HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-30, Page 4♦ . ►♦ ♦ +i t+♦+�f+++++4+++fit++4++ + �'++1i1#
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Lavergne Explains
Defeat in Quebec
Says Electors Have Lost Faith
in Monk, Nantel Si
NTon(treal.May ?O.—Armand Layer
gne, who' its Mr. .J M. Telliei4s ljee-
ttenan { lin the Quel>(ec district, gives
the following reason for the dle'feat•
of his party.
"The defeat was, 'neither doe to
Mr. Tellier nor hie pajogram. We
were beaten ,byehe navy question
and by (the ,school question. After
what took place at Ottawa I am not
disposed to blame theielectors who
did holt believe in our sin,cfelrity, A•t
'the last Dominion .eleetiolns the
peeeene FrenchHCatnladian ministler-
Lalists, as well as the members
`themselves, came forward as Nar
tionallets, 01' at least supported the
Naftionali,st program. As for the
,school question, their attitude for
the most part, except aflew noble
exceptions, was far from, reeslauh'r
ing 'to the minority. It was, in fact
the abandonment of thesie' princi-
ples which was fatal tons on May
15. Take, foe Ln,stance, the counties
of Bellechasse and Rianouski, a here
Messrs. Lavelle and Bouley hall
been elected as Nationalists, the
Liberate have now .been retinelted
by crushing majorities.
efficiency depends upon
your condition.
Scott's Emulsion builds,
strengthens and sustains
robust health.' Alt Druggists.
Scott R Bowne, Toronto, Ont, 12-8
Iwo Licenses in
Edwr of Wale%
London, May, 13. -Tho Prince of
Wales will reach his legal majondity
on/ June 23, where hcj will ihavp,.
owit epochal household and A,arge.
suites/ suitably 'appointed and set
apartt' alt Buckingham and Wlin,dsoat
Palaces. Queer( Mary will person-
ally leuperintend ' the furnishing
and docoraftion of these palages.
Thu Kkng•wil'l,eontinue to Isupeli-
vies /the • 'occupations and pursuets
of 'the boy, ,butt 'the Prince twill
h,ave•.•a governor and conftrollers of
the household, an equerry, and
two 'secretaries; as well as a large
,s(tafe `of servants at special wages,'
and..coachmen and geooans.
:The Prince of Wales will not Sev—
er. hunsolf from his efferbioneee
family Life, butt will ,be able toen-+
tertainl his friends at 1utn;cheon ,aard
denners in his 'own apex/Maente, He
will receive. his invitations dir;elet,
and ,no(t (through he Kiinlg. Tho
regency of the Quleen is created in
the event of thee;prolonged ab,senee lymto� (the benefit of his health,
os dire misforltu'ne to 'the King. ch, combined wilth bis highly
This would be ,the sieuetionee on nervous tempeljani'ent, caused a
Juno 23, when the, Priinclee of Wales • good deal of anxiety to his parents
would legally be ,able to take 'the
Kings position Jai an emergefacy,
The Kin,gis fo'ulkh son, Prince
George, wen(/ to his first school last
week. r3e accompanied his brother
Prince Henry, (teethe private ,school
some time ago,
The Prinoe,ss Mary, following ithe
example of her aunt, Princess Vic-
toria, ltoeps copies of a diary, She
had been observed making entries
Ln a blue covered volume at the
aft Broadstairs, where the latter has Royal Academy, especially before
been! foe neairly (three yea2jsi great- the Royal pictures.
HEADLINES WE WILL NEVER "Howse all (torn up?" '
SEE,,, I "Not yet.'
"Rugs in the backyard?"
"1\7o that comes next, though!'
"Painters/ and decorators on the
Furniture all piled in one room,'
"Window curtains down?"
"No, hue she's started houseclean -
Man. Loves Housecleaning;
Carpet Boating -His Sport,
flueba'nd of Suffragets
Denounces Votes for Women.
Oil King John D. Rockefeller
Gives Away His Last Dollar.
Canadian Genitiemen Crowd I it g all right
Women Away From Lifeboats. "Wha't makes you think so, if the
Actress Loses Her Diamonds; house hasn't been disturbed?"
Refuses to Be Interviewed, "Sho bought two pounds[ of'cold
Foreign Nobleman LsRobbed toiled ham ye'sitelyday morning;•'—
Of a Large Sum of Money. Detroit Free Press.
GuoeriCg1 Must Gu Harry Lauder of Lite and
]'asses Away iu the Poorhouse,
Town Solicitor. _Decides That Re-
duction Bylaw Cannot Legally
' -Be Rescinded.
Goderich, May l7—Contraryto ex-
pectations when the liceinse come
missioners for Centre Huron Meet
in a' few days 10 grant licenses ito
the hotels of the town of Godlerich
they will have the difficult matter
on !their •hands of deciding• which
licenses shall be renewed.
When a petition signed by 57
cetizen,sl was preseineed to the (town
council' two weeks ago, asking for
a recinding of (the by-law which
authorized ,the cancelling of two
licenses, et was thought by a num-
ber that isuoh a step could ee
legally "taken.
Ther petition was referred to the
.special commifttee which in turn re-
fereed it to the town solicitor fen
advice. The matter *as looked
anitoi carefully by Mr. Gareow, and,
has final conclusion was that the
byelaw could no%,berecinded as'thie
license year had alrlealdy begun.-
Ee did not consider the cas!e:.was
altered by the fact that the licenses
-were renlelwed by (the department
foa' 'the space of one month, dating
from; theist of May,
in g,"
Electric Restorer for Men
A SURE SIGN, Phosphonol restores every nerve n ,e o y
to its proper tension; restores
---, vitn and vitality" Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phoephono5 will
ell, ,she's startecl'houseclean S_BkeMailedta �nyadddreae. hoSco'borr two for
Co., St. Caton ino , Ont.
Biliousness is: Bad Enough'
in itself with its headaches, Our stomach, unpleasant breath
and nervous depression -but nervousness brings a bad train
of worse ills if it is not soon corrected. But if you will clear
your system of poisonous bile you will be rid of present
troubles and be secure against others which may be worse,.
act quickly and surely—they regulate the bowels, stimulate
the liver and kidneys—tone the stomach. Then your
blood will be purer and richer and your nerves won't bother
you. The whole world over Beecham's Pills are known as a
most efficient family remedy, harmless but sure in action. For
all disorders of the digestive organs they are regarded as the
Best Preventive and Corrective
The directions with every box are valuable -especially for women
Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25e.
;e. :. adeteeiearele sinoas ;e
alON'T think that concrete can be used
t only for building bridges, silos, walls
and walks; because if you do, you will
probably overlook all the places where you
can use it now.
T. I. Irving, of.North Georgetown, Quebec,
used concrete for 81 different purposes on his
`farm in 1911.
There are probably at least a dozen trofit-
able uses for concrete on your farm at the present moment.
Perhaps you haven't thought of Concrete, except for a new barn, or a
silo, or some other big.improv
e eat for w
hick you aren't quite ready Yet.
That's why you should read e
• "What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete"
It will open your eyes to the hundreds of uses that other farmers liave
found for this material. In plain- language, "and with the
it explains • ust what these uses
1 x„a •. aid of ,P just
� are, and .how they can e applied to your farm.
Concrete can not only be used for all the purposes to
mill— II'- which wood has been applied, but also many others tor
which wood would never be suitable.
It is not only a building material: lt's, a "handy" ma-
feriae something that you'll ,grow to depend upon more.
and mare, asyou learn its possibilities.'
So wrsre for this bock. You'll find It isn't a
Catalogue, nor an argument for you to buy our
cement. Every one of fts Up pages is devoted to
tefnng yen what farmers. have done and can do
with concrete.
Your name on a postai,' or Ig a letter,
wit being - the book 'to irvai by return
mail: f Or use the coupon, Address
N tiienni,Bbsalt Sundial'
"Alexandra D
Local News
A medical journal, after inyeetiga.
tion, points out that poets die young.'
If a large number of persons, who
think they can write poetry, will
only be frightened by this statement'
sufficiently to keep them' from culti-
vating their very small gift, the in-
vestigation will not have been in -vain.
Circulars are being issued by the De-
prrtment of Agriculture warning pota-
to planter against the use of seed pota-
toes from Europe. This is to guard
against the potato canker, which is
the most dreaded enemy of the potato
and is a fungus growth, which when
once started in tha soil can scarcely
be destroyed. ,Some potatoes im-
ported from Europe were fouud to be
affected and were at once destroyed,
• While the weather man has not
favored us with the weather of the.
Variety pleasing to those afflicted with
the baseball pug for the past two
weeks, it is a satisfaction to know
that it will ensure a good crop of hay
this year, and it is badly needed after
last year's poor crops. The rain was
also needed for those crops which
were slightly nipped by the frost a
few days ago, as will bring them all
up well. While work on the sand
has been delayed the farmers are very
grateful for the generous down.
The sole object of advertising is
to draw custom ancl it was clesign-
•ed for no other purpose, so whets the
dull season comes alon • and there is
no trade it is the leve headed mer-
chant who schemes to put in a better
advancement than ever and scoop in
all the trade while .;his neighbors are
making mortgages to pay the electric
litrbt bill The merchant who waits
until his store is full of custom before
he thinks he can afford to advertise••
will not attain the best results, Write
this down where you'll fall over it
every day. The time to drew busi-
ness is when you want business and
not when you can already attend to.
Children Ory
"I never could understand why
more farmers did not keep bees," says
W. A. Freehon in Farm Stock and
Home "There are some so constiuted
that they dare not cone within a mile,
of ahive, but the most of us ere not
so unlucky. Few things are relished
more than honey, and bought less.
Any farmer may care for a hive or
two without much extra expense or
bother. Get the boys interested and
encourage them to increase the num-
ber of hives by letting them have
everything they make in the line of
The rural telephone in this seotion is
exceedingly handy not only for busi-
ness gossip and love affairs, but it is.
also excellent for arranging little
affairs of honor. Teo well known
young.faamers on Saturday evening
drove into town and met as prear.
ranged over the moue, They went
at one another in the good old fash-
ioned way and fought it out, How-
ever it don't end there, they will have
to face Magistrate Barker this week
and one of them will explain why he
removed amolar from the jaw cf the
other, [Kincardine Reporter.]
Wiarton Canadian: It was easy
money, and thises how it cane. A
traveller, the reprepresentative of a
merchant tailor in an adjoining town,
,struck Wiarton not long ago, and
solicted orders for suits -Ele liad his
tape and samples and understood his
job. More than that, he had a sample
book of this season's styles, and one
could have his suit right up•to•date,
And be got some orders. , There was
a deposit of $5, if the purchaser did
not have 25, be took less. The deposit
was necessary as a guarantee of good
faith, and of coarse if the suit did not
fit, the -money would be refunded,
Well, that is all some time ago now,
and the people are still waiting for the
pian with the suits to turn up. Moral
aha well, patronize your home town.
People grumble and say the town is
dead and dull and at the same time
send in theioorders/to the large cities
for supplies of all kinds, Every few
days a large package of merchandise
arrives at the station and we presume
that a number cf people clnbhed to
getter to make the ceder, as it is often
too targe for one family. As long as
this sort of thing continues the town
will remain dead and dull. If it keeps
up very long we may es 'well call in
the undertaker. As long as people
are too small to give the home mer-
chant every opportunity to supply
their wants so long will things re
main in their present condition,
With Biliousness and Sick
Calgary, Alberta, July 8,1911
I was a great; sufferer fore a long
!time with Biliousness, Sick Heladt-
ache! and Liver atonble. 'Nothing
ysecmecld to do Wile any good. I had
,almo's't given, up in despair when ,I
decided! tGo'try,
Fig Pills
After taking about half, a; box the
lie at aches/ stopped' and mY appetite'
lmpraved I hey lust finished the
fifth box and feel as well asover. ]
;can heartily recommend Fag' Piths'
for stomach and liver troubles.
Mrs. Mary Olson,
Sold at all dealers in 25 and, 501cenit
boxes, or mailed by The Fig Pill Co.,
St. Thomas, Ont. Sold -in Clinton'
by J. E. 'Hovey, Drugged[,,
Will Be
Nell For Charity
London, May -12.—A ,ltiumber of
well known ,socielty ladies have hilt
upor>l avery bright and inovel ddeia
lin Which 1nlhonor'Quecin•Aldxand
and att'the !same time benefit the
many hospitals, homes and i, ,chari-
ties in which Her'Majeety is inter-
Dau a certain day at :the eel(' Of
Juno'to,•be called "Alexandra Day"
-a band ofisocdtyleaders, with
Many willing 'helpers, will sell in
the ,streets of London, flowers( of
all ,sorts, and the money so collect-
ed! will be handed, tol+•Quleen, Alex-
andra: °ler distribution u (among her
pelt charities. Some of thie flowers
will be artificial, made fay those
clever little (, teripp),e children in
wheats/ work Queen Alexandra has
always taken the'greatiost personal
interest, while, ofeoua'se, others
will be [natural blooms, mostly
from! the ,sellers own , /hot-hous,ea:
Roses will predominate,,;land next
,te the rose will come queen Alex-
andra favorite flower,' the "Alex-
andra" carnation.
Already a .committee ' [has been
'f of mel to [arrange tnattens, the
Pot Infants slid Children.
12 1,
b if 7srall t i•na'roailways- Soughtt
Dears the „„a -s
ci,,r;lMtuvo of 4.',i^r�lro�'.E 4444
MOTTO: "'For Home and Country"
FOR 1912.13.
Meetings Held the Fourth Thursday
of each Month at 3 o'clock p.m,
Hon. President, - Mrs. T. Kearns
President, Mrs. E. unroe
Vice -Pres., - Mrs. H. B. Chant
Sec.-Treas., - Mrs. T. Mason
Auditors. Mrs. R. Eitzsimons and
Mrs. H. B, Chant.
PROGRAM -191213.
MAY 24—House-Cleaning Hints
and Resolutions.
Mrs. Ed. Munroe
JUNE 27—Discovery Day. Read-
ing. a Mrs. A. McMurray
JULY 25—Picnic, 1. i t c , 1i' -i.`; ix. ci
AUGUST 22 -Electricity, rand its
Uses in the Horne.. -,?0,=0,1',7,741
Mrs. H. B. Chant
SEPTEMBER 26—The Influence
of Women.
Miss Ida Tebbutt
OCTOBER 24—Social Evening.
NOVEMBER 28—Home Amuse-
ments and Literature.
Mrs. Chambers
Inexpensive Christmas Gifts.
DECEMBER 26—Announcement
JANUARY 23—Darning Contest
by Members. -
FEBRUARY 27—Spring Sewing
and Demonstration.
Mrs. Sadieojohnson
MARCH 27—Buildinga Career.
Mrs. A. J. McMurray
APRIL 24 -Election of Officers.
" The dissemination of know-
ledge relating to domestic econo-
my, including household architec-
ture with special attention to home
sanitation; a
better understandingrstandin
of the economic and hygenic value
of foods, clothing and fuels, and a
more scientific care and training
of children with a view to raising
the general standard of health and
morals of our people; which prac-
tically includes any line of work
which makes for the betterment 1
of home conditions.",
Counftess of Wilton being the priest --
dont, while among the members,
who aro all working hard enrolling
helpers and arranging the hundred
and ono details are the Duchess of
Marlborough, the Marchioness of
Dufferin, and Ave, the Marchioness
of Crewe, .and many, others.
Needless to add, Queen Alexandra
hersel• is taking akgdrl in[teresii in
the arrangements.
Mrs 6 William -Lamont
fatally Injured
Fell Through Unfloored Room in
New Addition to Her
Varna, May 22,—lairs. William La
mon/, living en the Goshen line, in
Stanley Township, was fatally in
;lured at hes' home yesterday after.
noon. Her husband. had been build-
ing an addition to the house over the
kitchen, and while it had been roofed
and sided, the flooring was not in, Mrs,
Lamont had occasion to go upstairs,
and in some way missed her footing,
and fell to the ground floor. The
carpenters working outside heard her
fall, and on rushing in found her un-
conscious. She was attended by her
son and • daughter until the doctor
Came, but never regained conscious-
ness, died in a short time, Mr, Lamont
was in Zurich when the accident
happened and was horrified when be
returned, to hear bis wife's death, Mrs
Lamont was 52 years of age, and he
sides her husband is survived by
three daughters -bliss Janie in ![!lune
apeolis, and Misses ItIaggie and Mamie
at home—and one son, Roy, at home.
The funeral will he held on Thursday
to Bayfield Oemeterv.
is cornmee to persfons fuiomi 'uric
acid pofsoniis. It is caused from
the nerves and is likely to take the
form of despondency, irritobility or
worry. Anti Uric Pills drive uric
acid frond the ,system and cure all
kidney 'troubles. J. E. Hovey 'sells
Apnti Uric` Pills with his persdrt,ai
iruarautee, B, V. Marion( on every
box, '
(slit DAT3$ Al` BO'fi20M) S
Truss Torture
Once Thought Noosese y, bot Now Your
Search for Relief Is 'Ended.
Wonderful Mottledget0ths and Cures
Without Knife, Dander or Pain.
J. Y. EVAN, Specialist of Toronto
Otd-fns it edtras for eis np tengger neces•
sa all is sal 111 " ` eats Act Uarbarous
t� t n
P 1
r dons
me ods o� ea �away
Pit A 4,.4
y by ilea
f �y��Mien of a s :mast
/ho 1,88 dd evot d I111t �ks to t1Is 0110 affix
t op. �h in;5ty lou SW PUN "CURATRUs"
vas t0 O 0 Tiny t•0 stant te11ef rest and
e0 t' wiilte} o a fall. It stoics all
itr1 jOn ttdorootot sever art to its na-
tura1 p}Ositl ' aa as o05 0a n e& s44 anad for all
t OU,IIY S O RA I UO" 40100 abbsolutely with•
o t ou5eaet n can the .09- a�i.4 .
olKuititatl�s o o ed , onion and children
tes ty. Iso 1a0 h. taiana.
R ppb'
y 40
00205. Wei �11 ' 0 yyO Ill l greatestrrI-
su0cees. No stn comp o if Palin r irrl-.
toyytton but tjsne Of a o wh eh 0 1' s:
of bi an amAe of o atkeg or 1119
iuu g� A tlifs aside,
alyd Lgc�'g 0
el ut U biY t� o ; but.
western Wheat Acreage
Is Greatly • Increased
The Total Wheat Acreage in tile-
Three Provinces for .1912 Will
Be 12, 150,000,
Winnipeg, Man.,, May 16.—Ninety,
five per cent of this wheat . has •
been se,aded in the three prairie
provinces, and while 'the heavy
rains have curtailed the acreage in'
'some sections, in others 7enorm'ous
areas of new breaking havle in..
creased, the acrteage from 25 to 50
per cent.
Art increase of 25 per oent, has
been made in bofth, Saskatchewan(
and Alberta, while the pi esent crop
's(ta'ncla as follows,•—
Maniltoba (unchanged) 3,400,000;
Sa,skaitchewan 6,250,000 a 25 per,
cent increase, malting it 7,812,000;
Alberta, spring wheat, 750,000 a 25
per cent incroaae, making it 948,000.
The 'total wheat acreage of 1912,` is
therefore 12,10,000.
B ant�isova
, pp .. 9119! ton tl
$esst,dkah�t el w) e` 0r
toll's() 4u1 on, kho 41eor
h 0
neater e fi4oM. - NON date
Seaforth, Queen's Hotel, June 0. ,.
Clinton,-1Rattenbnry Hotel—
Friday (all day till 9 li. in.)
1 day only—June 7
Goderich, Bedford Hotel, June 8 9
Wingh'am, Queen's hotel June 10.11
A WATCH is a delicate piece
, ,, of machinery. It calls for
less attention than most
machinery, but must be cleaned
and oiled occasiclnally to keep
perfect tifne-
With proper care a Waltham
'Watch will keep perfect
for a lifetime. It will pay yell `
e, welt to let us clean your watch -
every 12 nr 18 months.
W. R. Counter
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
,• 5peaial values ill„Art
4 Pianos and organs rent
1 ed, choice new Edison
• phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
di MUSIC Emporium
Co Hoare..
▪ •
• Moot Maker and Repairer
Opposite Postofce.
Repairing done promptly.
Suit cases £and --Trunks re-
A trial will convin`e you of
the neatnessl and promptness
with which I execute my work
Store open every evening