HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 4• °t e r° sk" r s;Al 111i1llnery mitt, )leress • TElaii:PIIO1VE4 ]NO. Itoatlyto eyear (? arnlente ` Shows ' Stere `"hat , he .'rst We believe' in being the "whistle" . not the •'echo and that is why you find this store always in the lead in•showin'g the "New Things''first,',If a, manufacturer _kias a newstyle -in a ladies suit coat, skirt or dress, we are 'the 'first'to have it in Clinton. Season's cleverest styles and choicest values are now on display, ' We are showing New Embroidery and'Lawn , Dresses; New Gineharns and Chambray a Dresses; ' New Wash Skirts; New Lingerie- and Tai; _ ` loved Waists, also a large,lange of Housetresses. See These Bel; 're Buying 1 arum sim. Misses and Children's. 'Sumer Dresses We have avery, * largrange,made of lawn, em - y, �e broidery, gingham, chambray and print. Age from 1 year to 16 years. See these while the i ssortnient is Good Millinery that will Interest You Our Hats are perfect as regards style. \ They are faultlessly made, They are certainly most reasonably priced. We are showing.new styles in 'Misses and Children's ) Hats on Saturday. Yon are Cordially Invited to see our Interesting Exhibit of fsIIioIIs Fmcsi LIneiI Will Not'; Rettu'n to ,.11g1 and After l The Fuiternl' of Lady Tupper, Ottawa, May 17: It as understood at Ottawa that Sir.Chaales, Tupper, who isretturning to Canada with the body of Lady Tupper, 'will like - 137 Pass the'remavnder of has, days an the Dominion., probably makialg W innipeg hits home. -: The aged tafther of,eanfleder aat'ion, 'the only one reanai(iytrr!gt of Ithalse. great istatesmein, sae (now -over 90 years of age.''�Tlae Dominion G•ov_ tarn.menit to providing a car in which ithe"'reniainis •of Lady Tupper will baa, taken to Halifax for ,interlmeat. Sv1Ic Cba lesS•wi11 go. through on this cal° to Briti h Columbia, stop- ping off in ,Oft!tawa and Winnipeg. �PPEa. Sit Charles has lived for ailuro'- 81R Cl -(ARLES i ber of years in Kent, Englair'd. Greenway, Stratbroy District -Mrs. Graham,of Ste nth soy. •t Windsor District -Mrs. 0. C. Till - duan Windsor. ' rice- Mrs. Thomas, of Sarnia District- 7 , Forest. Chatham District -Mrs. Wilson Taylor, Chathn;m. Ridgetown District -Mrs, Dougles, 1,Vardsville. A large and enthusiastic audience at- teitded the evening'session of the W. M. S. Mrs, Gordon Wright presided, •Devotional exercises were conducted 'by Rev. J. 1llgrrison, Miss Ilambley,of Sarnia, returned missionary from China, delivered.a very interesting ad- dress on China, its ancient civilization, growth, and development and the mis- sionary work rk there. Misslda M. Clarke,., matron of the Austrian Girls' Homo In Edmonton, spoke entertainingly of her work among the girls there. 1 Iitlea and possible elates for Haw Gan Vie Encourage `Industries To Come to Clinton Suggeetioais have been made from (limo to time by different parti(ef that Clinton ;should endeavor to arrive at 'ao'me conclusion as to whet encouragement the town' has 'to, offer industries tea ,locate 1r re, se ;that, when oecas'ionsearise, pros- pective captains' of Industry can be given come reasonable assurance' of the treattme�st tales, wilt re- ceive, aft the hands of the( town where their industry assumes' 'tan,- gible. forma As matters stand to- day there isauo basis on which one' can discuss ;the 'subject .for the town with any degree of gedtaiinity, Clintor'i has been Most. fortunate in the past ._few years in having good indu,etrics locate hec';e with-, ouft any particular endeavor on our pare to.induce them, sand ;'which with the factori�e,s that have grown r that 'town ihowcheal up"tvittli.'the to n s y beforol long manufacturing will be- come, an important clem)eln!t in OUT future. f - Tho Lndueemepftse that ark'♦ offer.- ed ffer ed and the endeavors, put forth by municipaliltie,s to secure ieeev indus- tries are' too wellle.noun torequir�e comment Bonusing free sites, ex- �empeiionit Reda taxation,' and such like are freely exltended' by many towns, and cities, in fact, the pain •�ei1le of encouraging iaidus(tries by •sucli means has been carried cosi ,eiderably' beyond the limit. Clin- ton, itis generally felt, will net go to :such extremes, '.Taxation, how- ever, le; -a clneeti�on that enilerests practically' • every ,Ynanufacture)r. ,Whatr capital converts land that d dor a t have ]aa Uri ni otherwise may a fon year,e, into ahummring rendustry repr'e.sein(ting, tthoatsnlnees o£;. dollars' in investment and thousands more ditdtribulted annually in Wages, it is annoying. to ,the men interested, 'to have ithei,r enf".lar'pricse taxed,111re argument ,advanced by manly is 'that onereindinst'ries should net be `Faxed beyond the value of the land they occupy. This argument ; is emend. Wo will assume, that of the ;several indusltaies.'Cli,nlon has' r,een fortunate enough to ,secure, that none o,f'them had locate d, Patera. old w u Tr that event h•(town a Iia t e doubtless ,have contenued'to receive 1axeis on vacant property for yeaitee for come,,and n 'e .the h •oe iite, ofni . fl f of the largle saves d1staiiibut,e d 'an- nnally in wages Thea'efoee, when we decide to'tax`(e'i''terprites which gapiltal:.has trills croaaltg�ed, :w"d arta actually taxing a 1a4-ge'"po,r'tion of the tow,ies revenue. Instances( are known where as seetve s, have wn'anade towns, on't+hie very, poi'ntt, backed np by a court of revision 'and a�getio ;al indifflegance as. td the consequeonces followi(nee lthei remoaa1 of�afactory from'theix corse was stolen hti Aft em the h s �t. the ,stable door Was docked, ,btrt lsomeh0W or other the trrulnicipalnity lin mend .pals' never been able to, �tle- gain £Itis prestige •as 'a enaiaufadture wag centre. PIIt quns(tiolrr :of'how eireepropesit 1111.11. and Mite.: R. WDibblege spent ae,GSt odaY'with friends near AAuhtane afre and Mae. Bert alibbrnge, oft Tuek ersmith, spent S'tind4y at the Bonne of Wm Andrews, of Aubnrn,. Miss Evelyn Hill, and Messrs 1Nel. son Hill:ehd Robert Fuller spent San-' day with the,, forrners e'QUsrn, Mise Siu pherd; MIse Margaret Ob went.teacher•of S, No, 8, is spending ,n•few:weeks at lie}ithomeinBlyth owing to her illness iiia' tine school is closed for a sheet' arraers have done le work in ltd de ka} s°evjriSl :d, pto coni hn eed'•rnan ;', 0 5 lTulleapt ysis ow not agt 'all tiav± ing plain s cling ;'this ye.r, There was a vote taken j'o"bualrl a t school • House, Then there was another:to determine the sites then ;,eome .objection was taken and it,was found that there was' some stiiall defect inn the description of the'eite so to conform steictly with the letterof the law. The Trustees' have •to begin again to choose a site and have another vote of the Tatepayers. 4•4•44'.e+41044 -44e1-9.++++++++++++ . : PERSONALS. 4. It is 'tile 'desire of the Z, Publisher$, that all should ,4 4 ; take an ': inter est he this 4` t, „ 4 c(►lnntn ;for !IIID IGi:)VZ „ER l Tf ou It tv�e f rient s +▪ �yn, or are go- 4 O ing away :1 trite, leave 4• ±'post o'• send it Alla _ word card. :Miss Lena Glousher is spending this., week with. her sister, ;,Mrs, Edgar Patterson,: of Wingham. Wrn. Grey had .the misfortune to lose a valuable/mare and :'colt 1ad week, it is a great loss as Mr. Gr,iy keeps the best. ° The 10year old son of Mr.�' and Mrs r, Wnl. Ross of the 10th Concession h:as keep' under the doctors care fora few s bat slowly m rovn. "nth t g mo 9 p cnd- 'man r FVa� "motrl and -flet S 1V . h_ np 9 orcock • spent Sunday with Blyth friends. ' . ' issee fatly and Jennie Govier have M Y returned to Paris after spendipg a few weeks at their home on lll'h Concess- ion. "Charles Stewart bought a drive] froth a Westfield roan last week. On Friday evening aboutI00 invited 'guests assembled at the. home of Mrs, John Gilvier and enjoyed, .a social dance., All report a good time. J oseph Carter' and Wm. McCool are having 'ad.ditions:' put to their' barns and Mr, Gerbett is engaged at the foundations ibis week. alt, Charlet `Peacock had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable mare dad colt, worth 5400.' The loss will be a heavy one as Ma. Peacock keeps gond 1 ors s. n e elfin of the rate- payers Notice. -A •me g payers of -the Public School, Section, No. 5, Hallett, will be held in_ the School, Room. ma Thursday, the 30th day of May, 1012, at the hour, of ten o'clock in the forenoon. to vote on the site for the new school. And also for the purpose of borrowing money for the school. for the Damn-oti.Darla:A.mMJut' o;f.- P; gricultui•e, on the development of the sheep industry of Canada. As roadera will, remember, attention vas cased in(that report to the lei-: Piot s � , i'' � 1rks. O S 1 '<+R v is u 7 P aS an a r vaae t e •s partLeitl irly well- adapted to .,hela3p 1iu,shandry,. and, after careful . de- IibetaLion, the coma Ligon was, reached that outlay., from the un- expected; Dominion approprdatiotn of. last year nr glut well t•p•niadle F_o encourage it he introduction of Stocks of grade ewes and pule bred rams, which taxi meadily he secures in Ontario for portiones of the 1VIatt- itime Provinces and British: Colum bia, asa .beginning. If need he, adi- diltional :sums from' the approprriar tioun• of tiie year will be ava labllel. Col. McCrae C4uelph, and Dr Tot - tale, V.S., will visij the Wes'iidrn l' b sn deli- ; 'de • ,to o to inorder Provkncea note data as to the number of sheep l that might be required;. and' the to deal witlrou:r manufac'turerehas now reached ithepoint where an undersftand`-tiag• ,is necessary, otherwise: it is felt, vale will be aimlessly �endleavoring to further promote the growth of, the it own' as amantr:fa,ce hiring centre. Let us ;decide on what indu!cemeauts the town can roe asonahly offer and (then hang, out our' ,shingle to the effect. Do not lot us embarass ' our preoedt mann-' fadtw eee with !altercations, each ucceeding, one of vvhic�h will be like aeries of pin prides to thfgm', and at the same time eausle others 'inc_ give As a wide berth. ora their disposal by Public sale, The 1 't re came o• lee, in view, by Mr. McCrea of the Liva -__ Stock :Branch, Ottawa, and Col. B. t McEwen. This word, will beunder- gular meetingy of Huron held its taken at once, pre(paralitory to 40, - day, at Brucefield on Tues- caring the toed. ata oht' f day, May 1.4th, There were present Mr. Fletcher, moderator,' Messrs Cars- well, Smith, Richardson, McFarlane, Johnston, Pearcy, Woods, Oarriere, Small, Shaw, Mann and the clerk. ministers," and Messrs. Gardiner, Campbell, Johnston, McQueen, Yonne, Muffle and Sproat, elders. John Sproat was elected commissioner to the General: Assembly in place of SIr. Garter, resigned, Mr. Fletcher was appointed to address the annual meet- ing of the Presbyterial of the W. H, 51. S. to be held at Goderich. Chisel burst was reported as unwilling to dis- band and hopeful, of regular supply from the Presbytery. The natter was committed to a committee, composed of Messrs. Shaw, Ross and Hamilton, and in the mean time Mr. Shaw takes' charge of the supply; The Presbytery 'resolved to return to the old method of payment. of travelling expenses of courmission- ers to to the General Assembly. A call was presented from the congregation at Port Elgin, in favor of Rev, d, R. Mann, B. A, of Auburn and Smith's Hill,, signed by ISS members and 44 adherents„ and offering a stipend of 51,000 per' annum, the use of the Manse and four weeks' holidays. Mr. Hogg,; of Soutbnmpton, and lit. 1Slc- L'uen, of Port Elgin, appeared in sup- port of the nail. R. M. Youug ap- pearedin behalf of the congregations of Auburn and Smith's Hill,expressing deep regret and yet acquiescing in the departure of Mr, Mann. The pulpit is to he declared vacant on the second day of June and Mr. Hamilton ' is to act as moderator of ` session. A call was also received from St. Andrew's Hespeler. in favor of Rev. J. L. Smait', B A., of Blyth. This Will, he dealt with at a special meeting to be held on May 24th at Willis Church,' Clin- ton, at 11 a. m. The greater portion of the afternoon was occupied by a conference on "The Ethics of the Call. ing System.", The discussion was opened by, Messrs. Peavey and Smith and continued by nearly every 'mem- ber of the court.• rHEs&111 Iiy of milio1�• looked of ei,°vvintcesl field Ins tb• bet London Women Were Ion Returned To Office Set Big Annual Convention Of Mis- sionary Society '()loses Y at Sarnia. i annual convention of the The big Woman's. Missionary Society came to a close here last Friday afternoon, and the following officers for the coming year were elected Honorary President - Mrs. (Dr•. ) Burns, St. Thomas. President -Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London. First. Vice -President -Mrs, E. V. elarlatt St, Thomas. Second` Vice•President- Mrs. K. u. l owler,-Lwado Third Vice -President -Mrs. Learoyd, Windsor, Corresponding Secretary, -Mrs. J. H. Tennent, London, Recording Secretary -,Mrs. • W. G. McAllister, Blenheim Corresponding Secretary of Mission - re. Harrison, of London, Circles -Mrs. Superintendent of Department of Systematic Giving -Mrs. D. A. Mc- Callum c- `am u s London. Re p resent ative- 'al Conference , Annual P Wright. Mrs Gordong Mrs (Rev.) Kerr and Mrs Leitch° conducted the opening devotional exer- Oiset'today. " Miss Muriel Hawkey, miesionary-elect to China, was delepat- ed'to represent the Woman's Mission- ary Society at the summer scheole. A vote •of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Beal, of Soudan, for her services to the treasurer during the peat year. Mrs. Sinelatt, branch treasurer, ten- dered her resignation, together With Mrs. G. Acheson, first vice-president, District organizers were nominated andconfirmed'as follows London District=Mrs.iRae, London. St tf d i t' t M Dunsmore Stratford. eriche To Promote The sr Indo t Sheep laterdateun der the exjiedieneecl ov er.si,, o 1' H. Harding .There are 'evidences of a quickening interest Inc sheep - rearing.. and the brcdd'ing 'fnteate,sts in. Ontario,, and possibly ponItions of. Quebec will be,etiniula'tecl by the demand for the foundation ',,Lo^1c required under the to egoing Blah, Mr. James Snell , tat'.,4ncaefl, th's above nice :ing. • • liefitie,Otent• Wall Paper At alargely attended mmeetingse- pre,aunting the Dominion Sheep Breederts Association, in 'Toronto, on Friday,May 10th, amportan�t ac - Dan was aken with a vd,ew three- , e r cmmi ndationis of the st Peet by Messrs . Dryden and Rich,, Stanley Mr. Thomas Baird delivered 10 Mr. J. Seruton, of Clinton, a fine pa's of calves cceigbing1000lbs on Wednesday e received a of this week for which h f u e.: good i r g g. of Cleveand Ree, 1. D. But chart Ohio, was visiting at the home et his mother during tae first -of the week, Mrs, Jno. Moffat went to Kincardine • on Monday. to , attend the funeral of Dir: Alex, Campbell, who died on Sat- urday of last week. . We are pleased to state that Mrs, John Bu,tchart Sr., is recovering from her recent illness. aze h ec to e- SALLOW SKIN Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circles • Under the • Eyes aro all signs of the system leing clogged, The Liver. and Bowels are inactive and the Stomach is weak from iurdigasted foods and foul gases, . Z 4 444y44044•44044s4*404'44444 Mies Elva Brown has_completed her coarse. in the shorthand depart ment of tine Stratford Business Col lege,, and hss accepted a position as stenographer for Walter Miller a Stratford broker. Miss atone Grant. has been under the doctors care during the past week. .Miss H. Sutherland, of Hansail, was a caller on friends in town last Satur- �laMrs, R. E. Manning accompanied by arrived her sister, .bliss 'Fisher has v s i, • aver Col. back Clinton from De Mn S. Perry, of the Collegiate Staff atLondon and .a former teacher in Olintoo, has-been offered a position on the -Faculty of Educe tion at Toronto and may possibly accept. We are pleased to report that Mr. John W. Yoe, of Hoimesvtlle, who went uncles an operation in Clinton Hospital, last week, is progressing as well as could be expected. 'Mr. W. H. Webb, Victoria, Street, Basi added ito Ibe appearance, of his hotn7 by having the e:egctrie light Inuit in. Mr. arcl Mrs 13.W' Gibhings of ,Alma, accompanied by Miss Violet argent of Clinton, va.,lted Mr. and :Vfee. visited Mr. and Mrs: W. J: An- diewsl of Auburn on Sunday. Dr, Melvin Graham, youngest son of Mr. Wm. 'Graham of Clinton, who went to Europe to take a couri'e in the horp.ittals in England, has re- cently . returned to Alia, Alberta, where he has practiced Inc some years. Previous to leaving' Eng- land he wan merited' Ito a lady of Alberta. They viaited for some weeks In the Old Land previous to Starting for home. They came via Montreal and are not- in the`S\'�eslt. Dr, Graham ilea clever yo•ungdoc- tor who has, made •a -name for him- self:" lie at"enclied the Collegiate in Clinton for Isome'ti�me before tak- ing up' he nntudy of medicine in 1oron. o. Mr W Wade of Fort William, was visatilta' Iris parents and old Medias in 'town. Ile came clown owing to Me mc,tlter's serious illness due to 'the fracture of her thigh. SS' cl- Misa McLaren, nurse, left g nasclay morning Inc Port Dover: to become head uul,:e in Dr.Ricks' private hospital, We are so.rrly to ltse Miss McLaren for the time, but wish her success its her new position, Port Albert Miss Evelyn'Hayden has returned from Toronto, where she has been at- tendingin art school, . Mr. Thomas Ganley'is home again, after spending the winter • in Detroit. Miss Pearl Hawkins hae gone to her sister, Mrs. Jets. McLeod, Detroit. :for a visit 1trs. Irwin Foster, of Sheppardton, wasa week -end visitor at the home of • rs Harr Hawkins. M her daughter,Y Mr. McDermott, of Nile, was at Mr. Dixon's this week. The farmers up here are neatly Oar, ugh seeding, the land is in first- elass condition and gond crops will be the result, - Wilfrid Stevenson and Jacob McGee delivered some fine cattle to Robert McLean, of Goderich, last Friday. Cattle are scarce and very high priced. John Schoenhels bought a fine' span of horses from T. Gundry, of Gode- rich. • Mg Pills the great fruit remedy, will make you feed.11ke a new person. • VVinnipeg, June 27,1911 After taking three hox•es,of your Fig Pills for stomach and liver `troubles I feel strong and welt and. able to do• my own work. Iles. A. al.Sau1•ter. Sold at all deadens in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The •'Pig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in - Chariots by J.E. Hovey, Druggist. Tawn and Country auburn Mr, Thos. Manning, of Wingham, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs, Halstead, of Goderich is visit- iug her mother', Mrs. George P1iLzer, who is dangerously ill. John Mole has been'busy supplying chock s with his customer w nursery from the Benreiller nursery, Mr. Robert Ouilis of the Soo is here preparations t0 repair the• • 1 -in 'e p making g Pr P damage done to the Mill Propel ty by the Spring flood. County Engioeer Patterson hat had trestle work built beneath the le idge so that the t odd' is passable agar, , Mr. Robert McGee has had the :tun- icipal'Telephone placed in hie house.' Rev. 1V•Ir, Mann will preach his fare- unda prier to sermon next Sunday, P moving to Port Elgin. - llilolmesviile Miss D A. Holmen, spent part of last week in Sarnia. Mr. Wm. Connell has purchased from Mr„ J. R. Holmes the •l0 acres on the 11th Concession, formerly known as J. W. Oantelons Ivir, Geo. Rolland purchased a bairn on the same. Sir. John Yoe who underwent a sur. gical operation at the Clinton hospital isreported as improving nice nicely, Rev. Snowden and daughter, of Varna, were callers in the village on Tuesday. Miss D, 1h Holmes was called to Goderich Sunday on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Robt McKen- zie, - re t'M1MMMeer�APJVRAP %AAAAA } } NOW Is he Time For t, he Plumbing, in b Eavetroughing Stove: Moving Il ALI, ORDERS' will receive - rem`- t at- tention. l•J l7 ti �n Prices given ten 10 g on all kinds of ti - • Roofing„ Sldn , and r 'et�W ork. Cont a . ra or rs rte - rs. , e God- , - Y (4oderich District -Mrs: Leach,,• C't Joint, of Wingham District -Mrs. icknow. Exeter District -Mrs. ,Wilson, of amuter &� t Sanitary plumbers De th o f - Mrs. Edward w and Zalb ot. - Dtath came suddenl and unexpected- ly .to a highly respected resident of the Bronson Line, Stanley Township Ti,lo t Edward n doth e person of Mrs., P whose mar i ella ''den name was I s a. s sister Brown,, and who was the eldest-siie of Mr. Robert Brown, of Hallett. filer husbandpredeceased her four years aRoShe,had lived on the Suble Line for several years but went a" live with her son Henry, of near Blake, about a year previous to her death. Mrs. Talbot was a Methodist in religion and was a woman of sterling 'character, She leaves a surviving family of three sons and three dau(h• tars to 'mourn the loss of a'ikind . and affectionate mother. The daughters. are i Mrs, ((Rev,) Ling, Mrs,'Jernison and Mrs. i . Tisk The sons are : Hobert Line and , auble tine, £rhes Edward, o and l7 w ' Henry, of the Bronson Line, all of Stanley. The funeral took place` on Thursday last to Bayfield' Cemetery, Much sympathy. is extended to the sea e8 iaui l London'Rtoad Next Tuesday night the League will will meet at lir, William Hardy's. Mr, Hardy takes the topic. The League appreciated very much the stinging of Mr, Witmore and his sister last Tuesday evening at Mr. Slc• Knights. The heav; rains have done consider able damitge to crops in low places. We can judge by the amount of "bloom" there will be a bumper crop of apples this year. Mrs. Arthur Stevenson is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Wheeler; of Lon- don, over the 24th. • Irl Iselc:e'ting Wall.Papers dofni4H overiooit(, :the fact that you have' Ito 1Lve face to facet with • them: for. years. Simple. graceful cle+signaa aped s restful blending o'f.eolors will add ,to' . the a•efirµng"influencie of any, home, ' while vulgar irrita- ting. !effects leave traces of: old: •,; ' c upon, 1 u w n s and Itheitafle e< p yoking, We ma)rei aapecial ty of tnle' newait ' and best in1Wa11 Papers, with awide assoest- m•enit of attrective patterns !to choose from, Always a pleasure to show. goods, ALL PAPER TRAINED FREE Cooper:�< Co CLINTON Hayfield It is'reported that Dan Wilson an. old time resident of this place died re- cently in the West. Tke particulars are as yet unknown. We have also to record the death of one, Charles •Warnsley, who was a for- mer: resident of this piece and who also died in the West. His body was brought here for interment while the burial services were conducted by the •'v member. Foresterswhichhe as, of sv The very, pretty wedding of Mrs. Flossie Pollock. to M", Stuart of Gode- rich was duly solemnised at the reel deuce of the brides father by the Rev. Mr. Conde', of Trinity Church on Tuesday last, The bride was band.. somely attired beyond description and as she was always ode of Bayfield's meet popular of young ladies we con- sider that Mr: Stuart• was very care- ful in making a seleetionr The happy couple departed for Seafortb in a large touring car where' they will take train for Niagara Falls where their honey- moon will be spent, after which they will make their home .in Goderich. We all join in wishiug them every: happiness in their new Sonia. Londesbaro Mrs. Jos. Stevens 15 spending two weeks with her son George of "Walton and also her son Dan Stevens, of Har - lock. The young man Harold Legg, who was drowned at .London on Sunday was a nephew of Councillor John Barr of 'rinllett, nn'is wearingan extra Charles Wats, smile these days, A °daughter tunas come to hit home. is clerking 'at the Miss Elsie Miller g ' eatpresent. Post Offic • Victoria Day will not be celebrated here this year. Institute will` hol'da 'The Women's Instr special meeting on Wednesday 'the 2915 at 2,30 in the Forrester's Ball, when Miss Margaret A. Allan, of Jarvis will give an address. A good programme is being arranged for and: all ladies are cordially invited' to at• tend. Revd. Mr. McKenzie and Mrs, Mc- Kenzie, of Cleveland visited the Tat- ters mother and brother here this week. a visit Mrs. (Dr.) Allison is having from het father at present. I' high water , Owing to the very g Hutton has a hard time saving his temporary dam. • Hogs were shipped on'Wednesday. g be v ally, e Price $8.60: • gx•dk -n:etc ! . ..�:,:,.s,'F .i�tr...i ;pr?,.but„ u:..Ll'. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Eggs For Sale. Rev', R. i. weer canon of Tavistock woe Ir town on Monday visiting Me mother, also calling on his sis- ter, Mre. W. S. Downs, who is' at prese.rt a patient at Dr. Gunai's hospital, alis, Downs is making satisfactory progress after her see* area operation, and hopes to be able to return to her home;shoetly. alr, Percy J oyacr,. e:,ectreeal en- gine .ee has installed the( electric light in the residence of Ili W Webb. Mr, Joyner has had 'wide experience• in this line, having worked five yeasts in the city of London, England. .Mss. F. 'W. Watts is in Toatonto thie week attending the conference of Womenls Institute .spgalyers. line. Wilts will start after the con- fer; ee io,sl.,ealc in Eastern Ontario and' The New Era ,reaellers may hear from herr through the columns of this paper. My's Nattre Wasman has retur,n- ed tto her home n Clinton after ,spending a week with her cousin; Miss' Myrtle Ette -Mitchell Advo - cat • .1 ustice Murphy and Mrs. Murphy of Vancover, I3, 1;,, announces - the engagement of thein sister, Miss Violet Cameron. to James 5. killoran Bar mister of Goderich. The 1v, dding will 'n ran quietlyin Toronto a take place the erly part ofJun' Wei aro pleo,�}ed to 'igporjtt that h hours Dean Ccu1 lice passed with o r ' the S.P. a.w, second veers exams at t e , S, Among Other C.C.I. stuclents at the S.P.S. *t lt-i• were successful in tb.eiisl ,studies were 'Clarence Rance and .he 3adocta' bh'ohters. Judge Watts of Crookston, Minn. 1s, ]nets visiting his. mother, Mrs. Waft ,et and sister, Mits. Boles It is •a- nunrbo• of years si.nee Judge Watts lta_i been henle', but owing to the facts that hits mother has not lrneln any too well, he cic(cldiod tot pay a visit to the old town. Mrs. W E. 'Rollaway returned lastly weed., eaten pending a couple of monitlis, fir, Mid'ai d and'Peterboro, with her mother and ;sister, '1VIa'8V t�rickenden and Mrs. C. B, Adair. She was aecompanled by her 1. Adair. het' Master Jack 1 nephew, a �, l ' pe are prize win- ners, pen p ners, and are excellent layers. Eggs UP for 15. A good hatch guar anteed, H. A. HOVEY, Clinton Meeting of the Huron Co. Council The Council of the Corpot'atilon of the County of Huron will meet in tho Council Chamber, in the Town of Gorki ich, on Tuesday, June ahg �lt5, at 3 o'clock. Accounts against the county will be consicic,lel.1, if placed with the clerk, before this date. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated May 30111, 101`2. Births; illtrr'ia,ges R9eaths DEATHS. HOIINER-In Brucefield, on May 19th, Ezratioener, aged. 32 years and 7 days. r RLINKE-lin' Brucetield, on May 20th. wife of Mr. Reinke at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Dan Roes, aged 72 years. TALBOT -In Stanley Township, on Tuesday, delay 14th Isabella Brown, re- lict of the late Edward Talbot,. aged '71 years,anel0 months. COOK -In Clinton, ote Friday, Mae 17th, Susie Ostrom, beloved wife of Joshua Gook, aged 44: years. Farm For Sale. Lott' 40, 7tlr Concession,'Goderich 'Ilowenshels, consisting of 80: acres, all seeded down (except. 25 acres, 2 acre(. oreharld, Pelagee 'house 20 x 30 wiIh out buildings. ,Barn 30 x 72 with atabling under. First class well. Borne is 0 Miles from 'Cluniton arld 4 from Bayfield. A bplq on Premises ,or address George Bar?neftt,, iClieilton P,,O. Special Ju,s�t received a car of Extra No. 1 Oats also a ear of Choice Feed Wheat. A Pr'esentor Wanted A presentee wanted for Presby- terian Church, Brucefield, Appli- cations, stating salary, will be re- ceived up to the lath of Jure, 1912 JAS. D. GEM11ELL; Clerk, Egntonrlville, Ont, NOTICE Too HION BRIDGE BUILDERS Tenders will he received by the Council of the Township of Hallett up to'2 p.m., on Saturday :25th, May for the building of on Iron Bridge with cement floor on Concession 10x11, S R 15x10, length ` between abutments (~which are already built) •being 4711 b inches and 14 ft roadway. • •JAMES CAMPBELL Clerk Londesboro, loth May, 1012, For Sate or Ite.nt A • eonefortablo 7 -roomed cottage on North Street, good garden with fruit treesi good water. All in good 'condition. Apply to New Era Or Ito IRs. J. Bti TLER � Clinton Court of •Revision Tw , NOTICE is hereby given that thel Court, for ache Revision of the As- sessment; Roll of the Town or Clin- ton, will bo held in :the Council Chamber, on Monday, the 271h day of May at 8 pm., for the purpose of hearing,. and ,settling complailnfts agatnati the said asses(imeint roll. Persona having business at the Count will please attend at tine said time and place. ' D. L. MA:CPHERSON, Clerk, Clinton,: May 16111, 1912. Teacher Wanted Experienced *era:chef' wanted, male or female, !to ltetach i]lni:on, Scheel No. 12, Goderich and'Htilleltt, situa- ted, at Summerhill, come en.eent to churchand Irnsoffire> with daily mail service. Duties So cornm,enee September' 3rd, 1912, Stater ,salary, with; qualifications. Applications v}+ill bereceiivletl unto June 1515. T. J. LINDSAY Secretary, R. D No, 1 Cli .ton May 1415,'1912. Ila�nse,tor Sale or Rent Al 7 --roomed frame house on Huron Street, opposite Common-. ,cial Holtel,for leala or to r t. Houseis eing pit en good order. Waiterworker in connection. Apply, 51ISS PORTER, 33attenbury, Street