HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 6Pagel MAR'KEI IMPORTS, Liverpool and 'Chicago' Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. clITCAGO," May' 133. -Actions of the :wheat rnar)ret to -clay indicated that recent liquidation by holders bad been More and that prices had develeped' a tendency to recover, The close was steady at n net advance oe."1-8e to 1-2e. The latest transactions left corn tho same as last night to 1-80 below, oats 1-40 cloWn, and provisione 5ci to- n 1-2c down, ^ The Liverpool market closed to-clay\or wheet unchanged 1.0 44,1 higher than yes, terday, and on corn %cl lower, ,Antwerr wheat closed unchaug,ed, Berlin lle higher and Budapest %c higher.' Winnipeg •Options. Open. Migb, Low, Close. Close. Whea- may 10252 103/5 10354 10245s 11 July 10454 105 10154 1055 101 • Oats- To -clay. Tart. May 4654b 47 July Toronto Grain Mara° 4P. Wheat, fall, bushel 31 05, to 31 06 Wheat, goose, bushei 0 96 .... RYEZ, bushel 0 55, • • • Oath bushel 0 55 Barley, bushel ,,....,. 0 85 0 90 BarleY. for *sal 0 60 0 70 Peas, bushel 1 25 .... Buckwheat, bushel 0 63 0 es Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 27 0 28 Better, creamers'', solids 0 25...... 13utter, separator, dairY, lb0 28 .... Butter, etore‘lots 0 23 Eggs, now -5a50 • 0 24 .... Cheese, new, 0 16 .... Cheese, sad 0 15 Honey, extracted 0 18 Montreal Grain and Produce. , MONTREAL, May 18. -Following were the prices here to -clay: Corn -American, No. 2 yellow, Zne. Oate-Canadian western, No. 2, 55540; g.20,, tNo0a28405.1c to 5154o; extra No, 1 feed, 33ar1es-Man1toba feed, 65e to 66e: malt - Mg, 33.06 to $1.07. Buckwheat -No, 2, .14o to 75e, Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, 35.80; seconds, 35.20; strong bakers'. 15.131 winter patents, choice, $5.25 to 35.35; straight rollers, 34,60; do., bags, $2.25 to $2.35. Rolled oats -Barrels, 95.85; bags. DO lbs., 32,55. Milifeed-Bran, .325; shorts, $27; mid,dling, $29; mouillie, 380 to $34. May -No. 2, per toh, ear iota, $19,50 to 920.85. Cheese -Finest westerns, 15ele to 1.5%ei finest easterns, 134ee to 12%.3. Butter -Choicest creamery. 2.640 to 270; seconds, 25ele to 26e. • Eggs-Freele, 23e to 2314e; selected, 18e. •to 19c. Potattme-Per bag, car iota, $1.70 to 31.75. Dressed hogs-Abattolr kflled. 120 06 18%e. Pork-Heavy'Canada short out mass, barrels, 25 to 46 pleees, 323; Canada short out backs, bbl,, 45 to 65 pieces, 323.50.. Lard -Compound tierces, 875 lbs.. Mei wood palls, 20 lbe. net, Me: pure, tierces, 875 lbs., 15840; Pure. wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 14734. Beef -Plate, barrele, 200 lbs., 314.50; do., tierces, 860 lbs., 321.50. Liverpool Previsions. LIVERPOOL, May 18:-Beef-Extre, /ndie, Mess, 1200. Pork -Prime mese, western, 959. llama -short cut, 14 to 16 _ lbs., 51a Bacon -Cumberland out, 26 to 30 lbs„ 58e; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.; ' 69s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 518; long clear middles, light, 20 to 84 lbs., 578 68; long clear middles, heavy, 85 to 40 lbs., 57s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 53s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., 480 68. Lard -Prime western, in tierces, 52s; American, refined, 558. Cheese -Can- adian, finest white, nominal. Tallow -- Prime city, Xs 98. Turpentine, spirits, 360 9d. Rosin -common, 169 4 1-2d. Petroleum -Refined, 9 8-8.1. -Linseed MI, 45s. Cottonseed oil -Hull, refined, spot, 28s 98. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 18, -Close --Wheat -May, 31.7275' July, 51.1354 to $1.1354; Sep- tember, 31.037 to 51.04: No. 1 hard, $1.1375; No. 1 northern, Pile% to 31.1475; No. 2 northern, 31.1275 to 31,1254; No. 3 wheat, $1,10% to $1.1054. Corri-ls'o. 3 yellow, 76e to 77e. bate -No. 3 white, 54o. Ryee-No. 2, 86e. Bran -$23.50 to $24. Flour -First patents, 55.40 to $6.65: sent ond patents, 93.10 to 35.25; first Marrs, 38.8$ to $4.963 second clears, 32.70 to $3, Buffalo Grain Market, IITIP'FALO, May 18.-S1s21n3 wheat dull: No. 1 northern, carloads, store, 31.2075; Winter steady. Cone -Steady; No. 8 Yellow, 8175e., ott track, thru-bilied. Oath -Easy. Barley -Malting, 31.18 to $1.28. - „ .Detrolt Grain Market. DETROIT, May 18e-W54eat-No. 1 hard, 11.1544; No. 1 northern, 31,1454; No. 2 northern. 31.1244. ' CATTLE MARKETS, -Chicago Live Stock, CHICAGO, May 18.-Cattle-20eceipts. 309; market steady. Beeves, 26 to 39.251 Texas steers, 55.00 to 37.76; western steers. 38.10 th 37.85; . stockers and feeders, 04.20 to $7; cows and helferis, $3 to 38; callres, OA to $5.75. Hogs -Receipts, 12,0401 market slow and 5c lower; light, 37.20 to 37.85; mixed, 51.45 to $7.923 heavy, $7.45 to $1.95; rough, ,37.45 to 37,66; pigs, 35.10 ±0 37.10; bulk of sales, 37,E to 37.00. Sheep asee Lambs-Reeelpts, 1100; mare Rat slow and unchanged; native, 32.71 to 38.25; wetern, stern 31 to 26.80; yeeriings, $5.50 to 37,25; Iambs, native, 35.50 to. 93.05; wart - ern, 95,75 to $8.90. Liverpool Live Stock, e LIVERPOOL, May 18. -John Rogers & Co., Liverpool, cabled to -day that there were only a very few cattle for sale in the Birkenhead market ahd that reeent prices were well maintain - td, quotations being for States and Canadian steers from 15 1-2c to 16e per pOund. Cheese Markets. BELLEVILLE.--There were offered. 1400 • cheese, Sales, 850 at 13 9-16c, 095 at 12340. 3 WATERTOWN, 28T, --Cheese sales : 7700 at 1445e to 1475c; nearly all small eizes. CANTON, N.Y.-Nine hundred tubs_ of butter at 30%0; 22,00 boxes cheese at 14Thel LONDON,-Offerecl, 481 boxes, eheeee; 105 boxes sold at 13546; bidding,1.234o to ST. HYACINTHE, Clue, -There were 500. pacitagee et butter boarded here to.day; all sold at 2614e. COWANSVILLE, May 18. -At the meet- ing of the Eastern Townships Dairymen's „Association, eighteen factories boarded 1172 packages. of butter and 48 bentee tit cheese; 697 packageis of butter Bold at 2.0750; 75 packages of teutter unsold, ,Cheese all sold at 13380. • • Thorogood Gets Seven Years. Toronto, May 20. -Walter Thera good, who was found guilty of man., • slaughter, was Saturday morning sere tenced by Mr, justice Latchford to • seven years in the penitentiary. The crime was committed iu a Poo1. room brawl •on Wept Queen street, when Thorogood- struck Jos. Sabine with a billiard cue. Sabine afterwards died in the hospital. • r At hie first trial the jury disagreed, and it came, therefore, realer lie a surprise when the second jury found Ithe guilty of menshieghter. ...) • 771.a CASTOR I Foe Infanta and Children. .The Kind You Have Always Sought Bears the aa;re'cefic Signature of I i IMPOSSIBLE 1 HELPPAYKIDNEYS" Until I Used "Fruit-a-tives" Worlds Greatest Kidney Cure Practically everybody ie Toronto knows Professor J. F. Davis. For years, the elite of that cit) t has taken lessons from Pie), Davis in the art of Dancing and -Deportment. Ilis coestant aetivity gradually weak- ened -his Kidneys, which calamity threatened to make him an invalid, But read Prof. Davis' letter. - 63 Cuunen S'r., TOR.ONTO, ONT. DRC„gMBER 29111. 7911 "I want to sae that "Entit-a-tives' is my only medicine, and has been for the past five years. Previous to that, I had been troubled with Itheein,atistri and Kidney Dieease, and had takenl many remedies without satisfactory results, Noticing the advertiseitients of "Pruit- a-tives" I adopted •this treatment altogether, and as everyone keows, I am now -and have been since taking " Fruit- a-tives"-enjoying the best of health". If Rheumatism or Kidney' Trouble is //raking you miserable, take "Fruit-a- tives" and get well. ',roc a hoe-, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At ell dealers or sent on receipt of price by Bruit -a -eves Limited, Ottawa. • Ban Still on Amusements. ' Minneapolis, May 20. -With the cle- eision of the amusement geeetion and the taking of the sixth ballot for bishops, delegates of tete, Methodist Episcopal geyeral conference made rapid strides in the eompletion lor the business of the session. By a eote of 446 to 569, the confer- ence voted to leave unehanged tee, •church disciplete, paragraph 260, which prohibits dancing, card play- • ing' and kindred amusements. On the fifth ballet for bishop; the result of which was announced Sat- urday afternoon, W. 0. ,She,pherd of Chicago was high men, with 500 votes, lacking 80 of election. At the olose of the sixth ballot in the afternoon the votes' were sealed to be counted to -day. • . Crew of, Barge Escape. - - Kiegeton, May 20. -The steam barge Iona, bound from Sodus Point to Montreal, laden with aoft coal, ciaught fire during Satueday night when on Lake Ontario, in the vicinity of King- ston, and was totally destroyed and sunk. The crew took to the boats and larided safely in Henderson's Harbor, N.Y. yesterday morning, without any mishap. The vessel was owned by the F: E. Hall Co., Montreal, and was insured, but not' the cargo. The cause of the fire could not be aseertaieed. The Iona was one of the oldest steam barges running on the lakes. Swine Cures Dandruff It is Sod with J. E. iflovey's Guarantee or Money • Back • Dandruff is a hair destroyextend SAGEINE is the only preparpation thee will positively kill the des- tenetive l.tltle germs SAGEINE Will bring life and beauty to dull daded hair and make it grotir in thick and luxuriant. Sageine grows beatiaieul hair, oft- and Ratty. It is a most delightful dressing; it is ,net sticky or greasy end, is dainily perfutned. Get a large bot- tle to.day from J. E.' Hovey only 50c. We know you will realize how well you :spent the =tall amount. HAYS WA0 e0YAL. did Not Let Americanism Into G.T.R. Affairs, Says Sri -althea% eleritrecie May 20.--A. W. Smithers, chairman of the board of directors of the Grand Trunk. Railway, arrived here last evening from New Yore. He will confer with the ofileers here in reference to several 'important mat- ters, and in pitaticular will take up the matter of a selection of a successor to the late president, Mr. Charles M. Hays, a victim of the Titanic disaster. Mr. Smithers was met in New York by sach well known railway men ire , Wm. Wainwright, acting president of the Grand , Trunk ; D. le Galloway, assistant lo the president, and E. IL Fitzhugh, president of the Central Vermont Railway, but if' any discus. sion was made as to the selection of the new president, nothing of the proposals has been made publie. Mr. Smithers was asked whether he cared to comment, on a rumor that the corning of Mr. Smithers nieant the removal from tee Grand Trunk staff of the so-called Hays -Harriman officials, "I do not care to say anythitg on that subject," he replied. "The an- nouncement of any changes that are to be made will be given out at the earliest exesible 'moment. I will say this, however, that I believe that Mr. Hays was absolutely loyal to, the in- terests of ;the -Grand Trunk Railway System, and, further, that he was ab- solutely loyal tc Canada' and ,Cana- dian interests." • Meant What He Said. "Yes," said Mr. Jones, when a cer- tain girl's name had been mentioned, "T know her to speak to, but not by sight." • •' "You mean," cut in theprompt -eor- rector, "you mean that you know her by sight, but not to speak to." , "No, that isn't it. I never saw he'ia at all to know her, but 1 speak to her nearly every day." "How can that be?" "She is the tgleehone girl at the exchange." • Rafts of Cocoanuts. ' In the Philippine Islends on fre- quently sees 'a raft of decoanuts being floated down tee river ei eierket. The buoyant nuts d clesely packed into a circle, braeed 'across with bamboos and tied with fibre*, and the qtteer craft, with its native paddler, is then ready for the trip downstream to a' point' where' the raft will be broken up and the cocoanuts sold. -Wide World Magazine. , elAY 232'd. 1.91 • ' Wiancteor . S., 'May 'lament; Peflee , CS V. 0:, r ece' ved the degree' ef D.C:L. Honoree Cause errant/the lenattettaity of Kings Col- lege, Windisor, N. S., one 'of tbolde est universities of 'Canada, - MINOR LOaLS. Eggs arid butte: hew'. dropped in ptice, but potetoeh and meat tiontinue to he luxuries, Everything is growing ti ell after the ram. - At the rate of progress of,/ the past few days, there will be plenty of shade within another week. ' • Bowling, tennis, football and base- ball are now in.order, to say nothing of fishing, marbles, skipping, etc. Although it has been suggested that the "Royal Traders" would make flue. sound ing name for the merged bank, the old nattie of "The Royal kfauk of Canada" will survive unfiltered. The entire stair of the Trader.% Bank will beconteeeliliated with theRoyal Bank. and will participate in the. pension fund of that institution, The centres in which branches of both Traders and and Reyal Bauks are. siteatecl ate Arfhur, Oat , Calgary Edmonton, Fort William, Guelph Hamilton, Ipgeraull Montreal, Ottawa, Regina, Sault Ste. Maxie, SeskatooneaTilsonburg, Vale eouyer, Winnipeg, r Sure ! Now is fhe time Per you and I To get a clef) , And Swat the fey; Us must; you're right, .As right canbe, A club's the thing - To use on he. 18 11118 device Won 112131 lent deate ust put a hellet • Through his head. Should he still live, Why make him driek A t least a quart Of etephen's ink, 11 atter that He tries to fly. Then put a cinder • In his eye. Then if perchance This dodge should fail Try putting salt Tepon his tail. You've got biro now, As suee as fate; Handcuff him quic k. 'E'er 'es too late, Verdict will. be That cause of death, Tendoulitedly ; Was, want of breath! . And now, my deers, His "race IS rain' ; Let's hide him in A current bun. D6CTORS° ADVISE MEDICATED AIR It Cures' Catarrh. Colds, Brooch 'ails, Asthma, Throat Troubles, Hoarse- ness, For cliseeses of the lunge, throat 8,hcl nasal passages mountain air leas always been deemed salutary be- cause of its, pureness aw± freedom from disease germs. The air of pine forests, laden with minute partWoe of volatile germ -destroying prin- ciples, has enjoyed an: almopt unex- ampled reputation in 'these diseases A MARVELLOUS DISCOVERY. After years of exhaustive study a chemist devised a means of stonily- ing right at home a healing balsamic remedy that is even more effective in tatarrhal dieeesos than the air of the pine woods. Of course, this remedy was, copyrighted in every civilized country and was at once offered to the public under the nam,e of "Ca- tszrhotone." Its success has been phenomenal. , • Just think of it ! A healing, sooth- ing substance capable of destroyieg these noxious organisms which excite and maietain disease, Capable, 'also, of ,allaying congestion and of stimu- lating the healing processes of na- ture, which- are combined in that in- valuable compound so well and so favorably known to the medical .117 "Caterrhozonce" ,11 t te: 1 ,r,c1 Ce•ONE CURES. el- 'Ay the cone -en- ' e air -of pine ij die- 'It you will ef' n one hour than u get ' from the 27 i 17 c.o.. ntage' arises from' 4 .0 ac ' addition . to those .p• is from pine, other iil re 1 r .ed from the veget- o ie r 2 sa tit -sited as to give 7. se," , 1 itl not possibly ' be dee e rent ir Li irnple form in which 2,att , rep ,a merlicetee air. . elti) ECIANS ENDORSE IT, T I ease a of the nose, ear, el • daltubes and air pass- age • 0 arrh in every -form-, nor is an with Catarrhozone, vire' '1, a nostrum, but a 'bigh- t/la' , Ile treatment. Large size F 1' for two months' • use i(guarr :es.. priced. $1,00; smaller size r all dealers or the . Ca- .irtrze, :ontjaene, leingeton, Ont, pei anentle cepoi:teLds', rrh'ufh The Acute Pain Front Neuralgia Vet of Dr. Williams' Pink Neer tattle t- a cleseasee--it is' pally 0 eyteptora, but a very painful one.' • it Letter surest -eign that your, blood ie weak. watery and impure, and abet 'your nerves/ ,arie teneving. Bad bleod. is he tone eau:se-good, sell bio.oci Ithe .only ewe. Theee; you have ;the real apaesem why Per Williams' Plink 'Pins clue newel- gia'. 'Thy axe the otily, medicine that ,conteine COTT e•et propori- tioinel the 'eletnients needed to make rich, wed blood. Thie new ,blood, xeachee theroot cat elle? trouble, :seethes the eangled nerves, drives ewer the nagging, stabbing pain and braces up year neabeh le other wayaa. Ameng the eufferers from neuralgia; cured by Dr. Willianns' Pirtle PilLa, 10 ales. Chas. , 1Browe7 Durham, Orate who. 355075 "Vor nionehe Lsuf fered 'intensely teem neuralgia. The .pain 8.11 my heaici and lace at time& 'waft so gre at aia to: be almost un.bearrible, I baled. Iwo; caoeteee, end- many remediee e ethane 'Linden g a cure, as there, seemed: te be no lei -.up 'to the pain, Finally I was advised teitry Lie Williarn,s' Peek Piller and I began thole' use. Seen I found the eteine 'becoming leas slid after taking the Tine foe some Weeles the ',11.eauble et -dimly dieapperaired and hats [114 since bothered rae." If ' you- 'are :eufferain.gt from any blood, • or nerve trouble begin' tie cure youeself to -day with Dr. Wil- tianee- Pink Palle You ean, get tharee pets frona any rae;dacane dealee or by mail et 50 centst 00 jeox (debt boxes ;foe $2.50 ;Lamm The Dr. Williams' laledicine CO.., Brock - vele, Ont. , e'aborer 'Assaulted Giri. • • Owen Sound; May 20. -Gideon Cripps, 'an unmarried laborer, aged 56 years., was. sentencerl to fourteen months m Central Prison on a charge of ineecent aseault upon a girl nam- ed Akles. Sir Welliain Treloar In America. . New York, Mity 20: -Sir William Treloax, qormer Lord Mayor of Lon- don, reached Netv York Saturday on business trip on the steamer Celtic. Six William will Nes11 various hospitals here, in lithich he takes an interest. Parisian Sage 'Nothing Like It foe' ItemoVing Dandruff and S' oppinfe Scalp Every, man, every woman, boy and girl ahoned fight the dandrnit- germe that ane ewe 10 005330 fall. - mg hair and baldness. Perigee Sage is so deJlghitlfultto ase: Itis inetantly refreshing ,atad invigorating and best of all it kilts the tlanicirteet gentles. W. 5, R. Efolmee guarantees it for itching ,scalp, falling/ hair, dan,druef and for faded, dell look. - Mg hair. Ho guaxantee,s it as good 2,3 &bo , nd. I "Mrs. Anna Brown, RochVille, Conn, writhes: "Alter I need the fleet bottle- of Pannell Sage tny hair ,lopped (falling. Ido net think there is anything intittere for falling hair and itching scaqp." Large bottle 50 cents. Drowned While Canoeihg. London, May 20. ---The first local drowning accident of the season oc- curred here yesterday morning when Herold Legg, aged 2e years, of this city, lost his life in the Thames while boating with a boy friend. He sank to his death only twenty feet from the shore. ' There were two canoes and in splashing water on to each other the cenoe in which Legg was paddling, upset. In trying to save themselves they overturned the other craft also, but three were able to get ashore. 4...agg could not swim. The body was recovered, Burned to Death by Oil Stove, Niagara Palls, Ont., May 20 -Warm- ing milk for his two -months -old daughter on an stove, -whieli set the house afire, cost the life of Oarl Stockton, aged 21.," caused serious in- jury to his wife and child early yes- terday. Stockton was so severely burned that he died a few momenta later. The woman may die, but the child will recover. ' Seized Contraband Arrnee • New (Meal% La.; May .20. -The Montes Line steamship Santona was seized ie -the barber here last" night by the United States revenue cutter Davey, charged -with violating the terms of President Taft's proclamation of !deed.' 14, prohibiting the shipment of erms and ammunition. to Mexioo. The Santona flies the British flag. Picked Up Wrecked Survivors. Cherbourg, May 20.-A ' 'wireless message has been received from the steamer Kranprinzessin • Cecille, an- nouncing that she will entire at this -port late'. The •stesurier bas been con- siderably delayed by stopping to eeek up survivors of a wrecked ship, the name orwhieh is not yet known. ' 0 ects;orf on re'ainage Scheme. Ottawa, May 20. -Advices have been repelved that United States Secretary of War Stinson ',rill, 'within a few days, give his decision respecting the Chieago drainage scheme, which was argued. before him by representatiyes of ' the, Oanaeian Government and Canadian interests some tirne ago. .It' is believed that the eaters), question will finally be referred to the joint Ieternational Waterwaya Coinraission, Goes to Albert College. • Belleville, Mee 20.e -Rev. J. Bruce :H95riter,.13.4.1 a rfOrmer student of Al- bert -bolleee, who is at present assist- ant pastor at the Central Methodist Ohnreh at Calgary, has been selected as assistant principal of Albert Col- lege here, Ile will commence his_du- ties hi September next, tvhen the college reopens. eeeee, 'ood Rules Feeler .boy end earl altottlet read the foilowing tiller, which hatte bon etiolated by the Cleldxene. Guild of Courtesy iu connection with the London County Co meal aahools, Many' of the •other 5011.091sLOncRre .rend vicinity have followed the example; of this Guild/ with good stesuits): COIARTHeY TO YOURSELF. 136 ,honest, 1,e9t1e31el and pure. Doe net -wee bare language. , Keep yeer face and hands eleen and, your clethea aed boobs bre she ed and neat:. - Keep out of bad ,cornpany. COUCITESY. AT HOME, ereln your riare,nte ae MAI(92 as you can. Bei kind to your broitherie "and eietere. ' De no tbeeelfish, but; share all your, good things. , lect your best at please your par- ents, • COUCRTESY AT SCHOOL. • respectful 119 07053)' ,teachers wad help atinem eatniuth as you can, Observe the school eulee. De not copy. De net cult the desks ot, wrditeeri the reedieg boolea. Navel, let another b10 punished in etietake ter youreelf. This is cow-- erdly. COTIRTESY AT PLAY, Doi not cheat in genies, De net belly, . Be plea,eant net quarreleorne. Do net jeer .art your, ischoolmetee by mantes Which they tionet like. • COURTESY IN THE STREET,. Salute • your minasatere, teachers and acquaintances when you Meet there, who will ealute youeneettuon. Do not pueheor rem, against petr- el°. Doi uot chalk on wane doors, or gates. , - -DO not annoy pleop keeper's by loitering at their atop doors or gatee, Doi not throw Otons, or destroy property, - •- 1)6 n,olt throw onange .peel or make ;slides on the pavement. This °ken/ results in dangerous .aceid- emits. Doi not make> fuer of old ox‘,ei4i.19- pled people. , 13o3 particularly courteoue to strangers reef Odeigners. • COURTESY EVERYWHERE. Remember toisay "Please" and "Thank you." Always mind your own business, iledoed tentering aroom 1134 of- ten ceurteous to knock at the ' door, Dd not foxget to cloee it af- ter you. , Alway,e ehow care, pity and con- sideration! of animals and birds, Never be r ude.bot anybody, wheth- er .older or youngen, richelr er poexer then youeself. Alway.S Ishow abteattion to older people and to etrangees by open- ing the dol for theta, brieging ; them' whet they require (hat, chair, etc.) „giving up your Iseeltt fox tthem 88 necestkary. Never Interrupt when a pereeon 28 speaking. Be, tidy,. Be puntual.-Selected. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Local News DO IT NOW. . A. man's best duty to bis paper is to subserjbe foe it, and pay his subscrip. tibia promptly. PRINtED LETTERHEADS FOR FARMERS. Printed letterheads and envelopes are travelling advertisers. When a letter comes, it makes a big ,difference Weak 1-leart Moly people euffer from weak hearts.. They may experi- ence shortness of breath on excrete', pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after me•als or their eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extrezeities, and they have cold bands and feet, or poor uppetite becauseof weakened bleed supply to the remitter.. A heart tonioandeltenitiveshould betakee whieh has no had after-effect. Such isDr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotics nor alcohol. The ingvAllents 04 attested ander-oath. are Stone root (CollInsonle Cwinde.u- sts), Bloodroot. (er=rea Cesoadeasis),Goldea Seal root (11,ntrasas Canteen M. O, Quam's root ( xle.Syhatacs). Mck Chen-ybork (Promos Virginiana), Mandrake root (PedoPtulatiar Pettatuan, %cab triple refined glyceeineeprepared in a sc.ientifleleaeratory in a way that nodasgodst could bnaate. , This tonic contains no alcohol to ehrieir pp the red blood orepweales • but, ors the other hand, it increases their member and they become wend and bealthy. It helps the human Warns in the combine manufacture of rich, red blood- It helps the stomach to aseirollete or take up the proper elemento from the food, thereby'helphie digestion...Jed curing dyspepsia, heart -born and many mem- . fortable aye:ketones, stops excessive tissue waste in convalesce:lee from fevers.. for the run-down, aneende,thin-blooded people the "Discovery is refreshin1 and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " rust as good" • medicines offeeed'hy the druggist who ia looking for a larger profit. Nothing but 1)r. Pierce', Golden Medical. Discovery will do yOU hali as much good. if items a printed letterhead end enve. lope, It looks like busieess-of the hest kind. Farmers need ench printed letterheads, There should he some- thing for ealeeni every farm, and the letterheads can be made to advertise it cheaply. It will also be found that the printed letterheads will have quite an influenoe On the petson himself. Then:lore he sees the more pride will be taken in keeping up the quality of the artieles for sale, leis nob accident that business men in all lines use the letterhead.„ They have found thet it is a good business proPosition, Those farmers who have tried it have found It profitable and a source of pride. The coat will not be much, more than for plane paper. It may seema little large, but then one Wants to remember that he is getting a good many sheets and envelopes at one time.-Jearin and Deny. SIAM- nutehly stops coughs, cures colds. heals , the throat end lungs 29 cents. MINOR LOCALS, • The close season for bass is from April 15th to June 15t1. 1,1123ESSMOIOMPINIF TRADE Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO PIA Only about four weeks ot school work until the exams:" begin, A pipe hes been invented Niel; can also be used as a walking stick, 0133ei'Qf the stuff that gets snaolted aleaut election tittles and Ohristroas is etrong enough to make a most re- liable cane. - ' •The swat the fly season is close ab hand; in fact 6051107 eubject for the treatment is seen now, and then. - To impress this matter upon the public lye may say that a couple of flies starting housekeeping now, will, bar- ring divorce, death, flypaper and the swatter, be the genealogical ancestors of flies at the end of the season to the number ef 5,765,000,000,001,000, Horse bills printed at this office. Is it your move Can tbe lawn.mower "come back"? We believe it can, and is only waiting to be pashel. Have you swatted the parlor carpet yet? Or did you develop a epraened wrist. too? MARK. What's the use in putting cheap paint on a good building? What's the use in putting,cheap paint on any building. Just a waste of time and money! Be careful and eco- nomical this year and use ELEP ANT LIQUID PAINT 2 Por Buildings -Inside and Outside Never buy paint by price alone, buy it for what it will do, the service it gives in protection and good looks. You want the paint on your house to look -well and Wear -that means Ele- phant Liquid Paint -good. paint at a moderate price, covers well, lasts long. Made by The Cana- da Paint Company, which has been doing busi- ness in Canada for nearly half a century. a FOR SALI IN CLINTON BY R. Rowland e eai,t,00:•:reta.12a.e) ,• ' , • . rrteefedt 3:01 g et. "' ”..e.esereireetell Where O-Pee-Chee Gum is mad O-Pee-Chee is smoother, far than ordinary gum. Be- cause we carefully select aid refine the raw product, then make it under hygenic conditions, by modern pro- cesses, in, a factory bathed_ in bright sunlight and famed far and wide for itS cleanliness. iYou don't need to acquire a taste for O-Pee-Chee Gum, because it comes to yOu with the flavor you like best. State your flavor and you get .this smooth and lasting gum just as you desire it. 0 Pee-Chee Gum Company Limited London Canada