HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 7Freed From Bearing Down Pains; Backache and Pain ' in Side by Lydii'E.„Pinlo; ham's Compound. Toronto, Ont. - "Last October, I wrote to you for advice as I was completely run ttet•%......ehitee,,,,e...1.e.„.ete, down, had bearing Vat tz„ down sensa.tion in the e:eateee " lower part of bow- • e els, backache, and pain in the side. I also suffered terribly from gas. I took Lydia DePinkhara's VegetableCompound eat. and am now entirely free frbrn pain in back and bowels and , am stronger in every Way. I recomme d Lydia E. Pinkharn's Compound highly to all expectant moth- , ers,"-Mrs. E. WANDBY, 92 Logan Ave - Lnue, Toronto, Ontario. e Consider Well This Advice. - No woman suffering from any Arm of • female troubleshould lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkliamei Veg- • etable Compound a fair trial. . 1 This fams remedy, the medicinal in- gredients of which are derived from na- tive roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. iWornen residing in almost every city P and town in the United States bear 'willing testimony to the wonderful • 'virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compound. ' If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinleham'S Vegeta- ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia,E.Pinkham Medicine Co. - i (confidential) Lynn, Masse for ad- - 'vice. Your letter will be Opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. - Japanese Elestions. Tokio, ',May 20. -Returns Saturday from the election of Members of the House af Representatives showed. that the Seiyukai Government party scored again with an absolute major- ity of 203 members. The House,, es- tablished by the constitution of 1899, is composed' of 355 members. BRONCMTS Was So Choked Up She Could 'Hardly Breathe. I.*, Bronchitis is an acute inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the air tubes of the lunge, and should never be ne- glected, for if it is very often the disease ibecomes chronic, and then it is only a . !short step to coneumption. 1 On the first sign of bronchitis Dr. iWood's Noray Pine Syrup should be taken, and thus prevent it becoming i chronic. .1 Mr. John D. MacDonald, College Grant N.S. writes:-" My little girl, seven years old, caught a bad cold which developed into bronchitis. She was 'to choked up she could hardly breathe. • Reading about your wonderful medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I decided to try a bottle, and with such good re- sults that I got another which completely cured her. I cannot say too much in its praise, and would not be without it in the house," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, i put up in a yellow wrapper; three pin trees the trade mark; price, 25 cents. Manufactured only by The.T. Milbur Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • C. C. James Begins Active Work. Ottawa, May 20.-0. 0. James, who was appointed some time ago as spe- cial agricultural :commissioner foe the Dominion Government, arrived here from Toronto yesterday and wilt take up his new duties to -day. , • , „ By Lt)uls Tracy - ' Copyright by 1VicLeo d & Allen, Tofronto , n - • - - "Is that your room?" he aeked, ' rtm in company? . ..- .iii, I've got ' sprinting to it. It' :Timmer is to come along -when •t py,,Be MarigtlY th,,inks that Cynthia Will take Her air of bland amazement sup - a 'Seat in' the , 59 Du Vallon la a Plied a further tonic, change -just to ,,try the new French ',queer thing!" he said. "I thought car. . . : By gad, I :shall have a :so. More of the occult, I Suppose. word to say there. . . SteadY; now 13nt I really wished to speak to you George Augustus! -Won, my ''boY; itbout Mrs. Dever," • - • Cynthia was obviously relieved. - ' "Dear me!" she cried. "You two , have taken a violent dislike to each, ' bther. • You see, Mr. Fitzroy, we . 1kmericans are r,ather pleased n et, 'WL ' otherwise if a man acts and specks ike a. gentleman eyen though he has o earn a living by hustling en auto- Lnobile, but your sure -enough Britisb. 'ames exact a kind of servility from tchauffeur that doesn't seem to fit n With your malte-up. Servility is hard: word, but it is the best I can hrow on the screen at the moment, and I'm real sorry if I have hurt your feelings by amine it,. Medenham smiled. Each instant his calmer judgement showed more and ZnOre clearly' that he could not offer A black arra wag suddenly silbduet- any valid excuse for interference in ted across the shouldere of a tektite' the girl's affairs.' For all he knew blouse, whose wearer „received a re- o the contrary she might be tremu- essuring hug. ---- - Iteep a tight hand on the reins. Why In thunder should you concern your - elf with the wretched business, any - It was a itrat4Mulfly " iili night, beneath him, on an asphalted path hearly level With the" atone -strewed beach, passed al young conpip. The inan!s voice caMe 'up to -him: , , "Jones ,expects to be taken into partnership after, this .seasan, and. 1 Sun pretty certain to be given the inanegement of the woolen depart- ment. If that -comes off, no More long 'lours in the shop for ,you, Lucy, hut a nice little hbuse up there on tee hill, just as Meek as we can find it." "Oh, Charlie dear, I seall 'never be tired then....'' ' "Let's recken up,' said the owner of the arm -July, August, September -three moms, sweetheart. . . ." . Medenham had never given a thought marrying until his father ous with delight at the prospect of becoming a French countess; if that Were so, the fact that he disapproved !if Mrs. Devar's matchmaking tactics would be received very coldly.. Cyn- --natural interpretation 'of his al - hinted at thenotionduring dinner tha usion to her chaperon offered a means previous evening, and he had laughed Of escape from a difficult position. et it, being absolutely heart -whole., "I am greatly. obliged by your hint," There was something irresistably• he said. "Not that my lack of good comical then about the Earl's bland Inanners is of much account, seeing theory that Fairholme House needed. . hat I am only a stop gap for the s sprightly viscountess, yet now' bourtly Simmonds, loft I shall endea- Bror to profit by it in my next situ- ation." • "Now yori are getting at me," cried be a perfectly natural thing that these elenthia, ' hPr eyes sparkling some - lovers should talk of mating. Of what. "Do you know, Mr. Fitzroy, I what else should they whisper on this• em inclined to think you are not a chauffeur at all." "I assure you there is not a man living who understands my special type of car better," he protested, "That isn't what I mean, so don't Wriggle. You met Simmonds when he was in trouble, and just offered to take his place for a day or so, there- by doing him a good- turn -isn't that the truth?" "And you are not in the automobile business?" "I am, -for the time being." "Well, I am glad to hear it, I was ishy of telling you when ',we reached the hotel, but you understand, of eourse, that I pay your expenses dur- ing this trip. The arrangement with Simmonds was that my father ante'd twenty-four hours later, he could ex- tract no shred of humor' from the itly1 of a drape's assistant. It Seemed to midsummer's night, 'when the gloam-. Mg already bore the promise of el1V11, end tee glory of the sea a.nd sky spread quiet harmonies through the. silent air? Perhaps he sighed as he turned away, but his own evidence on that point would be inconclusive, since the first object his wondering eyes dwelt en wag the graceful figure of Cynthia Vanrenen. There was no possibility -pf error. An arc lamp blazed over- head, and, to make assurance double sure, his recognition of Cynthia was Obviously duplicated by Cynthia's recognition of her deputy chauffeur. fn the girl's caSe some degree. pf surprise was justified. It is e truism of social life that far more. Aistinctiveness is attached to the; Seemingly democratic severity of or petrol and allowed twelve shillings Ovening dress than to any other class day for the chauffeur's mesels and of masculine garniture. Medenham, pow looked exactly what he Was -a an born and bred in the purple. No one could posBlibly pitstatethis well- groomed soldiei' fei Late' j in); Lsbmeut of matter § on a proper foot - andel, His clever, resouceful facet ng, you don't need to worry about Ira. Dever. In any event, since you efueed my offer to hire you for the Re might, in sober earnest, have been elle, you will not see a great deal sompelled to earn a living by driving 1sf her," she went on, a trifle hurriedly, s, motor -car, but no freak of fortune "There only remains one other could tob him-firhis birthright as an point," he said, tieing to help her. ixistocrat. • Would you mind giving me Mr. Van - 06 course, Cynthia was easily Erse -eneta's address in Pels?" in the effort to recover disturbed wits: "He IB staying at the Ritz -but why "Like myself, you have been tempe 0 You want to know tbat7" she de- ied out by this beautiful eight, Mr. ended with a sudden Jilting of eye- eitzroy," she said. . rows, for the hope was strong in her Then "Mr." was a concession to hie that he might be indutted to change ettire; somethow she • imagined ie 416 plans so far ae the next nine Svould savor of presumption if she ad: 1:1,49s were concerned: . dressed him as an inferior. She "A man in my present position could not define her mental attitude, ought always M ascertain the where - n words, but her quick intelligence, ebOuts of millionaires interesthd in i tesponded to its subtle influence as a• !not/ming," he answered promptly. odgings. Is that satisfactory?' • "Quite satisfactory, Miss Vanrenen," aid Medenham, fully alive to the irl's effective ruse for the re-estab- , • Piano urdla3ers should 001/E0a askep f,?;he ihdr 610DOIIEM 4.4esivaille paeo,th • One 9,f the Best Equipped Piano Factories in Canada • W. Doherty Plano and Organ Co., Limited Facteriee and Head Office 01417. Wester n Brandi, • • 280 IIARGRAVE sTnEnT s erect larriage, the ,very sugges- ion of mess uniform conveyed by his Dlothing, told of lineage and a career.t Mirrored lake ncords the passing l'And now, pardon me for advising you not to walk towards the pier breeze. Very dainty' and, Self -posses - ped she looked as she stood there 111-1ene'•'' ' t? AND NEED BIN PILLS' 194 GOEDOST ST., ewe...ere-aeon, N.V. " Will yeti khidly.infpiin . let e • • • GinPills • are sold in Neev• Y-orle City ? ' learned about them- last , .; summer. My.' chieghter went to ; Kingston, Ont.; and spent the summer there. , She got some of your Gin Pills and sent.thern to me and I tried then and found them to be the best medicine that I ever used. for Kidney aud Bladder Troillei Oh t they did me so much good and I am so' much better I' hope you can fix it so I can get GimPills in New York". CHARLES COLLINS. , Sold everywhere in Canada at sec. a box, 6 for $2.eo. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. -A Toronto. If you need a gentle laxative or some. niing to stir up the liver., take National 7.,,azy Liver Pills, 25e. a box. 106 HON. J. A. LOU:CI-HEED, 'E. C., 'sen- ior member of 'the 'Calgary law firm) of Lougheed, Beinnebt, Mc- Law&Co. He is leader of the Conservative party in the Sen- ate, andi fa a meinbe of lthe Bor- den Cabinet without portfolio. Woman's Best Help to the good health which comes from regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination -to freedom from pain and suffering - to physical grace and beauty - is the harmless, vegetable remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere, In bones, 25o, ue e! evhy no" Smiling at 'him. Her motor chisecoat agenclo was utilized as a wrap. Beneath it' 11 "'There is a certain class of bolsterhe wore a white muslin' dress of a: • DUB You -not by downright illbehavior, taains assessing pe, Would reveal; holiday-makers who might annoy Btudied simplicity that, to another wo-' but by exeimising a crude humor which i txpensiveness. She had tiecl a vele! s deemed peculiarly suitable to the of delicate lace around her hair and ' ess distressing to you." eas0081(10,though it would be none the ender her chin, and Medenham noted,' I , with a species qf awe, -that her eyes, "In the States that sort of man gets o vividly blue in daylight, were ishot," she said, her cheeks glowed snow: ; lark as the sky at night. with a rush of color. And he was- strangely tongue-tied. 1 • "Here on the contrary, he often i1r(ELtGRAPI-110 13 Flp*Fs:,,,„ -Thirteertr, wre1ledand ,forty-flye , Wilfred in•a railwaY ' 6olhsione in Paris The,I-JeePle 011-eSt. ,Iciida are threat-, ,ened. With starvatien.',, A warship has heen sent to ti'le reSette Eric Hollis of Windsor nfelPthrough' the hatchway ,of tire ,eteallaer Harper • aTh°ef3uc"?0rila ri?nbl.a:Agt'ive9'silkitt'lleifi •'Tt 'laidthe corner-stene or the additien to the Militeat Institute‘An..Toronte. The Raid WrecluRg Co. hassuc- to' cieeded„in raising, the -old Turret Cape and towing her COningwaod• Me Kingaten Deaighters of the Ens- pire •haye cloneted $800 for fitting up the first sha4 of a new •tuberculosis hospital. The arithracite mincer; in coetreption: at Wiikesharre decided. by, a vote of 323 to 64 to accept terms agreed upon and to return to work. `F. . The Canadian Oar at oundry is to establish new shops at Fort Wil- liam with a' capacity of seven thous- and. wood and steel cars yearly. • It is understood that }Ion. J. D: Hazen will leave for Great- Britain for the purPose of cOnsulting' the Ad- miralty within two weeks regarding the Canadian navy.. Sets, were baing made on the New York Stock Exchange Satuielay at even mosey that Roosevelt would be nominated for President at the Chi- cago convention. Others were made' at one to two that he would be elected, One workman, Charles Keith, of Newcastle, was killed, two were ser- iously injured, and many others nar- rottly escaped death Saturday at He- lena, when the G.T.R. steel bridge over -the St. Regis River at Ogdens- burg, collapsed. — - . THE POOR DYSPUTIC Suffers lUntOld Agony After Every Meal. Nearly everything that enters a weak, dyspeptic -stomach acts as an irritant; hence the difficulty of effecting a cure. Burdock Blood Bitters will relieve all the distressing symptoms of dyspepsia and in a short time effect a cure. Mrs. F. C. Gross, Berlin, Ont., writes: -"I have been troubled with my stomach for the last seven years and tried all kinds of naedicine for it, but none of them ever cured me, for as soon as I would quit using any of them, the same old trouble would come back. Last fall I was ad- vised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did, and used four bottles, and now feel so -strong I can do all my house work nicely and can eat almost anything with- out it affecting me in any way. "Our boy is also using it; he always complained of pain in his stomach and all over, like rheumatism, and at the age of ten had to stay home from school, He hasn't quite used two bottles yet and is feeling good, can attend school regularly and eats heartily." B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T.,Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. _ SAWMILL IS BURNED Cigar Factory for Windsor. London, May 20. -John McNee & Sons, cigar manufacturers, will estab- -lish a branch factory, to employ 100 people, on Sarldwich street, Windsor, where they have purchased a five - storey building and may eventually move their whole plant out of this 'city. There are more than 400 people employed. in the factory, in this city. , [ekes the young lady's arm and walks • Re fOund nothing 'to 'say mint after( ettese that verged on avneese,reeesai Ofe with her," persisted Medenham. IThen he floundered badly. , g eg she '1 am am prepared to vouce for any L'atilleed' "Gue" you'd- better escort e, Mr. Fitzroy." oxplanation so long as it brings 'you; "" ; i . "Pate closes the door le my face," here, Miss Vanrenen?" ,he said. in said sadly. "I cannot go with you cynthia wanted to laugh. It Was: FlIfaciently ridiculous to be compelled,; ,h -in that direction!' s 'Well, of all the odd peoplel-why ss it -were, to treat a paid servant o ripee him verging on the perilous', s an equal, but it savored oe madness, ' 1 Slot that way, if any other?" ordt And of a flirtation. . • • he gentleman whose . name I could "Because Count Edouard Marimay, ot help overhearing to -day, has just "Do you wish, then, to consult ine i one there -with another man." on any matter?" she asked, with- I Have you a grudge against him. American directness. - - 1 ' of you," he said. "Perhaps that ac-. " "I was standing here and thinkind, I 11•051?" I neve- set eyes on him before six o'clock this evening, but I imagine sounts fgt. your appearance. Since, , , icon would not care to have him see you have visited India you may have OU walking with your chauffeur,- eeard that the higher I3uddhists, wheel ;Cynthia looked up and down the ilieT are anxious that another person: shall act according to their desire, re- gain motionless in front of that per- , son's reeklence- and concentrate ardent ought on th,eir fixed intent. . . .1 ; ittilsg in dhurma on a than, they ;,ealli it. I suppose the same principle ape blies to a ' "It follows that you are a higher4 udclhist, and that you willed I shouldi tome out. Your theory of sitting on the ddor-mat, is it?, wobbles a bit in' rractice, b'ecauee I really rate down': Mire to tell llirs. Dever something e' ied forgotegi eseviously. Not finding' tier, I decided on a stroll, instead: pf. crossius the road I walked:up to' he left a couple of blocks. Then 1; iotioed the pier, and raeant to havel s look at it before returning to the lotel: Anyhow, you Wanted. me, Mr.; tietzroy, and here I am What can Il le fee you?" / Her tone of light raillery, Supple2 melted. by that truly daring adaption of the method Of gaining a cause fa.vored be the esoteric philcesophy of: ihe .Flast, went far to reeton Medena Kaaes weneering faealtiee. : °I wanted to aek you a few quess lora, Miss Vanrenen," he explained: 'PraY do, Cte thee' eay in Boston.”, "I'm oi to that pier,"' But he ,waas• not quite himeelf yet' IIEle noticed that the lights were ex; e•nguirshed in the corner of th 'Why must I not go to that nier" FIGHT 0 TUBERCULOSIS Millions of leaflets are being circulated among the people of the Empire, informing the masses how to guard against Tubercul- osis, of _which 500,000 Ger-mans die, every year, The time is fast approaching when this disease will be treated like diphtheria and smallpox -,--the patient being isolated and removed from con -,- tact with others. Meantime it is to be hoped the masses will learn the all-impor- tant lesson of guarding Nervigin against coughs idf and chest colds, from which tu- I I - berculo i s al- ways springs. ftitiR throat tickles, your chest feels tight and' sore, when you sneeze and feel cold shivers up your back -- that should be your. warning. The following treatment is known to be very effiblent: Give the chest and throat a vigorous ' hand -rubbing with Nerviline, and take twenty drops of Nerviline in hot, sweetened water. If there is any hoarseness or:cough, gar- gle well with Nerviline and put a Nerviline Porous Plaster over the chest. By following thiS advice Owen Sound Suffers From a Costly Blaze. HAMILTON PLANT GUTTED Carney Lumber Co.'s Big Mill Is a Complete Loss and the Damage Is Estimated at $150,000 - Rebuild- ing Is Not Certain - Diamond Flint Glass Plant Suffers a Loss of Over $6,000. ',,• CIIETS,,OF IlitIME LIFE Statenlente,rnade by patients teking the Now Method Treattnent. They know it Cares i:Er" No 'Names or Testimonials used 'Without written consent VONSTITTJTiONAL leet,Oele DISEASE. • VAMTPOSE VEINS CURED, • Catlett" No. 10404. "Tlie setae are all • 0a00odrn.r alenr vya agr'n'ai0 aa fuTt 0' Y4e ohl ana shaq never forget Ole faTor your medielneS have done for me. YOu earl use my namo recOmfnefuling it to r. any sertersr, I am going to got mar, y4.1.' 0000. Thanking you once more, •'§AYS TWO 'MONTI'S CCRED raiient: ye, 16^05. Age 21, Single. Indulged in immoral haite 4 years. .00- . posi( in urine and droins at night. irariceso Veind 051 both ol1ea, pains In back, weak sexually, ne writes: -..0 • ieceived Tour letter of recent date ahd in reply I 'am Plca'sed to say that after • taking two months' treatment 0 wOUld ,00nSiiree. Myself completely cured, as 11 'have seen, no signs of them coming • lil4IE-IV,01ZED. SEEMS DIFFERENT. , Patient No. 1G023.,*"Z 'have 1002 1,00 a:regular Emission I 'don't knew .(c;hen and am feeling fine, The World seems filtogether different, te mu 'and I thank God for directing mci to you: 'You'have been an 'honest deetor With ine.”. thee Tee 16888. Symptoms when he started treatinellt:--Age 21, sinale, singes in imateral 110010 several years, Verifies° Veins on 'both sides—pimples on the. face, ete Aft& two months' treatment,he writes au fellowsp—''Your welconle letter to hand and eftl verY elle,' to any that J think Tnyself cured, My Varicose Veins have completely appeared for quito a while and it Beams a care. I work harder' and fael less tired. I haVe no desire for that habit tv,hatever and 1£ I stay like this, whiall X have every reason to believe I will. ,Thanking yOU for your kind attention"' eta. GAINED at rOntens 01171 310.NTu. patient No. 13622. This patient (aged SS) had a chronic ease of Nertrous De - Pity and Swami Woakneas and 0008 0010 down In yigur anti vitality. After ono month's treatment he reports as fol- lo‘vat—"/ an, reenns very well. I have gained 14 paunds in one month, 00 Mutt I will have to oongratulato YOU." Later report:,—'I ant beginning to feel more like 0 man, I feel my condition IS getting better every week." I-fis last re- 50r1:—.1.100r Doctors ---As 1 ron ties is the last Month's treatment that I will have to got, -r4hought at one time I would never be cured but I pot con- • fidence in you from the etart and you hove cured nie." • • • CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY URXIARtrgOASLARTZAMO VEINS. 3LNAEINRUSDIPIALLnelt 21°13is!'2 peculiar to men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If tumble to call write for,n Question Blank for Home Treatment. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our CUR. ,MMIEMMEMBISIMay DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WINDSOR, ONT. NOTICE edien Correspondence Department as follows: DrisoKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Owen Sound, May 20. -For the ea- cond time in six months a disastreus fire visited owen Sound, when at an early hour yesterday morning, the big saw mill plant of the Carney Lumber 0o. was wiped out, meaning a total losi of about $150,000. The whole milling plant was a seething mass of flames when the firemen reached it, and it 'was impossibleto save any part of it. The 'Tient was probably the most modern and thoroughly equipped on the Georgian Bay, and special attention had been paid to fire protection, In the absence of the owners, linth of whom are in the United States, and are not expected until to -day, it is impossible to say whether or not the plant will be rebuilt. , The blow to the town industrially speaking will be felt. The company employed over 125 men, wed their wage roll ran up to about $15,000 annually. ' The origin of the fire is a complete mystery. Fire In Hamilton. you can_ ,keep clear', of colds,.: 'btotta Ben wftleo Ito thousand :pneumonia; bronchitis, • and ,prq. )1;ft alid..:drcrrAa serve mailed rec. 'The BO Nedicino f D"nzoadero uniform good health. *This ww • rth cutting out and pre. •Contblued Ilext week • serVing ' ironxerzyfroutriei _Torotryttkent Hamilton, May 20. -The factory of the Diamond Flint Glass Om, situat- ed at the corner of Hughson and James streets, was completely gutted by fire, which started late Saturday night. The fire was well nigh out of control when the finmen were note fied, and by the time the men had the water turned mo the whole north end 'of the city was ' !lithely illumin- ated by the blaze. ' The flames gained headway very quickly and in a few minutes from the time the first blaze was noticed the 'Whole building was one mass of (limes . The origin' of the fin is unknown, but it is stated by the conepany that the flames started- from the molten, glass, of which there wa,s 100 Mies in the furnace. The factory in which the fire occurred is utilized for the furnace and the bottle machi•nes. 'The mai building was a one -storey sairie steucture, • but at the pale where the furnace. Is .situated was three -storeys high- , The damage cannot be accurately estimated, the company efficials re- fining to make any statemept ae to loss that eleey have sustained. Chief Ten Eyck, he -Weyer, placed the dam- age at $6,000. • The company claim that the bottle machines are a com- plete loss and if this proves • to be the ease, the loss Will •probably be much heavier than the chiers esti- mate. ' , ' "- Why Go West A maxi was asked the question; "Why, aro you woaken•ge't Ilea re - ailed, "to gait comfort." And that to exactly what the malority OPPeo- pie, are a:fter. Some teen get more con:eerie out oe $5000 a years than ()there do out of $1000. Much de- pends on 'their management and otie the place, In whach they hy.e. And the one Who' gets' corallort out'of the sm•aller galaxy is. frequienitly the bent off. It its true that insOn- tarice you can get a greater cleigatie af comfort 1 or lees money than yu can get anywheen elpe in ith.e Do- Intl:don( of !Canada. A farmer in Ashrfieldi see Kinloss enjoys fax nioeel cosnifort than he would have on 'the western prairie, The citi- zen, of letecknow nen a greeter coin-. 1Oitt at lane than he ,could get in enY weetern toWn. - A. young raan (a farmes) who hap spene a year in the 'West was asked whed was his opinion of the 'West. ",Tu,st teas," he replied, ",Wfe are, worth now $5,000. I can take that, buy a emelt 1 arm horlk with cora- 1 oatable house and barn on lit, anti got more real co,mtfort •than I could get wiele $20,000 ant west. Se I cal- culate( to remain in fl3ru0e.". other man from Aohlield who went west( for a trip offeredlois f artm for, este •alt $6,000. When he reeurn- ed heeaid he would net take $7,000 Jon hes' Conitaaeio farm. Said! he, "I never( saw 05)001' fartnele until I went West," Peepee of Bruce and 'Huron, remain heee and entoy eeal conifoxte and Work the gold naine abed you.-Lucknow Sentinel. GOOD AS- A DOCTOR, IN THE. ROUSE Woo'd a. Zi0011,06iblec 1702 Great Engiisis„.net - Tones and inVigoratestho who e , ;nervous Systenl, makes new • tiood in 'old Vents. Cures Nerr). litca Deln7iN, iktepto2 cited' 13rain-Warril, Da- pcnuloeva SexuaZ Weakness, Entigoiems; gper- matorrluea, mut E4trec4. of .4biute or FACeetiee. Price $1. porbok.sittfor$5. Oho Willpleato,sbc will re. 'Sold &Wit or7inailed plain p17. on befle b of- rice. tSintil,palnplait Struck( at each deneinination to the Visetoeia Meratirial Mnseum,pttawa, ae likely to be oe-euturet bastoreeal • interest, WAS TROUBLED WITH HEART DISEASE ANIf NERVOUSNESS SEVERAL DOCTORS COULD DO HER NO GOOD. THREE BOXES OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLSCOMPLETELY CURED HER. • Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask., writes: -"I was troubled with heart disease and nervousness for over two years, and was so bad at times I had to sit up at night being unable to breathe, and every little noise would make me shake and shiver. I tried several doc- tors, but they were unable to do me any good. A neighbor then advised me to try a box of Milbunes Heart and Nerve Pills. As soon as I began to take them I began to feel much better, and by the time I had used the third box I was com- pletely cured. I would advise anybody suffering from heart disease and nervous- ness to try these pills. They will save quite a bill in doctor's fees." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure all heart and nerve troubles by their restorative influence"' on every organ and tissue of the body. Price 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on rec,eipt of price by The 'I'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, One, Baby'eI Own Tablebs are as good ae a deetor in (the •houne. They never fail 'to releeve ithe little ones ifirone ;Stomach and bowel teouiblea, to expel worm,s, make, tleathing easy and promote hestetleful Co-ncerning them 'Mrs. Turnert Glencen. Ont., ways: "I always ea- corneae:rid Baby'a. Own Tablets to my datendis. I have meal them; foie a lo:ngl time and find' thean `without equal. They rel:teved baby of the f eveetsliness , land , restlessness while cutting teeth and lea.v•e made her oine Of the Mose, healthy bab- ies. there es. I always keep thera in the house and cowl -4;10a !them as good as a clootort." The Tablets are ,sold by sand:Mine dealers or by mail at 25 cente mbox from TheiDr, Williams' Meclicin,e Coe Brockville, Out. • ' , -----o----- New,Coinage Ready For Bistribution , Public May Obtain $5 and $10 Pieces in the -Chief Cities of • the Dominion, ---- ,Ottawa, May 9. -The Timanee Dev pertmenr( es Do aardeng to the eee7-` eral aff ices cal: he BeceivereGener- al at Vancouver, Winnilseg, Torottle to, Montreal, St. John, Cliatilettee town, and ',Halifax a ;supply of (the etette ten a-ncl five -waxer. Canalean gold eclat% noW being aninted 8,1: Ot- tawa. 'The, tech:Meal defeeription is ae folloWs . • Ten-dollar-Fosi ob,servie ien- pretest:on his Kajesty's effigy, (con- gbiisbgi head and bunt, wearing ithe ImperealeCeown and the robie Of Staten with the ,coleae of ten gar: - tee, and looking ,Lo theele‘ft, [with 'the inscription, "Gleangive V. Del -I THE• NEWEST TRUST. U. S. Attorney -General Will Get After Coffee Combine. New York, May 20, -Attorney -Gen- eral 'Wickersham has moved against the so-called coffee trust or Brazilian valorization scheme. In a petition in equity filed here in the United States court the valorization plan is declar- ed to be a violation of the Sherman anti-trust 'law. The court is asked to decree the scheme unlawful, to enjoin the valori- zation committee from withholding the coffee from the market, and to appoint a receiver to sell the 950,000 bags, valued at $10,000,000, now alleg- ed to be stored in the various ware- houses of the New York Dock Co. The Government also applied for a temporary injunction restraining the valorization from removing or dispos- ing of the coffee held in ernerica pend- ing the termination of the issue. The members of the valorization committee have agreed and conspired among themselven 'the Government charges, to withhold 'from ehe market large quantities of coffee under their control for the purpose of raising the price of the cennrnodity, to an un. natural and , unreasonable extent. They have thus attempted, it is des clued to restrain the coffee trade . througleat the world, incleding the , interstate and foreigu commerce of the United States and to "injure and de- fraud the public for their own en- richmeet." • --ea eeetteeee7teeeeeeza-letaC The ttelenslants are Herman Selick'-; en of New York, Bruno Schoeder of J. H. Schroeder & Co of London, E'douard Bunge of Antwevp, Le Vi- comte des Touches of Havre, Dr. Pram de Silva Prado of Sao Paulo, . 'Theodor Wille of Hamburg, the So- ciete ,Generale of Paris, and the New York Dock Co. All the defendants are members of the valorization cora- MAWS, _ 'Gra, Rox lilt Ind, Imp" ; and foa•ahe reyeetse, aeshdeld bearing the atrans of Ithe Dominion of Canada within tt wreetle of maple leaves, ieuelmouset- ed by the inscrip:tion "Canada," and bawling) tend,eaneeth ithie evoaletee "Tete Dellaae,"' with date, of eseme with a graining upon the edge. • Fire-dollax--Thel game (*sleeve leePreeeliont and enecripition es tthe eenedollax s and ifor the inivealtes ,a hersaba,g Ithe 'aliens of the Do- minion of ,Oaaredla within a (Wine% df maple leavees, simenaount:ed by the inscalptualant "•Canadia." land (bear- ing underneath Ithe worele, roe Doalaris," Teeth dote of eseue ; weelt a gratneug. upon, the edge, The public may obtalintbeisatoiiira tat filiTy Of !the Aborts me titionad of - (Heels.• The/ Mind:stet/ oif ;Finances has peresonally, Presene the fleet eelln ''yr 71324841 Are you one of those to whom • ' • every meal is another source of suffering ? • Na-brra-Co DyspwsiaT'ablets , Will help your disordered stotnach to digest any reasonable meals, and will Soon restore it• to such perfect con-, dition thgt you'll never' feel that you lave a stomach. • Take one after each meal. 50c. a Box at your. lehelggist'e, Made be; the National' • Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, • . !so 0 '