HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-30, Page 3e - 11- E' MARKET% bloago Wheat Sun:tree glees Higlien, Livelpoet ExChange Closed -Live ., . , , . Stock-eLatest Quotations, CeigninO, may 20. -On accounii.if emu. lei/a% trine Nebraska that ram was Oneed, and because the ctrought in 1,1feet. "n IE.,04laa bad tinlY been broken in part 'lent to17 showed unexpected strength; :Wheat nosed erni, no ttre'ke above la,,ii Iliffht,• Latest trading left' corn varying rOrn VIC decline to no amernoe; cats op 0 to i3e, end provisions unchanged to , .,c increase In '. T110 Liverpem Grain neohange was closer' tinday ami •win not reepeu until tlriesday next, owing to the Whitsuntide hoflrjay, . , ,Winnipeg Options, Oen. Leigh Low, Close, Close, 1047 10414 10414 10434b 10114b 10534 10514 10514 10504b 105141? 1 Oat0--•TO-daY, Y0,6t, IMay .,.,......' ... ,,...,..,web at . • • 'Toronto 'Grain Market. heat,, fall, bushel 3105 to 31, 00 heat, goose, bushel 0 93 A"... ,Uye, btlsbel ....... , :. . ,0 85 i? ' 'Oats laushet .,..... 0 55 'Barley, bushel ...,., ...... . 0 80 fli) alley. for feed ..........,, 0 69 'bushel ... ... . . ...,, 1 2 e e Istiaewheet, bushel .... - 0 ils 0 �e ' Toronto Dairy Market Butte,' ,ereamery, lb. rolls,. 0 27 036 Butter', creamery, solids0 25 • RUtter, separator, dairy, lo, 0 25 311 It ter, store lots 0 23 OS, MINV-laid .. 0 24 eese, new, Ili 0 15 Cheese, old 0 10 /.., Honey, extracted , 013 rr. , , . • Montreal Grain and Produce. MONfilEAL, May 25.-Fo1lerv1ng„ xFers the prices' here treclay: • Corn -American, No, 2 yeno*, 41 *Pee; 3o,,ero. 3, 510 to tame; extra No Oate-Canedian western, Ne, 2, me t feed, Meath 52e. enaney-Maxiitoba feed, 60o to 060: malt- ikg, $1.00 to $1.07. Buckwheat -No. 2, 74o to 73o. . elts, 35.80: seconds, 05.80; strong beker, , our -Manitoba spring wheat paten 35,10; winter atents, Choice. 35•25 to Se i Orki.ght rollers, $4.80; do„ ,bags, $.24 Oo Rolled oats-Darrels, 35.35; bag, eli liest. $155. Minfeed-Bran, 32e; aberte, 32?; Male m dlings, 320; anlike, ere te On - „ ay -No, 2, per ton, oar Iota, 320,30 to heese-Finest westerns, 1934o to ilea! finest easterns, laeceto Ono, - Butter -Choicest creamery, Ole to rndal seeonds, 2.6143 to 2€14o, . _ . e Eggs -Fresh, 230 to 23140; Not erste. 18e to 19e. Potatoes -Per eag, car bate, M. q el. Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, 318.50. porle-Ifeavy Canada abort tel/ Mont ;barrels, .35 to 45 pieces, 320; Cana a 80 tin begins, baxreis, 45 to 55 lenge, Men, 4 e.are-Comeound twines, 878 the., leiter ..seood pails, 90 ibe net, use pee% tlettea, 576 les„ 106o; pure, wood Palls se les, net, lee. ..tineef-Plate barreis, 200 lbs., 322; do. Ones, 3?0 ilo're, $25. Liverpool Provisions, IVERPOOL, Mae 20,-fleee1-lextre, la mem, 1223. Foelt-Prene rolik stern, ins; hams, short mit, 1.4 t le s,, 600; bacon, Oumeerlaind out, 23 to es, 56s; short ribs, 10 to 24 let, 0331 e2� bellies, 14 to 16 lbse, 5634 lone 31448 28'19, light, 28 to 34 lbs, 67; long eleete Meanies, heave, at to 40 lbs, 560, 111 (Snort eleax •backs, 16 to 20 1133, Me aat:. sneemers, •square, 11 'to 18 1ba 473; rd., nrime western lei tieroes, 31.0 0; •ameriorin refined, 36a 615. Batter. gooe 2'IsAtittine, spirit% 85e 0d, Venire dein4 88.Tanow, prime eite, 9-26 e_e;, .9 , 160 9c1, PetroleaM, refified, 0 2-ece; /lewd oil, 46a ad. •14.. Duluth Grain -Market, 1 J tretNee d, ,31.16 1-4; 1 Iferthern, 31.1 1-4, DULUTH, may 26.--Wheat-1. 1 erN2 northtni, $1.12 1-4; May, $1, 4blesi Irian .0u14', 31.14 1-4 to $1,14 8-8 tar either, 31.06 hordraa, E cr.111,,retr CATTLE MARKETS. East Buffalo Cattle Market, iASTirts 125 head; steady. BUFFALO, May 25.--daetle-, ea setateelpte 150 head; active a0.4 lower; 34,50 th 60.30. jai:Ay-Receipts 2000 head; fairly ae den; 23e lower, others steade;e'18; aild mixed 38.10 to 38,15; yorkere 'Ft3.1.0: leg% 37,40 -to 37,50; rough, ,10 to 37.26; •stags, $6 to 36.25; &neon 2038,05. neeep a -rel lambe-Receir,te 8000; 42.-, thfa, ahep gteo,dy; lambs 100 atlas 34 to 39.25. Chicago Live Stock. dIXICACIO, May Pt4 lvit4 0,4p4eto .2,8t-rCtle-aleoel , t ; Market dal]. 28ees30.13to 14beak ateeta, 34 o 781 Weeteratr3e29 it4/.60; /took rs and fsderenentenws and eners, 40 t 4 4. 4)Ik , a 13 friAdVrE,Iiii!leig°337;e0linli_ agfoldlv;PZA ° 1,934 htly ., tr,i! to $7.79; remelt, $7, 1,:. sit)4 .. uo to 30.245 leek lif saint OW' ilatIVO, 33,50 38 SO 8,1. Wester , ' Lambe--Itecelpte, 1000; rnar 34 d 35.,j0; Yearlings, 35,00 te 2,00, Laddi ', 0.t000, 35 td 38,001 V0e430211, $3.15 tO 39.10, Liverpool Live Stock. r .itelgill,POOL, May 25.-Jethe. Rogers gls' P. , Cable 10-003' that, olving to the 48333151e eborectere ehruotit the coatirafe ere was a 1-i.00 04 011% 9001, per p,941-1 853 tee Biekenheag market, Petri rennet a A • denaelim etesee flealdni lean 33 1-2 ,to 11 eento fief teethe. •.. , . ,„ . ' Cheese Markets. , WITIIITOW14, MY. Mee Ser --011.0691 33 1685 8000 boxes et 19 1.49 fe 3.e h elaini erred said 530,treits q 6919 apentafs, Meer 24.es0114 thor n'ere boar ed hod, ael 391 t telt-16e - ' - ' • e • eV -ea. -el ', n ifnertNTHE, facer ihoe-hteallactys 7v 6 -el otiose Mold ei, 18, 7-6.4 carte .ans915 t 'later at 26 q-88 eil tee at A.1.4e, MO -83,-43 'the 11 Cheese noard 2.203 ehenie , ) gene, .eolcil 631 0018134 0.183 Voag , tliiite 4614:33,, 0 ass6. ,,t6 ANV titt,.gue.L, lit4,7 od,r4, 14g4t NI., ot the entstefe V b a frenien'a Arsorriatieli this retetiee bottled 192 54, Jae tie 33 128488004, e ti' e 6 et cl nenO - . Aosuirt,A. § 8n,,, d tilltil‘lt' . alley, 050 bolere 6 etS e ey , 'Enallealle del% feeee,, ' Leitiehig lerdffieraie e tq nee8 eheeid 4 tAi a i of,.,P,M,t3,,..:',518pf 0 1101, g 61 r,,Loid6A, die001e'lgVA'-!:i)-ati, , 140 Weitej ' eSe Id ' ee110Wei Fitereern Ulnae, 1 0 Ito Mtel, if. eratitiedl 10: &AN:Norm Se 41 '. 3:- creletedi eterth Bretiolt, 8,2 obleee ; erring, 100 ooloindl held fit 18 11-14a, 1. ttethr. nattiwerth. In 815163015, nen] 3 3,8e D, Itecite a_10 1802633- Offered 0'. dela eel' ithene, I:ridding !rein /no felitelleeet : • • - a --- tiok'O Cotton Root CompooncEL The great Uterine Tonto, and ittn.ey safe effectual Monthly Regmatoronwhichwomenean depend, Sold in Sumo dt3Teas' of strehatii-No. 2, 51: xto. 10 degrees stironger $3; leo. 3, keel y b'all drug sts. ose r, nt tor opeciaa easea,iff5 per box, opera on recta et of price, , ee pamphlet.' ,Address, Tiff Toelitrtaeler. acoreregrepana FEARED HE CONSUMPTION ' Cured Ukn HUGH 5Sck35t4Nit, Roo, ST. STRVITRW, N.13, Jau, reth. eI wish to ten you of the greet geed ."Pruit,a, elves" have dome 'for ten. For years, I was aenartyr to Chronic Coesta pation and Stomach Trouble. I was greatly run down and my friends feared I had Consumption. I tried numerous doctors and all kinds of medicines, but received no relief until advised to try "Fruit-a-tives" by Mr. McCready of St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that I now enjoy excellent health. "Fruit - naives" are the best medicine made, and I strongly advise my friends to use them", HUGH McICENNA. "Pnuit-a-tives" is the only medicine that will positively and completely cure Constipation. This wonderful compound of fruit nneeseacts directly on the liver, causing this organ to eetract more bile from the blood, and to give up more bile to n3ove the bowels regularly and naturally. soc a box, 6 for anso, trial size, aec. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Pruit,a-tives Limited, Ottawa. „ On of the listeet faShion notes reads as follows :- "Mary had a libtle ;skirt Tied tightly in a bow, • And everywhere that Mary went , Shd simply could nob go." WancleT nee is a libel 05111)9 fair sex or a poebie effusion, based on fact? Children Cry FOR •FLETCHER'S eASTORIA Friday eitleie week the 19th an - meal meeting of the National Coun- cil af Women opens ifts sessions in NoeniCal School, Loinden, and 'will continue fox a week. A very prae- tioal program le outlined and there will beeemething dein?, aftee it is oven very likely, I 8 ssutckI „op. coughs. Flues colds. heals the throat and kinds .• • 25 cents. Are you .acquaineed with the writings 03 2-180 quaint but level headed Peeler •Mmerehur af Elrfancl? A isatapshoe from onl of hes ceeetT3e beetione says les is. not a matter 02 bueiness rbut a hereditary disease," Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A New Ontario le 'waking up and as af result a de)agatian 1,000 etrong is heading for Toronto on June 21st to interview the Provincial go.v,erne merit and the leading beeiness con- cerna of the Queen city to impress tb,e333( with tem (necessity .aid- ing a "boo,et" movement in 'the Northland. By 'selectingthe 21st prox they nee Ithe longeet day en.. 1912 for opening ;shoe,. inclicateag that theire is a daylight request. A. novel fent:fere of Una visit is that the viraitoes will dominate the eri- Aerial pages of Tenant° daily; pa- pers foe the day. Some "hot stuff" may be expecte& asthe New ,Ontear- io crusaders are eh,onmughly in ear- nest( and evidently ineetad to make O capture if ponsible. In the ape. - o1 ninety characterizing the move- ment is, a practical lesson for every or g anizati o n aiming at Ise ce ea s During the census Year in United States there were nearly seventy-seene khousa,ncl deaths due to pn;etenonia, and although consuneption leads this by 82,000, pneumonia is responsible 100 more, deaths than diphtheria, scarlt fever, smallpox, and cancer coanbined, The trouble is that people are too care- less about colds -let them run 011,-. grow bigger every clay--finaele Oki (Melina:erne steps In., - The very best thing- to keen Alto FV I bit& ailee in Ap verY • VI I household Ner- viline, which, you Not curing colds. r prJly 84 851120r18ce6t8,in It Quickl y can, depend en for pre • vents relief and a quick cure. It .hes more c petericy, ' greater ,tireS penetrating and curative • pewee than any orrin When a cold Is start - 5110, give the chest and, throat. w vigor, one hand rubbing with• Nerviline, gargle the th.roaii 000318 Nerviline, ape,' take a good stiff doee In hat water, yetell he surprised how feet the' Oka e will disappear. It 00 .course the chest should be protected by a Ilerviline. Porous Plaster, walla will. absorb 'all congestion and intlennna. tom es Yen won't mad to OeoO Efficient •and EcOnumical Oust laying •Contineed froea page 1 • , tendert'," et 10)1010 re -00113i1235 'that, the Oil demons satisfacto-ry than. watsr rend the coat 'was abent the same. -in Waltham, lialaise„ 41802 -cost was .1 1-1c. per eq. yard, and the resuebst 'gated to lm satisfactory. _ In Springfield, Maga., the cose, exelneive 051 etreet cleaning, we,ar Ind depreciatine of eaeeq riage uip- ment, wee 2. por sq. yard. Tarvia "R" 15, a propelefteme road preparation; applie,d for 1551451 001)- s- presSiOn, and is manntantured from tar, In tee/Wing named, the ;Klan thee he swept clean 'aria the mater- ial. applies generally by elisernme toes, The Be200p50/1gs Previously ecenoved teem the ,surface, sand rinse or similar Materials, arta then epread oven. the surface 01 the need end the road opened to traffic. Aa a rule, et is 'claimed that one appli- ealtinse Per engage is seeficietain re- paira sufficient, Tepee's necessary Leave made by .patelem,g. The average coot in Wee Weld N. ealei 1910 was, 3 1-2c, pee eq, yard, at Plainfield a fettle moan; at Phil- le:leis:mg 3l -10e. and in B2,001913,44 New: oek, the coat' was about 2c. and the roads were kept austlees fox a period of about 60 days after each application. The{ different material's' are being need foe experimental purposes. In many place% The odes Mingle with ehe particles of dust and prevent eheer, being carried into; the ate .by a whirl of air or by. wheels. The tare spread a thin film: over the surfaces where leis hard, and. pale, vent the dust from. flying, and the ehl °Tilden, melee the dust wet and so keep it down., In each of these cas- ee, the result is only for a feev weeks, at most, The trfeatment has t o• b9191154000.j f requen y and 88 novell Peensanleurt. In France, the engineers., and shortly after, the Public( generally, pronounced there resuets ineffective, except at eon- siderable cost and as is well known roada in France are tne best in the world. Duet prevention 15 8,18 .art j- Oulrings ,:the careful extmelee of teained brains 'as well as 'the pries- ence of a sprinkling de,vicia filled with a sticky fluid. Bead oiling 88clone .so poorly 312 many.placee that the' aLle,d roads nee 'a nunianee rath- ex, than areaef, Zealous salesmen are hurling their own inteneets by 'telling people it Ms only necesatery to mit "plenty" 02 011 on n; tlear- oughly dried road to keep down duet( f 03 a year. This 19 arnant nonsense. Experience in this chan- tey shave that oiling a road to be successful requires careful atten- tion to a number of detaile or the r , oad will be 112060 disagree:Able than esseoeta treatment The black areasy muci of an overoiled road 04 of One oiled while damp, has made infalY a house so grimy that dust prevention is considered worse than the dust itself. It is evident that this year h stilt mere annoy- ing result of brainless road oiling 00411 besomewhat prevalent. As a result, of former .co.mplaents of en- ressive use of preventatives or be - :mute 02 ,12 desire to make a s,how- mg, for economy, =amount of oil fa being used in some places Which es wholly inatlequate. For some reason which nobody has yet 000- 1410.10001,r]; - Plained, the liquid is ottesprink- led an a road d.eep with fine dueft and partici es 0-51 refute 'from coma - less, 800-01-18055, This duet cannot be eoneoliclated by oil or anything el:se into evien a fair roakl sari:ace. When a email quantity Of oiL is i5prinIt1ed on 111, the dust and oil form little pellets of sticky mud ly- ing in a mites of' barely anoisactelael duet. The road is peeeeptibly -bet- ter for a few clays. but aftee, that firet dry week, travel payedueee just as ranch dust as there was be- rme, and et la more clisagreenhie hecau,s,e, ithe slight amount of ail in 31 ielerVating to both the nostaile and eyes. Evan whiere the Toad is fairly well cleaned betare which lehould almost invariably be the ease although itrarely is, the flee ef only a small amoune of oil will result in offensive dust dur- ing_ Jong periods of 'claw. weather and heavyntravel. This has been observed mazy times of lane in this country and the "Surveyor" 1a 'ailed attention to its occuirrenci0 in England, where rinse prevention work le better conducteed than it is lima as a rule. When such condi,- Ilene arise, the wo.acl ought to be 80001)1, f oe 151 this Is not done it will be; as disagreeable as an untreated • An Exposes -Me Luxury. The coot figures show, that the treatmeat of ro (nee to prevent the duet nuisance la a luxury. The es- timated case to the :City of Haetfa00 to keep down elie CilliSt on its most( impart -and residential street isi 6700 it 111cosit onJy 20. per sq. yarce, • and 41,100 88 318 cost 4e. per aquaria yard, The lengter at thia streat 88 only 1 1-4 Miles, while the total a- mount paid by elte city for ;sprink- ling the remaincler otitis 100 ninon of streets is under $2,000. In this cifty, the greaten. part of thesprink- re clomp with norsee and eltriv." e-tos WjiIch 1809 enaployecl by :the city in any ease, :and' by measis,ot which elle; work 115, done without the fox- pen.dittere of any money except that tor ordinary wear and tear. No :donee, the same conditions exiFst in great many of ;the towns, a Ie he therefore nvid.ent that elle 'oust cannot be kept down with.out expendthere ol soma money, and as the financial question is a. serious one: in all rouRitlaipaliitle,s,, Ithe lex:- lent of road mileage on which, it would be possible ito appfy the dust Preventative% Must fee. limited. The problem awns 30 be le. V,e0I37' ;little -alb one to -solve unless (the -ware: is paid .for upo11 a synetem 19.1nal1Ar to that in force in Halifax in .eonsiecition wen,. the cow/tame- tees of :street pavements and' side- walks, In meny•eleies of the Unit- ed seeees, the street sprenkling 12 peal toe by the ownere of property. fronting on the istreets on wineb the work 33 done. and cleeribtless the duet laying IS Paid foo.. bytheentne properten owners. • The problem of effilenent and 000- nomical; duet laying is one on constantly ' vowing _. imponteace, and: ift es hoped that the :data given proa.e of nee eo, ithoen snekAng ea1let4911, ,e; tel. -teen, monde, Grippe,Ilerenehirtie. or cold et wn 268033 13 153088;1671149 handrs . , et, 'LIGHT ROBBER „ 81 70111N (scalp -es etehy you have dendrite 1 and dandruff' ia the thlee ving little -germ that well. twenty rob, you; o.f yew, hen..That gentn Mad' be killed if yon hale',- tobeave whet :hair, you 1010 'wen geow bale that es:healthy and:tine:in SAC -9818N13 is 'the ,ecknowlecened dandruff gegen Iriller, et es seta' ae 50e a large bottle by J. 13, Hovey in Clinton and ingicl- ly ',guaranteed to do 038 Ifs claimed ear et, neon cannot 'eft old 111, ne- gleet :yowl hair anti future appean- anao when each a hair Jtonacm SAGEINE anaraite Yen at 3,13- 'licave le is daenitly. perfumed and '10 nee Isit1C1t7 01' grease', 0,002elonetimecosstmesuseduiee Editorial N'Oft'! ,. • . , 0030C0OneetteeK9.049041/00400000001 Ty. 'Cobb, (the, Bette:fife ;cracker'', jack . beer> ;bailie, gave a foulItip 'to 'a ,spectator in the (grand seenie wiecnevas ponin.g fun at him andput hine est 018 0110 fetrike instead of 'the en 'Ty'a assecie.s say ef he is suet re-inetated they Win take then. Summer holidays, 'Cob.b 'Will have to, ellen out foe his buret, Noevf that wehave had the pro- verbial Complement of 7 wet 'But- daya from. Baster old (Mr. Pephs. should giVta, the ninbrella an.d rain coafa business a short !respite ',by the bestowal of a kbettie4 grade of weather; The Quebec Provincial Ielecelolle resulted in a clear nut victoxy foir the Lia.enal• panty wieh an inereaned majority . over leet term. Pafemilee Gretna( eenot asleep at 'the switch, buft bets his hand 051 81)08 levee ane has ontlined a program of legisla- tion 'that cannot f;ail to redound to the betterment ,of „conditions 218 our ,sister province, lee te dleterf- nain;ece to- wipe one the Istigma of lack oe educaftion ainongit he Man- ses. and will b a heartily euppotelpol in hes f °Tweed Meech, It (was a pleasing incident in connection with the electirm to witnnes the heartiness with which the English- epeakeing eleetox and the French- man isitso.ocl by one another despite' the attempt to set them: ,a,t lan- 01109. .There am brighter :day,s ahead for (the old province along lines that wilMtend to the moral as well a,sthe educational uplift. Theo Ottawa Government's attempt to eseise with the ousting, of Premier Gonne met with a. rebuff 'that ,s.hould be significant to them' for the time to come. _Liberal majority will be well up'toward 50, On Thureclay and FrIdaY, June 6 and 7, the 541318 anneal meeit911g 01 the Canadian Tress Associatienewill convene, at Ottawa, In addition to the bneinest sessions; of Mee coma ventilate time will be taken to vent ehe paper mills o13the Eddy Paper Co.., in Efull ; .the Experimental Farm ; an auto tour of the principal places, of interest ; ,a banquet ;ten- dered by the city; and an .etaftertain xnenn at the Dominion theatre. No doubt there will ,be a large attend- ance; a,sithe Capital is a delightful and historic spot to visit, especial- ly en the Summer, These annual gathering,s partake largely of the chaTaetm of a big family gather- ing -end are leoked forward to with ne 4srua11 interest by the craft, natewoxthy event of the past week, wa,s the subscription 01 41,000 by the Cbinamen Toronea toe ward elle Famine Fund 0.1 their un- fortunate brethren in the homeland. Such •exarnples as ehese will remove the( po,ssibly' 115 -advised .coguoman at "Heather' Chinon' and pat to the bluish those who aspire to a higher circlet in the W'estieeri hernisphme. Why isnot movision made by tale Chateree government by whicla ;the horroes, of ehese yeaely sacrifiges of life would be 133.ateria0ly feesened and by the onteide assistance might largely amel berate tb,e talk appY condition? If the 'tremendous ie=t", pencliture for war wernt diverted Mtn relieving dietress instWI' of increasing it a moee humanetaleart condielon of,affiries would 80091 be in 1,0410,e, FORESIGHT 'ON FRUIT FARM. Useful Hints on Keeping ,Busy During Otherwise Idle Season. The fruit grower is often confronted by the problem of -providing erofltable labor for his employes during the neuter. ;Without cattle or other live stock oar the place itis often hard to provide sucla 'work. Shice geed help es becoming more scarce each year on the fruit farms, It means a good deal to be able to hold laborers over from one season to anotfier, On the farm which Is so fortunate; as to be provided 'with a small work- shop- many days may be profitably, spent In repairing and °Mpg the her- r:este% makine °reliant evelflletree.e. ME POOH DYSPEPTIC Suffers Untold Agony After Every Meal. Nearly everything that enters a weak, dyspeptic stomach acts as an irritant; hence the difficulty of effecting a cure. Burdock Blood Bitters will relieve all the distressing sympteats of dyspepsia and in a short time effect a cure. Mrs. F. C. Gross, Berlin, One, writes: -"I havebeen troubled with my stomach for the last seven years and tried all kinds of medicine for it, but none of theri3 ever cured' me, for as soon as I would quit using any ef thein, the same old trouble would corm back. Last fall I was ad- vised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did, and used four bottles, and now feel ,s0 Amex I can do all my-hoese worli nicely and can eat almost anything with- (nI it affecting me iti anY 5907. `Our ,boy its also tieing it; be alwees cenielaine.4 pf Pak in ,bip atotneral and all over, nee thenmatisM, man at the 320 of tea had to stay liotae froro attillooL He .'t quite quiteaod awl two yet assi WWs% CO rt9 11444°1 t• 14,4,11.rB qsz. 49matl..P4 Painting and MePitel ng all tne teols, wagons and turn machinery.' 'All epraaing rshotila eninoln pletely overhauled for the eonlin emigre The packing of all the pump should he renewed. The engine shoul be thoroughly exanained, all the badl worn parts should be replaced, and I should be oiled well to preyeet rus Ing, Much time in lost by farmer Miring the rush_ of spreag work through failure to oVerhaul..their ma- chinery during the winthe All the( small- tools slaould ale() 1.3e efteefunY, examined. 'Axes, scythes, mowers, hoes, shovels, etc., should be repaired • and ,sharpenea, for good sharp toole iecrease the efficiency and raelelitY of hlbor and therefore cleereaSe the coat. 1701013 14 a great preservative of tools and especially of wagons. To glve them once a year a coat of paint well rubbed le Is as good au Investment as a farmer can make. EIlts equiPment will then not ouly look more respeetae. ble, but will last much longer. Many fruit 'growers during the past season have experienced difficulty in obtaining packages for their fruit dare leg the harvesting peeled Strawberry crates mad boxes are a/ways scarce during the picking season. Appl,e, barrels and grape baskets are just as difficult to obtain in the fall, and the' demand for packages at these times eauses the price to be bigher. Why not eliminate vexation and ere poise by buying the packages "knock- ed down" or v, in the flat" during the, winter when the prices are more rea sonable and the laborers may be prof- itably employed in untiring them tip? One not only can save much by this procedure, but tbe packages will then be at hand ready for the harvesting. Berry crates and box% may, be made' up and packed away for the epring. Grape baskets may be bought, and the' handles may be nailed on at this time Instead of in the fall. Apple boxes, if used for packing tbis fruit, may also be made up during these months and set away for the fall. In some states the barrel is Effila the meet popular package for apples. :Within the last few years some of the growers with large orchards Wive solved the problem of winter work by install' bag a cooper's (sant and making up their own bannls during the winter. Th4, material may be bought ready to as- semble at a reasonable price, and the tools necessary for making the barrels may be procured at a slight cost. When proper storage facilities are at hand many &int growers can save a good deal in this way, besides utilizing` tbeir employees during the winter. Ae times one might also contract to sup- ply a neighbor with barrels, whielx would permit one ta bey the material in larger quantities aud Inake a little money on the contract, besides prolong- ing the evintern work. -Country Gen- tiernon. a 01 WAS TROUBLED WITH HEART DISEASE AND NERVOUSNESS SEVERAL DOCTORS COULD DO EtER 190 GOOD. THREE BOXES OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE Logs IV anted PILLS COMPLETELY CURED HER. •ThneedaY, effifhe 101,2. fleeting ot the Maros, Co vv. Joulrrpolfo. , BAeRISTER SOLICIeTORs ',IOTA' '2' "C()uileil ETO, CLINTON , The Cenneil of tele Corpoataftean etre County 051 Huron will meet In the Cotten Chanibee, in elle Town (88- 88001053011 Taieedey, 'June '4 he elle at 3 reclock, Accolade against %he eenintY 'Will be crincleenel, alsaece with tgee clerk, befonn thie enaoLES 8. ilat„s Conneyancet Notary Pnblio, Commissioner, etc. REAL IISTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of .5farr1age Licenses, Huron Ste Clinton,' ' 'W. rk, Dated,May 301hLANE, cle Special' cense received a car ot Extea No. Orift.e; also:a ear of !Clunce :Neel Wheat. Presentor Wanted A presenter wantea for Presley - ten C r/ahurch, Beueefielcl, statin:-salaey. , will be re- ceived up to. the 15th of Jane, 1912 JAS. D. GEMMELL, Clerk, Bgnionciville, Ont, To Graze Cattle • DRS, GINN and GAN/HEIL Dr, Iv, Gann, L, it, C, I., IL. IL C. S.. Edita, »M.S. 4,Ntad14r. MD, - 01hee-Ontario Street, Glinton„ eight oaks at residenee, Rattenbnry St3 or at bospital H. T. RANO Ei Notary Public, Conveyaneer, Fina,ncial and Real Estate, INSIMANCD-AGENT-11epreeenting 14 Eire In prance Ocnumbnios„, Divietexa Coltrt Office. liele I eee .e/R0MPSE$131 . Ratan, Surgeon, Dto manial attention given to diseases otthe Bye, Ear, Throat, and nose, nen carefully exepatIncerdib, eirl suitable! once and Residence, Two doors west ot the Comma/vier. Irmo Inane se • The undersigned is prepared to graze 30 head of eattle for the eea- son 02 1912, Plenty of water and •shade. Apply fto JOHN WARD, eummerhill P. 0, Barred Rock -Eggs' for Sale I Neon on Barred Reeks at .Clisteet 4 firees' 3 seem:pin; lthiree and specialfox best collection. leen.1- Pu8let mating, headed by Milliard ae,ekeree ereejeal number, settings eggs $2,00 'per 13.-Pen2--s Cockerel mating, headed by Millard cock, Pullets, in tine pen i tare good lay - layers. Eggs $2.00 per 13.e-Peaa 3 - Utility pen, headed( by a 'cockerel bred frorre 'one( of the best laying strains ine • Canada. Henn in this were bred from'. -1701 my pullets Which 1ayed 436 egge in 31 days. Eggs $1.00 pexf 15. I guarantee e, go.ocl hatch or replace setting free of charge, H. A, Hovey, Clinton. For Sale Blue Barred Plymo.uth Bock egg's $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few:White Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13. -- Jabez Rands, Clinton. Two HOI1SCS 10 Let Tim undersigned has two houses to let, apply to Jacob Taylor a Field Stone Wanted. -- Field Stone suitable f ow road making ia wanted by the Town of 'Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord 0113,- 000 pounds, 3. . PORD, Chainnan of Street Committee Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask., All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm writes: -"I was troubled with heart and Basswood preferred. Highest disease and nervousness for over two 1 price paid. years, and was so bad at times I had to W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co. sit up at night being unable to breathe, and every little noise would make me shake and shiver. I tried several doc- tors, but they were unable to do Inc any good. A neighbor then advised Inc to try O box of Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills. As soon as I began to take them I began to feel much better, and by the time I had used the third box I was com- pletely cured. I would advise anybody suffering from heart disease and nervous- ness to try these pills. They will save quite a bill in doctor's fees." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure all heart and nerve troubles by their restorative influence on every organ and tissue of the body. Price ,50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 51.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. 01.0.00014scalassameMSWeer .Clobnita30.30,1.00ffratt S1111 IN If SPT,SSI I am still in the Wall Pape' Buel- nees, and am in a ponition to show you the best Wall Papers that have been shawn in ClintonTHERE ARE ALL KINDS AND PRICI3S ItA,NGE FROM POUR CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR. All papers boughtl from Ine will be hung very cheaply, All kinds of house painting clone tied eetimatee given on old and new work, To call or drop a post card wit/ bring samples to your' door. Geoo Potts aneeleaea JVIONT_REaeke 71-7.Hd-787rANDARD 13 3444Israizirim Meeeltien-Ne.Welealser, 1281314 Deminlon 1861 Preeidgi.AL44,L, efEletalrefel ran lee elme. e It 5330trinafrenei ffirpeelateli greerrEnre epee,' nee -during the phategrenhe fermi eel ever/elle Werld..a _ 'et0.1trticles 'are banefully; teleeted and 130 ibdttoriallpiellee ega: elmeoughly, independent-.. , , 6libscriptio34"."057,Tli" Stfitiddrd pb-sts $2,00 Per yea' 36 "Any itriffinea 0044 :61! 'Great Britain, ' 48- tlItY IT FOE 1912,1 Sundorif PUblishing CIA l'b*1110.qA; tS.1411/10Dh3.2 Boarders Wanted Having returned to town I am now prepared to take boarders, either ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house Mrs, elogridge, Ontario street Pasture Land Some first class pasture land to be sold in lots to suit putchasers. At tractive prices. Apply to • ,]oh n Ransforcl, G T. R. City Ag,ent • FARM FOR RIM - _ The South 70 acres of lot number 83 and the Sonth East part of Lot no, 88 le acres both in the 1st concession of Stanley township ie fervent for a term of years. This property is elOse to the town of Clinton and possesssion can be given at once, Par further parte cialara epees, to Henry Plemsteel, Clin- ton, Ont., or McCarthy, Boys & Mur- chison, Barristers, Barrie, Ont. F111111 tor Sale. The execute:Mot the Southeorabe Estate( offeas for sale 50 acres, - Bast half of lot 28, non. 6, 'Hallett. .A, first-e1ass farm, well 'watered and improved, marl with good buildings. Also: Hie undersigned °Here for 'sale, lot 294 eon. 6, Hull- ett, 100 acres. These farms May be bought together or eeparately. JANIES SOUTHCOMBE, • ' ; ford & McLeod Veeen now selling (Piniethy Seed (Government Standamd.). We al -so have 0.0 head, :Alfalfa, Alsike. and Recl Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peals, Barley ,and Feed Corn •Efigh.ese Market Prices paid f or Hee iford'8/, McLeod ano ,a111 Grains. • SZSIMOMMINW AIROMMUM (0 Before placing. your 'orders for your season's seeplY of (Joel, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stook and sold ee the lowest possible price, Orders May be left at Davis ez Rowland's Hardware store, or with !Art 11314141:t1:elet7gehne 8:1311lats° DR. J. W. SHAW. PRYSICIAN, SURGEON, east:rehear, ole,, Mace and residence 00 BM, bonbon, 86,, opposite W. Farrsn's residence, DR. F. H.HXON DENTIST 54 Crown and Bridge Work a SineefollY.7 Graduate of 0,0,11,8,. Chicago, 0.1115 R.O.D.G, Toronto. Mayfield on -Mondays, May 1st tefeciembe. DR. 11. FOWLER,. DENTIST. °film over 0'19EI3,'2 store, Special care taken to make dental keen meat ao painlesa as possible. THOMAS - GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction sec GODERICH ONT 151 m sting sales a spenialtj. Olden at at NEw ERA office, °Hilton, primirmy abterided to, Terms reasonable. Farmers. sale note dismanated (3,D. IncTaggart AL D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. WINNERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON e. General Blanking Buninegra • transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafta issued. Interest allowed ors deposits. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Totoin Prop/ erty Only Insured. OFFICERS, J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth Jas, Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich Thos. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafortb DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jobe Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; el, Chesney, Seafotth. I. Evans, Beech, won) J. G. Grieve, Wiethrop, a Ben newels, Brodhagen, M. McEware Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses to his own locality. enagen Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed Hinchlee Seaforth; James Cumming, Emma& ville; J. W. Yee, Holmesville Payments, may be „made at The Morrishi Clothing Co., Clintoal 00 B. H. Clan Goderieh. - JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON -- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estaje bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to Necir Era Grand TriankRallway System ----• Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger .London, depart.... , 8,80 a in 4.5014 na Centralia 040 5,43 0.53 6.5e 100:1068 65.4015 ExeterBensau 10.80 6.10 BKIPiPeeefinelci (Minton Londesboro 11.00 6,35 Blyth 11.18 6,52 11.27 7.00 Be/grave 11.40 7.18 Wingharn, arrive,,11.50 7.35' South Passeeger Wingham, depart.. 6.48 aext 3.33 p 1111, Belgrave 6.54 3.44 Blyth 7.08 8,56 Londesboro.... 7.16 4,04 Clinton 7,50 1,23 Brucefield .... . . „ 8.12 4.39 leippon. 8,28 4.47 Mansell' 8.32 .452 heater 8.48 5.05 Centralia 0,00 5.15 Londonenrrive 10 00 6.10 _Buffalo andlOode West Passenger am pm P582 14118 Stratford. ..... -10.00 12.20 3125 10.20 Mitchell.........10.22 12,45 5,55 10,47 Seaforth 10.45 1,10 6,18 11,12 Clinton 11.07 1.25 6,40 11.28 Helm es eine, 11.16 1,83 6 16 11,38 Goderieh.... -11.35 1.60 7,05 11.55 East I easenger 6590 p rn ra Goderich.. ... ....... 7,10 2,40 4,50 Holmes (elle , . 7,26 -2,67 5.06 Clinton 7,35 3,07 3,15 Seatoeth 7,52 8.25 5.3e Mitchell . . .. . . 8,16 3,48 5.55 Stratford-, 8.40 4,15 ee3,20 Dr. de Van's Female Pills, 65 reliable Frencle'regulator; never Mils. Th - pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating• the generative portion of the female system. Refilee. all cheap imitations, Dr. de Van's are sold at 05 a box, or three for rue Mailed to any address. T1133 oeRell Drug 'pg.. §fl 39311*3 00011.