HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-30, Page 2ase,, .
mega ,Wheat 'Futures Close Higeee,.
E,kerpoqL.Exchange C I es e cl-eL ve
Stookeelatest Quotations.
IGRIOA:GO, :teey 25. -on accounteer Qom-
piainte trine Nobrnska that ram ircte
nestled, and because the drought In West.
.0616 Xansa's had only been broken ht part
Wheat to -day showed unespectecl Strength,
Ot elosed firm, 1/0 tcrlbfic above lare
might. Latest trading left cern vatYlna
5o decline to 1/40 advance; oats up
'Ian to, and provisions -unchanged to
increade ln cog.
%lhe • Llverpool Orain faxehange was
gosee teelay and will not reopen until
itemeay next, owing to the Whitsuntide
-Winnipeg Options,
Open. Rene Lew Close.
MaY lerit 10V30 10433• 10er4e9 104549
10564 10564c 108% 1.0564b 105641/
'Oats-• To -day. rest
littY . • . . . 45349 45
46349 44
Toronto -Grain Market.
• Whost,c.fali, bushel 51 05 to $1,, 06
' Wheat, goOsBye e, bushel 9 ,
Oats, bushel ,• 3 55
05ar33y, bushel 0 _Sa
„Barite for feed . tl; 731.
25 -
:Buckwheat, bushel 0 66 0 44
Toronto Dairy Market.
_ .
Betteeeereamery, lb. rolls0 07
•Buiter, creamery, solids 0 26
Su ten eeparator, dairy, lb0 26
,Du ter, store lots 0 23
MVOs, new -laid 0 74
leheese, new, 19 ..• .... ..•0 15
Cheese, old 0 19
Money, extracted 0 13
,. Montreal Grain and Prociu,ce.
'MONTREAL, MaY 25,-Theekneing
Were the prices here tea -day:
Corn -American. No. 85o.
s_Cats-Caziadian western, No, 2, 080te
6,534,,, a; do., No. 3, 51e to 5164c; extra No.
feed, 513to to 590.
•,Barley--Idanitoba feed, 680 to 680;
$1,06 to 21.07.
Buckwheat -No, 2, 740 to 75e. •
. •Flour -Manitoba spring wbeat patent.,
firsts,,$5.50; seconds, $5.50; strong baker
05.10; winter patents, ehoice, $5.25 to 00.380
sight rollers, 54.601 do,, 89,85 10•,
Rolled oats --Barrels, $5.35; bag, e9
$2.65. •
Neereed-Bran, 025;; sliprtfr. 527; o 4'.
alfrAge, lea; =Mete, 530 esteTht"
y -No, 2, per tom ear lots, 0e:6.50 to
heese--Finest westerns, 1234e to 1853e;
finest easterns, I364a 'to" 1,353o, -
Butter -Choicest creamery, 210 to ;elect
seconds, 2534o to 2633o•
•Eggs-33Nrpsh, 23a to 2330o;• No, .2,-catychtt
18e to
Potatoes19e.-Per bag, oar RAP,54.'71401.71.
Vressed hogs--A.battoir kille ttt
• esork-ereavy Canada resort ellt mete.
barrels, 85 to 48 pieces, $26; Celled° ehort
out backs, barrels, 45 to 55 piece, 573.50,
fLwrd-Com3oux50 tierces, 870 les., 11:0401
ood 20 105. net, elm pun tteere.
itee enee; pure, weed I:meet at etet1
net, lise,
Beef-Piate, barrehs, 200 lbS., 317; doe,
tierces, 399 Pia, 5/5.
Liverpool Provisions,
IVERPOOL, MaY 25,..-4'ee4-eVAtre.
melee 1224. Peek -Prime meek
Tsotem, 950; limns, ehort clit, et to le
., 608; bacoe. Cumberland one 26 .to
ii lea, 56e; short rib% 10 to 24 lee, ilill
OW belliee, 14 to 16 ibfe, 54s; long o eete
tett, light, 28 to 34 lbs, 070a 10
)g middles, beavy, 30 to 40 lbs, r
fit 0.ort 1134r backs, 16 to 20 lbs, 51:
.,.. bhouiclers, /square, 11 to 18 ibe, 478i
eied,, nelme western in tee, Mrees er
Won refined, 36s 60. Bettearefeebe
• a
. , 580. Tallow, Prime eitY, 820 epe
tteetatille, spirits, 35s 91 eteene asette
eh, 1€s 01 Petroleum, rated, 0 Hid,
IF4,ee4. oil, 480 90. i
-es' Duluth Grain Market, .
teed, .81.16 1-4; No. 1 fferthern. $1;1 1,-41
DULTJTe1, May 56. -.Wheat -11 1
re 2 horthk.rri, $1.13 1-4; May, Ss. 4teet
14 inal; July, 61.14 1-4 to $1,14 8- ler
S eteitiber, 01.06 nominal.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
eeldeST BUFFALO, May 25:e-0ra-t1e-I
Reeelpte 126 head; steady.
itreale.--Recepts 159 head; native and
tee lower; $4.50 to $0.50.
.teogs-Tteceilete 2000 heed; fairly ace
fill/4; 05c lower, others steady; ineve
tted mixed 88,10 to 08,15i yoekers rehti
er8.10; tege, 51.40 to $7,50; roughil
.10 to $7.25; etegs, $6 he 56,05; &teem,
Op and lambs -Receipts 3000; Sion-
ig. to -48.06. ,
ti e; &asp ateady; damdre 10e therdiefi
lairdie $4 to $9,25. ,
Chicago Live Stock,
CHICAGO, Nay 26.-Cattlee-Recielpte,
- market due, Bes4the $0.10 to ill/ 4191
, owl ateerii, 54 th 57.35; tweatarn 8808,,,
100 215i.garNECItrabt:4?.cleilitIg, tgatt.bi'S ,4?
..ealbee $5.5e to *0- '
eieefeettereeipts, 11.001 market week,
i; 5
It Iteer; light, 1.:0 80 $7,e5. dazed, Sete
7 heel, , 1.25 to Siete etiugli, $7,
: 7 to $7,1 .
g 7.0; PI 5, ero to $0,21 leek of melee,
.it' p ail Lembs-Reeeipte, 1006; m
.6008 6 6.4; rling% $5.00 to P,50, es
*low' indlya 51.35 to fa 39. wento ,
&IVes 25.50; Veathilli, fleet 80 30.1
Liverpool Live Stock.
"eled_V-IillePOOL, May 25,--Jo4en. Rogcre
& 016, cable to -day that, owing to the
"erreme ellortas-e thruotie tile cotiziery
i tre was a mese cd one Oent per poi144
[52 the Birkenheae market, eethfetal
eeird Clanedlan .eteeire re.g. ext./ieeld
0.1-2 to itt dente isd &tale.
., , , , ,
' CheeM
te arlette.,
telsiRTOWN, el,T, efey 214-401teeee
tekei 8000 rbOxea at 1'8 1.40 td 3,.$ .2e, 2
e AFAND151. 5
belieX 24, --as QM trio
ell eielie Calera field 51i5 White ehee 61"4 s,eeed 'ere, .4.11 Oele ,
, , • , er -
e' T. ReAdiNTIIR, Mae reeer74,t'06,
p46800p46800 OheePe sohl at, e 740 ' 1iia,
;7 P1611.8465.
43itter lit se 6-86 ere ' lie
4 t8tethlel'aigy -25 e -At ill: 0 -:. ;11
leaheeert 'ilpara J.,2g eheere
5 fed, tdoidi 62e -Whit- :rine 5.4 e. e
Willed 061d -et 18 5-86 atVa al
ez AfeetteLLR, One, Rag l'''""4-,t.t'tele
4Ct ti.0 et the Irlaeteee - 4ggiti,i
iilireeftie Ageoefatleti this ' e
iteeklee brteclect 1SS 4ee 6
t t
ef end e$o130466 Of Si
'Pe . eke haffile
ti, Metiet
Ale Atli,
ti.olitiierntiti , At
to ' ,arsttdgitillg610141148
raduftele aelisMeed to- et et
, ettfi .iliteeee field tOr et
iste iteetleitt, 4feeofee Intege Cif
Larfie_del geld era 14.5'
e eiDO
aet etLielideei,t- meateYteieelleebeeentteed ttee
lieWel Mueler& niene6
ldi Ohba/11e 146 Wilieest eiA
eilei11 tlleetl76 etet Nor?i Ste
II metered( North trariolil 82 cieleee I
itstramilla 100 coleeedi sell 40 18 9-11te
4 alrtli
ob, GletiWcieth, 188 eleree, Iola
10;01itkee'itie8VStt' 110c1c11111:1511461111
.... ......-
1; Cotton Root Coropoun&-
.,T40 great Uterine Tonic. and
only side effectual. Monthly
Regulator on,whichlvomenem
depend. Sold In three degrees
' Of eteengte-No. 1, SI; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger 83; 240. 3,
for special. caees, 55 Per box. I
aced hy .0,11 dreggists, 02, cent
°paid on receipt of price,
co pamphlet. • Address exs
etritelellieceSeTeetnreetlet.: (armee; Teizelsee
4'Frolt-a-tives" Cured Him
STZPIRRic, N.B. Jan. reth. peer:
iI wise to tell ycap pf the great nod
."fruit-a-tevese have dope for me. eFee
years, I was a,martyr to Chronic Coue-
pation and Stomach Trouble. I was
greatly run clovsn and tny friends feared
I had Consumption. I tried numerous
doctors and all kinds of medicines, but
received no relief until advised to try
"Fruit-a-tives" by Mr. McCready of
St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that
I now enjoy excellent health.' "Fruit-
a-tives" are the best medicine made,
and I strongly advise my friends to
use them".
",Fruit -a -fives" is the only medicine
that will positively and completely
cure Constipation. This wonderful
compound of fruit euiceseacts directly
on the liver, causing this organ to
extract more bile from the blood, and to
give up, more bile to move the bowels
regularly and naturally.
ecie a box, 6 for $2.o, trial size, etc.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. „
On of the lateet taehien notes
reads as follows :-
"Mary had a little 'skirt
Pled tightly in a bow,
And everywhere that Mary went
Slid simply could not go."
Wonder 1( 81119 is a libel on the fair
sex or a poettc effusion, basleel on
Children Cry
Friday aethie week the 19th an-
nul meeting °Tette National Coun-
cil a Women opens its sessions in
Nornial School, Louden, and "Will
continue for a eveek. A vaiy prac-
tical program is ontliin.ed and th,ere
27111 besomeithing doing afteel it is
over very likely.
quickly stops coudhs, cures colds heels
the throat cod Wads • • 25.ceats.
Are you acquainted with the
wieling.s, of the quaint but level
headed Peeter elleArithur of Ekfallid?
A tenapshot 'rein oneioff cell:etre-
buitione says :--"Poli ice is, no't a
maeter ot bueiness flint a hereditary
Children Cry.
New Ontario, es waking up and 05
a result a delegation 1,000 etrong is
heading for Toronto on June 21s8
to interview the Provincial goiter/es:-
mei* and the dem-ling business con-
cerns al the Queen city to impress
the with ehe (necessity of aid-
ing a "boctet" movement in 'the
Northland. By 'selecting' the 21st
prox they nee the longest day etit
1912 for opening .thort,
'that' tholes is a daylight. request.
A: novel feature of thee visit is that
'the visitors ovil1 donainate. the ie4-
pagee of Tonanito dally, pa-
pers foe the day. Some "hot stuff"
may be expected_ aothe New .0114.11.-
10 centec3.ees are thoroughly in ear-
l:else and evideeetly ineeted ta make
a capture if po.s.sible. In the sper-
et of 0010 characterizing the move-
ment is a practical lessee for eveey
organization alining at iniceess.
During the censua year in -United
States there were nearly seventy-seven
thousand deaths due to pneumonia, and
etthouge consemetion leads tells by
52,000, pneumonia is responsible for
more deaths than diphtheeia, scarlet
lever, smallpox, and cancer combined,
The trouble is that people aret too care-
less &beet colds -let them rue on -
grow bigger every rely-an/Tate 030
eneemonia steps in,
Tile very best
thing - to keep■ ,
viline, which you Not misty
handy in Avery le rvi lin
household is Ner- 6
can depend on for ...... .
curing colds, lt r. reVentsr
affords certain it neeiesktes
relief and a 0121510so-- .e
cure. It .hns nore ,
Cting and•,
potency, ' geeater tires
.....,,,. i>ow. th.. a.,rly othee
When a, cold is start-
ing, give the cbest
„and ,ehroart , a vigor.
ous hand rubbing
with Nerviline, .
gargle the throae
meth Nerviline, and
take a good stiff
edese In eat waiter,
you'll be surprised
•.how feet the cold
. will disaippear. it Or
course the chest 111ouldi proteeted
a l',Terviline Porous .Plaster, which wilt
absorb ell eongestion and intro -ma -
Con 40 •Iron won't need to feet prieue-
mania, ,Grippe, ,Breeeltitis, ea. eold' of
FeZ klnd Undri.
'Efficient en conennce
net laying
Oootipiaedtrobi•page, 1
'tend:mile of roads :reporting that the
oil ifemore sattsfaetory than wat
and t110 COIM: 'WEIS ebout the earnel,
in Waltham, lefeee,, coet was
41-80. pee eq. yard, and tIte resziebst
,Stat ed 10 be satief ac iorY.
, .
In •Springlielci, Mass., thei • ,e051t,
exclusive oe street Gleaning, 'wear
"end dePreciation 00 careiag.e le,quip-
mime, ems, 2e. pee sq. yard.
Tar via "8" le a prune o y, load
preparation' applied for cense sup-
pressiog, and ifs manneeetuted teem
tar, In treating arced, the mire
feels 60, swepe clean and the mater-
ial apPlisis generally by identailm.-
Ions. The eteeepinge previously
es:reeved from ithe pint:lee, sand
duet or similar lneterials, nee then,
an:teed over the suefeee of the road
mei the road opened to traffic. Ae,
a Till el it la claim ed that one, appli-
cation) per eeaseo is enfticiseee ase-
palfra sufficient, repairs isecessar,y
teen°. made by pal ching,
The average cose "Weetfielre N.
J.,,i,n 1910 eves 31 -le, per sce yard,
at Plainfield a 11ttle mere; at Phil,-
ipseusr Il -10t, adin Brooklyne
New' 1 ork, the coet' was about 2c.
and the roads were kept dustletis
for a period of about 60 daysl after
The diefeeent inateriale are being
used for experimental purposes in
many place's. The oils mingle with
the particles of dust and previetit
thele, being carried inbo the air by
a wheel of air or by wheele. The
tare spread .a ;then film' over 'the,
,sueface where ift is hard, and pee -
v en't the dust from flying, and the,
chlorides make the dust wet and so
keep 21 down. In each of these eas-
es, the result is only for a fete
weeks, at most. The treatment has
te bere.neewled irequently and is
nevell permanene. In France, the
engineers, and shortly atter, the
nobles( generally, pro.nounceceeheee
results melee -give, except at con-
,siderable, cost and as is well known
'the roads in France are the ;best in
the world,. •
Duet prevention is an art re-
quixing :the careful exteretse of
trained bi'aine :as well as the press -
eine of a ,sprinkling de,vic(s( filled
with aeticky :Hui& Road oiling is
done. so poorly in many places that
the oiled roads. are 'a nuisanee rath-
er than a relief. Zeaeou.s salesmen
are hurting their own inteteeets by
telling people it es only neeeseary
to, lea "plenty" 02 011 on cal then-
oeghly dried road to keep down
dime fa a year. This is arreint
nonsense. Experience, in this coun-
try Sktfatlis that oiling a road to be
successful requires caller ul atten-
tion to a number of detaila or the,
road' will be more detagreereble than
Lefoxe, treatment, The black
greasy mud of an ore -roiled road on
of one oiled while damp, has made
many a hou.se so grinay !that dust
pr ev en Lion es considered 'worse
'than the dust itself, It is evid(e(nt
that this year +a stilt mere annoy -
brig roault of brainless road oiling
will be,s,omewhat prevalent. A.s a
roeule of former ,co.mplaints of ere-
eassive use a preventatives or be
causet of I desire to make a show-
ing, for economy, an, amo une of oil
Cs being 858414 in some places Which
le wholly inatleq,uate. For , some
reason whtch nobody hap yet ex-
plained, the liquid is °Rem sprink-
led an a road dee.p 'wall fine dui/
a nd parliel es a refuse 'from count-
ess, seources. This duet cannot be
eansondated by oil or anything
else into even a fair_ road sueface.
When a small quantity Of oil is
eprinkled mail, the du.st and oil
form little pellets of Sticky mud IY-
mg in a mass of barely mointetplete
du et. The road is perceptibly 3278 -
ter for a few days bat alter' the
Lest dry week, travel pleeducles.
just as much dust as there was be-
fore, and /eta more disagreeeble
liecause; :the slight amotine of oil in
a le ieretating to both the nosteile
and eyes.. Even whIttre the road is
fairly welt cleaned betare oiling,
svh Leh ,should alrnost invariably be
the. ease altho-ugh it rarely is, tha
itecr al only a small ainOtinal of oil
will rosult in offensive dust dur-
ing. long periods of dey. -weather
a.nd heavyettravel. Thee has been
observed many times of late in this
country and the "Surveyor" has.
-.ailed attention .to its occierrencte
in England, where dust previenitio.n
work is bettor con chi e bad than it is
hele az a eine. When such condi.-
lime arise, the road . ought to be
.swept, foe. If this is not done it will
bo as disagreeable as an umiteeated
An Expensive Luxury.
The coot figures shoev, that the
teeatin eat of roads to prevent the
close noisance ifs a luxury. The es-
tin:weed cost to the City ot Halifax
tre keep down ithe dust 011 Ots Mosq
impoetane residential street ie
$700 38 58 cost only 20, per sq. yard
and $1,400.1f lit coot 4c. per square
yard., The length cie tilts streree is
only 11-8 intlefe, while the total a-
moune paid bythe city for ,spyink-
ling the remainder +Deets. 100 anieen
00 eitreets is under $2,000. In this
elitY, the greater part a thle.s.Prienk-
ling. DS clone eveth 'horses' and teriv-
eee evhich ,are mei:atoned by the eller
in any case, end by means ,off which
the work ie eerie, wiehont the *X-,
penclibiee. 02 any money except that
tow ordeaary wear and tear. No
-donlet, the same conditions exist In
a great ninny cattle, towns,
149 therobare evIclent that ith,e
-Meet cannot be kept down Without
expendirture some- 060007, 41814. as
the financial 348108,14(00 15 a, sextons
one in all nsuplecipallitiee, it he lex-
'tent 02 10414. mideage on wheal it
would. be poeseble ito aPlefY the dust
preventativee, must fte. limited,
The problem Iseems to be a very
di ffecul3 one to solve unless. Mee
work is paid foe upon, a selselem
leinailaer to that en force in Halifax
in eonnection -meth the construe -
lion 02 ,011301(18 pavehnents and. side -
10 many -Mitres of tele Unlike
ed Seates the street sprinkling ,is
paid for by the ownetro ot propeetee
fronting, on the 'streets on whech
the work IA done, and dembeless the
deist laying is paid foe by theeenie
The pe,oblein of effintent and ems-
nomecal duet laying de one off'
constantly geowialg impoirearice
and botrtvheopoeed Astehltelot. tihheoo.delrolgekesinerg'
If Tome Iseelp-Se iItehy0 yoti heve
dasselem.f ; •aince dandruff jethe thee-
veng leteld germ Ith,at wii31 surelly
rob you o,f your heir, That 'germ
Musk be ktiled if 'you 'Wane tolfeave
what leen you have 'and grow herr
that ifshealtby and cleant SAGEINE
is Ilse neknowlezclIged dandruff gegen
killex, ItIs 50151 aft 50c la.large bottle
by sr, E. RoveY in Clireton and rigicle
guaeanteecd emcee) as es claimed
fU:Xr lilt. Y014 earnittolt lefoitd CA. -ne-
glect yome hide end future appear: -
al -ilea when :nice a hake ...tattles_ as
SAGETNE awailte y.011. at Be e-i0V-
ey"s. et ifs claintly perfumed and is
net iseteley or go easy.
Editorial Notes
Ty. Cobb, elle Detroit erackere
jack' be.0t:. igave afoul Itip
eo aeseseetatoe in the 'grand stanli
who was poking fun 01 11501 andput
Min out on one eftence Saiste,ad of
three. Ty ',4 associates say St he es
net xe-inetated they will take their
Summer holidays, Cobb will have
ta shell met foe his bunt.
Noel that weleave lead the pro-
verbial eoraplement 01 71530,8 'Sun-
daye from, Eadter old; (Mr. Paobs.
5h1Oe:14 give. the unabrella and eein
cone Mestn.es's a short :respite hy
the bestowal of a bettee grade of
The Quebec Pro.viincial electione
resulted en a clear cut victoey foe:
the Liberal. party with an in ce eacsled
majowity over last term. PaierateX
Govan isnot asleep at 'the switch,
but. hi e his hand; an the levep aced
ha ontlineel a progeam of le.gislae
tears that cannot fail to redound eo
the bette(rment 'of, ,conditione 501
one- iseer province. He is klieeeite
mined to -wipe met 'the istigma oe
lack of education amongt he, magi-
ses and will beheartliy euppoliecel
in, hie, forward Manch. Ft (was a
pleasinel incident in connection
with the election to witnaes :the
heartine,es with which 'the English-
speaking elecla and the Freiniehe
Man ,sitacid by one aniother desPiee'
the attempt to, ,set teens', ae vari-
ance. There ale brighter :days
ahead for (the old province along
lines that willetend to the moral as
well as the educational uplift. The
Ottawe GoveammentIs attempt to
aesise -with the .ousting of Premier
Gouin met with a rebuff that
,should be significant to ehem' foe
the time to cane, _Liberal majority
will be well up"toward50.
.0n Thur,sday and Friday, June 6
and '7, tho 51106 annual meelting of
the Canadian Pre,Ss Associationewill
convene at Ottawa. In addition to
the busines-s sessions' of tlee. cone
vet -diem, time will be taken to vesit
the paper miles ol the Eddy. Paper
Co., in Hull ; the Expetemeeetal
Farm ; an auito tour of the principal
places of inftexest ; obanqu,et ten-
dered by the city ; and an ietnitertain
menfE at -the Dominion theatre. No
denbe there will he a large attend-
ance asthe Capital is a delightful
and historic spot to visit, especial-
ly isithe Summer, Thee annitial
gatherings partake largely ot the
character of a big family gather -
tag -line are looked forward to weth
no (email interest by the craft,
A nth -towel -My event of the past
week Was the subscription 02 51,000
by else 'Chinamen ot Torolieto toe
wad the Famine Fund of .bheir un-.
fortunate brethren in the homeland,
.Such •exaniples as:these will remove
the pes.sibly 311 -advised cognomen
of "Heathen Chinee" arid p11110 the
blneh those who aspire to a higher
circlet in the Wee:leen bemesph,ere.
Why is not provistoza made' by the
Chinete, governni.ent by whieli the
hosaere o.f (these yearly sacrifiges
tie life would be materially leesened
ancli by ith,e oueside assistance might
largely =ellen-ate the u.nihappy
candetion? If the tremendons
pendltuee for evar were+ diverted
into( relieving, clietress instfe(aceof
increasing it a mere humalnetaxean
earicliftion 02,9108034,0 would soon be
in vogue.
Useful Hints on Keeping Busy During
'Otherwise Idle Season.
The fruit grower Is often confronted
by the problem of providing profitable
laeor for his employees during the
winter. Without cattle or other live
• stock onthe place it is often hard te
provide once work. Since good help
is becoming more scaece each you* on
the fruit farms, ft means a good deal
to be able to hold laborers over from
one season M another. ,
On the farm which is so fortunate
tie to be provided with a small work-
shop- many days may be profitably
spent in repairing and oilipg the har-
nesses+. mania °mimed whifeetreete
Suffers Untold Agony
After Every Meal.
Nearly everything that enters a weak,
dyspeptic stomach acts as an irritant;
hence the difficulty of effecting a cure.
Burdock Blood Bitters mill relieve all
the distressing sytnptems ef dyspepsia
a.nd in a short time efeect ei cure,
Mrs. F. C. Gross, Berlin, Ont., writes:
-"1 havebeeti troubled with my stomach
for the last seven years and tried all kinds
of medicine for it, but none of there ever
cured' me, for as soon as I would emit
using any of them, the same old trouble
would come hack. Last fail I was ad-
vised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, ivhich
did, and used fotit bottles, and rfow feel
,so strong I tan do all ray'hoose worig
nicely antl ean eat almost anything with-
out it affecting we in anyway.
"Our .bay is also using it; he always
complained of pain in ,Inp month and
all ova', like rheumatism/and at the age
of ten had to stay big= from sated. He
hatn't quite Med tWP .bO5tle.9 Yet•and
felling good, tap-*ttenti Oan1.173gnlarly
and eate befith07,°*.
B.B.B. 'MOO extiy by `rixs
APikigu c9.,t di 'T-9E01.ti,k4z
paletleg and ielleleine ale. the tee's:
•)-Vagoes: andMem. •Machinery.
seeleetne 'lima:Mere shopid be
Pletely overhauled toe ehe coning-
ffeasen. ' The packing 02 ale the pumpe
silents], be tent:Wed. The engine' ehould
be teorouglali examined, ell the -badise
• WOrld parts should be repleced, and It
sliould be oiled well, to prevent enete
eng. Much time bs 1088 by farmer*
during the. rush. of • spring work
thrbugh failure to overhaul -their 11:111:
ehlpery during the winter. All the
entitle tools should also be. carefully,
examined. •Sexee, 'scythee, mowers.
' toes, shoeels, etc., should be eePateed
and sharpened, for good sharp toole
increase the efficiency, and raeadity of
labor and therefore deeresiee the cot.
Paint is a greet preservative of tools
and especially of wagons. To give
them once a year a coat Of paint well
rubbed in is as good an investment as
a farmer can make. His equiPmene
will then not only look more respeeta-.
We, but will last much longer.
Miley fruit growers during the past
season have experienced difficulty In
obtaining packages for their freit dur-,
bag the harvesting peeled. Strawberry
crates and boxes are always scarce,
daring the pielting season. Apple,
barrels and grape baskets are just ha
difficult to obtain. In the fall, and the
demand for packages at these times
.sauses the price to be higher.
WIly not eliminate vexation aild ex-
pense by buying the packages "knock-
ed down" or e in the fiat" during the,
winter when the prices are more rea
sonable and the laborers naay be prof-
itably employed in Making them up?
One not only can save much by •this'
procedure, but the packages will then
be at hand ready for the harvesting.
Berry crates and boxes may be made
up and packed away for the ppring.,
Grape baskets may be bought, and the
handles may be nailed on at this time
Instead of in the fall. Apple boxes, if
used for packing this fruit, may also
be nsade up during these months and
set away for tile fall.
In some states the barrel is etilt
the most popular package for apples.
Within the last few years some of the,
growers with large orchards have solved
the problem of winter work by install
Ing a cooper's outfit and making up their
own barrels during the winter. The,
material may be bought ready to as-
semble at a reasonable price, and the
tools necessary for making tbe barrels
may be procured at a slight cost.
When proper storage facilities are all
hand many .frult growers can save 0
good deal fri this way, besides utilizing
their employees during the winter. At
times one might also contract to sup-,
ply a neiglabor with, barrels, which
would permit one to huy the material
In larger quantities and niake a little
money on the contract, besides prolong-
ing the winter's. work, -Country Gen.
; efi,Stet ebiltete;1012.
fleeting ot the jitlront co wr.u..011tor,
RHIIITgR S:o:/1144.I:::011" KOTAI.Y
',The C.lboneil :of the"COrporekloo af
The. CennitY 051tUTOXI387111 1n.eet 111
theeCouncie Chamber,- in the' Town
'oe • Goder tele. oreTecodey, T (th
4511, at e 0331ok, Accounts ageinst
111.0., bounty. 'will be eonsicReleete,
Plaeeee.lyitb, the,.:..el ale blefere 8111,4
' •:IAN., Clerk,
Detect Meet .30th, 1912. '
east received a cae 04 Extra No.
Oats; else, 'a car of Choler:, Peeel
Presentor Wanted
re! presenter wen ted foe Peles-ey-
eatan Chnree, Brucefield, Appli-
cation% stating salary, will be re-'
ceived up to. the 15th of June, 1912
5AS, D. GE1VIMELL, Clerk,
TO Graze Cattle
The undersignedf is prepared to
gime& 301100,4 of cattle fox the 'sea-
son 01 1911. Plenty of water and
shade. Apply to
Summerhill P. O.
Barred Rork Eggs' for Sale
wan on Barred Rooks at:Clinton,
4 firsts' 3 seconds; r lthircle and
specialfoe beet collection. Pen 1 -
Pullet beating, headedi by Millard
,eo•okerel, eliminate 000111017 settinge
eggs $2.00 per Cockerel
-making, headed by lelillard cock.
Pullets, en thiel pen( lase good lay -
layers, Eggs $2.00. per 13.-, Pea 3 -
'Catty pen, headece by a ',cockerel
bred frone 'on.el ,of ithle heat laying
strains- in( Canada. Hens, In this
were bred from -1-701 my pullets
which layed 436 eggit en 31 days.
Eggs $1.00 pee 15. I guarantee at
good hutch or replace setting free
of charge, E. A. Hovey, Clinton,
Far Sale
Blue Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
$1.00 per 15 eggs. Also &few White
Cochin Bantam eggs $1,00 per 13. -
Jabez Rands, Clinton.
Two Houses to Let
The undersigned has two houses to
let, apply to
Jacob Taylor
field Stone Wanted,
Field Stone suitable forroad
making is wanted by the Town of
Clinton, Pelee $3.50 per cord 0413,-
000 pounds.,
jA. yoniD,
Chairman of Steeet Committee
Miss Mary Lebeatt, Edison, Sask.,
writes: -"I was troubled with heart
disease and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times I had to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
and every little noise would make me
shake and shiver. I tried several doc-
tors, but they were unable to do Inc any
good. A neighbor then advised me to try
a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as I began to take them
I began to feel much better, and by the
time I had used the third box I was com-
pletely cured. I would advise anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervous.
ness to try these pills. They will save
quite a bill in doctor's fees."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure
all heart e.ncl nerve troubles by their
restorative infinenee on every organ and
tissue of the bode.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
51.25 at all dealer or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,,
Limited, Toronto, Out.
I am still in the Wall Paper Bu,si-
nees, end am in a posetion to show
you the best Wall Papers that have
been shown in Clinton.
All papers bought. from me will
be hung Very cheaply.
All Trends of house painting clone
add estimates given ma old and
new work.
To call or drop a post card will
bring samples to your door,
Logs Wanted
Conneyance, Notary Public
Oommissioner, etc.
I Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
leuron 51,, Clinton.'
H. T., R A N 0 El
Notary Public, Conveyanoer, '
Financial aid Real Estate.
TeletleANOirleeenele-Representene 11 Pin; IV
suranoo Oompanies,„
Division Coutl Office,
. ileian, Surgeon, Eto
'mealsb attention given to diseases ofalso ,
Ilre, Ear, Throat, and NOEte,
Eyes carefully examined, and suitable!
Office and Residence.
Two doors vvent of the Commercial Rote
puree sr,
Dr, IV, Demi, it, C, 7., IL, R. 0. 0.. Etille
s be. J. Candler. 'ILA, 80,10,
°Sloe -Ontario Street, Clinton. .
Night calls at residence, 58855809009 St,
or at herniae/
DR. d. W. SHAW,
cconehenr, etc., office ancl residence on Rat,
embers. Sh., opposite W. Farran's residence.
DR. 00. R. RXON
If Crown and Bridge Work it Specialty -J.
Grigg:tot! 0,0.0.5.. Chicago, and R.0,0.13-
Ilaylleld siilliondstre, 'May It toltccembe,
Offices over O'NEIL'E store,
Special care taken to make dental true,
meet as painless as possible. •
Live stock and general Auction zee
Bairn stoca sales a speousitt Incleca sr a%
XEW EltA. office, Clinton, prt,motiy attended
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note
G. D. McTaggart 61. D, MoTaggar
eTaggar Bre&
4. General Stinking Bauhaus .
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated To Props
erty Only Insured,
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas. Connolly, 'Vic* Pres„ Goderich
All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft Elm Thos. E. Hays, SeceTreas,, Seaforth
and Basswood preferred. Highest DIRECTORS.
price paid. Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; johe
' W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co. tet
. Dabe, Clinton; id,
Chesney, Seafaitle T. Evans, Beech.
Boarders Wanted woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. leen
neweis, Brodhagen, M, McEwate
Having returned to town I am now Each Director is inspector of lessee lo
prepared to take hoarders, either his own locality.
ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
Mrs, elogridge, 0ntari0 street
Pasture Land
Some first class pastille land to be
sold in lots to suit purebasere. At
tractive prices. Apply to
eohn Razisford, G T. R. City Agent
0080 Sooth 70 acres of lot number. 35
and the South East pert of Lot no, 36
14 acres both in the let coneeseion of
Stanley township is foerent for a terns
of years. Tbiaproperty is elOse to the
town of Clinton and possesssion can
be Orel"' at once, For eurther parte
celars apply to Henry Plumsteel, Clin-
ton, Ont., os MeOerthy, Boys & Mur-
chison, Barristers, Berrie, Ont.
Farm lor Sale.
The executor'`Of the Southcombe
Estate offees for sale 60 acret -
East half of lot 28, eon. 6, Hallett.
A. first-class farm, well watered
and improved, end with good
b,uildings, Also) the undersigned
offere for sale, lot'29r con. 6, Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May be
bought together orseparately,
' -Clinton.
Q0 Potts Ford & McLeod
liV,e're now selling ffemoehy Seed
(Goveenmen,t Standard.).
Ili .t
:19NIREM4 06
E7S,TAN;All70" [tli;
ehe Derninion
Gareeidee et 19 iiktienlit lid all tee
_ •
3 it 11855 thereinebeel Ffeeerielver eirgerive.
epgthe prffeuring the pheepgrephe from
ell Ilver :the ergericl.
Ito ertieles kre earedfullY. -eel-doted end
its leditoriat thstoughly,
A, eubscripti55eee5 " ate -deers)
p6ot0 $2,00 per year tiri any, addralit10
' gans%dg: br Greet 3/Titain,
it.' TRY IT FOR 1912!
appitt-topi standfea Publishing Cgs
We also have on hand, lAlfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clever.
We always have on hand -Gooee
Wheat, Peas, Barley,and Feed Corn
Higheee Market Prices paid for Hay
Ford & McLeod
. CO5&i
Before placing your orders foe
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stook and sold et.the
lowest possible price, e.
Orders may be left at Davis
as Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. .L Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.
Robe Smith, Harlock; Ed Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Emend.
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holinesville
Payments may be „made at The
Mari& Clothing Co., Clinton; o-
11.11, Oat, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estn,te bought and sold
Money to loan
Offioe Issac Street, next door to Neev.
Grand TrunkRailway Systetn
Railway Time Table
London, Huron ancl Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart, . „ . 8.80 a m. 4.50 p rn
Centralia-. ....... 0.40 5,43
Exeter. ........... 9 53 5,54
Hensall:. ..... ,..... 10,08 0.05
Kippen 10,16 0,11
Brucefield 10.30 0.19
Clinton 11,00 6,86'
Londesboro 11,18 6,52
BF -17th 11.27 7,00
Selgrave .. 11.40 7.13
*Ingham, arrive,- 11e50 7.85 '
South PaSSONger
Wingliam, depart.. 6.43 seas 3.83 p m
Belgra,ve 6,54 3.41
Blyth 7.08 3,56
Londesboro. .. . . 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7,50 123
Brucefield. . 8.12 189
Kippon 8.28 4.47
. .. 8.32 1,52
Exeter 8,48 5.05
0,00 1175
Londonearrive.. . 10 00 6.10
:Buffalo a'04Ciode
West - Passeeget
m pm pm p
Stretfor4.........10.00 12,20 5.25 10,20
Mitchell- -10.22 12,45 5.55 10,47
Seaforth .. . . :...10.45 1.10 6.18 11,12
Clinton .........11,07 1.25 6,40 11.28
Hremeseille.....11.16 1,33 6463 11,38
Goaeriell........11435 1.50 105 11,55
East 1 assenger
am pm pm
Gocierich7,10 2.40 4.50
Hoiraesville . . , 7.26 2.57 5.06
Clinton.... .. . . 7,35 3,07 5.15.
eatorth , 752 8.25 5.32
Itlitehell- .. . . ....,.. 8.16 3,48 5.55
tratfora 8.40 4.15
1)r. de Van's Female Pill.
.A reliable French regulator :never fails. Thcter
Ills are exceedingly powerful in regulating tee
eneratlye portion of the female system. Rofusa,
1st?, oiPtitilt°1:41103.%114119vIro'sa:;earditt
(a 3es8U p.,Eug 0,14t -