HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 81ravel ler 's *.1#####aoN###*#i##***1'e.1a* :f.*0*8i0*1r*01*4#•t##t Oji Sale -Saturday ' Less L'C Cost. at This week we cleared out a traveller's set of New Spring' Lawn Waists., Right up to the minute style." • These: are without doubt the biggest gest bargains'we a ve offered. Colne in the morning and get choice, Ct ',�earing , r the hit at less than Wholesale Prices- : 25 p.ce off White Petticoats Caturday we place on sale sixty White Under– skirts, every garment new. ; Just a manufacturer's overplus stock which speaks for itself. Space will not permit of a description, but a visit to this store Satur- day will convince you of the enormous bargains. Saturday Hosiery Bargains 25 dozen women's, boys' and girls' Black Cotton Hose, one and one rib, fast colorornade from the best of cotton yarn, wear guaranteed or money refunded, sizes 7 to to. Just a business builder. Regular 25e Saturday 19e Brussels Rugs Underpriced p ted We passed into stock this week a special purchase of Brussels Rugs to sell at the regular price of Tap- estry. Color—two tone green and two tone tan. Prices -3 X3-, $15.00. 3x4, $1.8.00. Don't Miss This Opportunity, dozer d £'rown DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON MINOR LOCALS. Has ift rained enough for you ? To -day is Empire . Day at the Isehool. Send/ in the nemee of your; visit - no of:the 24th, or if you were away let ulshear about it. An auto load went to Goderich oln Sunday in +Elifott's new -auto .car- riage. Methodiist: ministers were in the. Majority in town on Tuesday and Wedne,sday, it being the district Meeting of the Goderich district. This rainy season has kept back all work for the Good Roads, Centrral Business College Stratford, Ont. ' °Marie's Best Business College' Our coarses are up -to -data and practical. We have a largo ;s'taff of experienced in- eaructoes and our graduates - get the' high grade yo,sdtions, We do more for our students than does, any similar ,school. We+ have three departnxente •Coanmercial, Shorthand and .Telegraphy. You owe it to yoniteolf. 10 know what ; we are doing, 'Get our free cata- logue at epee.. D. A. McLachlin PRINCIPAL BEE DEMONSTRATION. A bee demonstration is to.b}e,held in the apiary of Mr, Jacob Habererr, Zurich, Oral, Tuesday, nay 28th, 1912, commencing at one o'clock, sharp, .The purpose of this demon- stration is to explain the naturetof foul brood and ellionv how to cuile iit, also, how to save the wax from the con b,s by means of .the wax press.. Your inspector of apianies will take charge orf the proceedings assisted by successful local bee. - keepers. Be sure to, come andb ring your neighbor's: Ladies spefci,ally inel•w pleaseItte you youe r friends ot a hi h a'•e. A demons,tr.ation will also be held fn the apiary of Mr. A1freCd B Carr, Biyth, Ont,, on Friday, May 31et, 1912, commencing ate o'clock sharp. Same as above. THE NEW ERA IS FIRST IN SPORT. The New Era to -day p :este:its a special' baseball feature which ie 'timely ely i,uvi,ew ofthe orle'ntn(g of the baseball sgason inCl.laa(ton, 'to- moar'ow, SS7hil,d it will 'attract the baseball fans,, pi•oaninen;ce will, be given to all local sports through-, out the ,season, including bowling, football, tonnes, basketball and ath- letite. Those interested -in the ear- sous activities 'are eequteetec-Y to Bend aceounts of "galnes im to Th eNew Era sportindeenr`ment and the 'same will be iver 'or.Score cards will hefruished, for all. scorers in baseball games so that box seore can be given ftoNeal Era. ' • • Special Prices on awn MowerS 3 Knives Knives and Ball Bearing.. For All 1'N�t . , Week e ARLAND SR osiers Hardware, Stoves and Sporting>•• Goods 00."6;.O*p.MA0A.9o+P.ii+e+�*.*d.��lb4*#0040 4.00*40• rytAY BUY A TRUCK, t- 7 1'1•.+#"%':'......✓.�..+arH:Q•..•t..3'.l' Tho E :ester Adveea0e of,last wveelt ` , . 'says, Mr N, T', Giilispi is sego CLINTONMARKETS Hating toe the purchase of a i rgef ' auto: 'tinct front The Clinton,allator • Co,, of Ol sritop, IN CHARGE AT WYOMING. Rev: Mark Tu,aibull, wIto"recejn'i ly returned, from Metaieo, hays been :ten•pdrarily placed iii charge of, 'Wyoming, C'amlacii f` and Wen. ,e,teacl Anglican 'ehtlsches, TRANSpERRED BOOKS,. ExIn ePeetaa Asqt'nth, of Auburn, , wee en teen Saturday, and trans- ferred/ thebootie and 'rapers over to thee•ftiew fn:pee:tor, Mr. ,Oliver Johnson,It: is expected a Board meeting, 'will be held, this' week' or FROGS. A reloped season for .frogs has been fixed ,by 'the Ontaria ttrover'n•- ment, H. Ebiber•, M.P,P.1' 'has re- ceiveci word that oomniteneingwith tees, year frogs may not be caught or keeled ,during the menthe of May on.. June of teach year. A 'heavy penalty may be invested for Violeta tion of elites law. , SOUTH IIURON,LIQUOR CASES. Inspecbov Torrance of South Haz- en, had (Ewe liquor, cases dur(ng last week, J. P. Blatt of Zurich was fined by Police'Magitetra'te Andr'e'ws 875, and carts for selling on Sunday and John Dobus of Hensall a `lister' was fined 810 and costs by lMlagJ - h'ete Petty of Ilgtasall. UNSIGHTLY CORNERS VS, FLOWERS. If there ie a spat on your lawn or. a ,earner around youri place (that doge not aitogdthee please you ; in fact' ells an eye sore, •,and° ,plvert' time you go out your eyes spam l of reat on that ,cor,nei You turn frenal it but eomehow mother, . in: tspetei of your endeavour to ,turn from it, you ;Still see nothing but that nasty earner, Why not mate that ,corner a thing of beauty? A few, cents spent implants now Will make that ,corner a pleasure to look at and you will not miss [that lit Ile bit od mon:ey when next •Christ-- mao conaes, FIRST ADVERTISER, Tho Contract Record temaric,s that 'Samson was the: first main to aaverti,se. He took two full:euiumns in show - his , ,strength. Seven thousand! people ,tumble(1 to his scheme, and he brought down the house. • SORRY TO LOSE THEM. The: Exeter'Tineela of last week hast the following added to what tho New Era said last week in lee-. garde to the new furniture firm:— Mr. Alkin,son left on Wednesday of this week for Clinton,, He 'ex- pecte shortly to move his family there. We regret tole such val- t+ed citizens but wish therm 'success in Clinton: A BIG INCREASE, Official figures show that 'thio year the immigr,ati,00 to Ontario is almost four tithes as heavy as that of last year. The atatisties show` that, foe the month of May, to this date, the number of immigrants set- tling in Ontario is 3,500, against 1000 'eat year, SIDE WALK 'PETITIONS. ; Eggs 20e to_21e ' .Bu'tt'er c0c to' 21e '1 mrheat . 90c +� :Oats,65c; t Barley - 70e o 80e t Peas -- 90c to 51.90 Shorts $23:00 ' } Bran -, 521.02 ' E CENT R � U• FI ON R LIBl]RAL ASSOC A •I TI I ON The( anneal enee(ting of the Ceati tee IIuron Liberal Aesoetation will be held art Cardno'siHall, Sosfortih, ea Tuesday, .'May."2,Otli, 1912; at, 2 o'clock pan. ' MICHAEL MITRDI:E, President J, L. KILLORAN, Secretary TWO 'CUB FOXES. Two, cub foxes about amonth old were brought into town and Mr, James: Steep has 'thiem; but will Noon dispose (Athena to,awncgg zit fox farms. ie Southern• Gneaa'Jo: They should bring a good figure. T:iuraday manning he receivted five snore fox cube. MADE MONL t SO FAR. Bert Hovey, ae all our .ci:tizetesl know, is great bird fancier, ain'cl makes money at It. This •spring he sent' a setting of his "Rock" eggs to Nova Scotia and three, to :British Columbia, PRESBYTERY 141EETS TOMORROW •Huron Presbytery meets in Willis Church. to -morrow afternoon, to con- sider the call of Rev, J. L, • Small to Ilespeler, NEARLY RIIOOVEREJD The many friends of 14Ir. Thomas Me3.allan, who had his hand amputa- ted a fee weeks ago, will be pleased to learn that he is now nearly fully recovered and with the exception of the loss of bis hand is none the Worse for the accident. MAY 21 HOLIDAY All Stores, Banks and Postoffice will be..closed on the 2.lth, to help eele• brate Victoria Day. ' The postoffice wicket will be open at the usual holi- day hours, BOWLING SEASON ON Last Saturday the Bowling season opened in Clinton wben ntauy of the howlers were down on the green for a short time, A FAMILY GATHERING Circumstances allowed the gather, ing tugether at the old family home, Park street, of the children of Mrs H. Hale, on Monday last, when the following answered to roll call Mr, and Mrs. Theo, Hale and four children, of Clinton ; Mr, and Mrs..Frank Hale and, two children, of Toronto ; Mr. W. J., of Mount Clemens, Mich ; Miss Maud, of Toronto,. and Mr, and. Mrs, E B, Hale. of Stratford. Needless to say, it was a happy gathering, and an especial delight to the aged mother. [Goderich Star.] JUST' SANDPAPER, Xe cLr a pie:'e oP sandpaper handy CO the sink -where the (fishes], alp -washed. . When a stubborn spot on P , burned kettle refuses to move, use a piece of sanclpaper, Itis an ate' in cleaning a gas sieve, Fold a piece over a Knife, " and you can quickly remove all grea: