HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-30, Page 7go , , „ • . . Iligisommtionfoffitkliolf,a110!".001!":. 1111111111111111111110,1111111111111111111111,11,141W,1111,11101,,,t, Per Infants and Children. i Kud ..You Have Beam the Signature of or Over- :hirty Years 'NV et:WM(16 etwalMNY, re:W YORK (WM "eigefeetiele.". Iwo ;is Did any mo.ney, cheque or afther negoetable paper pass current in connection 'with the recent "mix" in the proposed license buy up at .Goderich? 1 is said "Hush-a-bye- ebaby" wae the closing, seleetionj sung in double. - plane). etWOuqd 3 91 Pri =20,7 ,Z• 1 tot 11 11 t rt. a deeepr prob have reveaeed/ furl- ther particulars? If you wish to speculate in real eetata buy a lot in town and build•a house. This is one way to kaeb Clinton growing. •H BACK -1-6—'1"H NG e E3 KIDNEY t PI LLS DROPSICAL SWELLING A URINARY AFFLICTIONS 1.5 NEURALGjArUICACD POISONING J. E. Hovey Druggist, Clinton. altESIIMOSit TRADE MARK Look for the Elephant. When you find it, you will find a can of good paint. We know a lot about good paint—the kind that is economical —the kind that is labeled: • ELEPHANT LIQUID. PAINT For Buildings—Inside and Outside We've studied paint because we wanted to sell the kind that would give satisfaction to our customers, and we've got it. Its the famous Elephant Liquid Paint made by The Canada Paint Company. We've all the latest fashionable colors in stock. Paint your house with Elephant Liquid Paint—the use of good paint is. economy. It protects your buildings from the wear and tear of the weather. Paint now. FOR SALE IN CLINTON BY StioulaviiivalrwiTaWssoTarmar-" . .. 2,,......./our.atsmetru,koansactr,riaraugr.,....12,101,aramitrAmormtmamstmemea•—•:.s... , , , • „ Q • Q ,,LtiZzEZ"Z.LikAikapiabikir,,,krama . f.itieirie007¥el:ny. i27-Onr!.gviaottleoteelati •ell14;',' Opt., jarrloe Hunter of, tliiseeity; while at the Wheel of the tug Trade, oel Lake Oretegift, was Streek by light - nine, and WS 011(1.it,164. fs '13,oritrtis. He. was severely binned 'about the 'head, bre*, shoulder and; right earn'. He was brought leeMee The cele clothing he Wore were torn and burn- ed where the eleetric fluid toucihec4., His escape) from being killed is re- markable Military Parades at Brantford. Brantford, May 27.—awo church parades took place here Yee-. •teeday afternoon.(The Dufferin Ri- fles, 400 strong, attended Zion Church, where Rev, G. A. Woodside preached, The Brant Drag00115, 200 strong, at- • tended service at S. Sudo s Church, -where Rural Dean Wright officiated. The appearance oe both rag -talents was excellent. GORDON BLACK ELECTED. • a... • He Is New Grand IN/taster of Orange • Young Britons, Brockville, May 27. ---The Grand Lodge of Orange Young Britons con - eluded their annual .convention here Saturday night. By ft. unanimous standing vote the grand lodge expressed its opposition. to the Irish home rule bill, by the adoption of the following resolution: "That .the Grnad -Lodge of Orange Young Britons is strongly opposed to the Trish home rule bill, at present in the &Aisle Parliament, and we do hereby extend to the brethren of Ire- land our sympathy and assure them of our united support in their struggle to maintain the Position under the British flag that our • forefathers fought and died for at Derry, Ennis- killen and the Boyne." Strong addresses on the subject were delivered by Peet Grand Master Geo -Morrison and Alex. Hall of To- ronto, and/Rev. le. Dealtry Wood- cock, Brookville. The following officers for 1012-13 were elected and installed: Grand master, Gordon Black, Toronto; de- puty grand master, J. W. Lowrie, Rus- sell; junior deputy, grand master, Samuel Moffatt, Toronto; grand °Ilan - lain, John X. Young, Hamilton; grand secretary, Shelton Hornshave, Toronto; grand trea,surer, T. A. CarseacIden, Russell; grand director of ceremon- ies, A. J. Kissick, Ottawa; grand lec- turer, J. A. Dickson, Bunter's; deputy grand ohaplain, B. Wing, Brookes:111e; deputy grand searetaty, T. Ashmore Kidd, )3urritt's Rapids; deputy grand treasurer, John Noddle, Todmorden; deputy grand lecturer, S. W. M. Pros- ser, Kemptrille, and G. S. Leach, South Gower; grand auditors, Alex. Hall, Toronto, and Thomas Patterson, Hamilton, leetriptville beat out Toronto and Ottawa for the next place of meeting. Mill Falls Into River, Milwood, Man., May 27.—The Cart - weight flour mill, valued at $20,000, and: just bought last week by the Big Four Milling Co. of Sheldon, Iowa, is a total wreck and it ruins Mee float- ing crown the Assiniboine River as a result of the washout in the dam, The only thing left of the big mill property is a small power house on the clam and the elevator that stood east of tho Three or four days ago the river started to overflow between the power house and mill. No one had arrived representing the new owners. At 8 o'clock Friday evening water began to undermine the mill in torrents, tear- ing away the foundations, and at six o'elock Saturday morning the five. storey structure with its entire Coll - tents toppled over into the river, tak- ing with it a. two-storey brick build- ing containing a boiler, engine and pump. Will Deport Leper. Ottawa, May 27.—Dr. Bryce, chief needieal inspector of immigration, stated Saturday in reference to the ease of leprosy at Montreal, that im- mediate steps were being taken to deport the victim, and that there was no poseible danger of the affected man being brought to Ottawa, as was stat- ed in a Montreal despatch. It is likely that an investigation will' be held in the department to ascertain how the leper passed the immigration inspectors. Doesn't Need New Jersey. Newark, N.J. May 27.—"I have more than 570 NJ., instructed or pledged," ebouted President Taft in a speech at Kearney near here, Sat- urday. "Now Jersey is not necessary to my SUOCP.FS, but I would be glad to add it. Whether 1 do or not, I have 570, delegates and there is a Ilegabli• can National Committee that will cis juetice and Mr. Rouesvelt's nornicia• tion is impoereiblee' 1)1 lironglit on Strain-- IlfoleenCtike Was Fon id. 3Ve• trelsePli, Stephens,' Roe:Mount, Ont.; ' ss one of th'e 'great bot who eantireally, :sound the praise of De, Willearee' Pink Pills, and 'teethes mucle reason to 10 so as (they lanelght hem from suffering', to health. after he:had spent rateeh moneyand two yoase ate time expeetne,neingi with other treat"' merits. Mr, Stephens (be I he's eteP eriancte f ollows " n the month of January,1008, while war Ong an a loggeng camp at Creston, B. C., I got, my leae c badly injured. 1:m4M:red a great deal of pain and was almost! helpless. 1, bled pla,siters, thinking they would help mo, hue they weire clam use. I took •zevoaial medicines, equally without benefit. Than I was ad.- visedto try lelectrical treatment and did, dofor ,atime, but Without gutting any permanent negate and iit began to look (as though I Was going 1;o be perm anenely crippled, Then I was ,advised to undgego treatment. 'with a spe,cialist at Spokane, Wash. Af tee examining me he,said; I was en a vary bad shape arid that tho trouble wats likely to result en Bright's dieeagest, However, he told nee.•ehat he felt sure he could • euee nee. At a • heavy ;expellee, I was under his treatment for three Months, but did not get the least .blenetat. I was almost in despair; work wee plentiful • and wages good, but I could not work, as' waa quite unable to bend, 1 Was in this con- dition for about two. years, when my brethren who was evtett me , the time, came across! One bf Dr, Williams' pamphlets and read of the Dr, William,s' Pink Pills were doing. He urged mato try them, but -I thought it would be o,seless to spend more moneiy area: all the othemarealtment had faieed. He insisted, however, and got a dozen boxed of the Pills and I began ;to take -them. Betteers I had :need hall dozen boxes I fell relief, and I continued taking. the Pills until every veeitigie of 'the pain was gone and I could raise my halide above my head and eethen bend until I eculd, touch my toae with. my ring - ere, something I had not been able to do far over I tyear,s. My mete. was/ a greed surprise, ito my comrades, and you may be sure I told them what brought iti Pout. I am now as well and strong as any man in the coubeeeY,and I owe it all to Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills. Sold by all medicine et:leaf:ewe or by mail at 50 centa a box or six box- es fOr $2.50 from The Dr. Williaerts' Medlcino Co., Brockville, Ont. TWO YOUTHS AWNED Burlington Bay Is Scene of a Canoe Tragedy, Eric and Murray Simmonds, Aged 13 and 8 Years, of Toronto, Overturn Frail Craft and Go Down Before" Help Arrives—Were Sailing a Toy Boat When Their Mother Called Them to Dinner. Hamilton, May 27.—Burlington Bay claimed its first victims this season 00 Saturday shortly after noon, when Erie and Murray Simmouds, aged re- spectively 13 and 8 years, were drown- ed tit the beach in ten feet of -water, about 75 yards from shore, an the lake side of the sand strings, The boys were sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carney Shun -lends, who until a month ago lived at 67 Waverley road, To- ronto. Mr. Simmonds is employed as foreman of the printing department of the Petrie Manufactering Co. in this city, and removed from Toronto to the Beach about. a month ago. The boys wre paddling a canoe and sailing a toy boat in the bay when a few minutes before 1 o'clock Satur- day afternoon they were called by their mother for the 'midday meal. In their haste to recover the toy boat from the ,water and proceed to the :More, they overturned the canoe, and before help could reach them both sank to the boteom of the bay. The bodies were both recoveree Sat- urday afternoon. by James Hazel, son ' of Chief Hazel of the Beech. and Charles Homewood, another young man who residee at the Beach. The remains were token to Omen Bros.' undertaking' establishment in the city, and will be shipped Le To- ronto to-clav for burial. The funeral taxi* iewin, The flavor lingers long—it's a smooth, succu- lent, lasting gum—made to taste delicious. No need to overlook your taste, no need to • repress or destroy it—since you can buy the smoothest and the best gum made at the same • price, and flavored to suit you. You can have any fruit essence you desire. A better 'Spearmint' at the „same price—or the best Pensin, by asking for O-Pee-Chee. 0-Pee-Chee i old by all dealers who sell the best gum, • 0.Pee-Chee GU111 CO. London Canada 7 '..• services teteed,, at „Se; a Onnel OrtereheSoewaY; Milky t4teene3M.... •. , Ft eliola DestroVr BrideeL .• Rename, Mexiece (At 'Gen. Ilnerta's ' eeee,dgeart a, Fecieral Troops), May g7.—Corefe n ii ted once more by a seeira e of 1311=4, reilroad bridges, Gore Huer- ta sot his engineers at Work Saturday to repair them, at the earagetinee or- dering fe division of cavalry eo particle the :meals who 'fled ,northwardeeeter • the battle here two days. ago. • Jeveiy bridge between' 'Kellano and- 'Cpreatitos is destroyed and the kabala, continuing the flight to eiminez, deetroyed,rnest of the raileoact bellied, them. • . • Gen. Matti Friday night said hia men had found 800 rebate dead and wounded on the field. 'He estimated that of the 8,000 Teen under Gen. Oroz- co, 2,000 had deserted dining the fight. The federal commander said he took , . 200 prisoners, Hes own »saes, lie as- serted, were only tell dead and thirty- eight wounded. AMENDMENTS TO BILL Home Rule Measure Will Occupy Some -Months,. Proposed Alterations to the Bill Now Handed In Total Twenty -Eight Closely Printed Pages and If All Were Considered It Would Require. Another Whole Session to Deal With Them. London, Meer 27.—There have al- ready been handed to the clerk of the 1101150 of Commons amendments to the home rule bill that fill 28 closely printed pages of the Parliamentary orders of the day. Most of them are in the names of Conservative mem- bers, and it would not take the pas - sago of many of them to make the hill' as useless as the paper it is printed on. The extreme 'radical members, on the other hand, aim at giving the Irish Perliament more power and making it make democratic, while some of their nonconformist colleagues would• have clauses inserted to safeguard their fellow religionists of Ulster. With !the exception of Laurence Ginnell, a -Nationalist with indepen- dent leanings, the Irish members have net yet tabled any amendments. Inc. Ginnell's amendments would enlarge the powers of the Irish Parliament, and, like those of the Radicals, make it more democratic. While months will he spent on the committee stage of the bill, few of the amendments will receive a hear- ing, The chairman of the committee has the power to choose the amend- mkents that will he considered, his decision being made generally after consulting with the leaders of all parties. Were all those already hand- ed in discussed it would take more than one session of Parliament to dis pose of them. •ITIS Wa(So Choked Up She Could Hardly Breathe. Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lungs, and should never be ne- glected, for if it is very often the disease becomes chronic, and then it is only a short step to consumption. On the first sign of bronchitis Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be taken, and thus prevent it becoming chronic. Mr. John D. MacDonald, College Grant, NS., writes:—"My little girl, seven years old, caught a bad cold which developed into bronchitis. She was so choked up she could hardly breathe. Reading about your wonderful medicine, Dr, Woodre Norway Pine Syrup, I decided to try a bottle, and with such good re- sults that I got another which completely cured her. I cannot say too much in its praiee, and would not be without it in the house." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T, Milburn co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Jan Blocic, Belgium's greatest eorn- poser and an authority on Flemish music and folksong, died yesterday at Antwerp, / The business section of Lebanon Jemetion, Ry., was practically wiped out Friday night by fire. The loss is estimalted at $250,000. P. E, Renaud of Beauceville, Que.; one of the most prominent merchants of the Beaune region, died suddenly Saburdae at his home. Charles Snyder, Grimsby, is in the hospital at Niagara Falls, N.Y,, as the result of an auto collieion with a carriage on Lewiston road Saturday night. The Quebec harbor conemission has instructed „I3. A. jamesont to ,peepare plans foe the building of a million bushel orepacitty elevator, to be erect- ed in the ancient capital, Banes Law, the Canadian leader of the British Unionists, will visit Can- ada in Augtet and deliver a number of speeches on Imperial questions; as they affect the Dominion. Hector Pettkehor, a boy residing in Eastview, a suburb of (Ate -we, had a bend blown off Friday night by a cannon cracker while assisting ito the 4,40,70.1449FeegYiek'eket..Pfee...e. WOOrel ThodihodiZe. The- Great Eetotteit /tented% Tones and invigorates the whole 4 nervous system, makes new. Blood in old Veins. Chrre,o 11rer5- 01 fa Debility, Matta/ and Brain, Worry, Des- poi:cravat, Sexual Tf7eakaess, Boilissiona; Spa, mat'''''''&41;""'Ttrrts frvig.as Exceesce Priee 81 per ox._s x war. plea ,1x win Bold by d ste or mailed in Plairl,Pkin on receipt cif pr ea. New pamplaet ortaaettrree. The Wug reladIcino co. trarisertif Wiaciferl Torpettc* On* yee:e0e. thereegeler- ee" NA. U. CO LAXATiliE are best for the ot'llidren as well. as the grown-ups, 25o. a box at your druggist's. ' National Drug end tInnicsleo, el ;wade, thiletl • '"Veediet For 520,000, • Kingston; May e7.—Mes. Nellie mia- cnoton, New York, visiting the oity, the old home of het husband, the tete Lewis Middleeoe, has been notified that the' jury before Supreme Court justice Gavegan. has returned a 701`. diet of 00,000 in a suit brought by Mrs. Middleton against the Third Avenue Railway Co., for the death of • her husband. The street railway counsel regarded the plaintiff's case • so weak that no defence was put in, and the verdict was a great surprise. Middleton was a passenger on the oar and was taken ill. The conductor thought he was drunk, but as he was of respectable Appearance did not re. • move him, and plaintiff olaimea negli- gence. The deceased suffered from apoplexy, and died next day. He was a brother of Miss Kate Middleton, who died a few days ago in Toronto, 1 WEAK ACRE BACK Caused Her MeeliAsery. Mrs, W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask., writes:—"A few lines highly recommend- ing Doan's Kidney Pills. For this last year 1 havo been troubled very much'. with nasty sick headaches, andel weak aching back, which caused me' much misery, for I could not work, and Bad no ambition for anything. My kidneys were very badly out of order, and kept me from sleeping at nights. 1 tried many kinds of pills and medicines, but it seemed almost in vain. I began to give up in -lespair of ever being well and strong again, when a kind neighbor advised ane to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, end am thankful for the relief I obtained from theta, for now I ean never troubled with a sore back or sick headathee. "I will always say Doan's Kidney ries for mine and can highly recommend them to any sufferer." • Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 bores for 31.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. lailburia,Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doan's." An echo of the Quebec elections was beard Saturday in the police court wben L. E. Benet of Beauport was ordered to pay a small fine for threatening a voter with a revolver on election day. Damage that ,was estimated at near- ly $200,000 wee caused by a flee in the large milleof the Androscoggin Pulp Co. at South Wanclham, last night. Help was called from Portland and 'Westbrook. Queen Mary's birthday was celebrat- ed quietly at Buckiegharn Palace yes- terday, the only members of the royal -family with the King and Queen be- ing Princess Mary and little Prince John, the other sons being away. Municipal ownership of utilities is proving a success in Edmonton. The city hall announces a surplus of $57,- 000, and the electric light department 58,000, telephone and street railway are also now showing good profit. The Delaware and' Hudson Montreal express train ran for nearly ten miles at full speed yesterday with the en- gineer, Daniel Ryan, unconsoieus in the eab, It is thought that Ryan struck his head against, the side of a bridge spelling the barge canal at Waterford, N.Y. He died tater. , • - , • g A NATIONAL. STR)KE Dock Trouble In England May Tie-tep • reondort, May 27.-"Dreek ettikere to the number of •15,0(10 mare:hod he pro cessioo ellrou.gh London streets yeee terthey, Tliey helci a dernoastratiOn Trafalgar Squaeo, and, after spfeeehos by all the labor leafless, they adopted msolutions pledging, them- selves not to eeturn le work until every grievanee wee satisfactorily ad. juased, $oree of the speaker birdied at tbe probability re' a nationalstrilee owiDg' U) the fact that vessels might " 1 be diverted from the Thames to °thee Porth, end Harry Gosling, the leader of the men, annotteeed tbas the elfae. triethees of the port of London are considering the advieaellity cli jOill- jug in the strike, At jeeese»t, hoW- ever, there is no aetual extension oe the strike movement. -A strong teethe" ee-iste among ,the • eerie:ere at the empl••yment clerke A to help in the unloading of ships, and at a conference of the National Union • of Clerks Saturday, a resolution was adopted against, the clerks acting as "blacklegs," No disorders of any kind are reported as yet. The court of enquiry into the rues of the London strike, 'under the presidency of Sir Edward Clarke, terminated Saturday everting .with a dramatic offer by Harry Goehng, the melte leader, on behalf of the strik- eee, which may possibly lead to a peace conference. The Fdal Thee Knew its Mother. 1 A. Welsh judge has just had to de- cide which of two ponies wee the mo - thee of a foal. There were two ponies on a Welsh mountain belonging to dif- ferent owners. Each had a little foal, but when the owners went they found that one foal was dead, and both the ponies were acting as mother to the little one that lived. The two men quarreled as to whose the living foal wee.. One of the men took his pony away,' and the foal with it. But the other man went down to the farm leading his pony. There was the foal, with the second puny, in the farmyard. As soon as it sate the other pony the foal neighed ran up, and tried to get through the gateway to it, while the other pony took no melee of it. The judge himself did not know to which of the ponies the foal really belonged, but be thought the foal knew its mother, so he ordered the man who had taken the foal to pay the other man its value.—Little Paper. ale,fiWedyngssyQQQQgQ9/0.0ww e • • It ORM SIM QC CARTES ITTLEZ En FILLS. eee-geeeee... Elleiateudnelle and relieve all the troubles Ind. dent to it bilious State of the systole, sad! as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress atter eatlug, Pain in the Side, Se, While their most TOnlarkable success bus been shown In curing 5,. Manche, yet Carter's Little Liver ?tile are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. venting this annoyingeomplalat,whiletheyalso correctitll disorders or the seamen, stimultdethe liver and regulate the bowels. Event( they onlj eared 'Ache thei would be aim o st priceless to those who antfor from this clistres.,ing complaint; huff °eft.. estolythelrgosdaeoinhsesnotsnd hore,auti thea 10110 0001 try them will lin tl these little pills vela.. able In ea many wo vs that they alt not haul. ling to 50NrIthout them, Dot after alt slat hood Is the bane 0( 10 runny lives that here Is wherd Inc make onr great boast Our pins care t while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. ()non? IWO pills make a dose. They aud strictly vegetable and do not grins or pargq, but by their gentle seam please all Wit) nee them. o cram nserelee OA, VEW 1011e. eee bid rill Owl hes1l CR 1 • 1 II I I I Qa MI NIRO C Q How Women Vote in Canada EJetollo M. Kerr Writes interest- ingly to. The Canadian Courier on the above subject. • ADeceel pointing out that China Is perhaps the only country where women; have come into poteeesseon of equal :suffrage with neap with- out going theough tho prelimin- ary Stages, ithe writer points out that; other countreee where women are fully •enfrinuchised are:, Anelfsel- ea, New Zealand, Finland, Nowevay, Sweden, Sealland, the Zsee of Man, and the, Amoxican tates of Wyom- ing, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wash- ington/ and Ohio will probably be the next, as the bill foe equal leuffrag.e has passed berth houses: and has been reilerregi to the people,ev.hile.Kansas and ‘Ore - goat are expeeleed to follow soon, Thera 15 110 part of Canada in which women enjoy the pal:nem:en- tary frenchiee, and the complainIt le that even. the limited municipal Lfranchise which exists is not laegee ly availed of by them, In 'Prince Edward. Island, Quebec, Annette and Saskatchewan widows and spina:tors over 21 yeeere, of agd whof own peopeeity arca en:lei:led to the municipal Vote. In New Bruns- wick and 'Manitoba all widows a,nci fkpixn5Iter 5 who are ratepayers; ltd any .ex:tent have the municipal, vote. In vote, In Ontario widows, and status:tees who are, asse(er/eld as owl/ter:5: or occupants of peoparey to the value of $100 107 incotste loll not lees. than $400 have 'this privil- Iat the above-eaesetioned provine- 55 a woman on marriage be,comes disleran,chisled and her husband ac- quires the right toe(xecncese :the vane belonging to her property either by:here:elf or in addition to his own; in Nova Seattle, however, whenever a woman actually :sup- ports her husband and h,e 'bee no property or income of hes own, et is she who vote, • whila an all other prove:least the husband, undete the • carne ,Ciacumetances is entitled to• vote/ on lets wifeei propeettee or lin- pone°. 1 e7ova Scotia, /the gentile- crate:one 1 Or Widowan1 /spinsters ie propmety to 'the value of $150, or pepaonae and neat peoperey lo the Va1,114 8 300, 5.P01111130nd WICIONdi and e spinsitere who own pro.peety are, • entitled 'lathe municipal vote, and, ,addetlion to this, the eight to ex- ercise full municipal franchise on the same :teems as men, has been gran:tete to, women, married onein- gle, in Vancouvee, New NY:est/nine ster incl Victoria. Not woman in any of the( provine cae of Canada may hold any :mune- eine office. Tlete re very 'unusual ash]: almost all countries where municipal! suffrage for women 'ex- iles, they are entitled to hold of-. Vice. Widoeve and spdhsiters in all ,the provinces' who .are either holding independent/ prop:el.:1:y, or who are ratepayer,s, are eentitled to vote for echool boards, In addition to this a woman property owner in Mani- toba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, is not disqualified through ;marriage frione the exere. else/ of the school franchise, as snhe leen othea peovinee,s. . e Edema:than Is peculiarly a worafires question,: yet British Columbia is the only province en which (with thel lexception, of Vmcoria, Van- ecsilver, New Wastmtneter and Na- natmo, Where only women, both married and ,single, whose 03a0308 are on the asseasneecalt rolls are ea:L- b:tied 'to vote) wavea of voters' en schools die/tweets have thel right 'to otel ' 16e. ,and to serve. as school trustees without having to possess sepa.rate property ow:income 01 theie oven. It a,stherefore, the only. pat of Canada where mo there,' as mothera, and not as property, owners, have ethe rightl to control the education of thale children. The/. Infacmation compiled by The Courier's co.n/tributon is a wee - come, add:Rion to the material available/ for the intelligent discu,s- sion pe every, objection raised in Canada to elle .grantieg. of .eggal suffrage Ito women is that women. rao, Bede the larneteell Mama/Iwo of fran,eireser which ea now ,enloyeet ' and: it es ono not easily, gentlest would undoubtedly be gre,atIv. Iseirengeheneeleljl elh(ety could :stir up the' Members olf %leer own 553? to Itakei :amen* lively interest than they voter do In enUeetelpal and tale' ger poniti,os,, 101-f D A Will "--• --, - - '''ti' , C'• — ''' ii, ') ..1, _ • * t zr., kregetablePreparAtibarorAS- Stillifaileg (1120;040d andReg ela- ting the S tor3h andBoteela ar A "3*-6211tEardir , PIDMOteglYige$VOngheerfUl— MSS andReSt.001110.1115 neither Orelitn,lvi0Pellifte nor Ilineeral, le/O'r N ..bait C OT IC . Rate° eforgiederia22/12rerte reeaket 414..Ccaria , . &t1.4 Sas - Ada Seid r, Bppmnra .81atmoNathrato# •itinp :kali' - (7r:4d ifrovsymn FiZIPC,1 Aperfeel Remedy for ConStipa- tion.Sonr Sinnach,Diarettoea, WorMS,Coneerkione,FeveriSle- Base and LOSS OF SLEEP. TaeSiraile Signature of i;t9ilirce NEW TORIC- [ ,,,,,„,...... Per Infants and Children. i Kud ..You Have Beam the Signature of or Over- :hirty Years 'NV et:WM(16 etwalMNY, re:W YORK (WM "eigefeetiele.". Iwo ;is Did any mo.ney, cheque or afther negoetable paper pass current in connection 'with the recent "mix" in the proposed license buy up at .Goderich? 1 is said "Hush-a-bye- ebaby" wae the closing, seleetionj sung in double. - plane). etWOuqd 3 91 Pri =20,7 ,Z• 1 tot 11 11 t rt. a deeepr prob have reveaeed/ furl- ther particulars? If you wish to speculate in real eetata buy a lot in town and build•a house. This is one way to kaeb Clinton growing. •H BACK -1-6—'1"H NG e E3 KIDNEY t PI LLS DROPSICAL SWELLING A URINARY AFFLICTIONS 1.5 NEURALGjArUICACD POISONING J. E. Hovey Druggist, Clinton. altESIIMOSit TRADE MARK Look for the Elephant. When you find it, you will find a can of good paint. We know a lot about good paint—the kind that is economical —the kind that is labeled: • ELEPHANT LIQUID. PAINT For Buildings—Inside and Outside We've studied paint because we wanted to sell the kind that would give satisfaction to our customers, and we've got it. Its the famous Elephant Liquid Paint made by The Canada Paint Company. We've all the latest fashionable colors in stock. Paint your house with Elephant Liquid Paint—the use of good paint is. economy. It protects your buildings from the wear and tear of the weather. Paint now. FOR SALE IN CLINTON BY StioulaviiivalrwiTaWssoTarmar-" . .. 2,,......./our.atsmetru,koansactr,riaraugr.,....12,101,aramitrAmormtmamstmemea•—•:.s... , , , • „ Q • Q ,,LtiZzEZ"Z.LikAikapiabikir,,,krama . f.itieirie007¥el:ny. i27-Onr!.gviaottleoteelati •ell14;',' Opt., jarrloe Hunter of, tliiseeity; while at the Wheel of the tug Trade, oel Lake Oretegift, was Streek by light - nine, and WS 011(1.it,164. fs '13,oritrtis. He. was severely binned 'about the 'head, bre*, shoulder and; right earn'. He was brought leeMee The cele clothing he Wore were torn and burn- ed where the eleetric fluid toucihec4., His escape) from being killed is re- markable Military Parades at Brantford. Brantford, May 27.—awo church parades took place here Yee-. •teeday afternoon.(The Dufferin Ri- fles, 400 strong, attended Zion Church, where Rev, G. A. Woodside preached, The Brant Drag00115, 200 strong, at- • tended service at S. Sudo s Church, -where Rural Dean Wright officiated. The appearance oe both rag -talents was excellent. GORDON BLACK ELECTED. • a... • He Is New Grand IN/taster of Orange • Young Britons, Brockville, May 27. ---The Grand Lodge of Orange Young Britons con - eluded their annual .convention here Saturday night. By ft. unanimous standing vote the grand lodge expressed its opposition. to the Irish home rule bill, by the adoption of the following resolution: "That .the Grnad -Lodge of Orange Young Britons is strongly opposed to the Trish home rule bill, at present in the &Aisle Parliament, and we do hereby extend to the brethren of Ire- land our sympathy and assure them of our united support in their struggle to maintain the Position under the British flag that our • forefathers fought and died for at Derry, Ennis- killen and the Boyne." Strong addresses on the subject were delivered by Peet Grand Master Geo -Morrison and Alex. Hall of To- ronto, and/Rev. le. Dealtry Wood- cock, Brookville. The following officers for 1012-13 were elected and installed: Grand master, Gordon Black, Toronto; de- puty grand master, J. W. Lowrie, Rus- sell; junior deputy, grand master, Samuel Moffatt, Toronto; grand °Ilan - lain, John X. Young, Hamilton; grand secretary, Shelton Hornshave, Toronto; grand trea,surer, T. A. CarseacIden, Russell; grand director of ceremon- ies, A. J. Kissick, Ottawa; grand lec- turer, J. A. Dickson, Bunter's; deputy grand ohaplain, B. Wing, Brookes:111e; deputy grand searetaty, T. Ashmore Kidd, )3urritt's Rapids; deputy grand treasurer, John Noddle, Todmorden; deputy grand lecturer, S. W. M. Pros- ser, Kemptrille, and G. S. Leach, South Gower; grand auditors, Alex. Hall, Toronto, and Thomas Patterson, Hamilton, leetriptville beat out Toronto and Ottawa for the next place of meeting. Mill Falls Into River, Milwood, Man., May 27.—The Cart - weight flour mill, valued at $20,000, and: just bought last week by the Big Four Milling Co. of Sheldon, Iowa, is a total wreck and it ruins Mee float- ing crown the Assiniboine River as a result of the washout in the dam, The only thing left of the big mill property is a small power house on the clam and the elevator that stood east of tho Three or four days ago the river started to overflow between the power house and mill. No one had arrived representing the new owners. At 8 o'clock Friday evening water began to undermine the mill in torrents, tear- ing away the foundations, and at six o'elock Saturday morning the five. storey structure with its entire Coll - tents toppled over into the river, tak- ing with it a. two-storey brick build- ing containing a boiler, engine and pump. Will Deport Leper. Ottawa, May 27.—Dr. Bryce, chief needieal inspector of immigration, stated Saturday in reference to the ease of leprosy at Montreal, that im- mediate steps were being taken to deport the victim, and that there was no poseible danger of the affected man being brought to Ottawa, as was stat- ed in a Montreal despatch. It is likely that an investigation will' be held in the department to ascertain how the leper passed the immigration inspectors. Doesn't Need New Jersey. Newark, N.J. May 27.—"I have more than 570 NJ., instructed or pledged," ebouted President Taft in a speech at Kearney near here, Sat- urday. "Now Jersey is not necessary to my SUOCP.FS, but I would be glad to add it. Whether 1 do or not, I have 570, delegates and there is a Ilegabli• can National Committee that will cis juetice and Mr. Rouesvelt's nornicia• tion is impoereiblee' 1)1 lironglit on Strain-- IlfoleenCtike Was Fon id. 3Ve• trelsePli, Stephens,' Roe:Mount, Ont.; ' ss one of th'e 'great bot who eantireally, :sound the praise of De, Willearee' Pink Pills, and 'teethes mucle reason to 10 so as (they lanelght hem from suffering', to health. after he:had spent rateeh moneyand two yoase ate time expeetne,neingi with other treat"' merits. Mr, Stephens (be I he's eteP eriancte f ollows " n the month of January,1008, while war Ong an a loggeng camp at Creston, B. C., I got, my leae c badly injured. 1:m4M:red a great deal of pain and was almost! helpless. 1, bled pla,siters, thinking they would help mo, hue they weire clam use. I took •zevoaial medicines, equally without benefit. Than I was ad.- visedto try lelectrical treatment and did, dofor ,atime, but Without gutting any permanent negate and iit began to look (as though I Was going 1;o be perm anenely crippled, Then I was ,advised to undgego treatment. 'with a spe,cialist at Spokane, Wash. Af tee examining me he,said; I was en a vary bad shape arid that tho trouble wats likely to result en Bright's dieeagest, However, he told nee.•ehat he felt sure he could • euee nee. At a • heavy ;expellee, I was under his treatment for three Months, but did not get the least .blenetat. I was almost in despair; work wee plentiful • and wages good, but I could not work, as' waa quite unable to bend, 1 Was in this con- dition for about two. years, when my brethren who was evtett me , the time, came across! One bf Dr, Williams' pamphlets and read of the Dr, William,s' Pink Pills were doing. He urged mato try them, but -I thought it would be o,seless to spend more moneiy area: all the othemarealtment had faieed. He insisted, however, and got a dozen boxed of the Pills and I began ;to take -them. Betteers I had :need hall dozen boxes I fell relief, and I continued taking. the Pills until every veeitigie of 'the pain was gone and I could raise my halide above my head and eethen bend until I eculd, touch my toae with. my ring - ere, something I had not been able to do far over I tyear,s. My mete. was/ a greed surprise, ito my comrades, and you may be sure I told them what brought iti Pout. I am now as well and strong as any man in the coubeeeY,and I owe it all to Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills. Sold by all medicine et:leaf:ewe or by mail at 50 centa a box or six box- es fOr $2.50 from The Dr. Williaerts' Medlcino Co., Brockville, Ont. TWO YOUTHS AWNED Burlington Bay Is Scene of a Canoe Tragedy, Eric and Murray Simmonds, Aged 13 and 8 Years, of Toronto, Overturn Frail Craft and Go Down Before" Help Arrives—Were Sailing a Toy Boat When Their Mother Called Them to Dinner. Hamilton, May 27.—Burlington Bay claimed its first victims this season 00 Saturday shortly after noon, when Erie and Murray Simmouds, aged re- spectively 13 and 8 years, were drown- ed tit the beach in ten feet of -water, about 75 yards from shore, an the lake side of the sand strings, The boys were sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carney Shun -lends, who until a month ago lived at 67 Waverley road, To- ronto. Mr. Simmonds is employed as foreman of the printing department of the Petrie Manufactering Co. in this city, and removed from Toronto to the Beach about. a month ago. The boys wre paddling a canoe and sailing a toy boat in the bay when a few minutes before 1 o'clock Satur- day afternoon they were called by their mother for the 'midday meal. In their haste to recover the toy boat from the ,water and proceed to the :More, they overturned the canoe, and before help could reach them both sank to the boteom of the bay. The bodies were both recoveree Sat- urday afternoon. by James Hazel, son ' of Chief Hazel of the Beech. and Charles Homewood, another young man who residee at the Beach. The remains were token to Omen Bros.' undertaking' establishment in the city, and will be shipped Le To- ronto to-clav for burial. The funeral taxi* iewin, The flavor lingers long—it's a smooth, succu- lent, lasting gum—made to taste delicious. No need to overlook your taste, no need to • repress or destroy it—since you can buy the smoothest and the best gum made at the same • price, and flavored to suit you. You can have any fruit essence you desire. A better 'Spearmint' at the „same price—or the best Pensin, by asking for O-Pee-Chee. 0-Pee-Chee i old by all dealers who sell the best gum, • 0.Pee-Chee GU111 CO. London Canada 7 '..• services teteed,, at „Se; a Onnel OrtereheSoewaY; Milky t4teene3M.... •. , Ft eliola DestroVr BrideeL .• Rename, Mexiece (At 'Gen. Ilnerta's ' eeee,dgeart a, Fecieral Troops), May g7.—Corefe n ii ted once more by a seeira e of 1311=4, reilroad bridges, Gore Huer- ta sot his engineers at Work Saturday to repair them, at the earagetinee or- dering fe division of cavalry eo particle the :meals who 'fled ,northwardeeeter • the battle here two days. ago. • Jeveiy bridge between' 'Kellano and- 'Cpreatitos is destroyed and the kabala, continuing the flight to eiminez, deetroyed,rnest of the raileoact bellied, them. • . • Gen. Matti Friday night said hia men had found 800 rebate dead and wounded on the field. 'He estimated that of the 8,000 Teen under Gen. Oroz- co, 2,000 had deserted dining the fight. The federal commander said he took , . 200 prisoners, Hes own »saes, lie as- serted, were only tell dead and thirty- eight wounded. AMENDMENTS TO BILL Home Rule Measure Will Occupy Some -Months,. Proposed Alterations to the Bill Now Handed In Total Twenty -Eight Closely Printed Pages and If All Were Considered It Would Require. Another Whole Session to Deal With Them. London, Meer 27.—There have al- ready been handed to the clerk of the 1101150 of Commons amendments to the home rule bill that fill 28 closely printed pages of the Parliamentary orders of the day. Most of them are in the names of Conservative mem- bers, and it would not take the pas - sago of many of them to make the hill' as useless as the paper it is printed on. The extreme 'radical members, on the other hand, aim at giving the Irish Perliament more power and making it make democratic, while some of their nonconformist colleagues would• have clauses inserted to safeguard their fellow religionists of Ulster. With !the exception of Laurence Ginnell, a -Nationalist with indepen- dent leanings, the Irish members have net yet tabled any amendments. Inc. Ginnell's amendments would enlarge the powers of the Irish Parliament, and, like those of the Radicals, make it more democratic. While months will he spent on the committee stage of the bill, few of the amendments will receive a hear- ing, The chairman of the committee has the power to choose the amend- mkents that will he considered, his decision being made generally after consulting with the leaders of all parties. Were all those already hand- ed in discussed it would take more than one session of Parliament to dis pose of them. •ITIS Wa(So Choked Up She Could Hardly Breathe. Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lungs, and should never be ne- glected, for if it is very often the disease becomes chronic, and then it is only a short step to consumption. On the first sign of bronchitis Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be taken, and thus prevent it becoming chronic. Mr. John D. MacDonald, College Grant, NS., writes:—"My little girl, seven years old, caught a bad cold which developed into bronchitis. She was so choked up she could hardly breathe. Reading about your wonderful medicine, Dr, Woodre Norway Pine Syrup, I decided to try a bottle, and with such good re- sults that I got another which completely cured her. I cannot say too much in its praiee, and would not be without it in the house." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by The T, Milburn co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Jan Blocic, Belgium's greatest eorn- poser and an authority on Flemish music and folksong, died yesterday at Antwerp, / The business section of Lebanon Jemetion, Ry., was practically wiped out Friday night by fire. The loss is estimalted at $250,000. P. E, Renaud of Beauceville, Que.; one of the most prominent merchants of the Beaune region, died suddenly Saburdae at his home. Charles Snyder, Grimsby, is in the hospital at Niagara Falls, N.Y,, as the result of an auto collieion with a carriage on Lewiston road Saturday night. The Quebec harbor conemission has instructed „I3. A. jamesont to ,peepare plans foe the building of a million bushel orepacitty elevator, to be erect- ed in the ancient capital, Banes Law, the Canadian leader of the British Unionists, will visit Can- ada in Augtet and deliver a number of speeches on Imperial questions; as they affect the Dominion. Hector Pettkehor, a boy residing in Eastview, a suburb of (Ate -we, had a bend blown off Friday night by a cannon cracker while assisting ito the 4,40,70.1449FeegYiek'eket..Pfee...e. WOOrel ThodihodiZe. The- Great Eetotteit /tented% Tones and invigorates the whole 4 nervous system, makes new. Blood in old Veins. Chrre,o 11rer5- 01 fa Debility, Matta/ and Brain, Worry, Des- poi:cravat, Sexual Tf7eakaess, Boilissiona; Spa, mat'''''''&41;""'Ttrrts frvig.as Exceesce Priee 81 per ox._s x war. plea ,1x win Bold by d ste or mailed in Plairl,Pkin on receipt cif pr ea. New pamplaet ortaaettrree. The Wug reladIcino co. trarisertif Wiaciferl Torpettc* On* yee:e0e. thereegeler- ee" NA. U. CO LAXATiliE are best for the ot'llidren as well. as the grown-ups, 25o. a box at your druggist's. ' National Drug end tInnicsleo, el ;wade, thiletl • '"Veediet For 520,000, • Kingston; May e7.—Mes. Nellie mia- cnoton, New York, visiting the oity, the old home of het husband, the tete Lewis Middleeoe, has been notified that the' jury before Supreme Court justice Gavegan. has returned a 701`. diet of 00,000 in a suit brought by Mrs. Middleton against the Third Avenue Railway Co., for the death of • her husband. The street railway counsel regarded the plaintiff's case • so weak that no defence was put in, and the verdict was a great surprise. Middleton was a passenger on the oar and was taken ill. The conductor thought he was drunk, but as he was of respectable Appearance did not re. • move him, and plaintiff olaimea negli- gence. The deceased suffered from apoplexy, and died next day. He was a brother of Miss Kate Middleton, who died a few days ago in Toronto, 1 WEAK ACRE BACK Caused Her MeeliAsery. Mrs, W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask., writes:—"A few lines highly recommend- ing Doan's Kidney Pills. For this last year 1 havo been troubled very much'. with nasty sick headaches, andel weak aching back, which caused me' much misery, for I could not work, and Bad no ambition for anything. My kidneys were very badly out of order, and kept me from sleeping at nights. 1 tried many kinds of pills and medicines, but it seemed almost in vain. I began to give up in -lespair of ever being well and strong again, when a kind neighbor advised ane to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, end am thankful for the relief I obtained from theta, for now I ean never troubled with a sore back or sick headathee. "I will always say Doan's Kidney ries for mine and can highly recommend them to any sufferer." • Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 bores for 31.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. lailburia,Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doan's." An echo of the Quebec elections was beard Saturday in the police court wben L. E. Benet of Beauport was ordered to pay a small fine for threatening a voter with a revolver on election day. Damage that ,was estimated at near- ly $200,000 wee caused by a flee in the large milleof the Androscoggin Pulp Co. at South Wanclham, last night. Help was called from Portland and 'Westbrook. Queen Mary's birthday was celebrat- ed quietly at Buckiegharn Palace yes- terday, the only members of the royal -family with the King and Queen be- ing Princess Mary and little Prince John, the other sons being away. Municipal ownership of utilities is proving a success in Edmonton. The city hall announces a surplus of $57,- 000, and the electric light department 58,000, telephone and street railway are also now showing good profit. The Delaware and' Hudson Montreal express train ran for nearly ten miles at full speed yesterday with the en- gineer, Daniel Ryan, unconsoieus in the eab, It is thought that Ryan struck his head against, the side of a bridge spelling the barge canal at Waterford, N.Y. He died tater. , • - , • g A NATIONAL. STR)KE Dock Trouble In England May Tie-tep • reondort, May 27.-"Dreek ettikere to the number of •15,0(10 mare:hod he pro cessioo ellrou.gh London streets yeee terthey, Tliey helci a dernoastratiOn Trafalgar Squaeo, and, after spfeeehos by all the labor leafless, they adopted msolutions pledging, them- selves not to eeturn le work until every grievanee wee satisfactorily ad. juased, $oree of the speaker birdied at tbe probability re' a nationalstrilee owiDg' U) the fact that vessels might " 1 be diverted from the Thames to °thee Porth, end Harry Gosling, the leader of the men, annotteeed tbas the elfae. triethees of the port of London are considering the advieaellity cli jOill- jug in the strike, At jeeese»t, hoW- ever, there is no aetual extension oe the strike movement. -A strong teethe" ee-iste among ,the • eerie:ere at the empl••yment clerke A to help in the unloading of ships, and at a conference of the National Union • of Clerks Saturday, a resolution was adopted against, the clerks acting as "blacklegs," No disorders of any kind are reported as yet. The court of enquiry into the rues of the London strike, 'under the presidency of Sir Edward Clarke, terminated Saturday everting .with a dramatic offer by Harry Goehng, the melte leader, on behalf of the strik- eee, which may possibly lead to a peace conference. The Fdal Thee Knew its Mother. 1 A. Welsh judge has just had to de- cide which of two ponies wee the mo - thee of a foal. There were two ponies on a Welsh mountain belonging to dif- ferent owners. Each had a little foal, but when the owners went they found that one foal was dead, and both the ponies were acting as mother to the little one that lived. The two men quarreled as to whose the living foal wee.. One of the men took his pony away,' and the foal with it. But the other man went down to the farm leading his pony. There was the foal, with the second puny, in the farmyard. As soon as it sate the other pony the foal neighed ran up, and tried to get through the gateway to it, while the other pony took no melee of it. The judge himself did not know to which of the ponies the foal really belonged, but be thought the foal knew its mother, so he ordered the man who had taken the foal to pay the other man its value.—Little Paper. ale,fiWedyngssyQQQQgQ9/0.0ww e • • It ORM SIM QC CARTES ITTLEZ En FILLS. eee-geeeee... Elleiateudnelle and relieve all the troubles Ind. dent to it bilious State of the systole, sad! as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress atter eatlug, Pain in the Side, Se, While their most TOnlarkable success bus been shown In curing 5,. Manche, yet Carter's Little Liver ?tile are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. venting this annoyingeomplalat,whiletheyalso correctitll disorders or the seamen, stimultdethe liver and regulate the bowels. Event( they onlj eared 'Ache thei would be aim o st priceless to those who antfor from this clistres.,ing complaint; huff °eft.. estolythelrgosdaeoinhsesnotsnd hore,auti thea 10110 0001 try them will lin tl these little pills vela.. able In ea many wo vs that they alt not haul. ling to 50NrIthout them, Dot after alt slat hood Is the bane 0( 10 runny lives that here Is wherd Inc make onr great boast Our pins care t while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. ()non? IWO pills make a dose. They aud strictly vegetable and do not grins or pargq, but by their gentle seam please all Wit) nee them. o cram nserelee OA, VEW 1011e. eee bid rill Owl hes1l CR 1 • 1 II I I I Qa MI NIRO C Q How Women Vote in Canada EJetollo M. Kerr Writes interest- ingly to. The Canadian Courier on the above subject. • ADeceel pointing out that China Is perhaps the only country where women; have come into poteeesseon of equal :suffrage with neap with- out going theough tho prelimin- ary Stages, ithe writer points out that; other countreee where women are fully •enfrinuchised are:, Anelfsel- ea, New Zealand, Finland, Nowevay, Sweden, Sealland, the Zsee of Man, and the, Amoxican tates of Wyom- ing, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wash- ington/ and Ohio will probably be the next, as the bill foe equal leuffrag.e has passed berth houses: and has been reilerregi to the people,ev.hile.Kansas and ‘Ore - goat are expeeleed to follow soon, Thera 15 110 part of Canada in which women enjoy the pal:nem:en- tary frenchiee, and the complainIt le that even. the limited municipal Lfranchise which exists is not laegee ly availed of by them, In 'Prince Edward. Island, Quebec, Annette and Saskatchewan widows and spina:tors over 21 yeeere, of agd whof own peopeeity arca en:lei:led to the municipal Vote. In New Bruns- wick and 'Manitoba all widows a,nci fkpixn5Iter 5 who are ratepayers; ltd any .ex:tent have the municipal, vote. In vote, In Ontario widows, and status:tees who are, asse(er/eld as owl/ter:5: or occupants of peoparey to the value of $100 107 incotste loll not lees. than $400 have 'this privil- Iat the above-eaesetioned provine- 55 a woman on marriage be,comes disleran,chisled and her husband ac- quires the right toe(xecncese :the vane belonging to her property either by:here:elf or in addition to his own; in Nova Seattle, however, whenever a woman actually :sup- ports her husband and h,e 'bee no property or income of hes own, et is she who vote, • whila an all other prove:least the husband, undete the • carne ,Ciacumetances is entitled to• vote/ on lets wifeei propeettee or lin- pone°. 1 e7ova Scotia, /the gentile- crate:one 1 Or Widowan1 /spinsters ie propmety to 'the value of $150, or pepaonae and neat peoperey lo the Va1,114 8 300, 5.P01111130nd WICIONdi and e spinsitere who own pro.peety are, • entitled 'lathe municipal vote, and, ,addetlion to this, the eight to ex- ercise full municipal franchise on the same :teems as men, has been gran:tete to, women, married onein- gle, in Vancouvee, New NY:est/nine ster incl Victoria. Not woman in any of the( provine cae of Canada may hold any :mune- eine office. Tlete re very 'unusual ash]: almost all countries where municipal! suffrage for women 'ex- iles, they are entitled to hold of-. Vice. Widoeve and spdhsiters in all ,the provinces' who .are either holding independent/ prop:el.:1:y, or who are ratepayer,s, are eentitled to vote for echool boards, In addition to this a woman property owner in Mani- toba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, is not disqualified through ;marriage frione the exere. else/ of the school franchise, as snhe leen othea peovinee,s. . e Edema:than Is peculiarly a worafires question,: yet British Columbia is the only province en which (with thel lexception, of Vmcoria, Van- ecsilver, New Wastmtneter and Na- natmo, Where only women, both married and ,single, whose 03a0308 are on the asseasneecalt rolls are ea:L- b:tied 'to vote) wavea of voters' en schools die/tweets have thel right 'to otel ' 16e. ,and to serve. as school trustees without having to possess sepa.rate property ow:income 01 theie oven. It a,stherefore, the only. pat of Canada where mo there,' as mothera, and not as property, owners, have ethe rightl to control the education of thale children. The/. Infacmation compiled by The Courier's co.n/tributon is a wee - come, add:Rion to the material available/ for the intelligent discu,s- sion pe every, objection raised in Canada to elle .grantieg. of .eggal suffrage Ito women is that women. rao, Bede the larneteell Mama/Iwo of fran,eireser which ea now ,enloyeet ' and: it es ono not easily, gentlest would undoubtedly be gre,atIv. Iseirengeheneeleljl elh(ety could :stir up the' Members olf %leer own 553? to Itakei :amen* lively interest than they voter do In enUeetelpal and tale' ger poniti,os,,