HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 54 144.4 x. ;ate JNE WEDDINGS exuaimmmegormeinematuitampummo Useful and Ornamental Articles suitable for Wed- ding Gifts, are here in abundance. A Lot of New Goods Jest Received. e , red. 'Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Clocks, Silver-plated Ware, Etc,,Etc. Quality and 'Designs that, please the par- ticular. Moderate Prices Prevail Latest Styles m Wedding Rings W. IL JE11'ELEl2 aiul OPTICIAN GOING TO 13AYFIELD. Everyone :,shoeing for finetwee :tber, foe the 24th, so that they can go to ;Hayfield. All eth,e rigs .:are hired for that, clay, and the Pastiene, Club will hold 'their annual open- ing dance , at tee !summer, eesor-t, in the evening, Victoria Dav SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Betweefn all istetions in Calneicl'a • Good going May 23rd and 24th Return limit 'Mayr 270., (Minima.= charge 25e.) Horneseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA. VIA CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL May ,28th, June 11th and 25th, and every eenond Treeleray there- afteii until September 17th, Winnipere and ratur'n .._..; .--' $34.00 Edmonton and a'etwrn $42.00 Tickets will been sale on certain =dates via Sarnia and Noa`Ithern Na legation Company. 'Through Pullman Touriat Sleep- ers will• be operated in conne•ctio(n wiith above excursions, leaving .Toe' ronto T"o.- ronto 10.30 p.m. NO CHANGE OF GARS. For full particulars and tickets call on er write; JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Agents A. O. PATTISON. depot agent A.E. Duff, district passenger agent 'Toronto, Ont. CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards opposite G. T. R. Station AB kinds 01 Coal on hand Chlestnut - Solt Coal Stove Blacksmith Furnace Coke kennel Coal and Wood 3 and 4-1nch size - The Tile is of the very best quality. Brick toOrder. FORBES Phone 512. ils rgc 111inganndn The funeral of Floyd Bruce, ,the three-year-old son of R, J. Bruce, of West Wawanosh, took place to the Dungannon ` cemetery ' on Monday afternoon. :Deceased' died on Satur- day, and his mother .predeceased him eight months ago, , At a recent meeting of the quarter- ly board of the Nee circuit, Bev, W. Uonway, whose fourth year as pastor of this charge is about to expire, was tendered votes of hearty appreciation for his valuable services. Chas. Stewart, of Colborne, has been appointed mt fire ea p re eauger at Cochrane. ' Mrs, N. 5, Treleaven has returned from her visit in Pjapauee. Will Elliott, 'of New Liskeard, is home for few w days. 1 The Goaez;ohRural Telephone ne O0 1n pally hasagain commenced erecting new lines this spring,' They are at I present engaged i,., constructing a new circuit'in West Watvanosh. • Thos, Stewart, of Oransford, is sof. feeing from an injured spine as a re- sult oe a bad fall off a land roller, Robex. Meilwain,the Nile merchant,' and postmaster, lett for a trip through the West. pleasant event took' place last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jacob Ryan, of this village, when her eldest daar t g hisMiss Mary, in marriage ha' William Elliott,tof New Liskeard, and a former Dungannon boy. Tha ceremony was performed by Rev. L; Bartlett in the presence of only a few immediate relatives, and the happycouple were unattended: The event was followed a sumptuous wedding dinner. Mr. and' Mrs, Elliott departed for' Goderich to catch the afternoon train for Toronto. They will maketheir home in New Liskeard, where the groom is junior partner in a large merchantile firm. The bride has for five years been postmistress here. T 1 , o cDssEsPaNaEHTss The New Era wishes to in- crease its staff of correspondents ,throughout the county and in- vites el o rho help of those willing to send in from week to week, items of news in the neigbor-. hood,' ,Matters of iniportanoe are always welcome, but equally so are the items telling of the moveniebts or ,people to and from the locality. Tire New Era asks that all wilting to help in the work, whldk will benefit the locality bybrt tin it before the world, write to the Editor of the New Era, when supplies of paper, envelopes and,postage will be furnished. morning, following a brief illdess from 'pneumonia. She was '77 years of age. Mrs. Stablelerhad been living aloue since he death of iter husband early last January. He met instant death at Faris, is, when the engine on "The Flyer" bit hint as be was crossing the tracks in trout of the railway station, The property on Napier street, known as "The Maples,"and belonging to the estate of the late Hon, M. .0. Cameron, has heed purchased by the board of Alexandrallospital for $4,000: For some time past the need of in- creased hospital accommodation has been felt. It was not deemed advis- able to make any further expenditure on the property occupied at present, and as the Cameron property was an excellent site and was offered at a very reasonable price, the suitableness of the residence was enquired into. The dyke of a Toronto architect was se urea, and, he found, on invese-i. anon, that the outside walls of the resent building could be retained and new interior built at much less cost Ian if the erection of a new' betiding hroughout was considered. The arch eat estimated that to build the style f building desired it would cost 325`,- 00, and to convert the Cameron build. g into a first-class hospital would re- wire an expenditure of $15,000. The matter was presented to the rate- payers of Goderich last January and a by-law was submitted to provide for Brussels a c A very quiet wedding was eelebrat- g ed at the home of lir. and Mrs. A. T. 'P Stewart, 845 Hornby street, Pancou ver, B, C., on Wednesday,' May 15, t when thew daughter, Miss Ruby M. t Stewart, was married to Mr. Norman it Sydney .Smith of Borden, Sask.,. son 0 of Mrs, Smith and the late Mi'. R. 0 Smith, of Brussels, Ont, Telegrams of in congratulation were received from rel- q atives of the groom in the east, who were unable to be present. After the ceremony Mr, and. Mrs, Smith took the boat for en extended trip to. Hone - Wu On their return they will take up their residence at Borden, Sask. - disposal,' The by-law wile' defeated • the raising of this amount, the board intending to finance the purchase of the new site from other funds at its Seaforth . Miss Gertrude Reid, •nurse=in-train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is visiting her parents, Mr. and lits. Jeff Reid. Mr. and Mrs, James O'Leary, of Winnipeg, are visiting the latter's parents, Alt. and Mrs. D.Donovan. Rev, and Mrs. Oosens, of Clinton, visited friends in town last week. Mrs, D, W. Johnson is in Dundas this week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W, D. McLean. Mrs, (Rev,) Barker attended the W. F. 5i. S. convention in Sarnia this week. Sirs, James Stewart bas returned • from a two months' • visit with relit. - ..Ives in Goderich. Walter Robinson, who 'underwent an operation for appendicitis oo Mon- day,. is progressing favorably. Mrs. Curran, of Chicago, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, E, Mole, Miss Killaran and Miss Yan, wbo spent the winter in Toronto, have re- turned to town, and now occupy their own residence., Mrs. Cleary, of Windsor, is the guest of her sister,. Miss Kiliaran, g • Miss Mabel Govenlock left this week for Chicago, where she will be the . guest of her brother, WmGovenlnck. Col. Alex, Wilson spent the week- end in Berlin on military business. Chas. P. Sills left this week for the, Crow's Nest Pass, where -he will be en- gaged in engineering work for the 0. 1', R, during the summer. but it was felt at the time that the ratepayers did not fully understand what the hospital board purposed do- ing, It was finally decided, however, to take advantage of the opportunity afforded to purchase such a desirable property, and it is more than probable •that at some future date the rate- payers' assistance again will be asked for. Orncetield Our football players have rented grounds from Jos. Watson, near the village. The first game will be played with Seatorth, • On Wednesday "The Knights of Pythias", who came from St. Thomas to go to Seaforth met in the village. They had 10 autos. They trade quite an a»pearttnce as they. left our town. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Jenaie itleBeth to John Mnte dock, of Stanley, the ceremony will take place on June let. Our village was saddened on Sale bath morning to learn of the death of Ezra limner, aged 32 years, after a lingering illness of anaemia. Every- thing was done for him by loving hands, but of no avail. He leaves a widow and one son 5 years of age to mourn the loss. He was buried on Tuesday in Bayfield cemetery. A number of relatives from a distance were present. On Monday of this week the spirit of Mrs. Reinke, of Seaforth. wbo passed ay on Monday at the home of her righter, Mr's. Dan Ross. She came ut three weeks ago. on a visit, and ams so i11 that she was tenable to urn home. leer husband and mem• s of her family were with her at last. She resided for many years a farm near, Egmondville, where was well and favorably known, Wm, Aikenbead, of Loudon, Medi- cal college has gone to W ingham where he will practice medicine with the doctor debut place, A Former Town Iioy -1 the Can- adian Presbyterian we notice the following reference to another Huron boy, Rev. 3. A. Mustard, sou of Mr. Alexander Mustard' of Brumfield: The corner stone of 'the fine new Pres hyterian church on Dufferin street`, Toronto, was laid on Saturday,' May 4th, by Mr, John Wanless, in the pees•. enceof the moderator and a number of members of Toronto Presbytery,the neighboring ministers' of other denorn- inations arid a large congregation. The cause in this neighborhood was first started 'through .the efforts of Res. James Wilson, of•Doverco.ur.t Road chimer) in 1007, when a Sabbath school was opened in a private house. In. the following year Knox' Church gave $500 for the erection tf' a 'small building for the school in which were enrolled 42 scholars and 10 teachers, Now there is an enrolment of 250 with an average attendance of ever 200 In December, I0000, the work was organ- ized as a regular mission with a membership of 61 under the direction of Rev. J. A. Mustard.: The. con. grega- tiori is now an independent one and in a growing and flourishing condition. The new church which will .accotnmo. date between tet and seven hundred people is be be of white brick with, Romen etone'facin s and • costabout $20,000, It ie`hoped ft will be ready for oceupancyby September of this year. aw da lleiisall abo 1 bee 'Workmen are busy moving D, Urge- ret hart's residence hack fifteen feet pre. ber paralgry to raising and putting a the cement foundation under it. on A representative of the Grand Trunk she has been investigating'the station pro. Giem, and will report as a whether a new one is necessary or not; Mrs. It. Cna. more tripped d a pp nd fell down the'stairwajr in her home recent- ly, and broke several ribs, Miss Mabel Oudmore,,nrffase, of the Strafford Hospital, is home, taking care of her mother. Garnet Cudlnore, relieving agent on the G. T. R. is home on a visit. Ne intends taking a position with the u. Hy. Solden, `ivho'recently purchased the planing mill from W. Welsh is making improvements in the building, and bas ordered a big stock of lumber. W. Welsh has left for Toronto, where be will engage in the building trade. D. A. Cautelon. produce merchant, went to Toronto on Monday to reside, and will establish a branch of the busi- ness there. 6/Warfel/ Jack Elliott, son of Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Elliott. is home from Switzerland wherehe has.,been studying for the last two years. Heits p tposes entering Mc9-ill University when the fall term opens, Mrs, F. L. Stahleker; an aged reef. dont, of Goderich, died early Saturday eseltensmallsoustommorwesow «Good to SI( ®n" and so is every chair we show. You select one and have wife select other. It will be a "toss up" which is best. You can't go amiss. on ANY KIND OF A CHAIR in our stock. They're all good just so with entire stock we show, It's best in town, and ,that's why "those who know' buy furniture at our place, • Pitk nson trnford UNDERTAKING 1ND FURNITURE Wingham Mr. Wm. Guest bas been a ,warded the contract•of large extensions to the water mains, Work to commence at pnTee. he funeral took place Friday to Wingham Cemetery of Mr. 3; Black,of I Turnberry. Mr. Black was a member ' of Bluevale Presbyterian Church for many years. He was in his 02nd year. At the regular meeting of the Citi- zens' fund the foillowing officers were. elected : President, A. J. Pelon`; vice, meekde t :lent, P. F. Johnston ; secretary,- N. L. Fry ; treasurer, I3, Henscliffe, Mr. J. W. uncan was re-engagedas leader. Theband is in a prime condi- tion. They are securing new uniforms at a cost of ever $400. Me. Daniel C. McDonald, who is ern - played by the corporation to help keep the streets in repair, narroogly -escap- ed injury, Mr. MdDonald rs a little hard of hese tug ' and was working away with Ms pick when a; rig drov, up.behind hfrin wlicli apparently he did not hear as he stepped backward under the rig atitd the horse starting at.. the sante time knocked him down and pulled the'rig Over hirn, but apparent - y he was none the worse;- as he wa, note to get up and run after the rig' that ran over him to find• out why they did it Portes" 1[il! Mrs. John Blair who was visiting. her sister z tet in \1'inghahi has ,returned home. , . , Mrs, Marshall is spending a few days it Mitchell. Pearl Potter is visiting at ;. •Curries Crossing, Messrs McPhail and Sterling were in Forest on business last week, Additional District News OD Page` 4. Cgunty' D2in s A former young lady zd Wingham cheerfully accepted, marl- momal`bonds, when Miss May Brewer became the bride of Mr, Geo' Alvin Amos,. The event took place on • May 205, at Raymond, Alberta, Miss Brewer was the "daughter of 'l1Ir. Brewer, who at one time kept a drug store in that town, Wirt, Cole of Grey township took his engine to Seaforth for repairs last week', it being badly dist9bled after .the fire, Mr. Cole purposes rebuilding as soon as possible and will finish his salving of logs' before threshing sea- son commences. Assessor Watson of Morris towr- ship, who has been "on the job" for 35 years has completed his roll for this year and from it are gleaned' the fol- lowing statistics of interest -No, of' acres resident, 55, 221: non-resident, 100}; acres cleared, 44 554; acres' of woodland, 4220: acres of slash land, 1100; acres swamp, marsh and waste land, 4001; value of real property $1,- 457, 135; value of buildings, $037,100; property exempt from taxes, $303; business assessment, 3:3500; tax:i.ble income 3000; total assessment, 33,000; taxable income 1510; total assessment $2,005 4,35; No, of residents, 2123; per- sons from 21. to 09,050; births, 13; deaths, 15; No. of dogs, 350. Mr. Scott of East leawanosh was in Montreal this week to meet the Gray Percheron he is importing from France, and expects to be home tiro later part of the week. The many Exeter friends of 'Mr. E. G. I3oggarth, who has parsed les, second year ;et the 0, A. 0, Guelph with ho lors,`will be pleased to learn that he is now engaged in Orchard demonstration work in Ontario De - pertinent of Agriculture. A very.pretty wedding took place on Wednesday April Sth at the home of. I11r, and Mrs. •Phineas Hunter, Osborne when their daughter Miss Eliz), J. was united in'marriage to Mr, Seines G. Hodgins by the Rev. Mr, Racey, of Kirton, Hz'. Clarence E. Miners aged 20 years sou of lir, Wm, Miners of Exeter is making rapid progress in the civil service in the west about 'thirteen months ago he went to Saskatoon to acts as clerk in the A'uteua P, 0. at a salary of $50 per month. After two months in he office he was appointed to the position of. mail clerk on the C. N 11 running west from Saskatoon to Kindersley 135 miles at a salary of 355.00 per month. About two weeks ago he was placed on the main line' of the G. T. P. running from Rivers in Manitoba, through to \1'ainright in - Alberta a distance of 52e • miles at a salary of $100 per month. J. H. Sharpe, an old Brussels boy, avho for many years comb -feted a grocery business in St. Thomas, has een appointed secretary treasurer of the' Alberta Engineering Co., Limited, cf Calgary, Alberta Mr. Sharpe went West only nitre months ago. The company with which he is connected manufactztres anderects all kinds of structural steel; machinery and cast- ings. It has been in operation only two years and at present engages about 100 men. Mr. Muidock Ross of Beyfeid is in- stalling a gasoline engine in his lash., R PTURE (OD DAMS AT BOTTOM) e Truss 'Torture Once Thought Necessary, but Now Your Search for Relief le Ended. Wonderful Method Retains end Cures Without Knife, Danger or pain. J. Y. EGAN, Specialist of Toronto Old-fashioned truss torture is no longer hetes. sary, 'Galling, slipping trusses and barbarous methods of reatting rupture aro Sons &WAY With by the wonderful Invention of a speel}list who has devoted fifty yeate to this one anile• tion. 'The marvelous new ELAN CURATRUS"' ggives to the raptured instant relief, rest and Alacrity where all others fall. It stops all trrlt tlo and restores every part to its na- ural position se soon as it is used and for all time an old at a eases Are thrown away. "SCAN S CURATRUS" cures are absolutely with. out o eratton and the cost is small. Dlalludes of cured men, women and children testilXy, dl o Gnstgraed by many physicians. - - WWlliereothers 05015 where I }taro my greatest success. Nothing empties.ted, no pain or Ini- ta Ion h t i st it u1 ter rnethoQ which dares, tnl4s4lat5 'e1lst g0ai tiled. 1ofal serllds ust straigh bust ss, Do not dila tit a aside, or dl e a but a o� c e Yr y 00 Ott 0 ileVi'i.. yt ��p p , f fill ages fir trona Vprlooc g e (a a ra lure n 50510 wOy. 3'o 1 fiaatt tl e a cted. er fat ex• pert ee 11 0' duo, •lo bet eta, m Biota yryl g n tr y a mew w l dere. Tb lost a lrroa Conde tatlah Coupon.. Tele oqupo uepon esentatfon st J. Ya, uSean h tf ivegla{lst, 16ltW 'IMO bu tree o mi tas hh 88ii �oe .'As alit en tle er Lofreedd o tam.' Ask at SOa& Io�a ,fie";J,}� r ntluiier of alp iootw N9td Batas, o Seafortb, Queen's Hertel, June (3... Clinton, - Ilattenbury Rotel- Friday (an (lay tilt 9 p. us.) 1 day only -.Trane 7 • Goderich, Bedfor d Hotel, ,1 une.8 9 Wingbam, .Queen'e hotel June 10 1.1 MEN NVatch Faults Does Your -Watch Raal". Correctly ? If Not, let us repair it for you, Ft Maybe oily dirty, and need cleaning, 05''st'op for lad/ ref, oipY?; Whatever It he Reason, don't de- lay, NF1 give thorough examine. - beam' and segwlatibn FREE, Anything, mace costs as little as satisfactory: Work can be, done, Gi` Jeweler aind optician issuer of 1lMarriage Licenses tog boat and=will during the coming season be able tomake two or three trips where he herefore made one: efie and Mrs, Tom Creech and Mrs, A. Dearing of Exeter had a narrow mane from asphyxiated with coal gas on Tuesday morning last. It appeared that a quaintityof wet coal had been placed in the stove, ana the dampers being turned off, caused an aceurnul`a tidin of gas which escaped through a broken mica. A11' were overcome with the gas and it was some time befece they recovered. A meeting of the tennis players of Orediton was held in the Banc rooms on Monday evening. The election of officers resulted as follows. -Hon, Pres. H. Either; M, P. P„ Pres,.W, H. Paget Vice -Pres, Ira S. Brown; Sec'y Fred Irish. Treas. Sweitzer; Chap., Herb Grahttm:Manager, Herb, Either, Managing of the grounds R. Carey. The boys have bought anew net and balls and hope to get practice as soon as wheather permits. Following is a summery of Assess- ment Roll of the Township -of Grey for 1013 and the, comparison with the Previous year:- 1012 1011 Valve of land 21010,550 51.016.000 Value of Buildings 855,200 003,250 Totatlamt, of Real Property.. , .... ,2,S00.050 2,500,750 Bnsineee, Assm't 12001) 8,450 Income 41'0 1300 Total Assessment, 2,810,350 2,818,5500 Population, ages (5 91) 700 832 Pop, (5-10). , ... , , , 603 . (144 Total population, 2,003 2,777 Thursday of this week, 23rd inst„ John and Mrs. Mooney, 5th line itIor- risb township, will,, celebrate • their Golden Wed(' ing. Grey council accepted the tender of A. T1i11 & Oo, for bridge required at Lot 25, Con 8, sideroad 5, 30 ft. over, all, 14 ft. road with cement -floor, at 1500.00 - The Pryne Milling Company of Brussels, who suffered a heavy loss by the sweeping out of a goodly portion of their mill dans by the recent flood, will replace the part destroyed by a fine cement dam to correspond with that built last year. \Vinghatu Choral Society is doing good work along educational lines by grounding the young people who attend, iu the rudiments of music. There is practice as well aa,theory. Die, John Black, for many years a respected resident ofTurnberry passed away. A short time ago 1Hlr. Black had astroke of paralysis, which re- suited in his death on the i3th inst. There passed away at Nesbitt, titiane on May 5th, Mr. John Perdue, a for- mer resident of the township of Mora ris. Deceased was born in the town- ship of Chinguacousy, and carne to Morris in the early days of its settle- ment, Mrs, Perdue died many years ago. He leaves four sons' and six d eighters. Four of his nee/ ews a a well known 'in this vinciuity-John N.'(V. S.) of Blyth, and A. M. (V S.) of Clifford \V'inghant Bowling grounds will re- open May 24, Mrs, (Rev;) Ferguson and son of Kincardine are reported to he suffer- ing from smallpox. "Rev, H. T. Fer- guson and family are in quarantine. Citizens of Wingham will regret the reported resignation of Mr, George Lamont from the G. T. R, agency at Wingham. Mr Lamont was courteous and efficient. He purposes going West. Dr. F. T. Bryens, who has spent the past eight months with his brother, Dr. W. E. ot Oarmangay, Alberta ve- t tirried to his home in Grey township for a short visit. Mr. Albert Morlo`11, of Orediton hes purchased a new G. M. F. touring car, 1012 model Mr, Louis Waiper Sr. one of the oldest settlers of Stephen township, died at the home of his son Louis, on Sunday at theage' of about 85 years. It reported that the three new automobiles ordered for Zurich will not arrive until near the end of the month, E. H. Close has been appointed lead er of the Citizen's Band, at Seaforth. A grand corner -stone laying of Duff's church Walton, wilt be held on May 21th. at 2 P, M',`Rsv. Mr, McKay, of Toronto, moderator of•Presbyterian church( sin(anads,has hem invitcd io perform the ceremony. - Two more automobiles have been added to the list in Exeter. Conner, Bros. recently received an "Overland" and Mr, A. Bawden a "Reno.' Me. Chas. P. Sills' of Seaforth left on Monday for the Crow's Nest Pass, where he will be engaged in engineer, ing work for the C. P, R. during the summer. The Goderich Ph/icing Mill Co re- port 'prospects for a busy season in their line, having contracts and work underway for houses for the following, parties in town: .Tos, Beacher (2), B. ,T• Graham, J. 'Sproul, 11, Redfern, Mr. Bongough,.Chas. Babb, Harry Young, Joseph Griffin, T. J. Carey, W, E. Stothers red• F Bunt, J. idGraham, and one .o of their own,besides the' Masonic Temple on Wet street. Mrs. Mor. risen, is making extensive improve. menta to her handsome residence on St. Vincent, street, and Mr. B. N. Lewis and Miss Lewis are adding to thir list of summer e)ottages. - Thomas Stephens, of the Queen's. Hobel9eaforth, is having•the fohnda- MoneU•Savers FOR SATU RDAs' .AND MONDAY Don't Miss Seeing' These Lines as They are Actual Values: Il Sox Men's BlackGasllancre fox ,:ten dozen only Alen's li'fne Pure Wool Cashmere' Sox, in'a:nice t' ft summer weight and good -value at 35e, Saturday and Monday Per pair, (see these in our south.: window) Men's 1 S rStllCHaI As a special iadueement'to every man to try one of our fine English Fur Felt Hats which retail everywhere going to offer' on,the cba n c e _yt $2 50: 'we are choice y ne Sseas Saturday l Monday to secure your of our full l stock' f this s a o oseaeon's n s latest styles at the low price of 1,10. Ilemember no reserve,:every $2.50 Stiff Hat, Satur. dap and Monday.„ „ •, ,, . x 69 Women's Shoes at $1,29 This is one of the biggest bargains we have ever offered iu Women's Shoes and consists of Oxfords and Strap Slippers, in Don. gola Kid -and Patent Colt; many of these shoes sold at $2 and $2,50 to clear,Saturday and Monday at 1,29, Also many other bargains in Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes for balance of May. , Collie ilt and we `Till Saye You Money on Your Shoes Plurnsteel se SMT -ALL PROFITSry MORE BUSINESS Use the Wear wellStOckitlgS A fine range of thetfe` Stockings jest opened up for this season. 300 pounds of Mengel Seed, Seed Corn-Set-eral varieties will be in stock shortly. • Some Potatoos for Sale. R. Adams • Emporium Londesboro trete stable to replace the one burned down last fall. Hr, Jno. Campbell of Winthrop met with a severe accident one day last week. It appears, that Mr. Campbell had been driving his manure spreader and was getting from the seat, when he tripped and fell on one of the levers, the end of which structs him in nue of his eyes, ast week Mr. J. E. Swarts of Wirg- ham sold his team of gvey horses to the 1Vestern Foundry Co and on Thursday, in company with she O. A. Rintoul, he %vent to Hallett Township and purchased a dandy team of roan horses, said to be one of the best team of horses ever brought into Wingham. Mr. Swarts will use them in general farm work. The public meeting of the rate- payers of Blyth was called by the Reeve for Monday evening in Industry Hall, for the purpose of considering the advisability of extending the water mains for improved fire protec- tion a bylaw will be voted on to raise $5000 for the purpose, Another of the pioneers of Morris township, in the person of Bridget IL:Donald, beloved wife of Mr. .Cho. mas Healy. who died at the family residence on the 7th of Morris on Saturday„last. Afamily of eleven, all of whom survive, are: Mrs. Napp, California; John and William, Sagi- naw, Mich; Ellen, Philadelphia; Sarah, Chicago; Michael, Peter and Mrs: John Morris; tr Phelan, , Jo is o Thmas 1 r it ites We t• Mrs, O'Toole,. Meal Mich • Mrs. Mc. Peale Los Angelos, Cal The semi-annual meeting of Hetrick District L. 0. L. will be held in Ford- wick on Tuesday, May 28th, At the annual meeting en Gorrie, it was deci- ded bo celebrate the coming 12th ot July is Clifford The Sotheran bridge, just west of Fordwich ou the Gtb con„ fell into the river on 'Wednesday morning. -The west abutment gave ` way and down went the bridge. This will be another new steel bridges required this year, The wooden bridges will soon be a thing of the past in Howick, The Seaforth Planing Mill have now completed the moving of their factory to the corner of Goderich and William streets,, and are now ready to execute. orders in thequfekest: possible manner. To their cid factor,'y they have added a building 16x44, 'Anti have installed a Westinghouse motor: Turn berry Council. gave the Oona tracts for three new bridge to A. Hill & Co, of Mitchell. Duff & Stewart, • Bluevade, get the contract for the abutment. at $4,40.: The board of Alexandra hospital, having had the matter under consid oration for some time, has purchased "Theiileples," the well-kmown resi dentiai 'property of the late M. C.. Cameron near the river. The purchase price was.$1,000.. Miss Marie Cantine of St. Joseph was operated on in a Montreal hos- pital for appendicitis. James Barr recently presented Trinity Church,;l3lyth with a beaut- iful memorial window, in memory of bis mother. - Jarnes W. Anderson, 0. P. R. agent ;t eLindsay and a former, reste nt of ,Wingham, has been appointed train - roaster of the Georgian Bay & Sea- board Railway. The annual Model Farm -,excursion to Guelph will be run this year on the Kincardine line on Saturday,. June 22 nd. n Turnberry Agricultural Society is arranging to run an excursion via G. 2'. R. to Goderich;, on Wednesday, June20th. The Exeter Band have ordered new suits for parade, They are ,,to be military style, blue cloth and coat will be about $100, Turnberry Council passed 'a bylaw` to issue debentures for $10,000 to build three bridges. bion preparedand the . material laid Dr. H. I. Strange Goderich. is plan- down for the erection of a new eon- ning to take a trip, through 'Western. Canada during the corning summer vacation, The school children, at Kingbridge to the number of about sixty, spent a very enjoyable time at thela,ke on Friday last for nature study purposes. Howard Walter of Darlow, was home from Toronto University for a few days. He feat es in the course of a few days for Willow Bunch, Sask., where he will be in charge of a mis- sfon field for the summer, D. A. Cautelon and wife bade fare.. well in Hensell and took train for Toronto. For about sixteen pears David has been identified with the business life et our village, going in and out among us, W. Bermingbam's new tug, which was aauaaged somewhat whoa being launched two weeks ago at Godericb, was taken last Friday to Port .Huron, where it will be placed in drydock for repairs. lir. Bermingham had his ankle hurt at the time of the accident but has almost recovered from the mishap. Clifford Tierney of Blyth, who bas been G, '.C. It, operator at Mimico for the past few months, has resigned his position and visited at his home here for a few days this week before tak- ing a position with the 0. N. R. at a much larger salary, He left this week for New Ontario, where he is • to be to stationed. As little Harry Ross and a playmate were playingin the G. T. R, yards last' Friday tit oderich. Harry bad his right leg broken above the knee under reeu tar circumstances. Th y were waiting for aride up town on a beer wagon when an engine and several freight cars were shunted past where they were standing. Young Ross jumped on the enol of a car and, although it is not very clear just how the accident happened, it is thought that his leg came in contact with a board projecting from the stand used for the loading of stock, resulting in the fracture, SOLD 13? -t Byam & Sutter,