HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-05-23, Page 2•I PragitA,
reay Nsilos•
Barrie Qwner Captuees Coveted Race
ing Perse. e
, Toronto, May 20. -The King's Plate -
Canada's most celebrated horse eace)
eras woe easily On Saterclay by A..11
Dyment's Heresy, the favorite for the
gubleae: ,C. A. Crew's Antherite was
, an easy second aml Seagram's Rosa
ling had a close call for the ie place,
Far surpassing, the interest in the
olasste race, howeyee, was the fact
•that the Duke and Duchess of Can-
• natight were present and Canadian
eueiety turned out its best attire to
• Dalat/alPatea in the gaiety of the oeca-
mon "eattreeteratergee eteraaan
Thai tesults were r
,First race -Six furlong. purse $300,
for three-yea,r-olds and up -1, Plate
,Glass; 2, Yellow Eyes; 3, 'Warbler.
Jame, 1.13 1-5. • .
Second race--auvenile puree, 4 1-2
• furlongs, purse $600, for two -year-olds
Brawney; 2, First Sight; a, I,ohen-
grin. Time, .55,.
Third raee--Minto 'Stakes, 1 1-16
miles, purse $1,000„ three-yealaolds
'and up -1, Edda; 2, Altamaha; 3,
Reabouen. Time, L48 4-5.
Fourth race -Woodstock -Plate, 1 1-8
miles, Purse $2,000, for three -year-olds
-4, Light o' My Life; 2, Jenny Ged-
des; 3, Froglegs. Time, 1,55 2-5.
Fifth race -8/11e and one-quarter
miles, King's Plate, purse $5,000, for
taree-Year-olds and u -p-1, Herety; 2,
rlaeeite; 3, Restate& 'aline, a.11.
Siectih. race -About two miles, Aintree
Steep eehase, purse $1,000, foe four-
year -olds and up, handicap -la The
Prophet; 2, Broadsword; 3, Be Thank-
ful. Time, 4.32.
Seventh race -One and one -sixteenth
miles, purse $500, f of three -year-olds
end upwards, selling -1, West Point;
2, Servicence; 3, Captain Swanson.
Time, 1.49.
E,ditatial NOM:as
Good! interning I Are you attend -
•lag laPlant A good big Poitato
patch ?
o ,
red in Woodlawn Cemetery on Satur-
day. The man was about 60 years of
man fBouulrlieed
was six feet tall. The identity of the
man may never be discovered.
tache; weighed about 200 pounds, and
age, bald headed, had a grey mous-
inU ntihdeenrtivifleerd nfiBodCornwall
Island, on Friday evening, was inter -
Wok's Cotton Root Compoun&
The great 'Uterine Tonic, and
')only safe effectual Monthly
_,,,. _.., . Regulatoron which women can
• , .. depend. Sold in three degrees
',....IS of strength—No. 1, 91; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, 93; No. 3,
for special eases, 85 per box.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : THE
C5letMEDIOIN100.,T0RO5T13.05T. iformerlyWindiresi
, .
Al'eanile id 'heater than $1,10W13;
and. -a toyoue laugh isuporiceleate
dismal -gamine. • . , '
• Thee ealieng away oainenof enable -
ed . ai13ty has beam a isad 'Ovate:re
of the Pasit year. Wondat who ,
preparing, teafill their places?'
• Some, folks Say the( Toe:onto
baseball teen has hot streak their,
gait yet. If ;they'd hit the ball and
n-evee mind Ithe 'gait they, would be
nearer the -top of the cob:Min.
bi the 'sudden elejmiala, ant Judge
1VIabeh ;Chia Dotnendicen suffetaeali a
1 ' that wilanot be -easaly wenee-
ea toadbed, goad gravel or beeleiern
atone, arid aelear ranway rfor, waltee
are esiseintiale ;be lairetaca,aes
reeking. Let 1912 , Statute :Labor
conatitulte a Caocbd Roadove-
-mend olf the Moat practical ita•Pet
and you 'win nevete, leave ieguleice to
regret it. A will peaty° an oloteet
lessen ±0- all Who •travel 0401 a
Jed,ge Lemax May graee ith
-bench but It -he praatice of appoint-
tng' membet,s Paaliamentao ouch,
offeceS is perniclons and ,also Un—
1'011 ,
A •23a4;414'
'fate 'teethe hundateda oltaier good
laiwYera ,Svholee-, claime Should' halt be
oveelooketl, encl. who peatlealpa,thbd
malice far theit •part-ei than thelm•an
'who chanced toisecatre the learnina-•
Sueel.y• he itheace isrehia
enough to secure good: Men wtt.11-
out • h.eaping telltale ha-nolee • oh the
tahouldera eta aeraparaltive feiw. ,
Inetak,asitian, gent, inentaiglai nanaaa--
rheumattelp, -droPay,
bagee Ineevousnesa, hearal •baiseade,
'failing eyeeight, 'sediment' tau:eine,
atone tithe kidney, • dizainessl
• headache, Aetilti, lade PIUS -drive -out
`aeia ft1A01121. •/the
blood,,, J. A. -Hovey peels' them! and"'
guarantees them, Remember the
name Anieel/nice 8. V. Marion 'on
• aveta PeeKkg,e. -
Don't forget- that manthlY letter.
you peomiao to write mother. In
.50411 QaSea, nO d 011bt many a raareth
dled, 'While the lake Sledge pelt, a hassitPTIIT ad tasewsty, de' better ithis
without the
high eltandaed for tale RailWaY Com- l'E'ag(2' a
miee• iit makes -it all the mora year emu Keep uplt.he aid home tie
dIffeculi6 in choosing asuccessor. It ee
should bemade iaftet 'the most
ithoughafull ecaesicleration. What did you isa,y eva.s e eio;
long eas possible.. The sevieran
W111,co-rae all too aceerai iso make
good uoo of the passing' yellers'
, your, last letter ? reneemben
Thorough drainage, awell 'grad- eh? Then1 turn over anew leaf ,atid
dobeltittiPhY 111,010aviing the - plan
mentioned InIthe fleet jeleattenee 08
ithasi ocleboria4 note,
If griisit of the ipoeealled, poets
Who/ aeo yet buoy geineling Quit da-
fulstoires concerning 1111e Titanic dis-'
aster aogild be given, flee passage
on -an Atlantic 'steamship Without
tateconi wireless, and aniangeircirent
inadei to bump again,st an lee berg
en !the aticinity -of Newfoteinellendb, a
kindness evauld be done to long.,
(suffering( him:Lanky, •S-oene of the
Passengers would. float , a
lefe belt If ithetr polebey, *any in-
elicartion 08:thee:1r weight; A'censor
ehould beappointeal to esican the
poetry(?) . be -fele it id tat; leone, on
the public anti it would prove a
great saving on the presetet supply
02 kindling,
Call On Other Provinces
To Follow Quebec's- Lead
Banquet to Laurier in Montreal
Will Be EnthuSiestice
Hon WIJ Vannal
Named as.
Mabee's Successor
Former Minister of Railways Says the
Victory In Quebec Is the First of a ,
Series of Successes For the Lib-
eral Party -Le Canada Says a
Strong Reaction eToward Lib-
'eralism Is Now InProspect.
'Montreal, May 20. -The Reform
Club's coming banquet to Sir Wilfrid
Laurier promises to be a big affair,
as the recent sweep here has given
new life to the -party. Le Canada
"We hope that our friends in the
English provinces will not fail on the
first opportunity to show the vitality
of our party outside of Quebec. Our
province has given an example which
New Brunswick and Saskatchewan
should not fail to follow. The Con-.
servatives' wave is now broken, and
having lost its force can no longer
frighten our friends. As in 1775, as in
1812, it was Quebec which saved the
situation. The Conservative wave last
fall Was the voice of Ontario. The
triumph is the voice of'Quebee.a
La Press° says that on Sept. al
Quebec, evhile remaining faithful to
Sir Wilirid Laurier, gave signs of a
Conservative reaction, finishing Mr.
Borden 2/ partieans instead of 12 in
the preceding Parliament. Is it not;
therefore, extremely significant that
out of the 2'7 counties, 12 have return-
ed to the Liberal fold, such as Belle- had never been approae e o
subject, •
nertmer, ea -lamely,
Compten, -Dorchester, Hoehelaga, La-
belle, Maskinonge, Montreoreiagy,
Quebec County, Rineouski , and 3a.
As Lavergne Sees It.
Rumor That He Is to Succeed Mabee
Is More D,efinite. "
Toronto, May 20. -Unless ,Sir James
Whitney and his Cabinet colleagues
can persuade him th remain, and un-
less he decides himself that the work
he now has in head is of two great
importance to leaVe, the Hon. W. J.
Hanna, Provincial Secretary for On -
tette, will accept the position of chair-
men of the Dominion Railway Com-
mission, in succession to the late
Judge S. P. Mabee, which has been
offered to him by the Dominion Gov-
ernment. If Mr, Hanna accepts the
position he evill be succeeded by the
Hon. I. 13. laieas. This is the Imolai,
cial but highly creditable. statement
t at is going the rounds here.
hile no definite statement as to
the offer or the decision of Mr. Hanna
has been made public, it is understood
that Mr. Hanna is very likely to ace
tent the position. A despatch was
sent out from Ottawa a few days ago
LeLenthat Mr. Hanna's name had
en mentioned, along with half a
zen others. When Mr: Hanna was
asked about it, he replied that it
would•be bad grace to accept a posi-
tion before it Was offered. Since that
time, however, a definite offer, has
teen made, and Mr. Hanna is now
lonsiderinPe it. a
. . .. ,
Damaged Ship Makes Harbor.
Raffia:a; NS, May 20. --The schoon-
er ran down by the A. W. Perry off
Little Hope on Thursday night turns '
out to be the Albert 1. Lutz, COM:
minded by John E. App.
The Late 'put into Liverpool Sat-
urday reporting the collision with the
Perry in a thick fog and the loss of
her main boom and mainsail. No
lane were lost, aave
Caused HOT Much Misery.
,'.- • .
• "Ed*, lotege clad ilt taltea IStali Xad • , ,,, , • . „ , ..„ , , ,
Rani's?" ' : • :• ' ' - e.- ilt ',,, ' '' it, tl :I ,I ,, ili , IttettatOrtee.'':
. , i40•,,,a , AW1.00 RS 1040,'Efi,Ac tuoic, o
, Roma Ad do us?' ', ' ",,,.. - •, e - „.' -- ' - •
',wanted lat ,emee, Dente -tee. Beata
girria,• 'IlSabeelt tvages.,Ariply - .... le
'413aleer--e Anye maet et'l'idelase atitbe: '',, : a • ,, - . , ,A.TX,
- ' er L,onclrea •
• llull.lnala- motor dinner?. - - • • - ' • ., .
„ , •, •
.13aken•Yee,; in-ittee middle of 'the- . • ' - - *
'table a fountain of gapoline was ''• -' 'Tto Graie tatt,le.. •• . .
,ap • eea,.-0., !„
ThEir 0"- Teseriee, ,,Icauxe
e--"Deted ;tat riOcideSiali •this-6,thaeday.
-"at, May, 1,912, ' •, .•
' APieudtesitt'aitiatsa-ZieKillletaaner- •-
• ' - • aTenetora'Sotecattorsa•,
-•,--X. , • taa•
Montreal, May 20.-5rmand Laverg-
ne, who is Mr. J. M. Tether's lieuten-
ant in the Quebec district, gives his
fooflItcheeeinpga4.eycson for the recent defeat
"The defeat was neither clue to Mr.
Tether nor his program. We were
beaten by the; navy question and by
She school question. After what took
place at Ottawa, I am not disposed to
blame the electors who did not believe
in OM sincerity, At the last Domin-
ion elections the present French-
Canadian Ministerialistsa as well as
the Ministers themselves, came for-
ward as Natienalists, co: at least sup-
ported the Nationalist program."
Graham Is Jubilant.
Toronto, May 20. -"The result of
the Quebec elections shows that if
Premier Borden were to go to the
country now he would meat sure de-
feat," said Hon. G. P. Graham, M.P.,
former Minister of Railways, in an
interview at the Prince George.
Mr. Graham went on to say that the
Quebec election was a great triumph
for the Liberals, and went to show
that the people were losing eonfidence
in the Borden Government. at showed
strongly that the Nationalists were no
longer in favor of Borden 'and fore-
shadowed hs defeat at the next gen-
eral election.
Referring to the statement that be
would probably be the next president
of the Grand Trunk Railway, Mr.
Graham said there was absolutely no
truth in the report, that, in fact, he
The •-iendor,siglied is prepared' to,
"I knocked hini, otrer, the top'1" graae 30 head' 08 cattle for the bsea-
quolt.h the Colonel. •
• .
isanaoef 1912. - Persty or, Water and
' ., . . ,ehe
- "Thal bine • below the- ielt,arlie?:;, ---a -'• • • Aft:ipl3-7.- til . JOTIN WARD,
. , Summerhell P. 0,
• A i's a prize fight, for .eer tette,
W. oivoorriet.
641141.1aS IL HALE
ConneYancei Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc. '
ISEIlleV of MarriageLicensee,
, Huron St., Olintop,
Talk about "moving day" in -the
;malice places wedenow compara-
tively little about it. An authority
in Montreal vouehee for the 'state-
ment that 2,800 peo-ple change:1
their, addresses oai May lea in that
etty, , If they moved -at hone°
cleaning time, it would be tell, right
because everyithing is supposed JO
be turned upside down then any-
how, Wherea married' man ltas a
,siteadee jo8. tWe have a notion he
would be very muchebdtitieet off to
get hold of arhorna of We own( and
sot about improving it as; occasion
would. permit. Thie gives permsea-
ency, and hablite of 'thrift and save
trig that ,should be increased joy
and oatielfaction.
".Wailtress--ilave anothee, VMS,
Iluelaand Ste his wif eaa-Shall
have eunethar .gla,es,.Freedrike?
- -Wad. (bailee enother)-Shall
have another glass Mother?
•Youngs Fl -y -How is -Mrs. Fly?
,Old Fly--Doeng fine, thanky. Sho.
ie raising altogether the biggest
tamely we've ever had. That en-
famoun iswatting fund is exhausted
yo-ui lefiove,
Iree,spective of political priedilic-
Itiona there will Irsagrets ovea
the removal of Hon A. G. McKay
from( .05 -Von Sound ;to iEdrao,ntoin.
He ha,s proven himself to be amen
of ability, with breadth enough to
placel him in a claps; ta 'which all
politiciana do not belong. It was
perhapt unfotaunate that ;shortly
aatee his -entry to the Provincial
Parliamenta the party to -which he
belonged change t places- -wide the
former; ,Opposition thereby basting
the way for Han. Mr. McKay to
show the kind of cabinet timber See
possessed, We have no doubt in
the wider field of ,the West - the
Hon. gentleman will fintdi his way
into the political arena and wheth-
er Provincial or Fedelapl, the On-
tario training will pave the way
foe rapid promotions. • The people
of tilts province will watch Bon.
Mr. McKay's career with an in-
creased imitereet and if gond wishes
will strengthen his eause he should
find many dome with, the latch-
string outside. af he decides to
reeign his seat in Nodal Grey his
at -emote; frara the 'Houma will be
'greatly felt, -and Provincial law
making will be deprived oficneet of
ats ableet and fairest exponents.
Hamilton. Man Kills Wife
On a Busy City CornQr
Mrs. W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask.,
writes: -"A few lines highly recommead-
ipg Doan's Kidney Pills. For this last
year I have been troubled very much
with tasty sick 'headaches, and a weak
aching back, which caused me teach
Lanisera, for I could not work, and had no
, arreibition for anything. My kidneys were
very badlyout of order, and kept me
from sleeping at nights. I tried =MY'
lands of pills and medicines, but it Seemed
almost in vain. I began to give up in
despait of ever being well and strong
again, when a kind neighbor advised me
to try Doan's Kidney Pills, whiele I did,
end am thankful for the relief 1 obtained -
from them, for now I am never troubled
with a sore back or sick headaches.
"I will always Vey Doan's Kidney Pills
for :Maenad can hieJily recommend them
to eny sufferer." • •
Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
1,25, at all dealers or Mailed direct on,
receipt of price by The TaMilburnICo.,
"'ignited, Tomato, Ont.
•&When °Moine (Area seecifY Poses."
Frank Truckle Then Turns Gun that it might have I,een possible f or
on Himself on Street, him to escape those in putsuit of him.
a As soon as the chose took to the
street again, however, the motors were
again called into service and these
avidly overtook the man. Rev. Canon
S. Daw was in the act of assisting
ihree ladies into a car in front ot his
•esidence at 234 South McNalb street
vhen the fugitive came his way. True -
ole was on the point of dropping with
exhaustion and, evidently understand-
ing that there was no chance whatever
for lam to escape, ran up onethe side-
walk at Rev. Mr. Daw's aide, and;
pulling a revolver, shot himself in
the left lung.
• The men who had been following
Truckle came up immediately and
taking the wounded man in a motor,
rushed him to an hospital, where he
was operated on by Dr. Hopains, but
his injuries later pro-ved fatal.
• The noliee were notified as soon ea
the shooting took place and rushed to
the scene to find Lena Truckle lying
dead an the sidewalk. She was at
once placed in an ambulance • anc
rushed to the morgue, when a jury
viewed the remains at 4 O'clock Sat-
urday afternoon. -
Truckle is a youtg mail who came
to this city from Brantford a short ,
time ago and got work at a -local
lumber yard. He is '24 years of age
and hasbeen married more than a
year. Leta Truckle, the wife, is 22
years old, and her parents, Mr. and
Mwsfield ,
r Bolive in Brantford.
- . j
Afiarently the -atetine .coaple I, .Ye
not fetuael aiereirad life wholly to ii, 'r
liking. On Mei, 2 "Mrs. Truett:le cheap
ed thee husband 181 the i5oliel eieurt
with aggravated assault, claiming that
he hare abused, her in different. ways. '
On this occasion the magistrate dis-
missed the case, as the husband swore
that his wife as living an ininieral
life, The motive for the crie male
evidently jealousy. Mae. Truckae, i
eppeaes, was rather free with othe
• men and this action was greatly re-
sented by Truckle who is naturally
or a very jealoas disposition.
Truckle had -appealed to the police
game time ago for 'help to keep his,
wife from associating With other men,
and it is dated that only Friday even-
ing a policeman interrupted her talk-
ing to two other men. Mrs, Tiackle
evidently did net care whether or not
her husband Was displeaSed at her
actions, for when he palled Saturxiay .
morning he found her tatking to two
men, whom tie could hardly persuade
bee to leaye. Trualde told the police
before the shooting teak place that
his wife eventld net live with him,
preferring toevveak in . a hotel, where
she had more opportunity to see more
Men. .. , , , ...,..-• '. -,..- ..a.
Hamilton Is the Scene of a Sensation-,
al Episode When Man, Angered by
Actions of Spouse, Lures Her
Awa ei Frebm Hotel and Kills Her
on Busy Thoroughfare - Is
Cornered After a Hard Run.
Hamilton, May 20.-G. Frank Tree -
kb put an end to his matrimonial
career Saturday mornin,g, when he
shot his wife, and later, when pur-
sued, shot himself. The scene of the
murder and suicide was the corner
of Park anel Meeket streets, at about
10.55 Saturday. morning, when the
streets were thronged with hundreds
.of people -passing to and from the
mai :et.
!I'etickle called at the King George
Hotel, where his wife was employed
as a waitress, and- asked to see her.
As it was the -busy time of the morn-
ing the girl bad difficulty in getting
out, but on being persuaded hy her 1
husband, she accompanied him along
Market street. To all appearances the
twe were pa the best of terms, as they
walked aloha, arm -in -atm. As they
neared the corner of Park street, how-
ever, several peOPle....P•ataati te,eat the
couple were talking excited y, an
just as they had reached the corner
the man shoved the• girl from him,
and drawing a revolver from Isis hip
pogaet, he shot leer twice in the left
Without a sound the girl sank to
the sidewalk, where she died within
a minute. Truelele stod looking at -the
girl f or a moment and then , with a
curse, elle jumped into County Con-
stable Dan Morrison's buggy, which
was standing at the sidewalk, and,
putting the pistol to the driver's head,
the fugitive compelled him to get out
of the rig. Truckle then picked up
the reins, mad giving the horn a vie -
ions cut, started south on Park street.
The hundreds of spectators who had
stood mute from fear and horror
awoke as the fugitive dashed away
and at once a mob was in full pur-
As sevetal motors were rapidly over-
taking him Trucale, 'forced out of the
rig, started to nut, bolting through
gardens and daingeverything possible
to elude his pureroare. The mob, how-
ever, WO'S IlOt to be cheated arid f ol-
lowed the Mail relentlessly. After fol-
lowing a alecuitoue route Truckle
reached McNab street; and ,folrowed
the street, evidently hoping to 'get 00-
1•(3-hets147Q4P44'4'±' t4a- rml �b
Gibbs-'Evea ineltice that when a
man* is engaged to a ,gerl he es Inat / -
if he cent alway,s be lalo,ne with
her/ • - , ,
Dibb,s-Yes, and I've noticed that
,a(ftleil they are Inartaiel hes mad- I (woo on Barred Racks at Clinton
ere if he has to- be. . 4 fleets' 3 secondse litiiirde and
specialf or beet collection. Pen 1-
Inat5ng, headed by Millard
,eackerel, (limited number setting -
eggs $2.00 per 13.-Pia02--a Co,ckerei
mating, headed by 'Millard cock,
Pullets In thee pen-. are good lay -
layers, Eggs $2.00 per 13. -Pen 3 --
Utility pen, headed by a cockerel
bred frorn one .af itbe best laying
strains ene Canada. Heine in this
were bred from 17 of my pullets
:which layed 436 egg eb in 31 days.
Eggs $1.00 per" 15.- I guarantee ax
good hatch ;or replace setting free
of charge, II. A. Hovey, Clinton.
For Sale
Blue Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
$1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few White
Cochin Bantam eggs $1.00 per 13. -
Jabez Rands, Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
• Financial and Real Estate,
trISURArtentactatim-Renreeenting 143104 In
minima, Companies,. '
DiViSi011' Gotirt Office.
Bullett tiottrt ol Revision apectaet.teLbirc,..gmtoalidnegre,cf:th,..,
--,— • lilYea carefully examined, and suitable r
Noltice-eia, .hereley given that the ereserieea,
Court tor( the Revieion -of the; As- Office and Redidenee.
aeastrient Boll of the Township of Two doors west of the Commercial
111.14cItt, Will held in the Town— • Duran St.
elan: Hall, SatuaalaY, the 2512h day •
a May, at 10 aara, 8 os' the puriposer
011 hearing and patting .coraplearta
against the: said assessment toll.
Persons having business at the
Court Will please attend at the said
time and 'place without further'
notice. ,
Ifullett, May 8th, 1912.
Barred Rork Eggs for Sale
"I object to theause, of dummyde-
rectorwho do 'manly what they
are told:"
"Wel]," replied Mr. DualtineStax,
"T dant know that a dummy, dire
ectoli *teeny Mane helpless as a per -
:Ronal, quantity than ianinstructed
delegate oar a member of gin elector-
al eollege."
No Matter how long elfandtng
your ease may be, dont' despair,
-get a bottle of , fRlieumo to -day.
J. A. Hovey sells et wetle a guarate
tee to benefit yen. Rheumo is
wonderful in ita quick action, the
pain nea,ses, the muscled and bones
are rid of 'soreness and( etiffness,
and vary soon aRheumo patient is.
able to have the same strength and
vitality of youtle. Rheum° builds
bloodso rich and thick that nate
acid cannoit paesibly exialt-. Rheue
mo costs' only a $1 ,for rt monith',1
treatment f rare J.E. Hovey or di-
rect, all charges prepaid, ftem( B.
V. M., Bridgeburg, 0,nl1.
A/ peculiar legal case ha2, aresien
in Toronto, in which amain leaning
a neighbom far damaged owing to
the incessant cheeitielebering ol 21
musical- bird, at what id said to be
unseemly hours ittimeby der:turtle -
ing the sweet ctileame and quiet re-
poao of the comPlainant The Vain-
ber of venseis sung by. the rooster
in a given time have', It:been -t abulat ed
and the man, vabelse tenesecal edu-
cation( hes been neglected, slay
there is to- much Offe eamcanless in
the tune; that without anybody
saying encase /repeats are given,
and- all ein a double 40 high erebla
If we were the Judge we would ask
toi have rooster duets,. leen quart-
ettes and chicken chorusiee enter -
woven inthe progeam or altie we
would make a law 'that the concerts
would be for "one night only. .08
course at the price egg's have been
and are yet there may be good re -aa
son -to crow about it but in Tonion-
to the city by-law Should have the
exultant remarks made in The 8 or
10 working home 08 5-00 day -the -
age -melon matinee being remea-
beend,ed," Wd eackleate if • this pea
dee, were followed there would. -lee
no; danger °RabeItraInai-
gressole being itakenate the "coop."
A poet Once said, a than evaathad
no MIISIO in his soul 'would, !stand
watching' on account of what: he
had up his ;sleeve,. '
Mortgage Sale
Ulnder -and punsuant to the pow-
er of bale contained 8 lrt cePhalln
Indenture of Moiltgagei made by
William ,Howard, there will be off-
ered for sale by public auction, by
Thoma o Gundry, Auctioneer, at the
Albion Hatel, Bayfield, an Monday, All kinds of log -s, Maple, Soft Elm
'thee 20518 day qf May, 1912, at three and Basswood preferred. Highest
o'clock 8±1 (the 'afternoon, the fol- price paid.
lowing peopeety, namely,- W. Doherty Piano and Organ Co:
Lots land and Two in Range ale"
in tied paid Village iof Bayfield, -Boarders Wanted
containing -by admea•surement,
Tweaty acme of land, more or less --"•—•
On. the propmity there-asa liarla Having returned to torvu I am now
20x20 with, a leant° 20x12, ,alate a prepared to take hoarders, either
stable 31x16, and as -tone milk house ladies or gentlemen. Apply at house
10x12. There is also an orchard. Mrs, lelogridge, Ontario street
TERMS OF SALE -20 per cent. of
the purchase money on 'day o1,ale
and the -balance' within 30 days
therea f tee e
Immediate passel:elan earl be
given, Further particulars and
conditions will bemade known on
the day ,c(f ,sale or can belied on
Two Rouses to. Let
Dr.J. M.11.
'Office—Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night mai at residence, Ratteobnry St ,
or at lsoiisltaJ
ccoucheer, etc„ office and residence an Eat
to:Mary St" oroirosite W. Farran's residence.
• DR. F. H. AXON
'it Crown and Bridge 'Work a Specialty.",
Graduate of C.C.D.S. Chicago, and,
Dayffeld on -Mondays. Ilav 1st to Decembe.
The undersigned bas two houses to
let, apply to
Jacob Taylor
Field Stone Wanted.
Field Stone suitable- .801 road
making is wanted by the' Town ref
Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord 08 13,-'
000 pounds.
• J. A. FORD, -
• Chairman of Street Committee
.• Logs Wanted
. •
Slog Headache and relieve till the troablen
dtmit to a bilione state of the system, sueb as
„Dluniness, Nausea I/rowel:less, Distress after
eating, Pain in the'Side, Sic. While their most
eel:morale/a euccess has jam sheen In curing
00' 04 40
Fleadaelie,, yet Carter's Little- Liverl'Ills are.
eiloallY vslusb)ofn constipation, curing aud pre.
' renting this annoying cOmplaint, whiletheyals0
cerrebt all diserdero of the'stemach,,stimulatethe
Ever and regulate•tbe bowele. Evenif they only
Ache they would bealmost priceless tothoseVIlo
suffer from this distressing complaint; but forta.
hatelyltheir goodneaa does not end here,and these
whoonee try them wide nd these little pills valu-
able in ea many ways that they will net be *".1.
ling to de without,them. 13ut after 004 lurid
Is the bane of so roany tires 058!ereIs where
we make oar great boast. Our pills cure it while
others do not.
Cafter's Little Liver Pills are YerY small Ant
very, easy to take. One or two pille make 00055.
.2110y, ore strictly vegetable and' do not grjpe or
partebitt by, thole ,gentio Peden:plea:seal' WhO
()," CAIRO WOW (10..11111/71= •ft?
k11 --;for lop,
ObEces over O'NEIL'E store.
Speoial oars taken to make dentel ireal.
merit as painless as poetrible.
am still in the Wall Paper Masi -
noes, and am in a position to show
you the best Wolf Papers that have
been shown in Clinton.
All papers bought; from me Will
be hung very cheaply.
All kinds of house painting done
and. eetimates given on old and
new work.
To call or drop a poet card will
bring samples to your' door.
eo0 Potts
rree STANDAR-1:r
,Weekly Newspaper p the Dominion
aims. ' ":„'''*••- • ;
of Canada. at Is nation:a ilet 0_4 .40.
It ..oe-oa thS inuse rApTifieivs 6ta-v4
ange, procuring the photegrepha ircah
4I1 over the "
]le articles are daeafulliablected and
ats editorial - aher,oeghla
hidepeadent. , • ,
A eubscriptiod- ' Tb Otduddrd
S-aste tam) per yeae ta .ng addrese
panadgg Oreat pritalo, •
0; WRY FOI 1912f;
*Mead litandatti Publialdng'Ci
Live stock and general Auctioneer
m stem sales a apeman/ Orders of av
NEw ERA office, Clinton, PrtAnntii abtended
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale sots
'Pasture Land
Some first class pasture' land to be
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
MeTaggart Bros.
General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
The McKillop Mutual
Eire Insurance Co.
[farm and Isolated Town Propi
erty Only leisured. .
J. B. McLeae, President, Seatrth
Jas. Connolly, Vire Pres., Goderich
Thos. E. Hays, See.-Treas., Beefed))
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; Jolla
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinta; M,
Chesney, Seatauth• T. Evans, Beeeb,
wool -a J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Ben
neweis, Brodhagen, M. McEwan,
Clinton. •
Each Director is inspector of losses la
his own locality.
Robt, Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond.
vile; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payments, May be „made at The
Morriela Clothing Co., Clintone or •
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
sod in lots to suit purchasere. At
tractive prices. Apply to JACOB TAYLOR
John R insford, G T. R. Clity Agent
The South 70 acres of lot number 85
and the South Fest part of Lot no, 36
14 acres both in the 1st conceseion of
I•Stanley township is forrent fora term
of yeare. Thie property is clOse to the
town of Clinton and possesssion can
be gieen at once. For further pati-
o -Ilan apply to Henry Plumsteel, Olin-
tonaOnt, o • McCarthy, Boys & Mur-
ehisonali'arristers, Barrie, Ont,
'Farm tor Sale.
The executor of the Southcombe
Estate effete for sale 60 acre& -
East half 02lot 28, non. 6, Hullett.
A firat-class farm, well watered
and improved, and with good
buildings. Alsa the undersigned
offere for Bali, lot 29e con. a Hull-
ett, 100 acres. These farms May be
bought together or separately.
t • Clinton.
Ford & McLeod
We're now selling flaraothy Seed
(Government Standard).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsilee, atid Red Clover. '
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
Etna all Grains,
Ford & Mcie d
Before placing your orders for p
your season's supply of „Coal, gel
our praies. The very best goods
carried in etock and sold at the
lowed possible price.
Ceders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric L,Ifint Plant.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
, Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next deor to New
Grand TrunkRailway System, '
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart,. 8.30 a m 4.50 p
Centralia .40 5,43
9.53 5.54 . '
Eateentsea,r11.- ... . .. 10.08 9.05
1016 6,11
1101rii1Pni 11.00 6,35
. ..... 10.30 6.10
Londesboro... . . 11,18 6,52
Blyth .. .... 11.27 '7.00
Belgrave ... . 11.40 1.13
Wingham, arrive11,50 7,35
South Passenger
Wiugham, depart6.43 arm 8.33 m
Belgrave 6,54' 3.44
7,08 8,56
LBO' iatdhesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton.' 7,50 4,23
Baucefield 8,12 4.89
Kippen 8.23 4.47
liensall8.82 4,52
Exeter !... ........ ... 8,48 5,05
Centralia *000 5.15
Londonaarrivela00 6.10
_ :Buffalo andtthecle
West' Passengel
am pm pm pm
Strat8ord..,..,..10,00 12.20 523 10.20
... -.10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47
Seaforth.. .. .. .10.45 1.10 6,18 11,12
Clinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28
Holmes eine, -11.16 1,38 646 11.38
Croderieb • . . . 11-35 1,50 7.05 11,55
East } assenger
6521 pm p
cEIGIOinciel wt 777.:128605 232.:07547 5
0 45.:06
Seatorth 4, 7,52 3,25 5,82
Mitchell,- . . .. . . 8.16 8„48 5.55
Stratford 8.40 4.15 t:6.20
Dr. de Van's Female. Pilis .
A reliable French regulator; never fallt. Theasi.
, pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. ,Refuse;
, all cheap limitations; Dr. de Von's are sold at
e6 a box, ot three for 410. ,Mailed to any' address.
Th.SOOPODDIME Goo at:Catharine:be