half, the fury on Saturday found Claud Swan- son Allen guilty of neardee in the se- tion0 degile ter the killing. of Judge Thornton L Massie, at Hillsville, in March. The jury recommended his punishment to be fixed at fifteen years in the penitentiary. Sentence was suspended in order that he may testi- fy in the other cases growing out of 91le hooting -up of Carroll County court. Sobbed Lady While She Prayed.' ' S. Catharines, June 3. --Mrs. M. j. MeCarrun was robbed Saturday night of her silver chain purse containing about $15 'while praying in the Ro- naan Catholic Church. Children who were in church at the time saw a stranger eating in a peculiar manner near the pew, where the purse was left. The matter was reported to the _ PLEASEb WITH MALIN.- ------- British Commissioners Satisfied With Naval Efficiency. Malta, Tune. 3. -The conference tc decide Great Britain's future policy in the Mediterranean, which began -here May 29, was concluded on Sat, urday. Among those who partinnated were Premier • Asquith, Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiral, ty; Viscoount Kitchener and Gen. Ian Hamilton. An °facial statement is- sued Seturclay evening says t "The lords and commissioners oi the Admiralty, havieg concluded an inspection of the Mediterranean fleet and naval establishment at Malta, de- sire to express their satisfaetion at the efficiency of the ()lionization. It is their intention te make full use of the facilities of this important and com- plete naval base, the value ef which to the 13ritisti navy is of permanent character. They , propose to • assign such proportion . of refitting and re- pairing work to the dockyard as will keep it in normal condition of activity, and capable tit all nines of at tending to the needs in peace or wet of any fleet eruising or operating in the Mediterranean. Submarines will play an increasingly important part in the defence of the island," TELEGRAPHIC BnIEFS. The suddee high temperature of Saturday caused the death of Chas, Swinson, an elderly man, in Toronto. Two brothers, S. W. ancl Frank Hogan, recently from Ireland; were killed in the C.N.R. tunnel at Yale, Three children were killed Saturday as the result of an attack by a rattle. snake on an he house on the farm of George Adartis, Greenville, N.O. Rev. Canon E. Loucks of Pieton yesterday celebrated the 54th anniver- sary of his entrance into the ministry. He is 83, and still in active work. The Ottawa and New York Railway has aettled the wage` dispute of its machinists and shop laborers at On tatva by granting an increase of 10 per cent, The entire business section of Sandy Lake, Pa., was destroyed by fire eeriy yesterday, causing a loss of about $100,000. Boys smoking cigarettes in a liveey'stable caused the fire. Sit 'William aleckenzie says the Cettacliae Northern expects to littlish their tra.nseontinental line by 1914, and that they will double -track then line from 'Winnipeg to Port Arthur. . • e New Brunswick Government Saturday nominated Hon. H. F. Me - teed James K Pencler, John A Young and Dr, A. E. Moorehouse to contest York County in the provineial elections. GOULO 1\10T RAISE MY RieliT ARM • OLD BRIDGlas0.121', C. B. 'For the past .41'.,years, I have been suffering with Rheumatism, When I read in the papers that GIN PILLS, would positively cure rheumatism, I wrote you for a free sample to try. I could not raise my right anz because of the awful paiu iu uty shoulder ---was not able to drink, After taking a few GIN PILLS, I was able to lift my Inaid eta put it on the top of my head. I went to the Islands of St, Pierre and Miquelon and met an old fisherman named La Papa His limbs were stiff from Rheumatism and I gave him some Girt Pills. I met him again in a 'few daye and he told me he could lift his alms, which he had tot been able to do for ten years. .A.D01,PIM MAHE. sac. a box -6 fon$2.,50-monett back if not satisfied; Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. MANGA - TONE BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS -an ideal tonic for weak, nervous women, sec. aleox. 107 An the graves ot tne men-wno were killed in the Fenian Raid were decor. fated yesterday by the Veterans' As. sociations of Toronto. Yesterday. was the 46th anniversary of the Battle of Ridgeway, . The Kingston Penitentiary account- ant yesterday received a large num. bet of •checks from Ottawa for 8160 each, made out in favor of all officers and guards who receive under 81,000 salary or wages. Ibis reported that a battle at Maya. la, Cuba, on Friday resulted in a ram. plete victory' for the Government troops. One hundred and twenty- seven rebels and 18 women who had encamped with 'them were killed. - Royalty at Quebec. Quebec, June 3. -His Royal High- ness the Duke of Connaught, Gover- nor-General of Canada; the duchess, Princess Patricia and the members of their household, arrived in Quebec last evening on board the steamer Lady Grey, and proceeded in ante. mobiles at once to the vice -regal quar- ters on the citadel. In accordance with the duke's request, there was no official reception, but many people as- sembled along the streets to greet the royal party as they passed. The royal Party greatly enjoyed their delightful trip doivn the St. Lawrence. The Lieutenant -Governor will call upon the duke at the viee-regal quar- ters ont the citadel to -day, and the duke' and party will subsequently visit H. M. S. Cornwall. Graft In Atlantic City. Atlantic City, N.J., June 3. -The names of three more councilmen, ao QUSeg- of taking bribes to pass Detec- tive Wm. J. Burns' concrete board. -walk ordinance were made public yes- terday by affidavits Sled -with Attor- ney -General Edmund Wileon, who has taken personal charge of the Atlantic City. graft exposure eases. The three' are: George Carmany, couneilrdan at large, chairman of the council and right hand man of Boss Louis laeuhele; Harry J. nJullock and John Donnelly of the South Ward, Tfin name of a ninth councilman is to be revealed at the proper time and that will end the disclgstires in the particular case planted by Burns mid his men. conservation Leaders to Speak. Peterboro, Tune 3. -Hon. Cliflord Sifton and Rev. Dean Fernow, To- ronto, will address a publie meeting In Peterboro, 055 Friday evening, Jame 14, under the auspices of the eAntral Ontario Conservation Association. It is likely that a large number of delegates from the Trent district will be present. Deem Fernow is making a conserva- tion survey of the country lying north of here under the direction of the Federal Government. SEVERE COLD DEVELOPED INTO PNEUMONIA DOCTOR SMD 1.1E WOULD NOT LIVE. Next to consumptioit there are more dea,ths from pneumonia than from any other lung trouble. There is only one way to prevent pneumonia, and that is to cure the cold just as soon as it appears. Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup will do this quickly and effectively. Mr. Hugh McLeod, Esterhazy, Saste, writes :-" My little boy took a ver n severe cold, and it developed Mtn pneumonia. The doctor said he would not live. I got some of your Dr, Wood's Norway Fine Syrup and he began to inaprove right away, He is now it strohg, healthy child, and shows no signs of it coming back." Do not he talked into baying any oth Norway Pine Syrup, but insist on getting the original "Dr. Wood's." It is put up in a -yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, - ' 1 Potato atker Itnitorted into Canada Owing fto.the light potato crop an the .1Don01nion in 1811, irnporta- lien& of `potatoes became a neoes- aity. Generally speaking, these impertationn were !intended for table! use only, but as the .aitason advanced a considerable number of inquirien thavo been received fern imenere expecting the else for seed. of susl imported potatoes, For Ode reason it would seem advisable ace nvarm ,potato grow- ers against the use for iseed of POILateee imported from }the intidfn Tales. 'anti. Ellibpeau feount- Nob only has et been found that eropean vartetiet: do not yield as well as -the 'Cartactinn, bat the very destrucleve and coMmunicable die- d:tea known as Potato Ciemerk ChrYsoPhl yetis e11dohjotia,Seliil b hag recently been discovered in a alinement of potatods imported fromi England. • . Bulletin 63, i,ssued by the Cen- tral Expert mantel Farm, lOttawa, fully des,cribes land gives illus- trations of this "cliscaes, copies of which may behad free on applica- tion. The) following points will enable Liemere and others interested in growing potatoes to realize the - exceeding i dangerous nature of this "disease, the 1 establish- ment bf which in this country would be nothing short of a, n,ational , 1. The only way in tiellich the aeseasel can be introtinced is through the planting of affe,eteal 'tit bare. 2. 'Meek use of diseased tubers f1.0 setet may, in the Worst! eases, re- sult in the, complete destruction} o the entire crop. 3. When. -once Introduced the disease germs infests the 'soil for a period_ of bight yeare, !which meansthat for at least eight 'years ,sound potatoas can be raise'd on la. cir 'thus infected. • yl. Norea bf the known remediee tor other diseases will per -vent the appearance °lithe disease. 5. The disease is spread readily through, infeeted ioi1 carrletlt by wind, animals, farin imple;mesafts, old bags or other mettles, The common Late Blight tPhy- tophahora infestans1 which Is Well known to every potato grower, Medi which, may ant:frees assumel a very destructive chearacteti iet easilliy Prevented by 16praying; Potato Canker, however, lismueli more seri- Mug than this or any, other potato dtsease at present known. - This destructive disease has now been, discovered in potatees am - ported from England. Every, }care hies been exercised} to prevent the distribution of ship- neents known to be infected. They have been destroyed immediately. None of this disease exists at pre- sent in Canadian soil. 'Within a feaie days the plantimgi of potalrees will 'be geeeral throughout tile covintxy. In view of this fact every person Interested in growing pate - :teen 00 hoevever large or small, a ,scalet is hereiby -eltxtomgly urged: to refraini form teeing foxl }seed any Itand of potatoes imported front the Brintelr Isles or other lEurtepecua countries. Even though such potatoes may appear to, be emend in every way, and though they May be ,eheeper. than Canadian grown, tbeY Will al mosie certainly -if used for sed - be the sneeze of eetablie(hing this moat dangerous disease. And tts already Indicated, this disease, once established, fain re „Flee en causing aninealleulable in: Jury to profitable and Import- ant potato growing industry. It has now been decided to rigor- Onsly proceed against any, persoIel using, such imported potatoes' tier seed, as indicatedby the following provisions under the 'Destructive insect and Pest Act: <le „shall be illegal to nen, offer for aale, dispose rain any waY, se- ceive or use, for seed purposes, any potatoes imported from Eu- r°'1E)ev'eley person using for seed oth poltatokes than such as have been ieed by'himself must obtain "[ne- rve and exhibit, on dem alit, e - ions to planting, a certificate trom eeller or his agent stating thai potatoote to be usecll for /men aye not been importedi from Eu - pea `CoroPenention Mot 'exceeding Ave -thirds of the value as assessed the inspector, of the vegetation vegetable Matter or containeree ereof destrbyed by the instruc- on of an inspector - ' shall be grant - by !the. Governor in Council upon e recommendation -of /tate milde- r, except neca,eee where thes rtes. lations are. carrion but under the e direction of (the governMent a Province not "granting eampert- nom or in the.case ef pototpes or tato crops.' OS ra aa 11 11 ro t oy 01 th ti ed rh te go tie of sa po an gn lia a. d 0 tei 10 A n br thi Every person who loonleaven es y provision of this Act or any re- lation made }thereunder,}shall be ble, upon }summary connichion,}lo fine not exemadAtilel one hultedred Rare, mato imprieonament aor a ex( not exceeding raix months �r both fine and MaPrisohlinent. y vegetalole enatter imported or onglitl into Canada co4riatY ito e4 Act, or±o any regulation made areuncler, , shall he forfelite,d to o Crown,' , • 'The owner, occupier or lessee oi any premirtes or place where any of the ineeets, pests or diseases ,specifiect herein shall he 'founciI, chall immediately modify the min - tater, and shall 'altsel send to him epecimene of such insects, pests or diseases! In view of these provitions it may be pointed out that ahould the die - Cade be discovered subsequent to the assure of !this circular in any fieldi or larva, the f,armeri otrignowe ter on whose land a ,0 found will be a,slteci tofurnish evidence est° the oxi 11 Ti eree eelf pro forf gja 06 (the Potatoes ueedf or seed, olsaftisfectory care has been ex- eecl he Will not onlY render hIna- liable "to fine or imprisonment' vided under 'this Aet, but will ere the entire ,crop without any SUFFER ALL YOUR LIFE' That's what the Doctor told him cilasegneartee, 0151., Jan- 2,51h 1915 “Frurt.a-a Cured lion "For over twenty years, I have been troubled with Kidney Disease, ancl the doctors told me they could do lile 1}0 g99q, and Illalf_layould be a sufferer for the rest amp life, docistored ith different mecliCal men and irted many eel actin:al ifone-Of -- ;`,Nr1,Y.,1,.yetir ago, I tried "Druit-a. have he'en using this fruit niedicine nearly all the time since, and ani glad to say that 1 atn curesl, I give " Druit-a-tives " tile eredit of doing what the doctors said was impossible. I am 130 \V seventy-six years old, and in first class health" GDO. W. BARKLKY, In all the world, there is 'no other remedy that has cured so many cases of so-called "incurabie" kidney disease, as "Fruit -a -fives". Thisfamous fraiemedieine acts di rectly on the kidneys -healing and strength- ening thern-and ridding the system of the waste matter that.poisons the blood. SOC..a box, 6 for $2,5o, trial size, 250. At dealers or seht on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. comp ensation. • In conclusion grimy be stated that' upto• the present Panadsnn- sof.1 is free from this disease, which, at, is well known has! &afield.every raca.sure direpted against Ss rav agers1 in eertam English and; other European potato growing districts. The effort teleded to, keep our soil free from this most injerefaus dieease, which may lurk in prapti-1 cany every potato isieportetli from Europe 'every small. All that is necessary is that our potato g.row- era exercise same little care en the selectionf of their seed. The re- sult of carelessness in this sMall matter at thie present moment of planting time approaching, is al - mo -et certain to effect irrepae able injury to Our exceedingly valuable potato growing indostry, to say nothing of tale naillione of (betters ispraetically certain tamest in the future to! control }the dieease, when once established. . - Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs For Sale. -^ Hens in this' pen are prize wie- ners, and are excellent layers. Eggs $1.110 for 15. A good/ hatch guar!, anteed. 11, A, HOVEY, Clinton For Sale or Rent A eotriffortable 7 -roomed cottage on North Street, good garden with fruit !trees/ good water. All in good condition. Apply to New Era or to atIRS. J. BMLB11 'feather 4Vatited huv- a , Tune 6th, feta. 11,1avon a 1, ouposite Commeri- eial-Hotel, for ante, or Ito rent. Houthe is being put ha good Order, 1Vaterworke comieetien APPIy „MISS POill'ER, atattenbury Street farm For Sale. Lot 40, 7th "Concession, IGoderich Township, consisting Of 80 acres, all seeded downlexcent 25 acres. 2 iteresi orchard, Fratne house 20 xe0 with, ! out buildinge. Bare 30 x 72 Irani etabling under. First class well. Farm is 6 nines froin Clinton and 4 from 13,ayliOd. A Innee on PTO/n.1,3013 Or address George Burnett, .Clieeton P.O. BRYDONIta IlARRISTEE SOLICITOR0 NOTAnY PUBLIC, ETO, cent -Tod ellaRLISS 13. BALE ()annoyance, Notary Public, Counnissioner etc. REAL ESTATE AND HtiSURANCE Issuer oi' Marriage Licensee, -Enron 80, Clinton-, ' H. "T", RANCEI Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate„ INSURANCE:AGENT-Representing 14 Pife In suruneu COMpe,nies..' Division Court (Mice. 11001P 0 ROA Medival. 'Booms} for sons in Beaver Block eceeptect at peetent by Miss Grant. Price{ ii3;00. 301113 JACKSON, it Presvntor Wanted .4( presentee: wanted for piesby- (=Tian Bruc °field. Appli- cetionse stating salary, will be re- ceived up to the 15th of June, 1912 I). GIIMMELL, Clerk. Egmendville, Ont. To Graze Cattle The undersigned' is prepared to graze 30 head of cattle for the „sea- son 01 1012. Plenty of 'water and JOHN" WAIID, Summerhill P. 0. Barred .11,0Cli Egg's for Sate I }won on Barred Rocks at Clinton, 4 firsts, 3 seeondst! 1 third( and special fox beat collection. Pen 1 - Pullet mating, headed; by Millard ,cockerel, nimiterA number, settings eggs $2.00 per 13.--Pen2-, Cockerel malting, headed by Millard cock. Pullets in LIMA pen! )ttre good lay - layers, Eggs $2.00 per 13. --Pen 3 - Utility pen, headed; ley a cockerel bred from} one of the best laying strain's! int Canada. Heinel in this were bred trona 1't of my pullets which layed 436 egg e an 31 days, Eggs $1.00 pert.15. I gvaxantee Be good hatch or replace setting free of cha.rge. IL A. Ho vey, Clinton. OW (S. W. THOMPSON Aden, Sargeon. Eta sneeial attention GiVen to diaeases Eye, Ear. Throat. and Noss, EteS CareitlnY ox9myinad, and Killable t PLoscribed, office Bea Residence, Two doors wen of the Consfuereial Hotel" Huron Si, DRS CERN and GANDIER Do -, W, sloth, E. R. E. P., L. Ot. 0.0.. Edi. Dr. J E. Candler. D.A. MX, Onlee-ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence. Rattenbtar St., or at hoinital DR. J. W. SHAW. PETSI0/41N, SURGEON. ccouebeur, etc., office and residence op Rai] tonbury St" opposite W. Ferran's residence. • DR. F. R. RXON DENT'S'', It (Down aiud /triage Worts a Speelalli3'.- Graduate of 0.0.0,8.. Chicago, and R.O,D.S. ittayjannc5fondarys, Mar 155 go Deeembe, DE. 11 FOWLER, DENTIST. Offiess overAYBEIL'S store. Spada! care taken to make dental treat, relent as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY • Live stock and general Auction sae GODERIOH ONT zumgtosa salsa a spocialz; Cadets re at linty SRA. office, Clinton. prutm 07 asSencird to. Term reasonable. Earnlers sale note. discounted G. D, McTaggart AL D. MoTagie,r For Sale MeTaggar t Bros. BANKERS Blue Barred Plymouth, Rock egg,s $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a flew }White ALBERT ST, CLINTON Cochin Bantara.eggs $1.00 per 13.- a ez Rands, Clisston. Two Rouses to Let The undeeeigned inientwo houses to let, apply to Jacob Taylor ^ Field Stone Wanted. Field Stone suitable for road making is wanted by the Town of Clinton. Price $3,50 per cord 01 13,- 000 pounds. I. A. FORD, Chairman of Street Committee Logs Wanted Exporieneed teabherwanteciontde ex female, to &tench Union, Sehofol. All kinds of logs, Map, Sof t Elm Na. 12, Goclerich and Ilullett, eitua- and Baestvoocl preferred. Highest teat at Sutrimexhil), convenient to eke ne chmich and pootoffice, with daily mail service. Duties tO commence September 3rd, 1912. -State- eatery with qualificationa. Appiica.tions VIII be receixed up to d'une .15th. T. J. LINDSAY, Secretary, R. D. No. I, Clinton May 1415, 1912. House for Sale or Rent A 7 -roomed frame houae , on STILL - IN BTSIN SS I am still In the Wall Paper 1313,si- ness, and am in a pos,ition.to show you the best Wall Papers that havo been shown in Clinton. TantE ARE ALT, KINDS AND PRICES RANGE PROM FOUR CEN'PS TO ONE DOLLAR. All papers bought} from me win be hung very cheaply. All kinds of house painting done and estimates given on old and new work. To call or drop a post card will bring samples to your door. Geo. otts 1146 kaki MONTREAL'. gig TI -IE -STANDARD 10 xaceirT4 Weekly"' .INTewspaper thd, Dominion Dendda, tXItdiat A -4#6. -Az 4t.e , It fie -65 ',via-ET-3st expensive etigrr.,v4 Inge, procuring thd photographs groin kit bver thei Its artielee 'are tatiefully 'S-elactdd and its / _ at oronghly, ext te Independent e ,. .A, sueseriptiori' fa . Standard biists $2.00 per year td any: bAdr_0.0 pa,nada Great Britain. , 4 46' s TRY. -IT ,FOR-: 1912 , ISIontreal Standard Publishing Cris Limited, Publishers, ' G•saeral Banking BtusineSt transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed an deposits. The MeKillop Mutual I rireisCidEeRist J. B. ItIcLeara. t, Seaforth Fire 'Insurance Co., Farm and Isolated Town Prove arty Only Insured. Jas. Connolly, Viee Pres., Goclerich Thos. E. Hays, See.-Treas., Seafox fh DIRECTORS. las. Connelly, Holfnesville; Joint Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bee nCehwees inse, yr, BSie.oadfho ititgh• Evans, eu. ewe: bn Clinton. - Each Director is inspector of losses to W.Doherty Piano and his own locality. Organ Co. AGENTS. Pasture Laud. Sotne first elate pasture land to be so'd an lots to suit purchasers. At tractive prittes. Aptny to R. zi. Cult, Goderieh. John Ransforti, rr 1'. R. City Agent, - Robt. Smith, Flarlock; Ed, Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Emends ville; 5. W. Yee, Holmesville Payments, may benenade at The Morrisill Clothing Co., Clinton ,JA00B TAYLOR FARM FOR HEAT - UNION The South 70 acres of lot number 85 and. the South East pert of Lot no, 86 1,1 acres both in the 1st concession of Stanley township is forrent, for a term of years. 'This property is elOse to the town of Clinton and possesesion can be gi ten fit once, For further perti- milers apply to Henry Pluiristeel, °un - tot], One, or McCartby, Boys ca. Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont. 1a -in tor Sale,. The executor of the Southcombe Estato offiara for sale 50 aerett -- East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Bullett. A first-class farm, welt *watered and, improved, and With good baildings. Also! the undersigned ottlerif for sale, lot 29i eon. 6, Hull - alt, 100 acres. These farms, may be bought together or sepaxately. JAMS SOUTHCOMBE. Clinton. Ford & McLeod We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standamd.). We also have on hand, .Alfalf, a, Alsike, and Red Clover. 'We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid f or Hay end ,all Grains. ford '& McLeod coIJ Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goode carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price.. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, At Eleetrk Light Plant.. moogsamigesosse Fire, Life and Accident insurance Real estate bought and sold. Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trianknaliway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and 131110e, North Passenger London, depart... . 8,80 a ra 4,50 p m. Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter 953 5,51 Hensalle., 10.08 6.05 Kippen-„ 10.16 0,11 Brucelleld 10.30 6.19 Clinton 11 00 6,35 Londesbono.......,11.15 6,52 Blyth • ..... 11.27. 7.00 .Belgrave.. . ..... . 11.40 7.13 Wiaglatun, arrive-11.50 7.35 South, Passenger Wingliane, depart6.43 sane 8.83 p me. Belgrave..... 6.54 8.41 Blyth 3,36 Londesboro. ..... 7.16 4,04 Clinton .. .... 7.50 4,23 Brucefield 8.12 4.30 Kippene... ........ 8.23 4.47 'Hense,111, S.32 4.52 Exeter.. .. .. ;$,48 5,05 Centralia 9.00 5,15 Loeclonnarrtne • 10,00 6.10 :Behan) andpode West Passenget am pm pin pm Stratford... . . .. .10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20' , -.10.22 12.45 5,55 10,17 Sea,forth........10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12 Clinton . • • • •11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28 Holineseille 11.16 1,3,3 646 11.38 Goderich . . ... 11•35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East 1 assenger am pm pus Goderich7,10 2.40 4.50 ...........7.26 2,57 5.06 Clinton... ... ........ 7.35 507 515 Seatorth ....... . . . . . 7.52 525 6.32 Mitchell.... . 8.16 3.48 5.55 Steatford..... . . 540 4.15 ::6.20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills, A reliable French regulator; never fails, These pills are exceedingly powerful ja regulating the generative portiOn of the female system, Refuse all cheap initiations, Dr. do Vulva are sold at 85a box, or three for $10, Mailed to any address. The Stlobell oral; co., sc. ootherinee,