HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-30, Page 5'tl...3.44,-1•43.011,424 llfitter ress if;t1tinr; lieft4tYt ..„, . lyeale ailments. „ - • • Al I 1i101VE NO. 78 ecia FOR SA FURDA-Y E'RE putting on sale Saturday, 15 Ladies Trimmed Hats, The hats are some of the smartest and newest shapes, trimmed in our own work room and are up to the minute as regards style. • Tour Choice ol the Fifteen Hats Saturday $1.98 adies Suits About Half Price We are anxious to clear out the balance of op • Ladies Spring Suits. Just six suits left in stock, in navy, grey and tweed &loots, satin lining, •some of these suits sold as high as 822. Your choice of any suit $.1 2. Now is your 'chance to buy a Suit at about Hall Price JAPANESE MATTS Just to hand this week, one -bale of Japanese Rugs,• 6 feet by 9 feet, 'suitable for bedrooms and verandahs, very -special $1.5o I A BIG SPEOAL FOR SATURDAY 'We put 3n sale Saturday, twelve Tapestry Rugs in fawns, greens and browns. 3 yarclr.`,",ty-J yards and 3 yards by 33: yards, good_qtr...111y, and'wou'd be good value at 8[5.- Sp.e.rjali'-';or Saturday, $11.75 • A Good Smart Boy Viranted to Learn the Dry Goods Business 4+++4,4-.4-1-•++++++++++++++++ ; p,x mooner of S eat tle ,W wan visiting his sister, Mee, G. W. + PERSONALS. Barge, on Illonday and Tuesday of + this week, enreate to his home, in I 'Walkerton. se It is the desire of the i The 8th conwee,ss of • Chamber of vabetehere that all should4 Comineene of the Empire wilt open 4 take an interest in this in Guild Hall, London, June lath, 4,ee coitus& of THE NEW le an the list of Beetione Boads of 1,0.30 anti. Clinton Board of Trade •t ELI.If you Ime.friends eirade, and es s 4- ; e represented ey T. + visiting you, or are goLondo - 4, ... ;mizzen, jr. .and R. D. Noble of .4 mg away for a trip, leave • • t f n, Ene.!lainel. M. Noble le a , CaimeSane new resident en London, i _ word or send it On a post i ancl is actong as substitute for Mr. card. . -John Ransford, who is unable to be le present. nee,. ; Mrs. John R. Scott, of Clifford, a holiday visiteor at the home of Continued frau page, 1 f her sister, Mee. 'W. S. Downs. I Rev, Mr. Ford expecte to have a 'Mrs,. Rob. Higgens and her son ,theet visit Proem his• san, Mee A. Auneey and little Alias Lila 'Were the Feed, Ottawa corales.pon d ent to the , guests of Mrs. Argent 01 town over Winnipeg Telegram oal hes way to Albert Seeley ere the holiday. • ' Chicago, to report the Republican ' Mr. and Mee. Alnon arrived home lase week fro e --- convention wheels open,s an jane 18 ;their- western visit. Everyone is glace testae them back once more. We iodin wifth the Many friendiein eXterideng to ouncellor and Mee. ,Reacone hearty congratulations 071 art otadegboro .fox a few days last week. • passing" their 43rd anneverearee oe eles, Essen -Leeson of We/04NT is Mein enaereage. e(W'e,dnesdaY of the guest of Mr. and Mee, Chant. - kids week was the eventful day, Mess Jennie Holmes abtended the 'MaY they ;see ithelfr 'Golden Weld- gradualteng exercises at the L oe don ding Lethe wish of thein fiends, - 'Mem Thos. Welker of London'w was VSeboria 'Hospital 'training (school When her neice, Mess Irene Dthel telling on (friend's in And around leohnee of Lucknow, received her Clinton over the 24th holiday. elineethe. Mee, L. Lavis and death. en of In the first 'draft of stations of Wingliarn, were visetors wth Mee Hamilton Conference, Rev. W. E. week. and IVIes. T. Shipley cluing the past jean fatherly 01 canton, is put • cltown for eVelland. Mesa McMullen, oe Repley spent ehe holiday with hes friceide 'Weise and !Miss Mason. Thos. Maeon ,aceonarianted • Mr. Manton Ito Toronto foal the week • Miss Hattie Laves visited friends Stratfoad overt he 24th, Barelett Laves -was in 'Porbiee to for the eetb. De. Shaw was in Seafoaeth on Tees nay attending the annual meeting • of the Centre Huron Liberate. Mess Carrie Akam at Kin eardine woe home for ehe 24th, Mr., Erne Gray and Mies 'Bertha Lifttle ppene the 24thin ' - • Mils,. LesISe !Kerr l icalLed an Seaforth /friends this :week. h. Sonifth attendeet the • Liberal Meeting of Centre !Ffurlon, at Seafoath en These ay. Xt. James Reed ' , sr. of Staeatforte was a visitor at Mre. William Hill's of 'Hulleet for !the netts.hSs san,milliner at Galt, 7 felted her aunt, Mrs, Shier for a couple of daYis during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.,Savil le visited " d • aed Mrs. E. J, Jenkins, of Tor - eat°, spent the holiday in and around Clinton, Mrs. Jenkins assisted in Wesley Church choir botla morning one evening taking the solo parts _in the anthems and in a duet with Miss • Bowles in the evening. • Mrs. Andrew Bell, sem of ehe Lon• don road, Kippen, Ontar?o, announces the engagement of her youngest laughter, Mary Alice Cameron, to ]Rev. John Richardson, B. A. pastor of Bt. • Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 'Kipper), the marriage to take place The latter part of' the month of Tame. Mr, Norman L. Meech, student, Vic- toria University, Toronto, after spend- The Eng a short time at the residence of is father, Mr. Thomas March Ilifelme Street, left Thursday after- noon for Germany to take a course of any in speakingGermae.--[Stratford g All Beacon., s MARRIAGES lefeeRGESS-SAWERS - Ale North Bruce, aft•the Jeanie of her Parente, on May 2arci, Laura, third daugh- ter of Ren. E. H. Sewers, to Mr; Burgess .ol Tilbury, by Bev. E. H. Sawees, formerly of Bareefeeld. Salvation Services Bishop C: W. Trotter Ten Yeats Miesionavy en- Aesiout. EgYpt, Will Conduce SaLvation ' _Serylcies In Clinton lor,One Week •• beginning .54itordo.,Night June Tent will , be localtnee 00lelainByarn& Sutter t OD 8 0 L,Icetleelloider 14/11O IVJade 011arge, Ceenalliiesiellleee -Muse Retire The Centre Harlon leelonee •colne the niiesioneect mot at emelt house 0 °detects, lade ThuireelaY 'after- noon and took (the Matter a 'the. Goderhch licenses Into colnOcileiV tion. The two lie.enisee cult off, an • aecoedance with the bylaw of !the town •council, Are those oar the 1:1171'" on Houeo , (Jae. ReYnolds, propriet- er) and the King Edward hotel Mrs. Keng, ropte Meese). The li- cense oe 13alitisli Exchange hotel it extended teatiee 15th of June in oecless that ehe house may Ilia sold to o man isuiltable •bo 'the enspeetor. M.I. Farr, onthe Union betels hap two inontthe to sell out, but the [li- cense evill be continelea to the hot- • R. 3. Cherie of Olen -toe, waist elect- • ed chaiirman of 'the eoaree. Provill`- real Inspector Seeclee, of l'oronta, was peesent at the meeting, • The Feint Farm Shoat Huron County Rifle League. Corn- . petition Friday, June 14,he Tmatch committee of the Ew- an Coen'ty Rene League ineet at 'Dungannon Theme:lay, .May mil, to ttanoneb businese preparaltion _for the shoat at Point Faxen. All the members Were presenti except the secretbany, Who has got ,past the age whenhe thinkstweney-four pollee of pelting lain is good foe young ducks. , The next shoot of the League will he held at Point Farm on Fendan Jane 14tle Ranges, 200 yards 'and 500 yards: Ten men compose a team. Each competition fires one sighting shot and seven shots to 'score at ;sena range. Shooting commences at 9 a.m.sharp. Prizes no be arranged by a com- mittee., anpointed for that purpo.sel Poisicion prone, shooSenlg off the elbows. , A new system of searing; u,e0 be adopted fele th•e 14th June, and we hesees Mint be an improvemlent ieye.r the old way. Thee target accommodatton is to Sia doabled, 50 that all shooting seould be over in good time. The range officers are: C. Elliott, Duneannon ; Webeter, SteHeleas ; C. IlleeeNcele Colborne; R, Carrick Whetechurch. Scorekeepers: H. Bellamy, Dun- gannon; WeThomeson, St. Augus- tine; -c—aVeDonagh, Lanes; F. D. McLennan, Lochalsh • 0, Asquith Auburn ; A. Boyd, f.ecknow ; Geo. Robertson, Weetechuech ; H. Mont- gomery, Goderich 'township. Amplo aecomodation for all will be furnished at Point Farm. Further partioulare will be ob- tained when the bills art out. T. R. Rundle, Secy. S. C. 11. L. oseeeeeecoo•o•••••oo • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • • • oes00000s•ootoo••e••• . ONTARIO ST. CHURCH The Bpayorth League meeting on Monday evening was in charge ot the Citizenship department committee. The following programme was render- ed. Hymn 102; Prayer by the Pas- tor ; Hymn 003; Scripture Leeson, Dean Courticen Reading C. S. Hawke : Address, Rev. W; Wylie ; Quartette, Miss Limy Stevens, Mise Effie Jackson, 0. 8. Hawke and Gordon Taylor. Minutes or bast meeting ; Hynau 180. Benediction, WESLEY CHURCH. Mrs. Jenkins, of To /eine°, formere iv Mess Reid, ossisteill the bof entle morning land eventing lase Sunday. The officers • of !Um Epwonth League well meet tat the, home of Mrs, J. E. Can telon Thursday even- ing est this week. WILLIS CHURCH. On ThursdaY • ;evening el (this w eek their will be an en terta linen ent an the S. S. room when the children will present "Tem Thumb's Wed- ding.' Adreesei•on. 10 cents,. • The Girlie Club held their month- ly meeting en edon,day kveni:ng. They, intend havingeir thannual picnic on Tweet:10.y next, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The LadieseGuild of St. Paul's Church will held their monthly tea te. the (school room. on 'Monday June the third. ' The tneanbers of the S. 0.E, eft- AAlf,AAA^A^p1WAAAAWARIAA NOW !s the Time Foir, Plumbing, EalrettorlieMg4ioienging ILL ORDERS will receive prompt at- tention. Prices given on all kinds of Roofing, Siding, and Contract IVork. ereet, nearly, opPoistilee Mc- 'Teggeeg Seole• Dank, Sanitary Plumbers Are Pst7S1.aci.ldigeer'' elel••66`e°41.°111am .9•'"Ibnse d etee Were ()Pelle leeele 404 eke. Vet44)11011 ebell;eeetig;S' t:9.11•:163tiretle•g.it% tireiiel; b2eeatln$ eelle anleelle•ene`et V.6641141.. Y546; p ti 06' El rp 1 le la rt't- 11: • fa63: ay. Ak' cl• 131 r' I Pt-elC tt teem Ihe text' "He' naLioi; hath'nhele lieVe •" '14'1'41°1 ev, lejiiit?1 mt'ailnue:11 nerd011lanlq,Itit t 77111 ,jibt uletarti, pe' :221114,3: I • 1.115(‘orht cl et 1‘ Y,13,ety 14f3d1 rge. • E. Jeakens. Centrelluron LJJira1r :Hold ,MegtIng, • Seaforth. May 2,9i -The minuet meet in of . the Centre lenron Liberal Association was 'held, in the opera bailee Tuesday afternoon. Addressee were delivered ...by, the member,W. • Prondfoot, K. 0., Thomas Dr, show ad M Y. elol,ean. • Resolutions were introdueed by 3, le Killoran and W li Rebertson, of (ode rich, eradorcing the Politics of -the Liberal leaders an the Dominion and. Ontario Parlimente. . • • The following officers werieleceecn President, M Murdie, Winthrop; first vice peesiderat, Dr. 3. W. Shaw, Clinton; second vice president. N. Keeringhan, Been:eller; third vice pres ident, JCS. CoevaiesSettforth; secvetary, J. Le Killoran, Seafottb. trees:n.81', Goedou Young, Carlow. , Constance Ma.etees Geo. Pollard and ' Geo. Brown, near Blyth, sp"t the 24th of May tbe guest of Geo.,Clark. and other friends, - Mr. Jas. Sutherland, of Brucefield, and sister Miss Nellie Sutherland, of Seaforth, spent a few days the guest of their parents Mr. and Ides, Suther- land. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Adarns,of Blytb, visited their son and daughter over Sunday, ' Misses Gerlie and .elay Glazier, ot Clinton, visited their aunt, Mrs. Thos, Pollard on the 24111 of May, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Price, of Blyth, spent Sunday the guest of theitt sister, Mrs, Dleah Taylor. Mrs Edwin Britton spent `the boll. days with friends in London and St, Thoma.i Mrs. Met:fully has teken pp her tabode in the village once more. Mei. and Mrs. john Riley Jr. and children, of Brucefielcl, spent Sunday the guest of Mr, Ben. Riley, , Loudon Road Wedding Bells on the road next Wedneeday. George Hanley spent the -24th at Harteston, Henry Peacock has been helping his brother, Lew, in Hullett to raise his barn so that a foundetion can ee pale under it, , Mrs. Thos. Walker; of Londomspent Senclay with her Mother, Mr. George klanley. Mrs Fred Nott spent Sunday at her father's in Mortis township, leer par- ents are not very welt at present. - We are sorry to ieport that Mr, John Stevens is on the sick list. He is one of die old settlers of the Road, His many friends will hope foe a speedy recovery. Miss Annie elePhail is visiting a few days at Goderieh. • Mr. and Mrs, George Layton spent Sunday with friends In Seaforth. eir. George Watt lost a valuable cow this week, A freight trein going south killed 3 COWS 017 the 24113. In four years two horses and 3 coves have been killed at W Stanbery's crossing. Something sbould be done so as the animals would he safe frona getting on the track. Une of the cows was valued at $70. The wedding of Miss Pearl Wise will take place next Thursday ;afternoon. Leebitrit Mr. Willioin (Strachan, of Louis- ville, Kentucky, and a former re- sident here paid a visit t01 one burg 'on 'Thursday .afternoon of lase week. Me. and Mrs. James Chisholm ne- loomed home -on Moinelay from. Stratford, where they had 'been a.tendinge !the .ften(ea'al of the lat- ter's mother, Mrs: W. Whaling Me. and Mrs. Harry Freeman and 'there daughter visited friends isi Holineeville Saturday evening and Sunday. Mrs, Thomas. ITinch bourne and daughter Olive of eteloclerieh were the gemets of 'lir. one' Mrs. Harnee Horton from Theuelday nigh till Sun cl ay nigIsI. Our pastor, elev.,James Han:en:eel), lei% on Monday enorneng bo ateend the General Assembly at Edmoriteen and eervice next Sabbath 'will be at lin the evening and eonadetted by Rev, Mr. Gomm, of Dungannon. 0 he isti•an En deav or and Sunday day School wilt be, cendueted in the Morning. We ell 'wish Mr. Hamilbon asafco journey there a - Pleasant Iteme end safe retern. Last Sabbath 'we had 'Rev. Mr, els- Gelleeary of (China to conduct the serVice here and he was well liked by all, Brucelield Wm Swan has 'returned from Poe - onto, where he has finiehed his first year in the University. 13 R Higgins spent Viptoeia Day in Toronto. Mrs Todd, who visited last week at the home of her father, James Roes, has returnee to het home in 'Tortineo, Miss Brownlee; of London, was last week the geese ef her uncle, Rev fl Woods. hrMoLain, of TOCkerS0lith, •Was the guest on her sister, Mrs Wm Man - dock, Stanley. • Miss McMurdie, Celifornia, was list week the guest of her cousin, Mrs, • Mrs. Thomas Gilmour, of Turnherry, visited last week at the home of her sister, Mrs John Cameron. Miss Murrial Elcoat entertained a nutnber of girl friende 00 Wedm sclay evening to a 5 o'clock tea when a misscellaneous shower was given to She would be bride, Mie Jennie MeBeth, who will be married on lune 1st to Mr. Murdock, of Stanley. The isaerarn.ene of •the Lord's Sup- per was held an Sab,bable 'lest by 'thecongregation ef ethe late Rev. John; 110,SS, Mies, Laura ,Saw.ere, - youngest daughter of Rev: E. IL Sawens, for, - merle' of tIiis place, now, of North' rUCer 'vms Marreed on Thureclay v lest, ea Burges of Tilbury. Her •*11119144op' . , Thelweeeteimenan:gentegetedeneeten! 'tenia'eOtteiletee yieeeeee'Daye eglors - ineje,rhefireene.e. ,l0cn06•11. $10.14T.6 , ti3Itotiv;itiie t., t Pli'day Seize leth• eee ;sr ei e .eesteeybed, ltno • What :..• • leleat .ineareseene pep. tio• tiafe leeTein 15E DEAR'. • '' • in sneaking, ffe tne coat Men, :ten P•rla°bi,.137oni,'. are ,$7,e5 and $7.5e, atad there, well be pneaesie tell .alicine the net ,ot Sesitenebere whenanetther 25c . will b"e,acededee.Tio•ere Will:be high pine en ece dee.be, next evit,tee: • , e • Sunday LeVening- ',fund ' est, • the meanbenie ot Clinton Ledge 0, Q. F. and .vielilteng .bretheen, will attend •davine eperee de at St: Paul's. church ae ;o'clock; - Rev. c. B. gekacizis,. preec'n. ' a special Berman Ito ' le0e-eiGHT A FORD. • This week alined Auftomobile was dellivereld toeefr. 'Chas Wallis and eeder Mae, langforclis enstrinceiono Mr. Wailes is able tornin ehe ear lierneelf. We- hope eo be alele to Prent Mr, Wallis' experieece in run- ning' a car aftber a while• A OUVEIT WEIDDIle G. • On Theesdey evening oe -last week at•the Ontario Street parson- age, Rev. T. Wesley Cosens tied the neptSal knot beteveen leer. John Prank Deems and Mies Della Hazel Pinch, u The young couple are welt and fatmeably known and have 'the •best •wishes ot a large cerele of It iends for a long and happy mar- ried life, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon will continue to live is !Clineoin. SEASIDE SUMMER HOMES, Itt e01110(00t1071 With itbe ;seashore resents.. en the Corin,ecticut Coast of Long' Island Sound near NeW non - don Conn. onthe thee of the Grand Trunk Railway's New England Sys- tem, a•seetes et attractive and com- fortable ,cottages can ,be wanted fen- the summate ThIs is I1)am:de- spot and new 'to Cana deans. et will no doubt attract a Dumber of peo- ple from Canada ittlies year. The Grand: Trunk -ere Inenguratingi rieW train !service liesesingi Mon - 'heal at 8.00 pen. daily except Sun- day, arriving New London 8.00 a.m. This train 'tog° into effect on June th. OFFICERS ELECTED, The following officers were elect- ed on Tue,sday evening at the I. 0. 0.P. Lodge:- N.G.-A. Machete v $.-G. Webber elec. Secy. -B..7. Gibbings. Secys-J,Wieeman. Tree earer- 11.13, Chant. Representative to !Grand Lodge-- B. B. Kerte Ieepresentatives to District Meeting -johWeccud h n sei anelmT s ecketr The Diebriet meeting may be held in Clinton as D. D., G. M., MureaY, of Exeter considers •Clinton central for the meeting. FRUIT, OUTLOOK GOOD. Prospects for cherries,plums, ap- ples and pears in 'this vicinity were novel" better. There an a•bunicl- aims of biessom and want es needed now is dry, sunny daye eo fully de- velop the finale The last two years have been failures as far as the op - pies; have been ,concerned, and the fanmees have felt it keenly, as many depend a great deal on itheie or- chards. However, there has (been more %lime and care given to or- chards !this Last year 'than ever be- fore, and if the crop es egai.n fail- inc 31 will not be for want of pep- Per-gtentien. Some of the largest orchards are those of Roberti: Sloan, . whet has 85 actes ; H. T. Renee, 35 aeree and W, H. Lobb, 25 acres. MADE A PRESEN7SATION AT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Ate the regular monthly- meeting of the Women'e Institute bield east Thurstlay afternoon ithere was a good, attendance. • During the ev- ening the retire/1g preeident, Mr. Kearns, was presented with a cold meat fork. Mee. Hall, in a few well chosen,words, (told of how the ladles felt that she had none the Leet she could en ,every inetaloce. Mrs. Kearns spoke very kindly axed hoped"the ,support would be given Mrs. Monroe that had always beea. given her. Thursday, the 3011, ing the Annual District edeeeinig ab Illyth, a uomber of the ladies per-, Pose attending. One mew menthes. to ined the :so mety. , BEE DEMONSTRATION, Tne• Bee demon,stration held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. esaate Dodd e on Thuais day of 'lase week wae a grand surness. Inspector fe, 6 Shrink, assisted by Me; JacOb Ha - beans', 01 &leech, Secretary of Huron County 73eek eepere Association) took eharcl ga of the emonstratiton Noe only isInepector Shrink a 701- IV good fellow, but he can almost t; 11 you 'the age of a be Withoutexamenengi ift. He ceet,ainey under - stns becg, Ina finish, There were Lamm 25 to 30 beekeepees iat the meeting. iL es a great deal ;easier foe the average person to leaeln how to do things far naoee queckly oy. eeeieg 'them clone and told how, and' the Inspector was quite. wiul- hg the people how to do el erythine, :they wanted 'to, know, lele•save 'Mr. and Mre. Dodds great praise foe 'the' style and condiltion they had ellehe bee,e, in. Every - teeing Was as clean as a new pen and meet; of those present event •hotine 'with the with to do better not ,witle the determination to (do ism Onearin. thA ere' are 'only mer counties ttliat bave no •disease among the bee e and Huron County et One of the four. It speaks well for galleon beekeepers and 'the peo- ple who. eat honey, in this lo.cality get it clean !and pure. Following ere the names el some who ,wetre Present at the demonstration ;- J S, Slu•Snk, inepeeter ; Miss McFar- lane; Theodore -Haberee ; Coop- er: 10, W, Watt; Hugh eleGregoe ; S, Cox; Wm. Sinciair ; Liv ermore ; Mrs. Lever:mere; Thos. Prfaser ; W. le El Bolt ; R. Pepper.; Arthur Chapman ; 'Wm. Mule:lock ; Jacob' }laborer; Ahern Irving ;..John Inge L,BeAtie; .Thos, Chuathill. tiniest PairserVice Mc, Rundell ; nee Mrs. Dodds, ,sugars recl'ueci +40 , eene fgal"Pill",442315115111116gaiggi" . , r-411,r6air-r-w., T.,' O'NEIL, • e „ A ReeNAWAY, • ., se The deeivelY leoese ne Beacom. & earieseh, took. e.amie to henteein on Thereday morning about 74 o'clock- -No, damage: WELS done, The 'horse 'Walt Paper rtistic, eitepped, at the- store, 'COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, lrheilenels ,Meeting see the Town ,Willia hetet 'Monday evenk- eng' at -the ,Ogurrell,Ohtivnber 'at • . VelenVS OF TACOMA. , • nolne freeilds''ef the New Era Seale usi No_.:2' 11017y di Vol, "See Am- • Mica 'Pirate' whieb was fully Illus- trated • with VieWs of gardens, 'pubis :Ate Places and also of various :place est the' Paeifie Coast.. it ea/nein - ly show e "how peoplencen beiteele theer own town and.. city. LOTS OP RAIN.• , :. This Ibolen' and- sectio • n Visite 'ed by a heavy rain stared Tueselay eeeninge and the istre.ete were •sobri runnirng„ like rIvers, Th.e delain 10 :front Of R. elearehall's •stare be- came chocked up and Weer,' over- ran the elide:walk in !front of Mane- roe'e barber shop end etores along that LAI:NE ANNIE 8, PREN)DERGAST, , Mee, Annie S. Prendergaet, former ly Miss Annie Seymoun Ryan, of Olin ton, passed away very suddenly on May 13, at •ber residence, Grand Rapids, -Mich. The late -Mrs. Prouder gest will be remembered by a host of friends, who will deeply regret to learn of her death. While in ellinton cleceased was a enueic leacher, and taught here and in Stratford and Toronto in Bishop Strong's Sphool, She also had branch classes in towns around here, She xeceived her early musical educetion mailer Marquis Chris holm and Dean Garanichael, and had :taken her degrees as 13ache1or of Music. Afterethe death of her bus band, the late le D, Prendergast, some time ;ego, she moved to Grand Rapids, where she has since resided. Two daughters'Aurelia S., beek keeper with the 0. & W. Thum Oo„ and Edythe IL bi., stenographer with Reystek & Canfield Co., survive. She will be remembered as a sistee of Mrs. Fred Whitt, CLINTON WON. Baseballdis streck Olintoe in large Proportions on the 24th, the germ spreading to old and young and a large number of the fair sex seccumb- ed. It was the real Spring germ - beseballitis-found in epidemic quanti- ties it loge cities pareicularly, hut intensely acute when found spreading tosnah a live sporting centre as Olin - ton. There was a good crowd at; the game considerinfe that many were one of town for the holiday, The 'home team easily deposed of the London team by a score uf 10 1„ The visitors only reached third base twice and was lecky to score their run in the last innings by an PrrOr. They only succeeded in getting 7 men on bases and three of these were caught steal- ing bases and mie went to sleep at first. Clinton was lucky besides scor- ing 10 runs they had 0 men left on bases, Baker had a good day in the box striking out 18. He walked 5 ;Ind made two hits and bad a run to his credit. The two Lon:lon pitchers had only 4, strikeouts, 3, 73. Hoover and a London Mall were the umpires. The management is areanging for othei games to he brought on during the 4slenaciscisitalo. stove: ee ollawing was the. liup P Id, °I 1 n. 1. -4 R 0 2 Hunter, c 0 4 Hilless0 4 ch, 3b 0 4 o reiscott, lb 0 2 'Henry, 2b 0 3 England, c f • ..... ... 0 3 Mason, r f Pleat, p 0 2 Potheringliana, p 0 ' 0 1 7-277 Clinton R e) in Johnson, lb.. ' 1 . 3 McCaughey, 3b 0 5 A Johnson. e. ... . . 1 4 Draper. 2b . 4 0 Rumball, c f.... 2 3 ruktyre,,rpi e. 1: 3 °Ewen, 11 1 2 Twetehell. .88 , 0 3 10 e7 Clinton 0 4 1 0 2 2 0 0 1-10, London 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1, fXCURSION TO GUELPH Under the ausuices of the West Unroll Farmers' Institute. SATURDAY. JUNE 8 SPECIAL TRAIN BY C. P.R Leave (time adult .child 3 o d &rich 7.20 am. $1.55 $ .80 McGaw, 1,33 1.55 ,80' eS album 7.43 1.50 .75 7.55 1.40 ,70 Walton 8.07 1.20 ,60 lefeeTaught 8,18 1.10 ,55 W. Monk/ton s,8.30 1.05 .55 Milverton • 8.45 • .85 .45 ldillbank 8.56 .80 .10 Linwood( 9.05 .65 ,35 Wall 9,31,51.0110 .. . 0.15 .55 .30 Elmira • •9.25 .50 .23 Arrlive at Guelph 9.55 Reftarningt the especial train 'wilt leave Geelph 7.00 pen. Excursion- ists from •st Aeons Goclereth to Mc- Naught (inclusive) leave privilege of remainding (over and returning by any regular (train Monday, ,Tune A TRIP FULL OF INTEREST MIAs 151015 pepular tbrip of the 'season. Come with us and see the famous tllrat Col- lege; the Experimental. P.arro, ra place' of nev9liendilrig alter:Action e'or agriculturists eind horticultur- ists; MacDon.ale en etetute and Mac- Donald Frills itwo noted education/ell centreg af special Intiorest Ito wo- man; ,'the ponsoltdotte(d Rural School and Sehtool ;Gardena; Hon:. W. J. Harma's celebrated Pairm Coa- ony ; and 'the many. moints of Indus- trial and commercial interesit wjth- it City of Guelph, A day of(Educetion., InspiTatiog, Recreation. Do not MASS 51.' J, ,Mall ough,,Dungannon,_ Pres. Wm, Eailje, pungann,on, Secy. If you want .eomthing really artistic tin Wall Papers we .clann your interest, need., • no argument to provo• that Ile fleet requisele ita ;successful benne decorathng ' es ProPor PaPer hangings, The walls should be lunar- . mony witsh 'the general fur:111- .9114os Ieffect, They can be ennd ,,se all ' camper tivel y 1111110 expease, Yon live with 'the Wale Paper of a e'eS0)11 even morg than with the carpet, let's feee toeface with you ,at eVrerY turn, )3n you pick it oat witii lthis tehought innaind7 We did when plading one, order, Due Wall Paper Department has everyithiing in the Way of • pattteenie and qualities, and we will gladly give oug- gositloins about decorating a nom or a Whole house go, ILL PAPER TRIMMED FREE Cooper:Co CLINTON ellellealgsleeMinenelnefek'SMEEMIIIISIE28 Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs For Sale5 He in this pen are peize Win- ners, and are excellent layers, Eggs $1.80 for 15. A geese hatch guar- anteed, H. A. HOVEY, Clinton • For Sale or ilent A conefortablet 7 -roomed cottage cm 'North Street, geed garden with emit ereesf good water. All in good 'condition, Apply to New Era or to •MRS. 3. BUITLBR Teacher Wanted uramons... Experienced teacher want ed, male or female, to ;teach Ulnioni Scheel No. 12, Goderich and EI•tellett, eitua- itecl, at Summerhill, coltavenie,n't to church and postoffice, with. daily mail eervice. Duties to commence September 3rd, 1912. States ;salary iv ifth qualific et Fong. Applications will bereceeved nese°. June 15th, T. 3, LINDSAY, Secretary, R. D. No. 1, Clinton May leth, 1912. House tor Sale nr Rent A 7 -roomed frame h,ouse on Hutton Street, opposite Cornmeal- cial foe gale Or to rent. House is :being put in good,' order. Wateewarke en connection. Apply ' • MISS PORTER, Rattenbury Street Farm For Sale. Loft 40, 7th Concession, Goderich Townishep, consisting of SO acres, all seeded down ;except 25 acres. 2 acres; orchard, Fejanee 'house 20 x 30 with out buildings. Barn 30 x 72 with: etabling under. First class Well, Fawn is 6 miles from Clinton and 4 from Bayfield. A Ptel-e on Premises or address Geoege Burnett, Clinton P.O. Room to Rent Rooms for rent in Beaver Block occepled at present by Miss Grant, Pince 53.00. JOHN JACKSON. elearing Fire Sale On, arnon.at of 'the slight damage , done to our ',IVElline•ry, we have decided to clear met fonr ;stock at Half Price !Como Early While the Bargains Lasts.